2 = . f ts : z u DaneIxo, DARUNG & scores RAPNSTERS, © pientisjes agi eves tres Beak or i Sirmazstiton aie Beow's Banking Sevtt's Bonk, Wallace F. R. BLEWLTT - MORPHY & CARTHEYW, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &C WOTARIES PUBLIC & COMMISSIONERS NEY TO LOA. H. B. Morpny, J. M CAanRTHEW, es uviic, Brea NT. Mousy to ABEE & GEARING, BARRISTERS, | Bolietture tor the Merchasis Haak = doe toa J.P. Masee. F. W. GEarina. HOMAS. | FULLARTON, NEWRY QO. ae Tsauero © Licenses,Com- misa.o anmorigages, totes rip ein hones sit conveyancts done on reasonnbie ms Money tolen a Watson, B. A., M. D. W IX POSMESSION OF IR PFER- pha offices over LINNEA one.R pene store, Kesjecpre Old Mi er Houre fist ou' fal cet Mee. nee ou Main fireet.. 49 W. = DINGMAN, M_D.,. TE pi Qurests Univeratiy:: mem oMice an weidehreccwnin 'hireet cnet J: 1 FCSTER, tr fe pemem UW M-BRUOE, LDS.DEN rs sit Residence 15 Peneiove St. Listowel. yuary OF PERTH .--THE WAR- me ce at hie 2. WM.DAVIDAON, PERE Oouocty Clerk'somce. stratford. W.E, Bremixo, Davip Baxter BINNING & BAXTER, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS, VALUATORS, EIC Member Ontario Association LISTOWEL Bpecialiete tn Courch wud schon) A rent tecture, Pre fy Experts, Suilcitors tor Patevts,--' To All My Old Friends And Customers. Yeu will dud mien my bew office, NEXT TO YULE'S BAKERY, prepared to LEND YOU MONEY, ¢ INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS DU YOUKCUNVEYANCING Fentoreei! you a hnure, collect your ac counts, tents or well _ . " 'arm. ne fact lo du Spy business iu my the Wrot Wu utus, TABHERNER The Oldest Established GROCERY ld TOWN 18 JAS- ARMSTRONG'S Tuoee 21 qanreexpurirnee 1K wesinese er ve elo bey thao nany cuner retail Deuse rh the fo TEAS, COFFEES andSUGARS, I have Oae Very Dent, justiry then Aud afl ule: roceriesaud Provisioue Canned U Fieer, Vatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck Gear ac., etc. A wellselected stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE always to be found atmy wore. Highest price paid for Better and Egg Potatoes and al) kinds of farmers proguct dA WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, 'Has on hand a laige assortment of 'All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame 7 , Cabanet Photo Frame, Baby Parties purchasirg $103 an nd UNDERTAKING First Chass attended to at any time. Furniture HEARSE in connection. Rooms opposite the P. ©. TRADE MARks CAVEATS, COPYRIGHTS. OBTA PATE! "ig Ee eh eee: ergs we Se ts ee 2 ons ia. - 4 SE rate x e ; Sent ty LISTOWEL ONTAR over Flemming ® Tstloriog Estebilsh- Ayer's decnaeiiiie. Mr. Ricnanp ORRISE pianos MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN DURABLE CONSTRUCTION 2, Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. LISTOW PL. orrice- New li Main door to the Banner offre. a Emon next R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY,ONT, AUK FOR THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. -ALSO-- MOWEY TO LOAN 1D muy sume irom §20) end craares atalow ratnut toteres: Conveyan yore fe ali Geseriptions done op Tenscuene ler MONEY TO LOAN. On Farr ard Town dient at (Le low. eet rete, Titereet pe) mite Miler ins of the privctpsl cen be repeid # and Interest sinrees on uch Fes eekts aut ria 1, Depremeee Lenght. Converse tox deoe, Jusurer ce placeu in yaspobelbie Com panies, Appl; har -- ARTIN, Mr Listowel, Lm Py % MONEY TO LOAN aT 5% PER CENT. Time made to sat borrewers, to ROBERT aAnTIN, Next door to Standard Mes, FARM FOR SALE. on be tbe beat 100 nere fowasme of Wallace, en pent wi, Cbd¥ches, poat office, chee tive ake § ron Listuwet, whine o cy fo The © pince, wih Bone Sub ing i one when ; " Undauhter facme~ la the ce bux f es stone fiar. Cleared and in the twetasabe 'ot oo ive wan, halanoe Bard eure bush acd valuable pl of cedar awemp. There A Dever faliln spriog in pratnre, Abeut 1 ac rive of wheat, aud bloughiog mews y ae anc MOLLRT, 40 Jot 6 oa ae var noe, rWallace P.O. MrssF, Gunner & Miss Gunnet| . Will give special Electro and E. clectic psticel Lomas -- AND CHILDREN, wii EFF'S 29FT CURRENT MAGNETIC Tr Yun we the ee oor sit otking "ELE@- TROMSE, a Nritne a Eee Rhocks denor, eur. ons vorta and Pene- toneaien ian riheR BR. Dey Or ce hours, 9 10 i. a.m.and 2lodp m. Advice to the poor mt ~ Ma! Box 1.0 e. 0. GU> . * LILLIAN ¥.UUSNER eG _, A Little Daughter: Of a _ of England minister cured by aE ond coed said ef them. I know of many Wonderful Cures MADAMINE, Treeepitrerar strats FARMS FOR SALE. The rm.Jowipg tarvos are offered for sale: fot Mn, 4, in the éth con , ers Elma, wi ; a wee « yor's Sarsaparilla, ons in particulas _being that of a littio oughter fer, Tho child was Iterally covered ~w bead to foot with a red and ex- iy trouble: rash, from which . "gped for two oF three years, ah~ =, detiss it. Ic lyin ie precnimn ee to the merits of Ayer's & Sarsaparilla by Vr. .C. Ager & Co. Lowell, Mase, Gunuscak ars, vilicurcyou et AUNT JANE'S BUPEAU, Jack Thornton believed he bad the best little wife in the world, He had been married a ex mouths, and, as he told hie Wns bach" friends the honey. moon had neyer ceased. And this was the more remarkable because soon after they were married Jack struck a streak ef bad lack which culminated abon. a eck before the Thanksgiving festival of the year 1889, You remember the cld pro- verb, "Waen u poverty comes in a: the door, love flea out ol bg window." Well, this wasone of the true lovesmatches which proved that thie, lize many of those old che*tnats, is a sad hbel on the fair sex. supper things and little siting room, while uced the to- bacco Jar preparatory to the past pran- dial smoke. Alice toak the lid ol he b ives and wis ber own Gogrrs Gilled o Sack, the 'aero made his pipe taste aw Sa Ek sleey: wotkbasket filled to the brim with all big of thi and flan picture t any rate, J .ck mast have thoaght so, Brown B-s had ent under such good headway that athick, blue cloud was setiling around the ceiling : 2 feei as WT nad done avery cruel second rate fiddler in a third rate thea- ter." Thornton, "J ick you," rephed Alice, with energy. wayitthe parson made me say after bi 0} I'm ashamed of "What "out ou ot 'he riches' of ay boi ain 2 comé in ee" 'tee? she answered cheernly, andas asealof the auguty she rose from her chair, threw one arm sround his neck and kissed Thus encouraged Tick poured cut his latest mi.fortane, Tos prev Izot hurd tunes bag suruck the 'con, and the latest addition, better; bo', wh = the nt Bs coming right fast and coal not in yet, the pro-pect, yuu inust admit, lithe wife, is blue.'" Alice, stubborn creature that she was' hings and declared thatit might have been wor ee. "And I've been thinking, dear, that things, for. instance," asked | You know sure "The What say if he "Weil, there's my ny wath, [ nevereven wind it BP and I'm I should never miss tt." "No," Jack said decidedly. watcn is out of the mean lous since we ave en mar: te the " burean, pr my other rch relative gave me | fora gc Gi ihe 2 Jack Tnornton pondered and blew a Prodigiuus cloud belure he replied. " said, "Ll suppose we ca: fter sone farrher deliberation, the old bureau the very next . The Jac c) wn Bess and brought the old violin, hie next best frend, provide, as it 7.) done, consolation in their trouble : He bite them with harmony merry and "He aie wie bis power their bearte to Was 'bens ver heard like his Sddie and Next morning bright and early Jack "s bureau. With aaoft rag,a tae: a =. a far breakfast tabie o 'specu ating bibéy were likely to get for wat hopeful while ou oe. who is the of the secondhand furaiture "E was thinking, my dear," .gpid Jack as he put. on his well~worn .overcoe?, ~ the Arom- to 1s 4 e nice if we could manage to entertam him o-mo! * Just like you, you old darlingt" was the Jittle woman's comment, and she edc- ed: "Why, of course, we can have, poor Werner nll enjoy bis tae and sociability being ln it Cars, Bot, ating with that piece of farniture! be ab the dire necessity which pied 4s ye removed pe fest drawer ber + Ste went back old farm rg - many miles -- of jactes 2 NO ch hood and re chicken sne's love was mot. "s Gygt i ies which occupied th. prace te As "ken out dusted tle w.. thought of the first meeting with Jock. for the summer. of ove at first sight. bad offered no objection to the match. lodeed Aust bad seemed giad to ot the orphan farmyar¢, tothe delight of the entire aeees hood and tne consternation of Aunt Jane's feathered community. The ever expected to ing dey o vividly recalling her aunt had at the dioner which wat gi in the barn made tbe one speech of ber sabi "8 effort which, by the way, had mused and edified the Odeon folk. 7c os unt watch of use mm housekeepi: ber sea', nota little Mastered with bav~ i made what she afierwar . ---- was the holga ape rd key? Pros "im the iis Sai sos ine bad been light. Another corous thing was that it was covered with a of polished walks, which bore 3 | scription in Uncle Williama bandwrit- ing < : AUNT JAN&'S WEDDING GiFT : 3 TO HER NIECE ALICE. : FA and secured bya siding odult. As soe Opened it an astonwhing sight met Alice's gars. e entire drawer was tawer you will God the aum of $2,85 3:43, which is one-nall of the procecdyul ine chicken tarm forthe last five years, As you work in takrog care of the chickens during the you lett school, you may feel that this res the bureau, Mr ca 4 "Sx dollars isthe best I can do for and it is r. Myers," Alice aid. "ET will not sell my 'annv's wedding rit for less than "G morning, ma am," the dealer "I see you den't gone, "Jack tarned with an inquiring look to bis wife "You funny little woman, "whut is the meaning of ch For an answer she gave him a volley e hen, Grs; carefuily looking the drawer and the door, she uolacked suspiciously tike por twiokled in bis eyes as be clasped ** the then asa relief * "'s overcharged feelings he ¢ filled Brown Bess to the brim aod smoked placidly for an hour, think- ing aache tC saying little. What a Thanksgiving that was! Wer- ner came and was astonished at the bountiful spread, Jack's happiness that had --_ to them with Aunt Jane's oid burea' Piain Talk About Disinfectants. The discrimination should cleraly be t isyagents that destroy feet virus, and deodorizers which simply counteract ensive odors, and antisepti 1 arrest decay. There are g io thei place, bat when relied upon as Gismfect- apisarca For genereluse a did'nf ctant should be ge = -- dise! are cause 3;~--Cat abe orcena, hay fever, priraraae tg croup, sore throat, quinsy, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, f carbuocles, ulcers, disea: many claim that m are due to the same causes. "The biniodide and bichloride of mer- the biniodide of silver car- bolle acid are chiefly relied upon by sur- but they areall poisonous, equal to about 3 per cent strength, will yield 15 ptsof ezone for pas pips used, germici Fy is perfectly ie to ase ani o poses not expensive, andisto be preferred for bathing the patien', Sige ered beg ses and for Rea, Mtetactant through the air bed the pbected the clechiog half an bour,or subject remem for 24 hours to bt action sulpborous acid gas. 'crevice boriemetohe into to every th pace, multiply bight breadth and length together, that is,a room 10 ft igh and 12 long vaults oes rt of ch from the ies Ht pox, ation from consumptiver, end the from 5 i Qdeon people all brought presente, Sod Alice was richer uhat de day 1 ases|rigbt. d@reciion. If we AY, NOV. 23, 1894. {ath ,080, aren Bad Reads, Crooked Cheese Dealing. Genume Tumplin Pies, has: Many of the country roads i ve just SPpegerry a lot of B that would be hard to beat To eee 'ad now is impns- sidl i kinds of h avy teaming is When this kind of ther isa lullin farm work ; the have been harvested, the and the fsll_ plswing, for! part, completed, and fa: mm we ] sure time to market the pork and other productions, Buz i good +l ighing comes this ine a ae Carte if the j witter 1 sort we Ny at pre- p winter in Onteri>. brings | bo in States of the A.nerican Union, where a sinjlar system is ia vogue, can ' miserable winter roads be foun Of course during ett and fall om when farmers have ry liule of thtir products to scl scaly ail this does not fil the bill gibi should bet lerably passable ail the year round. Until we have better roads, both tb farmiag and business peopl: are labor- ing under a disadvantage and mutual loss. The city, during the time of bad roads, is only an i/lzstration of what takes placeall over the country, and there is no knowing what a heavy loss whole country suffers financially throvgh impeded communication be- jucer and the consumer. But porn is -- serious ind rect loss to rt who bas to use these ienawe ton, and that is the increase volved in moving a heavy load and oe length of time re- quired. After a crop is raised it costs so much to market 'it, and ths extra wear and tear of horses, harness and veh: wad hauling on 'oads g y in tom the profits on ao { farm produc -L fogy siatute Tabor system is at a bottom of ail the trouble, and whist this isin vogue Ontario roads will be no better even at the end of the next halt century. Very fewof the roads inthe vicinity of this city but have deen built nearly half a century ago, and some of them are very little better than they were when first cut t of the primeval 825 D. { Hoard, editcr of Hoard's WwW. Dairymar, recently atrended the great dairy cohterence, under the manage- mert of Prof, R rbertson, at Fredevi-- tor, NB, ™ 9 writing to bis paper he said, ia _ : mers have, Unfortunately cot them with ail his might to the highest standard of excellence jn their product, Then we hear of hi over in England, sumers and buyers of butter and cheese, and striving to incline thelr judgment favorably to the Crnadian product Like the famous Scotch collie dog, he koows bow to geton both sides ofa flock aod keep them moving in the bad two or three Robertsons in the United S:ates our forejgn market for dairy products would - languish as it does now, mpresrion . concerning the fu- 2 attention as ha mati: ea eee of b ngcheo in- cows. of August "yf 2 in butter f 3" for good - There . be more attention pa to breed- R, to the production dairy .cow for thg dairy business, i also the the. farmers give them- bari up ia right carnest to the busi- p put themselves into th: channels of modcra dairy thought. What has made other communities successful in dairying will do the work completely for eastern Canada." ? eae Progineat mane Poop! Mr, A. E. Doug = Druggist, Welland, says ---"Stark"s Powders Hlesdache, eee fence Bull are aised by. all who sive. " wsed H, Borgar, Draggist an: arer Ti, Welland, says pear ss Powde s give good satisfaction and her for the last few days . i has had the highest dof frauds pract adian datrymen or exporers, insending June ked S- Nothing could be more insane and svicidal -- dishonesty of «this kind. ace arou. ibe sup '9 of En:iah soaere --_ rene sumers, and our cheese trade bh Eng- land is ctl The cheese Bertini bas grown to sple pe roportions from the quality and honest Our cs seven yeurs as valued at $7, 009,000, had doubled this Saeree 35 is oO the pai Dominion dairymeo of Canada i in ecientific methods cheese production: It e as already stated, to the reliability of the article farnie! i would be fi re o ¢ roads are good, m all, but+ . for ve the belie has been attempted lately, com carted a dt may be that the fant lo or two un- of the Craieaal Code of Canada, arayoee is guilty of an smdict- able offence who applies avy false trade lescription to oar and such person is oe, or f our ' the stability of the great trade that we now enjoy. Winter Peeding. of Swine! Hogs are the profitable stock of the farm, and the farmer who has plenty of his stacks. truduction of pork, and not enough thought of grass ard other suc- cvlent product, When grass and other foods disappear with winter's 2P- proach, and are no longer to be url zed as pork makers, it it to the interest of tre farmer t> fatien his hogs as quckly ble in tre fall or early winter. grown, and when rounded out wih aie vce whence as will. dabl: practice is to bring the ake Ligsto gruin feecing in fi The imp: rtant pint in feeding hoge isto get them to market as quickly as peasible, The day has gone by when thireisa profit is feeding for a special market, ifthey mustbe carried on a maintenance ration for atime to reach this special de gee It used to he customaryto feed sprirg pigs for the Feb braary igrtaes bot the folly of such a course is ap en we consider that they can poe more cheajly be made -to reach market at the same weights as ay 4 made, Nov. T 150 Ibs. are better weights. The spring vig. should be in much condition Ewen grain f ek,' feeding will 5 prepare him ne! markt in tne most desirable form. cold weather sets in and they Re moth ex- ercise, hogs consume about one-fifih less feed, with a natural consequence limited or no grain at all, The general beli-fis that hogs wil eat more in cold weather, but théefact is that they cat less and require more to make a pound of gain; Made the Deg. Thankful, When the tatnily. came home fr 'service on Thanksgiving morning, they heard Ponto howling dismally from the atiic, "However could the dog have gct up therc?" asked grandma as she looked up and saw his piteons Pt face ot the window. 'I didn't ere, me oid door had been opened this _ "Or, vert said little Annis innocent- * at opened it. I put bim up there Kon did, sane What fr?" think of some way to make Thanksgiving dav different to hin from other da We might give him turkey, but bow would he kauw for sure it wasn't Ch istmas turkey instean? S>T thought I'd shut him up in the dark, where he hates to be, a He was let out be'd be thankful enough for Thankegiving Her plan was abeclately successful. nce down stairs, having again the tun of the house, Punto fisked and yclped asit he had very special cause tur thanksgiving and needed n> govr- r clamation to teach hin "¥ usesof the*day, The tiwn co 'hoast at Izast one dog with a thankful heart. -- Mr, Alex. Romsey, Imperial Bank es ° The cretitors of Mr J. A. Wateon met Woaheg Sams + "Stak's Powders! 5. at Mitchel tbe other doy and were 07 rg ny Manager 1 satisfied with thai pat poatienisi'a ines fost Eogheane, . writes :-- k's | a fin har they snanimeusly gave ders do vy." Me. s Telon Reeve ts pole ¢ on'at b:fore. The acsets we T 'diana, says :--"'Stark's Pow hfe some $8,000 ahove poco br, cosolich derea me alter two Ge merd taneceaee ls. ve | -, oO . Price ashe Kikec | dota by oli miadl- to'acorgt gay compromer, fellng P rage he has alway done, pay 100 cents on the dollar. These are t> ban really snarige anc neither wash nor custard. The pampkin should be of dark yellow skir and heavy ix yr portion to its size-- the flesh thick and fine grained. Pin and cut in inch cubes and cook it is altl: water anil sof, being carcfu that it, does not Then pres: through a colander, put it back in thi Ples are made, for it is a work of time Qae cuptul of such pumpkia is am) | for a deep pie, and real pumpkin Li is never baked in a shallow plate, A prop: rtion fir a ple is a cupor mypki*, an ege, 3 tog cups of milk; a a bell cuptul cf sugar, a lite sa't, a half teaspronful of ginger, a fourth tea spoonful of cinnamon and a litle nut- meg. Bake rather lowly, --_--_ Foul Feet tu Cattle. tile, Keep the avimal in a place. Carefully remove ay rage' orn of Ov pain. poultice for a few days with finseed meals Then clean all lormed beneat any unhealthy or proud ficsh 'apply with a feather sie ne terchloride of rai y be neces sary to ces with gr this is done wie ak ab of ata dose. Also give : tea af ao nful of sulphate of tron once a io bran mash and continue for three chk ai Agri- cultaris --_----= True Meaning of Thanksgiving. Ono ot the obvious but too often forgot- ten demands of Thanksgiving day 1s Tt should be as an" occasion 2a 7a burden ren tened. Taese are ae d ai maximé, the religion of the hanksgrving $ m. Those who de no bem wil miss the true meaning of the day.-- Poitadelphia Public Ledger, -- WANT NO KO. UTHER, bopp's KIDNRY Pr iLLs NOW ASKED FOR VERY SUFFERER FROM BRIGHT'S DISEASE, Quebec, Nov. 19---~---Contemparaneou- zenerous supply of the pills, ut so yres beeo the demand as the result of thir the druggise asif cvery suffere from disease tn the city was ' wy ee: or haegaeg 3 recommended by Dr. Mc- Corm The Children's Enemy. ~ Seroiula often shows itsell in early life iach is characterized by swellings, absces- acrofula of the era la ulsion ts sageee ee: ably the most reliable medici CATARRHAL DEAFNESS. © Deafness cures € the worst casesin a few applications. Sleeves sat cyonee gowns are some times m imitate a flower bs ite ER FAtLs. Norway Pine rup cures coughs, colds, asthma, bron- chisies hoarseness, sore throat and die- eases of ee ihe vatand lungs, Price 25 and 50 Som re e new skirts have three whemiake on each side nf the front -gore. R HEALTHY LUNGS, \Muilbarn'> Cod Liver Qi Emuls tld Cherry and HypoposphiteAcombiles oo curative powers of tbh ¢ dies meptioned inthe most penect and pal- atable form. Price soc. and $1.00 per boule, Short jickets cut square in front are usea for iutle girls trom four to ten years age. Beyond Dispute. There is nee Siler of more-plessant c m, an Hagvard's nen 10oiee Hoarsenes: Taran Cosahs aciae and all throat and lua; roubles. The divided ikict Soi bicycle riders is an secompi hee fact and it has coms td s A 'Terrisiz EXPERIENCE: Mr. Geo. no bet- d through an expe never forget. rds; Bick, wine color and golden brown velvet will be in great demand for Ink and winter millinery. A cupol muddy cofferisnot wholesome, neitcer te a butde uf bloody medicine. Qa y to know a reliable aud skilitull,- ¢ tells sin his own prepared -- purifier te by tts freedom im se cime: yer's Sarsapariila sal ak breght. and ap es auae it is an extract oad nota decoci Daiaty pbeigad, ickers are ee sorah in delicate shades, elaborately with sees and ribuo ""L escaped being a confirmed ponte tor liver complaint, iodigesiion, water brash, snd nautea, are s yilaable inds, borders and edgings of j:t are seen, and it ts also made into yokes and bodice A SFMARKABLE CurE.--J. W. Jen- nison, G ifurd--Spent between $100 and $5 rakiag Dock atism cures int to 3 dave. ie «ystem in rema It removes at cnce the cause, disease immediately Vagpenpeate first dose greatly benefi 25 loun vivian: Jr. Drogeist: 'he redd meth byacinth yal Erauves, with the more, delicate ror uver, heliotropes, orchid athe violet Ara are bse colors most in favor for ric b evening resses, 3 33 = 3 ° = 5 * 2 2 = loused lumps, blood bas a jt iweeny, atics and : as ee EORGE Re ot, Famer, Ont. Sold ad Jobn Livingstone, Jr. nae atelawrt burn, siso-Neurslg:a and all kinds of Nervous »ains, and another in capsuler, (from x 4 of one is an o 'ctsan the Bow bg nroing a eid failing, perfect treatment rall H-ad and Stomach complaints, without making af~@cord et the "parchiser's cre owe my good healthto B. B, advise all sufferers to use this 'Splendid me GEO, Trine, Straffordville, Ont. Quite apa advertisements ap- pear offering a announcements subject to a penalty of $250 The Presbyterian Synod of Manitoba and the Northswest, lately in session at Winniper, have strongly rea tand by the pre- t position of affair irs, bcs was stat that even ifthe p ligi cises were abondoned -- the a an Catholics weatd not be satiefied, they would then have the effective cry - "God. less schools,' When Baby was rick, we cave her Castoris, Wh Castoria, wy hi + Scridling Books vs, Slute.--The ques- tron books livea the slate outof existencein ™~ room, on agen 'iow no laugh' ba work: nan with a laree family io supper, sek she trustee. Trustee Jcffrey said there t th hose pew were hardly earnin heir living, this. constan' purchasing oF senbbli 0 ney great deal of difference. Trustee Anderson believed one Cause mio serene turning o writers nowa waste use of scrib- dling books Pa of ths slate Postal Information.--The only coun- future will not object t the face of a postcard of an address -ta such as used in newspaper o enon a visit fo the acene nf the recent incendiary fire in Chatham Townsbip, securing links to the chain of evidence ayainst'the © suspect Kabue. c. Marra: Detective Murray has be the old blove that stood in one corner. * Whole Milk Treatment.--There is a leone milk treatmeat as well as kim milk cure, action of Ir, rgansmust be secured by diily warm maths a unlimited supply fresh air dig nd-diy. Under this 9 went from 106 pounds tc 129 pounds t4 ounce: At the age of 78, Wm Gunn, Clerk of he Crowr, for Buce County, died at Walkerton last Tuesday. e¢ was fo nany years a merchant and magistrate at snd @o postmaster at Inverburon, which at that Mee Latah fo be a 'quo. | nt * county was form Gunn was mnie ted by Hon. John Sand- field M iedonaid se the position he held por Crear tie cared and with e 25cent box at that. adelphian im re- Conservative in oolities, His son, ee une suddenly in 1891; his wife, a cultared &nd clever lady, aa the follow: ing year. and only oné of the -f surviver, ve iliam, who ie super Saxena { medical stores in the Kingetoa