HOW TO MAKE ROADS INSTRUCTIONS BY THE. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION. Contained in » Speelal Bulletin Iesued by the Ontario Department of Agricultare --The Rules to be Observed for Making n Good Permanent Roadway. In order to maki nd maintain a permanent roadway, two rules must be followed; 1--Take the water out. 2--Keep the water out. UNDEKDUAINING Where a road ted on a wet and retentive soll, a perfect sys- of -underdraining ust be one by cutting oadbed t one foot wide at the bottom, with a slight: slope outward, In these shou laid brok: stone, able form a drain, filling them up to © level of the-sub-grade. Open alitches should be cut on each side of the roadbed at a di ce of ou twelve feet f the outsides of the metalling. They should be deep enoug' basins, pl sta: apart, The ch basins Id be ie of durable materials of sufficient size to be freely cleaned and should be cov- ere ith lion gratings. The basins should extend at least two feet below the bottom of the tile to provide space ¢ cleaned at least twice THR ROADSIDRS. The strips of ground between the metalied road a: the open ditch sbould be properly os iy conform f th: met- og ap and stat large- ly useful in preventing the carrying off over, the untformity of the grade facil- itates the ;assing of meeting teams. LOCATION OF BUR neue na soil that Is gravelly a to water, the open ditches ou ear ch sae of the re even are suffici nt bed, If tir re the road hen 'ara ra. Te aioe . 8 a deep Ala the es and ¥ cta hos the: same power as an ingivhiect » the natural outlet for the water of Bs Jand. But muni. cipal officers are apt to s forcing an outlet through and to leave t vents his should not t * fame propertion of the our private In- ls iduals. were concerne HAD DIAISAGE AND FROST foundation of earth for the i rurcace of vhen atone, gravel, ete. ole ron A protracted In w fo ite an uns drained road and on the passing of heavy load, injurtous ruts g the con- ® quence. n eve latitudes the -- water freezes and the consequent pansions and contractions aus ope ruin a redber It matter ether a rowd t vere or macadam tt atta ntlon ix not given to the py rvation of the finished * If ruts are allowed to form water sg me drnitte ad. Every depres. Bion tx a cent of des ruction Th power { resistance to the n com lees and less until the roadway becomes actually trapaseabbe. OAT) MACHINES 1 scones ing varth reads a plow should net be used except where act- ust mec ssary, b & un plone! sur- sony with great difierlt made ha a asid sn yeooth, g t ow ta Hke- y cut too d ely into the earth A Sv read machine should be procured if possible, far by the use of a machine the natural foundation of the ground is not disturbed In rounding up the road no ts dh ith cammon plows ane Fernpers Every municipality should whoa read machine and should hay oO man capectally instructed and con- stanitly in charge of it i u road machne in skilled hands, there will be no question ralsed as to the econumy of construction anc : re arg and the eff- choney of the work do VIET OF ROADWAY The idway should be nty-mix t be en the ditches and the metal- Nog for ordinary roads eight feet wide; where more tha single line of vel in required the metalling should be alx teen fee oadway of this width should ha wn oO t least te inches and should always be main pi ed in this me, Atter the road aude ou Ned h a robs welghing shat ve ton Rolling is eseotntial in making the ogee and surfa 2 to form perman upon the era that the an a very dry and not inclined to pack, it may be slightly moistened to facilitate the consolidation of the earth. The ra! the side ° the' seller should 4 slightly. lp the first the road Is reac' le METALLING. After the formation of the road and e d the road irly good condition all the year NOXIOUS eh mpage Chapter 202, R. (Sec.9.}--"Tt shall be pr "duty ¢ "ey the highways In any nicl- to see that ni Bravia rot this retou > rorlorsa weeds car- their reapectite high- be Mable to a fine vot not less than $10 re t or mo axis weeds include Canada Th's er) ae Eu me Wild Oats, Raz: Children Cry for fitoher's Castor. Some smart but this isa He's just a plain, every-day two- legged animal. z Man Is found in most parts of the world. roams at vit meee in th- cay- tine and a Salakeceo at n! . Bome nights, j -- He Is very tame. - -- can go up and put your hand ywhere, so long as you don't put It on his pisakeetuoate He has, under such conditions, n kick. He ts like the dog--howis a good deal and runs around a! St ight Like the elephant. b he has a trunk, b doesn't BCAITY it with a The elephant does. really good for. anthropology Is exit in the dark. ae strong. he ia used to draw pic- tures, carry news Basie pull revolvers. He is pe fast and often goes in the human Properly trained, mi man can jump high- s known animal. Magazine. Six and Half a Dozen. resort board bills. --Monitor THE W Scene peuaeie 5 Time, 3 P.M. The Guest--Weil a must go now ! Oh, say, did you hear ot Giaay's ongage- trent (The full details for another hour.) The Guest-- Th es flex! Well. good-by. dear--you heard about Mrs, LAs toh, dreadfully tal abou t, es mine of the lady's fall- in 'The Hostess--Tes is served. Won't you stay The Gur tw ah I'm sure | ovghtn't, but! me ht rell. 0.) MEN. ORES The Club, Time 3 A. vs su ee we rie three rounds of jack pots and qu (Jack ots en up the pas till 4. nd? See if I can't iose this uatior, cutting: anne and bluff- ing for ponte: f hou The Be ic viethen, it seems, -- aie tive a $2 jack as a wind- (wo, dollar jack gets under wa Th Well, our, Let's play the da: (They do.) Can't Give 'Em Up Now. Reuben--Say, Silas, guess you'll hat- ter git th' ole woman one o° them bicy- cles. All th' galeshas 'em, Silas--No, Indeed, I've been wearin' ants od Lc tamily too long ter 'em up give beatin of Tim We u, more. now I've got things down toa system "You've bee a one time doing It," auRKe te d the c editor "T realize it" retu "but ie sali right now. the debtor, is You" ve no idea the "pian before," sald the creditor. "Ifa n llves up to it a doesn't hold out Toa the bank it mounts up rapidly." "Oh, T live *P to it," es the debtor. "I put rery small change into it exary night, a it's all y more than hope. kes the payment in full an absolute certainty. It over- comes all betel 'lea and It's only a ques- tion o "How much et thee P sid that's rather difficult to say. he amount of small change I r trying to ao 'ne right thing. Onicage Times. 'Her: rv Heneymnon in Italy. day or two afcer his marr ag: Ba 1- colettl met his friend Sir beoutint on the 'at to mind Milan, 0, he the house.""--Il Time Had "Tempered His Grief for His Lamented Partner. a nm with a big and bulky satchel at his fee weed on his hat leaning against the Griswold street front of th Bb t-office o had right sort appear, snieachea him ¢ grim Rant ray er has In- "The W e old m "The grim destroyer--the angel of de I take it your wife has gone hence." "Yea, gone hence," "Allow me to extend my heartfeit sympathies, "Yen, one kin extend ll wx ist be lon ely "Yes, paity lonely. ye lost the partner of my orn bosom, and I maw how it feela. You seem to be all alone in this great world?" e "Yea, that's the feelin' " "Life appears to be a desert to you ?" "Yes, a JTes'lar desert, with sand a 'oot "But tn your lonelines--in the seem has, ig? will you u-do tT . will, It's "leven months n ain away, and if you'll puathor at ti por hom git ano sight of a wi I've follered fur three' mijes gad winked at over & ig aw imes,"--Detrolt Free} hlléven Cry for Pitcher's Canteral eee trength of mind and purpore. ene ie pretty and graceful, and is idol- ized by the Dutch people, rincess was broughét up first, her education was conducted under French Lenten her governess ul ier fourth year she 'poke Boing but French. Then she was taught other languages, but to her father's p in her. Mile, Liotard was ba English governess, Miss Winter, who is still in charge of the young Queen's education. her father's ae. QUEEN OF HOLLAND. ly afterward her saiter dled, and the girl was proc ruler of the pnb tnae pe ae the sate f her mo se of maintained. Sinc+ then pr 'ite of the you Queen ke the life of most other young gir! having 8 4 and loving mo- ther to look after them, and she Is ow growling up in to an accomplished the reins. of government on her own be- half. Queen Wilhelmina is described which is said three ya snowballing some lite tle girls. Without a moment's hesitation or ority ordcre village boys had no id The ttle Queen . ad ni her handfuls of snow, rem: Riis adly "Ido wish that I 'could have thrown {t at them. A sad Hitels story {is told in iMus:ra- tion of the strict etiquette with which her childho et has been mme! in, Once, when seated at play with three of her dao iin, one of the wax babics proved disobedient, and the little Prin- cess held up a warnin floger, sayirg a nly are £0 naughty T shall ma y kisses nd whenever San go ont n well imagine," fays a recent biographer of the Queen, that nw ithe! =m 8 strong will a ta banquet given in his honor. This, of course ras out of the tion, TT all the pleadings of her daughter the ue Regent turned a a fear, r peatirg that she was t nz to at- tend oe, e SromGny. no matter of As, n her demande ®, ond worll take no enial, there remained for ¢ R n but one alternative--namely, to conduct the recalitrant young Indy to her bed- ar is che di ot with nt final pe ta protest from the dis- appointed Quee > balcony and tell the 'peteh people how you abus> thelr rae ne aid nothing of the kind, bat sobbed play to sleep instead, and next ao ig tifully beeged her en the work was don: the governess found that her pupil rate re- venged herself for her evel nee against the Englishwoman by Sine a Holland of exargera risa proportion while the United Kirngtom was rep:e ee by a couple of atmost impercept- Of course all there anecdotes sre oli di have been ted time ve repea' ant ngain, but the gerd ae @cings of this Baughty, nau YY. sclf-willed, good- hearted little ey oe royalty a:e always interesting. The Momentous Question. "Mye heart pleads for you, Horace," not wholly sulted to ¥ " Impetuously cried the 'oung m ne. "if two 8 are deep! sincerely, devotcdly attached to h other, not wholly sales ? What more is necessary ? jeving heart stop to reason coldly wins with every passionate throb it-- "Ip it not possible." H wl gently interposed, "t ip' sient impulse for an, abiding love 7 Must th not e al true affection a mut for- respect, aati toleration that will endure "Phere is only one oe Soro Evadne Whackster ! Do I 'ess I have no qther tackeaent, fh that I cannot regard you with jadifterence--" éar---!" "Btop " "Don't torture me, dearest ! Teacher--Now, backend Pralone how many seconds make a 'Wilite--Male or roticcees ? EF oral saa or female ? What do on v wille~There' 'ea big difference. Whe Pa says he'll be down In a m: when she's ubtint ran ber hat, Conundra La What ship is best for the voyage of Fr-endship. What kind of string makes the best fuel? A cord of wood, What plant is undesirable in wet her? A hopes ts, wreat Whet part of a hotse is the dark est? The part near the e(a)vea. Where have all the babies of thc the laps(e) of Why is one little Iamp the asa whole flock of sheep? E world been cradicd ? years. "a negro ta call tention to an ee what tree m'ght he name ? ("Bes dar !")--Youth's Companion. Heading Him Off, ve, I've eaten such hat I gvess I'll hava to off." n that case we'll have to charge you with a meal taken to your room.--Llfe. CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM 4 Bowels sit aafe ss into and f reliable for For Sale by ait Doslera: x ariel with Proverbs but don't try to patch up a lingering cough or cold by trying experimental PYNY -PECTORAL and relief is certain to follow. Cures the most ha, colds, sore throats, in fact every form of throat, tang or -- inflammation in- @uced by ane eo 25 Centa Torpid Liver, regulate the bowels. TO Taxa. 708 26 Canrs aT Onva STORES, WE WANT A MAN ar ONCE 'Lear seotins ae. this communit Trees on "yee Trees hardy "Excelsiacg" pre apc ack ck bt trees Gooseberries which do.not ft mien Blackberry Bushes allow ithout thorns. 'ree Roses, etc. enlace vay of 'CHASE wei * COMPANY, Twa "Oro Rettasie" Nozssaruen, | application. |Gharges Very Moderate { For sal 1 rogetot. or wi be sent upon ge box), by addreazing IHE DR TTELEAMD PIED. co. rockvills, Ont CHE, BILIOUSNESS. ant: unlocks all the secretions and removes saperteee Sem the system por' a common BuRDOGE, PI gestly 2008 Lup act oe yet DON'T DESPAIR on pe ata 2 Be fet Troubles, Impure i--w mone' ded, por by alldealers in medicine, Pot of price, per box, or $Ae. pe DR. L.A. SMISH & CO., Toronto. FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y BARS BAKING THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ST SALE IN CA PRICE 25 GTS. Tue DODDS 1OP TRUSS By a new device recently patented in U. = and Cau.ada by CHAS. CLUTH RUPTURE a CURED WITH NO URE WITHOUT. "TRUSS King Sr. PONONTO ~+ += CANADA .}-water around each tree. . and I & small vine! aioe "4 mere with a petite wind p 11-2 Ba yn I have never snough BL chica truck to cepety thea needs of two families, We now have fruits of an kinds in abundance fro: trees an ushes dele by trrigation. --G. F. Tassel, Kansa Orchard Irrigation. y irrigation I anh practiced day.--N, M Irrigating Holling Land. ' experience with rij 30) I am janting onions. Without the Irri- gation plant i could do nothing. as the is becoming ere. I dis ing system has been pla! resent we are using it every day,--Newberry nsas. Cost of a Wind otc Plant. I have just finished putting up my It Is of yore a al y ny 'aie amc 3143; two pumps c bas of lifting 4,000 gal- lons an hour, "30; nar tt meets sor a tower, and other woodwork. $25. T! ¢ total coat of apr aratus for oelnetiic the water to the surface is $1 My 13 feet deep. * "por the well the greater the cost of Faletn the ater.--J. M. Vallentine, Kan: Irrigation of Maxhet Garden e Ls nnot afford to be the On sufficient for ten a n the Eavte n ind Central States will cost $1,000, For ) acres tt will cost $1,500. A stcam en- gine of 15 or 20-horse power !s far bet- trthan a wind and the pump hould be able to throw 2 alons por minute: The main distributing pt plant almost any year.-- Massachusetts, A WATER-POWER FAN. -- A Rimple Cheap and Effective Means of Vadiliotiog anid Cooling a Koom. without vibration. ne y house, therefore, that has water connections may have one or more of in operation. Hereto 'ore they have been used by electric power exclusive The accompanying i}lustration, taken from the Solentific American, shows the fan connected with water-coc! {wo different methods. . Sabstitute for Leather for Hellows. ma med to be- durable and flexibi®than leather is now use of bel- jows for the vi rposes of black- smith's and rivet forges. It ia a textile ee thoroughly permea! re- sist heat, the samewhat high tempera- ture in proximity to a' Pek scat the pei of dampness eather as with by rivet vet forge: D ews. It ts = ropes eS onc Bren ip which LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY, BAMFORD BR0S., Builders Contractors re proparea to contractfor the erection all classes Ofbulidings. Plans and estiensdrawn and estimates furnished op and Sash Uoors Frames, Blinds, ete lahed onshort notice Fivinizg done order Wverything in thet ulld'ng line will ge fvenprompt attentien ana FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP GURAN TEEr. Pactory--tnkerman Street, Listowel. constant Use four years and was int7o- quced te the iaaking of bellows ty ie/ = Gubbins, of Londen. 2 = a. trom -- In ing to Farmers. From © to 80 b if @town per acre in Canada, ard its pri e¢ {g often higher than ma of wheat, Bar. key can <f tho Sta in this region, and should prove an cx- eellent crop to those who hive bh ea able to make a delta f.aa wheat, © has becn ued tt some cf bin a for claver wits mor 8. 'The crops of clover on : ome ; ster shave bv i cver o.- parison with Innd jhat cer ved: 1. s sredet Leh aie deaths 1 giv * gool 2 nen af 'wi ' ts ? entry te more gcn The pistes v varletles of strawber- f et ing the kinds that are to be uss, Some varieties produce large berries, Lut few them, and also fal to fill out the rows from scarcity of runn=rs, oO 2 Dogs. The greatest dog-owner In the world ls Gustav Jovanovitch, the cattle king 'Bamford Brog, - Children Cry for #7). ner' & GP Sturn." for infa:::. and Children. oe yoors' chrorvation of Castorin with the patronage ef gives them health. It will savo their tives. Jn it Mothers have something which /s absolutely safe and practically perfect es 9 ehild's mod'cine. Castoria peiecias tha Biel, segehoes sat. omaha Be giving healthy and natural sleep. Cac' *s pnt op jn one-size bottles ouly, It is not sold inibulk. De sell you anything else on the plea or promise : rod" and" willanswer every purpose." S+A-S-T-O-R-I-a. Goi sherri ae rey i o GieC? aaa slack 4, se am ony other mulsio'™. y-ru- tur pliaewe, COnH. al h cure rp TRADE MANA. Senz Scott & ahaa ee Afb panes A with a coli ora coli isn't omen agp hot can ii Mo Fant an valuable for ll for all extern Doss--One teaspoonful : | FULL FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT FOR ALL WomMeEN. In Bed 5 Months--Had Given Up All Hope of Getting Well--A Remedy Found at Last to which "I Owe My Life."