+ AMILTON. Mesa $1,250,000 $675,000 Downer , of Brussels, © | few days this week at the maria oR Miss Florence ton, who has been vii" lgat Hombre, is remaining with friends in day or two before returning pinto .| Mrs. R. Craio, pasted by ber daughters last week on ROACH,| Mr. G.N. MITCHELL left town on Votes will be missed in ay. Sexvanr WawnTepd.--For ork, i val Pas Apply to Mra. Hawkins, dl . : cDo ; a. STEVENSON of this town is i a be to British Columbia. He away for a month or S0, -WANTED.--A servant for general tk, ~~ Appl Yale, convenience by the destruction of the sheds, the G.T.R were kept busy nearly all day Sunday fighting fires along the track south-east of the town, the bush al Crown acy dae Guaranteed 1 bypass General 'Nervous sa Rheumatism PNeoralcia, Paraly aw. y sm Cuurcu. nas J Abraham will be present at prayer- reds evening and occupy the Lac S$' 27/n of thie; "town left ? 7 ompsor, Premier of Cana ush will take place next week. Phair is thin or falling out, use moments, 'Extract of gan Ps it and Ge conv a. J, Livingstone, druggist. Mr. A. AlTCHESSN, cheese buyer, urn home yesterday from his pnual business trip to the principal | centres of Britain! : For yore peaches, grapes, t all ds ai fruit, try the Wallace et es and ayer before baying "Splat "Royal hotel block. -- a. Wa. WELCH, Prop. Promenape Concert on Rectory nds of Christ church Monday ing next. Band in attendance, All welcome, Admission roc. .L Hess, son of Mr. Wm. > Hess of Buffalo, N. Y., arrived in town = @n Wednesday, tand purposes spending i, weeks holidaying among his friends e. * Tue Genaral Conference of the pee church in Canada opened Be Loadoa on Wednesday, Dr, Wil- aghby and Mr. J. E. Carson are dele- es from Listowel district. tomatoes | Owe home in uote vith fa slight bopes of her ey oe isease having set- tled upon her lun nani John E. Liesemer- operator at the G.T.R. depot, has been takings life partner in the person of Miss Meli Mr. Isaac Haliman of Wallac The interesting event took place a Wed- nesday, and the happy couple have left nm a wedding trip to Montreal and other eastern points. Upon their re turn they will take up bouse in town. Mr. M. Sullivan of Harriston is taking M mers place at the station while the latter is off duty. Tue First Misuar.--The first mis- bap in connection with the Grand runk's new lice from Parkhead to o Sound occurred at Parkhead on Beveedas, whereby an engine and four or five treight cars were badly wrecked. The cars had been placed on the main line by a preceding train and the second train coming from Wiarton pitched into them. The wrecking train from Palmerston cleared the track the same evening. None of the employees were seriously injured. A Promenade Concert under the auspices of the choir of Christ Church will be given at the Rectory grounds on the evening of September roth, at 8 o'cock. Admission tocts. The Listo- wel Band will furnish the following programme. Bue welcome rain came cn Tuesday, hing the bush and swamp fires hereabouts, and clearing the air of the smoke which had been ererhannen the town for some time previo! DUCTOR SNIDER oui occupy the Methodist pulpit on Sunday, Oct. 7th, and on the follcwing Monday evening will deliver big®popular lecture, ' Life on the Rail and The People we Meet." Conservative Meetinc. --Import- ant meeting of Listowel Conservative Association at the clubroom this Fri- day evening, 8 o'clock sharp. All onseryalives in town "aierequested to attend. } Tax family of Mr. M. Wildfang re- P turned to town on Monday after a cou- returned to town from Port Elgin on Mon PBELL, F. Large Ar'. B H. Mosday went to Strattord Model on Mon: Crus ae --At Hollen,on Saturday, fale Hughes, while adjust- ~e "er ropes under a barn which was raised, was crushed to death, one of "ys ropes breaking and letiing the so building cown on bim, Mr. C. A. Crass, jewler, of Watford, is spending his bolidays among --_ of bis old* friends in town. "He rode Watford to Listowel on bis wheel, making the distance, which is - 104 miles, in eight hours. Mr. anp Mrs, Jounston Rotts, Miss Mary Alexander, Miss Nancy the same rate of duty as the Comedia WILLouGuey will oc- 'cupy his father's pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. Weare glad to ts in local 8 Bg 8 Rs = Ey 8 8 of labor on the Carlingford Lapor day was not generally ob- Served in town, -- a few -* the places w Ding pRoon after the pty holiday it was ess felt that two holidays within each other\were quite an- Cownrract.--Gideon Brown 'town has been awarded a con- Be clon Clean out'a goverqment drain kept bustling tilt the snow flies. under the of Mr. L. Bolton, engineer. z Loxc has pig returned ' jorthwest and has resu am. | Wishing to putin a telephone or infor- a Listowel piano. he Brook's offers a liberal reward for the AVE THE Querx. Tue Listowel Telepbone office has been remoddled again, and a long dis- tance telephone cabinet p'aced in pos ition, as well as the new long distance metallic lines oave been connected with anew and improved metallic switch, The office is now in A 1 condition, as good as any city office can be fotind. Cooreretioas can now be carried on to Chicago and other American cities without repeating. Subscribers please take netice that Wm. Welch has placed a telephone in his fruit store, No. 92 ; also Dr. Nichol has put in an instra- ment in his office, No. 95. Anyone mation about same should call on J. H. Gunther, local manager. Fine Pianos.--Last week the Morris, Feild, Rogers Co. shipped eight pianos to the Toronto Exhibition, and 2 simi- lar number are ready for shipment to the London Fair. These instruments haye an entirely new scale, and their ex- cellent musicalj --_ will, we have t the least doubt, bear favorable comparsion with the best instruments shown at citherexhibition. Visitors to to carefully inspect the Morris, Feild, Rogers C«'s exhibits, and *compare quaitity of tone with any sph there. r. F. Rogers and Mr. found in charge of the exhibits, aA will give visitors ample opportunity of judg- of the musical excellence of the Burcrary,--On Sunday night the | residence of J-E about $3 in cash -- the extent of |e booty carri Entrance = gained to the ci through an un- fastened window. The burglars made using matches to light the way. They entered the bedrcom where Mr: and Mrs. Brooks were sleeping and took the watches therefrom, also Mr. Brook's sen from which the loose cash was taken pants being found --_ morning at the foot of the stsi Neither Mr. rs, Brook vs aware of the presence of their noctur- nal visitors until rising Monday morn- ing. The watches taken were a lady's fine gold watch, with Mrs Brook's monogram engraved on the case, and a cheap -- one, which Mr. Brook's very for was carrying while bis gold watch was undergoing repairs at the j jeweler ze is no = to the burglars. Two stran; seen on Dodd street at a late bour = Sunday bt, and it is surmised that eee may have been the burglars. Mr. retovery of the stolen propeity. RELIEF 1m am Hours. oop me It eater Tebention ot ia it almost im- spent a of Fergus, accom- ers Miss: Florence and Mary 'Craig,visitd the Misses Baker their retura from Seaforth, , where bce working " ibis! trade, Geo wr, espec- sane] intly | in sible sports, in which be took : : a a a * Tue section men on this division of nda Hallmat, Snghie ofl a. oronto and London kairs are invited | n street, was burglarized, two watches and | a pon thorough search of the house, | pleas g ° A E F if < F f =F propert: jam ; it was thought, et that the matter should not be decided oddard, seconded « |. Fos that whereas there is a probability that the winter meeting of the chy oh neni Association will be held t this part of the district, resclyed that the Mayor write he said or the occasion--Carried Cocncil then adjourned till Wednesday evenin; The Council met Wedn evening. Present--Mayor Featherstone, Reeve Hacking lard, McGillivray, ton, Seburger, Gant! er and Foster. The chairman of opted. Moved by Kemp, aoctnd ed by H. Goddard, that W Binning be Collector of taxes for the year 1894 ata salary of Carried. By-law No 246, tolevya rate of 20 mills in the § was introduced, read an ed; also y-law No. 247, confirming t tb ment o inning as Collector, An account from A. Co., Pant i. for water supply to the tanpery, was read i. Grow: sab of Motors Oversare and passed. Moved by R. oods, 2 asiers Slorm--Galo ae secended by A. Foerch, that the account nadian ley--Marc of . Hay for gravel, to the amount & Land & Wasser--Wailts ..., of $164, be paid--Carried. Moved by it J. A. Hacking, seconded A. Foerch, i td Tepe: "TPM." Mtnrobe ay i Rh that this Cou deem it expedient to & Comet--Galo ep. : Pettoo | enter into a lease of the viel property, 4. Mayabelle~Waltzes. Whit ey | ae submitted in draft leas this & ee the ener * of the present system as - las ~ rs ee nein figure asked y for bis water lote, Cooncillers Woosa" Smith, McGillivray, oster and Pelton opposed the scheme, principally op the prveals of the late- ness of the season for bi -- a bridge and dam, the expense that be i curred, and the incompleteness of th scheme, inas provision should first be made for conveying the water from the pro; im to the intal k r. scheme. A lively tilt ensued betwee: Mr. Hay and ¥ Reeve, which eod- ed in the Mayor calling Mr, Hay to order. A vote was th aken e motion, which was carried on the following divi- sion cas--Foerch, Se er, Gun- ther, Hacking, Kemp and Goddard. a 'ood: i Mcthi- d the mov on division, 'the we being the on former motion 4 ontil Monday grening, orses of loused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, nie and sprains. Grorce Ross, Farmer Markham; Ont, Sold by Jobn Livingstone, Ir. Heart Drisgase RELIEVED THIRTY in, formerly of Listowel to Mr. 'Jas. Burke, merchant, 'took place on the 15th ult, Sold by Joka ' 2) we claim to posse of tea try it. e Out Stock of the Fall and. Winter rae is new here and your imported to'be had they have opened up ur ¢x~- ol aa to really surpass 0' ia ad gineer, and that he at cer i they are: com-'» 0 also ived at our notice v posed of Mi itches and Watercourses Sei rere stain andthe Uaitea| MR. C: Warp, who has been in bursa - aad sold. Collections made | the employ of ihe Bank of Hamilton 9 ee ee ENGLISH "3. H.STUART herefor the past two years, left this] Hy law No. 245 be ao aot Bow reed a third : \ 'Agent Listowel. | week for his home near Orangeville, | 1ime, but be iid for further SCOTCH & F where he purposes st bis 'aibex. ider Thi ra , who is engaged in the woollen mill ay water lots was IRI SE ' ISTOWEL STANDARD. business. ee von fps pee Bo SH RGES, FRIDAY, SEPT. 7, 1894. ggFitt AT Suitn"s Bricx-Yarp.--Oo | offer was rectived trom Mr. Hay for' the SCOTOH & ' > a junday last the roof of the sheds at] property kno th ter lots, for th a ; a . _| Mr. Henry Smith's brick yard, north a ol > tbls met ie tncleds car Canadian Suitings, Me. B. Rotuweti. jr., is teaching | of the town, took fire from the kiln, | claim he may have for past use of water. fe} US.S, No. 1, Wallace and Elma, S$ no means weré at hand Saves, z, Ae R. " p ; HEVIOTS, : * . cathers'| ie. motion, the J. H. McDonald sells Milverton | to eave the sheds they a seine Was -suchined Eled, At the Black Worsteds, ur, Special price for soo lb. lots. | Thongh tee toss is not very heavy, request of the Council, Mr.-H. B Tae town band and a number of | Smith will be put to considerable in Mo re raft lease of property TROUSERINGS. bitizens attended the Brussels races on slong the Maitland river belonging to a! OUR OVERCOATINGS on cither side of the track being on a propery -- Mond i. are exceedingly fine. e, and t well as | Mion hae ae ee All who contemplate h 1 'oerob, that it is advisable that a Hanpily the Bs 5 at oat a | Fate of the Roth property be entered in- buying anew suit and to on thé lines as per draft lease Te- the fires and the danger for the present | sented to thie council; nd 'that a' Sass overcoat will do well has been ; and constructed at Davidson to, call and examine Wer eg aciclheipes ys, Land: thas -tedicenemmas Stock. eee illness of Mrs. Dilworth, wife of Mr. € = al once, ----, 7 J. Dilworth, secretary of the Morcis, | Execut ommittee be em; ; E ~ | Feild,Rogers Co. Alter sojourning for wihav yi bad ge for bv Brook BALLARD & COGHILL, '|iniprovemert ber heath Me Di | ee gate tee re Ce] WaT ge Lit worth bas_ been to ber parents' | ¢ erable divcusion ad ; tecliog ot - es wel. Aa cag | selected them from. the ~~ ; ~ Sale. ng Promptly attended to. I a Alt 'udinbiiiodge that for Style, Health, Com hand Economy, no waterproof in =. M. SCHINBEIN. These iil ee OUR NEW MANTLES, DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS, . | these departments have no a- equal in Listowel. Our stock is all new and our Mantles are specially designed for the fall trade of 1894, beaver is a beautiful garment. Mantles at al! prices, do not fail to eee them before you buy.. In Dress Goods we beat the record, We keep Priestly's Goods known all over the world asthe best makers, and ifyou want a nice dress why not buy goods where you can buy nicer finished and better colorings. Black and Navy Boating Serges, Costume Ser- ges, Cheviots, Serges in all necessity for the town. t re protection and street sprinkling, that the colours, Fancy Stripes and Council was forced in y| Checks. German and French Costume goods, Dress Goods at 6 cents per yard and up- wards, Try us for Boots and Shoes, This week we have opened out Ceylon Tea at 50cta, worth 80cts. If you want nice cup Call on us for J, M. SCHINBEIN. NO. MAIN STREET. M. WILDFANC. New Fall Goods, Tweeds, Worsteds. Suitings. Overcoatings, Ready-made Clothing. Men's Furnishings. "'Men's Hats, Men's Ties & Collars, Wedding Outfits, ne od in ectionss and 6 of the Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be 0 tranemitted or delivered of the list, made Party te lecieeried cavebecat ns ant Mental to be entitied ipirote in the sald Mi: ity st elections Imem- bers of the LSiiative som and ai Bret posted up st uy omies Town of pa ey a ' f say amietone or ether errors exp aed , ' ' ie) * . Dated this 00h day of Amgest, 10, Main St. Listowel. SS We were never in #0 favor- able a position to meet the re- quirements of our customers FALL = Notice: From J. ----GROGERIES -- @P, me horn fo Sea FALL. Gee's 2 Stores: ~DRY cO0DS-- Now povblerees Ae Ltd weeds and Shirtings. 8. 4 Ibs, 20 Ibs, of Ralatns for. +100, Ge 20 Ibe of Currant:.., +100. Ge Socks 2 palr for 20. a re tm0e8 2 r xx Job line Ladies Collars and © uit, BEST PIOKLING SPICES, Job Itne Ladi 'cate. All alzea in G1 Hoslery, Corseta, otc, eto. All lovers Of good Hick Tea abould Gents" Felt Hate 90 cents each, R bfend, for favor Boys' Felt Hate 60 conts each, and strengh can't be beat. Iso nice nes in Children's Caps, Cots & sSHo®D Onur stock Is a in all sizes in heavy and fue Goods. Any requiring Shoes consult their interests by seclng our Sioak, a. S. GHB, MainStreet. - - - - - Listowel. ' | see eeeemeneeeneg ee I baveremoyed 7 my Furniture Store} to the building fitted up in the Royal'Building * our stock fs the very best. We also keep on hand a large quantity of McColl Bros, XX -Lardine Mach- ine Oil and -Coal Oit for We mean CARSON & McKEE's War, High Prices and Long Credits. Cash is King, And so it will be. A Mighty Commodity ! A Controlli Power. It knocks Hig ee ing Prices out every tim your cash ; you want our goods! And who an 'blame you when you can save 20 per cent. by ee at The GOLDEN LION, 'The Cash Store of Listow e enter into the by our ability to meet the require- e solicit your inspection of the varied+ and unique collection of goods which we will show for the Season's trade. We have no unjulation of old goods on our counters. It is not our inteMflon to allow this business to become fossilized. New Goods are constantly coming in,and we believe there is no Dry@Goods stock in the county presents regs freshness and attractiveness. Canstant Energy and sh are put forth hourly towards the maintenance of our vol- ume of business. There is no Let Up. _ We cannot afford Fall business encou ments of the people. We must maintain me.' We believédignit s been put on labor, and we are here to work. "We at in your in- ferent pushing a Cash Trade. I¢grows, 1s evidence to us we are on the right line. We buy were it suits us best, and we buy for cash. We are not tied up td anyone, that is of = buy so well, 'and that explains the bargalte right here cm -- | ant ~ 'Sir II. isthe fathe actaal discount we pep hh ge Thev are i sat ies ae By, slose apd Wogreurlouers, 2s pers eemt. under (Rn wholesale is isaken et cine estomore. Ss sicek is large, the shades are vari ® Yalues are Immense, FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR. acre o weathe f will soon be cool, d you must get ready for it, Gentlemen, see our Shirts rawers. Juat think ofgeiting 8 whole suit ot te Be-Selopratad | 0. Kali. Wool Goode for Bho. Muuy Of them ate ies Tor dou Verh ta Otte 3 nell abe the p show a fine range of MISS BRECKENRIDGE is selecting New Millinery now and will be here in a few days. COME AND SEE Us. Carson & McKee, THE GOLDEN LION, Wallace Street. Listowel. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER. directly opposite my old stand, where I will be pleased to see all my old friends. Ht. -. BUCE, WALLACE BTREET LISTOWEL. GONE wHestT -_-- 00 ---- JACOB SEBURGER has rémoved several blocks west, to the. STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. ROWE, BARBER, next door-to Fleming" 8 Tailoring establishment, Main street, rie side, and 'is opening out large [stocks ot® *'4 merican and adina WA LL PAPERS, All the latest designs and a spel =d at$lowest prices. I keep the heaviest stock in to SPRING ROLLER - WIKDOW - SHADES ; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. ew. ws Am adding largely tomy @tock of ~ ionery and Grovéiiton. Black Tea, and you will come and Paintingfgiven prompt attention, and d. JACOB SEBURGER Street, West. W. T: ARMSTRONG'S GRANGE DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS. Noxon omg "Bhiase, Diills Mowers, Cultivators, and rakes. cLaughblin C Co's -- of all styles, Car- riages, a, Deanborttin, and Carts, Mikad on ,Gladstones end Surreys, Also Sawyer and' Massey's Engines, Separators and Horse Powers, Bran Steel Wind Sains and qendlons Fanning Mills, "The Tolten Pea Harvester and Tolten Plows and rows. Also J. Fleary's Sons Plows and Plow repairs. ,A fall line of hi h clans Rersing omg Hay Lew gr ate and Daisy 2 Arccribel eg ns" me wed Voh Mivhig' eleswhere. Also for th thent yr se ere. agent for the een d.General Lite Assurance Company of Toronto, Office Wareroom, OPPOSITE WOODS LIVERY, Mill St. Listyel. BEAUTE MIXED PAIN TS RTC. The Leading Furniture & Undertaking Store of Listowel, People are finding out where to spend their money in furn- iture, for Sallows and Alexander are still offering great in- ducements to those wanting furniture. We have at present one of the largest stocks ot all grades ever exhibited in Lis- towel. Upholstering receives our most prompt attention. Estimates cheerfully given. Mr. Sallows having had large experience in the Undertaking both in Canada and the States, is prepared to-conduct it in the most thorough manner. One of the finest Hearses this side of Toronto in connection. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER; MAIN STREET - - LISTOW HL. HARDWARE |! ROBERT MOORE, --DEALER IN---- Shelf and reeves Hardware, ts, Oils, Gla Teble pa "booket Cutlery, SILVERWARE, Lamps, Cross-Cut Saws, xes, etc. ROBERT MOORE, .THE HARDWARE MAN, Main Street, Listowel. I sTtTiILi HAVE $3,000 Worth ot goods to be sold AWAY DOWN. Overcvuats hig Slee 'made Glothing, Boots and Flannelettes and Tweeds. A FEW TEA SETS ANI AND CROCKERY. A Fine Stock of GROCERIES. Call and see. ISS BOWMAN.