Listowel Standard, 30 Nov 1894, p. 1

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EERIE "WwW aes as DARLING & BLEWETT BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Btrest, ' 4. L. DARLING inal aria MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS. SOLICITO SOTARIES PUBLIO & yoiehsienic MONEY am. To Lo. J. M CanTHew, H. B. Morpny, MAZE, & GEARING, BARRISTERS, leitoue for the Merchants Bank setarlon ic, STRATFORD, ORT. Money to loan, J. P. MAREE. * F. W. Geanina- HOMAS. FULLARTON, NEWRY @at., 1 nses, Com: nissi@oeric B, RR. Deeds, mortgages, losses aaa ell conveyancing terms Money tolen Geogicr Bre B. A., a D. 18 NOW N POSSESSION OF FI ER- mane: Timeee over Pitinesiones "Drag store, Residence. Old Micbiner Houte frat corner East coe Office. Bear Eotra on Mein street. 49 W: E. DINGMAN, M.D., Geer ot ai of neen's University ; mom" om of College CF beter and Surgeons t. Physician, Surgeon sand Accouchesr Sisco an residence---Main Street east Jd FOSTER, M.BRUCE, L. D5.DER uses Vita! zed air r pal pear Th WRenelove St, Listo Bt, Residence WOUNTY OF PERTH.--rHE WAR- D Li bein attendanceat the Cierk's OMoe on the frat and third wan each month,from 10 o'clock. The Cler® will bein attendance at bis office on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, from 1 to3o'clock,. The Treasurer will be in orang al at his DfMice on Tuesday noaday. J, Friday and Saturday of each week, during Omice hours. WM.DAVIDSOM, CountyOlerk.S oounty Clerk'somMce,.Stratfora. W, E, Bis sina, Davip Baxter BINNING & BAXTER, ARCHITECTS AND. ENGINEERS, ALUATORS, ETC Member Cnutario Aw penetrate my 'Arehy iects Apectaii-ts In Chureh and School A ront- teciure, "avitary Experir, Sojlctora for mta--F To All My Old Friends And Customers. You will fod maaan my new «Mce, NEXT TO YULE'S BAKERY, prepared to LEND YOU MONEY, INSURE YOUR BUILDINSS DO YOURCONVEYANCING rentorecti you s bonse, collect your ac apytent rent or sell yous farm, in a eek todo any business lo my lice © ibal you wi nn CHRIS. TABBER NER The Oldest Established to the trom ihe last sieges of (Bright's disease, bis ah death was several tim LISTOWEL ONTARIO, F > NOV. 80, 1894. $4 ST. GEO. HAWKIN ¢ EDITOR ARDPROPRIETO MUSI@AL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN BURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. WORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. LIsTOW BL. * WE CANADA ACCIDENT Ins- Co- MONEY TO LOAN © most favorable terms. OFFICE--No. 11 Main St. Listowel, next door to the Banner ofc. ii R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY,ONT, AGENT FOR THE . - London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. morn ny. ro LoOAWw im mpy sums from $200 and upwards ate low raw ra rege pani 4 done op Teasonanio terme MONEY T0 LOAN. On Farm and a ten roperty, at the low. rate, Interest papa anuuatly. and of aid anor nm Buch ager" of Companies, i ARTIN, Mr Listowel. MONEY re LOAN 5% PER CENT. . Time mado to suit borrowers, Apply to ROBERT MARTIN, Next door to Standard Office. Listow FARM FOR SALE. mt 100 acre conven- Usdou ie Pom ben! farme io ithe. ownalp ot "iraltace, JAS. ARMSTRONG'S Those dl yoarsoxperience if wuainers eh wthe wants of the people t ecan ive bie pot Batter value for their money tuapapy other retail! heuse in the trade n TEAS, COFFBES andSUGARS, | have one very beat, justtry then Abd ail olber Groceriesand Provisions Canned Gouda, | Ape Briar eal, Cornmeal, Huckwheat Ge ete. A panera stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE always to be found atmy Highest price paid for Butter and fea potatoes and allkin os of farmers produc A EMETRONG. WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on band a lage assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Moalt ings, Cabinet Photo Frame, Baby Car UNDERTAKING attended to at anytime) Fiast-Ciass Hearse in connection. Furniture Rooms opposite the P. ¢ CAVEATS, TRADE COPYRIGHTS. ' CURESAL ITCHING SKIN me de tot ° ent sianred "and in the bent st cultivation, aes worl bash nea A faable pisos Noe pe ine in pan mari, About 4 aores of, wheat, and ploughing mostly done. a auNC MO OLLET. me Wallace, near Wallace P.O. Mrs.F, Gunner & Miss Gunne will give epecial Electro and E Ec clectic he LADIES AND " CHILDREN, with NEFFS & RENT MAGNETIC BATTERY, sud the wonder-working' oo TROPOISE," without Electr Mi Residence, oor. of victorias =r Pene- lope ate, near the KR. RR, De OMce hours, 9 to 1], am. coi to 0 jot 6, LILLIAN M. GUNNER "Oniy the Scars Remain," favs ITenry itso, of the James ' mith Woolen PY achinery Co, Thikud« Jphia, Wao cerul- none impress nie more than my caso Twenty years WITIWvdVSU¥sS good, anc it was feared il moat be adtacted. At last, my good « Mother Urged Mo to ty Ayer's Sarsa: Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not Only the Ayer's Sareapariiia Prepared by Dr. J.0. Ayer Cures temas ourevou Tbe reading of the intormation was a period of deep suspense in the court, but it was atill greater, while nec craned and ears to hear what reply the prisoner would etot magistrate's question, Even Lawyer rdoch, whose nerve in great criminal bs act for her but an bour be LOOKED STRAIGHT AT COL, DENISUN. On the other hand, Clara, who did n for a moment of men were vent ng ber w mingled with pity th ought of the deat with which her name more handsome than pretty. prepossessing, adds somewhat to the interest of her sp~ pearance. "Ganlty," she at last said in an almost inaudrole voice, still gazing sie' at magistrate. ASTONISHED THE COURT. ustomed as he isto heating pleas cl of all kindr, the question in a louder of voice o the intetim, dates a murmor of ieee aes ent aroun the court, a herder edged up close to his chen, "who did not seem to appreciate the gravity of the situatio which she was placed. Tothe tepest- ed question o| of the magistrate, the pris- oner this time answer di: re 'rane war rm ro RO ony with her trial, Clara lonk er coun- ina adjournment for a week, however, was asked for by the crown an granted back s, and w bsequently taken to the county jail in the patrol waggon. A TALK WITH MR. WESTWOOD. pon Mr. ternootf, to ortance h first remark suggestions, still they were --_ without complete refutation, and it eed a re~ lief to us bo see ome ermnpect of the aie -- ip an ked as to nal knowledge he had Westwood said inquires since made se," he added, 'known for #0 days thet they were working in this d on." Continuidg e said he wae perfectly satisied Frank bad not had anythi it this latest would reveal notcing hurtful to Frank, or discover anything that would convect --_ ts sucha Mr. was --_ ifbe bad Deord the rumor that the suspected Frank of being the pr pe of s -- arkdale and that she had st erdeadabe ¢ 0D ag ts: con- seq . He repiied that ne had heard of this, but ly believe find such a smal! matter ternble a deed ? again of the 'ac Mr said he had heard many stories about her ing rh avenue, been -- this he poor osu fur STORIES ABOUT THE accuszp. \doings in the about ten years ago she lived with Mrs, er foater-niot jouces- an old house SAFELY AND SURELY BURED | Allen's Lung Balsam. rch, and att ther des e HER RECENT MOVEMENTS. i some few months pastthe accus< has been working at Barnett's tail- pins scart 154 York street and roo ing at Doraey", next door. "S e was always industrious and quiet, sel< dom missing any time, and often work» ing atier bours. She kept herself rather aloof trom her shopmates, ad ever told anyone much of dsr circum- stanees. Whil had during thar me still possession of the men's clothes abe hed previvusy worr, and whic were found in jar room wher her arrest, she was never #etn by Mrs. Dorsey or any other ipma! ot ~y house with them working wish Mr. "eaeats she had_em- ployment in similar shops, and last win~ ter when work was scarcein that line she hired at the Rossin House to do serub- bing and general work, for she was of an independent nature, and asked charity of a0 m. "THE rect WAS biodiing BECAUSE I WESTW 2 DID NOT TREAT 'ue eapenesrtnii ia PO ac Nov, 23.--These words are ontained ina brief admission of guilt i the night of October enough to render unnecessary the intro~ duction of the admission into the evi- dence for the prosecution. People a re already i liberties in the nature of the supposed it offered by Frank Westwood to yo Ford. woman of Ford's highly strung tempera» ment to the great est pas sion. She isa who at timesh ibl ebullittons af tem) and it transpires that she has threatened the lives of at Mr. W ade expression | jeast two persons. of intense reliefatthe prospect of the tisa- sed circumstance in the case mystery being cleare tse." | that from the mouth of her own child the dh It will not give ck OUT | most damning evidence may have to oy, but itewill give the lie to the dread- | come Flor c as yesterday ia insinuations which have ade} iocated in a boarding house on Jarvi in some of the the cruel | street, She made the astonishing staté- inuendus against the family nakich have | ment that he- mother had as to en throw God # this 5] gay that on the night of the murder they all been awful enough without adding | atre the theatre together. oit tm that way, and » I eF | little girl's remarkable story is given be~ hought on o bad carefuliy fol- | jow ; lowed the evidence id lieve thes sITTLE FLORA'S STORY. The coils are tightening about Clara Ford, and the pains are couGdeng§ that abe is the _jpurderer of estwood. They have located her alleged sister, known as Flora McKay. She Fagyt vant girl at 232 Jarvis street, ma seal - heme! the 15 year old Pctioke of the woman tp jail. Her story, sad to ay forms one of the strongest inks im the chain of -- against her 'ough the a mentality of the child that the parent w traced by the authorities, pired. oot know who the men were. They ASKED TO SEE FLORA and told me that some money had been jeft to her ar her sister, -- Ford a knew that this cocld not be poor old Mrs, McKay, with whom I -s wainted, had died penoiless, saw ber at Mee McKay's frequently. ii thi Clark girls at that time. Ido know that HAD A VIOLENT TEMPER, bat would never thought ber cap- one of t on. Previous to]; Whether it will be cad necessary to ri On Tuesday last two detectives called bed nn) ia the centre of the city, aod about two | Fipeheal by appointment FRANK WEST WOOD'S MUR- years azo return: tods wate x er ol * and Bay streets. DERER o Fern avenue, uotil Mrs, McKay, who | We sp , and w ° for some time invalid, hai} f was abe told me to meet --__-- to go the General Hospital, from there | ber at Abe 'ing even- Clara Fora the Mulatto Wo-| moving to the Home for I bles, po 'me then, 'lf av iy EVidently Done the where ehe died pril a you Lyon were on urday man, Evidently Jo: re, McKay, the foster-mother,is des- | evening; | them that y Shooting. cribed by those who knew her as.a good-} S THEA: WITH eee, carted hard-working wo . She Now | Mind yoo were First Pleads '*tjuilty,"? Then Changes It | {rom Cape Breton, and wasof High- the thes y night. 1 went te **Not ang When Taken land Score! tage. Though she tomectt again at the corner the B Magistrate. never had any family of her own, she of Bay she was bassi fond of children, aod} ssa; on night, but-did n SOME LIGHT UPON THE PRISOMER'S PRE See adopted four, of} sag her. es a long time, but she Touhy .- * Clara was the Grst. There ate} aia pot | yaa L went home. I SUPPOSED CAUSE OF THE "auRben, |20me discrepancies in the accounts of | 296 see followi use "| the girl's origin, some declaring that day;) Oo ny eens the mr. Toronto, Nov. 22.--Clara Ford, the ~ beable 8 ong hs ee ey: deri bere to work for mulatto woman, around whom the police pipecneer ns Fost taeemeat ese Me. @ Wext day my mother cL are ' chain of circumstantial ; : ; evidence which they say will be one of the gems Aap Bs sce ---- "Did: yy apything abuat the mur- strongest in the history of recent crimes, | SOrTeC's rs rs . dead. bigbl der? was brought up in the Police Court out Ter sto tawil vad te a : said 'Don't forget bow, bo! p Again Fone with Baving test cincy wi gues o Mrs. "Me. Moves = be shot rank at ' anyose you, y's care, and fora time liberally. ' his Ps ; cuaped: Leer thar,' She mate no th ce young ape ott ab- " vies is hal ny Crown a _ ceed A wer ria' thes 'at we a 12 {had been at thé theatre together, but fact the Sages joer's own d. mae er. The , . exisrence "aie little one, we aid to be er talk they made me the reas 's alleged strong question her MY MOTHER HAD ae om ME wan Ford, are you guilty or not aversion (0 = eo, ane having keenly felt or 8 the ses all te koow where og lived bef 1 tala' them. know nothing more tt Di you ever see your sda io men's clothing "Yes; I saw her once many years a t pever sii I was bute very litte girl then and can scarcely remember it.' "Did your mother treat you kindly at all times?" "Yer, always, Realy I was away in the country she wrote to me continually, and eli told me to be » o out at nights." good girl and never to go ~_ Flora sed Clara said she -_--. -- er Clara. "The tittle girl ecemed c beags a strong ronabhece to her aoe HAD LONG CHERISHED REVENGCEFUL FEELINGS, Additional facts which have come to tights show several circumstances which, a of the réevengefnl disposition of Clara Ford, might motive for the murder Westwood for bout three years ago a letter was sent to authorship of this letter bad traced tothe prisoner, Clara another onl known to be in hes bandwritiog. an which tt was com pal the members of the Westwood family of having informed q Doren- justly or nob the charee of having fired the shot was laid at Cir a's door, PORT ARTHUR HAS FALLEN. 'After A Stubborn And Gallant Defence. THE JAPANESE HAVE" SUCCEEDED IN GAINING POSSESION OF THE STRONG-) EST FORTRESS OF THE CHINESE--- HEAVY LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES. London, Nov 3H pal Serpatch. from the Central. t in troops assailed the city at every point. The fighting 7 terrible and was only ended when unable to way to Pekin . Whetber or not tbat city will | vaffer a like fate must Swhat action Chi will take withing very few days. A China has terms of paying two bundred and Gfty million or , for it, With in peril no can estimate whet Geer sage may place Spoe ranks TiMRY REPOLSED London, Nov. 23.--The Star this moroiog prints a despatch from Tien- sit stating that ay yer aye! made upon Arthur by the Japan- ese tpoopt. In the first pws ate hinese. - New York, Nov. 23.--The Herald's hai special says: Count Oya- ma's army ¥ northward th: promotory jn the ts 'ang. He has left 0,000 troops 'bebind for fe invest tment of Port ! After ) Wioch-Wang it is sxid | © Field "6 destination will be Shan- Hate-K.wat,the terminus of the a ay no ope stern Sepangiog menage: | ly @ or. relating to the war, eho have raised 'the standerd of re- 3 Se evangelist @ Belumore, bas false a a to years Pasieneaty, The miais! 7. now me which is Med@ader the title | ot "From Mie Peipt to the Peniten- tiary," 25 ae é "Bas served his America 100% Years Ago. Every genilemaa w: wore a@ queue and powdered his ba' myrisonment ie debt was a com- mon practice. There was nota public library in the United States, Almost all the furniture was import- ed from England. Ancil copp:r mint in Conant was used as a prison. There was only one: bat factory, and ot 4 that made cocked hats. Virginia contained a filth of the * whole eenen of the countr; Crockery plates were objected to be- cause te r dulled the xciv Two stage coaches bore all the travel between New York and Bos A gentle"vn py | toa a always =e ~ foot day eines consisesed himself} P wal paid with two shillings a day. Aman sho. doses at the preacher wigan in Beef, pork, salt fieh, potatoes and hominy were the staple diet all the year rou! Buttons were and expensive, and the trousers were fastened with man had enough tea he placed his spoon across his cup to in- dicate that he wanted no more Leather breeches, a checked shirt, a red flannel jacket and a cocked bat formed the dress of an artisan. There were no manufactures in the The church collection was taken in a bag at the end of a polr, with a bell attached to a rouse sleepy contiibutors. at new ar rrival in val was set upon by thiog he had. Some Yule-Tide Don'ts. Don't put R, S, V. P. on your pre- gent to yuur rch uncle. Don't borrow money from your friend to pay fr bis present. Don't present your vite with a haod- some mahogany cigar-box, Don't give your guest who bas over- staid his welcome a travelling bag. Don't misspell the word "presence" in the lovitations to your Christmas party. Dap't attribute your bonbon -- bi the drum your enemy sent Don't ecline a present simply on cause the expressage or postage bas no! been prepaid Don's expect your husband to be pleased if ue Bive him an ivory-Dack- ed hand m Don't ere | om more than three pairs | ™ of stockings if you are visiting friends in the country. er present to your in mI for a oe card. . + impersonate Santa Claus in a sealshia sacque, rubber boots and at- burn sid: whiskers, Don't eat twe mio ce pier, plum pudding, -- salad and ice cream, a omplain that he climate § not open with you. Should Children Dance. Whether her children should or a <= ct > » 4 o o e » e & 2 a 5 > i of this graceful exercise and recreation, because they lose sight of its advantages Lin their disgust for its frequent abuse by 'the unrefined. The benefits, both mental and physical, which the young derive from a mastery of the art of dancing are manifold. Children who attend a well-conducted dancing school cannot but be impressed _ the grace ious politeness exhibited on every side, even boys w o have previously gymnastic exercises and di superior to all others in its beneficial effect upon the cafriage and manner. Graceful motion is always easy motion, and, therefore, causes much less wear and tear upon the physical nt thao angules and awkward actio' The British Empire. Iris ieee om IN THE WORLD'S ISTRY, From "Foran rum" ish Empire ts a politi cal "creation passed by China, but because with an area of more than 10,000,000 ates and 352,000,000 inhabitants, it is scattered over the whole globe. It embraces all zones, from the icy wilder- cess of Hudso ju a produc ritish province does net bring forth in ---- qual- of citisens of Toronto find with christians ai all confessions, 200,000,000; -- about.¥ . 000; Mohammedans 8,co0,pog, nd the Bible is printed in 13@ lanquages and ® = a head- | wan man- | an civil Kare | S* TO BOOM HAMILTON. The Object ofthe Ha Hadlal Railway Co. NETWPRE OF RAILWAYS WHICH Witt TAKE IN GUELPH, BERLIN, WOOD: iD OTRER POINTS. York, Nov. : Mes --A special to im Baffalo says : medial qualities of Dodd's 'Kidoey 5b -- -----___--- _________} "Satisfactory Results." . Si s Dr. Curlett, an old and honore ed practioner, in Belleville, Ontari who rites r| si rofula Tb. with the joe satisfactory results." = re moote Aged evolv ar the-Hamilton Redial 1 Railway compe and United object being to ivert trade to Ha aon while the ater jor object t explained in phe received by The Evenm who aske that his -- be' not revealed at this time. He says * "We intend to build afirst class road 4 Guelph, and on bed sradieats will be fully up to the -- steam railway requirements. Nia- gare Falls branch will be continued to Boffalo, and the 228 miles, which com- pose the system, will reach over one-third of the population (nearly 700,000) 0! | Ontario, and tap the rich farming com- as the total captalization of this ro will less t one-quarter of that of he hip oe n de will have 10 yea aid up, it ie thought y the Sos | bulre will have a fair chance for big di on to build a line to make connections between Buffalo and Detroit, as none e grades --_ en Suaper- sion Brid a oe ock en our line will be over 35 fe tothe mile,' he new line wil itsis believed, sot in harmony with and have the co-opera ation of the Canadian Pacific railway. f ____________.____ _____] Some Mistakes. ~ The Canadian advocates of free trade facturers. Nothing of course could be more absurd. The fight there for free trade wasa y¢ manufacturers ; and history vincing people that on Englan -- it every other civilized nattun He was sure of it; bse~ weant events show that he wasall wrong, no vy i country having adopted it up to this Npdew & thatthere sonld no land drives out of cultivation by the free importation of foreign grains. This ecy land id seve cain B igor. am cause o forelgn graix. Two Men Killed. A DISASTROUS BOILER EXPLOSION MONTICELLO, BEARS GRAND VALLEY. AT Orangeville, Nov. : 22.--Shortly after ile: exploded the sawmill . Essery, at Monticells,. near Gran Valley. he explosion sed great killing two Orangev' McQuarrie, aged 24, and Alex. D, eiderly man, whose wile McQuarrie's mother also lives in town. Several men were very badly injured. Otto Hendrickson hadan arm broken in two . | places _ James Bower and men med Walker and wit several others, were very badly hurt. Most of the injured men belonged to Some of them were home for burial. ------------E___ Prominent Blegara Bb District People Say { Mr. A. E Douglas, Druggist, Wel- land, 7. "Stark's Powders for Neuralgia, Biliousness and praised by all who Mr. J.' H. Burgar, Treasures Town of Welland, says j-- "Stark's a give good satisfaction and sell rea Mr. Alex. Rumsey, Imperial Bank, Welland, writes --"Stark's Powders are excel Mr, Wood, Manager Tepesial Bank, Port Colhorne, writes :--"Stark's Pow- ders ¢o their work admirably." Mr. A. E. Taylor, zo -Reeve Town of ee Sag flags ark's Pow- di © two aad of suffer- ing from aces "Sick Headache an ea tomach when ¢ther medicines failed." Price 25 cents a box; Sold by all medicice dealers. --_--_ Figs and Thisties. i music cannot get into a gloomy hea mre iand. that flows with milk and honey bas giants io it. Ih is better to suffer wrong from all tb or lost by koowing our w ° There people showers of 'teng ge expect them to come without clouds. The,sea otter is the most valuable ee ol Fare.) Sesn0p Seve Nese for {a single skin. of Hamilton, Oat,, an association of Can- |- fystens wil likely be the line t Beta ed, Druggist and | * pray for indled by mai DR,LOW"S PLEASANT WO! SYRUP removes worme of all kinds fom chlidrem oradal: While a ball was ia progress at the City Hall, hyena Longmen fan face umber of burglaries ted at the residences o THAT HACKING Co niek- we ancee by aogier "aoe Tacoma, or Ranitr, coma and Seattle NORWAY PINE SYRUP heals the lnug, NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures Coughs, 1 ZORWAY PINEATRUP outes Bronehi. Ste shooting 'William Ellet- lost a leg vind toa wound in- flicted 'ia Se ber Jast, admired 10 bair, can be o by the use of Ayer's Hair Vig the as- sistance natu Oo make ¢ supplied by this excellent preparation, Between Teeswater and Glenannan on charge passed through th: air between two ladies, bat = one was Tl numerous cures of rheumatism the use of the old standard blood-purifier, cured others will also core you BURDOCK PILLS, small. xafe and surn regulates the liverand cures Constinatice A Iseadford, Oat., despatch, tells how a o gpa ake day k fur cap for « black squire rl pig = a load of shot into ms neck of med Benrett, who was working in wan, seeunasien CURED IN & DAY,-= outh American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia immediately Th = dese greatly benefits, 25 cents, Sold Touw LivincsTONE, Jr. Dauggist- The a B. Ss. has --. Treasurer Wightm county money depo: arge share of which will ha good by bis iN TO HORSEM: 0! onli d in the bank, a i ve to be made EN.--One bottle lood spavin, aplints, curbs, sween stifles and sprai ba | y: \Geonon R neon F Farmer, rkham, Ont, Sold by John Livingstoné, Ir. H. life insurance swindler, under arrest in Philadelphia, is charged with being the cause of the mys terious disappearance of a third woman during his operations in Chicagg. That person is Miss Kate Dur kee,and she ia said tg bave had cone! rable p prop tarks Powderts, each Sick Hea 6 saa stomach fining a never tailing, perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaints, dso many icines do, lose their eftect or produce alter constipaticn, and are nice : take. cents a box at all medicine ers. 3 e engineers sent out under Con- dortaher fe: ng dancerously stabbed by Uni ill an that the property of the Van- treet Railway & Elec- =~ bh 372 rH oe g Ly » a a though sesh e of --_ new Py not yet lacloned. A cor company company nero to complete}, ine the staf. : The Militia Department has to appropriate ex- tensions for holding mounted cannon and shot piles. The same firm has also secured the contract for the erection of le ------" at Lundy's Laneand tea' 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Wh Camoria, a 2 During the recent strikes many rail- roads applied to the United aes -- 1 War Department oppos ment of these charges and px s kel pen poe con® test the claims in the Eaglish capitalists maka been deal- ing in South Dakota during the past few. years have been investigating the vi ali of their holdings, and find in nearly every instance that they have been swindl J. L. M. Pierce; an English- o who bas been living in | dur- Kz the three Bars Is ts alleged P.erce bas realized fully $1,000,000 in years t gh traudulent and forged «chool bonds, tax deed ifs tawaship bonds, etc, . finan the new Teorgan- ee Let Resistor "pe

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