Listowel Standard, 11 Jan 1895, p. 4

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'| i objec les and Thin Chiidren and Mtobust by Scott's Emulsion when other eee tO'do them no good whatever. ; : ide H's Emulsion is put up in safmon- Reel cheap substitutes! sruocron, # sebey as I Gan, agit lot to re- it was m ee om i English They have a booty not belong to to the EECAL SrsTEe ' more than it did & . expres} for and women, : from him we would n: quantities of water to wash in. as- ait One of these unfortunates fell under ton! his attendants. After the rms end « cial and in return for my washing operations were completed the vo me his Em with very great calmness pro- Spds his mental fac ed to trim his nails. He had beau- wi e+ aga and attention titude, ~ He seemed to expect that his ailment would terminate" fatally and probably only because of that fact did he reconcile Lf to im- a "I was The fl the town applied friction to the whole is ~ of Opelousas, in the State of Lou! of his body, on it vials full of ger Thou! Pe Sod et the beginning of the Civil War n decelegne. 'This babls of rubbing. 4. 4 for Infants and Children. e Stas -- fea énlisted in the C era z which Nai as be said, brough' ) v4 . For eal. by elt drapgicic, or will be sent por ated BE becki:, sosaiea te Lice | o te if, ote ET ne TTeTcaee eee Oe, attr th, ' Lid » THF? LTT ase ® dl 4 ; treanare, | Si pactant Thay wer nt ale ote Ce a ar a omen of Castoria with the of Brockville, Owl i I waite tra when we finally reached an old water- | C4 todo it gently. | "Harder!* said be ee Pt aren, millions of persons, permit us to speak of it without guessing. hated : wer mill at seme odes the conkine t you were rubbing a donkey." air ss ast 088) pie Itin unquestionably tho best remedy for Infants and Children ' pe pag a eae -- : a left ofthe place where w. were a D4 rene ae ; - a i = apes =p ining a5 DON | DESPAIR of the Northe were' de- e B re: thing, washin; id rab- e secre ~ gives them health. It will their Hves. J; Mothers have Faatng and eying waste out beaut. | we obeerred «Tanga of low hile cast | ving tho Emperor droeed hisuoll, Over | $400 batman fiat to Meester. ee ee . ful South. I lost no opportunity to visit a ry 6 an eae the Gee ie oe 8 flannel wi he for six hours without saking, something wh: sa! safe asa a \ © place to se- 7 crete our prize. Without further delay The mory we read of Napoleon Bona- and ded a bold hill intended to take w' rty the more unique a lity we which protruded from the main rango, | Which b phi the flan. | fi\G hin. He was not to be judged by Casterte eetroye Worms. ? : meld se to rill any law buat his own. an ras toris Fr. } God eee tees oe ae 'Afterwards Constant put on his feet | , yor like him, and itis hardly likely " aiciea sane ception of this bill the whole range was | Yery light merino socks, over which he | that any man ever will be. He was tho Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. i re eure you? Druggist. Listowel, Ont. lensely w this particul be. w stockings of rate he ow kept up | man ny bo-man who, ing covered with a growth of ary wood by elastic garters; he to him ® | though dead and buried, Franco fears Castoria cures Diarrhaa and Wind Colle, umach and jack rees. Its soll pein -- bys Ag god and admires more i Castoria relieves Teething Troublos. | sted was a yellowish clay, strewn with | bed bs ing power. = ' : | 80) ndston: In the side of this bill, 7 bre rapes of -- kerse, A seed > M Castoria cures and Flatulency. o ke cing one asliee: a short, as ecp at men at us with EARTHQUAKES IN. MEXI-9 = . Castoria neutralizes tho effocts of carbonic acid gas or poisonous atr, secret, and when I found an opportunity | 2nd irregulr hollow, worn out hy the AV, THE os * . to de it where I i iy i tion of water and with crags of strati page gern -- he were ery Gee MOST SUCCESSFUL REED} Castoria does not conta' optum the: « Se Oe ee ae ace SATVICO Was | ee neous Jutting cut from the up- | pe taloons of white Kerseymerc or of | 4... _ , ' FOR MAN OR BEP: Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, ended or the war closed. per side. ; jew the Recent Shake-ap Showed [self and new -- "It is unnecessary to tell of tho long "For a song Sine wT than Unried ann =p a wane Qt Sc --Submarion Voleanwes Musy, Toe RD AT Mada Etting healthy ond neturel WILL CURE YOU ride through the North or how it at | heap of valuables, and then buried them Th: earthquake which v.sit«l the SPAT CURE Casterin ts put up in one-size bottles oxly. It is not sold in bulk We tee Dodd's K Pilla te cure any length ended, fo is a part of the | ln the side of the hollow, facing th He wore his shoes much longer than | ¢'t¥ of Mexico on November 2 was pr LL, N.Y. Jan t PSE EP A Smee Dottie: only: It ts act toe caze'of Bright's Disease es, par at our seonitry and ol , . war covation with a Hine and slay his feet, and he kept them constantly bably the most severe shock felt in tuat cht a splendid tay es oy Don't allow any one to sell you anything o!s0 on the plea or promise Drops: peematige. Heart Disease. Say that were Ohio, | Campens Spring near by he . ri <im since the famous earthquakes of 4 SCC tse Fore WNC hw Pm row! money near the little town of Salineville, in | bole we then covere ith patches of chan avikg ut on his shees and a ve: 1553. An eye-witsess of the ps wih rot @230 fers that it is "just as good" and " will answer " fone of peice, got per boa, oe Bir bones Base Columbiana Coun It was on the first | 80d and iooso stones, leaving the ction | nin evay br muslin, and over it a sti | "rites of it tor The Boston Herald, has) ESUand, him pine weeks. a0 Le , See that you ret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. DR. L.A. SMITH & CO., Toronto, Sa CURT whee General Morgan | of time and rain to sbliverate all evi: | cock of back alk, very high ad broad | wlatrd sono very fnter-eting details Toure truly, | W, 6 tamsp called a halt and anuoune that our ence an de nee. ren We . t The shocks, he 6, commence! with 5 Ey raid was over a: ; that it was only a po pga hap town of Logan, and with & See apral white ora swe an upward Tnowe neat of th carth of KENDALL $ PAYER, Gir The fno-simile . 2. is on every question of a few hours when we must | and on rug he valley, taking: eth . such violence that sive buildings | pr, ALAS, Mist. Dow. 14:2 signature «f LIRA, : surrender. s close upon our | our tine and feeling relieved. twas a | in a aatoneste of tetase oon rocked upon their foundations igs Kean or "Fite * Seem: MADAMINE. Fone, the "4 a se was filled with clstance 2 about twenty a to witccoat was reckoned with tho knee | Children's cradles. Many roo's wars T rand valuable medici all female gunboats and all our hope of cscape was | Athens, but we swung along after a aces oupletely wrecked and larg: cra-ka complaints is y, jneking reconrkabls ne. He advised, however, that we | (ime at'a good round gait, and made | Urecchrs at 8 francs by the usual | completely wrocked and larg era: Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. gums of cases to which ail other remedies bad remain together, and when the inevj. | the journey in a fow hours. ere we | cjeune, who in 1815 replaced Cheva- | Te cathedral also sustained serious in- Sa experienced physician for many © came he jd make the best | found, to our satisfaction, that a rail | 'Jeune, wies. During the most violent part of se ee A te the w p naternoss terms possihlo for us all, rane runniog into Cincinnati, | Her. The Emperor changed his waist- | the carthquake ths picfnres on the wail or whites, painfal,, sxppreesed, protaoe or treage "A few minutes after we halted, my | ®"d We at once concluded to deviate | coat and knee-breeches every morning, | 4. ved to an , and telegraph cables " ular menstruation, congestion and inflamma- companion, Mario, and myself were from our former plan, instead of | only wearing them when clean, an swung in the air like clothes lin s. T -- = tion of the womb, and other uteri a troubles, suinmoned in the presence of the Com. | tying to cross the Ohio River here, to | having them washed only three or four | hors-s on the streets were unable to eg . ; . scomkipation, backaals ~ we pone on manding General. Mario had been my 0 to Cincinnati and work our way over | times, Keep on their feet, and water was hurl - For thati $5 tt Ot " + ing, ete.. which so women suffer fearest frie or ye wasn | nto Kentucky, toa place called" Cyn- "Careful as he was of his person, he | ed out of the pwtblic fountain basin " ' ' Par doslarqodinicemat rienhehy "orig Spaniard and lived in the same parish | thiana, where we had once been with | was very little so of his clothes. He he rocking was accompanied by + ney Eee en a oe Out Fenian con be Pp 'from the in Lowsiana where | was born, We tgan, and where there was a wiped his pen on his breeches, or h fond, 'renting sounds which added to af 9. WW «anni local agent. Price, 81.95 for one month's treat had known each other since boyhood vailin iment the South splashed the ink about by tossing his | the terror of the people. The nctual at ' Ons BE qian GG. ment, ana mn De sent by mail on reoalpt of entered the army together and had becn | C@¥se. Here wo ex d to find e 7 oon the writi le. This did not | loss of life has xed at 15 liver, Vi PW ete eet See 438! So ee, Par 7 inseparable companions. We were | pathy and aia to get mae into the Con ake him change them during the day, | and iong lists of casualties até reported. . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: J, Livingstone drug g | always together, shared our food and | tedrracy. atter how we accom- | any more than hig silk stockings, al | The earthquake was also mpaniod Be 2 Preventive and Cure of ali thes , _ our blankets and were ag devoted to | Plishe fre vat wo followed this plan, | though he had the habit of rubbing one | by the erupfion of the volca: olima, | : each other as were Damon and Pythias, | &0d ultimately worked our way, after | jeg with the eel of the shoo of the | which contin al nels aa SF "< -- Mario was as bold asa lion, and when | ™40 to our old home. other foot when it itehed. o renew: | had subsided to emit clouas of st-am. Cu . aroused had all the ferocity of his race "The command to which we belonged | ing of the waistcoats and knee-breechrs Th-re i ory that 1 coasts] | i. NEW CUSTOM His courage was well known toGeneral | Was broken up, of course, and we teltat | wasn serio: att Forty-cight were | of Mexico there are submarine volcanoes | un ' ? ae' Morgan, and on several occasions ho | liberty to join another branch of the | to be supplied yearly, and they ought | whi during wsixmic mT ve ' Vea? mica VO rama had been detailed to perform delicate Kirby Smith, with whom we | to have lasted three years, but there | nomena on d. he scientists of Pei<> : Dees SreRer and dangerous secret missions forthe | fought, ever after the war was presu as aysadeticiency. In 18!f1, on he region visited by the earthquake as- ------_-- General, 1 was always bis companion | ¢d to be over. At the battle near Brazos | going through the wardrobe, there | sert that the shock no connection | -- --_--_----- in these matters, for Mario always do- | de Santiago, known aa the battle of | were o: eventy four instead of oue | with the great disturbances 0: manded this of the General. There Palmetto Ranch, my friend and com hundred and forty-four; the others must | earth's crust in South America. ore, We possctand the confidence of our panion marie as eee killed ; have been put aside," ee commander, and tt was not an unusual as Seriously wountied, covered The Nore at Moers Or RUrpriaing matter wher wero | [have not prospered since the war, 11 THE TOILET COMPLETED We had long known that that curious BUSINESS order d to report to him. There wasno {| until lately baye been unable to come When the emperor had completed his frenk ot the Fundy tides, the "bor." | a ooe present at our interview, and there h for my treasure Here [was | toilet and prepared to leave his apart orld Pg t Moueton.N B is neone now lr who knows what en sick, as you kno Should [ sur- peuts, he took his bat, which the first (and at Muneic enty) with every lit then took place sayw myself. After tell | vive you shall share my prize with me | valet handed to him, in his left hand re icaa As we stonped upon tho ing us that our condition was hopeless, | Should I die, it is all yours. This was bis tamous f black beaver | cee one of us said to the other. ashy nial tha rrendvr was inevitable, he This is the. story as my tend. the | lined wih quilted silk, weh heh ti ber ars:comes:t beret" and thors it wae stated that he had one more mission to | physician, told it, ns nearly as can | posed tothe rain got soa' and floppec ve " 'Genel rroes aaslgu't us, and our reward would be | give i ged on an sraricinna ian, dewn ove: his face and shoulders, Bu hes nee whee tee a ice sei Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayor, . ' priocely, when the time came, if it ever 7; or he wou ve bunted for hiv burie he was constant to it. ain a . hye sae duly for the realization of lils plana. | troasure, and appropriated | * |, After his hat the emperor received his | frum hank to banks roe ne PYF Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen of Pleiging us to secrecy, he thon divulg appy, prosperous and contested, handkerchief on which some cau de <i riythaer 1 "PILL AFTER EAT i the fnet that he had d ur raid ac a give writer permission to | Cologne had been sprinkled. then his Pi ishag woul wscemave baw seit INSURES GOOD Dist! Hartford City, Indiana. a apenas 0 Custom Tailoring cumulated treasure enough to eurich | inake his secret public for the benefit of | eveglass, his bonbonniere and a snuff. ly It approached; d a very te PRICE 25 CTS. Tue PQDDS MEDCo. business in the rooms ch of ad that ture was | any one who may wish to hunt for it. or x. GOfthe latter he had ollectio; Miuutes it needed no such help to $59 - certain, and with it the loss of his booty. | who may be interested in the strange | ofthe n ex pensiv ind, but th that iteame rotling on with ths speed he had conclude take us into his | and interesting story e used were plain, This elaborate totlet iiwny train, show © low, Over Hutcbison's store- contidence, tutrust meh his sregeare, ~ ns was completed at 9 plesk: then the ¢ tumbling outline of b sn "ro'ler® to e the command anc 1 x ' to | feiald near he lovee lasted till s bes y . ' t 8 We wero attired in N APOLEON S HA BI I S. | 9.30, wh edejeuner was served-- ohare woctae ro: r yess 7 Tosoat Vila NEW STYLES cee cithens clothes, babe ivy nad ae the eeiperet Wad Saya for it, which be | our breath, waiting fop ths mom nt res] tuted tor ou nand so uniforms would not be if the iness - ne i ti fo +t. a some days before, he thought we might | PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF portance. Foe eet pee beak h auc fot. Past thyeneh the countey Undetected THE GREAT MAN OF DESTINY. THE DEJEUNER it the moment came. now co hand, and the publie and ma r way c wkd ' _ . : Then when we had been exchanged o7 = _ Napoleon cared very little about eat- ine, Care as a eet, lid can rely upon getting a good in the event the war should end, we | He Shaved tMimset( for Fear of an Asse } ing, which was a source o t Wo | troken dam, auretching straicht acr fit every time and all work would meet and divide the booty. vin and Took Great Care of Hie Hands | Apples to his cook, and he cared even | |) Oh Shit SE rolling, tumbling done most satisfi il "Tt might seem strang t Morgan less about drinkin He rarely over Foauiiug as it raced along, just ns ost satistactoriy. place such confidence in two pri aed Teeth, bat Was Not Particular Soa aoyt ing Aga gtt palin great breaker races up the-beach a'ter i om little bo rs Ane Tix, a ge wal Or ws a fs "i face of the bat he anders! that he ANOSE Mie: Vend. He had no wine cellar, but bought what i ie ae ag rippling jeentle Chargey Moderate, chances with men of h When Napoleon Re i Aa) onal ownward toward the sca; behind, the ud iver @ pledge of honor and that ) ing the tirst thing he did was to bathe, | Contract when he wanted it. water lovel was hearly three feet high. A triat O1uer is respectfully solieite?. bere was a © our acting in | but his bath could not have been very Napoleon always t his dejeuner | oe and ing up the th ood faith with him; while if be kept & ing, as it was of wa most | alon ept ng the very short | 4,4 speed and fury of a minlaturo Nia _ fis treasure he was sure to lose it when ot water. He stayed ip the bath for an | time between his second marriage and | ean sorg. At the sides the foam was At the present moment the popularity A W. GLENN. ptured, for it would be readily recog our, sometimes longer, It St, Helena | the confinement of the pre own with 4 rn fro nks, | of the Pope is larg-ly poltical. 3 nized as stolen property. It was agame | ho passed days and sometimes nights in | in took dejeuner with bim, and | aig att ths plunging current that came | rule whou th+ kings ov ronment is un : ot chance at all eventa On y he \ after the birth of the King of Rome the after was turbid and ¢ " popular the pope is popuiac. Et ke might win, the other way he was cer "On leaving the bath be puton a | Emperor resumed his fitary habi 'oe watched that magic line ius an tbh Hiatara when one tain to loge. Our conference then clos- | waistcoat of flannel, a shirt similar to | which him better, From t «ling, twisting and turning as the| is active, tho othor is quiescent, and LISTOWEL ed. We ged d the bal. | that which ho wore at night (for his | berth of his son, the gouvenante of tho | channel curved between the wastes of| vice versa. 'The pope will now aso ance of the day and at night ur shirts of semi hollande at 60 francs and | children of France was ordered to bri mud flat; and moment by moment the! old, aid and abet any movement which yur e and leisurely strolled awa fterwards at 48 francs apiece were all | the child every day at time of dejeaner level of the racing flood below us eli 4 against the power opposed We had no pickets out save in our rear | of the same pattern); th-n he a | Hy took him on hix knees. lo him | od higher on the pi A group It is ths old if "inct of maintaining and on our right flank so we walked t chainber costume, compo-ed in sum- { taste his reddened water, and put to his | joc Who ha: Sliphie until the| his own position? playing off on . the east, where there was no one to in- | mer ofa pair of drawers with feet and a litth of any AVY of sauce | jig le second out on the flats seat-| tion or faction 2: the othor, It ---- 7 terrupt After wo 'otten a mi Jong coat or d gown of white | which came nd. Mine. de Montes- | tired into trailing lines dow} isthe great pap:! polte™ethe middle - or two the wo + | twilled dimity ; in winter of stout jeu remonstrated; the burst | making for the ps eon : , When] ages. ~ ed our pace and walked briskly, with cotton drawers + feet « a t lal i som-and | the fader] SG sabaldl eupparted the units af Italy. ---- occasional pauses for until next j ¢ gown of w dufiie, his | with his the dirta Cowe turned{ which meant destruction of ' head he kept the bandana which pt --Boston | Pope's t-m So x. ly tired, i over 0 to the Garibaldi revolution. [ Fort Way was Opposed . ' Bat the Sicilian tion an! the ers, I Maffei movement threa the i " Geo tion - menerest, t said he would| Pope, 80 3 supports t 4 . a fi surgents, Freemasons, Anarchists, Re- Builders and. Contractors pou one per- | publicans, ¢ ne genus, For o1 3 | Eis reese ca. 0 Pops i peers | Adultanaites of alt 4 and conditi Gentlemen: I received » letter}an advertisement of your medicine are prepared to contract for the ¢ Most find themselves in the same camp. The | from you May 27th, stating that you|and concluded to try one bottle. By | of all classes ofbulidings. Plans and spelt iv fact is, Pope now is in the most * cations drawn, and esti on ° pet delightful aud enviable position of had heard of my wo recov-| the time I had taken one and one- appliention. first clock which able to say to tented Italy: "I| ery from a spell of sickness of six|half bottles I could rise up and take Si tens vie. told you oo !""~Tha Fortnightly Review. years duration, through the use of} step or two by being helped, and seuke ree of aX 7 * m. Sours Awznicax Nazvirs, and asking | after I bad taken five bottles in all I Sash Hoos Sores sole aS he em & aie for my testimonial. I was near|fclt real well. The ahaking went nnel waistcoat, flooded one side aid Se Wears wed ox" of the | thirty-five years old when I took|away gradually, and I could eat and face with lather, which he LE t time of Sines pe ee ® | down with nervous prostration. Our|sleep good, and my friends could F 98, Blinds ate ? around him ; then he w: ' famil: ician treated me, but with-| scarcely believe it was I. I am sare Fam i pure e couldn took a razor with a hand Pe A A de =f the, origings 7 physic smpheary My | thi oe is the best in the world ? ' about the city with us, aud it inade us ih of Webiesen in Hittbera'tn see | Ott bensiting me in the lenet. My | this mod rather seryens to leave thom at our ue ofthe Plantagenets, They woald | ¢rvous system seamed to be entirely | I belive it saved my life. I give my mratshed on -- "Yen Hie in wait. for worship strast shattered, and I constantly had very | namo and address, so that if anyone order. Ev erythuag in the build'ng line wil down oe hear tene court In addition | doubts my statement they ean write 4 @ttention ana "I am | and offer cheeses of the kind they severe spells. In fie Malgar at less than market prices, and | to this I would have vomiting spells. | mo, or our postmaster or any citizen, an Bey = , the cit ag in i¢ | During the yeare I lay sick, my folks | aa all are acquainted with my ease | piper Chass WORKMANSHIP avuae when wo ag soneh Sam, ant geaweally & a | bad an eminent physician from Day-|I am now forty-one years of age, TEED. : ea aw' cndimaie euee tn and from | and expect to live as long ss the i 5 case. Thus, in 1375, one day Ohio, to come and examine me. | Lord has use for me and do all the Charges Very Moderate ohn son CTE te eeutares, met | They all said I could not live. | good I can in helping the suffering. . j :wateh. Ry coming to the sey," y." | got to having spells like and Mus Extax Srours pa OR sacag sor ey Te ge oo would lie cold and stiff for a time| Will © remedy which can effect Pactory--Ink Bt Listowe! ex-| geese were fo the. use of the | sftereach. At last I lost the use of] such » marvellous oure as the above, bight} wee of the sheriff, bo that there would be body--could not rise from my bed | 'i eae Bamford Bros. -

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