Eyed ASRS a Tay Ae gh Bh acer lag a caspian oat pcan = istow ar MAREE & forthe Merehanie ast be VOL. XVIII.--NO. 21. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1895. 4 st. GRO. .WKINS ; Sarror ano Past eon " pill On pil rellgres consti a dose, on one box "as cents, tion. One 1 itore or hants B. notaries F'abl Orr. Money to | P. MaBEE. F. W. GEARina.- | hg em FULLARTON, aissien ad all conveyancing doze on reasonmble ®rms Money to SHORGE Riri bes h Bao M. D. bid F HIB PER- mani een oF ee "Livingetane. * pres store, *Realarnce, id-Michiner House frat corner Kast of Office. Se Evtrance on Metin street. 19 DR. 8. COWAN, (LATE ors HARRISTON,) NEWRY |: | sipenls CHAMBERLAIN Have you EYES that probably trouble yon much, although am 'distinctly know chat perhaps no' you cannot sce could a few you ears ago, perhape they 'ache ing, qf you now wear they probably do not fit. y yes. Now don't waste more time, but co: nee before your eyes are ruined. PROF. CHABERLAIN, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO ONT. I visit Listowel twice each year W. E. TT MD. GRADUATE of ber of College cnt. Pb office an: een's Uni verniss ¢ mem pbysicians, and Burgeo: clan, Surgeon and 'Aceoucheat residence---Main Street eas' DR. A. H. NICHOL, B. Ae surance and Loan Agency. AGENT FOR THE Dominion ene Co' OF WATERLOO; THe CaNaDa ae Ins- Co. MONEY TO LOAN On the moat favorable terms, OFFICK--No. 11 Main Bt. Listowel, next oor to the Banner office i Mice and ste corner Wallace a lamarck Sis. Listowel, J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. Office over Fiemmings Tailoring Establiah- t gesigs MAIN 8T. LISTOWEL. i M.BRUCE, L, DS DEN TIST, uses MEd hag ale Nitrous Cee Gas, Sid "sand FIRE INSUBANGE COMPANY. R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY, ONT, pare Tet AGENT FOR THE London and Lancashire 3Bo- wy 'ro LOAN @ apy sums from $200 and Spwarcs atfa low rate of interes Conveyancing of #i! descriptions done on -CRAOL + terme Paln'<-« Bb pcs oil in ovr Thomp son Be: atorgee Entrance,Main wae 15 HPonelope St. Listowel St, Meaid - ip 6AxTE "BINNING & BAXTER, cama AND ENGINEERS, ALUATORS, ETC. i lalate 'rel Church and School A rehi- ary Experts, Solicitors tor MONEY TO LOAN AT 31% PER CENT. Time made to suit borrowers, Apply ROBERT MAKTIN Nextdoor to Standard 0 « ihtew Sold by J CUR INDIGESTION jo Laxative and Bolt hy Bravia or sent by Mail, S50, and $1.00 per package. Samples free. ' 8] NHO:: Tho he Havortie Sl OTH ESOER Livingtones fr. Druggist. THE PERFECT TEA TEA ! top of the cheese. NERVE TONIO, {the cov 50. SHIPPING CHEESE. (BY SECRETARY WHEATON.) ood products offered for negiect on the part cf the maker in finishing and boxing th: cheese and carelessness on tbe 'part of those delivering them at the station will very often cause cheese to present 'an almost unealeable appearance. Defects in finishing a cheese or broke: boxes might cot affect the sale of the product very much if consumed ms Casede, bat will piece the sale ver: 0 t marke! we are catering to-: anil every one in- terested should not allow inattention to these little things ia getting checse rata - shipment to lessen their sell- ing ¥i No pie se-maker should be guilty of allowing the selling value of bis factory's product to be ommend \be- cause the cheese bave cracked faces = broken edges or because the ban- dages are too short or have not been Yet how often wih these defects seen in our curing room While on a visit to some of the factories last (gill We came across one lot of Auguste which bad been "ge ed by the buyer chiefly because of their urtidy appearance. 'hough the flavour of these goods was not the best, yet we were informed by the pur- chaser that he would have taken most ef sending them to his customers in the Old Land. In shipping care should be taken to cheere clos: ly and should, if too high, be pared down wll it is level with the When thie 1s done press upon the face preserving the rind er will ot the cheese, and preventing the cheese from crack- ing during transpertation. 'Two ecale boards at each egd of the checse will help to preserve it better. If the cover does not fit securely it is better to bave it fastened wiih short tacks, At almost all our factories the cheese are havul<d to the station or shipping WOUNTY OF PERTH.--ITHE WAR D {1} bein attendanceatthe Cierk' point by the patrons, the number of Office on the frst and third Tuesday in each | loads taken by each being regulated 4) 08a'! e fhhy » Bein atten adanceat iis o@ce on Tuesday anc | uy tbe quan y of bong a. gid ednesday ofeach wi ' pe] * re usus On. ne sae Jay Wedoveduy, Tharec aN ee be a load and poll plain al oe on Tu na VIDSON, OcuntyVlerk. Genntvoterk® comes. Stratford ~ MONEY TO LOAN ofthe T ; a we WORLD i FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. t ------ "Mon "or, ep ked \ a Sal For that reason they sec that none but the Fi ver} py placed on their 'ides. have a waggon box suited for carrying hat number at least. The waggon box should be deep enough so that he cheese can be carried in an upright Very often the cheese are overs ai the iow. | é on eam abet ct Tow an Mo yearty, part of | That is why © Monsoon.' the perfect Tea, canbe to fe $5 the up pcipal cat be repaid anuually, and sold a " price as inferior ta get loosened than whee: the cheese are interent aliowrd on Bougnl mente of) It hin up in sealed caiSenof 4 1.11 and cartied tr. an upright positio tial. Merteages bough 'onveys C- |g lin Badone Insurance Placed tp Feepopslbie | "if your grocer does not beep ttl him to waite Parties hauling cheese should see Companies, APM MARTIN, fe sree STAVTER & CO., 1¥and13 FreetSt |chat the wagon boxes are clean and ms . Mr Listowel, | EA mer peed ox ene:and MONEY 10 TO LOAN. ing agent for the ios LOAN AND "st NT tr =z R. HUTCHISON. Agent. MONEY | MONEY | iabing $0 a "fit ° stylish ¢il-made «uit or 'erceat of an Farmers and others, remember that 1am | fn, ,"°\0™ Iho fne.of clothing. will get feaning money at it by leaving their er with me at once, |] well only for aa and there: fe I] cheaper than ¢ rms, an 5 and 53} per cent., guarantee & good ft. and (be best worknuan- Give mee trial and you will be con eon farm property. Also that I am doing ay fon dit'witt ake them jook like new, Comwayaneng, | tera aayou will be pleased. Your patronage nsurance, |*"° Renting and selling Farmeand Houses, ac | Yales bakery, Main ret} The Oldest Established GROCERY N TOWN (8 JAS. ARMSTRONG'S Those Jl yearsexperience ic pustness en! apis nim = koow the wants of the frea! e bis mat better vedas: for their money thanany ether retall bousein the trade SUGARS, I have _ And all other sions Canned Good fnmeal, Buckwheat 0 @ A wellsolected stock of CROCE KRY apa GLASSWARE . always to be found atmy ae hest' price aid for Butter and aand ailk ss polis inds Ps farmers produce AS. ARMSTEO i ne LR FINE TAILORING WM. STEPHAN. ESTABLISHMENT. Next to the Old Bank of -- received » large and we pring and summer sanvio ny the the . newest and most faablonsdole any pe ting, WM STEPHAN. Main Street. Pb moet the wishes of their customers Geo. Tuckett 4 Bon Co.. Led, ae ieee, | have plaxd upon the market A Combination Plug of "T & B" SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies along felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 ae plug < a.10 cent jiece or ag cent piece of the famous "J & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. "z/The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. THE WORLDS GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER 5 quently seen parties come for a load of cheese with a wagon box on which were still clinging remnants of the man- ure that bad been hauled to the fields the day betore, Provision should be made to have ¢ cheese covered during a rain storm. If the boxes get very wet the cheese are apt to mould and to become ---- badly defaced, thus injuring their sell- ing value. ere are one or two cases reported where cheese have been re- jected because the boxes were 'badly soaked with rain or the cheese badly oral while being hauled to the station The Advance in Hay. Lenden Free Press, The sudden ae in ps [rice of eri pion. district (London) it 'is yery doubtful if the cut will average more 'than about balfa tonto the acre, if 'it does this. Of course, as bas been previously ex- plained, the numerous frosts from the 11th to the 21et of May were a partial cause of the shortness of the bay crop, and the next cause is absence o! c Tor certain extent, too, farm- ers bave been neglecting their meadows for the last two or three years. The ton. the farmera reduced thelr acreage of this cereal, and tbe same with bay crop, There is this year both a = creased acreage and diminished yield. Owing to the shag: price of hay farmers have i paying ho attention to proper fertilizing in the way oftop dressing. Io bygone years a great amount of gypsum was in late years it has ajmost gone into stage use. This a or Paris or more properly sulphate of lime, "gh a fixes the ammonis, and in dry w has a most plant growth. Meadows cou! cribest ¢ypsum mines in the wor!d, All mp Middlese plowing w ir meadows the land toe t rae ts and eo to su th. there it Lge supply of cid farmers' bands. pplies | ' their hay are going to m: the spring of the year on meadows ; of | li = -- gatberer, or it = nerv: om lesex farmers are ing to the low price of wheat, horses and other farm luctions, 'the & average farmer has been selling more bay than ~ should, to compensate for the loss of ot er, chee: Hay at $17 a ton is rigefcant, and meansa wid d influen te. Those iowa the -- ~ /. mon A great many far armerse bowere, wil sot sell even at pre in con- templation of a powsible | hay famine. It was a Full Confession. TO REV. MR. SPENCER, The dershott and Welter se a fall con- pance;-T. fession of their crime to their spiricual | tents Sryo00,, iser, the Rey. Mr. Spencer. It a the itiowing facts, which co! om the reverend gentleman himeelt I was On Monday night and Tuesday morning a rae it all to him, and naw ered . again their minds they would, but their courage at the oo --_ failed ~ Mr. Spencer wishe: that the pariiculars « he false prc ed, planned and committed by the two ead men, and by them alone, They wisbed him to be sure and tell the friends of both. and urge them to have veil must be drawn over the scenes in the cell which during the last two daye, made minister and criminals weep together, Sorrow is the name for it, Expressions of dee contrition, confessions and prayers for ary: characterized these meactings. t. Spencer told the men that he felt bis labor had been in vain up to net ful ome, leaving behind --a lesson for all othera to take well to heart. GAINEDA 4 POUND A DAY A Lanark County Fs Farmer's k Kemarkablo TAKEN WiTH BILIOUS FEVER THE AFTER CTS OF WHICH BROUGHT HIM ALMOST TO THE GRAVE--HE GLADLY SPEAKS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHER SUFFERERS. Smith's Falis Record. e ar: Jam li N. Barton, who lives about rom the village of Mernickville, is of the b to the a At that ork, and "a ellent physician, he was constantly - Williams' Pink Pilla, he rsarpalal at oO givetbem a trial, and without c sulting bis physician he began their He only used one and, not feeling better, he discontinued the use o! This was where he now admits he now doa kind, and the least exertion ies him -- helpless. Life was a misery to him be wascn the I gained a pound ¢ dit point of giving his case up a Pig > 3 3 when a ihe ere was a ae change in his appearance, and be felt a pew man He still continue his lif with estoniehng te results, Dalae i bis ill- ness he bad fallen in weight - 135 pounds, hery pounds. Ip --_ as he says, thei increase averaged about a pound a day while he was taking the pills' Heis now able to + ity to so the result that others in his benefi Ont., or Schenectady, nF ts a bed, or sla bene he $2.50. aie THAT HENDERSHCTT AND WELTER MAD S no bad feclings between them. The | $1,000, E! my Totfenkam's Fire." ESTIMATE OF THE LOSSES AND SURANCE--! CES UNIN- ED, tenh: am, Ont., Je Jone 19.--The fol- a estimate of the losses at y's Gite bere: * Dn, conte ice; 'ene Austin, rns ee dwellings ins! aa, tlackenath, P tents neg: no insurance; Eliza O'Brien, woodshed, $ on waggon aod Sddentain Soe Willtam fey $ Led tcer, house, shop, and -- a | da.000, levurance $3,000, . |. McDer- moti, house and contents $700, imiet, Sarah McDermott, e | $900, insurance rance $4,000, News bury estate, house and outbuildings St,- 200, insured, Eliza Mitchell, house $250, ames Preston, house $800, Insura: liam Patter, hoa Stores and wi g%, con ineured for $5.00, Ira Phillips, Bogte S500, H. gree ¢ $900, insurance $700, H. San- fora "shap and h 'insurance 1 leo Austin, house prom I. R. Gregory, house $500, T. J Tr, new house, no insurance, loss on tore about neured, H. urner, loss on no insurance, Alex. Totten, house and conte oo, insurance 2,000, Mrs. Wilson, house $300, no in- surance, Margaret Woods, house no insurance, L. G. Wolfe, loss known, but very heavy, Thomas L. E un- Dale, house Willams, bouse and contents, insurance §1,500, . Robin- son, contents insured for $500, oo, Legart and Lyons, horse-spower and clover mill $600, vo tnsurance, Robert Sanderson, Steamer $1,009, no Insurance. Protection Vindicated. The recent experience of the Re public of Chile is ran vindication of the principle of protec In a series of articles in the Eons <a Magazine, setiing forth the resources of that ana other South American countries, Courtney e, Kalb Says that since the revolution erd of Thfatiliah™s 2otered open 8 Gey nevly constituted authorities 1 adopted a from the outset. tbe ay of manufacturing plakte, Chile bod now no les: an 100 soap factories ; a native bottle factory is in operation at Lota, and the manufacture of illums inated glass has eo 6undertaken. collen mills are established near other plants for cardboard, paper, bricks, earthenware, ob] ronware, cement - a nail Chillian, a sugar reGnery at Vina del employing the nitrate of the every important hacienda et cultural districts ofthe modern roller type tice factories at Santiago and Valpar- factory for the latge centres sddition, large wor! shops, some of "eepeentires and in fourdries and machine manufacturing steam pumps. ule of protection have been 30 favorable that the grwanoy principle a] oo a been formed everywhere, and the lead- ing newspapers ate strong edvocates of the cause. Btole Bis False Teeth. 4 SET OF ORINDERS ; TAKEN FROM THE MOUTH OF pf SLEBEING TRAVELLER, late on Tuesda night, and then started out to 0 tools fora tective to give the facts of his Joss. While travelling between Oswego and Hamilton re Gill os Mr. Grenfell was in a state of _ yesterday -- bis Joss, and char- it as 5 s railway chen robbery.' -- Hamilton Times. Sopeed ot staat Two = of A well known farmer seemed it would split. S$! tried everything could bearot and was alte: by two of th ee doctors, but could not fiod relief until we got Stark's _---- for ralgia = ti 'cee bi bas « ver, then she bas been free from suffer and Price 25ca box, 5 boxes $1, at all hice, immedimte and hops, | ea was manifested in 'oodw: ere was a Mr. C. E. B cal Board, T' Harriston, F. J. pe now we tell to s Petensd "or ing, shook my b el story ae a pest he had roas, and he millap"s Magazine. Hamilton, June 30--Unuana e occu; election pf four the junior offi test for the prestding officer's place, that at at Hint Chief Ran The candidates Cha "Dr rantford, "Chileans ag: Te Brantford, Associate mas W. Gibson, Toronto, amieson, W.J, Cameron, Toronto. too of G incombent, baad Mr. H. Gum. ot The who alter | chances were dlecouaied ty the et het be = the tbe editor and publisher of the ¢ presiding officer The reauit of the ballot votes for Britton, 194 "an following are High Vice Whi te, Brant- U. Medical Boar te M edi cutive Committee or Board of ter story of th w owe -- ilence for a space, as he turned from the wild jollity of ¢ Bebida 'tad roti sit has all his wounds in front, w have than that Y ad me, and what he had beard al ethers 1 but he gained that piain little about it. 'Twas awkwardly, and word of it to the window.--Mac- » N.Y. the latte crease in lake fleet under a fall in the drai & report oage in the son, and fifteen loa ,000,000. The es ciude to anumber o medicine cealers. parece aga ' he next go Seures that a lowering o by three inches would diminish the carry Cc. concludes as, follows: Po: meus beve great reputation neighborhood, Lowering the Lakes - is for schooners, -- does nut place. natural growth of the traffic, will tend to fie iret on carrying capacity as time & Complimentary Notice. From the Wellabd Telegraph. We draw the attention of our readers [ --_--«_ World's Fair Medals and Diplomas. The directory of tt the United States com 7 eoreet thi of Canada, Canadian jars one cers, viz,,| million bash: Peterboro' Boffalo .--Secretary Keep, of the Lake Carrier peo has submitted to Major E Ucited pais engineer, at the request of | any friends her on the est "the carrying capacity of the three, six or mine inch mean level of the lakes by severe: kid ufiner, C- | of the ieaaseeatiey cpnditon of ber health i ' rt r e the lake levels { Dodd's K bon els of whea axons and a half millions, aboret 7 jen - President Garfield that be borer to koe an agricult per of the condition i in which he was born, _---------- Wheelman's an's Trophy. Amos elaborote ar and beautifal -- silver cup, heavily gold inlaid, a prepent Iman' Canadian W ® Associa to tion, In heightthe cup is 4 feet 10 inch The Bravest Man. polished black and grey marble, on the face of which ja a silver shield, bearing call a traveling ccmpanion, an | the following inscription :--"'The W., @ English soldier, a sergeant, who wore| «R. ophy, presented to the the colors of the Queen with a smart-| Canadian Whee'men'« Association by ness that became them, e had heen | the Williams, Greene & Rome Company, all through the Egyptian and the Sous | Berlin, Ont, May 16, 1895." his danese wars, and told much of what| trophy t by it well. We were|the Meriden Britannia Com any, and in 'sa work of art in every particular, in the carriage slept, in various stage: Pod desbabille and discomfort, the rain I ee eae on ¢t indows an train Femanine Philosophy. vaind and rocked and jangled as i --_ oshed scuthward, ly heard vate of joy should never be abbre- easy to make up with arival-- fF Wate! 'en't prett ¢ wisest woman. may always be sure of a dentist's pang: ip. camp tte queer sudden pathos, may mabe an old bat and spoke of the bravery that went | look new--if the wearer thinks 80. unrewarded and the great deeds that emory can only prove a true consoler could never be recompenge when it brings no foolish regrets. "For it ain't the best of us that's regre Day sdreams bora of She > beauty-sleep ofan Th always a secret unsvp lullaby in every mother's heart that only her baby understands, t is the dangerous second bloom of that most debu- c. ce that thee new-style ted Seleon should claim such uo ivided -- attentio wder- "poll removes more stralan from the average female 'on than ever could sympathy. Gratifying Intelligence. WORD RECEIVED OF THE COMPLETE RE- COVERY OF MRS. JOHN DOWLY. Owen reget June 24-- Word has bee received here of the complete restoration of the town. very gladly received as e who nl known to the residents in this locality as having previously effected some very extraor- dinary cures, f --__________________ _____ } Football Champlonsalp for 1896. The knowing ones are speculating on the football possibilities of the season. Ottawa is pot likely to retain the honors of the -------- Carried Through the Shute. TERRIBLE DEATH OF A GRAIN SHOVEL- LER AT CHATHAM. Chatham, Ont., = 21.--John Bel- latr, aged 4s y years, an employe of Stevens' Be an while'shovelling grain alone in the -- this m nolan in some wes gor a aod ag nen by the ron- iT Ore cana ns the eran ant couet' | extinct. D leaves a wile and { 'owd ai ported red | Children. which have resisted asllother means of tre: t, » § M. OC. P.. Roaring in Your Ears. who discovered the compound known as _ Stark's Powders, is a chemist and drug: Batche--Are you ever troubled witha gist of many sstanding. He aitend-| roaring in your ears at night? I am. lectures on materia medica, Pappe--I should am. dietetics, chem y Baiche--What do you do for it? therapeutics, try, &c., or in, the laboratory of Gilas- Pa When it gets so that I can't ow University, Scotland, besides tudy- | stand it longer | get up and walk the tog with two 'oglish chemi ists. ae floor ny bem until he quiets down and this | goes to sleep. The Culldren's Enemy. Scrotula often shows: itself im easly life and is characteriz miat has sent a munication to the i " ses, bp diseases, etc, sumption is department of ture on the sub- | scrofula of i= lungs. In this class toca bare eps og J ea 'i donates malsion is unquestion- 5 w s sisted that . to be Siiy che chest eliabte medicine. -- for delivery about the latter part of Awgust next. A further letter from Calling a Halt. the chief of the bureau of engraving and me printing, aleo io reply to a t Father (sternly) -- Young man, m toquiry, states that the United States bter tells me that you have been engr anc béreau is now | calling on b=: steadily four months. eng 1" the diplomas for | The Young man--Yes, ; bur I World's Colum! ition, and | assqre a) that whole period Bot one word of love has passed my lips, ended in| Father--Thai's what I wanted to see you about, red aod toomp aight ized by ewellings, absces- Cures ap ordinary case. One pill taken Canadian' Foresters. Agriculture and Free Trade. | 5, formation oft ore acd the blood and prevents Bright's Kid- aia couRT OFFICERS ELECTED AT Ps ng! Reform friends say that he farm- and Diabetes. tg only of LTON--MR. BRITTON AGEIN suffering trom the lack of popula- | Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pill pare 4S HIGH CHIEF RANGER. Won i that if we bad fe tree ae it would Revised peng il ginal a map seweth that shail he aleo rip, Moruers SHOULD READ.--Dr, Low's 'up cures worms of all kinds in children or adults. 0 catharticis re- quired as it both destroys aod expels the wi orms, ASt. Louie man set a camera to take rok the eam bat by some chance the burglar pod -- of all kinds from eulidren. 6 woraduity Dr. Rl Worm Syrup = a What aid 'Old Soak say when pode taw that big geyser in Yellowstone Desens e said it was the finest gin nig hadever bad the pleasure of bev 's CLOVER Roor will purify -- Bisa. cucegeer Complexion, ° your Bowels and make. 2 4 FOR Sold by ss = re * [sit te in powers grantiog SICK MEADACHEE and Constipation re prom oured by Burdock Pills. aay to 8, surein effect. Bridget to Pat--And how do ye ike iret on the jury, Pat? 'Sayp Pat --It's somewhat confnin'. Yes, adds rng" and it's harrd warrk, too. Weil BE waic toide is right t when one of thim's 'Oirish, whin ae both Oirish, bedad, it's the very Farr, ai . R, engineer wanted ia 'Sieg an charge of attempting to burn his wife and aaa has been arrest- ed at MA AND BRONCHITIS. Nor-~ e Syrup sing great relief, rend- ering estan natural and enabling the caterer to enjoy refreshing sleep, while a permanent cure often r te. 'Johnnie,' said hia sisier, 'you must 'm atraid there won't be any Dr. Fowler's Extract cf Wild Straw- berry cures Diarrhora, Dysentry, Cramps, Colic, Cholera morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness o owels. Never travel without it. Price 35 La lla youaod Miss Wiokleigh (riends? Van is We were until recently. Ichabod-- What happened (o estrange Van Tromp--We got taarried. LOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient sr Nig co Itis the beat C ° oly one cent adose. cts., 5octs., and $1. oo. Sold by J. Livingstone jr. Wynkon-- oir sa nice belt Miss Full- dress bas on, isn't it? 7 --Belt ' My dear boy, that's Wyokon -- Oh! Files are 'beginning to come in iarge numbers from nowhere, cORBWAY PINE SYRUP cures Cough Pte etal Phenatane Lane Tr s. Waldu--Don't Le think your di- shee sites should be change! M keside--I most cecidedly do. lt isashame that a woman can't get alimony from more than one husband at a time, Lord Fitaboodle--I think Miss Gold- pasa - the most ungrateful cweatuah I er Dedswe MW--Why s9? Lord Fitzboodie-- She neahly dwowned the otbab day, and I sent me man in to save her, at the nak of bre life. Dedswell--And wouldn't the marty you? Lord Fitzboodle--No. me -- She mahwied ITs --_-- 1n GOLD,--Gen- used Dr. Fowler's Ex- Van Dumb--That portrait of your hus- band, madam, is a masterpiece realism It has everyone of b a In fact, 1\'e your husband to the life. idow--No. It Iacks one thing. Van Dumb--What's that? Widow--The.hiccup: THE B: COUGH CUBE \s Hagyards Pectoral Halseam it heals thelungs and cures Coughsand Calds. Breaker (just iatroduced)--- Who is that woman you ate 80 devoted Dicky That's Mrs, Browne-Sinee; Breaker--My dear boy, § she's old enough to be your mother Dieky Glad te hear it, I'm aure. She is my mother. _ SEVERE DIARRHOEA Cur! --I was in a very low condition with Diarrbors when Dr. Wild Strawberry was given me. One a cured me, and I cannot praise it oo highly. k SAAC TAYLOR, Rothsay, Ont. J --What i ho ig charge against the PR at the Officer--I rote i- eseat n the street, with her golden hair banging down her wd wige--Tp Tor golden ha hair con a Ps her back. I'l) bresk op this golden hair woniseen or ch quit the bench, Next 4-4 F] ks. S. Hawkins, Chattan +, "Shilob's Vitalizer 'SAV ag I consider oa the best a Mes t. Tenn. MYL edv for a debilitated syste ile ever u For Dyspepsia, ieee or Kidney trouble cels, Price e 7scts. Sold by J. Liv~ ingsrone oll Mrs, Nouvo Reesh--She called me a masher woman aed I flew at het and pull- ed lg 3. 'oplofty--Ob, how terrible -- that dido't. justify you in 'ices but if you neare. Nouyo Reesh--Yes, would had ever been a washwoman. you eotorsused how mad it made me! Boon AND A BLESSING,--A boon ing to mankind ts Hegyard's Yellow Oil, the great pain destroyer aod Pealiog remedy for exter pal dind -- cuatialions back, sore ihreat, croup, PA i cake; contracted cords and iamenes: x wes was riding a very high sec! te nek a genuine header and tarned an al om, After he had reeove: the dirt from his face and clothes be was very much astonished to aig hoes of two small boys on the sidewal Mister, do that agic, will se? This fellow didn' : see tt CONSUMPTION WAS ic y | have never had a eimce. Marx SHINGLES, Wallac-burg, Ont, 7 i ill ae