THE LISTOWEL STANDARD hed-- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, at the office In'Lime for the early malls. MARTINS BLOCK, MAIN ST. LISTOWEL -bo A. St Grorce Hawkins, Tenet If paldatrictly in advance, $1.00per annum otherwise, 1.50. Listowe Standard COLD WATCHES : Very Latest al Oe The sunny spring tim at hana and a nice ace Watch will certainly suit you. Pure 18ktGold Wedding Rings ADVERTISING RATES. tli tgesraoncd rat dete h subsequent ineertic se aera vertisermentalnseriedstibefol- | a, lowing AAS 9 $ monrhs. 3 months. Qasscigmmes - =e aarter'* 706 rhtb ** . 400 Businet ecards, notorceediveslines,$4per Anoam: ore nee nla voi llsemontr sale, cattie estiayandotsersmaliaivertivements S100r Gratmonth,an ic. permontht spocialnotices 10e. Ad ee speci ia! notice. viheiniect fetient 3: to promotethe pe be of any "ha Miaaaicompans vores vetet ty, "to be conside advertisement and chareced acco ordin ay. line eachin ig RU Sver tee ineanured by ascate of onparet! {2 lines to the tn vo Advertize: withou! Ife sorted till forbid. Bt alroctt one techan geor div tinge an ay eemment met bee deft at nd the eps JOB PRINTING. Wonavea iri-cisne\< sbhing departmentip --Wharfedale and Gordon A eeanes. egy pelaigh in printing ma abling "y all deseripttone st to fob < * sotiee, and ip atylesee ome Our terme for Job work carra! ig hin oy ments and special aoe arscams Cortrac advertisements pavabie GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AOUTHERN EXTENHION OF W.G.& MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - C0. FREEHOLD LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. VOL. XVI. --NO. 16. LISTOWEL ONTARIO, F. MAY 18, 1894. } A. ST. GEO. HAWKINS EDITOR AND Prornieron. ust received. They are (thse finest lot of Wedding Rings I The finest mg ek of p rown on sandy loam, bu erable vegetable or can b> grown post apy sou, with ¢ heavy, wet clay preparat best preparation, fora moisture, and thus be diuon te wrhstand druuth. MUSI@AL EXCELLENCE, PRTISTIC DESIGN BURABLE CONSTRUCTION. jreason regu which them mart cap rami ions. In order to obtain plenty of barnyard Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. applied, as few crops will LISTOWEL. Money loaned at low rates, Terms to For Kincardine and Interrordiate pointe | sult, Mixed. 7.5 a. miExpre aa 2.52 p.m.5 Express) Also large amountof PRIVATE MONEY | B. Terry, Ad loan. 'S Not limited half value. Favor-| Culture," Pra vor Pamernon ene 7 a8 a, m.; Ex. "Aybly to the spring and the x P- DARLING & BLEWETT, edto apy other prepa EORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. WALLACE ST. LISTOWEL [| would be Trains leave Listowel station dally asunder SOUTH. Express, 8.208, in.;hxpress, 222 p m.; Mixed 4.45. p.m. | uTH. Mixed 12.10a. m.; Express, 1% p. m.; Exprese 8.18 p. m velit for Freshold Loan anc Savings ii lore spri T as soon as the land can nsurance and Loan Agency. | prepared in the spring: M. BRICKER. 'oars: in i well -- t Potato Culture. otatoes can be t the heaviest piste 1s sys found' where there is con- alluvia it. profitably on al~ he exception of PREPARATION OF SOIL. The yield will be igre poverned bythe thorough ploughing in the tail is veadoubied ly the ep soil will hold ina better con Potatoes are -- deep gr crop, and f.r this decp, mellow soil, in fy io all direct~ the best results, manure should give such good Itit well to plow an old turf "Tightly in the " " order to allow itto rot be ie ante varieties should be planted = thoroughly ¢ later the land again, and plant after you are through withthe other DARLING & BL EW E T err. ' AGENT FOR.THE { good po Fg to be obtained, Domin perfect seed m be chosen, Meche BARRISTERS, SOICITORS HON SunAKOE OG. alates, wiltonced, " wnoloe Cobverancers. Notatics Pubi\- . Salteltors tor OFEWATERLOO; potatoes, free from s ractical men t ank © tinm niit on 'ad © tar DK THE CANADA ACCIDENT Ins. Co advise diflerent methods of cutting, while Street, ree Suse Tettte hae, Walle soine do not cut at all, which shows that I. L. DARLING RR. BLEWERITT the size of the seed bas but little to do a MONEY TO LOAD | with the yield. : aaes ; ut the potato in pieces comniniog two MORPHY & CA RI H A On the most favorable terms, or th res eyes, experiments . he FFICE--- hin St. Listowel, nex | are to favor of splitung directly through BARRISTERS SOLICITORS &C door to the Danner baice. ei the centre, and, if large, eplit again ac UMM SION ERS engihwise. Other growe iene" civ NEY TO LOAN H. B. shea J. M CartHew. ABEE & GE ARING. Svullettere for petarise Public. J. pi Maste. BARRISTERS, he Merebante Jian gears. KD, ONT Mours to F.W. Geanina- PPEOMAS. FULLAKTON, NEWRY senses, Com- vartgages, leaner ne of feaaonnble the id R. G. ROBERTS, |." . . ' away, Experimen conducted both at the Guelph and Ottawa ow thata m may be obtained from whole is case, there w FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SHIPLEY,ONT, ----Giwen potatoes, though, in th AGENT FORITHE a London and Lancashire preceniage of sm allowance was made the planting of Ne peernvet for the emaller number by together, for they were all drop n which have teen much all potators. ym either ex- terme Money te le . Terry, oF ae Ta -ALSO-- authorities on potato -- cuts his GeorGE Watson, 3B. A. M.D. MONEY TO LCAN potatoes to one eye and nts 12 to 13 cae lies 10 toches ap&riin the rows, but © stales inwcy suins from $20 and upwards ataiow | :hatim orcer to be successful with thes raleet tinier method It 1a ee eaeay lo have very rich __ _ land, well tile : . a Convey nner at all ¢@ script ons done op + tyr , PLANTING. W_E. a M.D., TERN ENA ; Potatoes m GRADUATE of o's University ; mem- ne Teows or drills, Though the wal will ethers Bis eou Rid ~AccouceeNr, money. be much the same in either case, the cat Physician, 8c reece ee "TO-t-QAN ----_[tatter mettog is preferable, for the 7) be much mor RARE | horse labor will, to a large extent, take J. J. FOSTER, | © low. o arr and Town proper ty, at th est rate. Interaxt payetie seariy, pat or) the place of hand work, y ve wNTT the principal ean be repaid anouslly, nd | successtul growers suli plant in halls. DENTIST. interme sHawee ioe hecho dh Seal Of) The didlis may be thirty inches apart ' ons | reine pauratee placed 18 reape "bie ltor emall varieties, and thirty-three or omen er Flemmis ge Tevloring Eatatits): | Com paules. PIN eine. hirtysfive for the more growthy Sor K. 1 MAIN ST. LISTOWEL. 'or Listowel or rwelve inches is a good distance _ : = to plant the acts im the rows, vy " oe - about two or thtee meches decp with + TO M.DRUC Be Mi N.S.DEN plow, or, tt the furrows were ridge e@ TINT, use * Mea heed qr FARM FOR SALE together, a plank scraper or covercr nates vue uaite ae, te., for . oe piloler» aetlag ju Old alan may be u _, which weuld cover two avar T° snes hh Nres Fatrance, Mato |: eo} rows at A comma an e '" ans its Lod ee nal of the beat 100 ner' | succ cistel we ay 'is = plow the land to, e _ | farms tn tT sane of Wa : : ligbs ~ | t eure iy, plantng in every third furrow 1 H E " AK tn who grow pou: oes Uy a large scale fed -- : el Uproftabe to use & regular planting : vir A iaree isa 'hare with Mone 'sabling | machine. Ly ts Clerk 4 ate Jlac adi one sheep vation hisetionen 7 a homer, ane atone mie act vise ' 4 Bowe CULTIVA le steel ' t,o nd tan' eo) naaore a are snd ait winds of frail; oe weather is feared. roll the land Ning 8 ree ma, with good immediately after planting. Harrow the 7 ae on bpd ta pe at stwurletc ground jast as the potatoes are comin WANING on, CeantyOlork, 1 eonntwOterk™ 'Womtlee Stree ford. The Oldest Established GROCERY r Abe wheat, aud ploughing restly dene Bi ote n 4. ti the Monet ata db paats nae valinable Bie 1 ¥ ieee tna weil above ground, sb and keep it going unl th blossom. Shallo the best results ae a rule. ----~ ~ - wet sol i may be LOOK AT THIS. HNC con, 3, W MULLET. altace 40 tot 6, near Wal lace PO What is known at ine flat cults ce plants are in vatinn Pives eavy oF advisable to midge up. REMEDIES FOR DISEASES. Bordeaux mix~ TOWN 1S "9 ture ts ith good success S 2MVSTRONG Money lo loan at (he very lowest | ig combatting ms 'ugh an} rot. Ex- J A o- A R M re rUNG OLY it ston farm sceurtty, with the Privilege of paring. back what you like at atlas nis at xperimental Farm Those dlyenrecaperience ih ow en | the end 'of mi ye n British Chiontie last y show that aviee' bim to snoow tbe wants ef the people - ie BLS HISON is mixture he means of practically of Listowel and neigntorhe < " cont oytowal: saving the . while si ar report F eh and whe : Fash Neen yy bh ae a dd eome from we Unnied States, Engian pot better va F their and Ireland. At the Grst appearance of other retall & = tie tema _ se dtseage, and atintervals of about EAS, COFFPES 42450 GANS. T bave twoweeksar oliene: of ere is) much one very bent, Justtry then re rain, spray with a mix'ure ae follo i-- Ga jes and Provistor Albs Fianr. & On tmea t, na}, jtuckwheal Dis 6lbs cf copper sulphate in eur ut four gallons of water ; mix the we al lseingiedletGieu) lOCKE nd two and add sufficient w ter to make GLASS W ARES alwaye to be fnaud at iey | forty gallons. In o to destroy the \ beetles at the same e, Paris green ighest price paid for Hutter ane Egg potatoes and 8!) kinds of farmere prodace JAS. ARMSTRONG ---- iM, FORK wood? Has on hand a latge assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould ing, Cabinet Photo Frames, Baby Car riages, &c. Parties purchasing $10 and over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of cost. UNDERTAKING First-Ciass Furniture attended to at any time. Hearse in connection. Rooms opposite the P, O AVEATS, TRADE MARKs ( setae yates viz ;1 Ib, to 200 gallon re. Linge May A la Parade, the cent landshides aod ais rsa A Little Daughter Of a gt h of England minister distressin; , by la. Mer. Tiemann | the swollen waters, druggist, 2 pat at S15 rah. eos ss mate. incre was re ' which it is, however, hare ery Ayer's Fam fe 740 voars,and hare tase aes oat Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ono ticular being that of a little rofa Church of England minis Vincest de Pasl, és and so from head to foot witha red and ex- ; ; ty troublesome rash, from which -- LB ao would of cour she Lad suffered for (wo or ara, din the usual proportions, ts s of the mix OOOO THE LANDSLIDES. DAMAGE $150, acini HOUSES CONK PROTECTING THE C.P.R. BRIDGE. 9.--The sit eeu a _ of ads, is is toarty es At least two, = 0,000, a8 a very modest esti- to the effect that the church, valued at f $200, and convent, had also su good said ef them, I know of mary umbed. The C.P R, hase large force { engineers and trar 1 a spite of the best medical treatment hcuse is also have fallen pvaiialtc, Her father was | at | in higher oon the river. Am urgent appeal Gistress about the case, and, at MY | for gid has been made to Ottawa, bot it =n eager t began to ad- | is hard ¢ tosec what caabe done. The mini: r Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot | highest authorities eeard the trouble as les of of wh ue simply to the action of the water on much to her Liman and her father's the age fe! gravelly banks of the Ste. delight. Ia Anne fiver. ter is saxio he would testify ia a the strongest terms er and the town is ncw ti as to tho merits desert le ass et . ted in ihe oo day, and the divine tnterven- Ayer's Sarsaparilla |: of Ste. Anne village was ete. OF ay apne procession, Prepared by Dr.3.0. Ayer headed by Mgr. Lafieche, Bishop of in eumeso,aitieureson Three Rivers. and thc banner of St, As From the Tomb. ee OF A PRISONER ON BEING RE KD AFTER LONG IMPRISON: "a is ers in fiction that you find men ee after years of imprison- to the place of their confinement. Henry Bush, pardoned Friday after serving twelve years of a life sentence, knows something ot this feeling. When Bush left the forbidding walls fi da number of others as its hes a a chenterhiy b > j teal co lack wah pleasure on one.of the feathered songsters, and the Carnet a: a .~ the who tamed and t d rat, and wept at The intelligence was ee is ed him at five o'clock i mornin: by pecking at his face = hey slep. It gave notice of the entrance of strangers into the hospital where Bush worked pif leaving. was Bush's pet, and it It rats rched on a and went through an imitation of the s R away the onuerly a soul, and who shall say it hado't, it grieved when its owner and companion rejoiced at freedom and left it pom ut that was only one of the secidacse connected with the depatore of the pardoned man, as quite necessary that Bush ehouid wear a col- lar, and the friends who carried him the news of his pardon also beg some clothing to the institution. The plac- ing ofa collar upon his neck was the most difficult task of all, for it was the first collar in a dozen years. Bush says he couldn't get accustomed to it. It sezmed as if it would choke him. hardly the same place © average individual can't appreciate that fact,but the man who has been in another part of the world during that period, or the man who spent the years behind prison bars, knows all about it. Bush was being driven to the cit = through a place a new to him, the village of Auburi There wasn't much of itwhen he was taken ut to Cranston to entes upon his term of imprisonment, and he marvelled at the Eastern people talk of ey fail to appreciate what is pro- oan under their very eyes. Vhen Bush went out to Howard the walls of the cathedral were just rising, Pad: puftennnty-va desine to visit the edifice and note its He walked to the build- endvavoring to retur a fe " of the cxoaclenter which be To-m oe toe urely neg for a man taken trom eveae death to find expression for be fection Bush walked along West- i Nobody gm this, for the man whose mental facul- mprisonment of twenty~ four years would be marvellous indeed. There is a brother waiting to take bim min Kansas when his day of freedom shail come, sae there is a poor old mother, it is sai bo wants to see her boy free once more, It is always the mothers who suffer: --Providence Journal. - co Womarliness Defined. Fora Prescomans an Be a a Span- iard, manline oman means persontication, in every "sade case, of those abstract concepth which pad septinins piinciple srecioily typifies. antiness will const, tact a of apr and reacting from m of an ethereal gentle sister, the quiet guardian of the hearth-fre. Yetahe is not ao moch the hate of those myster chs we poke, and thus her position, while Me low, perbaps, as itis possible pty it to ome with the Latin peoples, ts never, enther, = fome senses, so high.--From nestasa Profession," by ALINE Gounes, ia tothe May Scribner. --------ESS A Matoh by! Punsters. A your doctor said to a girl: y 7 dear, i have a heart seston for you ? Have ycu had it lung ? she coyly ime q Ob yes, I feel I will liver troubled life be ied. "without you, Then you had better asthma, she soft~ YS MAJORITY 14, Bilt Faseed the Second D 308 THE iS DESERTTHE GOVERN. } WARSHIPS IN BEHRING SEA- May 10.--In the House of jay Sir George Baden r the instructions war ernend ¥ to exclude from ta or only to prevent them from Parliamentary 4 dward Gray, for Foreign' the brewers and publicans cious assumption that piobeates profits er justified excessive taxation. ted income tax might be zoo princi ple, bur the ethod of application by the Government direct! menaced trade and individua! interests The new estate duties mulcted in niquitous- pretension of the author that done away with the existing anomalies of Siw Wilham Harcourt, Chancellor of The s Oepealiin nm had contended that b ond spiritous liqucrs could not bear the Would they then mendation Stoart Mill and Adam Smith in savor of -- in tazaten. Com sense, he said, vise gpl - such weudeaton « a = ory expedient s em. Therein lay he fundamental aatenete of liberal fio nape as now submitted to the House. uld be weiscead the Burts Gn naan (ena the time hoale -- toask the country's verdict. (Loud beering. ) When Sir William Saka his pat the House was packed. be division waa made slowly as the me $ nt t jo with dthat 3 member: ak. When the Speaker read these figures to n Unionists replied with ae In the ey all th mAh ies and Wm. (Radical) joined the TFolocists, M eaufroy, Sydne Evershed a William McEwan, all Liberals, abstained from voting. T ern: pected a majo.ity Ther rumor in the lobby of th aetonen of the Liberal brewers' support of the budget EGGS AGAIN. THE U. S. TARIFF BILL GROWS WORSE AND WORSE FO FOR CANADA. The new compromise tariff bill which has been enbmitted in the United States Senate es many'zradical changes in the bill, some of which will be a great ad e¢ charges are me from the odious measure. There as bren-a most extraordinary change in the agricultural pasragreg Eggs for instance, hich were upon the free oo nee now e het at 5 cemts a dozen, which ts in Kinl rate.' The agricultural Fo tn will be found 10 ore resemble the Mc: coal from --_-- fore. rly On- aticemtapound. Poultry, not dressed, a pound. scape 5 cents * Matter o! of Doubt ude beer 0 : - aan ee 'ey is crying cause ) bad a dog's tail. *t po what Joab's Jottings, A CORRESPONDENT DOES THE SQUARE THING BY ALL CONCERNED IN A NERAL: That M In one of the western New York ex- Owal fenn. changes rs an obituary notice, written -- signed by a country cotre- spond: and, cas it is one of those g-m moa which connot be improved cutting, it is given in its entirety . and integrity. The paper bho fg ores places it under the heading : on the accounts Co! ness she departed to the land of Léal, the morning of the 25th. Funeral 27th at Haski le. Services His sermon P jak diquace: the elder op a aible student and a gentieman of high ture. "The Rev. James Brown offered u madea telling closing addres ; rs mill 3 counted in, Mrs a vocalist, bad uo parallel, ber voice was likethat of an and pathetic, her music proceeded | Grundy from her heart and reached the hearts questions govern Le weli-know nger. Mrs. be missed at bedsides of the sick, ber wa n to relieve the wants of the poor and afflicted. he farand nearto relieve the wants of the in She will oe missed at the class meetin d y school. Her graceful form will not be seen on the streets any more, but in heav model of 'pertction and beauty. But o will mest miss her? inal or a ° 8 8 e 20a "3 ] ca] np will cot, when b night, find her ee bis coming with of hot coffee on the stove and smiling face, with cheering words, bu the opposite, a dark house, no wards of cheer nor angel abe to enliven the half.dead manhood, but what grief will come over the bereaved husband pubiis jo Hornelisvill: cemetery, wher was quite a crowd assemble al agaiting the ps SCREWS oy peonle of the city were present, The } ts Rev. Deems pronounced he benedic- on. Mr. gave his wife the greatest possible care, also Burshal, peraten ghter. hearticlt thanks to neighbors and at- tendants at the funeral, Very respect fully yours, Joab,' Rochester Demo: | wide crat. bo 4 Memorable Career. correspondent, Vincent. U.S. A., says: The jaunt died Ln Clinton, Ontario, . a man whose career will ever sing it, a sk When G devising bis first railroad engine, ecorge Stephenson was | meaauri White- » = FS <= a 2 os a E~] c- o 4 3 2 ve,' was started, young Whites head wasthe fireman, Froft this on-/an b wards the young man rose rapidly, and The Then rdition of spring New against 73.4 per cent. Jast year at the same date. For tne tea T Table Girl itt © wear over a bright ace 'Katertion: known as ding of entre in the bole on o er black silk -- 'iscornered pocket is rred and "teed with ribbon bows, the belt being of widerribbon. The bo tom of the apron is crisened with a apr kidney tr Dodd's of lace headed by festoons and be ribboa j sale of Cen which he is not legally eo were found to be dis Red It is matter of record thata brick from the "ficials ong angel, soft, andclear,| ember oft was a complete sto the inch thick. at, eritine from St. } and finel e strip gone running of a watch ot about six minutes our. CHARGES AGAINST THE MOWAT 0 VERNMENT, compan lies? rt allowed a calf af- flicted with tebercolosis or ct teveicniom Oo trom the sgricul- ¢ to be take al That Mr. Scully received commissions a products, to itled. 1. Stratton saved Mr. dy to give _ evidence before the public tee. That pir alterations were effected "Joab's | in documents gistered in Petezboro, ttings. with the connivance of the regis "Dear Editor: The death angel} That Mr, Awrey hg to deceive the s made its ingress into our quiet | house in pa mligg . Grandy's offer to city, snatching from our midst one of | *F8!2 give ev ys ost R serving and beloved a may, wha what ate the other . charges ?--Toron citizens in the person of Mrs. Dr-----, | ~ It is easy to say that ue statements of Haskinsville. Atter a protracted ili- | are lies, Es is leas easy to prove them grkich. were the off- Re he Conceal ison without the cy an eloquent prayer. The Rever ened any mle or broker ; 'cod ng ms 'ked ability. as paid a commission "The Rev. Mr. Peet, of Maryland,| price Of the brick he did not sell. is matter of record th Stratton ad coma calculated to injure the Mowat nt, and that t. Harco being willing to ---- he red so jar as Mr. was concern rae! 4 ume ents registered at Peterboro were sivmed after they were registered, We cannot say whether the act was crim: | sire were no! of. . Mr. Awrey did deceive the house in o Mr. Grundy-s desire many opoly in school bo _ to certain --_-- is not No oth oks are ted in the public schonte of the an, s s ° Fg a $ b-] & g . .-- 2 s a Ew + a S] 5 $ 3 = by a s a] 2 he government, censured Mr, "hed no objection to jobe's own editorial have everseer, Come in early and make your choice ; exchange or alter any RING bought of me at par. A Fine Line ot Engagement Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, earls and other precions stones, to suit all, at prices thas are right. Remember that } only keep strictly first-class goods. prices are low, Brey article guaranteed, y workshop is always in good order and ready to do first-class work. Sole agent for al. Electric Supplies Local manager for the Bell Telephone Co J. H. GUNTHER, 1 Watch Specialist. - vhict fon the AY wet A freak of nature and world wonder in the shape of a horse drew many of the curious to the livery stable on South and that} Third street yesterday, specimen on the/ofthe eq kind is gay . the tallest in the world. It in fact, at Mr. | a colt, not y © years old, namie 7 feet an ch ort, a | horse onde tips the scales at 1,700 answer bat is his name) is « gelsioge and mae foaled in Eolas ota in Jun Stratton | 1891. He is o an stock, aod 4 beautiful dapple gray te color, What is almost as remarkable as his buge proportions is the rar that his dam and of that breed of horees. from the same younger than Peter, but as es if not Jarger, died some mont! to again Peter, as evidenced by his weight, is a wellsproportioned animal. His limbs body, and .. orm: He is, as is the are a little higher point of the shoulders, from, which the = measurement is usually of them tal Should t the horse grow to maturity, if unreasonable to expect that he ee -- fully six inches more io 'and develop ee ome oth. paint carrying a sibly of ooo pounds. A geldis Lacepee at tains its full height notil seven years old, while mares generally mature two years perm monopolists to charge a certain scale of | younger. wheu he finds rk house and that] prices, though often publishers have Licnin is neki on record, several ¢ mistress is lying among the tombs, | offe e do the work atone half those | horsemen said yesterday, which equals her eves closedin death, Doctor, you | prices. There is an average attendance | the height a the colt in question. Sev- will see dark days and gloomy shades, | Of 250,000 pupils at the public schools of | veral yea o, however, there but there 1s one cheering side to this, the province, ' me enditure for = horse on exhibition in Toronto, Canada, on account of each pup' about $2 | which . pounds. -_ . bappy. * Sena among ite 800d | annually, $500,000 for all. One half of] Peter is physically sound and healthy, of all ages. 38 that is plusder--money sto! from the | At such an age, growing with the raps idity that he is, 'n could not --_ much Facts About/-A Watch. so MINUTE The watch carried by the average man piece: more than the unaided ey ' teel filli The doctor tenders his a f _ eel fillings or speck werful m2 f spring is a strip the Steel, about long t-100th inch wide and 2 lt is coiled up in spiral form The process of ine and one ha' a secret by the few fortunate ones possess not generally and even now is beir manufacturer ill and care. 20*1,c00ths ing a has capable of fine enough of an inch, value of these spring York Commercial Advertiser. --_------ Hecoord Breakers. FRANK BROWN SAYS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS GIVE UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TION--THE REASON 1S THEY NEVER SHELBURNE, May ay 14--Frank B: the well-known druggist here, says : 3 ie an opportunity cher = pills give satis: or , "hat during my hfteen y ote in Lat ding busine cine that gives the o solda mi satislaction that Dodds Kidney Pil -. sal -- an -- only Kidney Pills a tai tial, will be Convinced of thei oT ative IT 1S IMPOSSIBLE TO DISTINGUISH FROM DUST. -To,cooths The strip is gaug- yet en e elective th h difference i in the thickness a difference people present from cight towne, | creat aig liver Mowat flesh, though he might be s to be ia 3 i a rim for .mogk.. -Music from Spragu Se Soe sopertes from ¢ PRISER | ae anette Sunecaltnge Uk the undertaker, his part was well acted, ? Telegrap " such proportions. --Seattle --_--_ The Fees Commission, SEVERAL WITNESSES EXAMINED AT a RSTON, 3, and distin- 8 of gnifiying lt inches native of elective appoirtment by County Councils, would result in less requires | cated the a but no system adopted. Standish ee | the registrar of deeds be appointed by the County » but, hile he thought the pre- gauging size tl ay in the ore ed to s, whe missioners return to Toront emigrated t ere mous in proportion to the material from followed railroading. He constructed a | which th ar ade. «4 comparison ------=~-- good share of the Canadian Pacitic, and | will give m good idea. Aton of steel He Fooled with the Trolley- 1886 tonk the first engine into Mani-| made up into hatr springs in toba, Since the compeltian of the Cina atch®s is worth more than twelye and | 4 BOY THROWS A WIRE OVER THE LINB diao Pacific Railway, Mr. Whitehead] one-half times the val {the 8a AND IS INSTANTLY KILLED, has lived at Clinton in comparative re~ i in pure gold, Hair spring wire ; on tirement. one term in the} weighs one pekies pe ofa grainto an| St Louis, Mo., y¥ 9 --William Dominion a being elected asa|iuch. One mile of wire weighs lessithan | Berg; the 16-year-old son 2 at Lawrence Liberal in 7.--Newcasile, England | halta Pic a erg, & railroad watchman at Aa. Chroni he balance gives five vibrations eyer | heuser-Bush brewery, me Boo every minute, 18,000 every : eres eg 4 this ------s ~ A. Crops ev 'ont of bis e U- S.A. . bour, 432,000 'ye @ys and 157,680,000 . 3 pe i ton the : i: a At each rotation it rota ¢ | to plav with bis younger » took a gon a ert Pgh *e~ | and one-fourth times which makes 197- i of thin wire trom his gee : ment o icultore, after cunsolidatmg 100,000 revolutions every year. In order ¢ to one end of a _-- ps the returns, place t he condition cf win~ tow v er understand the | over a trolley wire in fron je Rouse : stupendous amount of labor performed As it descended he caught (res wrape 1 wheat 81.4, a5 against 86,7 previ d sto! his left hand, and, as the ous month, bring a falling off of 5.3 per by these tiny works, let us make stone in e * ted 3 cent. Int attbe same date, the | Pertinent comparison. Take, for illus. other end -- ire was coile cone condition was 75.3--a little over two | ta ion, a locomotive with six-foot dri his right arm ae was completed. points lower than the previous mont. | '"B whee et its wheels be run uns | He fell to the groun a regi h Winter rye, like winter wheat, bas suf til they have given the same number of sser-by broke : ie cg = a lieved 2 © since last month, the | revolutions that a watch does one | Stick, and then Saige the ~ . ner avera,e for May 1 being 7, against | Ye*r ey will ob cov a to the ho! 4 a qed ray the 4in @pril. The average | condition of | distance aout to twenty eight complete | boy's right hand slice <" aie me, barley is 62,3 against 86.6 last year,. The circuits of the earth. All this a watch | and one finger burned off, a low condition w the result of tee drought | does -- 'other attention than winds | @ hole t_ hal big ar bat ie down in California, it being the largest pro- | iR once every-twen ty four houre.-- the bone in the boy's left breast, just , over the heart where the current must just as th': boy's hands we to his breast when be firet caught held Hanged at Regina. ears' ¢x- i. _Dever | last_ moment. 'On the ochows io versal | made a long speech declaring his com- plete innocence, i been made only to Death was -- io leaves ae