Listowel Standard, 14 Dec 1894, p. 3

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SING! We have a fine stock o PRESBYTERIAN HYMNALS AND ~ HYMNALS and PSALTER * that we will sell at-- HALF PRICE. J. LIVINGSTONE jr. Druggist Mlevolving upon him, trusting he may BANK OF HAMILTON. CAPITAL - + $1,250,00 RESERVE FUND + $676,000B wit) pass into now hands at the beginning a ef the new year, me of the new DIRDOTORS bompany is not JOHN STUART, Paxsipent; 4. G. RAMBAY, ON PROCTOR. A.T. WOOD, pee 5 date ofde to date of wi awal. SPECIA parosr 1s0 received at cur rent rates of In erent. DRAFTS on Great Britain andthe United Biates bought aad jeotas Collections made) on favorabie term: a #B, STUART it. Agent Listowel. Vice-Pass. GEORGE ROACKH, WM, GIBSON, M. P, {Toronto.) Hy and suitably. Manager Seargeant of the Granc 0 trains overthe entire system in the G. T. R. $16,000 a year for the James Butler. Cottarsrp,.--Mr. E. Taylor and his) 'workshop on wheela" came sets meeting lent on ednesday, morning. About 6 o'clock, ne Mr. LISTOWEL STANDARD. Taylor, who makes a home of hia workshop was in bed, the platform over the river on Wallace street, on which the workshop, FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1894. boiler and engine rested, suddenly gave way Boa ety ins Hntuniness could take) feet. = y in two gentlemen boarder: Mrs J. M. McKay of Harriston in visit- eek, ing the Misses Baker this wee Farsi Oysters served any way you wish, at Wm. Welch's. Mr. W. eat of hin sister, 3 Central Hotel. Tue seats for the Harold Jarvis Concert! on the 28th inat. are selling fast. From the number already sold there isgood proxpect of a bumper house, Mr. Gro. E. Hawkins, brother of the} editor of this paper, after epending- a week in Listowel, left for his home in Streeta- ville yesterday. rs. Baker, Oat oe $6 per.ton, at Palmerston Oat. eal Mii mea e A. Morrn & Co. Tux British Mortgage Loan Co., of Strat- ford announces its 33rd half-yearly dividend, at 7 "r annum, by 4 pe ont advertisement in another column. Ay additional shed has lately been erect. Ya edat the Methodist Church. Mr. MecLennan had the work in oe and he has made a first-class job of Removan.--Mesars. Carson & McKee) have leased the 177 store on Main street, d will inva of Woodstock is thel f of thell more the shop and engine from dropping into) the river, as in the latter case Mr. Taylor's property would doubtless have heen badly Commercial hotel on Main street. L. 0. L. Orrtcyns.--Loyal Orange Lodge No. S70 at Hie: annual meeting wn the Rickardson, D. M., Chap., Bro, R. Stanley, Ree-S led; Bro. Wm, Spears, Fin-Sec tye re nslacteds Bro. . MeKeever, Treaa., re-elected; Later, Bro, W. E. Wakeford ; S. H. Hichardson; tion, and is looking forward toa very perods year. It is almost a settled fact that the celebration of the Battle of the Boyne will be held in Listowel the coming 12th of July, and a large gathering from fe y announce a removal sale in this isre.| ctive.--Every lady in town It is really - most attractive window ever shown her ® annual Christmas "wea New Year's sg excursion fares are announced hy hi -T. Ro The fare-and-a-third rates Meta: on the 2] at t.. tickets return up to 3rd wan'y. Resruven -ate for the Harold Jarvis concert are'now on sale at Lamont's Music The date (the 28th) is drawing near, and those who wish good seats should secure them without delay. heing good atore. Taxts.--This is the lant day for paying) ¢ taxes without an additional 5 per fact which town to keep in mind. the town hall all day to receive them, Miss K. Craven, assistant milliner at Carson & McKee's store, left on Wednesday last for her home at Cobourg. During her stay in Listowel she made many friends, who will be sorry to lose her. Cossznvative Merrtinc.--A large meet parts A the surrounding counties is take part sherein. ovens Tux Christmas number of the New York) Ledger will be published December 22nd. It will be a beautiful and elaborate product of the printing press, a marvel of cheap printing. It will be sold for the regular price of five cents. It will have an illum inated Christmas cover with an exquisite) winter acene, a beautifal girl returning over the anow from the woods with greens for Christmas decorations, The girl is a win ner, In this number a new serial story, en titled "Ata Great Cost," by the new and popular English author, Effie Adelaide: Rowlands, is commenced. Mra. Barr's dle- lightful story, the **Flower of Gala Water" is continued. It contains a portrait of General Booth of the Salvation Arm several delightful Christmas poems. Christ mas = editorials, iustrated Christmas sketches and a Ch mas story for a children, with all the usual interesting fea ures of the Ledger, specially adapted fot the Christinas season. brought before the Every Conservative in town is Ep. Bainzy, whose in Bluevale, and who has beeu attending the Berlin Model School, has been engaged a teacher of U. S. S. No. 2, Wallace and Mr. Bailey, we understand, is a young man of good promise, and hols a second class cert home is Stamr Vexper.--Mr. J. H. Gunther, jeweller, has been appointed by the Post Office Department at Ottawa licensed stamp) Vehder for thistown. Thia will be aconven-] lence to the public, as the post office is clos- od to the public during a part of the day,| while the mails are being distributed. i cession ©! Elma, left a flattened bullet at this office a few days ago which had been found ih the centre of ap elm tree 34 feet through. was cut out in chopping. The bullet shows the grain of the tree on its surface, and must have been in the tree for thirty -or forty, years at icas Worxsnor on Wit --E. Laylor wish Castata,--The Cantata to be given by Christ Church 8. 8. on next Tuesday even ing, ISth inst., in the-town hall, Will be; one of the best entertainments ever given w the SS t in called nta Clau's Home," or "The Christmas Excursion", and » consists of three parts, an introductory overture by of six pieces, 'ander the leade rahip of Mr, F. Rogers, followed by choruses and march ing songs There will also be a solo by Frost Qaeen." and a duet by "Snow Flake" and "Frost Queen." This part con- I cludes by the reading of the grand Bulletin! annouucing the remarkable journey of the School over the Great Arctic R. home of Santa Claus, Par R. to the t I, opens with grand chorus and tenor iy followed by Santa ( s' Male Quartette and Round. is and It closes) with a description of the departure of the} train for Santa's home, In Part III. the School have arrived at Santa Claus- ville; but somewhat diseppoluted im not finding the old gent at the station, as they had sent on a messenger announcing. their intended visit. At last they find him and have a jolly time enjoying his hospitality and seeing 'the wonderful sights, including the famous living piccure sent him by Bay- ard Taylor for filling his stockings when a! boy. Part ILL. is interspersed with beauti- ful songs and choruses, with response: whole Cantata clowes with the Iceland chor al and Good Night. Allare invited to come rat-c! you have =A acl ¥ ior ola of any kind needi sharpening, bring them along : tuateallan asols paired, skates ground at, al ® pair ; also cross-cut saws Come everybody to the work. ex ther wheels, 'Main street, old Commercial Lance Cunms Surrmests.--The balance Listowel station, two car loads, cara, 1501 boxes, value $11,936; and yesterday another ehipment -of four cara was made by Messrs Ballantyne & Sous,--the three is means over $40,000 Ste ee and enjoy a rare treat, Let the children have a bumper house. rs open at 7.30. Admission, adults I5e., children 10. tically carried and the warden replied brief- At Montreal on Thursday last General Trunk Rai by one 'of which the news privileges on the Ontario They will pay, news at on a 'Chatham have passed into the hands off TRALEE. 3A. McConkey, eho Linwood, returned home this week. hie prospects are MORNINGTON. Mr. Robert Dowd pioneers of Seda eae died on Thar: day of last age, and "bad 'lived a very large "ne The entertainment held in Shipl- last week was largely attended greatly appreciated. Every lwas the occasion of LEBANON. Mr J. has joined his fam mily, who have beer visiting at Mr. Geo, Lo Bl ; dotee the past mont Norrs.--Binning and Baxter haye prepared plans for works : Residence) been ertsed for a week vr twoin and around is mecorerian slowly, but t. Mr Hewitt has again gotten his saw luring the year, and for the faithful manner nil} in operation. "ne in which he hasdischarged the several duties) long one of the early townrhip. e¢wasa native of Ireland North ae ogy cemetery, and was scucol-house on Thursday evening ol Janet, of colaory, Masitshe, the are full, all new goodsbut find we -need the room FURNISHINGS and TWEEL Our trade for both is increa very day and must 1 pace to show them. y BAL ARD & COGHILL, See our Hat window fo UNDER- CLOTHING OVES TIES ete. STOVES - STOVE he: ishereand you will want a first-class cetogetoneisat . = = SARVISS. -- and Heati \DIANT H BURNING COAL STOVE'S, the LIAX & SARVIS | door West of e A. Hacking's Drug Store. stoves in stock, ME . DOUBLE , Stove pipes, Coal Ol!, Lamps, '- SOUTH SIDE COMMENCE ON SATURDAY DEG. 15 Monster HE GREATEST YET KNOWN IN THE TOWN OF oe ee There is nothing which makes a better present to you wife, daughter, son, alone than one of Gunther's gold or silyer watches. utely correct time keepers. Then his stock cf ladies' and gents' chains is immense in quality, price and finish. In cek, A Boyd, drover, has dis- xception of bis two ccltr name cf D. Campbeil it leew es under the name of Douplis & Co. re Dougtas Wynn have comet he stock ¢ will be now under the mar- 55 ampbell bas ted a- situation in Markdale here he previously worked ; this speaks well for Mr. Campbell. Mr. Campbehi's spheres Court Atwood of the Independent Order, esidence of Henry Hoar of Atweod. Roaat turkey and oysters were the ctpal luxuries aaene Ag time wos spent and the I. O. F. of Atwood ha: scored another seceepe. eared aNATOMN --_-- w Kress, w bad been ill Jor are me. died on *Bridey Her remains were oy he in the baa an buryit.g ¢ roel on the 6th Miss Serah and B. pe en have had an attack of inflammation of the bowls, ere abl< to be around again. The Methodists are holding mestings ct es They good succes 5 Dea ason died on Tuesday cf in- flammatitn ot the bowels, She was burned in the old) Listowel cemetery She leaves a family of three boys and two girls to moura her Loss. There wil bea tea-inecting at Sa- lem cn Dee. 17. Allare welcome. B appearances there will be quite a change on the sixth Ine> about Christmas time, Mr. Geo. Weidenhammer i: spoken 'of as a probable candidate for C suncil- lor, 19 the eveat of Mr. King's retiring: rcvival are having ELMA. Mr. and Mrs. Laking, of (iorrie' were the guests of Mr. Hunter 'Thurs- day and Friday last. oocrthree from the 8th line a pa'ty Wednesday night last. Mr. A. B. Weever is in Guelph this wi posed of his entire farm ag wth the ATWOOD. The Atwood crug store has again chaoged hard:. Instead of bearing the vay vccigd. M. SCHINBEIN tended Dougald Campbell's ferewelll , e e Th b the E h Li GO TO e members cr the Epwer. ea- gue purpose holding a tea-meeting in Sharon church on Thursday evening, J. M. SCHINBEIN Dec. 20°h ev's Hopkin of Littowel to buy your Hoskin cf Glenallen, and other speak- are expected to he present. Every XMAS PRESENTS. large steck ot Xmas at the closest cash prices. Children's White Boas 25c. Children's $3 and upwards, $10. LADIES' FURS $30 ; $2.25 and upwards. Blac Fur Sets from $4 upwards. Gray Lamb Capes, full shapes, We havea choice stock of men's and ladies' silk handfs. for abe. aie and upwards. Mes ed Hondkies i in all sizes pee prices, Linen Handkf., Child ren's kid gloves, ined and un lined, Men's and ladies' lined driving gloves, Woollen clouds, shawls,fancy petticoats, Men' fancy smoking jackets, white shirts, cuffs. Night shirts! from 75c, and upwards, Che-| nille curtains tor $4, beaittiful, We have bought an uuusual gifts, which we are prepared to sell weplace. 35c., 50c, und upward. Child- ren's Gray Lamb Capes $2.26 ; White Lamb Sets Children's Gray Lamb Sets from $4 to Greenland Seal Capes $12 to Greenland Seal Muffs k) 25 inches long, $23; also fur} rin-Bpjackets, brooches his stock is complete. Talk about engagement rings, it is hard to find a store in Canada that has a better tock than Gunther. He always has the latest out. Ved-- ding rings that are pur old, warranted. A handsome line of keeper rings that are beautiful, you cannot mention an article in silverware but Gunther has it. Genuine Rogers knives, forks, spoons, carving sets, etc., all must go. Then in fancy goods he certainly has a beautiful stock. Handsome China wate in Dolten, Lemogue, Crown Darby, and other nice ware. Everything i is new and handsome. Then if you wantto see a handsome store Gunther's is the One' price, and cash only. Watch repairing ne right on the spot, and done most satisfactory. Loca ager for the Bell Tel. Co. J. H. GUNTHER Vatch Specialist, 40 Main St. West, Listowel. e guarantees his watches to be abso- leased that} large and se ito gen own as the three sevens, it will be eee pas us ica the most modern -style, the vate ion en ving us a.full ie oth on thi oon eos floor or ws fect. which wih, z o. excellent advan' We therefore = S decided to commence what we "REMOVAL SALE," that we may reduce pees ia order to movin Goods sold moved, we therefore our ock as much as jaseen, oct great task of here will not have to be say GOOD-BYE PROFIT. Everything must go. WE SELL FOR CASH; and et soneae all the time, but until we move we eat our well known record for CHEAP GOODS__.._: You can readily see it is only reasonable for us to prefer selling the goods at wholesale prices rather than having tomovethem. We have no time this week to quote prices, but remember to be here on Saturday next and fol'owmg days and we will quote you prices. BARGAINS XMAS GOODS J. S. GEE'S J. S. GEE'S Head quarters for Christmas tree supplies Candies, Nuts, Oranges, about cost. COME EARLY IN THE DAY. Dress goods all reduced to Carson Oo McKee, Dates &c, i oo a tMen's; Women's and "Chitt- 'amily ipeernes rything new and raltitee eatrants, Crom Blackenits Locos |ren's Rubbers and Overshoes. Orange and Cit: Peels. Pickles, sauses, TEAS - TEAS - TEAS )stews ana oye caps in cloth, selling pesiamcag We Our Cezlon Bisck and Ceylon blend can't | body to call and see us be IRS Rvery bod 5 ee see our uncolor- | ed J e don't slat it} ito bewerth Sots Ib, 'Ba me ols aire ibe beat. Kindly cali and sealette, cur! invite every ighest prices cob t cant) | ege*, fresh meat, poultr ss. GEE | J. Ss. GEE. aes for butter, Hundreds of other* things whick we cannot tell you. Do not forget our clothing-- the best value shown in suits and overcoats. Come and try us for any- thing in foot wear. A tull fresh stock of Xmas Groceries. cutrants} for $1. 14 Ibs fine stock raisins, for $l. 'Fine syrups 50c. per gallon. 34 lbs brown granulated sugar for $l. ee, © si Have acquired 'the plant. machinery, and retail furniture business, and book accounts of Mt. Henry Buck, Inker- man and Wallace Streets, and in future the business will be conducted under the above name. Mr. Henry Buck will have charge of the manufacturing department, and With new machinery and every facility will be able to put goods on the market to the best advantage. The retail dept. will be in charge of Mr. Chas..Timm, and will be in a better posi- THE LISTOWEL FURNITURE COMPANY #t sos' ao°nor 'wish to buy, call' and see our stock. TILL WE LEAD. ------. o AE : SALLOWS ¢€ ALEXANDER. are at present receiving ow --XMAS~ GOODS, --- and in a few days will have one of the anat assortments of goods to' choose from ever exhibited in Listowel. If you want a suite we have it. An easy chair we have it. And not forgetting the children, 'we received a large consign- We take great pleasure i in showing our eueee ORDERED WORK receives our most careful attention. UNDERTAKING attended to in the latest and most thorough manner. LOGS, LUMSEE HAY, and WOOD taken in exchange fo for furniture, at SALLOWS & ALEXANDER'S . Main Street, Listowel. tion than ever to yive bargains in furniture at factory prices' Samurl Peter and cther 8h line farmers were ploughing Monday last. Rather late in the season (cr til'ing the soil. George Nichol, our worthy thresher, «8 Guishing up his last jub in that line. George 1s agocd man at the feos and sarang a good patronage amo the far Thos. Smith has just completed a arge ditch, carrying the water from bis Harm across the sideroad into Mr. Pcter's. Ditching always pays for the labor and the time spent. Euma CoNserVaTives.-- an- ual meeting of the Elma Conservative Association will be huld at Inergei's W hoop-e We are on the war path and now LISTOWEL FURNITURE CO. H. F. BUCE: THE HAIR WILL FL We have no need to scat competitors. They can't kee MANAGER. HOLIDAY TRADE --_--------_..)--- 0 --. Table and Pocket Cutlery, N. B.--All accounts at present on Mr, Buck's books ust be settled at once before books.are handed over fo ollects ion. our success. other game. Those: ee tales, for spetanee ra and of cet extra price-tales be a Atwood, on Tuesday next, = +» at 2u'clock, p,m large a Seadians is reques ted. See offical notice in this week's erasing BRITTON. mas J. Alexander, of = Ham- bere, visited friends here lat Miss Nellie Moore, ese of Mal- Wetton, Was renewing old acquaictances in this viciouy this week. If the weather keeps favirable our new Bg se mpe. will be Completed int a sbort i James Be di i4 tasking pers ons tO erecba large bara next s' CUARACTERS, Sante Claus Geo, Butt Frost Queen Dorothy Rogers now Flake Laura Stewast Minerva Amy reese' 0 Peake, Dwarfs "Glnndte Feil Dick Vic Bamford Mr. Vim {Supt.) Archie For! Mr. Wait (Asst. Supt.) Tom. Manni Mr. Scribbler (Seey.) Raby Goddard The Moth trice The Babe Tia Bessie Mabel Rogers Clara Lillie Tabberner Elsie May Carthew Blanche Frank Welc Gertride Dora Morgan! Evaline ' Lou Pe 5 j Ran. Gardi ie (Fred Harry ve ' Jim Gardi The Quartettes and Choruses will be! rendered by the Church Choir, School James Danbryok has 'ents e his id homestead, formerly occupic Wilson Little. Misses Alexandcr and Mary Sproule ve returned from a visit to friends on be 1oth'of-Eima. ain and Elma streets. .'A very pleatant evening was spent the home of ibe raat There's Whiskers on 'E That's. the hair we're after. We've gat an edge on ou knife that will Shave the Hair off These Tales, And leave 'em ome asa Mexi can dog's. out fo squealers for there' Il be plen of'em. The hurtdoghollers: LISTEN FOR LAUGHTER, For the boys that get ou bargains in Suits, Overcoat Ties, Collars, Cuffs, things up in wild cat style, 6 we have missed our guess. WILDFANG, THE CLOTHH Sign of The Elephan' Grand Central Block. ------_-- 0:0 --___-- -- "JACOB SEBURGER has removed several blocks west, to the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. HOWE, BARBER, next =~ to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, eer de, and is opening out large stocks ot American and WALL PAPERS, A Il the latest designs and patterns, and at lowest prices T keep the heaviest stock in town of al ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES ; DY MIXED PAINTS ETC. Am adding largely to my stock of 85c, pure Black Tea, and you will come agai seen and Painting given prompt atvantide:, aia JACOB SEBURGER, Main Street, West. CARVING SETS, WITH AND WITHOUT CASES, SILVER WARE, poons, Forks, Library and Banquet Lamps, Skates Moccasins, Mitts, Sleigh Bells, haft Gongs, Carpet Sweepers: Wringers, etc. ROBERT MOORE, HARDWARE MAN, LISTOWEL. LEARING SALE OF My Ready made Clothing will be slaughtered. large stock of STAPLE DRY_GOODS at very ow prices. COME AND JUDGE FORSYOURSELVES, ours. J.S BOWMAN. Removal Sale,

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