FREE, FACTS, FARMS AND SLEEPERS. MANITOBA. The "Gananian Pacific I rths, tickets be His Fy ispad for by all our citizens. Sraixe! Strixe ! Sraixe !-~ Now is For free and good accommoda: tion call on J. LIVINGSTONE, Jr. AGENT C. P. R. Listowel. LISTOWEL. STANDARD. FRIDAY, MAY 35, 1894. 0. 23 Main Street bridge. --17¢. k. McPuernson, the Li 1 can« idate, has been devoting his time late- in Elma township, and we under- tand bas directed his attention mainly Mr. W, J. Fercuson, barrister, of Wiarton, was in town on W: ay. -SERVANT WANTED.--Apply to Mrs, qhn Bamford, Inkerman street cast. Listowret Court of Kevisioa 1 hold its first sitting on Monday, June 11th. A = holiday, the Sranparp i is ---- a day earlier this week than u sme in oisa thrifty farmer, finished cha on the agrd of April. PEAS, oats; barley, wheat, potatoes, eggs, butter eggs and cash takenin ex- change for Soe nag snared seed at J. H. McDona' Mrs. pabare) Ge are sole agents for Butterick's Patterns and Publica. tions. The Patterns fit wala Me 7 try them--a large stock on band.-- Aw important meeting of the Seg: tive Committee of the North Perth al Conservative Association is called for this Friday afternoon, at Milverton. Gro. Barser, who returned from Manitoba a while ago, has openeda new blacksmith shop in part of the stable oat the Commercial property, Main stre HEART hein RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES.--All cases of organic or Sympathetic heart disease relieved in - minutes and quickly Dr new's re for the Hear' convinces. Sold by John Livingstone, Jr. Mx. wosTONE of the Listuwel flax mill, cat bis brother Peter Living- Baden, contemplate taking a will or three mont Essrs, Vervacke, of Loisdon, Eng- land, and James Archibald of Seaforth, will be at the Arlington hotel on Friday, June ist (fair day) for the purpose of buying draugh, horses. Farmers,make a note of this. If you would like a Corset made to order, Mrs. James & Co. will coke your measure and guarantee a perfect fit. A good stock of store Corsets al- ways on hand. We are agents for Parker's Dve Works. THE hotelkeepers of North Perth have completed their organization and elected - following officers rrie ; VicesPresid of r Sebringville; Secretary, John « Scott ; Execu- . W.) 'Wilson, Maur rice Saturpay Excursions.--The su merexcursions to the lakes will oom on June 2nd. Fare trom Listowel same as last year, viz: To Kincardine, $1, to Southampton and Ptr. Elgin, $1.25, t> $1.60. good from Saturday till Monday We keep new 'ancy goods. Stamping done to order.--13 Work on the Silica stone pavement finished from the Arlington hotel to the bridge, and will be completed tp Wael- Tickets ¢e meeting in Monkton the other night ere were scarcely half a dozen pres- ent, and oneof those--a Grit Patron-- id him i * Patron su would on no account vote for a sup. porter of the Mowat Government. wills have been entered for probate in the Saiice of the Surrogate Sinan Sierses id, a 'om April rst up ro the pres : jan B. Swartzentruber, Morstagenes oF $22 ; John Teahen, Downie, $9. George Raptr, St. Mary's $5,181 ; al- burga Meyer, Milverton, $1,000 ; Alex- ander Stratford, $1,700 ; oose, all, Mitchell, $3,360 tion were applied for in the estate of Elizabeth Merkle, Wallace, $325 Town CounciL.--An adourned ge ing was held in the council chamber. Monday evening. mbers peeaat $ Mayor Featherstone in the chair; dy-~ eeve Kemp, councillors Foerch, Smith, McUilliv Tay, Pelton, Foster, Late Works be instructed to gtavel Inkerman Street from Meyers mill to Wallace street bridg corner of Davidson and Inkerman streets, mp said the Board of Works had decided to put gravel on Penelope street. The chairman was putting down brick- bata, ho be considered - wortbiess. Why - se the chairman follow ins struction Mr. Woods enaid the ime aod an es make an excellent road. ended to cover them with gravel. had decided upon they were costing as and were no use ing. hsenatioe was referred to the Board of Wor Moved by R emp eroded by J. J. Foster, that the chair~ block be instructed to repair one n W side of Dodd t, the old ik taken up ind cut into 3ft. ferred to the Board of Works. was serve e Mayor, Ditches and Watercourses Act, was alsoreferred to the Board of Worke. account was received from Hart Riddell, amounting to $2.58, for a copy of the Municipal and Assessment Act. a ved <emp, Henry Goddard, that the account be Pp ied. A circular was read from the weceetery of the Provincial Board of Healtn in regard to having all childres vaccinated-Referred to rd of Healtk. ove: oods, seconded by M. McGillivray, "that the council do now Tuesday evening at 7.30 lace street this week, unless prevented | o'cloc by thore rainy weather. MR Macwoop, M.-P. P in town om Monday night and met with a hearty reception at the mecting of the Young onservatives held in their clab room. ratifying mapoursge~ ment since ---- upon paign lection for rt; Your committee me A Boo RSEMEN,.--One bottle soxinact streets and sidewalks as talked At the district meeting held in Listowel of English Sourte Liniment completely | over in council and would recommend ev. -- Amy, of this removed acurb from my bi I take | the following improvements, viz,: A village, was appointed o RK in recommending the remedy, as | gravel sidewalk from Lnkerman street to | Committ je © oming ti acts with i in the | Bay street om the westside of Dodd | be held at Goderich, gemoyet trou Conoen ot Wray att wr eam cam eet 5 cobras on corner of Vic- = eee oreenee So eae oe ieee lom: lood carbs' "Se Penstope eteces.; 7a. * Sweeny, 5 stifice aad «; aerate amie fill in -- on the Wes8 side of Vietona deere air i GEORGE Ros: F in low places; culvert on B, etal Ont. | Street near railway crossing ; open out GOURT OF REVIS!ON Sold by John Livingstone, Jr. ditch on - North side of Bay os, H a Ow1No to the scarcity of coal, the fol- | between Victoria street and railw --.--__. Crossing ; cut away old railway track and penn Seger arty eis WG & b= a sh grade TOWN OF LISTOWEL. B. Branch.--Trains due to léave Palmer- M treet parece Albert street '4 ston 8.45 p, m: pton 5.50 'com ain nde to Jno McMahon's cor- ofaeaseher a sie forthe' first altting m. on tense Wednesdays and Fri- | Bet j put culvert at Goddard's esi 0 | fowel, will be beld tn th Sewn ef iée- Y Bismarck street, and som: wel on rey ae Freguaa a? on coapite 5 put in culvert at Reid's sensi TOWN oer LISTOWEL, Dover at 6.00 a. tm. Trains due et Jeave Hamilton [Stuart | °° strect,) 1.50 p. RELIEF IN Six sede RS. es poled or nidig th _ ener ees South Ameri« can Kidney Ci i Dew re a great surprise Y and delight on accoun' aft Town council met on Tuesday even- chair ;reeve Hacking, dy reeve ard, antl Wednesday night. = the Board of works made the pom fare ould ot recommend any grav Takecasen street from Wallace carer ~ ed. Ae Street. Moved b ded by T. Liter, thar the report of the Board of Works be ad -- read. oved im amendment by 7 Hacking, | ® te MeChiveey, that the of W ied to prea that a foorfeet plank walk be built instead of grayel on west side of Dodd street, old plan used, and that of its exceedi piness in relieving | Inkerman street be gravelled from pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and | Wallace street to Meyer's mill, and that every part of the urinary passages in | a culvert be built east of J's shop. male or female. a -- retention of | The amendment was carried on the fol- water and most im-| lowing vote: Yeas--Sebarger, Foerc! mediately. x oddard i" ve want qvick, relief = care this is your semety id by Livingstone, druggist. pew part of the Royal hotel buildiog on Wallace street is being uring with the object of gr ie --s window shade vray -- Woods and Later--2.--Conncil adjeuthed till Wed- nesday evening, Meyer is Guilty, AND MAY SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE is ¥ atl New ges on | 1b --The jary in the + Meyer, curtain poles, hie tome fines ot LL FOR PROBATE.--The following aa, Joba Quinliyan, Norta Easthope. $2,400; | be taken into ai te ment Sarah Grayson, South Easthope, $342 ; | was signed by J. T. Brill, T. Ballantyne Jobn » Hi-bert, $8,798: Edward on, C. W. Riley, Hodgson Bros. Ross, Mitchell; $9,280 ; Isabella Porters} John W. Cook, for Warrington; F. St, Mary's, $2,714, Samuel Glenn, | Hibbert for Ayers, and J.L.{Grant. The Blanahard, $2.796 ; Mary n, Ful le was adopted at Woodstock, Bract~ larton, $2,000 ; Wm. Clarke, Stratford, | ford and Shelburne, and rej t Lon. 11,880 ; Henry Dahmer, North Eas on, Ingersoll and Listowel. All the hope, $7,294 ; Geo. Pepper, Ellice, $3," | boards have taken action on the matter 39; T.W.Upton, Milverton, $2.68 and thts ie the first announcement of Fae Home Luzars, Stratford, $18, yee i | pesition assumed by the buyers. nes west, Mai itoba, $4, ; Middleton, Atwood, $540 ; Jason ich = Cheese Markets. 19.--Total og epee, May x soe oBering boxes seld at 10c, 1,212 sold at 10 1» PD sessg ase as N.Y, Adeeb -- ----_ were sold ; leace nae Sioa ome mee Price, 94. mabe ae eee fac tories o fered 1,632 boxes Mug eles 4i2 at toc, 370 Gt 16 1 8. i eae ras Market fairly ac- tins reoll, May 22.--Offerings to da ar 875 boxes, Pi sth to aoth M ay ee bet may i ; xe freely ~ bid; eases s --Abovt 3,200 boxes of cheese were boarded here to-day, of which 2,050 boxes were colored, white. Ali sold ; cla a vite 10 Ke Next week's meeting o7 A Per se N.Y., Mey 21,.--Cheese to-day ;--390 9hc, 1,690 a ato 3.439 at 9X6, It rt Looe, 170 at tose, cre: ackages of dairy butter at Bellevil Ie, May, 22.--At the meeting of the Belleville ce ar pp held here 1,965 boxes col ea" ; total, 3,- 095. Sales: 'plgeae 1I§ at 9§0, 310 at 9 9-16c, 280 a -16c ; colored, 130 at "Christian Scieneo" Condemned. BY A WELLINGTON COUNTY CORONER'S IVEY MESEIGENCE OF THE PARENTS. Fergus, May 18. SoA daughter of Mr. George B. Allan of West Garafrax ing died after a state of ill-health extend- ing over several months < ' 'eatment given being The jury attention and in the best manner possible as believers in ------ Science ; that the evidence giv ie deceased to be dangerously ill, even to the day of her death ; but the jury, from the consideration of the medical and all the evidence, feel that rious omission was made by the family when no physi --_ was called in, and strong! condemn the prac! of Christian Science carried on, feel that th pre: © p ta and family have endance, am~ counting to almost culpable misconduct." Twenty Days for for Coxey, etal Washington, oa Gr 21,--Coxey, frernoon to twenty day jail for violating the statute of the United States -- the display of partizan oe itol ounds, wne were fined $5.00 ad- gg were plac quest was not granted, and he companions were Es oan to ride the same er score of policemen patrolled the sidewalks ad~ Jacent to the court after the sentence was pronounce: TROWBRIDGE. The first thing | that transpired Mon. day morning in our village was the = ing ot a large flock of sheep and lambs 8 WONDAY, JUNE ITH, 1894, the hour of Pg oe we. BRIGRT, L stowel, May Tird, 18%. Clerk, BANK OF HAMILTON. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND $1,250,000 $650,000 DIRECTORS JOBN STUART, Paxawenr; on Great Britat and States bought aad sold. Collections mass on fnvorabie ';)are the best months for "Td, M. SCHINBEIN. MAY JUNE OHILDREN'S & BOYS' AX & SARVIS 6 an entirely new stock STOVES, ~--FINWARE,- PUMPS, SINKS, ETC. MEO! Bros, xx Lardine Machine Gil and Coal Oil Oil for Sale. Repairing promptly attended to. SILDTIAS & i) 4Rvis. MAIN ST, OUTEHE SIDE. Next door West of J. A. Hacking's Drug Store. OF ALL KINDS. READY-MADE SUITS. "For every $10 Cash purchase you get own or any of your See Sample in Window. BALLARD & COGHILL. --)--9 -- Dpecial Bargains --NEXT WEEK IN-- DRESS GOODS --AIS.D-- READY-MADE CLOTHING: for the 24th of May. J,M. SCHINBEIN, NO. 4 MAIN STREET A WONDERFUL NEGKWEAR SALE. A most phenomenal neck- OVER ATHOUSAND, Regular price 40c. Regular price 35c. Regular price 25c. Regular price 20c, Knot Ties and Fore in Hand will be offered at this sale tor the low price of 15 cents or 2 tor 25 cents. large stock of Children's and Boy's Suits and Short Pants for Boys just received. Call and see our Ex HATS and CAPS, WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. M. WILDFANC, The Clothier.|"" 2. H,. STUART Agen! Listeoweg 16, premises. "SONNE WEsT. CASH! - CASH! - GASH THE POPULAR CASH STORE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE! Business grows! The interest increases! The public well satisfied with the CASH SYSTEM. All the people finding out that the place for BARGAINS is where goods are bought and.sold for cash, no bad accounts for you to pay for here, no interest added to our profits. Every article cut down in price for the cash and it is telling. Note these Facts and Figures. Our sales from January 1st to May 12th, 1894, positively $1,597-75 in advance of same term in 1893. What does it? It is explained easily; this year we sell Cheap for Cash,last year was credit and long prices. We continue to cut close ; we will save you ic on your purchases. Don't you forget to' com- All acknowledge that for Style, Health, Comtort and Econom no waterproof in * MELISSA For either Men or Women. WO 2 OC <2 FROM J. 8. GEE'S TWO STORES. ----GROCERIES-- oRY coops-- Ladies" all woo! Cashmere Hose only cen Wome Child n'a Black Cotton Hoes Stuinions, Lad! auithe ls in W en's Straw Hats for Gents, Ladies and Boots & pare igi iether good rode at Rock Ladies' fine Shoes in Button an: at $l @ pair, 2 Tip fecenta & a pate. r Ox. Hishest it ble agus, | ahigieiste tae Lge J.S.GEE, Main Street. - 2 - - - Listowel. Are you going to do any fencing this season ? If So, THEN TRY TH KITSELMAN - WOVEN - WIRE - FENGE. It will give you the best satisfaction. It is STRONG,'/DURABLE and CHEAP Just the fence for farmjor garden. Made on your You have no trouble after the posts are set. For prices or any other information, enquire f ; S. BRICKER, Agent. At Bricker's Hardware store, Listowel. FURNITURE. cash. groceries away down in price. But don't forget, our Millinery ° this year is leading the trade. Wallace Street. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER. time: LADIES' SILK HOSIERY, LADIES' LISLE HOSIERY, LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSIERY, LADIES' TAN COTTON HOSIERY, LADIES' BALBRIGGAN HOSIERY. Children's Double Kneed Ribbed hosiery in all sizes, abso- lutely stainless; also a fine range of Ribbed Cashmere and Cotton Hose for boys ; see our women's Black Cotton Hose at 8 cents per pair and upward,also mixed Grey and Browns, great values. NEW GLOVES AND MITTS. Large and varied as- sortment for Ladies, Misses and Children in black, cream,tans and greys, alsoa fine range of New Kid Gloves,see our cream washing Kidds,fancy backs. New stylish Dress Goods, new Lisbon Cloths, new Mecklin Cloth, new Criterion Cloth, new Cashmere Nett, new Schot Silks, new Biarty Cloths, new Parasols, new Frillings, Black Moire Silk &c, &c. Twelve hundred yards of special Flannelettes, wholesale price was seven cents, but we will clear it all outat 614 good value for 8 cents. cents per yard, All other bargains quoted last week still to be had here for Another lot of sugar to be sold, 30 Ibs for $1. All Eggs taken in exchange for Goods at Cash Value only. CARSON &McKEHE THE GOLDEN LION Listowel. UNDERTAKING. In order to' make room for our Spring Stock we are sell- ing all classes of Furniture at prices that we could not think of doing under any other circumstance. In a few days we ex- pect to have a full stock of all the latest designs at the present Call and seefus before going elsewhere. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER. MAIN STREET LIsSTOW AL. You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Furniture at EH. FE'. BvCEKsr TERE UNDERTAEBDR. WALLACE STREET LISTOWEL. o JACOB SEBURGER has removed several blocks west, to_the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. HOWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, south side, and is opening out large?'stocks ot 'American and Canadina WALL PAPERS, All the latest designs and patterns, and at lowest prices } I keep the heaviestjstock in town of SPRING - ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. RHADY MIXED PAINTS BTC. Am adding largely to my stock of Confectionery: and Groceries. ,purejBlack Tea, and you will come > Hanging « and Painting given prompt attention, and HARDWARE ROBERT MOORE, ----DEALEh IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Gla "Zable nd "Pocket Cutlery SILVERW ARB, Lamps, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, etc. ROBERT MOORE. THE HARDWARE MAN, Main Street. Listowel, i SEC eee $4,500 Worth ot goods to be sold AWAY DOWN. OVERCOATS, READY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, FLANNELETTES AND TWEEBS® A?FEWHTEA SETS AND CROCKERY: A FinegStock of GROCEIES, Es J. RDU RSSS. Diem of Biephsnt. Cor. Retly' Bow Rieck " ST. WEST "3.3 BOWMAN, +