apt gn --------= SUMMER TOURS BY RAIL 9s ftvtwit cate OR BOAT. For the lowest rates and all information J. A. HACKING, Agent Grand Trunk Ry. and Canadian Exp. Co. STAN DARD. JULY 5, 1895. LISTOWEL FRIDAY, OTTAWA NEWS LETTER. Ottawe, 2nd July---The sensation es the me week has been the publica a letter by Mr, Joseph Martin, , in w he says that if all the Catholics want i¢,as Mr, Ouimet says in a recent interview, to add a certain amount of religious instruction to the ordinary exercises of the public schools, the whole n be settled at once as the people of Mani- toba would be willing to grant this. At first Mr. Martin's letter create: fayorable impression, but some things in connection wit publicati xn Nevertheless, there is good ground fur believing that the Manitoba School Question is nearing a seitlement, and that the settlement may be reached z in force cf any passed by the nt, One thing is certain and that is that there is not the same amount cf uneatiness in the minds of the Conservative members about the School Question that there was in the early part of the Session. THE REPLY RECEIVED The reply of the Manitoba Governs ed by Council, Yesterday was a ho day and itis most probable that the reply will be considered by Council to-day and the House infurmed in a day or two what action the gove ment proposes taking. Opinion ts wl divided as to whethercr not remediol be introduced this year. My n impression is that a Bll wil be eudared and passed with a string tied to it--that is, that a claim wil be inseried, bringing the act into force only on a proclamation of the Governor General after the Manitoba Government hae again refused to obey the order of the Judicial Committee, bable ihat it will 'be Gaaed' on Vhe Ontario Separate School Law, if not identical with it, and will provide for complete provincial control and super vision of the' schoole, but give to the minority the right to have their child- ren given religious instruction for an hour befcre or after the regular school hours. Such a bill could he supported Separate School eystem as it exiaied prior tu 1890 THE MACDUNALD STATUE The unyeiling of the statue cf Sir John Macdon-ld on Parliament Hill on Dominion Day was made the ceca sion of a grand military display, in which the sth Royal Scots of Montreal paricipated, as we lasall the O.tawa ur 'he unveiling was done by His Excellency the Governor-General, performed the he Mackenzie Advlphe Caror, the two senior Privy Councillors of the present admintétra- tion who were also membe John Macdonalas riatute 1s whatis know siz*, that 13 about nine feet high. = It is the work of Mr. Flebtr, a Canadian artist, and both the pose of the figure and the likeness are said to bs better than cicher of the -- at Montreal, Hamilton or Toron BRANDING OF "Reroaic" CHEESE. Someume ago the Commi:tce on Agriculture sent outa large number of circulars to manufaciurers of chrese aod cheese dealers, arking their opinion on the merits of Major McLennan's Bill for the compulsory branding of -- About all the replies which we been rectived with the f following result :--Ontario, out of replies: 261 favor compulsory oppose it and 3 give Quebce, out of 43> replies 409 favor a It oppose itand 10 are dovbtfu' The total result is that out of 775 "replies receiv: ed, 670 are in favor of compulsory branding, 64 oppose it and 41 are tiv, = THE SEALING BILL. e Imperial beet ties have for- wes to the Canadian Government a draft of the North Pacibc sealing b:il, which Bee ~ poet coil -- Parliam €xaminati of measure sabi es the fact the, while it many concessions = for wh.ch og eet ¢ -- it fails wo important 6 to meet = bere segarded as the jurt alere. ine ob- is the extieme penalty ic enacts for infractions of the Russian agreement. {a vessel in- fringes in the slightest extent, inten- tionally o: accidentally, the rules that are lhid dowr, it and ics cquipment are declared to be forkited. This the administration hers contends be which o! of visit = search w ot is em to the Resear. eeiieiwon is taken is the right bich the British is Great Britain will edmeede in no other part of the wold. It is Carthy has cancelled b MINOR NOTES. is stated that gt Oa Mc- 0 Europe which be had fotended ing next week. is that be bac Ccicusasuined to #try at Ottawa to fight 1 Order Bi'lin the _, * its being brought down this Sessi Hon. John Costigan sn » received : cable gram from Hon. Edwarc 'ome Rule cause in this part of Daniel Wade, cf Mitchell, = who has served five years in Kingston for wife murder, has hen par rng It 2ppeared from evidence subsequent to the trial that the woman was troubled with beat disease, to which, doubtlese, her death was immediately due, al- though induced by a blow struck by ber hesband in adruoken spree. BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH. A Narrow Escape of a Well Kuown Newburgh Man. BY THE LOSS OF A rinor MR. CHAS.) MOOKE THAT aaa AFTER DOCTOR'S HAVE FAILED. From the Nepanee Beaver. In the pleasant little village of New- burgh, on the Bay of Quinte yd known wughout the entire sec- lion, having oe pecrpeli of Newburgh for years. tr oore rs undergone aterrible sickness, oe to ae an the one of the illage, aod many € n Napanee and cictalty heard of it, puny the result was that The Beaver xeporter wae detailed to ous an investigation into the matter. Mr. Moore is a carriage make while working in Finkle's factory last winter met ee an accident that caused him the loss of the forefinger of his _ hand. at was following this acci~ dent that his sickness began. e lost suffe.ed from dizziness to the extent het sometimes he could scarcely avcid fallio, ng. He consulted physicians a medicines but without any benefit, He con- atantly neane worse and the physician reemed puzzed, and nore of bie friends thought hey veuuld pias ne da an = parame s' Pink soon seemed to gather new bay y-2 and o s had been rated ed hard all his hie uot luded te, ard now, thanks to liams' Pink Pills, be ts once more able his old accustomed way, an i credit to the medicine that restored him to health, ata cost no -- than a couple of visits " the d Time and ag has been prov that Dr. *Wellierne' Pink Pills cure pitts revue weucad other inedicineyiail, oe every cus forthe fact that go w' will you bear nothing but words of piaise for De Wuliams' Pink Pilis. This great repu'a- tion also accounts tor the fact thet un< scrupulous dealers here and there try to upon ther cuatamers hat it "is just as good, ol imitators genuine the full trade mar wrapper ar refuse substitutes which are worthless and may be dangerous, Canada's Favorite Fair. THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION We are in receypt ot the Western Fair Poze List, reminding us ates, September 12h to 2ist, and showing the ondon management are still ale to the Country's interests. ople have avery wrong conception of Fairs and their chyrcts, renee that the Directors of these haga gl nthem for per- sonal ga + pol 'he fact however. Faus Belong te "the peopie, ever yoo ere is in them from ther, is for the benefit of the coms Western Fair conunue to make it @ live, Exhibition. Every one should aid © either by berg an exhibitor or as a visi- » fice the greater the surcess of the Fair the greater the beet = the -- We advise progressive 19 «some ay, Many important ch 'been mad @ Periz: List, w sch a eaas to its usefulness, 'onl will be sppenciaied by ibe exhibior. By reqaest we say that a crpy will be Sent any applicant by addressing Mr. caw A. B owne, the Secretary, Lon on The Hyams Brothers" PREPARATIONS FOR THRIR SECOND RIAL IN Y SEPTEMBER June " an application for the id not be valid. However, scare of either prisoner, applica en be made was the crown to bed | heb cout fora third frial oo The police claim to be in potsession of rome startling new dvidencr, and coné- dently state that will copvict their men at the next we Among who fraliness, or aneeere trom unable hart 1854: wis ioe, : And. mie, TASS : W. A. Smith, 1855: John penne, 1855; Alex. ' peli dD. » 1854; a Id, 85. 1854; Rovt, Filiot, 1855 ; wn, re 6; Wm. Eiljah El- In, 1864 5 Wm. Mesiien. 1 1850 Ben}. ton. Melrose, 1805 ; D. D. Cam; John | Howat, 1871; nia, t+) 'Twaml mie, ine Ha were split mont ve clock sides Tr. mC 'lothier and the i rk wax undertaken , Stanley "a grea eal of shouting, \c heeriug and much merriment t of the building were handled Kray huired men In their shirt sleevex working with the lity of youth, pickin the timbers and running hem up the skids, With the ring ing oO! xee t logs were nice); tted poe their places, and jn a very short e the building was rendy for the eaitke: a side captained by J, = Climie claimed victory with che ri. an they placed their last Were entitled to the honor of victory ib Questic deeply disputed the other side who clalm that they would have finished long before, but the deluy caused by he other side in uncing one of the timbers into position for them Heartily, how T, did they all enjoy the ene which must have recalled to their memories immoy on similar one in th days of their early ood, the work wa one the ladies who had ~ ft supper tablex under the 'Chae Lee also got capital picture of re-constructed building "E m the good things supplied by aid, after which Mr. h = cnlea a remar! mald who was deeply af fected by the poor manner in which had ¢ apirit response k a to his arustcn and sald 'that he had n vited, ax It was difficult a ym. mpbell i a 'Elea Um ber - se ati arnt the the cee, and --. . the ncm:nation. of the candidate, A Schoo! Girl Drowned. une 26.--To-day about Bannerman, a litle was carried by current ever an acre of ground, and drow TROWBRIDGE. Wn, Eroackanp bad the misfortace to fracture one of his legs wiile playing foolba! a1 Saturday, afer the raising at Danie! Byers. Heiss aia on nicely, ¢ diphtheria ecare 'is about cver, all of the patients having recovere PALMERSTON. This town is to have a grand d mon- stration on the ist of Aug. The 13th Batt. band will be in attendance, also several amateur bands from surrounding barebal!, Jacrosae aod foutb: also b ergs = tl by the o fireworks dieple by Prot Hand & Ne. Thirteenth w be eto ea given ilton, Stratford G hw hol-dess here with fiend tives. The arrusl Method. t chunh Sinday school oo on lo "Eloca will take place en Jul Mr Page, buyer for the Khode Island | Company, 's in town this week, sorting and selecting T. Waterbouse's season's purchase of combing and feis- ELMA ¢ who was ill at her tathes® 3s io Newry, was buried on We day. . H. McBain is spending holidays in Atwood, before his work at his new station afw leaving fo- on He went and Shelburne, a distance of 150 miles. jamuel Forest, of Atwooe is down with the fever Samuel Maore and wife, of Listowel, and Mrs. Rice, cf Muwaukee, visited at Humphrey's, Newry, last week. Mus Ida Smub, daughter of Robert Smith, 12th con, morning will assure success in lite, this couple should have it, MORNINGTON. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence © Roe, Pleasant Hillfarm, Morningtor, on Wednesday ct last, weck, when bis ycungest daughter, Nellie, war united in viarnage lo ha HBS n, Cc. in the t of the rose: at- oom -- the trying ordeal, After partaking of 9 sumptuous weddi dioner the young babe le took the 2 45 ap, tor -- and wher points, white op did some i = many use presents showed the extn in which the bride and groom are held. es --_-- The new hotel is bemg tapidly wa: ished toward c ietinn. Gro. o. Spence, wko fell from € lojd of rarls and broke voc arm 10 two is rable = L out 6, McDooalt. ek for Ly Weods, was torcnn from othe deal fro it, C) bandages being applied to it in place. We hope he wil soon te ip accustomed place. oecamp bad his leg broken ie Pp i wl ie plasian, football cfter a barn raising at tink ' "WeNeill Teturced to her weg at Cranbrook for the lor shop in Blaeval Allan Mitchell is able to be out agria. Jobn a? sho is 2 proud Miss L. is 5 catled omy ali itle chi . Haxc's on Sul -- , meee ow days ci ba Lod D. Se Stewort. . is Bow -- and dey," . womap and two girls iprctaty<g from Molesw-rth,~ when the hve becoming pn round and jess a pointed to assist sal fenbesth Totoens Ai iy- the 3rd ah game resulted in no con. dp dled h ast Sunday, on '08 Monday. She had. for some ti 'ankleek ny one of the bones wrist fractared § 40 acres, valu hp entered truan', YX. ports of 'lots eet im the-eleventh conc ssion, tramsferred from Sergey resident : Mr. Dietner tenant 4 con. part lot 7, con. 1, joint owner lots 25, 26, con. ohnaon tenant Int 3, can Court cinsed, and ociness, ilo, seconded by G Ena Ae od How: nd H enera ce for the year 1895--Carri cil adjourned to meet on the call of the Re R.G Rowerts, Clerk, HEarT DISEASE RELIEV ED IN THIRTY ¢ for 0 b, pr ple Spells, in Let 'S hal and a ms ased "ims convinces. Suld by ue 'Livteguen' Lord Salisbury': Cabnet now consists of nineteen members, aot ia Road largest ever formed in Great Bi 'When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castoria. 7 ahe ch Castort ¢ Massey Manufatturing Company, ot 'Toroute, isto put up an extensive addition to its premises and have asrev_ Cam: Tally on diseredites, dead and gone N.P A BOON TO HORSEMEN.--Oce bottle of English Spavia Liarment compyrtely removed acurb from my horas. sweeney, stifies and sprains. ObB, Farmer, Markham, Oat. Sold by Jobn Livingstone, Jr. A novel pean will take place at Lauvis- ville, when the suit of W.C. Stivers cratent Miss for brea Katherine West Promiae, is called before eligtble for jury service by a recent law. That will "_" interest to thé case. [tis & question how a jury of women will handle an "flair of the beart of that -- With twelve men an easy time of it in proving that she had --- nothing £0 very wrong by refusiug kee er promise to m: ther who isaw = ss Prone to side with the bite and pi n in euch case! RELIEF Ho --Distressing Kidoey aod Bladder Diseases relieved in the Gre: erican Kidney Passages in mal It relieves retention of water and pain in passin almost immedistely. If ycr want gick oe cure this is your y John Livingstone Jr, Uhezee Markets. -- Woodstock, Jane w= Wt mrpaen operes ame bes factories jen 4 boxes 250 at 87-180 ; 310 at Bee. tferd, June %.--Thirteen factories fered boxes of first half of June make. Pales, I 1270 boxes at 8jo, boxes at 6 B-ic, 6c. le, Jane a1. F103 7 factories offer. ry 610 white 'ona 2.00 colored. Total 1 DOXES colored at sli. Ife ato aaeied at ein, 199 colored al 6ic. No Sb roe, June 2%. elbu: --Thirtee boarded about 1.300 sexes } lowe. Tat of dace. of which 100 at prices tos ret the Believitie. duly 2--The | 3 loeday we --@ hozes at 5 3-.6c, [35 at net wan vet very duit, caloamen refasing = mar' feo ee ee ree 'For O° Over rer Pitty Years. Mar, WixsLows Soormixa Srxcr hes Leen by mill One OF ne for tnetr obit wb hing. If disturbed iageeeet ovsetcrre dt ha sean erving wit at once and jeot ™ ww Children ttie maf motb- Bhogpach and softens the Gams , tH Te E Spavin, splints, curbs axuns* Flour, 5 203 Gatmee 25 300 meal 250 250 Butter " 8 LJ 1% 8a 2s 1B 3B 13 1 2 wo 68 Live Hogs 40 30 Lam - 250 300 Best + £0 60 RICKS AT FARMERS' WAGONS. Jaly 4, 165 . Ss 8 es & a" 6 " a u 6 ul i ob - $6 500 5 60 BBs -susE= 'A beautitul line ot ~ VERY CH EAP. _--iih,. ¢ A, Gasoline Stoves. CHURCH'S BUG FINISH. PARIS GREEN. Screen Doors and W indows. ito, Jaly 8, ichers and each. $35 00 to $35 00 Butebore' choice "eailisy cwt 300 to 4 0 5Oto 375 Mto 235 Bio $00 to te to to Mito 30 Wto 4 @to ia to 430 Oto 275 78 to #0) FARMS FOR SALE. um following farms are offered for sale Lat No. 4,10 the 4th cov, Tow ash'p of Kima, 00 acres, with pr and eet F xa th ra ty ° ® 300 pores 90, hotise, acd is owned b be Mr. iran. va gmeines Hoth faimeare well fenced, tn at of cultivation and no waste Jand, and wil id very Severadty and on terms to pot rohasers a! w eens. interest. For T particulars appr MR.GEO, HU SON on bremiaee - HUTCHISOR. 198. Listowel. =| TAMBLYN & CLIMIE'S is the place for FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR Moyer & Co.'s Flour, Ogilivie's Hungarian Patent and Diamond (a) Flour. R. Dilworth's & Co.'s s Flour, Special rates forlots of 500 Ibs. Head quarters for choice fresh Groceries, Crock- ery and Glassware. Farm Preduce wanted. TAMBLYN & GLIMIE. i Wallace St. OPEN AGAIN. '| WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES HALF PRIGE. Repairing done promptly at moderate prices. New Instruments and Scenery, CABINET PHOTOS $2 PER D02Z. Warranteed to suit or no 'Se Me SMITH, Telegraph Office. Sorered, pa I I LAWN MOWERS, LAWN SHEARS, REFRIGERATORS, Bricker Hardware Co. The Red F Front Cash Boot and Shoe Store. POPULAR APPROVAL Goes far towards establishing the standing of a business house in the community, and the good will and favor we have een shown indicates that those who have aealt with us have been well satisfied with their transactions. We have full IInes of staple and fine footwear and invite your inspection, feeling sure it will pay you todoso before purchasing elsewhere, HAMILTON BROS (NEXT TO BANNER OFFICE.) W. J- HAY, Manager Wholesale and Retail. Reliable Footwear Gcuod Shoes that fit. A. H. HERMISTON (Successor to H. F. Buck.) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Having bought out the old stand, WALLACE STREET BRIDGE, and having fitted it up in good style, now has one of the LARGEST FURNITURE STORES' in Western Ontario. Patronage Solicited. Embalming a specialty. Open day and night. Residence above store, THE STANDAKD. REED STALLION, ]WEDGEBLOCK, NO, © 10819 REMOVED TO Wallace Street. By Cennaught 2 24 sue of fear in the 2.30 list; by Wed + 2.19, sire of MISS M. AITCHISON in lpr list. Dam by Annapolis, sire of 2in the list + eeernd dam by Hermes 227 8-2, on " 7 nike list,he by Harold, paneer peytt wed ier" stock to Mt sre sf Moo 208 3-4 4nd go others | Welch's stand tn ¢ ee a one "4 FF 'at dam by V tuaicer. 55. F nthe het, "websEDLock hea @ seen! 71 OLD ROYAL HOTEL BUILDING, 2361 ty nm.) 228 rnd ix the sire' of rb '1 P * where will be ad 35 vend! se nshiee brat olds St 1 Gouteesionery pi ait Bugg te eek * gee rier oy heey aS vais be seen Groceries ac. e be-t breeciny in the country, Direct importer of le and bas proven ced. Heisa oler, ¢ WEDGEBLOCK will make the sea 1. GENUINE CEYLON TEAS. aon at his awn:.'s barn, Listowr ' TERMS. To mesure, $10, payable None like them In the market. Fer. 1, 1896. J. W. ROLLS. An early call invited at the ow stand MARY AITCHISON. Butcher stall io connection. s FOR se POWDERS Cure SI0K HEADA and New. Top pe neEy @ Seaman) in #0 she Tongue, Dis Cotter or earl: want wnid Liver tod a the pipe pans ntionsy | and w wilt be 'ooo ebese for eaab of Dex nouaee the bows's. VERY wICe TO TaKe. WORRIS, FEILD, B ROGERS C0. LTD, 'S Cenre at DOrvo Broa | Paros & 1 ate