CHIN! TMAS AT iS AT USBURNE. HOW THE GREAT FES FESTIVAL IS OB- ee SERVED BY QUEEN VICTORIA, The Reyal Mewu-The Christmas Tree Interchange of Good Ch the Queen and the Prince--Cracker~ Pallieg--Two "Diack" Yules @ were as werd ies Ls tradition as the Denes in, i of Chritenlog is reed tight ofa nuisance , which, as. it cannot WATCHING FOR SANTA CLAUS, "must be endu things awake "With Her M: aj nats ik CS far otperw ise. hey eve hee oak Lert o iain awe Le Sit owen re 4 tmade the little trembling tote Ev ver since she j he throne What ete 'og pion simply pn drei heap poor 'News. rily; #1 ve on two occasions, when * lo ys, H 9 borac, as Well BS suze packages: ny siire,, do not speak of them. Even als mune el 4 Sy = Sad Sey Christmas cards, glov ves, scarves, hats . grantiny the appearance of these stars deed were those of G2 and'7&% There slippers and even tore _--_ arti | to have beam a fact, their resemblance ns like to have been yet another | Cle# of-attire ;~ into stories, [to the Star ot Bethlehem is er gi It black" Christmas a score of years ago owever, let others dive, as~ "the "y ier : ce poco b eter ey that time the heir to the throne, lay, as If it happen, met frequ peters ld a wal fi a but tho eg men thought, a-dying at Sandri some of the guests have pa are rh agai in in appear Nees nis raniies ad rial ar with pheasants, there is a smaller vari- Pra betw d 1891. DMamoliaine' weve not only written, but | CtY of bird on the table--to wit With ae os the > thar of Bethlehem corrected upto date and' in type, and | Stipe and | On toast, or woodcock | there are five assumptions: (1) It hid iS the whole of the preparations incidental | @itto cooked a point as few but the roval | no existence, anc entire statement to putting the papers in mourning were | Chef knows how, ther Htoms of the an Donley oriental fairy le, (2) Tho P tal par & a re noble plum puddings (maile cl star, seen b 6 wise men, Was in large moulds), mince-pies (as unli ve Caan, at the time of its greatest splen- the ordinary article of commerce as dor, (3) wasa_ periodical star like sible), jellies, creams, blanc manges, | that of 1572, (4) The phenomenon was and last, but means least. in the | occasioned by a conjunction o planet: Seneral estimation of the lla Sr (5) It was acomet. 0! se ASSUMptions convives a grand Stilton cheese iuto | the most probable is the second. That which a good half ton "n of the finest old iodical star is scarcely like port has been poured, day after day, for Ptolemy and Ma 'lin would i ad discrimination. ° 6 th ) us poeta: of gthe Roy: nl entoura, cor ae = ved. to strin th ming an i quantity of midnight oil, Her Maj r TOG'D00D TO-LIVE, pulls wit th _ ees tins is . SRaninn icin turn, and "from the eg tot thi a ide: no_know S08 ae a navies as however willed it the Queen's Chris tens dinner py: rty xe ofa cometat thattime. For all Avie flo were quited "to the speedy | is 8bout as jovial and mirthful x Sune these reasons we tithe least oc- serovars' of the ustrious sum re {n ion as can be wires: A worl | casion to expect the return of the Star whines tatady the caculnsaoh: ame | i conclusion as to the heverazen "A | of Bethlehom atthe close of our century. 'evened the 'bells were auberiog 4 inthe | Sass of sherr with the soup" isa bar: | And even it such a star should appear, great cast. iu rism ipo cegpennion uF fer | it woot siapy ory cal titvessand the "1 jesty, who, albeit, austhing but a |, observed in historical imes,and the There have heen, heat, only two dis- hs ira hie ts ' ; . vical Yule »s itwthe Max sto nd, teetotaller, is a strong advocate of tem: | interest a aed to it would be purcly it need ba ar diy b apa 16 the death in | Perance othin eating and drinkin astronomical.--Camille Fisamaren in 1s Py rine a " There are hock and champagne, pr Deutsch Levu % and green Chartri ne J sey | WAraschino for shoe uo who's "Are to poi The Man Wit the tron Mask. 0 hideous mixture heb ul verse moking, ordinariiy The mystery of the man with the iron son Aiea tourney {after erity, is relaxed | ™ Sprteneed at Pizgnerol in the Dante) avitte n by ate Probyn, "Yor this bight oat oe ; time of Lauis X has tempted the in- who, a few urds, Wal . genuity ot a hundred writers, from the drowned while hh thing wi ith. "Lady Se- Pencexed Gead ut Pere Grifle nd Voltaire to une bright near Hendaye -- Brentano, writes in the Re mus Even now Her Mage esty enters with o t is, after ail, and | Historique that the famous vieim zest into all the arrangements for the | above all, o Istinas mitt! To make Manttion. secr retary of state of the Dake due celebration of Christmas, and from | joy for others, to behold their jay, to res | of M; wntua,Charics IV. the highest tothe lowest the utmost | Jotee in it, is the joy unspeakable. And M, Fune-Bre! ntano eliminates Dumas' onaad ite i 5 ' : very why? Becau od-like and divine ! ries i iste is done to ensure that every E the Father ; Ht i romance abou nis XIV, body shall have yood time. The Hven 50 the Father joys in our jov. and | ene Comte de V Queen was one of the be ery Ast te setup | the m perfects the yoy eit z Monmonth, th Christm: as Trees, which we in England, | ours eace © product a Jount ot strange t mar se | knew abso- | out of the human into the divine ele- | the A jutely nothing about until, early in the | mont and activity. No man is endort, and Mol "Forties," the custom was introd who cannot share, in some f divd at by somebody who had spent more east, in the experiences of his ment one Christmas in the land of the Teuton, and his God, 'That is the only re CASH Fe Yes, sad to confess, the original Ck sorption into the divine, the at his mas Trev was nade in Germ ping f which heathen philosephy has Paul er but n ner had it been adopted asan | ed as its highest goal, ugo, exhausted all th Inte gral part of the Yuletide festivities | gospel alone has brought to li; whe, ar iif legend, ch Py at Co 1our horticulturists prove: made accessible and attainable macro in fact. themacd¥ to be fally equal to supply- How much our hristmas Sunday 108 | there pb itesaesaeraaa 2 ---- in store tor ust y we all indeed re- | gays, alize its richest treasures and feast our | ve ny : ~ av hee im ie Com +: , | | ONLY a praising is EDA Ss peace enter into ris wearts Ane | } | MORE abide there forever tor 5 s! 0h, myt Ob. mm £ Don wos e loreth a Brave little bo oy, members all wach with a ta came ora bon! * a tone candy croock Don't twenty Never mind, it your tumble did hurt, don't ery. are tiley 'the mid ae oe, but eiok @ ants proposal, _ tr unin hestalgravbhedy nriatmaa ss caning, and eny litle ing the d-man nand § s! nail ny sprung upon ct the m: while teday every ensrrocer & nnd traiterer's shop, or the curbs wie in front thereof, has its quota o tas atian, | For the goodness 'ot cyien "makes every heart yind. nd e of Brobdingnagia "trees, "Decorating the chorch wae a fa:lore this pear Tee Chiristines ts comin Trat nontert ie Ribas a Oursawo curates are laid up with seat nts, and cotuse- sp 2g ae RSs varying' is price from wixpe NCO UP | quently cot a single gisl turoed Fhe cutidrrs It. is for her grandchildren that Dar vee of the © Aad jumrien Jacks the Que now provides a4 '4 "Ta iy te And the ety wren eas ' ' . lo not think Binks was entirely to nificent arbce Ho Noe}, laden with (6 1/1 me.but there aré enue atures Of the | Tat treasure frocn Sansp-ctaas wonderful sleigh. finest | CIrmit hat "money A case which look dark for him. | ~ bry, and good taste select. And Her "What ov 2" | "Peale frum In," Bee Maj stv, no matter how much affairs of OM Life. | State may occupy her, takes the great est pleasure in 'affixing to the green _ branches some of the most precious c ~ the gifts: while the duty of "hghting © STAR OF BETHLEHEM. up" is delegated to those adult meinber ot the Roy al H ouse, awhomay eating ------ thelr upon the Queen é | grobably 1¢ Wee Venus at Ite Most Brit roabo: ' 8 'Garzantaan Yesge met is that to . ; Hant Ringe. which t children sit | Some time ABO | varie of Europe and erica contained the down on Chet ristmas "one After the hors | starcing inte 'ligenee that the star which 'auvres) come the oysters, "best guide od "Wi en" would again tives," « cially } cted , for appear This star was connected with eceasion. Cod is the fish which invari- | that celebrated one which, 318 years ably figures in the Royal menu OR | aro, suddenly dina ypen ared from the con- this day ¢ days--not forgetting aéctation n Ca . and it owas N a d 'supply of liver, which und that 1572 had pre. tne jest ily are specially par riously appeared the years IH and : 0. The traditional "baron" of beef 518, and, 'if counted back, mut have pit pe a al sideboard at Osborn pea' in the year of the birth of - . but it is cold, and ts acarcety touched | Christ. I{ these tacts were well vatab- « until ae time on the following day. | jished, we must cer ainly expect the- ¢ boar ad, *e Tose- | star to appe in in ourdays We ry. i also, he look | should then see a new bo in our . The Poet--"How beautiful she Bercy of tho thing than aught besides ; for, | heavens, entire ly unli y tixed star, Standing th Fe benea 12 mistletoe truth Yo tell, it,is too rich ost Peo- | to be seen in full daylight, which wou'd J Will approach ber softly, « ncirel her i parc ae daa : look long and | 1 % ple, who prefer to to a it iF om . a 1a short time again aisap Every into Pong oo Ghent ng a ovingly ii edt wit astronomer in re tim Ss as , and ' chests tnuts, Prenck tus sion, and besides | hundreds of questions on the eu the fringe a cris Bien e 'owned sa sit trae that the Starof Bethlefiem sazes ( not clue," 6 ay again appear '. sit Periodical ? there is "the old fashioned "chine, place ip the sky appointed? lute w aext qpeetion te, What really happen ned pint to man ny moterns, vee they are | 41 students of, or past masters in, th fevemon' nthe after. St. Bar- ot gastronomy the Royal table ou | chojomew's night, cho Brahe, th> Christmas Dey would mot co} on zreat observer at days, tells us without the pheasant, the substitute fiat: "Une evening, as I was watching e peacock, and even for the swan, of | 1h. hear n ceustomed mann ~ ms any vs, 'when Geo: he Third w,t astonishment, in the Aceh Her Majesty me Fe her | ¢ unusual clearn is wae im Be own preserves a sufficiency of phes- | Yovember 11, 1572. Three days before & sants to feed half an. anay the t bed been arom by Cornetias -- + v emron, itas 'this new st is do rigueur r the Prince | ¥,,, In of the same year ot Wales to despeeh a- few ifs luster beg: sand in March, & and S74, it bad entirety disappeared, leay '2g no to be stars of 5 and +262 we have no authority ex that af the astrologer, jan Lowitz. istorian' mentions them, and the Chinese chroniclers, who a ed all nees in the sky with great conatellatios: ieeeas a brilliant J who is not Dongle Janta ; Children Cry for »\cher's.Cextaria. Children Cry for : Castoria.. terror of peasanis made the sign of reat er their Chateny of the Accursed The Chathia du Pioseniouk: was the the Bretons, itt ho Bo Ti darcd-fiass. ite a ney Ba within em ae néver | a Soeey , ence ever spoke to he Alone. ines ¥ 'i fr Comte Robert found Grace bef lord oll res de K tures, sat oo the great cap al chair listen- ing tow t the spectre of terror sald to By his side, ait hyry bate burned a cial olen n ae ornamented with aid ith his life the | leeet forgetfulness a donk athes, The Duke His Inng. white bani ung to. his brow, and trom his eves great tears rolled down | mai teed silver be sou Bg greater ous mas!" sang "Christmas | Cheieanas | sounded the church bells; =~ himself up, spectre- ie Bil 1 ba winaraaa volees in the fields. a to cab al vi sice sarmalie' in 5 grea tat ; sarms struck by ec ae ut cn ir en pia Tho rene count te elt irotan with f enr. wenty Years ago 1 had a son,hand- Fome, brave and generous. He' loved a young, low-born gi, aud wished to "An angel with black wings blew upon the fame. word her ; but refused--[ could not cons e. ty blaz te sm ha me tebe hi wrong! Never be arrogantly proud, it is a moral sin !" Sobs stitled the old Duke's voice. But presently he went on; iM rl Leis beantital 'and virtuous. ff. gol she retu it Then I had her abducted as shut up in a tower of the c remained faithful to 10 his vows, i She pre = to fly en I invented an infamous PP: "Listen, Robert--listen! the stones whic h supports d the << to be loosened so that it should give was under her 'and she would be dashed e marble pavement ot the court- met rece ae was stmas, the ii; istht of that evil deed; and ever since have siept in the fear of G me aa in dreams into an imm galirry. of clouds, Vaults followed upon vaults in "Dipped It in the brightly flaming millions--extending, e "ome of the lam an, white a: tifal ftealf, Other of the lam: bi ly, aod malevolent, who ssem- ed to cian tiently the the flame should ---- \ above it an bales J WAU click W upon se ey wines ome Pass Ww Spine ae Ell we ¥ ear." aud Duke st ; : if ne ice Sty speaking tohimaguin. His eyes became bi t, his ir on his head with horror, his teeth chattered affright, and when he was almost a shriek. to the | mm; -- t saw eg ; I dic bt of tbe eked feather from ores = 0 ck angel and dipped tin the b and took i it, ed spel that guarded it spr ngs and would have stayed 3; bu' " an angel with pearly went and bearing a golden sword sudden appeared, **Let this human being do cenit to his will--God ws eee him!" it said. "I took the last drop of orl! Then =, pointing tothe poor flame pr was ready to expire, and the voice bars "Ip 'is Sass sout of your beioy od 00 "At me moment the of the fg diced out; the shee & took fts last breath in his win gs and ti away, uttering as ho wenta cry o dis. tress. The Spirit tot Evil replied with a ry of fot rai rh. "Ta » frozen with ho he 'oe Y charlie r lay two. "potion crushed, unrecognizable, My son, in- formed b "Ha had tried to protect her in her fl: wht, and mv erimi- nal snare had destroy u t was Ch mas, tweuty years ago Saying thishe made a sign to the negro sont ing Precious lamp to cease me. "T hav made confession," he added "and can now dic; but will God forgive me rt that moment the bells of the cha: att the bed of Pid uw, Appe ared stial gl Tho old Dake. te sil on std knees before the infant Deit ~ said tie e voico ot the priest, "Jesus was born to «uffer, and tied tor the redemption of sinr You have sinned, you have suffered, you have ra- ntcd--God forgives Your soul from you in pea: Then the old man turned his eycs wards thi ich an angel el sm within ie witge with which he few The Duc 33 e335 = *1 COULD Do wiTi "--LATEST A bIT. --FERSION. No Ke wri te the old Tower of Lon the philo! mee Ww thor "Abuses Stript and Whipt, Vate: aylor, ong the literary men who £ Quilp and his pretty wife in "Old josity Shop." On Lower Thames treet, not far from th: Tower, tho "Father of English Poetry" lived for six years; on Ea thfield, just be- ond the fortress, Edinund § Sponser was born; in Well Close Square, at the end of thi street, the ashes of Colley poet laureate, are at rest a school edifice. 'a Rebuka "Kitty," cried Alice to her little pluy- mate, "can't you more magnimoni- ous ?'--Youth s Companion. Do mothers rem at is liable tocry from over-full stomac that a" child to be overlooked, ait ing' the usual practice. n't get into the ase of teading + +m every timo he ra enjoy the company es and ta' ogee ip ow 2 Supper wants? Ths eid ¢ ~ mother in later veers; and the thought- ful mother will realiag that she is uet blameless. w0sT. suceeirus ReHED tr UMsters. ENDALL's Us Spa DURE ay toe '606m 's vin Tas ™ ve beck 6:9 fee , a bim nine weeks, sot eft your Ken waccess fot Corts "Fours € 2 Pag pele a 8s ond = etait ~ Stark's Powders, each ck feel pioork ight a seataley saben lide The ore Shay bee of Me. Gat. wooden box, the cover of which forms a ue eraricee false oil placed over for Sick Fie Gores "3 Nea sheen rete the furnace. Water i: infected into aigo Neuralgiz, and all kinds of beryous pains, 0 % of be pest ae scour in solid buik and another ip capsules, (fiom & one is an ord: pacia} : whi ing . per tleatmtnt for all heed at wad § Sens complaints. They th pera The s " producin reaiackabley 0 aud: the bee hi is claimed, do not burn ou'. do not, as most Lead rnd to many medicines cir effect or produce after conttipation, Pn are pice to take. neste the Dominion" the corrupt The record also shows that t pre re POWDERS» Cure EIDK WHS weeny anc Potiag ts : 20 Mend re + De akg Pr chers AF. osun: frome. bleed ee splints, curbs, weery, stifles and + one, ronnie Markham, Ont. Sold by Jobn Livingstone, Jr. . contract for a Houseof Refuge ¥ rig the County of Huron was awarded to teins $9. p 4 OF ty] oe ep be'completed by October 1.4 Soump As a DOLLAR.--Some people are lucky to detox the right remedy at i aod ts worth reading : - A ree months ago I was all o up with Rheumatism, suffering more chan torture from at. I a had the very best of health until this attack of Rheumatism, but now n glad to say that B. B. B. has made meas ecend as a dollar, As MCCONACHIE, Kenaturch P. O., Ont. for Infante ; Children. HIRTY years' observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of persons, permit us to speak of it without guessiar. Itis unquestionably the best remedy for Iufants and Children tho world has ever known. It is harmless, Children like it. It gives thom' health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers shave something which fs absoletaly safo and practically perfect as a child's modicihe, Gasteria festroys Worms. storia all Castoria } erevints vomiting ; Sour Curd, Castoria cures Diarrh@a and Wind Colic, Castoria relicves Teething Troubles, Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulen the Castoria neutral: am Swe F cacaleney: , ton effects of carbonic acid Castoria does not conta'n morphine, opium, or ether narcotic property. Castorian assimilates the food, regulate: the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Costoria is put np in one-size bottles oaly. It is not sold im bulk, Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise . thatit is "jast as good" and "willauswer every purpose." See that you ert C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. aa feortumtle == Lledi: Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. th dtates, ty-five cents a Mola bY y all drugyists cetoneh out 7 rors: Be "aia .ow's Soormixa Srx on eee LOOMS BER Sez cicceae owes WOMEN sc p22, drapes or will be sent wot encliet ey pica tite per box), by addressing J rh' Tas' xrED ca. rockvills, Ona DON'T. DESPAIR eI Se eb by aildeal f an receipt of price DR.L.A. SMITH. & CO. Toronto, ; eee Severe re Pain i im Shoulder 2 Years eD.&L* Menthol Plaster, pet ired by 1, eae wale . she tried a *D.& L* and owing to this Gare hundreds of these pl Menthol Plastze, [1 did is work. SuTmgatava Sold Everywhere, 25¢.cem 1, Riser Joba, NB yaicians prescribe | i ? For Twenty Years Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the wholo world) There is no secret about its ingredienta, Scott's Emulsion { seaniowtier bese they know what great nourishing and curative prop. erties it contains They know it is what it is represented to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway Cod- liver oi with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. 4 { ne gh rages Tas ow and valuable modicine 1 femate . y is fu: ter! h many bre jars ond information free on application to t. mm & Co., Toronto, Ont. remedy can pr f the localagent. Price, 81.25 for one month's E@e an sent by mail on J. Livingstone druggis NEW CUSTOM TAILORING BUSINESS. A. W. GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the rooms Over Hutchison's. store. NEW STYLES now to hand, and the public can rely upon getting a good fit every time and all work done most ratisfactorily . Charges Morlerate, A tria| O1 der ts respectfally solicited. A W. GLENN. LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY BAMFORD - BROS., Builders and Contractors are prepared to contract for the erection fs specif cations drawg,and estimates fuenished on application. Sashes Voors Frames, Blinds, etc urnished on short notice, Pianing done order, Everything in the bulld'ng line wil be given prompt attention ang FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP GURAN TEED. 2 Charges Very Moderate Pactory--Inkerman Btreet, Listowe)