Listowel Standard, 21 Dec 1894, p. 3

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We have a fine stock of . PRESBYTERIAN : HYMNALS HYMNALS and PSALTERS --that" we will sell at-- HALF PRICE. J. LIVINGSTONE jr. Druggist. BANK OF HAMILTON. $1,250,000 $675,000 OAPITAL RESERVE FUND DIRDOTORS JOHN STUART, PResipEenT; ~-- x, Denes! ta of $1 and nt ML ht reat allowed from date it to cate ot of withdrawal, roerr received at cur- rent rates of in TS reat Britain and the United ore ght 0 re aon: Collections made mate. term: es . B,BTUART Mm Agent Listowel. LISTOWEL STAN DARD. |; FRIDAY, DEC. 21, 1894. Txortcat Christmas woather this. Tux town schools closes to-day for the holidays. Fresu Oysters served apy way you wish, at Wm. Welch's. A Merny ayp Harry Ciristaas to all readers of the STANDARD. Boarvers.--Mra. Hutchinson could take in two jgentlesnan rders.--46, Miss Otuix Carson is home for the TEAL. from the 'Ontario Ladies College," Whitb; Rev. ia Sonyea, will seenes ie pulpit Chure! A. McLee M. A., B. D., of of Knox h on Sunday ne Mx. axp Mrs. Guitts of Listowel were visiting ot R. Leatherdale's for a be vw clays { this week say's, the Brussels Her P.O. Norice.--The Post Office will he open to the public -- 9 to 9.300, m,, and . Christmas day. from 2.30 to 3.30 p. 1 get the entertainment in the i 2ist, at 8 o'clock, Admission 10 and 15 cts. Oat Dust $6 per ton, at Valmerston Oat meal Mill. 42 A. Morven & Co. haw purchased a ¢ cet leading to the Mx R. K. Hau wo park lot on the stree cemetery, from Mr. Edward Stewart. Ir u have proper ren's health, ey only the restra rd for your child- y chon omfectionery. , keeps it. No bird | For Christmas candies, 'du cannot do better tha irooks, restraunt He k confectionery int Mr. Rosent Ganprver, son of Mr, Gardiner of the west end, is home from Chi cago, Tec He has leen away for several years Muss Hreatss of Oshawa, who ja atte ni ing the School of Pedagogy, Toronto, in spending the holidays with Mrs. Feather atone, Inkerman street cast Gesgrat Bootn, 'head of the Salvation Army, isexpected to visit Listowel on the 25th of January, mass tneeting in the Methodist chure h --_---- nuts and fruits n patronize R cepa the choicest John ing his health. Pad when he will address a Tue German Evangelical Stnday School will hate their annual Christmas entertain ment on Christman night. me is promised, and the public ts mvited n. Gro. CAMPBELL, son of Mr. D.D. Campbell, has arrived home from Toronte, where he has | college. He will spend the bolidays here. A good program pharmacy student, een attending A Christmas entertainment will be given h the 'serman Lutheran in the church on Christ No admission fee body welcome. A. 0. U. W.--The next meeting of Lia towel Lodge No. 199 will take place. on Wednglay evening next, the 26th inet, As the election of officers takes place on that Every- evening, «a large err in requested. By order. ox, MW. Tur 28rn.--Tickets for the Harold neats _ should lose no time in doing so, otherw they may disappointed, Just one ne week now before the treat of the season will be given. Conszmvative Merstino.--The Conser- uested be asp Weexcy Stan of Montreal is, bat he uninjured. amarvel, It isa of and | horses were brought to a astand-still by the 8 | concussion. «Tax Carrara a Svocess.--The children of Christ Sunda: Acctprxt.--Mr. Wm. Banford met with a painful, hough it te hoped not a very piesa yesterday. While ripping a ial in Bamford Santa ee about a foot or | never so in length was st cng by the saw and | and during the two hours of the per -- with great force, striking him mance the } he pit'of the stomach. The force of the vara doubled him up and caused much 'e was taken home, and unless inflamation should set in will likely soon recover. ly ente tertained with the many excellent choruses, and soloe were cxodientty rendered, as were pemetays mle : 0 sy, oe ablic generally that am taking ow . Nucthoeiear's Live for the County of alec the numerous md which took Perth, and havi fourteen years ex: | Place in the course of the children's visit to ence in auctioncering previous to com- | Santaclausville. The fine music by the ing here, in land sales and cisttleo, I} orchestra, under the lead of Mr, F flatter myself that Ican do as well for you 'y pleasing feature. yA ai n: rar fF swibccy gp ni a as it my | To Mr. Rogers and his clever family much very tention and g' of the success of the Cantata is due. How tion and charges n TH ie that gentlema ed in training the lit- The Bowmanville States "e aie time | tle folks 'so umaals in ake a short ago said that Mr. ime ccountable many in Havehieoe was the best auctioneer in the County o! of Durham. A Brsixess- =e Book.--Every busi- ess man ought read ' Ani Sense," a money: iki book -- by a a Fowler, Jr., the leading expert on ess and advertiting.. 18 chapters, rath ed with 100 porn presenting every style ev 'Dol 3 E iny a new library for the Sunday School. Towx Couxct.--An adjourned meeting on of iscmenta, with 16th inst., Mayor Featherstone in of the chair. Other bers present--Reeve I ale the plain tat abn, averting Hacking, ~Reeve Kemp, and Coun- and exposes i Any | cillors Woods, Later, Seburger reader of the Rexvecke who will send | Gunther, Goddard, McGillivray and Pel- check, note, or rge stamps tolton, Dr. Philp presented a claim o i ee of sig ed = the $20.56, being the amount paid by him for a in in front of his stores on Wallace Accounts were also prese ey Brow. for brickhats, $6.25 ; advice, receive the book by prepaid mail. resented from Stn Derantuent L.P.S.--The following are the names of the pupils who obtained the highest number of marks in the Sth dept. of the Listowel Public School for the unittee reported recom" sv month of December. Maximum No. of | mending -- of the accounts of A. mpeg FE. He 0 810; 1. Stockford | Geo, Hawkins, $23.75 ; Wm. Climie, : 5 : S.. Stockford 280; F. Coleman 27731 G. Edgecumbe, 84. Report adopted. v--~ n . 'Me Donal count was read from Morphy & Carthew 274; er Grey 270; A 7c Thompsou for legal advice, ete., re water works lots 268 ; P. Goddard F. Ringler 259 and dam, 875. Of this amouut about $15 is Smith 257 ; A. George = R borne | for charges in connection with the dam on 253; B. Schinbein 253; P. Gibson 247! | Davideon street and lease of Mra. Roth's L. Male 2406; M. Barber 243; J. Cullen | property. Moved by J. tacking, 243; M.. Bruce 244. conded by H. Goddard, that Dr. Philp refunded the sum of $1344, and A. D. --There has been organized in connection wits the Mechanics Inatatute will be known as the nase ost Insti- Freeman the sum of $6.67, amounts paid v for filling on oes walk in front of tute 'Cts, to ,meet every Thar pvening The stores on Wallace street--Carried r Tao. at So'clock,to which the public ore invited, he Treasurer's -- statement for 1894 andespecially youngmen. No chargeormem- as presented subsequently re: ferred to the Finance Tomaietans to have bershipfees. Theofficers for a term . Hay. | it arranged for publishing The chairman ---W. A. Phillips, Pres. 5 are: Vice-President ; T. Male, _ "De of Fire, Water and Gas Committee report- Watson and Me. BR Hopkin Contr, ed having issued orders since Inst report who with the other Officers form een. | t0 the cunount of 8697.80, making total amount of 8148126. The chairman also read a report from the fire B ROMPAHS'. which stated orders isstel up to present tive, At the first regular cmatig Mr Phillips gave a very interesting lecture on China and Japan, The last meeting was time, ted hy Dr, Watson very ably in a lecture on | USE the company was in good standing, Napoleon. Afterwards an interesting dis icing composed of welve men, as follows : ° + | fos, Wilson, chief; R. Bulmer, captaty ; cussion on the various phases of Napoleon's rw , 'fl ny, Se Seama life, character and times. Our next meet une x Secy. + R. Seaman, Lieu ing will be led hy Mr. B. Rothwell on -- R. Young, * Seburger , fier Woman and her relation to Society, A oor . Deitrich, ts Daum, C. J. Wilson, seneral discussion will follow. Quite a . Gibson and Ea. Howe, There had been very few fires turing the past having been called out but exght times. There were 1200 feet of hose Sie of w was considered unfit f for uve, and recommended the parchase o} number of ladies are attending these mect- ; year, ¥ an the co ings, and we hope formore,--T, MALE, Sec'y, Ne COMPANY .--On Wed- | on hand, hich Win, Wroptse ox tHe Borspary nesday evening the residence of Mr. Barnett, on the Wallace boundary a mile or | 250 feet as soon as -- and also ed two west of the town, was the scene of «| two rubber nozzles be purchased, as those very large andhappy gathering, t the occasion unsuitable - winter une. being the marriage of his -- daughter, te M ins Levina Barnett, with ¥ Vin. Mason | purchase o feet of hose aan in of the rd concession. Fully seventy-five | orderfte keep up the supply necessary to te invited guests were present. Rev. J. F wad work. On motion the report of Eire Parke tiedthe nuptial knot. The bride was | Water and Gas was adopted, and report of neatly attired ina travetling suit, trimmed | Fire Company Jaid on the table. Moved by with cream, the bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Woods, seconded by W. Pelton, that) a Mary being similarly attired, Mr, | lamp pest on railway crossing on Tay atreet Ernest Plant discharged the duties of groom. } and on corner of Victoria and Bay streeta. The bride was the recipient of a great | The yeas and nays were as follows Yeas many handsome presents, the list of which | Woods,Later and Pelton. Nays -- Foereh is too lengthy for publication. After par | Seburger, Gunther, Hacking, Kemp, Gr taking of the wedding supper, a flash light dard, 9 MeGillivray-- poe los On Mr. | motion the accounts of Hay Bros. $6.25, and arid was taken of the entire greup. A Lee being the artist. Muse ant] Jos, Wilson, $1.75, were alate to be paid, fous ing followed, which was kept up antil The happy couple take up there residence on the 3rd of Wallace, fa host of friends Council adjourned the small hours Report of November Examinations at having the best wishes of L Listowel High Schoo! to encourage them in their start in married life Fons LIL. --Ist Clans--Betw 70 per cent, --A. MeKenzte, ©. Brooka, J. Norton 2nd Class A. Forbes, Fritchley, J Bradley, S. Petrie, 77 and "Dou plas, A. Cuntstuas PastonaL.--His lordstip the Bishop of Huron haa issued the following Christmas th Ghareh wardens a Diocese - Between aang ag per cent Isa Glenn, O. Kells McFarlane, Tr J. W. Scott. A- B, Pears Barrett, A. Gaynor, R. Cook, Chas " Brisbin, FE. Phillips. Sra Class--Bet ween 60 and &) per cent.-- P. Livingston, J. Mayberry, P. Wilson, M. Edmenda, Lot. Brisinn, a Campbell, H. Jickling, W ere M. Form LL.--tst cla o hina 66 and 60 M. Pastora nil Members va the f As Christmas is again if o Huron, Greeting draw the custom so long established among us of day to varions ing near, I winh to remind you ¢ giving the offertory on that joyous etive clergy n of Iam fully aware of the financial the respe your parishes. stringency of the times, an dof the general depression in trade which at present ¢xists, but we must all admit that God has bleased leKee. t.--L. Stevenson, McK. Messer, Hutchinson, L. Hutchinson, H. Little, Mader and W. Vaughan equal, F, Wynn E. Jowell. pee c us this year with an abundant harvest and | Per cer Lin love, I there fore sincerely trust your Christmas offering will be the reasonabile ¢ xpression of your gratitude to Him, who has not only i «past bestowed on us His well- beloved oe but has this passed us with rich and unspeakable year encom passec s L. McFarlane, A- eqnal, J. Henderson, J. Ford. A. Meyers and J. Baker equal. 3rd Class--Between 50 and 40 per cent. -- so many mercies, Yours in Christ, Stevenson, Maruice 8. Heros. "Bring ye all the tjthes into the store- t Hste held sabheareelsh to attend, as this will be the last opportunity for getting their names on. | CuusTmas Hour. --Mr. Jennings, florist, has received a supply of English Holly for his customers and others who may wish to have a sprig of the genuine article. Flow- ers for decorating the house - prea can DA obtained at the Liktowe " Orders for celery and other v ne filled iy Crmusruas Senvices.-- The Christmas a 'Holy Communion will be administered at the clove of the service. Towx Taxes,--Tho town taxes have been very val peid in this year, - Coneidaring the' plaint of th Up to the ith, $13,500 5 were paid, out of Worxsnor ox Wuxnts.--E. Taylor wish- hie old customers and the public to know fexived in town with ing works, which are now in his 7 ii a i i house, that there may be mest in mine} G. Fraser, G. Bulmer, R. Livingstone, x herewith, saii Robinson, Gilpin, J. McDonald, H. Sergison, G. Jackson. : Font 1.--Gen. Proficiency, Will Hay. lst in Class Work, Louise Livingston. lst 'in bree work, Will Hay. st Class--Between 75 and 70 per cent.-- w. we. E = lL Livingston, 0. Scott, a blessing, that there shall not enough 'o receive it.""--Malachi, 111., -10, Fare Trappe anp THE Faruen---A marked copy of the Redwood Gazette, J. Large, E. ¥ publishet at Redwood, Falls, Minnesota, 2nd ee 70 and 60 per cent,-- has been received at this office which con-| D. Roy, B. mai ng, A. Carson, M. Hamil- -F tains the following: 'A subscriber and] ton, C. Forbes, J. Stévenson, M. Coghlin, farmer hands the Gazette » copy of the] L. Draper, v. Livingstot Listowel, Ontario Standard, An he tai 3rd -- ween 60 and 50--W, Brad the peper on our desk be could not refrain | ley. FE. Cattell, A. Bricker, 8. Paterson, M from uttering" the deepest disgust at the Ballard, # McKenzie, W. Barber, F, God Democratic claim that free wool would | fréy, G. Ki benefit the agricultural interests of the 4th Class -- a SOand 46 per cent.-- United States, This is what an item H. Kinsman, M. Roy, L. Tabberner. the aged fays: hey Wool Shipment.-- Mesurs. B. Brook & Son, of the Listo- CHRISTMAS & SERVICE. wel Woolen Mill, on week shipped to the An ini service will be held U. 8, seven cars of wool, 72,618 Tbs, valu. . se ae it eee Rat Geen ed at a littic over $15,000, We understand | Wi gente Will Serer a short ser- that the shipment comprised the bulk of the | MOD any furnish aFT te two years' intake at the mill here."4) the pod of one See ial Wecommend the above to the thoughtful | 1. Voluntary 'Sing and rejoice,' attention of Cana farmers, who will 3. coogi fil. themselves placed fin « similar posi- '. Prayer . Rev, Dr. Will by. tion to ap of the suffering farmer -- 5. Anthem, The Choir. Western os is Sin, should our 6. Bo to the King. protective vpaley be abandoned for that at 7. @ . "Call his name Jesus.' free trade. Mrs. J, 'art, » Miss A. McDowell, Mr. Stewart. Mr, " "Rexaway Rs --AVhile in town] g ym No 141. wom of Mr. Hi 9. Bolo vary,' Wi Gritfit of the 4th 4th tine | Wallace, had a run. | 10. Rev Gerald Willoughby. away accident which was' somewhat disas-' < Anthem, 'Jesus is born oa trous to the democrat intwhich he was rid 18. Byam Ko 146. Pour: ing, but fortunately without more serious ° As he was approaching Moyer & Co's mill on Inkerman street, his horses, is } one of which was « colt, became frightened you took ives Woats ep? wa at the atenm, and rap avay, be dats Binks (gloomily)- 'Coal,' | All fine hats and goods We want room and we vay money and will sell all 4 Clothing in siock at actual cost. Sizes are full, all new goodsbut we find we need the room for FURNISHINGS and TWEEDS. Our trade for both is increasing every day and must have space to show them, See our Hat window for bargains. $3.00 hat for.,......-- -$1.50 $2.50 hat for... ..+++++$1-25 Special lines in CLOTHING, GLOVES TIES etc. BALLARD & GOGHILL. J. M. SCHINBEIN, Friday, Saturday and Mon¢ day, the last 3 days before Xmas. beat the We are trying to record of previous years in swelling our sales, and in doing so we will give you the advantage in the latest novelties in fancy dress goods, fancy cashmere and henriet- tas, for fancy waists, silks in plain and fancy shott goods, chinese silks, fur capes, fur "| jackets, fur sets, tur mits, all kinds. ties, handks in silk , cotton, lawn, gloves" ot linen offall descriptionshandkts to suit every one. The latest novelties in men's furnishings This place is always noted for men's fine furnishings at cost price. Now is the time for you to get your boys over- coats and suits, (all early. Wishing you a merry Xmas. J. M. SCHINBEIN. _---------- ~ W hoop-e We cre cn the wer path ard now |THE HAIR WILL FLY, We have no need to scalp competitors. They can't keep their hair on when they see our success. We are atter other game. Those old tales, for instance, of "superior g ' and "extra finish" and of course extra price-tales so old There's "Whiskers on 'Em That's the hair we're after. We've got an edge on our knife that will Shave the Hair off These - Tales,. And leave 'em bare asa Mexi- can dog's.. Look out for Jeeates for there'll be plenty of'em. The hurt dog hollers : LISTEN FOR LAUGHTER, For the boys that get chet pick of the 75-50-40-30 and 25 cent ties in our window FOR 25, will whoop tkingss up in wild cat style, or we have missed pur guess. WHLDFANG, THE CLOTHIER, Sign of The Elephant, Grand Central Block. * : SE Keceand you wil want a a first-class ees eet & SARVISS. fal fine of epee | and Heating stoves in stock, ae IANT HOME DOUBLE ING Bi eee BURNING.COAL STOVES thé best UCAS HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. Saree ns Sen sen he prpttn.stve Bor vir Cot OF, Laer siprisestiy attended te, ZILLIAX & SARVIS MATIV SOUTH SIDE Next ay il of J. A. Hacking's Drug Store. Pn sketches of thrilling interest and "umeliness, the Review of Reviews has these regular departments: the Menth.--This eecing wlewed, embedy the ides ine wes founded and ict books, give has nad [atee 'o's "a O aricles in the world emagarines and lureuba terse Gaily record of eurrent evens oe COREE OD BARGAINS XMAS GOODS J. S. GEE'S J. S. GEE'S Head quarye ta for Christmas tree supplies} Candies, Nuts, Oranges, | Leuvess, Figs, Dates &c. Dress goods all reduced to about cost. Men's, Women's and Child- In family groceries everything new an seasoned! led ral seed! , Falsine, currants, Crom i Black wells preas ren's Rubbers and Overshoes. sauses, Cas nge and Cliren ned goods ¢ TEAS - TEAS - TEAS Our Ceylon Black and Ceylon blesd can M be beat, Rvetzhod should see-our uncolo: ed Japan tea a Ib., we don't claim ft to be worth Scie Ib, but we eam it cant be beat. Kindly call and see J.S. GHB --_--_- 1 Men's and Bo: Cape in sealette, car cloth; selling on Wwe lovite every body to call and see u: * Highest prices always pald for batter. ong, oat, poultry, etc. J.8S.GEB. , THE LISTOWEL FURNITURE COMPANY Have acquired the plant, machinery, and retail furniture usiness, and book accounts of Mt. Henry Buck, Inker- an and Wallace Streets, and in future the business will be conducted under the above name. Mr. Henry Buck will have charge of the manufacturing department, and with new machinery and every facility will be able to put goods on the market to the best advantage. The retail dept. will be in charge of Mr. Chas. Timm, and will be in a better posi- tion than ever to give bargains in furniture at factory prices' LISTOWEL FURNITURE CO. H. F. BUCE MANAGER. N. B.--All accounts at present on Mr. Buck's books must be settled at once before books are handed over for collection. Gon WEST eeeraamets ---------- JACOB SEBURGER * has removed several blocks west, to "the ATORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. ROWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, outed, and is opening out large stocks ot 'American and ag WALL PAPERS, All the Integt analgen: and patterns, and at lowest prices I keep the heaviest stock in town of SPRING - ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES ; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. READY MIXED PAINTS BTC. Am adding largely to my stock of Gbafectionery and Groceries. Bee. pure Black Tea, and you will come again and Painting given prompt attention, and JACOB SEBURGER, Main Street, West. rin OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST. No.such prices ever known in Listowel before. The people thank us for it, some few blame us, but never mind prices are making us friends for the future. "We can afford to sell cheap, but we cannot afford to mislead you. No one disputés our supremacy. Buying and selling for cash scores a victory for the GOLDEN LION. The facts speak their own worth. Low prices are the living words inscribed on every article. All the people will be in- terested in these prices : rs pins for.. (ah Fake meme for. Yatise Corsets ry Fiannelette for " . HEIRS 7 bisyeeiesrisey MANTLES "WANTLES MANTLES Every ladies' mantle at wholesale price to clear They must go before we move A choice of new dress goods at about your own price during this great sale. With the loud acclaim all unite in saying NEVER NO NEVER were goods sold so low before, The culmination of all bargains isto be found in our millinery department, dollars to be saved now by buying your millinery during the MONSTER REMOVAL SALE and so the goods are to beslaughtered. We have said good. bye to profits and we will soon say good-bye to Wallace pee you all must see it means great bargains for the public, our Stock must be reduced... We havea fine line of MEN'S FUR CAPS, LADIES' FUR SETS, FUR COATS, FUR ROBES, GLOVES etc. Which we are bound to clean out quick. me_ONE WORD MORE. mm. If you want anything in our line, come and see us and you u will find the prices right. $$ SAVED $$ SAVED $$ SAVED $$ SAVED Carson & McKee, "THR PHOPLES CASH STORE" STILL WE LEAD. i, o A SALLOWS &€ ALEXANDER. We are at present receiving our -- XMAS C00D8,-- andina ohn days will have one of the Sines assortments of ds to choose from ever sanarewninh in Listowel. If you ant asuite we have it. An easy chair we have it. And not forgetting the children, we received a large consign- ment of Rocking Horses, Sleighs, &c. If you do not wish to buy, call and see our stock. take great pleasure in showing our goods. ORDERED WORK receives our most careful attention. UNDERTAKING aattended to in the latest and most thorough manner. D We LOGS, sade = HAY, and en in xchange for furniture, at SALLOWS & ALEXANDER'S in Street, Listowel. HOLIDAY TRADE Table and Pocket Cutlery, CARVING SETS, WITH ~ AND. WITHOUT CASES SILVER WARE, Spoons, Forks, Library. and _ Banquet Lamps, Skatés, Moccasins, Mitts, Sleigh Bells, Shaft Gongs, Carpet Sweepers: Wringers, etc. ROBERT MOORE, Tye HARDWARE MAN, LISTOWEL, CLEARING SALE or BOOTS & SHOES ALS? HOSIERY My Ready made Clothing will be slaughtered. - large stock of STAPLE DRYZGOODS at very low prices. COME AND JUDGE FOR' YOURSELVES, ully Yours. J.S BOWMAN.

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