¥ a t SING! We have a fine stock of PRESBYTERIAN , ~ -HYMNALS Mich., are visiting at Mrs.-R. Roth's. each shipped car of cheese $5,170. ogee dears gag Sacra la f cheese from race past week, the two ship- ments, 727 boxes inall, being valued at pls Toesda i. .E, Hi 3g00d milch cows will be cold gt the same time Gorniz L.O.L. will dedicate their AND HYMNALS and PSALTERS| sents ort oie | wool, 72,618 Ibe., valued ato little over '--that we will sell at-- HALF PRICE. J. LIVINGSTONE jr. $15,000, We understand that the ship- m years' intake at the mill here any ago meeting of the Session » Listowel, was held Nov. 4, to consid. ~~! resignation of Mr. David Lamont, a voluntarily requested to be relieved on Jany. Ist next, of his position as ent comprised the bulk of the past two grand concert. nee, Grand Master,and Mr. R Bimringbam, Grand Secretary, will be present. A st usical programme will be presented, in which Mf. James Fax, Miss Annie McWhinney and others will take part. Cuatrecce Not tHe Riprer,--The Toronto World publishes the fo'low- ing: "Short'y alter of Amedee Chatt lle, the butcher of Jesse Keith, at Listowel, The World fcr- warded a full description of Chattle, hop with his portrait, to the assit- of Police, Criminal Druggist BANK OF HAMILTON. leader of the choir, which he h ly and successfully presided over since the summer of 1888. tion will re- gret the loss of sucha faithful aud punctual a_i but as he has w urged the sceeptance $1,250,000 $675,000 OAPITAL RESERVE FUND - pie requested the appointment of Miss Min. -- the same, the change to take effect the DIRDCTORS beginning of 1895. Misa Bolton is an ex- OHN STU P peri m and her appointment a" oe ai will no doubt give entire satisfaction to th tion. A. G. RAMBAY, Vios-Pazs. ON PROCTOR. @ Se capapaniie of $1 and EORGE ROAC: WM. GIBSON, MF. Duatn or Mus. A. Monais.--On Wednes- _™ ee mentet sparse atest ot ePioiat, De to date of withdrawal. Di roars also received at our- at Britain andthe United eaten sold, Collections made on favorabie ne R. ART it. Agent Listowel. for The immediate cause of her death was the dislodgement of o gall stone, which wn to the abnormal proportions of a horse-chestnut, and which cauned the poor LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1894. and had been a resident of this town for twenty-nincyears. She wasa membecrof the Methodist church, and was highly esteemed by all who knew She was a daughter of the late James w ood, who died in Liato- wel about two yearn ago was a sinter of Mrs. Thos, McDowell and Miss S. Wood of this town, also of Mr. Frank Wood, = apector of Port Hope Public schools ; Robe Wood and Mra. Bell of Bradford, tad Smith Wood and Mrs, Coulson of Elkhorn, THIS is St. Andrew's-day. Fresu gg Served any way you wish, at Wm. Welsch's, Pertx County Council will mect at Stratford on Tuesday next, 4th De- cember. Dr. Hay has located in Elmira, where he "? purchased the practice of Dr, Clin WINTER -- holds more than its own, | Manitoba. Wood, mother of de. as it has done during the greater part | coused, who is over nent yeara of age, of ber. is still living, ded = with Oat Dust $6 per ton, at _ Palmerston husband's her daughters here since her death. The family formerly came from A. Mover & Co. Weat Gwillimbury township, being one of No one should miss Ramsay's "Trip mend the W orld," at = town hallon Oatmeal Mill. 42 ceased leaves a devoted Wednesday evening nex He i and grown-up son and daughter, . R.A. Morris, drayman, and Miss Ida Men nfm Livicstowe site : va i teacher im the Listowel Pubhe are < ».| School, at present attending bis Se sates _ eens aa "purchasing School, Toronto, who hace the sympathy of Tue Rev. D. Dack of Simcoe, for mer pastor of the{Baptist Church of this town, i3 expected to preach the aniver- _ Sary sermons in the Baptist Church on * Sunday, Jan. rith, 1895 MEETING will te held in' the Mechanics' Institute room this Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of forming a reading and debating take place this Friday afternoon at 3o'clock, -- the family residence, Main street east, © Fairview cemetery. Mr. A. B. rings Digg of Paisley, Dic coagd a this town, is ap- plicant for the vacant clerkeh hip = of the ourt in pee with apparently good prospects cf 5 inintionion Departasent, -- Scat- land Yard, London, S W. The reply, which came to hand yert:rday, is par- ticularly interesting, as it sets at naught the theory of some people -that the murdir of Jessie Keith was done by the same hand that horrified London aid defied Scotlan Yard. The World is also enabled to afford addi- tional proof that Chattel'e is not 'Jack- pee AT COST AT GOST! We want room and we want money and will sell: all in sock at actual cost. Sizes are full, all new goodsbut we find we need the roonr for FURNISHINGS and TWEEDS. Our trade for both is increasing every day and must have space to show them, See our Hat window for the-Ripper,' aod to show that the per- petrator of the om crifme is ad 2 certain English Junatic port ior three years be has locked fi The World's "add of" is contained in . e count o ¢ wi Jack-the-Ripper by Dr, Forbes slow, insanity expert, of London, Ene land, ia which it is claimed that the tourderer is a London physician with a maniacal penchant for the atrocious crimes which have given the Ri world with notoriety. His identity bas been hushed up, with the assurance that he is in a place where it is utterly im- posrible for him to commit any more of bis horrible mischie! Ramsay's Famous Trip Arounp THE Worip ---Court Listowel I. F, hae been fortunate in securin W, E. Ramsay, the well known 'bumcr Ko bargains. $3.00 hat for.;.........$1.50 $2.50 hat for.......... $1.25 te | $2.00 hats fot...eee.... All fine hats and.pood par Specfal lines in' ---< BALLARD & COGHILL, or to present his new mip Around tbe World," at the ens hall Wednesday evering, Dec. . This is a humorous monologue, designed to give full effect to Mr. Ram- say's peculiar talents, the whole making a mirth-provoking, though instructive narrative of song and story, the funny points being accentuated b new colored views special y prepared for the pur It was recently presented rn the first time at the Massey Hall, ronto, under the patronage of the Line tenant-Governo,, atthe annual ente:- tainment of The Royal Grenadier-, when over 5,000 people were resent, and it met with their enthutiastic ap- preciition. Mrs. Ramsay accompanies her busbai.d and presides at the piano, The Court has had the good sense to adopt popular prices of admiuion, and not to reserve more than a reasonable Proportion of the seals, and we antici- pate for this venture of the Court an unbounded success. We subjoin a cutting from the Toronto Empire: "The annual entettainmert of the Royal Grenadiers in aid of ihe band fund, which was given inthe Massey Music Hall last night, under the pat~ club. Both ladies and gentlemen are inyited. Ramsay's "Trip around the World" wa cro ighted h jane AN Eve.-- i barn a oung m: mploy of M Brock, 2od contessian of Elma, bad tbe Ouses | misforiane to lose je of his eyes on here. You will miss a great| Friday iast. He was shooting sparro if you do pot go tothe town | With a small rifle, whenae piece of shell treat ballon Wedaesday evening next, 5th 'opular prices of admission. -- 35¢- 25¢. and roc. Live stock has been on The eye was subse quently removed by some of the town physicians the move Opens To-nicut.--The Lis- dmission toc. Mr. Andrew Kay Leslie bave each shipped a large double | w!!! have charge of the rink during this Gok car ok hogy, the Sarum te Lage ae an attractive picks of ecreaaiee ' solland the latter to Toronto. ting this. season, sha ase eapaaed * Locan's SMAati-Pox PATIENT. -- | the band tor every Friday evening. The William Seebach, the small-pox patient. | Hockey club will also make use of the who passed through Stratferd last | rink ics _ and matcher. Season week {rom Chicago and who is now at | ticke obtained from Tab jon Sect y, or at Hacking's drug store OIREE MusicaLE--To be held in the town hall, Dec. 10: Miss Minerva Holton and pupils, assisted by James Fax, Canada's famous humcrous vocalist, who never tails to Captivate bis audience, Mr. Fax will perform four different eelections during the evesing. bis ia conjunction with a good pro- kramme otherwise, ought to be one of the most attractive events of the sea- son. is father's home in Logan, ts said to be developing what promises to be a bad case of the dread disease. Dr. Brown, of Teronto, bas charge of the ease, and a Toronto nurse also went up yesterday to look aftcr the patient. The Seebach home is isolated and every precaution is being taken to pre- vent the dread disease spreading. WorxsHor on WHEELs,--E. Tayior wishes bis old customers and tb: public to rnow that he has again arrived in town with his cutter and grinding A CANCE To Do Goop.--You can with first-class workmanship. bave knives, scissorr," razors or tools of anykind needing sharpening, bring them along ; also umbrellas and par- yasols repaired. Skates ground at roc. a pair. Come everybody tu the work- "bop on wheels, Wallace street. cu c. Congregational Litersty Club n met last Monday even- Suscmne attbe home of Mrs. Kidd. _ = a splendid attendance and a aum- a fo Dre A io ber of new members were added to the sagoa little grrl, roll. "Longfellow" was tbe subject Beensiord, bad diphtheria in seve of the evening's thought and study, | form, and the doctor roy altended oer Miss Kidd contributing an eysay on el the following remed the Poet's lile and wor oth works, whic! no ¥ steam | do good to bumanity--to suffering little power. Everything in his line will} childreo--if you Ik ousands of be pttended to in short order and | People have canned fruit this year In your wosbi if y a Ed to, angements will made bk have i fruit brought into artists have been ' Jarvis the celebrated tenor of Detroit, ners th aay as and Cl thea Iet Teche Tae This cut mane aed sahject that comes befere socicty | relieves the patient. Also at its next meeting, Mogday evening, | continually = & pot on abe tee Dec. 108 : will member of ni by myed dito boiled mx gallons of vinegar si petens of the fam ly took diphtheria. D.--A_ well barrister gives mg "fol Tuere will be gives on hy 28th of Dec, under the auspices of Listowel Knox Church Choir d- concert in town ball, Listowel. The following i secured o teams yand Medalitst Academy of Music, dion, Eng. ; Miss Nora Gibson, mo more tion : = the faw an . eadanzering ped lives of pedestrians gramme. ladies only in counec~ "I oss thinking a i tion with this will also sonde jaw within 'The above secured is cien! the concert will be ofa Pian of hall w the law, be driven spidhy over the cross- igg por can the. driver obstruct the ing. GHTS OF "Pass ENGERE.-- Brock ville Rematel Why should mae doctors on railways take up a ticket till bis journey ie com on and after that date. | reason given js po tickets are ete fora contin Passenger fou Secore your seat as soon as the plan is = ous journey DET and the on *, "Bias Nora Gibson ix one of the. Hage . at why sbould Elocutionists upoa the "-- Buffalo rof all kinds, from comic to seotimental, ronage of His Honor the Lieutenant- coe and Mrs. Kirkpa trick ard ut- Col. Mason and the officers fa ment, was a every respect. Every and it ie estimated that th of the youth, beauty and fasbion of the city were there, andthe sprinkling. of scarlet tunics added much to the gaiety of thescene, The featnre of the pro. gramme was Ramsay's "Trip Afound the World," illustrated by colored scenes which were exce'lent and Mr. Ramsay gavea description of each of the piaces. This was in avery racy style, while he also intro- duced a miscellaneous collection of bumeruus stories, sayings and of songs He was quite 'Kiplingesque' in this style ; every title thing reminded him of another story. His droll stories and Quaint sayings were irresistibly murth- provoking, but in his songs, pariicul- atly those of a comic character, be was simply inimitable, and bis audience roared with laughter' Anctner at- tractive feature about bis songs was that they were all new ; with the soltt- pal exception of "The Villiage Black mith," none of them haying been mag bere before, Lord and | Aberdeen have ar- rived at Montreal, Sir John Thomo will sail for Can- ada on Dec. At Mono sites Mes Harkies, charged with shooting her busband, was commit~ ted for trial. It is tomored that the war correspon dent captured and killed by the Chinese, as Frederic Villiers, the well-known artist of Black and White, formerly of apbic The Remington Arms Co., of Ilion, N.Y., LL said to have received from the Jspanese Government an order for 10,- fon hapenane. HEART Disease RELIEVED In THIRTY InuTES.--D) the 33 I r Palpitation, Short: Breath, S: ering Spells, Pato deck Lett a avd all symptoms of a Dise ne. dase convinces. Sold ty fe Losiopvtons. The number of immigrants srrived at New York from Europe for the fiscal yearendiog June 30, shows a decrease er as compared with the At Singapore the post of "tiger- -slayer~ in: "chief for tne Straits Seulement" has|* o been givea to M. de Nancoart, a te with a record of 509, tigers ng Leopold of Belgiom offered an pte prize of plan of supplying Bransiy wih ish og © competition is open to th RELIEF In Six HOURS. --Dutressin Kidney ipeases re Kidney ret by the "Great Sou 1d great exceedi relieving nal in the ofthe "or kidneys, back and rs evety part ¢ urinary male or , teenale. t relieves retention of watér and pain hee it simost i im- mediate! It you want quick relief and core this is your femedy, Sold Jaks Livingstone. Courier. Harold s, the celebrated " who hs vote the médal 2! _. Academy of , was d last wight at St, Temes Hall. five rib voice, and aie wee style 2 SIRTE Ss. SEpiW aolhasaiete a DBATHS. 'Seren We pear, ¢ months end paas a es Oost - ne Ae ha J. M. SCHINBEIN. | city of Cash; but attend our visited the city market this week and it was strange to see how anxious the manu- facturers and wholesalers were to dispose cf surplus stock. Some were moving into larger premises and therefore must lessen their stock. hard up, that sounds tamiliar don't it ? and as long as you paid for the goods, they were almost willing for you to set your own price.- Well, to cut it short, we are loaded up with the finest range of Men's & Boys' The cheapest goods ever shown intown. The latest styles and best makes.' Nail these prices:in your memory. |! Two hundred odd pants from $l upwards. from 75cts upwards. hundred men's & boys' over- coats at all prices, going at 25 per cent discount for cash, going by the wholesale. DRESS GOODS. of drers goodsut 8 cta, All wool serges, at 27 cts. Our 60ct is th mere is a snap. Our sateen finish Henrietta 50ct. cash- best value in the market to- quality made, beautiful flannelette for $1. No more space to quote prices, all we ask is tocall on us and see our Boots, Shoes and Fur Capes. JU. M. SCHINBEIN, Don't worry over the scar- great sale which will con- tinue another montht We coe = STOVES er is hereand yoda will want.a 'Erai-class e to Ret one is at & SARVIS'S. ° of ery ry Heating" stoves in stock, RA NT HOM DOUBLE BURNING, COAL STOVE'S, the best IS HAPPY THOUCHT RANCE. tisled about this Range as it speaks for it- yin: use in Canada. nowledge that for Style, Health, and Economy, no waterproof in "MELISSA For either Men or Women. --==NOTICE FROIM== J.8.GHBH'S BARGAIN STORES. ery from ...40 eta, yard op. ateecneess eta, cach np- Men 22 ota, ms Men's a ewan 'rood range aul Men's | sooks ze Men sBr Tr. forS o Men's Ready de Pants from. aes Men's Felt Hats Sects, Men's Capa from... str een +0 seeveces Boys Felt Hets latest atyies 88 cle. Boys' Caps, Cloth and Fars, TT More wonderful stfll are the bargains here, SPOT CASH knocks prices level 'Selling as we do for cash gives us a Zomandons advantage in the race for trade. Think of a busi- i a Pe and NO BAD DEBTS. Shoppers get the 1 full benefit of small profits becausé the aoe pay cash here and prices are figured on that basis. y Cask ts 3 King in the markets of the world. We have found that pin The first condition of a well managed business 1s right buy- ing-and that is why this business grows. e get in on the ground floor and can sell at prices many buy for. OUR FLANNELS -- jand flannelettes at MILL PRICES. Just think, what we are doing for the Public, in thus revolutionizing prices. We know you appreciate what we are doing, your goodwill and patronage has proven it. We sell cheap all the time regard- less of what-ethers are doing, Our every-day values are usually better than the "Special inducements" offered else- where. The people are finding things out for themselves. ave you seen the bran new overcoats we are selling at $4. or the one at $5, they are only about half price. Every in- agigest man or woman knows that a cash store has a mighty Sreas fe and can sell everything cheap, we give you for bs of the best Paani sugar or 27 Ibs extra beighe yellow or 30 lbs of a good dry refined, no. old trash here, good honest goods, ooo weighed ad. measured, haat dee We mean the uncolored Japan tea we are selling at 25cts, selling now elsewhere at 35 and 4octs. € guarantee it the best youever saw for value. Goods for the rich and goods for the poor are here side by side. One man's dollar as good as another's. OUR DRESS GOODS, -MANTLES AND MILLINERY ust now go, December months will bring unexpected bargains in these lines, we will about cut the prices in Boys" Underelotbing aii sises Ladies Vesta ld Ladies Vesta Dota, Extra fin Tots Ladieew and Children's Woo! and Cas Ladies corsets 3 Capa | Ladies Collars 3 tor Sata ft tote dR $11 reduced in "Ever: rybody should see our atock of Dress Gods, MEN's SHOES tp fine and beay) its Lue RIGHT. Ladica afd Children's ah are Some were Overcoats and Suits. Fifty odd vests Three Five hun- red men's & boys' suits, all Our Mantles: are We start a beautiful range 40 inches wide ay. See our serges, the finest 20 yds of SPEGIAL CASH BUYERS, "| SUITS It is hard to tell the facts about clothing and yet not appear to} be bragging. You'll find no such values elsewhere; unless "} you dive one third deeper into your pockets. As long as you nard up, leat and call on us and we will make you feel happy. INDUCEMENTS TO AND OVERCOATS made to order and' READY-MADE CLOTHING --aND-- FURNISHINGS. ook-hard up you will feel Turn over a new M. WILDFANG, Bign of The Elephant, Now Rasing, New Curran span Tes 6lba for Bp Ceylon Tea, oar BEN HUR blend Hota lb. BILICO claaie evetyth ng only 10 cts. age Weicy Highest prices pald for batter, O£K6, potatoes, ete, ivored free. Every' come, J.-S. GEE MainStreet. - - - "* Listowel. As I have started to MANUFACTURE FURNITURE IN LISTOWEL, I will take good -. ELM AND BASSWOOD LUMBER in exchangofor same, also logs ofany description, delivered a Limowel, I have in stock the very best values of furni- raat of my own and other manafacture, and can supply your wants to the est advantage. I will 'make to order any furniture wanted, in first class style and at manufacturer's prices. Leave' orders at store. HF. BUCK WALLACE STREET Oe GONE WEST --------_-0:0 JACOB SEBURGER has removed several blocks west, to the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. ROWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, south a and.is opening out large stocks ot 'American and Canad . WALL PAPERS, All the latest designs and ig apn ~~ at lowest prices T keep the heaviest,stock in to SPRING - ROLLER - WIKDOW - SHADES ; alo CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. RHADY:.MIXED PAINTS BTC. Aso adding largely to my stock of Confegtionery and Groceries. Tea, and you will come' "Peper Rangag ge Pei P ting given' prompt sitention, art « estimatce fu: Se. JACOB SEBURGER, hts, Main Street, West. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1895 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES a FINE LADIES' GOLD WATCH GIVEN FURS, FUR CAPES, FUR CAPS, GLOVES, ROBES, etc. Will you come and see them, see our men's fur caps, all new beautiful Beaver caps, for, $6 worth $8.50. We are working to create grounds for confidence trying to made our- selves and our methods known. 'Carson & McKee, SSALLOWS & ALEXANDER KY KO. nn Furniture & Undertakin Store of Listowel peed bed where to spend thelr money fn furniture, ror nonees and Alex Wahave at presentone nlowsl, Upholater pla feosives ear Pi are eatilt 0 of th most p roa attention. Estimates cheerfutly given, perie: stich In the oder sag in Canada and large red to eondnel it ts the most thorough m One of the finest Hoarses this aide of Tovoals to in cénnectio: MATIN STREET LISTOWEL HARDWARE ROBERT MOORE, ----DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardare, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tableand Pocket Cutlery SILVERWARE, Lamps Cross-Cut Saws Axes ete. ROBERT MOORE, THE HARDWARE MAN - Main Street DEVOTED TO AWAY My Potgaph Gallery 'Parm Crope and Processes, Bortionitural and Frait ie Growing: ve Btock and Dairying. fie it also inclades all minor depart. ents of rural interest, such as the Poultry Sg go AND AFTER sATuRON Y TATH| ary athe News, Wek ia, Maree EVERY DOZEN PHO.| Sais tirsving'i rer a Bay a2 att eu } iberalty iNtue. DRAW APRIZE. | Bearer ser, car eerie NO BLA abe Club Rates for 1895. sabecriptionay one remitianes, - +400 Seo e lucky 4 will draw@ ladies' gold = Main St . Listowel. ICLEARING SALE OF xai|BOOTS & SHOES ALSO HOSIERY My Ready made Clothing will be slaughtered. ° A large stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS at very low prices. COME AND oper FOR YOURSELVES. Respectfully Y: J.S BOWMAN. ween rail ian ivecal