& "GROCERY BARRISTRES, SOLICITORS. Cae the Sane Sr Notastes Public, Solicitors to, Haver, Street fdaisreet: 4. L. DARLING MORPHY & CARTHEN, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &C. SOTAKLIES PUHLIC & Com cuatantere: NeNEY Toe Lor H. B. Moaprr,. JM Ginvaee ABER AGES RING NARKISTERS, Solcthw< for the Merebacts Ha makarian Par esate TRUK UST. Mone, é Sm. Fa P. Maaee- F. W. GEarina. HONAD, FULLARTON, NEWRY stesversf Marriage Licenses, Cone Mlgeosaria ROKR. Deeds. oem ileagge 8 a. leaner "a sil conveyancing den emeonible @rma Money tetend, Grorce Watson, B. A., M.D. & NOW IN Foros Oe HI PFR- ™ t offers over Livi estonee Dreux store. Hertec nee OM ML Bipe r House 6 at « nirance or "Msto tireet. 49 W.E. DINGMAN, MD., GRADrATE of Quee * University ; uf ee Iclans. aud su reese Purgeo. and Actaey chen omice and residence--Main Street e DR. A. H. NICHOL, B. A Office ard Aibeoesre corner " Watece ent Bismarck Bie, Listuwel. J, J. FOSTER, DEN'TIstT. OMce over Flemming s Tetloring Fatabilah- tment MAIN ST. LISTOWEL, W. M.BERUCE, I ies DES TIST, eee vit iu ae Oxide Gna, " Pain lees axtrnr ig aa ate Sree entrance, Main near Thompen Listowel, M 2 LOAN 54 PER CENT. : Moe MAKTIN Nextdoor to standard Ue Litres Realience. iS. tenntoes st (eure OF PERTH SHE WAR: " toe. Ou the fire! apd hiro Teams ie piri Seath from ivie p rclock ork ell wml fee ita" au . aed " 'elu ek Che Creasures will be tn «t aieau aatsee at bir J foe an ta Wedonetay. Slurming, aturday of each week, turin ri. WA MDa ne _toumay Nerk. asaneoiere 'nome rad MONEY TO LOW. reperts wt the low. vty eet sem yet ot the hie hiélegh enn ber Sayin ht wr Ouel's, mined fpteres Viewed oon shel pry mente of rinet wt Vere meee COUR DE Conwes ane ne dune fe sore) ee incest ite responsible Compuuls Appl te RK. MALTIN. Mir Listowel, Farmers erd others, temen.ber that Iam loaning money at 5 and 53 per cent., on farm pr perty Also that I am doing Conveyancing, Insurance, re ardacitieg Forma ard betueer, de Collecting Accounts Ifsoutave Money to tee next te Listowel TABRERSER lend call in «# me Yuies bakery, Main street CHEIS ADES' FINE GOLD WAIC K GIVEN AWAY My Photograph Gallery ON AND AFTER SATLADAY 13TH EVERY DOZEN PHO- TOGRAPHs WILL DRAW aoa PRIZE. NO BLANKs. Also the lucky number out of thirty wil Hdraw a lidies' gold wateb, now on exhibition. Everything warranted. M. SMITH. Telegraph Office. 2. 7 -The Oldest Established JAS- hed. ROUNG*S B tive potbeltte: » DARLING & BLEWETT, Simro ari ae: Soowu's Baukiog ti's Beuk, Wallnoe FL. ULEW RTT: n vs -- Kept His Vow. seally. 'keep his vow of suicide vee he found she ood not marry Why, yes, ine Yaahiok: He drank himielfto d On! ro hi imself on the instalment Saving the the Boy. Fatber--I wih. ye you would cut the the Daily Bluster VOL. XVUL--N VO. 8 LISTOWEL ONTARIO HIDAY, MARCH 29, 1895, $A ST. GEO. HAWKIN ¢ Sprron An DPRorxieror, woman s page hefore ter Goode pap-r toour sop, Mot me! Wh byt --I dent wa a him tu beco 8] Fat tired snd sick of women b:! fone 'be's ald PROF, LG. CHAMBERLATH, - - Eye €pecialist. - - 87 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. Many find ont too 'ate that their' sight as been injured by he 0s of improper thas: Call and get ny paper on hp Eye. re had fre ly |e Stock is Cusp ete. "teil is all I ask Glasses repaired at small cost. Eye specialist always in store. I visit Listowel twice each 'car. Insurance and Loan Agency, | M. BRICKER. tTAGENT Fok THE Domin on Insurance Co* ATERLOO: HE Ceres COCCI RAT Ing. Co. MONEY Tv ome NWN thes yt favorable ter FICK. New ih etn St sane tothe Bauner omce vm ts wee. next iu R. G. ROBERTS, ey eee ONT, London and Lancashire IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. -ALyY BOW EY al LCANM. Canvey ties ot atl descrig¢tinns dooeor Teno mo Ler SIXTY-T4O KiLL' DIN A MINE. And Thirty- Eight Others not yet Found. toe US EXPLOFON Te "s WYOMING MEN hD AB IV cnoue La anne rere IN THE MINE reli TWO AKE KNOWN TO Be DEAD--THIKIY OF THEM MEM- BEKS OF THE A. O. U.W. Salt Lake Citys 'Mo _ belie kule y mie ani piosuaed in ate mine, in addition ta to no were ip wer hodse abrye ground or near 'the shaft cocareh: Tne slopes and entrances to the lowe a quired for rescuing parties tc reach the tes, The horror peewee! ne 5-45 _vesterday afternvon at No, tral Vacine Red Canyon, pve m os Burth « the mine Neglect of pe bd Eth Home and its The ignorance a fhe Bible among eudents in public scho li and coil -pes turnishes a curi us Wlustirition ot the nadequacy of our educasionil machine to meet the requirements of lite. Utis eizrificant also of a deeper miscaiiage of our social and pel tical life, We seem to he sntratied that we cannot have pubiic vi tue wirhout jtevate vrive,and that a fair legsslative and executive machine wil nt Cuc- an honest and teaiperate muni 'Take this matter of i ign vance of the at ir com- win Outside Cafpenier, Ismes Bruce, outside boes, James W. tk, Witwm S-tem, jr, and James Gerslly, an gs were killed in the power hou whitr O. Mal by, -- Jerr Y Crawl we and Andrew Max died avon sltarmatda, ake j Paes hou ec t throng ne, vatding trends know in «he mine Hope of any of them being alwe is gon Now Seeing the ghasily rpectacte prere v the two bodies Srougnt oui of the tlope could have any bupes cf any- one In the mone heiny alive, SIXTY TWO UN THE DEATH ROLL. Ce now chough? that 62 men peri neo mothe dita ter. Fifiy- ne of them were mouied men, wih large families. Anour joel the men kiiled belonged to the A. 9 U_W., and were insuted fur $2,c00 work of recoverim the badics goes rushed fore a with bh vemtuvert to ob ge tangersal a, fire dam ni cumbdli be ' <i a let the t hange t ' cy a" e rg es clin me w i - were! gan isnoramus and is disadvan agca by tar the biggest buyer of our cheese "i spe ms _ ; ir Je as bie fas r 5 re en " Y}accurcialy. Isis ip it-eif almost a a me 1 the | 208 of thought, and briogsleep ana eres we The Lensebie ces of the "cag libs rat ed . . this question of yr jadice is al the | petreshin wn va fin fing weat the omeuth « IDs Rat EGUCAN SH, aS ANY VtCAl Mare) more imporiart, During the year See simays that there is fresh drinking- ksUoltonto -Inpe and over the ~ ptenaee y vers in literature have testificd. It has |. 1 ising June 30, '92, England bought | water in » dit is not amiss to Arecent discovery ty anola | Ut! the tippi-, Clearing inte sp soentercd intolw, iPerature, thought, 72,200,000 Ibs chrese inthis country, | puta plate of fancy crackers and a glass phytician, Successfully wed | wed cown the tops of the puwes | the whole modern tite of the Cri tian in '85 uv. 100,000,030 los and in Bras] ot ik beside the pite of water, monthiy by thousands of | nnus-, tippe «hed and ned bps 4 tip a |werd, that tynorance of it is amet high as 141 0 0,000 ib e-pecially if your visitor ts anything of an Sadist. 30. he on} pert city the meuth ef the sie 'pe mm c.ually | seri sus disadvantage to the s'uden , invalid. = Leas asy matter a find 'oandreliable medicine than chain chat could the Se whether the latter is acce covered. Beware of unprincipind druggists wi How this to be overcome in our pi aed hun ee mp einen £01 y plai pacers Askfor | HORSE AND BUGGY LIFTED 25 FEET IN | inachine system is a grave que-tinn, The Sad Fate of the Smith Brothers. ween t Leinraechh airy es . R Sota. $0 close @ oat Santeth BAEtRS th. 'etter ain resulis partly from the elecon Ve . ~ ritten the hours of the meals, the times and we willsend, sealed, by return mall. Pullscaled cA ig baad who ae come to the mine | uance of the use ef the Bhi: in public FLESH. | gt which matieare deliv ares f od closed, pareietilaes in plain apna 2 ladies only, &!) w hors~ and buggy to tike bis | scho 1, but more especisly from the . and the hours et which trains leave. fc Wisdass Dat, aca: grand Kay "Hieory Barty heme at on change inthe estimation iy which at is Wianipes, Gun ch 21,--Edmonton wits Save @ laree amount of qnenticsing, - hd c co 1@ Ow a ng ove . ie Adit UpeeOxnAN EVERY Wane |The slup -, new 18 fmidits ca thes public held in the famly. In compaivn|acvices give full pariculurs «f the --_ F ASTOW SE VE ; ' . SVALE HISHORITS: highway, atthe moment of Ibe exolosin witnics position ithe family a gener finding of the Smuh brothers of Cal- Some Hint. * He and Ins hots ere thrown | ticn: age, it i, now aneghected book. | vary, formerly of Quebec, dead in tiga: == T aimost reppendcularly in ihe arr fully But we believe thac the charge wll] 'heir cabin on the Saskatchewan River, dea potatoes before baking, tre', and Jifcilin a heap ino the moun | only come eff Ctively by attention to | A eumber of nutes fastened to boards Dey spongecake ts good toasted, ' a che slope erethe buggy was de- | the fundamenia: cause of this iznorance | wt-ise thsuineeng 'tor stre tim, ic Rice the four barrel a few inches melished et terete tour 2 ; Cs 4 ; a 4 : * distinc Ue ait! io charex"vitarey~ arner rt stag seueels fr help _ from the fluor. ies we ince ui i a eeeene ceven miles away, | % Harper's Monthly. at: they tried hard to get as laras the | ii erat hole stuff © rag saturated heard at Evanston, se Rages tel 'The notes } tt show that bo:h | win cayenne pepper solution as serene about the mice ac ea ane of the men were in a pia' le condiinor, 'o clean nickel on stoves use soda wet "thy ati ssCeCnINg rf u & dw ake cams ul s° wiouws and A Complete Tragedy. asthe fiat tbree are Signed by D. twin ammonia, Apply at " ue tooth : They pg a Smith, and the las, dated Murch 2, | bru-ba b with a woulen Clon. | 2gourphans. They ga herd about an Deg Coll th st thing in sw the temasios ol lueed ones brought to | ONE OF THESE ame iat EXCEL | by R. [. Saab. Wr ten on the dur { bg rou eat niente "hh weds " + ' " ee the surface FICCIONIN H> ih pencil war: it | try and make the aruficial pink soses sewed ocly una 38 MEN NOT YET FOUN esa. Poe last nore reads pink sik cape about fae a deep. other retul! co ibiarachdeth al F2ES ene UGA RS, I have in Agee P pantie etery t And allother . Pro oxinions Canned Goods, al. Co oats Bockwheat 1 lected atock of CROCK ERY ac gieSSwARE" always to be feund atm host orice paid for Better and Ege ist nd alilkinds of farmers produce TARA SMSTRING Spe pas pee aeeeneatom iOS THE PERFECT TEA 3 'iyed 'ond it 'iil ga try and soa Silt atl "SitPuan | W. F, Binxixe, Davip DAXtTEe BINNING & BAXTER, names' eh AND EN °iaeaias ALUATORS, ET sari? Ontario Association * Architects LISTOWE!H AND STRATFORD. heel A mnt te in Cherch and s Reece poe * anit ary Experts, Solicitors tor Penta, ay --_-- F YFARS|4 FOR TWENTY-FIVE THECOOKSBESTERIEND -- be sede Clarence poke in reply. degree. claming th.t it had out ana o "preven that they were in the vicipity ofthe crime. He asser were home that of insane jJealou been told that Sadie and 'Arthur Cissley -- of Enlsh poesy and prec. mme of these vup lare v ctims of thes tdea that the B bie should not be read hy the yvuny, for fear thay they ail! be prjidiced ma religmuse way nef ore ther minds . re mature nought ssel ot a orehiion for themsev s. wh ly apar fomisr usetho dvds, the Birle is the once no tote ligent person who wishes to come into contact with th wild of thought and toshare vhe ideas of the erear minds cftbe Cirstan era, can affird t+ be ignorant of, ' modera Iterature and al art are per- meated wi ie here is scarcely a ateat work in the language that caa be fe iy understood and erj yed without this knowledge. so full is tof allusi ins and illu trations from the Bil Tris is true of fiction, of poetry, of enonomie and of philosophic werks, and alio « " scientific and cveu agnostic treet ee Tt is----not--at-clla-question uf r ri sion or theolo gy or dogma, tis a que-tion of ger eral intell gence, A ovy or g tl ia coll: ge, inthe | resence to mis'r without a fair knowledge of the Bit I, The Wilna paper: oe rta aes rckiny W, feou rohytous or trom Blow for Filled Cheese. d objects to filled cheese in a ran- : B stain of 1875, - a atted 'that the impor tatie Another Church Burned. HURCH, ST.. THOMAS, Thom Mirch 21---About iD rclock this he 'sfternnon First Methodist t. ames and Curtis streets was discovered The maine 19 the finest Metho- dist charch int and cost $25,000. It was este ably recsued aad beaunfied inerde aod on: niet oe » AT ACO ot betwern $4 020 1 $5,000. 'The fire- meo made a ve fight tu save it, and in a short time font 'ive good streams play- ing on the building, but untortunately the fre could rot be eck the nal phe Nothing r ine but the wall d the fowe er. _ The frei 'is (suppos- ed f the furnace cheese is ileal, EEA TB sg Mio berted 4 = 'ed cheese ii being oi and in conarcquence 18 a «ffence oa ainst the law, and that pr ise- cutions are ik: ly be be immeciats ly insiuted against the offenders. T Engli. 4 genio eal decline "a give apy = gua 2e the time the goods In sana are sol by them for distr-bution and consumption and the penslieswh falon tre wholsaale and nti dealers. S me of the eastera facl liee in of enforcing these. Offi Ircturns just made pub- he-show that ovr. expor.s.of cherse to « U K continue'on the diwn grade, being 2,287.000 Ibs lessla ty-ar than dora toe cy lendar year 'g3 at 55:8 340° coo Ins and §8,121,,001h- Tespr civ ly. When ititremembor-G that C POISONED BY EATING S RAEIT'S "Would any person passing ~come came witha number of [ri_nds to bear news of their emi rant ¢ liuves tu the ates. "Where is your son ?" he inquired |® of the murder "Whose son eo asked the latter, with blinched face. "Your owa boy," said the neighbor, 'who returned some days ayo and has madea tortune. 'Did be not sleep bere last Aight Snddenly the horrible truth flashed uyob the unhappy tatner, who rusned to the scullery, where bis $9:.'> body was hidden, He ts now in prison, bus is is sail his reasoo }> shaken he tmorning and su nd cracked | dygma tnacied in toa w day Pdown rahi away fur God's sake ah the neck and fulis in peat ends tc the ats exe guarantee by ell druggists | and hate the walis and roof €o that) oo, says the Lindon N ws. Aman, | ive us hilp, tor cur fegs are badly | waitin front. 1 caren Incipient Contunsy mpuon and te the fe work of recovering the cead icit atin: aaa youin, had eangrated to the | ow. len fom eons rabbits and w Listerine is something. that ought to ficult tis thou hi the 38 men wh a . cue a and 3! bed. Will pay find a place on the toilet tabie of every have net b fuund were gathered on Unied Stares many yea +O} can hardly * thetuughly clean womas. teaspoonful : peventh level to awart the coming | ifcte amassed a conse ral I: forgery | mony, gy dt i ur toapyone whe otIL In abe wat ith which you brush a c > ee last man tep of the bei which was | renracdaie roth back. His appeal wil lead us asswance, Dont It euar teeth the mowh, tee 2) Kae CH A SE S to lake them to the eurts ance was $0 m.ch cia yd that his cla], youe step you hom Coming a8 We) ang shroat, correct acidity and render . ----------------- mighburs, win one exceptiur, tal d | wil poy expenses, By followire this] the breath eweet @ reeable. -- -- Li recogriz: ther youthfus arquaint: | scan sight du rthe river i wii lead Horfia mad sparters will appear, mo Moaotgomery (Gibbs' Slayer. ance. The excrpiiin wasanoidtrend | y ututhe house at the head of the marie op bi ; n " ale CW Ste . Ww " 'vo let ihe mu ty an e ' CLARENCE ROBINSON SENTENCED FOR +t the ftamay, who was leaving Wilma | itand (Six neg) R. J. Smi mt als ne beat way ado with wnolenaireeses, SADIE ROBINSON FORTWENTY |} ON a Bhatt absence by a departing Inthenuus: tur: was found agood | oh coking more is necessary for silk, prea tein jugt as the young men slxhied.| supply of ewryitiag. "The, Smiths pes oe ine eile and th only way to re- Fu iding "Minive f ur roan zee, the | bull the house they were und tr ec the spots ia to b the goods uffale, M web 2 1--Tr e jory inthe ning inan spent afew days Daverne | jas August, and been washing he matahty and sponge with alcohol, binson ital me ini coeur at fe cur hiscld haunts an ad picking up we] dic the faliand burting durne the KIDNE EY: LIVER re ' é: the: Cl a 'tearm ses iomma itn of tis father and sist, the | winter. [. is supp ised the poo fil ows =---- 1 ty vercic s alen ' ' sal ¥ 'iy f murder on the second Gryrer. a very prety pul whom ber} wrote the nutes, ho; iag to send them Washing Fiuld. It baa been cur) -ciuved that the Celay in tr ther had tefi ae a mere chid wut at ached to their dog, who might a bed rea an agreement was One evening he wetkto = --: attract the a tzovon of seme one 50 "How is itthatyour linen isso much desire tu temper justice with mercy in the | house during the laters absence. Hi perhap pthey intended to poet them at} whiner ¢ mine when you have oe THE case the woman 2 comseq vot) citer was greai ly attracted "o the he junctiun ol the treil and the path disadvantages ws pect ge v2 said a ONLY o ffiiuly in deeiscon in the cas T strange speent whu had so many Litet | ¢) tue house, but were tuo weak t» bares wealy this Cabeie st fdas KIDNEY-LIVER a" be - eS eee esting experiences to mlae, andthy|cery tee message to oe desired "yy wash w * iduean'e pave to: Vile PILLS ~ " -- . pra ri lock, but the supped together, The tr toer, fetan- point. any water, hence she is very prodigal io crowd were more orderly, for they seem. | 1g fatigue, begged tu be al owed tu tc- cpa acelin the use of tt, Tclaim she whole secret ° ved to real ze tb sribe stuation. « | main over nigh, as he had something -- a white clothes rests with * ' aime; =] -nunsel fur the prosecu tun and defence | af ump. rtance tu say to the giri's father | Mrs. Markles | chat of Bigamy at} tiowever, | washing flu: : t T. Views, Maneger Standard Bark. Brad 1 oiie inrie places, and then gl p isones the murning. 'Ihe sister, thou He. ske myselfut one pound of potash, one hel ss s Kilnes-Liver Py vis area Lie Cla in the 8 J ke gh pate a qua ammonia, and one ounce of ee ye ha somewhat surprised at the --_: Orangevilie, March 2¢.--At the as-| salts of tarcer. ny s material into o conectt-d, and prepared his sleeping - Bes to-day the Cane of Qurenv. Mildred | wwo gallons of cold soft water and let i pn 'a = aperment. Or her father's Lue Fee Whitmore, bigamy, wa» tre Toe | .tand inan earthen jar or en bucks peer * © shaw' BATES & & C0. jy 'was p in unswer tothe |tura the gti isformed him of thi {yesoner is a very attractive younx | ey mix hours, = tit occasionally pie ors | rs TaRIN10, COT susl question replies, "We Clar- ]} unexpected guest, and dilated, unfit | woman, aad appe ire to feel her postion) | cork in : soak my ence K.binsen guthy of murder in the jiygna uly, on the stranger's weali krenly. When ntold that she eS ec clothes over orbits then in the morning second degree, Sarah boson | The «li man's cupidt'y was ar used, | ner seat in the ick wept bit a i put ibre iis ol haggis By ' k ] i f { blishment yuliv of mso-daughter im the fi stde- | 44 daring the night be stole roto the | 'y.and during she course 400 "2 . ped one-balt re r an P - dict ttt surprive seldom raised ber aod one teacup © af ew al ating $ 4 are hme oes ag = etal gueai's bedroom and murdered him in 'that 00. 1S, 189% amount will boil three borers of clothes than I 1 H on aterp with an axe. it prisoner was married '0| by adding a little water. New liquid an logics]. Jadge ach then com miter, | y B bon wut &TEPRAN tormerty nf LaAstoweh date seagded cham s to stand op, and arked nog tne next day the old netgh- | aipert Whitmore, at 20, 8 d pr jourt ae orfpakene War bent na, hawr panty ® Seat abe he _ to8 sentence sh: = bor, now returned, who had recogrized | at Mono Muls, prisoner was mariied to | | wring out my clothes from the soakin rng ao fe en ures [the yuurg man at the ralway s: in,|Jobon Hark 7 gg water and put them clly into th Albert Whitmore t, ler. After boiling I rab the clothes The response to the -- * the clereyman. She also stated that only Lved with nitmore for two Prisoner then went tothe States with a family as nursr, inqut ned few srg The ie iar 2 eri oes 3 being heated for evening chal The los DESTRUCTION OF THE FIRST METHODIST c TWO OPERATIONS. Both } ) Failures. ver or KIDNEY "COMPLAINT THAT z This is Concentra 'fon. One pill a dose, one one ben 25cents, One pil rs i pear « One box cures OULD NOT YI¥LD TO SURGRRY ts ordina se. Ove p . pill taken weekly MEDICINE UNTIL 8.B.B. WAS TRIE: : utra izes f Sic i of uric acid in the b d 'sK ie- Gent lamin: wher: | having undergone scan in Aan a eat Se two operations for idney Complaint Chase's Kidne Pills fs webs securing the least relief, and ¥ ,, bear f some re kable cures mad nie aie a B.B.B. in our neighborhond, cided to a = was gi atepes afte operations failed, and as wrévidentiad that I beard of B. B B. r the use of six bottle ex- perienced i so great relief andso gret a change for the better that I felt the good effects would be lesting, as indeed they have be The bh bott! now I ever a@ saw me Lana m the "sabe sis eatemat if yeeh's, and $2 apy ey, we [nvuran Ancciativn, Ia addition there was roe ng as prevent ip very * ne to con Dicealite. prt he St. Th omas Metho. cists generally, The Comfort ¢ of Guests. By one or two simple acts of thought- ees haw iu furmabing a goest-chamber the hostess may add greatly to the comfort of her visivor, In the frat place, there should always be a table to have so nae your o care she has ommitted to pack any. Torre should alyo be afew nigger bovks on the table ood story eosay!, ana another of nge these books occasional in their placer, A tuche ul puk crepe ata and mince in two waters, by use this fluid for ten yearsand couldn't get along without it. It saves cocbalf the rubbing, the dirt is removd so easily." ----------------EE Shot Dead by His 11 year old Daugh. ter. A de ee from Charlestown, W. Va. way Hill, a colored child 11 g his wite 1 inthe kiicher, where bis wile bad gone, and beg ° he » throwrny er totne fluor and choking ber. The daughter in with a revolver ane placed it nearthe back of ~-- father'> nead an red. The all pierced the base of the or " nd death a instant«peous., pe 1 was wer, : he Grand Jury, «hich was in session and imdictment for ro was founc agamst her within a few hours afier th« homich e ----_--_--_--X_ TIED ake ea UP sro BEAT HER. RUT, Hepworth, Oat, "March rag mation was lad 'yesterday before P. Anderson, J. P., against J. W. ators son and his ite for maltweating lag davghier, a child about 13 yea age. It rom the teforation whip aod a strap with buckle on ¢ end, en constable served the um ste brought the child to the village and had her examined by ad. r who says that i 1} his practice he never saw acase of such brutality. The hild ts one mass of bruises and rl healed sores from the severe beatings she -- received. ¢ examination of the used commenced to-day and will comctacied to-morrow morning. THANEFUL TO-DAY. That He Is Well. LORENZ PULISTON, A WELL KNOWN SPOTS, BLEMISHS, EIC. R SiR s--I. am os that yh: 'the ae strony and heal hy to with to say B. I am 7 was troubl- and Blem- es crofula and Spote as completely well, I tecommended 5.B.B. to ail comers. ORENZO PULISTON, Sydney Mines, C.B, For Kheumiatism. ital \ neal FAILS T IT NEVER ey ge Mat h 25.--Penple in where they we there organs whole, the cause is removed and rheumatism speedily disap- pears. What They Might Plant The wagon maker--An axle tree. The blue bloods--A family tree, The shivering poor---A fir tree. The cirpenter--Amplane tree. h tree. The victim of stale j»kes--A chestnut tree. The college Se rowan tree. A dude--A 'proce The school Tiseek hirch tree. The politicasn--A plum tree. The old folks--A roof tree. Married couples-- A pear tree, The melancholy--A pine tree. The children--A Christmas tree. 'Ihe Electric Cane. Vienna electric supply house hae a cane containing an clec- made of the iam small sttnasin elements. The ig of current is four heat onesgt tension volts. '0 the battery the lower peor ie Glied with a fluid rater by the wo parts are then firmly lb lower red orinclined the brilliant white light, which may be kept While the cane angio 1 of the cane va a arifie more than a pound. For Over Fifty Years Mr WInNsLo Soormina Syx ur has o by milione Of mothers for thelr children while teething. If disturbed at a Winslow's sooth syrup" for Childre: en jog. It wits leve ae poor ie aul oil Rhea ately. Depend upen it, moth- tatake about it, met eo Stomach cee. Hore m tthe worle. sold fs all draggin? roms oy ov y re axe for xs, Winslow' Be Soormixe BY aOR emits af Letitia A Momber of the Ontario Board of "Health says : "T have Lo espe Scati's Emulsion in Consumptio even when the digestive pewsre were weak it has been fMowed by good results." H. P, Yeomans, B. A, M. D. NORWAY PINE SYRUP -- the 'cng NORWAY PINE SYRUP cares Coughs The entire medical staff of is Ottewn: General Hospital has re: PR.LOW'S Ra SYRUP e hot # 'en THaATH coue rear ACHING u FASS can be aulctiy Ley Hagyarc's price The total of the Toronto Board of Works Bn al for the year is $1,448,- O$4. KaRL's CLOVER Root will purify your Blood, clear your C 257, $ce., and $1.00. Suld by J. Livingstone jr. proposes to spend forty-five thousand dollars to improve ils fire pros tectiow. Captain Sweeney, U.S.A., San Dean hi dy Cel. saya: "Shiloh's Catarrh Rem isthe firet medicine [have ever wane that would dome any good." Price soc. Soild by J. Livingstcne jr. ¢Mr. John Crowe has presented the Guelph General Hospital with an operat- oR 'I dare no more fret ace are curse and swear,' said John Wes 'Men like bullets,' er Richter, 'go eal when they are smooth ilent_ man is often worth ¢ Japanese prover * said Sydney Smith, like # iawn engine lis- uch The est 'ee expenditure Hamilton Pol Commissioners year is $46,000. The Montieal Queen's Ss -- the this Hockey Club defeated University five geala to = in game i the Stanley Simeon Gagneau was instant'y billed by rhe hee aking ot a large circu'ar saw which he was attending is) Sheaffs mill in Dover Township. The Finance Committee of the City My pune! of Hamilton iene struck the rate taxation at 194 mills. lt is expected that the new Sault Ste. Marie canal will be open about a week after the commencement of navigation, = bom Ga eeany of Onttts, champion of Am a, vflers to row any man in the cor ae $2, sco a side over any conten in America, She--He has the reparatiud of being worth a mulien, haen's he ? Sag Betlin Gas and onde Light Co. have bern awarded the five years cons tract of supplym electsic Car micet rattway ia that town this epring, eR eiecletionst am engaged on a gre is prob ntle Mus eat hatis it? ¢ R,--Hoslong aucbt a young man on $7 a week take a girl shigh siding at $5 an bear. 0 you have much trovhle a with your Why, how ao Bibes aviild uh ? said Mrs. Wagium, in ishmen I don't keep Abie HEART WVISEASE KELIEVEDIN aan MINUTES.--Dr. Agnew's C for the Heurt gives perfect relief in all cases of Sympathetic nie preme cedily acure, patd "Mrs. Penguin. in minutes, and #pe { a less remedy er Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, aio in ' dan and all symptoms o} a Diseased ose convinces Sold by I. Rican . Tue Latest GaANe ws.-- Book agents may b= killed tre August ist to c at 5 Open season all the year Kpand for lite insurance agents and the fellows wha borrow their neighbor's papers. NW TO HORSEMEN.--One bottel removal from horses 0 Seated lumps, blood spavin, splints, care sweepy, stifles an nd sprains. GeorGE Ross, Farmer, arkham, oe by John Livingstone, |r. onetary Times > vgs | tired of ieoe on the land his good moor Goderich, Harry Brow: Ont, . Brown. achatrel mortgege for $ farm, & 3,700 was given, Covering his horses, carriages, etc. his is now foreclosed and his stock seized. Maxiatrate--Why did you assault that jeman ? rscneeat went to the theatre last nigh', paid # high price for a seat, and view lk completely abstracted bys "a "Is he the siping of the woman? ies father, perhaps 7 did you attack bh aac n who built the Tibcaiek Then why a sr., manager of Guy Bros. o:fe Gur, Feb 251 ne topfare, 2 wine rel, died on Mass. ie asreventy hve y Eww ° Most Effective Way. if URS --Distressing She--They say ® man can never be RELIEF IN SIX HO 4 i a jer Diecases reveved in or td aati he has got rid of his Kiseay ane egal Ae reas 'He-- here's troth in that. He is] K.dney This ee ers oe pound to get nec of some of them: great surprive and celig iene Bees Sh wcan a man get rid of. bis ling excecding pines! oe le ideale? prin in the msde! Loreal deo 7 H he outgrows ery. part { bat that tskes time. The promptest pots male or female. It ae pee nes ot ust conclusive way is to marry (bem oO} dees 4 yon "sat wid wtief ara oe nang the Valle: field mucderer, « Mo of their right had mercial vir fuhecase. "Th nee of the cong d % prisoner both swore that they believeo the j dé aun gh fa os A Complimentary Notice. pipe bate on Ag ope at groans can ed in Aubu'n prigoo for the rm 0! 6 ct ' your matoral life" From the Weiland Telegraph. ton the Laer sated that = temounslirel- i ' er or na in . --_ e aid mae commande ie gs We draw the attention of our readers to itor e@itbeut m.kong sure Wann hac to say apne thar the witnesses all ipa testimonials from rome of the a yers made a most hed andt was. inn " e | moet respectable and well known peop ie Ot Sppeal to the jiry on behalf « 4 ved ds fiantly before the coast, with eyes | (E2'4tHR 10 Our fown and Crunty with se~ ci gu --_ but the jury convictes, a ater akimbo. Judge Hatch | 887d to the virtues ot Stark's Powders ri come: her tomercy, Hie lor - aa o sentence t u '4 Say'neg, ---- ge yp oneal 59 i's a oF sp ecmers be prisoner to six months siste u mea frat nent, Fs d abi Fd sacd in ph gerbe | phere Mr, Stack, M.O. C who ducoverea | i reccmng wntence, sod ba he carnied of Auburn prison fur the term of twen y the Compound Knuwn ws avk'» Po (om tie Court + hard te * Sidve's sinter | STs Je a chemist and druggies of many aad s eher char end kissed ber, and | "4°53 Sandin He attenden lectures oa} © se S aie ratare fondly k ber bustand- | ™S*!!« medics, pharm.cy, th atics, ; S one was egg a'| dieteics,chemisuy, &c tohedy Saitow's eee os great Cough and len ' to the Robinsons the laboratory .of Glasgow Universit:, | C wp Carty i> Bxreatcemand, Pocke: mi wan pl goa t looking beter an si Scott.nd, br-wes study oh tee: 5 re Comaths tw ny ive doses only 25 . . Stark' b ouppier than at apystime during the past ts. Stark's = by J. Living be days, 4 tone jrs s taken mtreal on Saturday, lodged | a there. a and Const! wre BURDOCK PILLS, small, safe and sare regulate the liver and peion.ge --» ah rf ivingstone |r.