Listowel Standard, 8 Mar 1895, p. 3

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_ SING! 'e-have a--fine stock _of PRESBYTERIAN HYMNALS HYMNS and PSALTERS --that we will sell at-- HALF PRICE J. LIVINGSTONE jr. Druggist. BANK OF HAMILTON. OAPITAL - = RESERVE FUND - $1,250,000 $675,000 DIRECTORS JOHN STUART, Prearperr ;* RAMBAY, Vicz-Przs, OBNFROCTOR. GEORGE ROACH, A.T. WOOD, WM. GIBSON, M. P A. B, LEE (Toronto.) == SAVINGS BANK.--$1 and opwards re- eeived on do It. SPECIAL ROSES aleo received at cur, Trent rates of inte: DRA paste 2 Great 'ir rituin andthe United States ead sold, Collections made on tavoranie. terme: A,STUART M4. Axent Listowel. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. 777 Grocery is sole agent for Salada Tes. Miss Campbell is visiting in Toronto for a few weeks. = Mr and Mrs, J. E. Brook werein Toronto for a few ae last week. Vood nted in ae for cutters. Apply to i. Goddard, --2b L, H. Large of Scott's bank, Shelbourne, is home on the sick list. Mrs. Twerpue, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, J. W, Scott, at Idlewyld, Ma. Ws. Beatriz lias removed his i plement agency to the oll Hoss factory building, east of the Stannann office. Got H. McDonald's White Grocery for 27 7 Ihe of the beat granulated sugar.-- 2 Miss Breckennrpar, Carson & McKee's popular oan has returned to town and can be seen at the Gelden Lion, Oat pet $6 per ton, at Palmerston Oat meal } pe 42 A. Mover & Co. Miss McFantane, of Stratford, and Minx Clark of Sarnia, were the guests of Mrs. J. W. Scott at Idlewyld for a few -days last k. LExTEN services are being held every. Rha sng evening in Christ Church, be* ginning at 7.30, conducted by Rev. Mr. Fairlie. All Photos made on American Aristo and Platino papers at D, Barber's, They are water apt and ae not to fade. Yo extra Mus. M. Pexpre of Walkerton, who was visiting Mrs. E. M. Alexander Jast week: has gone to Exeter to visit her sister, Mrs D. Dyer. At the Liberal Convention held in Strat- ford on Saturday last, Mr. Jas, Grieve was re-nominated as the party candidate in the coming contest. The proceedings were of a very formal nature. Crows are flying about, which is suppos- ed to bea sign that spring is not far off. However, winter has a pretty firm grip, and from present appearances will not likely let up for aweek or two yet Tue Scarlet Chapter will be opened on Thursday the M4th,at o'clock, in the Orange Hall, Listowel. Any Brothers wishing to get the degree will send in their names to George Dickson, District Master. Avetion Sate --In Dr. Philp's Store on Saturday afternoon and evening, of Pic- tures and Sceneries, also a lot of chairs, bed- steads and furniture, sume beautiful pic- tures of John A.Macdonald and Gladstone, Mr R. J, Anmstroxe of Millbank, father of Mr. W. T. Armstrong, has been in town this week, assisting in looking after his son's affairs in connection with the late fire, while the latter has been Isid up through illness. Stock Svirmexts.--R. R. Hay shipped a car load of fine draught horses to Portland on Saturday. Scott & Tones shipped a car of live hog to I nd H. Lealie shipped acar of cattle to Toronto esterday. Fovata Derrantwent L. P. §.--Those New Grocery. -- Messrs. Tamblyn & Climie are about to open a grocery and flour and feed store in the premises lately occu- pied by Mr. J. 8S. Bowman on Wallace street. They expect to open out next week, Ma. H. J. Suexmax, son-in-law of Mr. Robt McIlroy of the 3rdiine Wallace, leayes _to-day for his home in Ohio, after spending s couple of months in. this ag em . Mrs. Sherman will a short time longer. Cumax THE Sinier alin. --Citisens: eats ean find | plenty of healthy exercise just now in cleaning the of snow. Should this reminder be acted upon before a thaw pete in b di ¢ anh a3 _the same Firru Daraxracext L. P. P. 6.---Pupila who have tak - on igh of Bebruary: C . U, ¥aughan, A. George, G. Bitton, Jno, Baker, James Pelton, Wm. Heinbecker, A. W. Grove, M. Bruce, F. Coleman, monthly fair days in falland spring ie you wanta firgt class ov best terms, 'see J. A. Gardner, No. [Mitchell road,See the Blachford Organ be- fore purchasing. "This is to certify that J- A. Gardner, Piano & Organ tuner, has re- paired our organ, and although in use about seven years, is just as good as new. 1TH, Boundry line South." Do not forget the mass meeting con- ducted by the Young People's Union of at So'clock. A splendid meeting is being arranged. Allare welcome. Callection in aid or the Mechanica' Institute. We appeal to the citizens to ¢apport us in this movement, which can not fail to benefit every resident of the town,.--Sec Y. P. U. of CW, Avecrion Satxs.--On Tuesday, March 12th, Mr. Jas. Bartley, lot 7,con. 1, Wall- ace, will dispose of his farm stock and im- pliments by public auction. Sale to begin hold of stock and iaaplocente; including mithoar 20 head of cattle, 7 ewes, 14 pigs, a binder, etc, Sale at lo'clock sharp, T. E and Auctioneer. At the Methodist parsonage, in town last Monday, a number of ministers of the town met for lunch and social conversation, pe concluded by formin, Ministerial sociation, with Ber. Dr. Willoughby us eae and Rey, R. Hopkin secretary. Many suggestions were offered as to the vest way of reaching those for whose benefit the churches labor--the indifferent, the will hold monthly mectings, and is it hoped that closer relations and united efforts will result, s Cuaxcinc Haxps.--Mr. H. F. Buck has sold out his retail furniture store on ronto. Mr. Hermiston takes ion this week, Mr. Buck will continue the manufacturing business on Inkerman street, which is being conducted under the name Company is at present manufacturing bed- room suits, sideboards, ete. 3am Der. --These pupils ob- tained the highest marks in the examinations held inthe 3rd dept. during the month of February, maximums? : Robinson 65, Dollie Wilson 65, Emma Stephan 63, Irene Campbell 62, Roy Thom- linson 61, Ethel Bogues 60, Gertie Hep- pler 59, Don Sharpe 59, Lillian Griffin 58, Tom Kay 58, Lena Holtzman 57 Collins 57, Emma Seburger 56, Aggie The 55, Ada George 55, Emma Manni ing ! 55, Oswald Givhe 5 45, Ernie Arm- strong 55, Willie Butt 5 Magyvie Terernoxe subscribers please take no- tice and add to your list: J, M. Schin- bein, Merchant, Las put in Telephone No. 88. Also Mary Aitcheson and Robert Amey have taken over Telephone No. 92, and more to follow shortly. No residence should or can afford to be without it, a triffle over Se. per day. See what it means in case of fire, sickness, distress or bad weather. The Phone reaches every part of the town, with exception of only a very few, ry store of importance now hasa tele phone, and subscribers find it a great con- -- to order by telephone their sup- plies, J. H. Gestner, Local Manager Metuoptst 8, S.--The annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday School Committee was held on Tuesday evening. So wel pleased were the members with the progress made by the school that all the officers and teachers were re-elected: W. M. Bruce, Superintendent ; Dr. : R. Watson, aasis- tant ; Secretaries, R. A. Seaman, A. hanna chison ; iileesion; W. Bradley, Jas.S The general attendance, os also that i" ae Bible class, was shown to be very much above previous year vote of thanks to the Superintendent for the faithful and aim- inble service rendered was unanimously car- ried. A testimonial to the excellent service performed by the Orchestra was ordered to he transmitted by the Secretary with the thanks of the Committee. Mn. Ciankr, the Conservative candi- date in North Wellington, is meeting with equal success in other parts of the riding to that which marked his recent meetings in Wallace. In reporting a meeting held by Mr. Clarke at Farewell, the Mount Forest Representative has the following: 'The speeches of both Mr. Clarke and Mr. Spence were fair and unimpaasioned, con- taining no abuse and abounding in convin- cing arguments in favor of the trade poly of the present government, and the of the false claims made by the cppesten. Mr. Clarke is fast becoming a with so much candor Ye at once convinces his audience of the truthfulness of his words." Tue De.ixeaton ror Arnit is called the Spring Announcement Number, and is an excellent specimen of this most woman's magazine. Supplementary to the regular insue of patterns there isa timely article on Bicycling, with illustrations of ecetumes, that will interest all lovers of the wheel. The papers on the Voice are re- 5 Piano or Organ E. Tarion. Rie nae printing, and had come to the __Fam Dav was a brisk business day in | The lecture was a most interesting and in- F being the usual of the pre- Z that the March fair to to hs | bant-day: probleme te:a. thoakibel beeod> expectation of hearing Sir Richard Cart- | viewed and way. The andience | Gunther pointed out that the part plied by local talent, was ing. The Mechanics' few dollars ahead by the Fixx Resipesce Desrnorep on Wallace street wine rei Mr. W.T. Arm: strong, and formerly known as the Dr. Sommer property, was on fire. Unfortun- ately the building was beyond reach of the water works, and the fire company, . who were quickly on hand, had to depend upon he fire engine, which it waa foundnecessary toplace at the river in order to obtain a supply of water, This and laying the hose such a distance consumed some valuable time, during which the fire made rapid pro- gress. The crowd of citizens who quickly gathered, set to work to save. the contents. Most of the furniture in the front part of the building, both upstairs and on the ground floor, was got out, but in the rear part of the house very little was saved. The fire brigade did their bx oe | had such a hold that it was found weston of the aiaage er was left standing. Th nex the rear, which was protected hy a brick yal was saved through the exertions of the firemen. Mr. Geo, Brandley, senior occupied part of the latter building as a dwelling. Mr. Armstrong's loss is a heavy one, as he had spent several hundred dollars in improving the property since purchasing it. The family also lost nearly all of their clothing, and a_consider- able portion of other household goorda. Their four boarders also suffered by the fire. Mr. Armstrong's younger brother Walter lost most of his clothes and $10 in cash ; Mr. Jos, McDonald, partner of Mr. Arm- strong in the implement agency business, lost all his clothing except what he had on, and Mr. McKechnie, traveller, and wife, who had rooms there, also lost part of their effects. The building was insured for $1,- 500, and the contents for $1,000. We understand that the full claim on building has been allowed, and that a satisfactors scitlement has been made on con latter beingin the Waterloo Mutual. The fire is supposed to have caught from a de- fective flue over the kitchen, Mr. Arm strong, who has been quite ill since the fire, is, we are pleased to learn, recovering and will be able to attend to business again in a day or two. Tows Covncrt.--Regular monthly meeting of Town Council was hell on Monday even- ing, 3rd inst, Present, Mayor Feather- stoncin the chair, Reeve Welch, Deputy- Reeve Bowman and Councillors Foerch, Seburger, Gunther, Pelton, Goddard, Gillivray, Stevenson McCutcheon. Minntes of last meeting read and confirmed. The following accounts were read and re ferred to proper committees ; H. Goddard rent of shop for polling booth, #2; Wa Bright, express charges, 3c. Nichol estate for damage to iron fence te snow plow, 87; Gas Co, $121,50, do for setting lamp post $2. A communication was read from C. Tabberner, agent for Mra, Walker, asking for a refund of taxes overpaid on z a store occupied by Mr. Hutchison, taxes having beenpaid on $3,200 instead of $2,700 --referred to Finance Committee. A letter was read from Thos. Davidson, stating that on the 20th January last he had sustained a somewhat serions injury by reason of a fall oceasioned by the accumulation of ice upon the sidewalk on the street, coused by water falling from a spout upon the premises of Messrs Thompson west side of Wallace Bros,--referred to Executive Committee. The following accounts were also handed in : Geo, H. Edgecumbe, printing $2.75; Be' & Riddell, anseas- ment rolla and assessor's pul Chairman of Finance reported that he had examined the Auditors' report and believe it is correct; also reported that the expenditure for each of the different committees for January and February was as follows: Board of Works, $20.32; Fire, Water & Gas $9.68 ; Printing, $32 56 ; Relief, $12 30: Salaries, $148.25; Public School, $585; High School, $500; Coupons, $2280) ; In- was high! Institute ie quaker tion was made to adopt lecture. 8 wite of Jobo Stubbs of a son the uncollected tax rull, after which the meeting adjourned IN ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. Nor way Pine Syrup gives great relief, aad: erlon.betatainy easy. upd "Belo re the nominasion of Mr. W. Me- Clary by the Welland Conservative con- vention on nday a letter wus read from Hon. Dr, Montague, who had convention, in which he copstituents in Haldima' Ae were unwilling to release him, he was obliged to refuse the nomination. The chdtce of Mr. Mc- Cleary was most unanimous. A YorutaR TRAVELLER. Mr, N.B., in caer ing of Norway Pine Syruy, says.--"*1t ie cough cure I ever sed and I p Have ds of imi to induce me to use any o + When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria, It appears the Orangeville Post ts bound to show up the poittical situation in Amaranth, Recently the Post said: vy Dudgeon, of Ar th, howled tor Patron Dynes last June E d. Sawtell; #0 did Preacher Gray; so did the Fifea, of Laurer; an Grit, bie and #mal!, in Armaranth town- ship. Where are all these noble and valiant Patrons now? Are they prepared Oo wo vote for Bob Wansboro', the Patron candidate for North Wellington ? Nota bite hey are all che jowl with Jim McMuller, the Grit candi- date, and are declaring with John Park, no candidate could be a party man anda Patron atthe same time, and Patrons belonged to no political party. hat achange has come o'er the spirit of their dreams in a few TIDINGS FROM ZIONVILLE. I suffered everything but death from eae during four years Asa tried all si of well as I could good te ever sinc » Ste w ART. Postmaster, Zionvil+, N. Be RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY -- a Rbeumatinm = an disease immediately disappears. h first doee greatly benefits, 25 cents, Sold JouN LivinGsTONe, Jr. Druggist. BIRTHS. AITCHESON-- 1a Elma, on the Ist tom, the wite of John Alteneson of a soi MILLER~In Wallaceville, on ihe lst Inst, che wife of Benjamin Miller of a daugh- BENNING- In Wallace, on the Sth inat.; me wife of Norman Benning of « daugh- TUBBS --In Listowel, on the ith inat,, the COOK--In_ Watiace, on ibe a ujt, the wife of Henry Cook, of a HACKING=In Listowel, on rts sth inst. the wife of Cyrus Hacklug, ofa son. (MARRIAGES. and others wi ra of deligh - The SCOTCH, CANADIAN ily. All the latest, others. the little:tots. ATTRACTIV THOROUGH Wildfang Grand Central - CHEVIOTS ingest OY ER- COATS Rawing| LO SELL for there are basket patterns, mohair woven in choice in this line. ré are IRISH and Elegant Patterns. Val Then we have nt TES ~ COLLARS sie FIRST GLASS - ead Made patie - There ITS Old werk pag men, boys, and Call and see them. WORKMANSHIP. Block Wedding Outfits a Specialty. ith lumps and We_ have a TWEEDS. E_ PRICES. The Clothier. READY MADE Woop. BALLARD & COCHILL. "THE through the fabric. the community. place to live in. efforts to regulate prices. Keep a_ful one on short 1 line of Stoves, Tinware, Creamers, Churns, Boilers, Kettles, &c. Cheese Factory fittings, viz : Pails, Milk Cans, Steam and Water Fittings of all kinds do Repairing promptly attendedto. Canadian and American Coal gil forsale. AILLIAX & SARVIS. notice, Pans, Cheese Vats, Sinks,Curd ROZEL "L-C! Cc R AW PO RD-In Stratford, the 20th Feby., by Rev. G. Goptieaiek, pastor of the W alarioo St. Methodiat Chureb, Mr. ewiords oF erere of Eiae. R towel. DFA" THS. woop- Ie "Mornington. on the 6th Inat. "eis Wood, aged 62 years and & oREEN Woon In Wallace, on the Sth inet, Leg aie of William Green- 'ood, | Consumption. nay beheon ™iice Express ond Pout O@ee dares. i A. ce SLOCTN CHEMICAL CO. Lid. lorento. Ont Kritzer, rock elm, $8.75 per 1,000 a 33. T. Keeso & Kritzer be accepted. The report also stated that $9.75 had heen expended for cutting down pitch holes--report adopted. hi recommending the payment 3ray of $2 for-hauling engine on Jeamery Slet, recommerided that T. Leake be re-appointed engincer at pire June Tst, 1895, and recommended that the Council take stépa to complete a con- tract for lighting the streets by gas or elec- the ence to account for keeping body of Ander: son. Moved by J. H. junther, seconded by W, Pelton, that the claim of Sellows & Alexander of 5 be paid, and that Wm. Beattie be paid $2 for services rendered 'in the Anderson case as ble--Carried. Mr. Skinner, representing the Royal Elec- tric Co., put in an offer for lighting the town by electric light, his offer being that he will install an electric plant in the town and place 14 electric lamps of 1500 candle he terest already felt in the subject. New and exceedingly pretty designs are given in Venetian Iron Work, Knitting, Tatting, chay writes very en the } ail, dra attention to the incandescen uette of First Calle and L ducti t ly p of the gas giving the accepted and motion of Mr, Gunther, second the paper on the Experiences of | ed by Mr. Pelton, the question of lighting a Training School increases the in- Commit led that a strong effort be put the fence be made secure. | It will do you good to call on 2/4. ML SCHINBEIN. We are going to give spec- ial drives this month. in Dry Goods, Our stock of new Dry Soods is now complete and a great number ot our custcmers have expressed themselves that we show the nicest range of Dry Goods they have ever seen, for a style, quality and quan usntity, We have neither or, money -to get at rent ple wales 2 s without having a look at ours. We show a great many new lines this spring. We are the sole agents for Priestley's Goods, known all over the world as the finest maker in Black Dry Goods. us and see through our goods. The weather keeps cold- and we have still some Fur Capes and Mantles left which we are same, you can get a snap in an Overcoat trom us... New Prints, Cretons, Flanneletts; |. Shirtings, Duckings, Muslins, Tickings and Cape Cloth in ell styles. New Capes. All we ask is, give usa fair share of trade. We take a back seat {rom nobody as to prices, 28 Ibs Best Granulated Sugar for $1 cash. reen wood wanted in ex- charfge tor goods, the market. No 1 in per rson should buy their Dry| or at -- Listowel. Come in and make your deals .during good Futniture at wholesale prices, LISTOWEL FURNITURE GO. 200 cords of dry, short wood, wanted in exchange for furniture. THE LISTOWEL FURNITURE CO. are now ready to take all kinds of LOGS AND LUMBER, in trade to be delivered either at Gotham Mills sleighing. business. seen in this town. New Muslins, Cretonnes, etc. will be very fine. We now introducetothe ladies of this section one of the- ost durable and best-fitting Corsets ever shown, known as EBEH," which means everlasting. with strips of highly tempered spring ribbon steel, polished, having metal tips to prevent the ends from cutting It is made with five hook clasps of the It is stayed highly t materials, two extra steels given in with every pair of _[gorsets, We control the sale of this famous corset and invite a We will not be able ti to get moved quite as soon as we ex- pected, as the premises will not be ready, but we will con- tinue to put prices away down, even lower than ever. [All t he quotations we have given you still hold good and scores of others that we have not mentioned hat we want toemphasize, and what deserves recogni- tion is the fact that this store has .been of direct benefit to Our policy of "The greatest good to the greatest number" makes living cheaper, and Listowel a better We know the public are appreciating our We commenced selling for cash about one year ago, some said we could not make it go, but our experience is, notwithstanding the hard times, "Our business hasgrown and continues to increase," many seine us they are well pleased with our way of doing he people are finding out that by trading here they don't have to pay other people's debts, every article is reduced in price in a way that credit dealers cannot do. We guarantee correct weights and measurements every nothing but straight forward dealing allowed on the premises. and we have time, FOR THE COMING SPRING Our stock will be especially fine, never have we made more careful selections, it has been our aim to gather anaes and dress materials for ladies' wear, the like of which cannot be Our selections ot new Silks, Art al Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, etc., Remember we seil Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Ready-made Clothing and All General Goods cheaper than can be found for like quality elsewhere. Our sign is and will continue to be "THE GOLDEN LION,' See our beautiful range of German Operas only 5c. Carson & McKee. SALLOWS € ALEXANDER, _ i, ¢ A The leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, have now in stock, furniture of the latest most designs, including FANCY ROCKERS, PARLOR AND BED-ROOM SUITS. and artistic PARLOR-WORK we guarantee, as we manufacture all our own goods in that line. A tull line of Furniture Coverings, Fringes, Cords and Gimps always kept in stock. picture frame. mouldings. ees stock. e have also a full line of Please call and see our com-- No trouble to quote prices or show goods. ndertaking attended to in the most thorough 'manner, "Night or Day." Logs, Lumber, Hay and Wood taken in eel for furniture. wood forsale at SALLOWS & ALEXANDER'S, no ae for delivering. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER, Main Street, Listowel. : J.M. SCHINBEIN. JACOB SEBURGER has rémoved several blocks west, to the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. ROWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming' B Tailoring establishment, Main street, south nag and is opening out jarge stocks otf American and WALL PAPERS, All the latest designswnd patterns, and at lowest prices I keep the heaviest stock in town of ~ SPRING - ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES ; slo CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMINGS. READY MIXED PAINTS BTC, t i Arp adding largely to my stock of | epee and Groceries. $40. pure Black Toa, and you will come again. g and Painting given prompt attention, and JACOB SEBURGER, Main Street, West. NEW SPRING DRY GOODS NEW SPRING BOOTS & SHOES ----Arriving and being opened up at----~ w.'Ss. GHE'S 2 STORES. eeptional good values in PRINTS, RHIRT NOS, COTTONADES. TWEEDS etc. goods arteed $0 AN = rors a av 'es We keep atall times our ateck reas goods are cut down in Our 5c, Ceyion Best Tea we bear ear sepearealy sree. tmey yee war bought We iavite everybody, Highest prices 8a, SOTL tO coos!D r goods in plain fgares. Kind caer = in 4 bereragie with pats at with er = 8 on eoeer io iy eal 'aa yc the apotia. ecardiess Family. 'Groceries Always 'Gomplete. f caepemaens. 0 be sos best be, oth object ot Meenas ane makin: ry be posted In as to Drie: Mg We you will be convinesed this is J.S. GEB, ws. MOCCASINS. a ee REDUCED IN PRICE aD per cent AT ROBERT MOORE'S, THE HARDWARE MAN' LISTOWEL.

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