ANY QUANTITY |= tswsse _ Patterns at Cost Price te To Make Room For Our New Papers, 'J. LIVINGSTONE jr. Druggist |' BANK OF TN $1,250,000; $675,000 OAPITAL RESERVE FUND DIRECTORS JOHN STUART, Pursrpext; A. G. RAMBAY, Vice-Pres, f SAVINGS BANK.--' rr spoaiia of $1 and ih wards received aad interest allowed from toaate 'ore withdrawal, oer cote Drrowire also received at cur- f tn phat Great vat Britain andthe ual er tates bought aad sold. Collection! i favorabie sarmes. MBTUART id. Agent Listowel. LISTOWEL STANDA RD.|* FRIDAY, NOV. 16, 1894. Fresh Oysters strved any way you wish, at Wm, Welch's His Honor Judge Woods held Divi- sion Court here on Wednesday H. McDonald sells Milverton Spectral price for 500 Ib. lots Mr, Thomas Headley of Stratford, aged 85 yeasts poisoned himsclf with Paris gre H. pases made a large shipment of live hogs a oronto on Monday Price paid 4c. Rost. te bee started a chopping mil at the Listowel founcry, and in- vites farmers' paro'nage, Mr. H.N. Orr, excise offic:r, is WALL PAPER---- cts" NG services will be be held i in Christ Cases on Thanksgiving day, foe, ati o'c'ock a. m, been Catertaining cro ain DR. YARWALL of Chicsgo, will lecture in the mechanics' cna room this ve iday vening, also to- ow eveni and its possibilities. ane poblic is ray by ed. Lectures begins at' 8 o'clock each hmcwoh hl solicitor for the arvitration case bas not WINTER has held sway for the past week,the ground meving: been sufficiently covered with snow to make tolerable ite cighing, which last a until yesterday's 2un a winds caused the'greater part of it to disappear. many farmsre were caught with their turoip Crop unhoisted an open spell will be very acceptable to them AUCTION SA Le.--Td dares T gin at12o'clock, noon, and to bewith- ay auctioneer. Lots By AUCTION.--Mr. or ings, and 'twu-Bfth: land, on Division street. pla: onday, . oth, are Hay. auctioneer. Mr. Gro. Hess, collector of Customs, St trattord, and Dr. Ettis, his son-in law, p.m. were summond to Listnwel on 'oesday owing to the illness of Mr Hess' son ?, was teken down with inflam: ® sister's, Mes. ohn Gabel, Inkerman street, and is re« ceiving careful nursing. IT 1s ONLY A RuMOR.--"'The h might have had a population of two more thanit has at esent, pot off at Stratford is a mystery. above of wee! efers to the ba Thomar, who was tried in dati last spring on the mu' ung Mrs Martr, of Wallace, in the fall, of 1893. ted his gut to The bay practicatly admit Consta in the rep r homein England only last w out of town this week, attending the civil service examinaticns. P.O. Notice.--On Thursday = Thanksyising day, the Post Office wi heopentoths publc tram 9 tw 9. "i Tue Knox Choire annual Concert 9. m., and 2,340 ty 3.30 p.m, *th beheld on the. 28th of Dec. Rev. Mr. Asupury ofthe Atwood hey ee a d ba services of missin conducted the services in Chic 7 ta 4 an anu 3: Christ' church on Sunday last, Rev, - oe at Sop Fri ' 10 a Mr Perke taking the services at] 'SPOT © are ae number: « e jocal tatent «il! also take part Atwood, ; i : = This concert will without doubt we Tue Sunday Schorl connected with }ihs best of the season, and a gre: the church of the Evangelical Assc- many people are already looking tr ciation will held its Christmas enter-| gard to the treat that is in st tainment on the evening of the 25th of December. Mr. C Warp was Pig rtained ata party given by som is lady friends at Arayle Place pe Monday evening, previous to returr ing home to Orangeville, From the large amount of turkevs, geese, ducks and other poultry on sale in town, our citizens ill be kee tlegant style, if they are so dispused SMALLPOX AT STRATFORD.-- The provincial health authori ies have been Strait rd, shave been taken to prevent the spreading of the disease. Repucen fares wi!l be given on the G. T.R on Thankspiving day. Singie fare tickets wil be issued for the afier- noon treinson the 21st, and fir all trains on the 22nd, goed to return up to the evening of the 23rd inst Hecxey Clup --A meeting ter the purpore of r.-.rgarizing the Hockry Club for the coming season will be held at the --, mat on Tues day evenirg, 20! cl ck sharp. A lange attindence is doles THANKSGIVING UNION SERVICE. _-- giving Service will held in th Methodist Church on Thankegiving morning (Nov, 22nd,» at 11 o'clock Congregationalist, will preach the sermon. Collection in aid of the benevolent fund. Since the advent of the cold weather business haa been brisk in town. Considerable grain is coming ir, alsa lots of wood. The market for the latter is lkely to. be over-stocked this winter,as there has beeo great quart ties of fallen timber converted into firewood dur'rg the past this district, Box Soctat.--There will be a Box Sccial in the Parish Room under the _ auspices of the "ape of ae Church. next - me and pleasant scat time, Silver Pecans at the doo: Ti transit of Mercury was observed last by a number of bave to Wait for thirteen yesrs before they will have another opportinity to (Witness a transit of Mercury. Cantata.--The annval Christmas entertainmert of Chri un- ll on u cember, whet a Can in icha large number of the pupils will take part, will be presented . F. Rogers excellent entertainment may be look- ed for. Admission feerse, chilcren roc. is in aid of library fund. Concert.--Miss Min:rvi Bolton, musi¢ teach:r, and her pupils, assisted by Mr. James Fax, humerous vocalist, will give a concert inthe togn hall on onday evening, roth December. <scellent oetgnan will be pre-ented, and@ the Mr. that Fax will take part should of itself ensure a crowded house, Populer prices of is:ior, ate on sale at the b fot into trouble he would | have been a oft, All the same the yourg criminal should never have been ser free after perpetrating the doube | crime of murder and ar- -- particulars will be given fiery Ss. S. cole ngraonrn --The annual entertainment in connection with the Methodist tea will be given in the church on Thanksgivixg evening, 22nd inst. An excellent pr-- gramme_is being prepared, consisting of music, reciting, etc. e orchestra will render several selections, Thi entertainment is expected to bs the best ever rendered by the School The enteriainment wi'l begin at 7.30. Admission--a silver collection at the door. , 'Hotmes, €x-pastor of the Methooist church here, and now of Cinton, will conduct the Methodist Missionary services here next Sabbath. He wil ; reach at t1 a. ni., and an the evening, with one or two others,* wi | deliver an address on missi nary work. Rrv. Palipar whose addresses have added so muchtothe irtere-t of the wreck's mect a wll assi-t the pas'or Thursday and Fri jay at ~ rioan heughttu! ie Ons w | thes ¢. mectiogs of great benefit to ANOTHER ceca =the G. R. Watson, B. A, of this town, has re- ceived from the Lieutenant-Governor notice of bis appointment as Associate Coroner for the County of Perch. This action of the Government wi'l be an proved of by our citizens generally, §the occurrences of the last month foved the necessity of having a second Corones, that Listowel is at e distance from From what we know of Dr goes without saying that he charge bis new duuyes intellizently pe ercditably, ITHDRAWAL CF ELECTION Petit- tons --P.tijons against the return of the members recently elected f r East To:onto, West Huron and Eas: Simcoe were asked to be withcrawn on Satur- doy Eleven petti ns of the 31 filed e now been asked to be sithdrawn. The petitions which now remain are: Monck, South Renfrew, Nerh and ue Perth, Halton, W'st York, West Wellington. orth Ontaris, North Wer rhe Lincole, East Nortbumber- land' West Algoma, Parry Sound, Ad ding'on, Sent Huron, West Northum- beriand, West Du Lin- ae ae Addington Any rigs wi! rit also thdrawn, and there is, every Pro- bability that the North Perth petition will be disposed of in like manner. THE STANDA It is whisper- ed ba the High School teachers are applying for increase of salary. co-t of l'ying is about onc-half what it was some yrars ago, Saleried men and wonen bhava scfr snap. The hold the Trastees in if. m Pupils ms be pra the Model Schocl have to spend ne in the study of music: not have thisaccomplishment taught at home ? This applies with even mor: forcetothe Public Scho: |. Other towns, with good result, have had comp-:iunt mueical jastmactors engaged to d2vote certain Mrs. Gre-on, dressmaker, ttreet cart, bas recently ret Detrokt with 'the latest American styles and desires to call the attention of ber lady customers thereto, CHATTSLLE Never Taunton vw urned from ar COST AT. Asytum.--The da shee bi rr his arrest, tavs the Tcronto W: World, on ed in Stratfagd by Government Detec- tive Murray, 16 months been an 'inmate of the 'Taunton, Massachucet:, Lunatic Hospital, having been cuim- ted from Hoston nine yerr: az: Taeeicaiica proves that Cnt Il , the register in the past yraur, ner © any of the attendants recng: ize th; owen and the description fcrwarded © Tavuton as that of any presi u cebpat in the hosrital, . This dispo-e of the idea that Chattelle may hav een inthe institttion under eager name. The result of this 2rquiry w tend to show that Chattelle adupied the maniac pleain order to: save his neck, if possible. CONGREGATIONAL LITERARY Crus. --A Literary Club has been formed in connection with the Congregational Church here, Which is to consist of ear rs of the congregation and their friends. The object of the Club are: "The promotion of Literary Study and the Mutual Improvement of its mem- The officers elected for the en- suing zeae are as follo Pres. opkin; Presi Russell Climie; Vice Pres. Yates Vhe first regular meeting was held on Monday evening last at the home of Mrs, F. 2, ess Dicken prepar ing a course of werk which will consist of evenings with Poets, Ristori ans and ae svi! an LISTOWEL H. 8. REPORTS FOR OC- oe The Sr appear In Sot of merit rou FORM lst Claes Betwoen 76 and 70--A, McKenzie, A. Brooks, C. Donglas, 2nd Class--Between 70 and 60--R, Barictt, 1. Glenn, A. Large, W. Fritch- ley, B. Pearson, R. Cook, 8. Petrie, 8rd w O and 50--0, Kells, J. McFarlane, A. Forbes, = Lv oligston, N. ine a J. W. Sco 4th Class--Between 50 and i026. Brisbin, P. Wilson, 'sy. Pelton, L. Brisbin, H. Jickling, J. Mayberry, M. Edmunds, M. . nes RM IT. let FP cent 78 and 70--1. Stevenson, W. Vaugho, L. Hutchinson. 2nd Class--Between 70 and 60--W. McDowell, H. Little, F. Wynn, Mek. Messer, M. Hu rte E. --e F. Mader, Cl Baker, 4th Cla: ass--Between 50 and 40--J. ----. E. Vipond, G. Bulmer, A. Robe: HK. Sergison, G. Jackson, J. Hermie, N. Giipin, J. A. McDonald, D. Kel) FORM 1. General Proficlency--Earle Kid First in two subjects-- First In one subject Stevenson, Earle Hay, Etta Cattell, Maud Coghlan, Winnie Bradley. GEN. REPORT. ween 77 and O7--Earle Kidd, H. D. rson. O. Scott, E. Cattell, M. Hamilton, B. Hacking, J. Large, J. Stevenson, L. Dr: Coghlan, A. Bricker, R. Magahy. een 50 and 49--M. Barber, G. Kidd, M. Roy, W. Livingston, W. Bar: ber, R. Patterson, C. Forbes, L. Tab- berner, H. McKenzie, chery 40 and 37--F, Gedires, H. McKenal * sown COUNCIL. A special meeting of. the council Was called on Monday night; present Pp { the by-law, Noy 250, for the purchase of the Hay water lots. The by-law was put through its various readings, Mr, Woods objecting to the clause grant- ing Messere Moyer & Co. the use of water for private p "for all time." The council had accept those conditions, however, and put the y-law throug ~H Travis, who took such an important part in the capture of the marderer of Jessie Keith, to_a position. letter stated that*Travis had had an by a piece of stot! and he J. A. Hac R. T. ee that this coun- cil acknowledge the services of Mr. W. H. Travis in in connection with the ar- rest of the je Keith the government to t him to a: poslhom thay ony bave'ae thaw ane Carri Mr. B. B, t present will not be nogelss 'when find work + -mamely, esc. for adults and roc. for children. Tickew Lamont's music store. | Citizens scarce and pay small, : Rareraver. money and will sell: all = eS Clothing in s.ock at actual cost. . Sizes FURNISHINGS. and TWEEDS. Our trade for both is increasin every day and must-have space to show them, : bargains. $3.00 hat for.,.........$1.50 $2.50 hat for...... ae $1.25 $2.00 hats for..........$1.00 All fine hats and good shapes. Special lines in. AALARD & COGHIL J. M. SCHINBEIN. Don't worry over the scar- city of Cash, but attend our! great sale which will tinue another month. - We week and it was strange to yee how anxious the man 'acturers aud wholesalers wete to dispose cf surplus stock, Some were moving into larger | #¢ premises and therefore must essen their stuck. Some were hard up, thut sounds tam liar don't it ?-and-ns-long as-you paid for the goods, they were almost willing for you to set your own price. Well, to cut it short, we are loaded up with the finest range of Men's & Boys' Overcoats and Suits. The chenpest gcods ever shown in town. he latest stylesand best makes. Nail these prices in your memory. Two hundred odd pants from $l upwards. Fifty odd vests from 7icts upwards. Three hundred men's & boys' over- coats at all prices, Five hun- dred men's & boys' suits, all going at 25 per cent discount for cash, Our. Mantles are going by the wholesale. We want room and we want are full, all new goodsbut we; find we need the room : for: See our Hat window for] Visited the city market this | Boa U a gt SILICO' cleane every dep 7 only 't worry selaat leave your order with it so your wife can see her face 'As i ae Our prices will be'so cheap that you can Lagan money eee to your own business St ee the stove pipe fall on your head, and soot on the new- carpet, and besides we'll ei ew good wifs This year we sell you. stove il ; ec bet Al ay of ) at 10 and rat%c. : cé as the cheap stu b Isewh ; aa 'ery une ae you buy elsewhere. - SOUTH SIDE Next. door West of J. A. Hacking's Drug Store. Senamedititisreessaet "All acknowledge that for Style, Health, _ Comtort and Economy, no waterproof in in existence is equal toa MELISSA 'For either Men or Women, --==NOTICE FROM=== Jv-S: GHH'S BARGAIN STORES. Heavy Tweeds from Mev.s Men's oun eady Made Pants from.. ben sie Hats Sct. Men's Caps from Boys" op: | & Ther © Dress G and val tes, not» baphesard Ree in ancopoee NEVER! to be had FOR CASH. The stock is lar re and has been bought upon the most satis factoty terms FOR CASH, which gives us the inside track every time. It is greatly, to your interest to buy GOOD RELIABLE GOODS from reliable people. Wehave ° a reputation to maintain, we are careful to do what we say, you know us, we live among you; why then entrust your patronage to far away dealers, who may sell you one article cheap. and take it out of you on thenext, when you have no way of correcting the error. We have compared prices with city merchants and we do not hesitate to say our average stock is cheaper than theirs, we have not the enor- ® mous expense to meet that they have, consequently, buying for cash we can undersell them. NOTE SOME OF OUR PRICES. velvet collar. tweed lotng worth $6.50 for $4 werenats Vive collar, tweed ning, worth a0 for $8.00 crs bre nak o6 serge lining worth 0.80 for 8.50 {a Job whee wale em tod. velvet alee p ron $13 rors 0 00 ry b ar prica c Boys Ove aren ta fall tg sive Hr = Mi ite gti L fro a Overcoat a fall range Oo} Cr et en's sult« rap im prieés from "a.78 8 ip ward. Py new took just to bands, great value. ~ Boys aus, a THE MANTLES ew CARSON AND. MPKEE s re ane que Med for real downright good value, they are nerfoct fitting, they aro perfect te tatlorine eee a atylieh, they are right "very way, COL "haan pataes. brown, ners MaT Fv orserge, nv back number in our stocK new, Prices ra from $2 io eno" Ba ay here and you buy right, FUR CAPES, EUR CAPS, FUR. CO: AT S, ROBES &c, $7000 © © be sold befure Christm prices sre ucparalisied Justtbink ofa tadice Furs Mug for $1 and a Ladiew var Set sal at $375 and a» gent genuin rks ver ral worth 8 S jor 46. Men's Black gig R lams a eres '- alas Only $i. sofa lata Mantics on sale now at $20. ik what Q giv 2 DRESS GOODS. "an aetivity every day pode section that speaks well for selections tnck. TheNEW JASPAR a ciwmtioge fabr - Men's heavy tweed Neos Neary ea oro tor the ann for dresner, Randreds oc Hare pontaeely, Dewin quality and pattero, with tri errata ane x ent ie peor cent ofr all liaings: also full range of Be Iding, Paul and C 4 silks a. a nent 3 Ibe enod yellow eogar 108 ' ty 0 35 Ib. ; este 00 xtra fine woo ae oe naeede Wool aod Cashmere Hose. rin Ape sore pales iz Everyholy should ec ross Pat a fine and Borne fs 'ven PRICES RiGHt. gir ase tar ha uerets 4 Gibu for $1. Ceylon Tea, oor BEN HUR blend 10 cts, package. Highest pri ald bat Goous del! ivered free. Everybody velo cena vis sce cea v-S5.GHB Be + Ba 23 Ibs . 20 Be best ft xcanciated "do : te +0 50 Fe ibe sar: . 100 2 botties ricklas for. GENERAL DRY GOODS. fo vet tweed«going at o ntea now ooly Waite ankets 232) rer pair. évat all twoel now Hrs, wont urer Award aie, woo' a * Mannelette for ae * Town Make no mistake about my goods before eo BUCK WALLACE STREET - - LISTOWEL DRESS GOODS, . We start a beautiful range of drers goodsut 8 cts, All wool serget, 40 inches wide || at 27 cts. Our 50ct is the mere is a sna Our sateen finish Henrietta 50ct. cash- best value in the market to-|: day. See our serges, the finest |. quality e 20 yds of beautiful flannelette for $1, No more space to quote prices, all we ask is*tocall on us and see our Boots, Shoes and Fur Capes. JU. M. SCHINBEIN, SPEGIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, SUITS . AND made to order,and READY-MADE "CLOTHING . --AND-- FURNISHINGS. jit is hard to tell the facts about | clothing and yet not appear to be bragging. such values elsewhere, unless you dive one third deeper into |: your pockets. As Jong as you look hard up you will * feel hard up, will make you feel happy. M. WILDFANG, Gor mB West » 4 'touthvside, and is opening out iarge stocks ot American and dina OVERCOATS| You'll find nd& Turnover a new bh leat and call-on us and we Be Sign of The Elephant, ----------0:0. daaer are sett Nene. andnet ments tothrre wanting farn!ture, Mainftret. - - - - - Listowel. fe ana ata ie hea aaa NEW STYLISH MILLINERY. BARGAINS - IN - FURNITURE. COME AND SEE US Carson & McKee, Bast Value n SALLOWS & ALEXANDER: = * : The Leading Furniture & Un-ertakin Store of Listowel. ople sre finding out where to spend their moneys tn farniture, tr: Sallows and Alex WvACOB SEBURGER -*..( has removed several blocks west, to the STORELATELY.OCCUPIED BY W. J. HOWE, BARBER, next,door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, WALL PAPERS, All the latest designs and 'Spano and at lowest prices I keep the heaviest stock in town of SPRING -. ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES ; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. READY MIXED PAINTS BETC. Am adding largely to my stock of 'Confectionery and Groceries. 35c. pure B Tea, and you will come again. by Ble. ae aa Tose given prompt attention, and | furnish JACOB SEBURGER, Main Street, West. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. nin Gfeentece In the estate of David Austin Williams, late of the Township of \} aliace, pasate of Perth, fa mw otice Ie berevy iven | parsuant to section od Statutes Of Ont, that agie FINE: LADIES' GOLD WATCH GIVEN |= AWAY = Potgran Gallery ANIAAFTER SATURDAY 13TH | | Ex moutees oe lace P, pours tiealars of ale ol wi am sit any) 2 neid a by Seem. and that afer ane wai date will Proceed to o evra te a tne said 2 <--o saly fo soch claims tee whieh an Siving fall par- + ™., hocks N PHO- ote or parsons ot Shows claims soe ebali eh 8 WILL Braet nemo this Zith day of October, § DREW 5. PRIZE. " CATHERINE M, WILLIAMS: NO. BLANKS. BY DARIAN Pent tik esauliolases: Ae thie he lacky mumber out of 4willdraw a ladies' gold Cider Press & Chopping Mill. 'now on exhibition. O---- ondgraigoed bas a Cider Pyens ant pe Mill ready for to eclderanddoalt! igds of ebos. oF for tarmore who brin; eto along their ; apples and grain. most prompt atlantion: MAIN STREET xhiblited In Listowel, ates cheerf aly given. SAL ovis a ALEXANDER, LIsTo WHHL HARDWARE ROBERT -MOORHB, -- DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardare, Paints, Oils, Glass, \vTableand Pocket Cutlery SILVERWARH, Lamps 2 Cross-Cut Saws Axes etc. ROBERT MOORE... |THE HARDWARE MAN Main Stree CLEARING SALE OF =|BOOTS & SHOES ALS) HOSIERY My Ready made Clothing wili be slaughtered. - lores: a of erarce DRY GOODS at very Ow pri ne AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES, Respectfully Yours. Main St. 2a JAS. McRAE Jn, Trowbridge J.S BOWMAN. We € say positively, NEVER. in the history of Listowel, were good coable honest goods offered at t such values as are now CARSON & MCKEE'S.