Listowel Standard, 14 Dec 1894, p. 1

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can. TP. Magee, | * --v_ DARLING & BLEWEI BLEWETT; Serer nod au DARLUNG. F. RB. BLEWETT. - MORPHY & OARTHEW, BARRISTERS. \ Pa fe ~~ ow Ao = ~ MiMsortiese eras enchant Bank ong pettaes plo he at ern renee F. W. GEARING. NEWRY. nos, Com- HOMAS, FULLARTON, Ser nissioa . Resi corner Fast of 0} SB Evtrance on Main street. #9 W. E. DINGMAN, M.D., G RADUATE of 's University ; m bat paiacolicue pby at ow noc oc and Ware Surgeons uJ FOSTER. saucer mein Btreetenst ST. LISTOW Bis Wt M. BRUCE, L.D.S.,DEN ct. ST, uses Vitalized alr in id N painicss extractings, Office Lat at near Thompeon Krus.Store, Entrarice, ) St. Residence 15 Penelope St. Listow UNTY OF PERTH.--IrH y¥ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and 8 Saturday of exch woek, durin WM.DAVIDSON, oaniginniin oountyOlerk'somice, Biratfora, W. E, Bresina, Davip Baxter BINNING & BAXTER, VOL. XVIL--NO. 46. MORRIS Plahos MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, FPRTISTIC BESIGN - DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. LISTOWEL. MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. THE ARMENIAN NUAN ATROCITIES. Additional Detalis of 'the Batcheries. SEARCHING T ANGLO-AKMERIAN GROWING IMPATIENT, L News bas this despatch from Zrequesied.the j¢ Minister to send a Washington Government is yet unknown. The Suitan o Gen. Bi "M. BR 10K] ER. Dominion on neunance Co HE Canaoa. ACCIDENT Ins- Co. Berlin Vossische Zeitung will print to-morrow the following narrative, 1. favorable term d women often: took the iiss ee ri Main St sduineat next | Places of men who had been killed e door to the Banner office. ii position becoming er gi: Grego left the women to defend itand took his prpeee out to forage fo t food and ammun R G ROBERTS ition. The women maintained the de- . ° ' feo e 24 hours and then yielded to great- SHIPLEY, ony". er numbers after su ded o = ve sh ir condition was terribl b AGENT FOR THK London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. nignelah tsi ass. ENGINEERS, LUATORS, ET et Member Ontario Associa' tects LISTOWEL' AND STRATFORD. Specialista In Church and School A rebl- tecture, Sanitary Expert», Solicitors for Patenta.--k ~s To All My Old Friends And Customers. aS ee You will find me in my new office, NEXT TO YULE'S BAKERY, Com panies, --~ALSO-- "MONEY TO Loan Im apy sums from $209 and upwards at alow rate of Interent. done op Teasonane terms MONEY 10 LOAN. pt Farr watews. 'Town property, at the low. en \rate. Interval payatle yexriy, part of the prin cipal can be repald anuusliy, and Interest aitowed on etch ste of pr uf . Mortgages bougbt. Copveyanc- . Insurance pin ced tn responsible sf Apply if "MARTIN, Listowel. prepared to LEND YOU MONEY INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS DO "YOURCONVEYANCING rentor sell y 1 how ne, collect sounte, rente # farm, in fact' to do MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% PER CENT. Time made to suit bo were, Apply to re Next door to Standard OMe, List cw any EAN anh Meal foe the al you want, 2 CHRIS, TABBER NER _ The Oldest Established GROCERY .WM.. FORREST, ae i ow the wants o' bays forcarh and always fresh, hecan give bin custcmere as good, no otter value for their money roap tt | o etall heusein the trade In TEAS, COFFEES saadSUGARS, I h one very beat, Justtry then And ail other | | Fite" Oatine ie om ROEe Canned Goode. | oor, cornmeal, Huckwh sae. A wol merci atock of CROCKERY and GUASEWARE always to be found atmy Highest price paid for Butter and Egg potatoes and all kinds of farmers Pp sroduce . ARMSTRONG | Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould ings, Cabinet Photo Frame, aby Car riages, &c. Parties purchasing $10 and over worth may have goods coheed to any part of Elma township free of cost UNDERTAKING opie toat anytime. Fiast-Ciass Hear in teen Furniture eames opposite the P, ¢ C EA EATS, TRADE MARKs ONE Eo ae tet seoha ph LES beans inte stort bere bY phow tae ee Yous, Sei me Bhoabwak, FARM FOR SALE. Lacie eprin aa bout "es Tourking saoetty Gone. ne, » OHNC MOLL lot Ww i * mae con: * Le P.O Mrs, F, Gunner & Miss Gunner will give special Electro and 1 Eclectic Treekent LADIES AND CHILDREN, amatioution pictaiga bork treatment cw iy romedy for jeoter, team, Pimples w- © eeller » suffered from " s Chase nt fem f, Chase * oY ay ats Le at cept oF nee " aoeates: © cams: m, aAtes & C0.. 48 wearo 1ff £0 COMTS F a tox . B Little D Daughter Of a Church of England alate ured istreesi : Tt ave i ten *s Family Bedicines rye: and heave heard -- but 59 x} a tt vm. I know sinintoenyaivag Sasns nit ter of a Church ot England mi: The chikt was literally coreredl 1 hoad to foot witha -- anil ex- sly trontiesome rash, from whic ered for two or three hy a3 to io & orita of 1 effectively to half-a-dozen people scatier~ : A w them. he women saw Bear they could ever fight their way through the ranks of the enemy o's es stepped on a x gh rock and cricd terr, you hoose between two things--either full into mee ae of the Turke and forget bus! shomesand your holy re- ligron, to adorn Islam and to be violated, or you must follow my example." There: rik Saened About fifty women and too children were en prisone: he en re the torture silently, aud refused to betray Grego and his Grego's wife was named Shakhe = CLEVELAND REGRETS, The learns that President Clavchad ee te othe ae tan his r gret that he was unable t nd an Ame can delegate into Avene with the cone: mission of inquiry 2,000 MASSACRED, THE BRITISH GCVERNMENT SERIOUSLY ONSIDEFING THE SUBJECT, AND A s INQUIRY PROBABLE-- | wut's Sac, got tpo «odor, December 6.--The Daily | becf no dele gate lo accompany the commission of THE END OF A FAMOUS BUNCO AW THE Canoe STOCK YARDS, its corres | steer that. h pondent in Constantinople :--- News from | cold cers vations sources confirms the belief that} are the c ing coun yearlings ; ¢ first reports menian mas- | heifers Dick has led a= tb the butcher's) secre were not overdrawn, There is | ste'l hammer. 4 reason to believe that the trath was hid- Probably there never was den from the Sultan, whoon November | "critter" that o wide ac princes and pretty summer marvelled at the skill and with which be steered ca temple the. Lake Policeman Siev way the creature mt its notoriety orns from Texas and Missouri co tnd lure them on to death and destruc- to! Many years ogo Dick arrived at the yards, and being a beast of more than usually sagacious appearanre. was pick- out for the work, Dick was care- fuily trained inthe art of walking upa at the head of a bunch of cattle saunter down into a pen full of new. and cattle and scra © pissage an tranasct business A dispatch to the daily news from Con- He believes ood, and that troops werethe actual murd- ENGLAND WILL DO HER DUTY. Lord Kimberlty, Secretary ct ibe: Fes peco: sicchies had excited the horror of every '| ivilized countty, and thie feeling was shared fully by the British Government Svery ort was ing tosecure an impartial and searching in-~ quity. The Foreign Office was io active correspon with its agents near the scene of the massacre, and wou not fail to perform its full duty to the coun- try. NO USE WAITING FOR THE REPORT. The committee of the Armenian s0- e i in London passed this resolution to- tit i tl manifest duty of the Do yian Government to propote to o ternational --*> behalf « Turkish rae MORE TURKISH PERSECUTION. rmenian jouw a: Tiflis states t the Governor of Bitlis recently sent circular letter to the Armenian notables commanding the sign an ress to the Sultan declaring that the reported Ti h excesses in Sassoun district to sign such upon eight of them were prison hrown imo Ontario Formers' Institutes. office of ihesew new be Phe ma of Mr. -F. where cimigaresd quarters for the purp o provided in the olga Agtis cultural 'College main build ht : time for arraneig the nstitute ectings throughoat 'oe Province has mecessarity been somewhat limited this season, all Superintendent by suagye s specially appropriate to their localitice, for meetings, ct and directors ahould me neglect no means whereby they may be made as widely s possible, in reba = jt the Ratherings may be large owever competent, can talk at a a town or village hall. aes allentive and will put ie into almost any speaker. Apart from the actual information discussion (often the very best part of a ecting), these gatherings have asin.oat equally great valuc* griculture io ry confidence in this the ---- in- et et the country, --Far o- He Leeked Pleasant. Mr. Lenz (photographer)--1I have not for a long time, had aoa er-- sir, ts swell, < welll Perhaps you are a cycli ? tise Mr, Rhodster--Yes, Il am , Mr. Lenz--Ab, that enplains it . | comes from ridu the machine on ston in. S» Dick grewfamous. Bat like many msus characters he grew puffed up with pride, got lazy, and began to 'iaydown on thejob." It gotto be so easy this thing of leadin i spleased with this mit ain mes ¢ hike to have t jobs, was none with the herd, capverted into dress ick has suffered th former partner, known to the batches as Phil.--Chicago Daily Tri- bun BIG COMBINE Int LEATHER. A Syndicate Ready A to Bay all Ontario IMPORTANT MEETING IN TORONTO, Tcronto, Dec. 6.---A meeting of the tanners of tie province was beld yes- terday for the purpose of organizing a Tanners branch of the Board of Trade. A large number of those interested ia this branch of business were represent- n Bros., a W. Paterson, Peterbor A. Davie & Son, King; Corsong Pe erry, Meaford; J Bem S'ratford ; Aiken ros. Orangevill: rennan, Chesley; H. ald Ml an treal, and J. Winnert, Neu- stea The present low pirces of leather, as hig tices of which the following resolu was unamniously adopted : "Resolved, that it : the opinion of this meeting that lea' should be ad- vanced from toto = per cent. upon former prices, owing to the price of bider." It was also learned that Mr. J, Mooney, an inspector of bides, Mont- real, was introduced ts = méeting and after referring to the generad\depres- sion ofthe taincing business made the important announcement that be .was prepared to buy out all the tanneries of those present, = itis stated thata i h, ow, Itis thought there is a power, ful syndicate behind rt. Mooney that an attempt is bein, - made to con- trol the business under one manage- The Executive Committee will con- sider the matter and the in- dividual members, These officers were elected, after which the meeting adjourned. tive--L. J. Breithaupt, Ber- lin ; (chairman) eorge C, erlin; R. M. eal, Taronto; K. = J. Dans, Kise, a A. Willis tec- _impecion Sic Teeny Gal's Millar Oshawa ; A. O. Ww. af Bickel, Toronto, with N. SOFT-CURRENT MAGNETIC PART: ped reat the bearer EL "ELEO-, par aenainek ox oe: sotwletore 8 and Pene- lope ste, noar the KR. OBiee hours, 9 dete and 'todp, m. . to poor crn -- Mi 2 Box R&S, EO. GUSNER, LILLIAN M. GUNNER samo ras CURE cs soot SUDDEN roan rus CHILL ee and trying to look as if you parrors Mr. Jobo killed by be ores at he Shore diwe or Rowan. Repl 4 2 tandard Y, DEC. 14, 1894. $4 _ ST. GEO. HAWKINS ¢ Borrom awd Proratesx crystals pure and whi While Phoebus through the ies sca night | Sheds her pale light o'er hill and dale, ged upon the peo- that they should kad Toronto, deal im, however, who will sympathize with bis appeal to the Wisni No less a person than Sir. Richard, addressing the w no man could take away from We 'again it is difficult to con- ceive how any Canadian public man, aia a camer pa could far forget himself and the honer of his country a5 to degrade lines the Conservatives deserve to win and sill wia y our interprovincial trade is & great o1 The carrying trade of the Intercolonial, the Grand Trunk _ Canadian Pacific as well as o lake trade shows that. Indeed the case itselt kept, were examined by a ie thoroughly versed in such maiterr, and his report was that since 186 trade which is properly purely interprovincial has probably increased from $2 0,090 in 1867 to $100,000, cago, -autiaaedl 71 we go on growing great by a policy ---- Y ~ trade between ¢ Dominion? the electott e decide. UR OF THE MINISTERS. ee Publicly Repudiat- IN THE "ALLEGED STATEMENTS THE DATE OF .THE GENERAL ELEC TIONS--AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING AT TILSONBURG ilsonburg, 'Dec. 6.--The ministers Ti were emphatic ard unequivocal ia their repudiation of resposibs cn for Be state- ment cog ees capt onryded. hem tbat Sir Joho Th inguish premiershi a = fimong the law lords of Eland, that he would be suc- ceeded by Sir Chatles Tupper, and that the general election might be looked for ta March, Dr. Montague was just as earnest in --" nial. Haggart, when sen pga to, said shat be Lay never such a state- ment, nor had such er aalsaeat been made io Le emacs Mr. Patterson declared that there was tion discus- election," aaid srotoly Mans Seren, next same or next year, | know -- ing> We will take the ng see which suits us best ia going to the coun As thst Sir 7 Jobo on aeveniepant di Ps the pleas of following, Pires ---- election I fight will be under b . eee. & party arrived --_ this peg gto at g 30 o'clock and w met gromieent town people at the station amd were es- corted b the ceenetned mtreets =< Oritha ; C. Kin and Whitby, i 4 F. T. Daville, Ce Soath can F WE cay Be grey oa bap Rob-| Ri! "and Nentalgia radically rdmore and Rented 33 Household Hints. ore rt of . er ast mutton," says "Major | | « Saccens worth haviog is success hard oshus" in the not~to-~be paper ie Bovel of name, "wh: some people kept their grep 5 which time variovs unpr of "hy have been trymg to eee the mor- em.--Slice severe! pieces ham a Fs then, remove the fat and peel over a Rice Dumpling --- Boil one cupfal of rice sntil done, ubout thirty minutes, then drain. Takea of cheese cloth, of ia the pat the apple in the ly. Tre tightly and throw into a kettle of boiling eaters boil mpl = saan: Lorena untie and they a eady to Checolaie: Filling. --Two-thirds cup of sugar, one rape pe chocolate or oné $qu and flavor antil it thickens. This m: z three layers, sing the white to frost Pp. © ot ech, is one cup Saar, half cup wkters fet it melt and boil not run when sprea oe on toe cake Dishes should be dish cloths should ways be washed out afterward in fresh boiled once a week, and hung in the sun whenever possible. , Horseless Carriages. The eople of Paris seem very a ious to get ri horses in the str ate, The French were the first to take up the bicycle and adopt it for everyday use among all classes of the people. In the same way they are leading in the movement to get a reliable substi- tute for the horse. aoe F wor' up a good deal of enthusias.n ich is better than Cis anything m the whole saddle Y" Since -- they do their hands, al epi- Short Furrows. yout children Hints forthe Dining R: fe The ow ee Ss A * oar omnes ha water in wh -- aad re harves isbes xh -- worked was! w eep it bright t doeen't ta vr . ; a might « a his onn rt ee iz Jurong to break hen "sweet -- tothose who are co: be better off. ie ead, to kick is in the heel, not | Countries must be due solely tot! To men talk you id think that the surest way to at rich is to curse those that are rich. A tail with the dog off is usual! ® good deal more than a dog with tai | ease A. "stiff upper Sip" seldom belongs to | mill will rs going. Those who learn the lesson of prac- tical ec: -- during these depressing times will find in it ample compensation in the merning makes early iran in the passa pleasant. uit of . doccesaful lite le grows on the re - economy. at man is pars capable of caring for is own soul w is too thoughtlessto care for his hor ° a Canada and Australia. THE cepbaaas TAKING GREAT IN~ REST IN TRADE MATTERS, oO Mackenzie Bowell yesterday received a letter from method of carrying out o 2 Ss a? ae 3 " | og 28 " 4 the agers ot 'the conference bearing on the establishm eed Pacific cable will, armly approved throughout Au Stralasia, snd I hope the cost of conatruction will be found not to exceed Mr. Fleming's estimate. ce Mr. Fitzgerald wrote his letter all are under Mr. Fleming's tralians are ule in the question of ustralia, ao 'esentauves of four dhs om Australia lines, have just ffice in uver. Th asto the possibility of trade in different ines of goods. breeding of is" of more importance thew thi the breed of your brash, and trrigat *| witha chamois and dry mings zi Peony re erate ae nee Ot te by and by" is rot likely to mtinually sour FAME TRAVELS. THE MERITS OF The followin ronto Empir pe cerpt from foe ae: mith & Co, + advert the United States, tte deman Ask Inspection; of Cheese. BRITISH IMPORTERS ASK GOVERNMENT TECTION AGAINST FRAUD, Dec. 6--In add.tion to the sr aioe tate ot London, Tpoo! d Glasgow, thove of Bristol solved sigh send a -- to the Canadian same call as he pele bbe of coespete ary Eire h charges are included correspondenc e thatthe H commis sioner fur Canada will forward to Ot- tawa Western People say of Stark's Powders. For Sick Headache, Biliousness Neurs zie oe Seip, foreman of G. T. R:, Eeeniite on eer suffered for ten or twelve years from severe . headaches. Nothing Pan me good until I got Stark's Pow- der Mr. Horace Willy, chief of police, Woodst ack" ted Powder: Woodstock ;--"They rs. Mary Keat s, 88 Main Street, i fle ave been of the great- oer blessing zto me, in fact they are wons i Pe Price 2§c a box; sold by all medicine bok place between Paris and some other city, in which some fifty of these horseless vehicles took art, So suceessful was the display of these unique carriages on that occasion that another exhibition of a much more committee of twelve leading Parisians has been formed to look after the de- tails of the competition. A large amount has already been subscribed. ' donations range all the way from oO UP to 10,000 fran No distinc- thon will be made as to the build or the motive power, t special prize will be given to certain automatic and trole machi at are now have great expectatio ns. Aft will see the horse a vanishing element. on the streets of the big cities, Women and Poultry Dressing. the newest avocations which pro -- one it has proved in some in- stan At this season of the year live t ay are ing w far the larger number wil ts between now an Year's day. The live had pages enfecinwuars & Dace that will ae a cope e-balf cs pies ve~ Bot t removed for market at this part of the se ing them a ~_ better oice taken in assort! price may be obtained for th pair. Young women may be hired to assist at this rate and a fair profit are pi Pealtry should be thoroughly co! bei ed, and theo packed pany batter paper. Never use newspaper for the purpose.--Americaa Agnculturist. | Ygt_ Sane ¢ Frenchman asked an English spar- maker what he was making. ae. was the reply, @ much neve you got done?' was Ph, ens 'A yard." ere ae ee spar come from ?' 'The And 1 a F t the lacidi aod pant td at city ofthe ans seeurl only 3S cent Kidwep Liver Pills, language. all other remedies fail, The reason for the necessity of mus~ -- activity. ny man whodoes not take time to take exercise will propaly have to a time to be ill. . mind are beth ieee for the proper ai 2 them our Maker will a us respon ercise sradusily increases the rs, and gives more strength Ld do- for your apt pe Ate ides = mind while the allowed to tion of all that j@ a suc- cess. uaicies willhelp to giv ercise will help a Pali man to le. ada ee life. 8. Varied, light and next to alee p, will reat the better than anvinier lee, 9. Metal will rust if not ae and the body will become diseased if not bestia brisk exercise, tired brain A "too busy" to take care of 'health is ike be workman too busy to sharpen bis A Domestic Tragedy. There was sorrow arts fend little ane 'I shall ina forgive him! Nev Never !' she c ec relay herself upon a divan and wept bitterly, There was a ring at the door bell. 'Ah, my'dear mother, itis you!' she exclaimed, as a w of commanding presence entered the room. tis I,' was the $ o | find you cruelly treated by the man whom | had trusted--the man whom __ Deseret you? Left you to tace pov- rty alone: bat A poonne He--be asked me to mend bis trogiers." used a and now--ob ! horrors--1 'Speak, my child, speak. 'He has worn my bicycle bloomers oowre to bis office tch '~Philander Johnsop, in The Jelly: Man. Long life to the jolly man! Wherever he goes there fits a breeze or sparkles a life green as an April mea- owns upon a ringing laugh. have no patience cither with the inane giggling of fools ; but downright, glorious amor, with its " quick following peal o' laughter, is music to the sou ive us plenty of it to keep the dust out of our hearts. Did you ever hear of a villain Meo was fall of harmless fan and enjoy- a night owl is different from a lod: bobolink's sunlit spray of morning y- Heed the Waruing. ver present warn- " Brooklyn, Dee. 7.-- "y= The preoey: af he Brooklyn 'berade was sol der foreclosure yr Batting yesterday. 2 were tostituted by Charles T. who held a second mortgage on property. Me. Wilt nunght the prop- oo35. Build Up. When the system is run down, a per~ son becomes an cacy prey to. Consump- tion or Scrofula, are saved by u soon as a decline in health is observed. BURDOCK PILLS, smali, safe and surn eguiates the liverand cures Constloatioe Mr. R.R. Nes addell, barrister, of Ham" ilton, is dea At apostle the Conservative os ' phatic deniais he John Thompson as Pre rk's Powders, each package of which contains two preparations, one ina round woode x, the cover of bh forms measute for a dose, an immediate relieg Sic ache and Stemach, also and another in capsules, (from 4 of one is an ordinary dose) which on the Bowels, Liver and Siem form- ts a box, at all medicine dealers. «go years The Weekly Globe of Toronto has had an enviable reputation as the one great weekly of the i It hae always been a ed and icome visitor bet: to day. The | Globe's enterprise is proverbial. Its correspondents bave traversed and = col All great eVeots have been tally Heat The speeches of leadi politicians, c es by Mr. Laurier, a Hocteinaa Cartwight Mr. Marter, Mrs f the Ontario Cabinet, and othert, letters from mem- lobe's editorial staff who events. an attractions.. Another po rd esky ingPoagenrs from the Khan amily ssstsals Tne Weetly Globe is cafealiea== -- 46a, PA

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