fe 2? all- INFORMATION: CHEAPEST RATES, AND BEST ROUTES Is FROM J. A. HACKING: Agent G. T. Ry. LISTOWEL -- STANDARD. FRIDAY, JAN, 4, 1895. Municipal Nominations. IN TOWK, COUNTY AND DISTRICT. AW. Featherstone Mayor by Acelama- KEMP AND WM. WELCH FSR R. T. REEVE--J.S. BOWMAN GETS THE + Preve, ~ Ruston, HippertT--Old council reelected by acclamatioa. Robt. Keyes, gellar, Joba Ritz, Willam H W Scott McLegan, os. Hi W Seth, Cha. Char. , emrengennen, J Mach: cK iassscnm Fer Mayor, Wm. David- son Al F Goodwin, and J D Hamilton. There is a large list of candidates for in each w: ge pea --_ --, WR Davi Ree ritt, Fred i Davis" re Renshaw, Suet Reeve, W Rigan, yong ys DEPUTY REEVESHIP--A RUN FOR COUNCILLORS SCHOOL TRUS- AND |S Tams IN ALL THE WARDS. ~~ and town hall on Monday, 3 , trom m., with the ya re- a ther: to to £1 a. sult: For pein A. a stone. For ve, R. T. K LA Hacking and Wes' Welch, For Deeks Reeve, R. T. Ki .s. man and Wm, Welch. At the close of the which compliment the Mayor elect thanked the electors present in a short Tb ing nominations were made for Coun- cillors and Public School Trustees: Bismarck Ward--T. J ae Dr. Philp, Andrew Foerch, J. W.Sc B. Rothwell, W. H Ballard, we Goddard, B F Brook, JSG Trustees--C Seburger, and J A Hackin School Trustees--Jas. A Tremain an Wm. Helm Hon} stia Ward--H B Mor rphy, JC Bowman, M. McG: llivray, Tact Heppler, Wm. McCutcheon and S Dippel. Se _ Trustees-- F Brook and Jas. Coghill. Dufferin Werd-- Samuel Stevensor, Wa. Pelton and R_ Woods. School Trustees -- Aaron Ringler, Richard arber and Jas Coghill. ne Ward--W G Hay, Jobn } H Gunther ae candidates was curtailed considerably by resignations befcre nomination day wasover. So lar as we can ascertain, the faliowing will go to the polls: For Reeve--Kemp and Welch, Mr. --hasine--ratir For Councillors and Trustees-- Bismarck Vard-- Foerch, Goddard jaa net dai Trustees--Preuter d Hawkin "Gisdanee "Ward--Sebur tger, Smith and Hacking. Trustees--Tremain and Helmka. Victoria] Ward-- McGillivray, Mo C Hay. Trustees roak and Coghill. Dufferin Ward--Pelton, -- and Stevenson. * Trustees-- Ringler, Sea- anand Barber Lansdowne Ward-- Gunther, Camp- bell, Scott and WG vagal Trustees-- Torrance and Tatham The usual town meeting was held ocd. pointed out that only some ot tbis deficit was chargeatle to last yeat's council, and that the latter amount had with, the speakers tried to wrestle pe war this: With a total tax roll o ou $15, 800, and ap wocontoliable sonal expenditure of $13,000 or over, can the present deficit be wipe! pe aud necessary improvements and ex- penses be provided for without raising the rate. This problem was not solved with any degree of satisfaction to the electors, who grew weary and took their dcparture befcre all of the candi- dates had had an opportunity to sir their views, us hope that the best men for the town will be elected. WALLACE. At the nominations on. Monday, Mr. candida! Bamely, Messrs. _H. Cogblin and Wm. Morley, the old nee Messrs. Gustave Nickel and Joseph "Hh. Wi Wm. King bas seed aker many yeare faithful seivice to the township. Monday was n-mization day, and the town ball, agg Ng Glled to its ut- most argo with the ratepayers Elma and those interested affans. Nealy sony -- of the the "a and GREY. Ts elowing Is the rest of the this township, aod =i for Mayor, Reeve} & for 1895, tre in the | | ned lations sae cable ware ewinge McLean. Trusteer, A Cas Seite wh Fe nings, Thos THE 'Evtice--The follow'rz aie the cand: tridge, les Elligson, Henry Foley, John Yangbla', William Simpson, Norte jopzE--For Reeve--John Hay and Duncan Stewart, De Reeye, Andrew Falk, Joba Reibl and late = er old ah arrived at the mouik atthe barbor at 10 39° WNIE-- council Lad rainstorm, acclamation. ° thi approach, Tae and the white 'ensign was balf way down the main psneiend THE BLENHEIM. The jon customs steamer with aad oi Cone of the Pablic me epar' tendent of Commander Poe, of the warsh dacted to to the' captain's, cabin where , J PN mon. Ward, Chas Joner, John Kidd ae J W Falls, JH Fielding, J J Cle Cristea Mayor, R Holm Searle. Reeye, A Mc eBlarchiey Ww accla mation, Deputy Reeve, D B ed Howick--Reeve, BS Cook by accla- ation. Woodstock-- Mayor, James Way, JS Fourth Bepat, Shav Revell, James Sutherland, Brussels--Reeve, Jas Irwin, andW H Kerr. Mr George McKenzie, Kincardine--Mayar, John Tolmie A Macpherson. Reeve J H Scott (accl ) Deputy Reeve, Sutton, E i Jobn - cod. Water Commissioner-- Joseph arker, pee Martyn, Andrew Minion F R Collin: Goderich-- Mayor, "Geo Acheson, John utler. Reeve, Wm Proudfoot, Robt McLean, Deputy Reeve, Philip Holt, acclamati Harriston--M styor, Nelaon Wait, Geo. Preston. Reeve, John Greive, James ailie, Waterloo -- Mayor, c Reeve, Bride. nee ity J Simon = Snyder Geo. Sugent, AB Mc- Reeve, HB Doering, H Roo Peel Town ship--First Deputy Reeve, W J Mulloy. < econd Deputy Reeve, Thos. McMfan Toronto has four candidates for vow in the éeld--Kennedy, Fleming, Cariyl and Verra ROYALLY HONORED. The Premier ww Now Sir Mackensic Bowell. HIS FAITHFUL SERVICE SECURES FOR HIM THE APPROVAL OF THE QUEEN, don, Dec. 31.--Among the New Year's honors announced is the conferring K orge upon | he ada. Mr. W. H. arts has ap- pointed a companion of the third class of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in recognition of ish section of the Chicago Exposit jon, MR. BOWELL NOTIFIED. tT. E. Aberdeen had received a cablegram id a donpatchadl a special messenger er Ma: jesty's wishes to the cane ite immediately * surrounded Mr. Bowell and showered their congratu- Hos, Sir Frank Smitb, -- T. M, Daly and Hon. B. Ive they wished their chiefeavn many ew of ie in which to wearbi. new honor, he press representatives waited ui Sir Mackenzie rowel shortly af: -- _ ve abe 8 had bestowed upon him, bet 4 their continued esteem and confi- iheeerk His Excelle Governor- General, as be sat at dinner in the home of to t. ony WRENCHED WITH THE POURING RAIN, were delighted to go home for dry ci Ls] Frank Smith, Sic . Tupper Messrs Curran, Daly and Angers, and the two sons of the deceased Premier hoisted over the deck, passing over the side Canadian bore the The coffin was covered with a yal Marines in gray coats ealatets, making A MOST IMPOSING PICTURE for those who watched ~~ ee a While in was the Warship playcd.the "Dead Mar in Savi' ship's gas 2% belebed forth gh ----,. salutes mbl "to receive ibe tein s the Earl and Countess aie 'couse, Col, Humph and officer e 66th, Col. Egan, and officers of the 63rd, Col. Curren and officers of the Hal- dax garrison armory, and the Colonels aod officers of the King' s c = o of Indiane, proceeded alon; and through Granville street to the Par- liament Builaings, where the body is now LYING IN STAT! in the Legislative Council Chamber. All along the "line of procession, despite the mendous rainstorm, the streets were rubber are aha guests of her uncle, the window ing of a blood vessel in the if a0, would sccount for the discoloration. 'ax at noon to-day, e Shelitte ua "Porsmouth at9 o'clock oy oe and enco apg bo in ° very bet weather. On the ec: day ou A nena WAS ENCOUNTERED. The vessel wae speeded till Friday, | pa are she slowed down, 60 a8 = get ¢ appoin ime. r days "al oa fine weather were Oa Saturday the repre ran a a thick fog. Last night the shi; Sambro atiz remni *You could have made a much: faster Maange Ag *, we could haye made the passage in hn than five days. The Blenheim is 3 perfect yesee!, and ie ing 24 miles an hotr. THE QUEEN' $ SYMPATHY. Sir John Thon.paon's remains were i aD apartment on board r¢xio feet. Et ke n the = a which rested the bier, ten inches hig. Gat the foot of the cof- = Seoey tan: aring a card th the following io Or Victoria's seeders id come Galuiatoet. Within = ees "| the first note of alarm at least es | Smoke, 2 had held and members of tae" were dangling on the ins pes < nenees on to the window ie trent arrived q ibe sca CT ine toe suade her to wait for help, bata a! sprar. vweils Trustee, Thos B die, though five storeys bigr, there = * ere no outside pes thi eer er eet only means left for the people in the cuts Wm Dunseith, W Pearn, J Spearin. ff rooms was to use the repe fire escapes. acclamation, Wert Ward, J McLea : Beno Heilman, of Brooklyn, was in the RY Gilpic, J Fairles, W' Stevens, J third etory. He opened his room coor Near, P Ha rdy, R. 'Beamish. South as soon as be heard the cry 0! Ward, WH 'Graham, cI de Bea- burst of flames made b =h look to the wins G F Robbins JDM ey 'T Garner ia n compliance with this request, the ataff | gow as the means of € . joan % WM hi = " Richards ore that nt he had but two ckernatives, a fiz 7 ena en ame the landing would not take place until) death or a jump. be. latter, Berlin--Mayor, D Hibner and JC] o'clock. The vast throngs, planged through the window. right leg was roa her left side disle a Gay barned about the hall. electric i Vv pree were destroyed, and a section of the city was in darkness save for the Tight ot the fire. Of the 100 or more guests at the hotel none are to have =o more than the -- on their At 10.39 the east walls fell in, and som as men nalrowly escaped being buried. At 11.30 the Broadway wail fellout and one Greman was buried the is He ken'oul, and is not thought to be dangerously hart. ae of the incidents fire was the escape of ss Martin, of New Yor Ss was in the fcurth story A messenger rushed up and broke the window, thue ireatag her. ¢ Delevan house is years old, and ove of the most famous the country. The total Atte bospit il to-night ast Mrs. Heilman will lo: husband will die before mornin AN ATWOOD VICTIM OF THE ALBANY HOTEL FIRE. ffalo, Jan.t--Among the victims of the Delavan hotel fire at Albany, as told yesterday, was Miss Agnes ilson an employe ot the hostelry. Miss Wilson was 8 native of Canada, her home being 13 > at., Semall town about 1$0 miles from Toronto. Miss Wilson quests at th reporte erdsy 5 missing has turned - leaving, ra pe al nomber of the dead t 16 instead o A MOST DISTRESSING TALE. Driven From His House by Flames. WILLIAM THOMPSON GETS HIS WIFE AND nn c Ta STARTS IN ANAKED CONDI- TION TO RUN A MILE AND A QUAR- TER FOR HELP WITH =z ER- ATURE 20 BELOW Z Wincipeg, D 29.--From comes a terr tale suffer ation { Reeve, Deput .uncillo-s Seenghed rs BRITTON. is visitor uy a . Corry, r Jam shexab, Mil- = Bal Sieanel Boyd, wife and 'Robert and William Knight ,ittend returning to the old *. These young men ent many years ia this ocigh- and haye proven themselves s and enéryetic workmen,and Bord, who bas taught, since four years ago, at Belfast, will start in a short oe the early sess: me annual meeting ¢ Tro a Shecre, hye Bence Cn will "se a on the: fog Mr John pe on and wife, of Bay Bity, Mich., are va Pe at the home of Mr. Sutton's parents in the vil'age. Mre R. Sutton was called-t» Wood- stock to attend the funeral of her sister, lat -- pablished the following notice : The many friends of Miss Annie ieantiewn, daughter of the late Jobn Donaldsor, of orra, were puned to hear her death last pie! 'morring enjoyed goo health pntil ea tix months ago, Le she © was stricken with a heart complaint extend their sincere sym brothers and sisteri in their sad loss. The funeral touk place on Sunday after- noon frdm hag late residence, Cumber- land Place, 12th line, to the Hunting- ford cemetery, and was largely attended. Another Dreadfal Affair. 4t PERSONS BURNED TO DEATH. Klamatb Fulls, Ore. -» Dec. 29.--Ne#s as just res d he bata most h tible holocaust occurred at Sdver Lake, F a e the festivirves KR being able nature, the By this was fee axa that peo ple began scrambling in wild en ee ° lage in Lake cou: . nty, Oregon, of abcut too inhabitants, and it ts 150 miles from the nearest telegraph office ------------------EEEE Young Woman Killed ae FROM A MOVING TRAIN D HER HEAD AGAINST A serre a Almonte, Ont. 1.--A yo 'espected farm- er, who lives on the tenth line of Ramsay, two miles from Miss Ar strong had stepped on the local train Pad it 200 y: w triking her head aga:nst the switch, nad was killed 'astewtly, her ne as thiown a gloom over Florida Experiences a Cold Snap. WHICH WILL CAUSE GREAT DAMAGE. Jacksonyille, Fis. Dec. 31.--The mer- boxes wil | bring fabulous prices. body, psor, wi nude, with the thermometer nearly 20 reordhiveany aere, hastily put the sufferers ia the house add started to run over to John Graat's, 'one and ta sti ee 1s Sard appes.-crmning Tr Diseases 1 veved im South Somicet oe 0 cece te | ae ta sgresily bosch, 25 coat 3 cents, Sold : Je: Droegist. SCHW. Dee., 'WASS--HEINMILLER--On the 36th of 2 by. yt Maurer € Hear Senwass DBaATHs. jOOR: Listewe! the Ist inst. MGsiheriae wore, egut "Te yeere and rr pa , SSSSSUBSSERSELASSSENLS Barley, Bae ~ 8 Shorts, d is Flour,per 100 Ibs 1 Oatmeal do 2 Cornmeal do 2 2 Batter per Ib. 2° Potaioos por bag 0 Sbeepaking *2 Wool per Ib. 16 'ood, 2a 2 Wood! snort, 151 feemecd Hogs, ° ss : Live Hogs ' om 3 - 406 & "eo 4a a & 3s UM use 2 2 . 2 + 280 300 . 50 5% 2.3, 189%, -sh & 1 & © Barley. eae ne a 8 a7 B ao @ Butter, perib ... ss 6 Kgxs, per doen + 3 FiOUr per barrel . 8:0 3 reased Hog: 475 5@ NORTH PERTH Conservative Association. The Annual Meeting of hares North Perth on willl be held Milverton, oN Thursday, January 17, 1895- at the hour of 3 o'clock, p. m., sharp, for the election of officers and o ther business. endance from mechs Municipality a the Riding is requ Dd. D. CAMPBELL President. A. ST. GEO, HAWKINS, Scerctary. Listowel, Jan. 3, 1895. TROWBRIDGE CHEESE & BUTTERCo. The Annual meeting of the Trowbridge gas B. Company Lid, will be held at the Molesworth Cheese and br Company, omnes Cee SICK HEADECHE snd Mem. 4a Comat sr * verr ° vatde {" Paros '28 Cents ar Onve Sroacs. ni MONEY _ 10 LOAN, * Havin 'HAMIL' a "PRot Saturday, we 12, 1895, given me in the Steretany SS er tor ay Bivction er nines Se - for the eusuite Sear, 'and On any past. And I eas thal may come up. A eae wii Hapa sahesptre Sy saree e 'o.ase2;ltrust the future AES: _JOHN ADAMS, Sépretary, will Do not fail to attend the. ~ BIG DRY-GOODS SALE sau | Now going on in the - 777 STORE, for ten days more, when the store will be vacated Balance ot Furs, Mantles, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Overcoats, Clothing, Htc. Must be sold st a price. DBVEBRYBODY COME. RUPTURED poh oe' Lneraers = Question Sheet, ons: if ep filled out, _ = Soe, Rh "@@ O's Tp awery Dee ed to fit and aor Fe thors w HCO FORT. years' experve once in indesign and adjusting. Inventor of OT 2. Pat ten ents n TRU Ru sure and Cf ptinnces: for »4 the relief of CLUB FEET, SPINAL DEFORMITIES. The most hoary ake and = ater "ow ¢ RHEUMATISM MEE GUST CO wi "D.&L. MENTHOL PLASTER uit La exclass ly Order through four m factory and fitting-roo orpobite KiNG WEST Toronto. Can physician, érveeish 9 or CHAS. CLUT -I take this oppor- tunity of thank- ing my many cus- the patron- tomers for support, age and confi- dence they have ba--elsagant and profitablé to both. Wishing you the compli- ments oon. annnal restive a of She, Matarwo rth cone AD mt e ! 1 beheld in the Orange Hall, Molesworth, on | SCASON. Saturday 12th day of January, 1895, at the boar oft ovetoe ar. | YOUS ef ving ihe, Heanenat a uaitors spore for ppt year, the election of trul , joers, for the coming year, and any other y . hee aingd peel ery 7 bo meétitog ase be a be busivess mestiog is overa Zaitinena bY be paid to J . H . the sharebolders ob their milk. i > Dated this 27th Dec. 154, r& H. COOBLIN, gecy. | GU N- ¢ SOW ESTRAY. | 7" | . = ' --o-- R, ace oy abenk fhe wth of at. a blac ee Li J i. p MONeh lot 3. conn a, Walken" utaer | -2tStO~ wiil pl come prove pr od ex the «ow a ' el W.G. McNEILL, : 48e. Lot3 Coa. 2 Wallace O nt. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1894, > TOWN OF LISTOWEL. 16th Annual Convention Dairymen's Association The Electors of the Town of Listowel are here wby Pe thata public meeting will TOWN HALL MONDAY DECEMBER 31, "94, F- the hour of Xen ovo sa h the forenoo: ir the purpors of nominatin; candidates for the offices of Mayor, Beeveand id Devuty- --Or-- . Western Ontario . tT. STRATFORD, - - = ONT. v-- Jan, 15, 16 and 17, 96. Bearpualence tacts ene |W EAEET a or FUL DAIRYING, lors and Public School Trustees for the sev: beld the same the Onis oe i the'tame plnoe, at tbe hour "Should poll ba necemmary i will be held | , FOF t partion Monday, January 7th, 1896, im Ww. WHEATON, _Secty- RICHMOND 8T., .|LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY commence at the hour of dereionk. a. ™. x epalinas opya untill So o'clock 'p,m. _ Be lop aed at ea tow wae Beet. MMilcrsing ag Ofer nea, For Bismarck WAxpD, at Goddard Officer. Shop, N. mules Tint, A eet ~Helurning Fo jcroura WakD,.at Squires Wagon Shop. wale Ad t, Andrew Keturoing OF ~ Ree hems: Fon Dearest Wamp, Morrow's House Alex Morrow, a apie yieige 5 DOowWNE WA wb tll dy Bitacsian wm. piuour, ' wo . Listowel, Deo, 14, 1894. ~ MARY AITCHISON Wit' wee, no iba? \Brorstnine nad cash prices, Butter and exgs My Photograph. Gallery New Tailoring . Establishment, on AND AFTER SATURDAY 18TH FRUIT STORE of 'Spo hong gion, has ope Mitr to ihe Old Hank of Hamilton, asa wil| EVERY DOZEN PHO- |FAMILY Gi GROCERIES ple erm] TOGRAPHS WILE hg SR FR £. , CONFECTION ERY, |S tkret =. piece opie eee with ie bal outy for enum, and' there. Also the lucky number out of CEYLON. TEAS Esaranloe a good St, aod (he best wotkman- thirty will draw a ladies' gold watch, now on exhibition Everything warranted. "Slee next oor wet 'ot Hamner Oates, | 177 884 you Fil be Pinsanne soticiied 8S. M. SMITH, MARY ATTOAION, WM $ EPHAN. 37 "Telegraph Office. A. MacDonald. --<