FOR THE PRETTIEST = a ~ AND CHEAPEST. WALL PAPER IN TOWN GO TO LIVINGSTONE'S DRUG STORE BANK OF HAMILTON. |..: $1,250,000 $675,000)" CAPITAL - * RESERVE FUND - DIREOTORS JOHN STUART, Paxsrperr: G. RAMBAY, Vicz-Puzs. cnr eit GEORGE ROACH 4.T WOOD, WM. GIBSON, M. P A. B, LEE (Toronto.) t rates ti aera sary Britain andthe United tates bought aad sold. Collections made ty favorabie Sormas. 2. H,STUART, LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1895. Wi. Seruextaxp of London is panic his holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. Anderson were visit: ing friends in Petrolea this week. Misa Fasste Stevesson and her little niece Winnie are ona yisit to London. Mus. Kocers of ja was the guest of Miss Jennie Green, Bivmarck street, this week. Tuxnx will be English service in the Evangelical Chareh, Wallace St, on Sun- day evening, All are welcome. ant one hundred of our Waterloo, Berwres fifty citiztns spent a = at and took in the bicycle =, oni of Mr. Miss Jase ARMeTHOSE, is town, who has James Armatrong of this heen teaching at Belwood, is home for the holidays. A seoagn of the members of the Listowel courts attended the C. OF. demonstration at) Walkerton on Dominion day and report having had an enjoyable outing. lawn social will be dence of Mr. A, Tremain, Elma street, by the Indies of the U. B, Church. Admis- sidn 10e, and I Wall Paper--An immense stock--latest patterns--anid selling almost at cont, at . est of old Bank o! Gamnifian building, south site Main street. f you wants bargain in wal now ia Tue brethren of Befnand lodge ALF. & A.M., on Sunday last returned the fraterna visit of the Palmerston Masons on the Sun day previous, by driving over to Pakmer- ston and attending divine service Tuk annuas chor exctrmon will take place to London on Wednesday next, 10th inst, The fare from Listowel for the round trip, including coupon ticket for concert, is $1.55. Tickets are good for two day» Mr. J. Livinestox of the flax mill and Mr. W. Bright attended the funeral at Baden on Monday,of Miss Lis ee: danugh ter of Mr. Jas. Livingston, M. P., who died on Saturday 'engtbenct The deceased was in her 26th year illness. AMBLYS ANE ( * have just re- consignment of Raisins, 28 i 'ase Prunes and Cur: & Glimie, Wallace St. Listowel. THe Harses, of the Berlin sew of ce "Bank of Hamilton, was in town on Wednesday, panied holidays, and intended leaving yesterlay for Owen Sounil: or anything in the Harneas line the pub- lie in invited to call at Kal. Howe's new wo prompt attention. a and work. -- guaranteed first -« 8 Aceipest.---We are informed that a sume- befell some of the on Sunday last as they were driviug to Valwerston to attend the broken, and Messrs, Alex. Peter Pollock were badlv shaken up. VaNpaLina.--Some miscreants, supposed to be boys, recently smashed most of the and did other damage to the house Livingston. --_A liberal reward will be given to anyone furnishing information that will commit the guilty parties, as Mesars. Liv- ingston are determined to have them pun- ished if they can ont who did the Tue l2ra.--R. Birmingham, Toronto; Rev. Livingstone, Kincardine; L.H. Clarke; N, .¥. Devie, P., Regina, N. w. T., and other to deliver ad dresses at thé Oran; celebration at Harris. I. way . C.P.R. A large gathering is anticipated. Mam. Mxetixa. mass meeting of the Y. P. SS. of C. W, of thin town will be held im the 'Church on Friday evening PLY RYT pric soli his "wcildayein Da. Joux Tarzon, +s former resident this town, who has been in town near Oil City inte renew ing The Mis Hardman, daughter of Mr. A. Hard- ra riding down on their wheels. «x A.O.U.W, demonstration at Moore- te on Dominion day waa a svocess, there being a large turnout of Workmen and their families and friends, Listowel lodge was well represented. Grand Master Milne t and delivered an ad actting forth the benefits of the order. So led on the spot. The Listowel brethren and their families were well pleas- ed with their day's outing. Ar rns Laxes.--A considerable -- Se te re to the Sahasitte tp sojourn' during "the sammer' heat, families of Mesars. J, A. Hacking, 'Wm, Tatham and M. Bricker are at Port Elgin, r. and Mre. W.G. Hay and Miss Hay, Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Hay, Mra. J. C. Bart and family, Mrs. F. O. Clarke and family, and Mrs, J-E. Brook are sojourning at Southampton, and Mr. and Mrs. T. FE. Hay, Birs, Donley and others are at Oliphant. ts. John Thompson and family are also at the lakeside, Tess = Matcu.--Listowel and t. Ferest 'tennis sake played a mentch on the rectory grounds here on Friday afternoon last, Listowel winning fourout of six events, Hunt and Stuart (Lis.) beat McMullen anid Clarke (Mt. F.) 6-4, 64. Orr and Bastedo (Lia.) beat Jones and Smith (Mt. F.) 6-1, 6-2. L. 8. Hent ae Fi.) 6-3, 46, 64. HIN t W. H. Smith (Mt. FL} 6.0, 6-1. W. mca F.) beat A. Gi. Bastedo (Lis) 4,64. J. A. MeMullen (Mt. F.) beat J. H. Stuart (Lis.) 6-1, 6-2. Miss Jeas Maxswann, who has been a teacher inthe Listowel Public School for the past eight and a half years, has tender- ed her resignation, which has been ac- cepted, reluctantly, by the Board. For the past three or four years Miss Marshall haa had charge of the Dept. next to the Princi- pal's room, and has been a moat successful teacher. Her pupils and associates on the teaching staff, as well as the Board of Trustees, are sorry to part with her. mark of the latter's appr services, Mr. B. Asa eciation of her F, Brook, chairman, and Anderson ,waited upon Miss Mar shall on Saturday evening and on behalf of the Trustees presented her with « beautiful piece of silver, Miss Marshall was also iron with a handsome silver server by the other teachers. Dame rumor says that Mins -- will shortly be ted to Hy men's altar, ¢ left on Monday for her home in teat and will takea trip to Montreal. She carries with her the good) wishes of many warm friends here Qvoits.--A keenly contested quoiting match took place on Friday afternoon last between the Listowel and Gorrie clubs, The match was Playel on Me. Archie a meals, Main street enat, Was witnessed by 9 large qieated Spectators. pitchers, aml cack set played a 41 point naminber of in There were six sets of game. Five ont of the are Listowel men succeeded in making their 41 pomts, which won the match by a total of 40 points. Mr. W. Spears acted as referee. is the score ; Following Listowel, (urrie. Rink Ne. 1. A. Robinson 9, M. McLaughlin 41. tink No. 2. J. A. Watson N. Nosh nO. Rink No. 4 F Tank 41, Geo, Taman 32. Rink No. 4. A. Melntush VooAL Irwin 27. Kink fo." : J, Bright 41. ALE. Wolliane 22. mint No. 6. Jas, Ailey Brown 22. . esr) 134 C. EK. Cousvestios.--The Christian En deavur convention closed with a sunrise prayer meeting on Tuesday delegates present, representing Stratford, Mitchell, Milverton, Atwood and numerous rural districts. The arrangements were all that could be desired, all pronouncing it 4 splendid and protitable time. Dr, Dickson was of course the 'light,' and gave to his hearers splendid ileas for Christian work. He was eagerly listened toashe expounded question after question put to him, making plain difficulties that had made the work hard for those who had not known ho: overcome them, Miss Whitworth of St. Mary's and Rev. Geo. Fuller of Stratford also delivered good addresses to the conven- tion, An agreeable surprise was ogi by Dr, Dickson introducing Rev. Mr. of British Columbia, who was very sooeaee ing and instructive. It is impossible to give anything like a full report of all the pro- were in the hands of Mr. Male, who showed good taste in arrangement. Pemuc Scnoot Boann.---Regular meet nam on roll as follows: et Dept. cmolled 34 average att. ad " uo " ad OD #2 " 4th a 4 . Mh "3 . wo " 6th 58 " 30 " 7 " ae " 47 " "As uz ae a se total average attend , 446, or 84%. f applicati red ceived, and also to disctixa the advizability of adding another teacher, as the average attendance for the past three months is about 45 more thana year ago. moat at Palmerston Ust- A. Morxn & Co. aie Covxen.--Regular monthly meet ing held on Tuesday evening, 2nd A. inst. |H Stanley, H Wildfang, Members t. Y. Feath : 1 Kidd, W Stal Mayor, in the chair; W. Welch, Reeve; J. Honeyfor, a hy its A Hollinger, W Butt, L Thompson, A Heppler, Deputy-Reeve, and Councillors ler, D.D. Campbell, A. Foerch, J. Seburger, | T*ths™ --. @ Harvey, 3 bes peut: J. H. Gunther, W. Pelton, M. McGillivray, H. Goddard and J. A. Tremain. Minntes A Kritzer, J Smith, W Cha: FROM VI, TO ¥, DEPT. L Glennie, R Hemphill, O Hemphill, B Tassie, A Tremain, G Klemm, BR Baird, F motion Gee, Edgeumbe was appointed to act as Clerk in the absence of Mr. Bright. An account was read from A. Morris for 27,490 Ibs coal at $5.35 a ton, $73.53--re- ferred to Fire, Water and ome The chair- man of Finance he would not. hs able to bring in the aidan until next The Treasurer's sedi ae to date was weld ot Weeks 2 reeng: Aaa 407-08 | | rs ferred to Finance Committee. man of Relief reported, i meat furnished Mrs amounting to 34.2%. Moved by A. seconded by D. D. Campbell, that the re Donald, P Gibson, F Coleman, L Male, Spears, V Smith, L Kay, M Stainton, A port ofthe Relief Committee be gi Lipphardt. FROM IV. To Ti. DEFT. E Bruce, N Bamford, * Barker, T Butt, F Bradley, ny Feild, G Hard and that the 8. J. Stevenson's Dill be e « Relief Committee--Carried. The Chairman of Public Buildings and Cemetery and Parks reported verbally that he had recerved up to date from sale of cemetery lots §28, hall rent $4, rent of water lot $1; total 873. Paid for repairs on cemetery fence -$11.65--Report adopted. | Atwood, 8 Bamford, Moved by M. Metsillivray, seconded by J, | M Burt, J Climie, C Carthew, N pee that By-law No 260 be now] M Feild, M Dixon, A Grant, M Gabel, rend third time. Councillor Campbeli | E Godfrey, H Hawkins, A Kidd, N Leran, nad going on with the building of a] O Meyers, A Pelton, N Purcell, A Ren- granolithic walk on the south side of Main | chler, A Renchler, L Rapp, E Scott, M street on the ground that it could not be | S$ chlimm, F Schlimm, B Squires, M_ Tre- boilt without raising the rate beyond the | main. limit fixed 'by statute. The chairman of the Board of Works handed in an estunate of the cost of constructing the walk, plsc- ing the town's share for building the = - Willoughby, M FROM INL. TO 0 Gibbs, E Smith, DEPT. EK Arinstrong, 8 'Kenzie, M Tatham, L Holtzman, (} Watson, G Heppler, F Strain, E Hawkins. FROM I. 1. shure of W tree! ts thos estimate doesnot includetiling. A vote was taken ou the Stir | reading of By-law No. 260, ax follows: Yeas--Tre: ahs Melany ger.Gunther, Goda I, Mctiillivray. Nays- Cam pbell, Foerch, Pelion. Welch, Hepp ler. ihe mayor voted nay, and the motion was i DEIT. W Annstrong, R Binning, E Ballantyne, FE. Bricker, J Bowyer, A Karges, W Durkee, M Gee, W Helling, E Hacking, L Hack- F | ing, S Kidd, C Klemm, B Large, C Magahy, ed. he W Magahy, J Newert, F Proter, E Roth, . H Stevenson, W Snelling, H Torrance, F Timms, R Taylor, D Thomas, rev buikding the wa parties tendering. two weeks, STRATFORD WINS ON 18T INNINGS. as Stratford cricketers came up rber, E Brown, M Baker, E-Carthew, » Friday ni ev and played from 10) R Climie, I Foerch, A Gooding, W John- he im. Saturday t ew sm. At tls M y. L Tabberner, H Taylor, G Ter hune, BTilt, P Tremain, F Watson, M Taylor, C McKenzie. NEW STUDIO. D. Barber is now ready for disposed =o! 1 very enslly en innings, Morphy aione, making couble figures, he colts save practice all round. The wicket was ery good shape. The following te the : Taowe lst inninge. J. N. Hoy,b MeFadd 0), re Nichol b McFadden . : » % . A Hackiog bh MePadiien 4, | business in his new gallery 1 B. Morphy > Mer dde 16. | over the Post Office. A "call N. cimie ® Uldfieh 6, | will convince you that he has H. Cimie, run out. 3. | one of the best ope ae the A » nrelie we not out, (), x) Large, run out, 0, | Province. He will be pleased E. Bolton ie Oldfieta o, A Hawtord b- Oldfield u,| to meet all his old customers Ex and as many new ones as will Total 37. | favor him with a call. 20¢ lor 2, 2 for 2, 3 for 15, 4 for 16. fs] toe 34, 6 tor 37, 8 for B87, 9 'tor' 37, 10 fur 87, Stratford 1st innings, A LITTLE BIT J, Liddie b Bam! ae 22. (, Harvey b Moi 0, H Oldfield ¢ a shar a a torbhy 15. M. McFadden b 6, k. Harding b Niene ') 2, D. Hay b Nichol o, J. McFadden, ec W, Cunie, & Morphy 9. L, MeDonald hy 9. C, Hamilton b ay 2. S. 2. Tite mo vn ts Sub, b 0. . but we like it tow Extras 6. "keep 'em coming" "we wit omer os te -- Friday and Satu Total. 62, 1 io o 2ftor 29, 8 for 87, 4 for 41, 5 , 6 for 50, 8 for 62, 9 f 62, 0 bm "62, orci gg Sm don, M McDonald, D Anderson, J Austin, | E Lee, M Male, A nnn ris is N Stewart, McUillivray, R. "Darling, F Taylor, J |) Coghill, W Wakeford, J Bowyer, W Gib- |: "Lange, Fhe ~ FASHIONABLE TAILORING 'HOUSE. a 9 a. ee Bargain Days FRIDAY - AND - SATURDAY. This week we are closing out a line of | - OXFORD' SHIRTS AT 25c, EACH worth '75c. in way. See our win- dow,your choice for 25c. Also closing out a line of Summer NECKWEAR at 26c. usual prices from 40 to GOc. See our -show cases filled with goods. . SPECIALS IN MENS' AND BOY'S | Be FANCY STRAW HATS ' THIS WEEK. Our ordered work has a prominent _Yeputation for neatness of design and excellency of workmanship. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED to fit perfectly. We invite a careful in- spection of our stock and prices. HAY & COGHILL. » BRISTOL'S _ PILLS Cure ure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. J, M. SCHINBEIN. We are booed to clear out the balance of R. Me- Millan's stock in 60 days, every article must go at some BRISTOL'S price. Thousands of bargains, | you can actually save 50 per| | PILLS cent -an more on some articles. re Purely Vegetabie, Do you want a nice Dress, slegintty Sugar-Coated, and do come to us. gripe or sicken, Do you want anice shirt, BRISTOL'S oe to us. | PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine." All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S PILLS ou want a nice pur of Tan wn akocs, try us, Men's suits, Boys suits, pants, coats, veste, you cannot do better -than| buy here. SHOES. | We have a com- lete stock and why not buy m us when you can save 50 per cent. Do not miss this opportunity as the goods must be sold. Remember the store, G. T. R. TIME CARD. one leave .Listowe! station daily as or SOUTHERN EXTENSION W, G. & B. RY For si peanli me ane Jatermediate punie-- RED FLAG. ng ed %& he Express 2. =e ; Ex. At our regular store we For poten a at "has a m: have opened out this week | Expres. 1257p. m.; ied, 10.00 p.m. new muslins, new prints, new! GEORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVI- spot muslin, new silk for fancy oOINa SOUTH, E: &.25a.m.: Ex 2.2 p. 3 waist, new silk mits and|simei'n TS. ma _-- om jOING NORTH. loves, new parasols, NeW! yi..4 290 pi Se ena Geeres oe. uck suitings, new laces, new | Pres" 8.18 p. m. summer coats und vests, new summer corsets,new tan shoes, new canvas shoes at 7dc. FARM FOR SALE --_--do-- Being lot 6, con. 3 Wallace, 100 scree 85 cleared, balance beech and mare bush and valuable pias of cedar ; comfortabie house of 8 roo: with an excellent stone cellar; large re bank barn, with all the neces. be hd ; siabling for stock arge root cellar an ab 80 rr The Ant oF Grin' Scaarca. Roe H. Oldfield b Mo McFar lane 1.b.w. b Nichol 2. R. Harding nat out 18. STRAW HATS Ls Hay run out 5. be J. Ber adden Lbw. b Morphy 9 Iie bate for dbo. $1 bate for 25c, $1.35 36, The balance of the team did not SHIRTS. bat. 1 for 1, 2 for 11, 8 fori8, 4 for 15, 5 for 21, '6 for '36. Comers Shirts with twe collars ing nea regular faiae price $1 and $1.5 s uns M Ww Fiannelette pees regulss price Morphy 230? rT 4 4 foand toc. your choice Me, Nichol 235 it 3 3 ois Shista, regular price Tie geinx Bam 9 ° ! Ha E gt 2 price Me new golngat xe. -- vaste ner' | UNDERWEAR _ Th next ame will be played nore e on Friday next with Harriston ci Men's Faterat wool shirts snd | Ralbrigan Be. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE iz'|Sign of The Elephant, WALLACE STREET. M. WILDFANG, J. M. Cathew b= Oldfiel 8. Large c McDonald, D McFadden 15. EK, Bolton McFadden a Jr. Nichol b gine H. B. Morphy Padden eulte for J. A. Hacking c McFadden, b Oldfield 7 J. N, Hay, L b. w., db R. Nichol b Oldfield ie, not out. x Be stort" b Siac £ +) READY MADE'S -- Extras 7. k™ 61. bine sults st $130 worth F 1 for 0, 2 for 26, 8 for 27, 4 tor 27, worth 4 5 for 86, 6 for £6, "if for 48, = 51, acne ee eee " ie FELT HATS 78 'lord 'tea innings. . J end b Nichol 2. i C. Harvey Dr. Nichol, b Morphy 1. Pie trom We tabs your shoves fr If ie would know why the "Happy Thought" is considered the most perfect and economical of kitchen ranges fat only to examine their superior construction and nderstand you will then u their wonderful popularity. Cheese F, actosy Sttings viz-: Cheese Vats, Sinks, Curd Pai Milk C Goon Stout al Waker Fittings of all kinds donee shod notice, ar Roping promptly attended to. Canadian and American Coal Oil for sale, ---- What the majority think and say is ' very apt to be right. Every person hasa pretty clear idea of how a store ought to be conduct e are in business to please you forwe realize that if we can do that and at the same time sell a little lower than any one else our success is assured. 'The store is growing, growing; growing yet it has but begun. There isno prophesyiny the size and possibilities of a store built solely upon your idea of what -it should be. We have already put our idea into effect, that is - marking everything in the store a little lower in price than the same article can be obtained elsewhere. Your financial judgment points ues to us. Will you "some ? Bi "ARE NOT THESE PRICES TM 1 . 33 Ibs Redpath few: _Eranuiated 8 = ht yellow Suagar..........§ moa for........... for. wail + 30 Be . Be 0 | 1.00 . 0c | Sereen (for curtains worli iol wow. Se saat re alts | Bea SoC ay ao ie tpaira ont Ince att wool Worth soe for re |4 Deirs Of Men's Sooke for 'Se ave 1 doable fl Mens foo | aceon ie oniy.. Veuts sommenety - 95 112) cent Bhirtlox at. vee 100 wellnes bots wort! ' yap SL te | Pret ty Chenille Curtal mt") Do you 008 FRUIT JARS ? save about one third | ALL OUR MILLINERY to go at about halfyprice ; every hat and bonnet must now be sold ; $4.50 hat tor $3. $2.50 hat for $1.50, $1.25 hat for 75c, in fact the whole lot reduced. DON'T MISS IT | This Great Midsummer Sale now on at the Golden --_Lion, Carson & McKee. Telephone 71. --_ J. S. GEE'S A STORES aro always in front rank with bargains. @howing this week Prints, fast colors, worth 8c yd, for 5c yd. All our goods cut very close in price ; our RLACK SATEEN CLOTH oeaee quality 'fed cole 5) ated 13 ¢ per yd. suprises 'everybody. facies collars $ for | 3 for & Ladies ont only 3e a. If so buy them here and ton Acalery Stalpiess from l0c pair up. Ladies' C: nice joe goods. Nave' BLUE WORSTED for Boye sults ony 25 per y ore, BOOTS & SHOES IN FAMILY GROCERIES we seasonable in, CANNED GOODS--Tomatoes. Corn, Peas,3 for "Be. JAPAN TEA from 100 per ib.up. FINK BLACK CEYLON TEA at x. per ib: can't be beat. DELICA- 7 hekee Neuer than Pee ge, only 106 = Gar Castile 'te ry Croam Baking Powder only ne 0 our tte Cora Bee!, Leibig's Extract of Beef. Orange Marmalad . mei hace ic Everybody welcome. No trouble to ahow goods Terms Cash. Goods doliverod prompt. J.S. GHB, CONUNDRUMS. Why are the prices at SALLOWS & ALEXAN- DERS' store "Tike the down on a goose's back ? BECAUSE THEY ARE DOWN. If you want a cheap Bed-room Suite or Parlor Suite, | THEY ARE DOWN, If you want a Fancy Rocker, THEY ARESDOWN. In fact eee is down, come and see for your- selt and be convince be asi and nigh OP oe UNDERTAKING -- Salons ne had large }experience in that branch-in Canada States_is prepared to conduct in the most thorough and practical manner, Calls promptly attended to night and day. SALLOWS & 5 Main Street, Listowel. MASSEY HARRIS CO. REPAIRS, My stock of Repairs having been dama-gedby: fire, was returned to Toronto. Expect to have a new stock returned to me in time for Harvesting. But advise all parties who know they require repairs to send in their orders at once and save both expense and delay when ready to begin Haying and Harvesting. - - bought heayy before advance in price--all lines selling I have on hand large stock of FORKS, SCYTH HES, SNATHS; RAKES, MACHINE OILS, &C. TEE. HARDWARE MAN ROBERT MOOREH, kK & SARVIS, | site j | | ' 4 ai iam fearing merioancumennee <i CM