EUROPE'S BIG CAPITOLS. FRESHEST GOSSIP FROM THE GREAT CITIES OVERSEA, ree Queen's Drawing Boom--Presenta tion Coste a Pretty Penny and te Net So Very Delightfal After All--London, Paria and the Continent. An American weman in London writes as slows to he New York Horald, It is ee that a Ciba influx ot expected this probes bly the whey Drawing Room rote ty with lovely American he acne of @ seu80n Ls numerously attended. Most o! e ae tatic be youn, eribets re toa ariu @ Ovurt dca it the opeu face of day on these oc casions, wo they avaal vives their position as officers in the eee oF even io the volunteern,to wear their ur form A dress is a very expensive affairs a costs £40 at a without the hy stockings or sword. Many mer who are not mem of Parliameur, or likely to wear their suit more than one: or twice, hire it from one of the numer. ty w fit, and of proper 'Altogether, wlth silk hose, shoes, at, a man canuo to the Prince at a cost of Ww. But what is this to 'phone the women and arses Tie en 'there Tinges if tlic ied is yecte family rr dud all the other es, inuking up their pyacste : AR Queen. -- THE CONVICTS STORY. Philanthropic n pel ak to him, and he soon found H xe convict's conversation ue he wasa visi Inst <d how he came to ba i ich a place. The convict sighed and said : "Unless you are a smoker acco, Tam afraid you will not appreciate the causes and effects wine Lacs ¥ ng here. I refu ory to miy- one who is no! The visitor ackiowledged that he liked on cigurettes and y worked ae to 'cigars ats bat ripe. smoked see sed to soothe = Jength, however, I fell victim to. a nervous diserder, and I called on a mat New York. I now, wets how it is Gow nian: I would enter a cigar store I was doing. , bus sue rey tliat could not stop the habit "of smoking. "Is there mee aaihe untidote for the tale, ercanu you give me & mneeliok sto tuke tie place of tobacec i sake, "Oh, all you require,' little strength of w that aman of you he said, I should tin rength of wi would nate me tu quit the petuicious practic oo 4§ will think it over,' will see w n do, ¥ he said, 'and the days r three days after the ductor came id : 'There isa Ship in the barbor which sails soon for Sau Francisco, which isa voyage of several montia, Tie captain , iN Oy s "SaLL YOU REQUIRE," al SAID, 1S A LE STRENGTH OF WILL." ip an oll frit of tine and never touched liquor or to! You are Tich man and can arrange terms with him. He will get together a crew Hine do not use tobacco in any forr T aa yon aeagla will be a difficult nin : " six months or gett ting Torsha 1 the Horn, and if you take valf * dozen cigars with you, eo that the until = 3 s 2 a5 = "IT met the captain that night, and we geedly ly came to tering, The doctor now allowed mete smoke until To went on board =the ship. lings Ww Ory pleasant for the first few days out, be cause I had plenty of cigars with me. Re: told me that I should use my cigars spar ingly, and agate ha Ave sis one or tron > Vy Ad ¥ had no self- contro, nod 1 pati ke iene e more rapidly, after another, anu around his cabin to get some paper smoke. He was nota roudiing ae eid there were no books on board. I w afraid to tear any Sonines Pia sai pp anit might cause trouble, but I kinww bills of Jading were done in' doviieatn and there Before stuf- paper in my glshoed vairediehanss - what Patni that it w: it hes in 20 on rena ld not believe a 4 lading of that schooner, what to ou think the ¥ w oadlek y, © Virginia tobacco te was evident that e of 2 E. panelin 4 aan and when, towards fri et ucceede!d in mak- inga way lance ore jer = crawl through T Boke 5 pack- ages. ne full ot =p splenaia 'Virginia t le ine, reveled in "tmoking, 'hough x had to do it in ched Francisco the owners aha boar an their tobi pay "ter it, but it tis no use, rested, tried, sentenced, for the crime lial committed see nearly ute same ns if I had turned irae, or led a utiny." convict had finished his the Philanthropic a went to the governor of the prison and asked: "Can not something ha dane for He man who is in for breaking the caro of a to- bacco ship? Anyone Fic ansSios, pene ws what a terrible temptation it must have On, that man," said the governor, raising his eyebrows, 'He is not in for breaking oargo; he is a novelist, and is ""] REVELED IN SMOKING." srt time for murdering a critic, It as brougit in sueiatee homicide, Kainheral 80! u the est yarn hint y ruo prong hit train, He never smoke in his li PRACTICAL FARM HINTS A NEW SYSTEM OF SUB-IRRIGATION FOR EARLY ChOPS. Ways of Watering Piantse--Why Dairy- men Should Raise Their Own Cows --Sodic Nothing ts Gained by Over-Feeding. Artenate for Gypsy Moths The amount of malate ren itice ed dur- ing the se utrolled by farm an gardeners Pe ileas some method is devised to permit ofan un- supply of water feud to carry itto # plants without involving great ex- pense. The windmill will provide a suf- tlciency of water for a warden or green: louse, and rovlem has been how to apply a moisture without mo yeriog Ue the dante too certain exten ell nown that the only procure crops ia to g th shelter, in preanhouse, but the ditticulty lias been in some instances, whicl eto the frequ uent wpplication of w ater to the foliag . SUB- seinaseect If the moisture can be applied to the ro ste of the plants, | end required, the dit- culty of too much moisture ° ies aves may m matter the Ohio the theories are incor ruts of different species, such as rem violo ) carnations, etbuce, radishes, cucumbers, toumtoes and cauli- thower with w _--~ " crop. us results us somng ot par The method is 8 Lenches show tows, into the ends of the 4 its way into the suil, jomts of the tile not being tight. ADVANTAGE OF SUB-IRRIGATION, above method the water ¢ p soil not ture do i while the application of the moisture, through th: cy of the tile, is dune in a neater ae aoe than with the water- ing pot. Although the 1 should be used for forcin cote to secure an seas supply of fruit appli- cable to garden ak large yields, It'd drain tile is laid in rows an strawberries are pees alongside of the lizers are Shecnbe applied, as the #traw- berry controlled en the mois ure ied as desired. Thi tion is here alluded system to with the e object ofattracting attention to the irrigation of g will supply ali the water that may be quired fora large garden. PLATONIC LOVE Reasons Why It Is Not ag Eadoring Sentiment. bg nhl betw poand men w not invented hee the cuter ianseat of. Philosophers, burt largely r domestic purposes ; aud if enters love | is lo have ans better than a ala existance, uch might marry do cou i slip merges into a more iso one of them marries some should lajae, for if it doe only militates against peace in a family, us -it tends keep the ubuarried platonist from going about his basiness nd fiuding hunseif a mate, uccord ing to nuture', es gu. It oe our that there are women, ond young women at that, who can contri ri time to wgintain a busband and one or two simults i@ intiaates, Butin such eas f three things yeus > Either the wife makes ier in land happy aud her platenic adi piserable,or sie mas! hie sh i Faugement. the reason does not lie ma ber, butin the tact tint 'bec? purpe " is economy of nature, which ius provided barely ten miDuEhiG go around, an joes NOt wo- Li who nas man own to monopolize other me ith impupicy, Every iarriageable man- besides her husiaud that any man ableorke in- vlves the some other woman's opportunities, and nature abliors was with a proverbial antipathy.--February Scribuer. Things Werth Ko To clean the dingy Sabie 'hie that' bas etal heen pamted wash it in -het A TALK ABOUT THE BAB THE TINY ONE'S FIRST AIRINGS IN WINTER. The Coach and Ita _Zaqulpment--Why Good Tree "Riek" Ia Benefistal--Ho ' to Lift the Little Ove--Teaching Baby inters a! be chosen ; tee child ovst be w ly map ae with the gel ee fecdie veil, and it miust be earri urse's a: (not in a car. ringe), pa hat ited can get News Rkealay of her body. It should that 16 mouth is close , and th chat t breathing is done through the nose, as nature in- tended, the cold rit opeleg warmed as it hambers. This any bit. + others should gen of their babiew if they ard 4 Held open on th should not be gratified by peeps at th face, usually a pillow, for the child ye Be on; - Pog ite ter, = Waa the gris cushiens do not ling from nda to aaron ve child from rolling from si ., ditional long, narrow coach, over gutters, ctions, and 5 es an joints, which can be injured by such treatment, INFANT EXERCISE. rom the earliest age, it is a good pita. pag ara a par with the above is that 'ot roughly joking the t aly up an nt down on the knee swith; ing and dangling ne "n "orery position. This i is highly inju Beem ature attompts: at we ening = @ encouruged, t is te "inptation todo this, either by lok lit ne the hands or of leadin- © adapted deformations are apt to res emuliis etrit or the shape of a vw chest, wile: if ray yy be is xisen b or tw ° ved, Reindeer in Sweden. mber of reindeer ow as the a z! ' Fenian 4. Brpsy moth has net yet atampes tof New England, and it is the most Toray nidable foe that has ever and glucose has been found better, as it ---- to the leaves, is not easily wash- may usw of wulioient ris rengt th ac eiaed Caterpillars without injury to foliag The harrow will be be fongd of great benefit to w rien as soon as it ca' a that are harr well, estore the plants are -too lacie: will also vonefiied. The smoothing har- row vill not pullup wheat or young rm, In all dairy sections it aie farmers to form clubs a & pure-bred ma wit pay for = = ao dai uu Weach, aud th wil be insignificant compared with the oe and efficiency of the pei. There ia nothing %: wwe by overfeeding; g food w ce that is, Keepin cin always lave feedir lar jours for Cove here the antm mais wal all thust ot on at Fe but no ore than tt will eat up clea Cali ling the st al selling from tle most unprotitable,'and breeda- ing ¢ as "te om the best, wiil surely lead to tt + but the true peter dispr o use pure-bred si always, < eae tai Ate seauee of ihe jousg ank = Temptine br fated i Fat is an paket Trance When they -- maturity is the to fattea --meige on ome fery sell at a low re enald iy kivsnys be which a little salt is dissoly ved. for Botte rogld eae oe rie | = BAD BLOOD ? were : mares wil ments) "EVERY wore prgerions ° ns fi sa ed hal sent eticuld take Beh hegre sp ke these Pra. ~ YOUNG MER: ) ney ASE cure pee aaaie na Hota, or will pe sank Caen wvoshy tof pelea on es box), by zaFrn rv aor' we. co. nulla, beg Bolls, Siesiea 8 Blotohes; Ulcers, Sores, Scrofula Skin Diseases, B.B.B. CURES BAD BLOOD jes and Dran Stns.--I was covered vith pimples my aa eye mud a! ss a. eee sie ug relief from ' without eto- ' of a bottle ors, by the got pied b about ono 's it Ay Iny ihe! neverto be without the. onan aud [ can highly moud ittoall PRED. CANTER. dance Li B.O. Toan answer far the trrit of : T.C. CHILISTLAS, Caney, ra a TE MURRAY & LANMAN'S 59| REFRESHING FLORIDA WATER STILL HOLDS THE T PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR, ewan OF IMITATIO $s| FRAGRANT HIdvVHSIdoad vt ia she BEST RE sMEDY FOR PRALNS, UISES, RNS HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -----0 Hotel kuawn HOUSE Ia the Tow prope perty conaists of otel with MANNELL wel. a e of land ood tee iron oefen, on House, Eig ig with: * ton ponies, frame rents eo take farm lend tn execpange JAS. MANN " ___TaExoNT HOVE: Hou ® 16 Yo . »_ Toronto Easil;, Quickly, Permanently Weakness Nerv Ousness, Debility, and e'l the trsi evils om early errors 1 excesses, the mits of overwork, Sice ory, ef Full: agth, develep. Ment s hay Ds pe rh re tion f) of fe be bony Stay in Natur al ts es r et meer le, 2,000 references. Ik ation. pr 'ofs railed (sealed) _SRIE FPNRL CO, Butfalae WLY. POWDERS ° SICK HEADACHE and N fa in 29 minuTred. Cotati tre Price 26 xia x: ar rDrva.4 Srorcs. ~~ MADAMINE. Buen eteivalual ant ib ne forall aden x34 cian for many a the eaent by aiid ios it is perfect j aby leucorrh@a ators, T. sae are $1.35. Stat we mouth' treat. Toveipt of * EARLY AND LATE CROPS. sovnraaes oF USING LAND TWICE E SEASON. Profit Foded in Variely=Weed Killing te Gpring--Importance of Keeping Up the Quality ef the esseminons cr Dewn Expetses, ; pBtroas the use and reine in one year and coe ci Sone 9 an can be ob- tained from a that is devoted oe some. special -- The crop. re bain that can ert pas into marks eal in time to sell for good prices, and sometinies take ad 0 pr ing the iarkets and knowing row small farms of five ay on ive been m iter than large aris that are dereet to what 'is term- ed geueral farming, VARIETY ADDS PROFIT. Where tho ras is expensive the profit lessen ut the results of thorough Sulla ee of an early crop that may be liable to tore with the haber Early peas, cabbage, cauliflower, pota! and let- tuce may be g ch off the pe crop of pens Be taken taken off of the early dwarf mh ns, tomatves, plants or melons n such crops id not go in the ground until ull jo the peas, at the present titiie, will grow guickly and send o ae market gone if the quite a number o orks of regetavles which may be grown c by j CULTIVATION AND PLANT FOOD. is made to produce ust be no limit to ided, nag hr time there must be such cultivation as will not allow bidtatbcl le w. to uppear, Is iow! Geartbe pia t come out of ere that they are most injured if _ the roll is kept cle: M there will al the peei for the crops. as of the proper crops thut the sinall farins ie tiade APRIL FARM HINTS, Keeping one esis hoes it ene Up war The faieine whe wes ut the can pro- duce at home sent at he of them do so) suller c he should take advantage of the home market and thus get a better price f aubor. Tho best way to nee down is to ain that is needed ex) simnsly of all ily, it possible, sreutor, Luxuries can be had with agar- en and small froits, nurchase fertilizers and lose ¢ w oa leak in tho materia ak will the manure vile. hen the liquid is lost, by not bsorbe: the "LIZING THE OCEAN WAVES. Water Pumps Operated by Old ee Force on the Jorsey Const tically demonstrated DOs sen decided value and usefulness, One of these schemes, as aN ot one of the eat wide and eight feet lu the waves. Projec edge was a rod so chniec Led mato open a pump which rods water to a tank, which veg delivered - 'conris jee street «prinklin, Tite phy are a it will be sinless depended age its action ic of the waved: pirated ate. Crude as »)paratus v appeared to ers quite eatinctory res suite one Hs al t res ary a a" pice ye al oo Fis oroft e "th Ugh eae soni iliy tte re oreo In my ben of~o wa the rise mouon se Suns was erst at one iopiles 4 the ollwr r « sassy carried a "il ma course, was free de tise mn Call th waves, aves cn t- nee shelave vd wo wo _orgre ¢ flat weighel about 2500 pounds seul ' e counts rweigit 2009 pounds As 1 t as oun wave the uns "an wind lifted " whic tho ro; provision was a'so made float entirely outof t waves w ruaning unueually high, The pum used had a @-tnck bore au stroke, ans weilind ify grill, the 13,0 aid cldests tonne hou Uasseres sla parine, HERE AND THERE | ON THE FARM, In the eae (ord of Mole +--Disonse- Among z Cattio, he mule uch pps Bags us 0 a hore tor some Lathe eet ule do coeka 4 poe Rs dwees 4 as those of 'the horse, and wiles ure aleo less Jiable a oa, will ent o gréater vatiery uf and can te worked in closer ee than horses. pa Lae When disesse appears ae a bh flock there is alw ai use, and dies should be made to aco ver'| & sources of disedse' in daity herds is » take ¢ It is hot Frehnd easy to discorer when a cow is affected with sous conth hey may not be dairyment their cows, and Sarria buying Sheu as imuch as possib! 'iw feft on the. 'tell i ike maa 'bent by taal 08 fot, sobs Livinustoxs, Druxgish » evils, nothing is so Mavesiks as Ayer's | Sarsapa 4 meppire e pare cexeniy | " a ba Pests en ad Spring is 'fall of terrors to all whose Pea aziis is fot able to resist the sud: mees of aps pede fnoalsbeities of the system in condit ee 8 to ravaicouae these rilla. Take it ture and -- ed cold or cough. 'Half a span of angry steel' will pro- ¢ no more fatal results than a neglect~ throat and P t is invaluable in --------> Serene Poin in pa nouider 2x 2Years Menthol Kn agemerpoedie severe pain ender soli ewagsingl whe fear 5 ot ming eng semaine aia meparecinaee work, gud adng to hacen eastvoda of thane plas Greed ee niet we laces Drverist, River Joba, 0.8 Sold Everywhere, . 25C. each. may be inherited, or Scott's Scrofula and Anaemia. rich and . nourishing. over, endorse it. Blood Diseases Blood should be rich to insure health. Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, cures all Blood Diseases, including Persons troubled with skin eruptions and all who are thin or a een should take SCOTT'S EMULSION, Cures Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs. i Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. All Druggists, 50 cents and $1. acquired during life, It makes the blood Physicians, the world ot croup, zeroeee cough, bron- chitis, and Ja grip, 1 Mr. W. 8. Barker is a young minister of Peterboro who has by his great earnestness and able exposition of the doctrines of the Bible earned for himself a place amongst the foremoat i f iss] i} rs Oo! » with his most estimable wife, believe in looking after the temporal as well ag the spiritual welfare of mankind, hence the following statement for publication: "I have much ploasure in re- commending the Great South Ameri- ean Nervine Tonio to all who are afflicted as I have been with nervous prostration andindigestion. I found general dobility. She found ertak felief from Bouth American Nervine and also cheerfully to her fellow-sufferers. "Bay. W. & Bazxrr." It isnow a scientific fact that cer- tain nerve centres located near the 'base of the brain have entire control over the stomach, liver, beart, lungs and they furnish these organs with nerve force to enable them to perform their respective work. When the pitianth reer are nerve Bdfd § als faite FTrvtmgstone, , fj NS 7) ' ; \ fp, Ui) AN EMINENT MINISTER REV. W. S. BARKER 'OF PETERBORO. Ly: force is diminished, and as result the stomach will not digest the food, tho liver becomes torpid, the kidneys will not act properly, the heart and lungs suffer, and in fact the whole system becomes weakened and sinks on account of the lack of nerve force, Bouth American Nervine is based on the foregoing scientific discovery and is so prepared that it acts a nerve ceiitres. It immediately increases the nervous energy of the whole system, thereby enabling the different organs of the body to perform their work perfectly, when disease at once disappears. It greatly benefits in one day. Mr. Solomon Bond, a member of "| the Socicty of Friends, of Darlington, Ind., writes: "I have used six bottles of Sonth American Nervine and I By heecapsase: that every bottle did for me one hundred dollars worth of good, because I have not had a good night's sleep for twenty years on it] account of irritation, pain, horrible , and general nervous pros- tration, which has been caused by chronio indigestion and dyspepsia of the stomach, and by a broken down condition of my nervous system. Bat now I can lie down and sleep all night as sweotly as a baby, and I feel like a sound man. I do not think there has ever been a medicine introduced into this country, which will at all compare with this as @ oure for the stomach and nerves." Druggist. in Listowel. Se SD 0 iy > ur 7 < . a} TEVIEWS is OF the gworld has agreed is INDIS- PENSABLE. brilliant than ever during 1894. The readers of Tue Review _keep them well informed if it the one magazine whieh It will be more Reviews say that it would eh lel AEST PAGE COILED. Spring Fencing. jeiccili fence = cu Seis any kiad The only aye of expansion and con- This 'fence ts not an experiment but has been fm usein certain localities oor She pant elght zeare: 8 giving cemplete ant Aiton Orst fence put up ts still In periect con- especial feature of this fence of each wire intc a perfect caprlngite from saggtog. but enables 1 sveounteract the action of heat and cold ana the shocks otaoimals elaliary into ft. © recommend pact oretee Poe i for our ¢ foot farm yen posts placed thins: three E iaa obavea gar Tden of farm watch peeds tone Dg we will bexiad no pene "Aro deserip- tive ciroular of our fencs, Addre JOHN KURTZ, Kurtzville, P.O M M0 FLEMING. Fire! Fire | Fire! Fire those old shoes away and buy a new pair, at Flem- ing's. New Tan. Shoes for Women, Men and Children in all the latest Shades and Styles, at prices that defy com: petition. Goods all new--nc old shop-worn goods polished up to sell. TRUNKS AND VALISES Are you going to the North- West ? Do you want a trunk We have a new Stock just in which will be sold at a trifle above cost. Don't forget the place, MAIN ST. BRIDGE. M. McD FLEMING. NEW CUSTOM. TAILORING BUSINESS. A W_ GLENN Has opened aCustom Tailoring business in the 100ms Over Hutchison's store. NEW STYLE now co hand, and the pudlic can rely upon getting a goo fit every time and all work done most satisfactorily. Charges Moderate, Atria] Order larespectfally solicited. A. W.GLENN. LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY Bamford Bros, Buiders and Contractors ve: prepare epared to contract for the erectio' or ail classes ofbulidings. Plans and npecia cations arawn, and estimates fornished on applicatio: Sashes Doors Frames, Blinds, etc furnjshed on short notice; Pianing done order, Everything in the jeter Hae wi be given prompt attentio FIRST-CASS WORKMANSHIP GUAR ANTEED. Charges Very Moderate Pactory--Inkermn Street, Listowel BAMFORD BROS It {fT THE MOST UNQUALI Author of The Ameri- "It is just what isa PrancesW lard --" This magazine the ie beta htest outiook window in eee or busy people want oP o see hnt aoed ioe core aod America, clergymen, professional men, farniers, and to all thine who can take but one monthly. FAMOUS PEOPLE AND GREAT JOURNALS HAVE GIVEN EVER RECEIVED BY A PUBLICA Ws Wail nga Se ca tine exter) ordinarily Mberal terms, which make is especially valuable to FIED ENDORSEMENTS TION : pacha Be mre Tus Revrew or Re- Views is a ore & number is to Caicago Frtouss Bie ove. Land -- t useful and always ical, Tue Review oF 4 interesting period: ¥ © Gives as clear a Ween. of the history Of the month as could be obtained from Tae Review Springfield Untoa mirw or Rr- i the Views is the best kind i= ef 'und po by. fan can afford 1» i SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Year, = « $2.50 Trial Samserionets 1.00 Sample Copy, - = socents. For this price e Tus! Revirw or Re- ere ee gives as mt POCCOCHS SESE OOOTOSES ca - ars © aT HAVE You BACK-ACHE Kid 4 Plite on ine: ls give me relief *