ae as ce FARMS |" AND SLEEPERS. MANITOBA. large. ; The Canadian Pacific} Mr Parke took Mr. Wood's duties a RailWay Cc jompaay will Wingham: cont! Bere eee the siiedersed Tsp ener run special Colonist oom cle mec erd na tS 'er food the land of Pailae; which ie fall ct : ning and selecte clegates to at- | rocks with hieroglyphic inscriptions which oe h ghey baba tend the convention .t Milverton on | bas not yet been all int erpreted. J ik Mar a pr May 1st, the object ot the conven Wi Crowa Remedy, . LHS]! ints in Manitoba and | being to select a candidate for the | €st cure on eart zranteed to cure anadian Northwest. Ontario" Legislature. ve the ony Neosigin Tomenns Resaiestient in this riding will do, in view of th oo free berths, wickets irs Patron candidate being 'ail inthe field, 'arometer,a new instrument, de- good accommo is ama a - some interest, atthe | #2 away with the present means tion call on t Magwood's friecds bave nad pegeclaner arp and longitude, is J LIVINGSTONE J little to rect whatever the decision may man are spony tl y a onthe North Gere r be. : ae RELIEF IN SIx HOURS .--Distressing Ase S000: winers ia. the- Usted [ I HS | States quit work on Saturda obedi- AGENT CO. P. R. | Sinty and, Bladder, Diseases releved | ence to the oder of the Untied Mine : can *Kidne ¥ are: a new psoas 'ie orkers' Association, The men demand Listowel. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1894. ListoweL merchants are paying 18c for Butter and roc for Eggs. WALL PAPER --The latest disigns in American and Canadian papers at J, Seburger's, selling very cheap.--10 Miss Watt and Miss Corbett of Pal- merston, were the eos of Miss Carrie Zilliax last Sunday PEAS, oats; Ee) wheat, potatoes, eggs, butter eggs and cash takenin ex- change for cloyer and timothy seed at J. H. McDonald's.--7 Mrs. Spears,wife of Mr. Wm Spears: is visiting at her parents' home in Thornton, where she was called by the iliness of ber father. Earty Cxiosinc.--The stores in town will close at 7 o'clock every even- ing except Saturday, commencing on Monday next, 30th inst. Mrs. James & Co. are sole agents for Butterick's Patterns and Publica. tions. The Patterns ES ee ; uy them--a large stock o The annual meeting et. the Ciaowe Mechanic's Institute will be held on Monday evening, 7th May, in the Insti- tute rooms, at 8 o'cloc WaALLace street bridge is being re. covered with elm pi Asto its durability, seeing that it is being laid on topotthe old covering, time will tell. Aconexzzt will be given in the town hall on the evening of the 24th of May by the young people of t Methodist Church ceilienlars of which will be given lat Tue family of Mr. John Riggs are about removingto Chicago, where Mr. Riggs is now engaged in the mercan- tile business, 'The household goods were sold by auction on Friday. LarGE SHIPHENT OF , BUGGIES. -- Mr. W. T. Armstrong, local agent for the Oshawa Carriage Co., received this | week a carload of buggies, open and ; top, also road carts and other vehicles, There were 27 in all, Part of them are now on exhibition at his warerooms on Mill street, in rear of Rolls new block, If you would like a Corset made to order, Mrs. James & Co. will take your measure and guarantee a perfect a7 ° fit. A good stock of store Corsets al- | Mr, Bertram,.... Ez. Stuart. ways on hand. € agents for | Jack Dunstan, ' Pa _ N. Orr. Parker's = Works, Reginald Viviaa,....., A. G. Bastedo. Dora Bertram (Mr , Tue E, L. of C. E. of the Methodist Mise Atanas #10). church have secured the Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, B. D., of Brussels, an liver an address this Friday evening at : The Mission of Movement. Go and hear him. Collection at the close. Mrs. James & Co. keep a nice assoriment of Ladies' ready-made underwear, both in sets and single pieces ; also children's aprons cheaper than you can make them. Je keep everything new in Fancy gocds. Stamping done to order.--13 "Tue Morris,"--Kincardine Re- view: 'Thename of Mr. W.G. Temple was inadvertently omitted from the list ofthose who haye recently purchased Mr. Temple is highly pleased with the instrument. The Misses Brown of Tiverton have also treated themselves to a Morris piano, Tux sale of Mr. W. J. Hay's resi- dence and the store on Main street at isses Watson Monday. was knocked down to Mr, Jas. Ronald, at $1,660, Mr. Warren Hay purchased the store at $1,220. Noxtm Pertn prohibitionists met at Milverton last week and after hearing the report of their delegate on the recent deputation io Ottawa, passed a resolution calling upon all prombition- ists to vote only for known and avowed prohbibitionists in the cominz Provincial electicns. Arpor Dar.---Following the usual -- of having a tree planting day wn, Mayor Featherstone has pro- chimed Thursday-nex, _May 3rd, as general- ly to aid 'in beautifying the town by trees on the public thorough~ fares, MHEUMATISM CURED IN A Day.-- disease immediately disappears. The Grst dose greatly benefits. 25 cents, Sold ve " ToMN LiviNGsTONE, Jr, Druggist. Fanmers in this neighborhood have made such progress with their seeding during the exceptionally fine weather of the past fortnight that many of them are now through, and the rest set so. It is the earliest seeding in many years, and it is a question if the soil De ever in a better condition | for the se oor a oe following is the | schedule of games to be played in the Maitland District, spring series : Listowel ys. Atwood, May sth and asth. B. Mr. Forest vs, Haristor, May sth and r2th. Winners of A. vs, > Central District, June 9th and 16th. TrRovT oOshing season opens on Tuesday next, 1st M Local anglers it bear in mind that. the law forbids the | be desired. Mr G. B. Davr tor of the The suit hems vlaey ager of thiny-one tist church in this t we u stand, about to leave, having accepted a callto Ingerso! se eee regretted by his congregation Seu are more or -Louts G. Woop,tector of Wing- | !¥ occasioned ow bad blood. ew bam, condiicted the servicesin Christ Church on Sunday last, and preaches ordin hpeus of more than er hoth morning and re The ccaiepines were : great surprise aoe delight on accoun ite exceeding p: pathy in relieving eae in the bladder, kidneys, oa and weer part of the urinary passages in t relieves fatenlioe n of cure thie is your reme dy Sold by John Livingstone, druggist Beopanie Eee of the Wallace boundary, west of the town, having died on Ti aughters, one of the latter being the wife of Mr. Henry Coghlin, Councillor of Wallace. The funeral took place yesterday and was largely attended'by neighbors and friends,by whom the de- Ceased was highly respected. X-MEMBER OF Apeeped Revsex E. "TRU wen oA AYS = Ejeranr: AINMENT To- Nicut. oe concert and dramatic eparture will | |. rales y | _ Thedeath is reported tm Schoenfeldt eae ae canned tomatoes, the exposition by Judge Bren- iN DISEASES are less direct B. B, B. skin diseases ; Shing- tching, oon Pipl, Salt (are cures the '|TIHS! Asctnaclogiats ste raising a strong an ipcrease of 20 per cent. in their wages B ° bright, natura and perfectly clean. It is mot d with grease in order make it black and it is the only "Gentleman's Chew.' --Ic 50. Dozen Ties In the deh of Commons on neat Col, ard-Vinceot, M, P., _ Provision "i es Trade to introduce a similar provision there. tm Galt of cn b itis thought had corroded in the ep ao being opened, Deceased was 31 years of id lea fe and . fout children. scolar Bought at a Bargain and HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MIN- ES.--All cases of organic or sympath- etic heart disease _ ~ a in minutes and besa Os cured, by Dr. Agnew's <-- for the convi Sold by J. Livicgsinas, a is senvenced in _ Paris that a mar" e has between LadY Vietorla 'Alexandr ris; sold about halt price. BALLARD & COGHILL. J. M. SCHINBEIN. Archbishop of Dublin and primate of lane, TO HORSEMEN.-One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. leasure in recommending the loused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curba, Sweeny, stifles s ®prains. GEO: be given bythe Hockey Club in the town hall this Friday evening promises to be much ahead of the ordinary enter- ees given by home talent. an immediat = Ross, Farmer, arkham, Oot. NE, Truax, Walkerton. iid by J. Livingstone. . en Wma DEATHS. 7" This week we have opened Lal eae ee aps cbesattital range of "s an 8' Hats. The BIRTEBe. y LAUGHREN-In Elma, on the 14th® The newest Fedora just to wife of Win. C. Laughran, of a wv: and, ickets are only 25c., aad we trust our sahions will show their appreciation by turning out in Jarge numbers. Fol- lowing is the interesting programme : Past ti, 1. PIANO BOLO, | 2, SONG... a READING MI 4, SONG M --. Holy City es Lorne Campbell. 4. SONG Pant u. "HY WAY OF A JOKE' A DRAWING-room AV IN mee ACT. with the ttlowingosy: Mr. and 45 sold a WILSON--In Elma, on the 20th Teste the wife of Wm. Wilson, of a daughter. HORN~In Listowel, on the }8th Inat., wife of Henry Horn ofa daughter. tne} In Straw Hats you can not do better than get your Hats from us this season, fine Boys' Hats at 20cts and upwards. Choose Me Markets. Are you house cleaning and lowing sales of cheese | were I xes al Ww. at private terms, 2,1>40n commission, -- Pini new Carpets and packages creamery butter at 20c to 204¢, | Fine Curtains. 28 farm dairy at a to 20¢. Belley ros.| Come and see our lace Cur- tains from 35¢ upwards to $7 will ship 2,000 boxes per pair, extra value, a5.--The cheese boxes offered 10 §-16c; 1to}{c was offered for ie balance, and accepted for 65. give $I Napanee, April Next week we will or cash 9 i pounds of Granulat- ed Sugar for Stivia Harford (Mr, Ber Miss Loulso Bewm Mise Campbell. CELEBRATION MaryiParior Maid) prevailed atintervals. Close attention was given to remarks by Mrs. and Mrs. Laurie,who spoke of the work y the women of the Mr, Vaughan explained the aims of the Epworth League of Chrie- tian Endeavor,whose members were on duty as a welcome committee decked with the modest badge of the society. Mr. Carson showed the exceedingly gratifying financial condition of the church. My Rothwell made a few appropriate temarks in his impressive and happy style as to social duties and the right use of mone be orchestra lately a showed to splendid advanta The excellence of their selections and the additional treat of a fine Ae kindly sent for the eccasion Mr. Morris, manager of the factory, made the entertainment all that could Mr. Meyers in movinga vote of thanks voiced the idea of the to the town of Listowel. two selections and Misses McKee and Bolton in a duet showed the fine tones of the instrument to the delight ci the very large audience. Vocal selections were rendered by Mr. Vaughan, the Misses McDowell aod others. r, James Gilmour of Dorchester was diescx Mr. Righard Tooley, thépresent m was voted the thanke of the convention for his twenty~years' service for the party, The tablet in Westminster Abbey in memory of Jenny Lind bas been cavalo. They clear the brain, They clear the heart. They ste; slastice the mind vigorous, "they dis" gloom and bring back joyaad James | Dressed brighten the oye, they make the], LISTOWEL MARKETS, april 1804 90 pounds a Tapioca $I Queen's BintTHDAY ~ Le --The Listowel Driving Park Associa- a ticn, aided by a number of the leading - & citizens, will shortly announce a grand 60 ae cakes of our Elec- programme fur the celebration of Her 17 00 tric So t Majesty's birthday in this town in a i 1% P tor right royal manner. The celebration 250 180 will consist of horse-races, foot-razes, ve pounds of Japan Tea hose-reel-race, bicycle races, and mis- 32 au or cellaneous athletic sports. It is ex- 60 Worth 25cts per pound. pected that an old time celebration " gh se will be the result, and the co-operation 160 175 . of all citizens interested is asked to +e te Hundreds of bargains in make the celebration a success. April 8, 1694 DRESS GOODS and FANCY meeting will be held in the town-hall prs a| GOODS. on Saturday evening next, to make 38 - preliminary arrangements, when a full 6 8 attendance is requested. 50 OS Sociat,--The Pastoy's Social at the " 63 J,M. SCHINBEIN, Methodist church Wednesday night 28 8 NO. 4 MAIN STREET. was agreat success. It was purposel TORONTO. arranged by Rev. Dr, Willoughby to PRICES AT FARMERS' wAGORS! give ease and welcome to the general Gheat, fall, per bushel . Apri! 1a | congregation and to the new mem Wheat, spring ' o All seemed inspired with the desire to Barley, e i ¢ JUST ARRI V ED make eack feel at home and much | Oats '1 handshaking and pleasant conversation | gover, pesnd reife 2 %| AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF fresh. pe r dos, ag oes Flour, pr Saree = 'Attention In time to ane frregularity of the Stomach, Li y =| SPRING COODS. Hats ent serious consequences. Indigestion, | Collars & Cufis costiveness, | nau. ") sea, bilious- ness, ver- Underwear tigo indicate | q certain func- | Ready-made Olothing | r whieh is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege- table, sugar-coated, podem ee quick to te, family medicine--the most frweede Worsted Serges useful aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M BROCKWELI, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured me of sick neuralgia, ng Medina, ALL UNPACKED and have induced many to And ready for your "| years ago owing. 1 mauve ress Pt r INSPECTION Latest Styles ep mah of more than 50 brook ut (15ibs.) on any one day ; arid that out caught that are less than five in length must be back into (ream t inary. for violation of to $g0 fine. = iow qoctoms to By bai Teco NEWEST MATERIAL fia tone of any other rm which will be sold Sin Bintincertoenantes | T T4)WEST PRICES At aca acs toon tor Aver' Fite, T shoubd If yon' want a Spring Suit my grave long ago. I buy . call o ox then tes I would cat weed") WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AYER'S Pl ; PILLS M. WILDFANG, : Propered by | Sxaty. Dose E(tective The Clothier. ---- AIQLIAX & SARVIS And xamine their stock of Stoves, Tinware, ere Pumps, Sinks,.' Lead Piping, Cc Also a full line of Steam fittings, Iron piping, Valves, etc. Look at our Galvanized Have- Houghing and Gutter in 8 feet lengths before leaving your or- ders elsewhere. McColl GRAF == Lardi Machi oO Goal Oil eet rdine Machine Oil and Repairing esate attended to. SITIIAx ad SARVIS MAINS SO SIDE. Next door "West of I. A. Hacking's Drug Store Are you going to do any fencing this season ? This| sy an .. BI. 00; bring along our canor pail and have it filled with a No, 1 article. 20 Ibs good Raisins for $1.00 40 bars of Electric soaP 1,00. --- only 25c a pair. sa bargain. Lace Curtains and Act Muslins from 10 a yd u p- | Full line in Children s Fur! aps Fyerything in Dry Goods Ladies' fine sidan ifor $ complete. i Tip'd at $1.26 a pair. 4 Ibs No. 1 uncolored Ladies' $2.00 and $2.- apes tea for $1.00. 25 fine. Dongolas reduced to) Headquarters for fine $1. = a es H Sho Ceylon tea, Dutch Set Onions from $1.00 a cian eS) at ibe, Mangel seed ete. 0.85. GEE, Main Street. - - - - - FURNITURE. You can save 20 per cent. by Listowel. buying your Furniture at H. F.BUCEK'S,) THRE UNDERTAEFER. WALLACE STREET > - LISTOWEL. GONE wWHSst. 'BeéSure and Call on Cans, Pails, Cream- Wallace Street. - - - CARSON & McREE. THE "CASHSTORE" FOR THE PEOPLE! Where your money has the greatest purchasing power] Where one man's dollar is as good as another! Where your money don't go to make up for bad debts, which always be- long to a credit business, in fact where you can save twenty per cent. and over. We commence to-morrow a great sale of CORSETS ; just think of Corsets at 237cents per pair and upward. CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS IRE INSURANCE CORSET Aes Life & Accident » of To- OUR CORSETS, RET yp MILLINERY If so, THEW pare its It is very KITSELMAN = WOVEN - WIRE - FENGE,| "> 22" ihe newex for $1 and dry It "will give you the best satinfaction. It is oculaae ct now arrive - weekly f STRONG, DURABLE and CHBAP} surance pol the leading Just the fence for farm 'or garden. Made on your ch arge. faahi of remises. You have no troubls after the posts are] This cut re Miss Breck. a For prices or any other information, enquire] presents it, mrs ani 9. we guaran- . ; be pleased S. BRICKER, Agent,| 'cor to show you At Bricker's Hardware store, Listowel. unas ve throughout -- a. the policy, teale Stock con - - - a , aa pinenaee None genuine unless stamped oo a FROM J. 8. GEE'S TWO. STORES.| erate emcees tet satisfied. : MADE BY Canadian Corset & Dress Shield Mfp, Cx, WY coons-- | --eaucenes-- en snly 262 pair. This 100 hae |SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR We are going to sell sugar very cheap. We ask you to call and see our prices. § lbs of tea for $1.00. Everything selling away down in price here, for cash. CARSON &McKEE THE GOLDEN LION, Listowel. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER, UN DERTAKING. "In order to make room for our Spring Stock we are sell- ing all classes of Furniture at prices that we could not think of doing under any other circumstance. In a few days we ex- pect to have a full stock of all the latest designs at the present time. Call and see us before going elsewhere. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER MAIN STREET = . LISTOW HL ----0. 0 JACOB SEBURGER has removed several] blocks west, to the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. HOWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, south side, and is opening out large stocks of 'American and Canadina WALL PAPERS, All the latest designs and patterns, on at fwaeide prices.} I keep the heaviest stock in town of , SPRING - ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES;; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. READY MIXED PAINTS HTC. Am adding largely to my stock of ) All acknowledge that for Style, Health, Comfort and Economy, no waterproof in existence is equal to a MELISSA . *~ For either Men or Women. Confectionery and Groceries. Try my 35c, pure Black Tea, and you will come again. Paper. Hanging and Painting given prompt attention, and estimates furnished. J. SEBURGER, MAIN ST. WEST. L SDiLo EAVee $4,500 Worth ot goods to be sold AWAY DOWN. QVERCOATS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLANNELETTES AND TWEEDS A FEW TEA SETS AND CROCKERY. A Fine Stock of GROCE IES. HARDWARE ROBERT MOORE, ----DEALEhgIN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, iTableand Pocket Cutlery, SILVERWARE, Lamps, : Cross-Cut Saws, Axes,tetc. ROBERT MOORE, THE HARDWARE MAN, J. BOWMAN. Main Street. Listowel.