SUMMER BY RAIL OR BOAT. For the lowest rates and all information call.on J. A. HACKING, Agent Grand Trunk Ry. and Canadian Exp. Co. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1895. OTTAWA uews LETTER. men a Legis re et es AD becept the remedial order on school question, did not cause rise here asit had been kinds of stories have been circulated as to cables amongst the French mem» hers to force the government to intrc- duce remedial lglation this year. There is, no doubt, ¢ foundation impression 'aa the French Canadian ministers and members cf parliament would like to have the ques- tion settled at the present session of session = now palpably nearing its end, and three weeks more, or iess, w coviaiaty see its close, unless the Mani- toba school question should be intro- uce Mr. Foster bas more than pots stated i in the Houee that the gov = mt bas brought down all the eur! it t is mot likely that thie determination will be chan What, my opinion 1s much more likely 'js, that the session will be closed as speedily as possible, and after the official notice of the act. Manitoba government has been received (which will probably be early next week) the government will consider whether the resolution as adopted by the legislature leaves any opening fcr the negotiation of a com- promise, and if 50, will suggeet to Mr, Greenway the advisability of a consul- e of finding some being called on to pass al legislation. Should this fail, then an- other session of the Dominson parl.a- early in the winter for the express pur tion. that a general election will take place without the school questiun being set- tled} either by compromise or hy legis- lation by the Dominion parliament THE CURRAN BRIDGE AGAIN. The session 14 drawing toa close without any cf the great "Scandals" which the Opposition threatened to unearth, materializing ; Laurier undoubtedly felt that alter so much cry he must produce a little wool, Mr. Davies was set to work on Wed- nesday last to resurrect the exploded scandal cf last session known as the "Curran Bridge" doubts that the government liberately robbed in this matter. There is no question that large sums of money were fraudul:ntly obtained, anda sut Mr, write, inal procecdings against the same individual which were instituted a year ago have only within the last few days been terminated for the pre~ tematkable miscarriage of Montreal juries have Jong since shown eculiar notions which the government 1s interested, and that to their view stealing from the Domin- ion hen is not robbery. e wever, it is understaod, riage of justice in Montreal, but will institute crimioal proceedings in tawa, where there is some prcbability of justice being obtained. Otawa juries -- a passion of finding persons © money guilty, 20 as ha © shown in the Arn- -- Licciceney Connally and Watters ses recently, and ifa new suit is in- seed againat Mr. Sr. Louis nejther tawa magistrate nor the Oitawa grand jury are likely to prove as com- Placent as the Montreal magistrate and grand jury did. As to the debate in the Commons it occupied two days | st ye Richard eel ig introduced aresolu- tion condemning the Depariment of Railways and Canals for thjs matter, which was defeated by a gia! of 37 in a Houee of 167 mem "hu day night's sitting was the tongeet of the seasion, lasting uncil haif-part three on Friday mormng, when the division was 'ah... THE ADMISSION OF NEWFOUNDLAND: ure. The question of the page of Newloundiand was brought up in the Senate on Thursday by Scoator Work, who suggested tha: it might be advie- able to open up a correspondence with the Imperial Government and propose euch joint assistance to that colony as would enable it to enter the Dominion unembartassed by financial difficulties [repadiated the statements the , and thar he conference at Ottawa was suggested the N. Prior to this an made to C for the advance of large Ste of Sobre Ne Rene Gia telene Ger eroment in its difficull This, of the could tha' libera! as render any assistance im the matter, He admitted that the acquisi- ion of N would a of advant- age to Canada, with respect to any sect ith the United States of = b present arrange~ ment hie onlya paapansenen ht the day of rec "estonia OF BUSINESS. Although two days wer: this week on the peg emt Bridge debate, = the progress of whole been very Pe Govern! | supplementary estimates for the current ear have all been passed, and fi the Supply Bill covering them has been introduced, and will likely be passed to-morrow, and His Excellency will probably give his assent to it imme- diately, so that the votes may be avail- ¥ goo gress has been with the esti- mates for next year, and all of the ae ernment bills which it is intend proceed with this year are in a fair sain of advancement. pposition does not evince any disposition to obstruct business, and the present in- ¢ prorogation may take place on or be- fore the roth of July. This, of course, s always providing that no legislation on the soaking School Question cr the Hudson Bay Railway is asked for Should ahs ol these think that the! of ether question being introduced this year. movement is being se by i. P., Major Hughes, owards the erection of a memoral at Pon Royal, Annapolis Valley, the first white settlemen: 19 Acadia o the Hu- gucnots. Sir Mackenzie Bowell bas introduc. d a bill in the senate which will allow towns or villages to institute Buards o Trade upon bringing up the population to the legal requirements by including ne or more of the adjacent town- ships Mr, Geo. F. Ksid, sng of the w Brunswick, i vacancy c before bela there, was a member of the Assembly fir six year?. 8 years of age, of Scotch descent and isa successful business man at Perth Centre in Victoria County, N. B. Major Hughes has given notice of the following resolution ; "That the opinion of this House an humble Majesty in Council praying that the British North America Act, and any other legisiation bearing thereon, be so system of national echools Mr. Henderson has given notice of the following resolution: "That in the opinion cfthe House it is expedient tbat the law respecting interest on over- due contracia and judgements sbouid be consolidated and made uniform, that interest 3 a ora, chapter 1 provi that every judgement debe shall carry interest at the rate of four per-cent. per annum. Mr. Jeannotte has given notice of hie intention of moving the following resolution in the House; "That this House, knowing by the acquired ex- perience of all concerned, that no in- dustry, whether agricultural or manu- facturing, bas been established without the aid of protection, affirms its con- fidence in the Governmem's policy of protection ; this House is, therefore, ot the opinion that it is desirable to impose a custom duty of five cents per pound on raw leaf tobacc» ia order to protect and secure the development and success of tbe growth and manu- facture of Canadian tobace:." The report fur 1894 of Commis- sioner of Mousted Police was present, d to parliament last Thorsday. Some o 2 he commiss:oner reports toe Indians to have been peaceable throughout the year d well behaved generally s of cattle killed are attributed to the persis~ ranchers in allowing their the year price of bortes has interfered with the prosperity of that indus}ry, The chief = to cattle is reported to have been wolves. The commissioner speak highly, al bis report, of the settlemen A Saturday despatch form Woodstock 8 the address should be presented to Her, coepted.. HER MAJ SUMMONSES OF SALISBURY TO FORM.A NEW CAB- = INET--P, BE DISs- Bocca ps tee ea It ie is officially an- pounced will -- a. Lard Sl by the Queen and his Cabinet will ness of ts expected that the elec: Uns wil ake place about the 1oth of "Two mag of the Cabinet --_ -? yest be second beg: 4 clock pos lasted until at 5.45. ing was held to cecide whether the Gov- ernment should resign or dissolve Parlia- ment. It was decided to resiga. After dinner at disor Castle last night, Rose bada long private audie: ¢¢ wb the Queeo, aad comm -nicat- ed to her the decision arrived at by th> vernment. The h of the Cab- inet's deliberations was to Herbert fone ith, the Home Secretary, and John orley, Chief Secretary for Ireland, who creege opposed any step invulving either Bills mment ought Pp th into laws. m. O'Brien, rege Lay afew days ago, iran nted Cork ci the anti-Parnellite 2 bat w led to retire ey wi oe rein of electoral ae he -- ral offices were also o After cceoah the Castle groun: je went to Frogiaore, where the Queen. Princess Beatrice and Princess Christian had breakfasted. tended a private service in the Fro al mausoleum = the royal brag and afterwards -- audience with the et had | luncheon, afhee which be was anne 'o the station he took a carriage and drove to his official residence in Downing street. Here be fouod waiting for bim Lord Tweedmoutb, Lord Privy Seal and Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Arnol Morley, Postmaster-General, Mr. Ac- jaith atrived soon alter Lord Rosebery he cute conferred unl 6.45 P- Mm. altet w: onto resign Wes first oficialy made known HE NEW CABINET. " Of course nothing ia yet definitely known as to who will be selected by Lord Salisbury {cr ministerial and other liens, Conservatives, as was recently evidenced by the speeches at the Conservative ban- ph Chamberlain, the Liberal- » and it was predicted that the Lioeral- Unionists and Conservatives would It 1s gen- hamberlain the Salisbury Cabinet, office will be is purely a matier of conjecture as yet. FIRMATION ntral News is authority for erd Rosebe The Ce statement that le at Windsor Castle, lontee! the a rtienations of.umse {and brs collegguss {9 the Queen, sent for Lord Salishury, who wil proceed to Windsor Casile to morrow, will be intrusted with the formation of a Ministry. SALISBURY UNDERTAKES To FORM A the London, June 25 --Lord Salisbury ar- rved at Windsor at 2 35 this afternoon, a slaton. after bis arr val formed her majes form a mine a d submitted for her approval : list of the names of the mems be: et maa new cabinet. Balfour, accord ng to this statemen acc: p ¢ posi of 'Gat 10 rd of the treas- uty, and Mr. bamberlain that of secre- tary of state for the colonies Dairymen's Association of Western On- tario. NOTES bY THE | 'AR Instructor Millar ¢ompleted on June of iristevction to ¢ with egan this special work on April gth and visited 27 cheese fac- tones so situate reach the chief dairy centres of Western Ontario and spends Bg acouple of days at each fac- LU Instruction in the best methods of making fine cheddar cheese and i operating _ the 'Baboock Milk Tester was were pres the waciaces of cheese-ma In connection with bis pe ular work Millar the services of YY ap- plying to the secretary of the Associa~ tion, London The charges are $7.50 for the first visit to any factory and $s for each additional visit during the season ese amounts to cover all necessary travelling expenses as well as the regu'ar charge for the isit. The Executive Committee of the Asso'p. have deci to meke a decided yet whether the money given for daiiy prodacts or for the best $ = difficulty at -- a cient accomm: coat, le with the Show for a vonathe ts are grant, makiog a 00, will Tikely be augmented by grants from seme Dairy Cattle Breeders Associations cf the Province. Prices for cheese 'gle & st ward turn last week. Geveral lo first haifof June make were sold at rite 8 5-16 was offered for others. sbriokage in the make owing to may have this ety stated acres of wood the fiery element. to have started on sop, who was low. From adjacent a raging, see : | Sttarm balldiogs ia ber pevloglecrrig track of the flames and it was onl: atrenuous efforts ot fire 'have been saved. is the James Hay Co., had about 200 de- stroyed together of and a quant om Montreal Gazette. The British fieet at the Kiel canal ceremonies bad more first powsted sbips than all the other na- c Lint battleships Royal Sovereign, Empress of India and Reselo- tion were all over 14, capable The Ke ips represented. This og was not arranged for, there be'ng in Mov: cnn aod on other stations 'the asval complement ot class naval representatives power. empire of the s to be in the right hands to line. 'The arguments of the advocates of tion by rate will be fatile, The Citizens bave energy and pluck to make the road Listoyel, a leading e flax m: D Jone McLaugblio is the best in the vicin- ity. H ELMA. Mr. Peters jacked up his bara and pat which the m at is expressed for the suf ferers and family, and itis to be hope i | will both en e Mcthodist Sunday school echolaré and pot el tal or afternvoo off pleasantly the king supervision of the hust ana hostess. TROWBRIDGE.- Mrs. J. R. pr 18 visiting friends at Biuevale "this week. Our schools 'ieee been closed on ac- count aes Mus McCrae, of paras; 18 visiting a! conta, Jas. McCra Jos. Jotnaes had a bain sassing Jast week. dams one this eck, Miss Phoebs Cude mined ioe last from the Toronto Normal Eita a 7 Brussels, sprata eck. abo, te s been nd- ing the Normal echool at Ounen wate: ed home Ssturday. W. Goodwn rcturned to his Owen Soucd, alter spcaoding a few with his sister, Mrs. A. W, Leitch BRITTON. A number of oo young people attend- ed the camp-me in Moorefieu Syay}? an Mayberry lelf on Tuesday tor Manitoba and the North: west, where they intend visiting friends and relatives. They will return in a couple of month Those visi: ing ia our vicinity are Mrs, home in weeks Wm McKee, Millbank; Mr. Rothwell, of ea Mre. Wm. Alexander, of Listow ti E. Alexander bas returned after Spending a wee rieods and ac quaintacces in Milverton and Poole, Extensive preparations ate being made and Tas. Boya's bara raising on Saturday "Sains Agnea Park is visiting friends in T KURTZVILLE. EY ops in this vicinity are looking well after the Ist ¢ shuwer stato beetle is out in full force, but with copious application of Pare green we bope to cease his ravages for a time at least. The numerous barn raisings which have aken place in this neighborhood nave passed off-wi ny ious mishap. There areyet a few more tc follow. D Philips 'orenda to raise bis barn on Friday. Rev. S well sermon at ps Eicteoaue. pie euc- Cousins, is announced to preach vext Sunday at 10.30 a, m Miss Sarah Coghlin, teacher, is going ona visit to friends in the North-West. engaged a subatitpte for the school dering her absence. upid seems to be throwing his darts about very profusely, hie last victim to the Bowman a was tied Lengo of wick, happy journey throngh lile. Quite a saunter from ttended camp meeting at Moorefield on Sunda They report baving a ie wih ted 'bicycle which iy "think wil, throw all others in the shade. OWANSTOWN Ww. Waki has Sniders bam nearly en- dowd t, Gle memer is busily engaged ia build. ing the stone foundation for bis straw she Mr. Bender has removed his house toa new site opposite that of Mr. Wolfe's residence. i is putting a stone found- ation bap rn mold has eo "vies of bis hall to Bow ope = a stone foundation, ond = the ne arance a coniemplated co. of pain at a give, the goat will have every reason to be! oud of it. he camp-meetings * --_ Berlio ana Ayton have bee: traction ta the residents o of | this vi Scnity ering the last few jard, vol Linewsl, spenta lew days hat week at Geo. Fallis'. Strong is eae is house look Public school examination on Fr tiday aftern Cedar Grove factory made its Grst haere of faye . The abs fe na Mey Gree part of this Sis months for 8c. Schools close The services in athe brsthertn Mem on § = adele ae wee Davis died er ae ae sidence, 14th con pend ago heleft forthe West meee puna ook cece on Tuesday, proceeding to athe Elma Cen- tie cemetery. CARTHAGE. On Saturday af dark cl Laer in the western sky and many #@ hoping we would have a beautiful fl but it passed away with only a few dro) . . 'Holm es, ident of 1 Carthage Bicycle Aapecdalten ayant Sunday under the paren roof, ry large a aseemb! ed on Suns d ap day i pA at dir, heme' farewe!! pers mon, but were p ptnreec ated, as Wiliams _ nat present. The fetaee en ay intends residing in a The trustees of our school have chased es) 'blinds f rthe school room "and improted the s @pp ed carance of it very ------ ye Himilioa, of of Mil a nest of William Johnston on » Who been sojourning eae th friend ie in' Se sion, bas oering st, Ben, Joheston, who have i ber view J ame in Wingham, have -- oppers ry exceedingly nume:- ous in this vicinity. A me eg whispers a wedding in the _ Etts Ker: ams the guest cf Wm. Moore ov Sunday A. Gleco bad bc hauling brick on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week for the erecting of bis new mansic n. MARYBOROUGH COUNCIL. Council met In the township hall, Moorefield, on Monday 17th inst. ,at the usual hour; members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Andrew Huggins appeared before the couse advocating the cutting of a hilo © Srd conceasion Peel and Ma: order to facilitate the removal of gravel out of the river for improv roads in said tow nips. Moved e and Har- rington, M milton, Me- Cormick and the er co) it- tee to confer with a almilar commit- tee from Peel Ip re the cutting a hill on Peel and Maryboroug townline, 3, the meeting to take Place at the 1 Po Saturday, 22n pola at p.m. e clerk be in- structed to hotily t the Peel committee SAE rried, John Love and Patrick Stinson an peared before the og grant for improvt: the Soucesaion line betw the 2nd and Srd conces flons On the first rond beat or division weat o} € centre sideroad. he Souselh appropristed 814 of county gran The c county gravel was divided as follows Ist r. $14, 2nd $830, Srd $14, 4th $15, Sth $15 and 8 oa S30, The divisiona being no ant- ward ron Ww ace to Peel towllnes. M loug! aa he council to oe . new culvert on the sideroad between lots 12 and 18, ron. 5, alee expend 8 certain sum of grad! on said miceroad. on condition t that the parties perfor ing their w: said sideroad aD > lement the roprintion de Mov iy rs. Doyle a ri . Gamble's lease for a Moved by rs. Doyle and Me-1 Donnld that $25 be granted to the Arthur and Maryboro townline, and $50 to the Peel and Maryboro town- line supplements to the county grants, providing Arthur contribute $25, Dra Yton £25 and 1 $50. carried, Mo by Messrs. Doyle and Har- tington, that Messrs. McDonald, Mc- Cormick and the mover be cominit. t t th 1 pit on lot 5, con. hoa view to having --carrie ved | by Mers Beyle and Mc- that the veierk of this town- oni ee instructed to furninh the clerks ead and yralace wi each tow a his municipality, and ask each clerk to furnish him with the number of da ded ay hem thie year on wach § townline--ca hd Harrington and McCormick, that "this council do now adiourn until onday, th August next at 10.30 a.m. for bese a enenction of Beascal busin om special peantiog the counell will be "nea in the to p ball, Moore- fleld, at 2 p.m on turday 29th of beeing Oo receive ndera for th ting what in as Kiteley"s bridge on centre meerond. con. 11. Length of digo t 56 fi tween piles, a ting a small bridge at the Hollin mill-race. Plans and specifications may seen at the clerk's office, 1, Menrenela, on and after Thureday, EDWARD DYNES, Clerk. HEART are ReLiBveD IN THIRTY MINUTES,-- cure for the Heart gives veld in Ml eases of Organic Sympathetic Heart Dise: sease in 30 min- ag oy crowd. utes, and speedily eff-cts a - tina bapmanp bas -- into the peerless remes « Palpitation, Sbort- rar es om we bed D, ness of Breath, Smothering -- Paln 9 ah : Ad | in Lett Side 1 'and all symptoms what be Kartz- pased wz | Suld by J. Liviagston- The Rosebery omni by a vote of 5 n on the motion of pnd vative, to reduce the estima order to inquim into the matter of supply ot small agms aod ammuniwon. The Supreme Lodge, A. O. U. W., by a large imapprity permitted the 'tal for $1,000. Lodges to 1# ae certificates The aan © graded assessmen' been a! af Grand Lodges may adopt a scheme vwhich has been approved 7 " So TO HoRsEMEN,--One bottle of Eogleh soavte a - cee? removed a cur pleasure in recommending en remedy, as it acts with myster mpiness ig the removal from borses-of hard soft or ioused lumps, blood pao. splints, curve sweeney, *tifles and Grorc = Ross, Farmer, Markbam, Ont fold by John ee J, Mr. and M their departare from ¢ they bad been residents for eighteen ye RELIEF In Sx HouRsS.--Distressii idney and Bladder Diseases re Care. This new paps is a great enr- i on account of its - | ing prom {ness in relieving pain im the the uric e. It diet homesite "i in it ers jatel oes ren sceric remedy. Sold by John ie hivingetone. on Uheeso Marketa. Listowel, June --There whs tendance of bayers and sellers a a wel Cheese Fairtoday and ne reen's lative buying good ares? at Men Bo, 148 white at7 15-16an w oostip ry inde lesa; Warr '3300 boxent from 8 3-160 to 8 5-160; eatin nee Co, about 900 boxes at 85-160, « few at 88-160, VERY CAR TWINE CHEAP. i, o A A beautitul line of Gasoline Stoves. CHURCH'S BUG FINISH. PARIS GREEN. . LAWN MOWERS, LAWN Screen Doors and Windows. SHEARS. REFRIGERATORS. KINDERGARTEN CONCERT, --_----- -- -- THE MISSES ROBINSON, with the aid of their PUPILS and assisted by MR. HERBERT PIERCY, ELOCUTIONIST, and others will give an enter- tainment in the TOWN HALL ON JUNE 28TH. ADMISSION 25C. CHILDREN 15C. COMPOUND. 4 SOLD IN LISTOW EL AND EVERYWHERE BYALL DRUGGISTS: wate ours eee cee | BPI Hard Eiteteses.e|bricker Hardware Co. om we y.|"The Red F C , Jane '37, 1806 _ #4' he Red Front Cash Boot Oats, : Bw Pear, » & & Ere see 28 and Shoe Store. Flour,per 100 Ibs. ; 230 26 n rameal do. - 260 260 ----e, 0 Ae Butter per 1d " u Petaicenverbag. Ss Hides per 100 lbs - 700 800 Ghespextna - wo BO Wool per Ib. + 2 22 Wood, long, +260 275 Dressed' Hogs "bo bBo Live Hoge ~ £00 500 a i 8 TORO ' PRICES AT FARMERG! WAGON: 1m5| OCS far towards establishing the standing of a business fas ber bushel s§ 8] house in the community, and the good will and favor we have Be a & 61 been shown indicates that those who have dealt with us have il bd . ° . . Butte iter, pout rer ie 4 151 been well satisfied with their transactions. Gian pas ears vet '4 3 500 D ° 500 5 80 We have full lines of staple and fine footwear and invite STRATFORD. am, iss, |YOurinspection, feeling sure it will pay you todoso before Wheat, per ob bush ..8 8 | purchasing elsewhere, Barley, aa pusnes. ' & 4 ao oS © f HAMILTON BROS. 38 LUVE STOCK MARKET (NEXT TO BANNER OFFICE.) Toronto, June %, | ieee ieee W. J. HAY. utchers « 7 Mi Butchers' com: - 2 20te 2 fame oaeier ca fee ts > On mba, 8 "Fate 300 Wholesale and Retail. st HBB EB {© 425) Reliable Footwear Guod Shoes that fit. . cw - 4Mto 4B 20010 275 Sowa, for breeding, cwr - 373 4H ---- eee (Successor to LARGEST in Western Ontario. Embalmin above store, A. HERMISTON, H. F. Buck.) UNDERTAKER AND- EMBALMER. Having bought out the old stand, WALLACE STREET BRIDGE, and having fitted it up in good style, now has one of the FURNITURE #3 STORES Patronage Solicited. g a specialty, Open day and night. Residence THE STANDAKD- BRED STALLION, WEDGEBLOCK, fo. 10819 2.27 1-2, sire " " ee ie by Ha old: sire cf Maud S ,2 40 others in the list ; ana dame Mf Sober, 55. sire es in the list WEDGEBLOCK ho« a record 36 1 4. trial 228 end ix the be aan, ies 2284 wibaquorer in atheer veor old. 'ft istowe --To 'awe, $10, payable }. W. ROLLS, FARMS FOR SALE. --_-- g farms are offered fi BEMOVED TO ? Wallace Street. MISS M. AITCHISON Having boughtout Mr. Weloh's yeokronnt business, bh stock Welch's stand in jaime aad to mE OLD ROYAL HOTEL BUILDING, where wil! be found complete stock ot mneaees of ail Kinde, in - Fruit i Te eeeenm, é roce: Direet importer of beara GENUINE CEYLON. TEAS. None like them tn the market. An early call invited at the ew stand MARY AITCHIMON. Butcher stallin connection. teak: of = < ots FOR SALE. Soppiin) Bath are near sold cheap fey oash oF ae ks mORRIS, *FEILD, ROGERS CO. LTD.