Listowel Standard, 5 Jul 1895, p. 4

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Colonel Francis Vinton Greene cently d Senge an address on the Ject of the Pract Corea: at Union College. In the course of rks he showed that while tts ually ex- yends $66 a mile on roads outside of eitler, New Jersey #43, and New York ih> avs expenditure in uther Stateg ia meni eee If it is only $8 a mie, this mi throughout the counter cs $20,079,000, end much the this vast part rum Js Literally thrown vidi on pegide that are noi only the cause of vi ond discomfort to thore who drive over hat tsem, bu cntall actual lows upon thos: who are compel'ed to carry t rocds ove: em to the market or to the rallway statio The en ous drain mads= by tad ds.on resources was estimated by Colonel Greene, and figures will yt be doubted by anyone who has paid any attention te the subject. He raid: bi n . not only by - tk uddy earth ill draw four tons on a hard mecadam road. On the tebes she roads of New Je raey loads e tons are habitually drawn oree team. is effecis a ae of fully thrce-fourths of the cost hauling to t station, and reduces the cost of read transportation from 30 to 7 ts ton per mile, ort b ce 1-2 ce per by What this saving amounts to c be imagined when it is known that the New York Central Railroad carries nearly 20,000, of way freight a year, Hf this is hauled only two mils by , to or from the station, and saving of cents per ton p2r mile 1-3 could be yee it would mean a total ~saving o .000."" st os sacs orda the question of roads in ricultural commun!- x: aeniy or town in the thickly setticd rowed on fifteen or twenty year bonds, to Liye Pig car haa ore alr taxes, would b ficient for the work In carh lo ozallty, while the expenditure would Involve littl, if any. Incriased taxation, Thi Jan that ix here sug- gest d ha: een tried f ns ne New York; and ft 's noticeable that every good piece of road th . has a constructed in these communities in- crevses the sentiment in taver of spend- Week- ing money in this way.--Harper' ly. CHEAP GAS ILLUMINATION. A 25.Candle Power Light fron Two and = Half Pert an Hour, hy. attach tooo ordinary burn pont. This fittirg is of extrem ly 1 fenies desipn and truction, b Ing procably the smailest anc ost com- pact atrand cas mixing apparat ev er suc <sarully us for this purpose. ixed fitt- je > of the Gittard n goa row of what appear to be as- : n the heat of the at- measphert » the we bres b come Highly tn andescent, and yie'd a tril- Nant licht. The ¢ free tis certainiy strik- ing; ant as ne chimney ro gobe is required to ena the ght to burn watiafactorily, } the Incandescing ma- terial in not woven f ny textile ns form, the almplicht id cnente ness of the arrangement are obvious, For street Hgiting. cheaters of these burne-s are sel in Para with good effect. Hefore Ighting the fibres, being flexible, will rtnnd any reasonable amount of hand- In nf it is said that one string will laxt for 1.500 hours of Mghting. and be fers) cable te the st shred, he con- euinp ton of gas in the Be Mare burn- cs oin dD mited to 2 3-8 cub t per hour, and th: :lluminating power Is stated te be 3 candles A HORSE AND A MULE. Troposition te Join a Gas aml Steam En- gine Together. ine € t th: cylHader reasenably cool, ant in the steim engine to keep the cylinder hot Now, suppose we have a gas en gine running and Jacket Its cvitnider with water, which ts then used for beler feed water, thus saving the heat which is now thro YY. take e «xbaust me the ga: sine through the jacket of the steam esline dr. and, If nece ry, as it probably would be. acd ating chamber for the 'am to pass through just before reuch ng the cylinder, so ore heating oe could be employed, eo ae Leas the oie n w the renin) Amer can Machin is . To -- ener at Queves! a stout to a pet ship Logg to be used will be England, - in ballast for cargocs =e ~ + @ Travelers in Afries Make a Silcht Mis. tnke While Foragin:z. There js a French story of some ek Africa, who, while on an jox- Nog © expedit fon, ran out of = ance they came upon a h a, bu visible eae in it were several, gad suspen fro: lack of anything b wil 4a ad having greeted | the ie ex, ly manner, set up a wild tel a aes mpair. "What is the matter 7" asked the ex- plorers. "They are gone. My evil spirits have led the chiet. a the explorera. "We ate them." The chief stomach in both dis, ai bones ¥ in. i 2 asure hid Bees Ba of her 3...c18 In the South America, end the tracts or powdered f.rms o prophet, a woodsma: infancy: and the" en- @ make aatronomer from vers, { >b tains, and in th and cities, When they home on a collecting"expedition they Bre provid h, tents--out-d * typical of the business--and they wear overa heavy #8 : om at of the work {s in the dirt. Generaily ph diggers begin at t ead of a smal river, and move slowly down !t un'l they have githered nds of bush- els of rscts and herts and ma ane of hey use spades and trowels, GETTING RID OF THE BANK of trees as the trunk grows. erved by hanging th in pupr tags in the dry and airy part of the herbarium, When gathere 8 are otherwis: rend em ldy. Th: r ones ate cut, split cr pel d ace 8 on sisves or hurdl a steam closet connected wit! barium, care being taken to shake the: occasionally to change the s ee @x- posed to the alr. Thick and jul-y roots, like rhuba are in slices and aur up threads to dry. ull s un are scaled, threaded, and VRIED IN THE MoT CLOSET. dried as quickly as posri- ble by putting them between laye:s atsordin: aper. amall plants with roots and leaves entire, ore re nov.d the wt len trowel, and, after washirg, ae os kd In im bo-es olmost air-tight ae . impossible to remove some of the lar, plants tn one plece, and in such ciner all the parts--:oot, tems. fiiwers, and frult--are secured s times the en t are seal wax backwcod ho has s ulied ture this is the best paying business he ean engege in, The orJinar legers receive from four shilings to twelve ben e me proficl nt botan sts, get over pounde a day. They ore pall ac Ing to th 'knowledg e of cor things, and es; eared of what the mar ket demand may be elr Mer Idea of It, Thomas PlantemHere, you see to- bacco an it grows In the field. Miss Calis. -Charming ' How long will It be te "-- the clgarettes are ready for kin pic Kather r Mean. Speaking of dinners," sald Hawkins, of something 1 that 7 asked Btuftkins, Indl. was ike this, Tuesday ke came in and began talk- ing ith Webb. 'DT he youre going away on Saturday, sald Snooks. 0) Yes, answered Webb, 'For three months. "'And what are you doling to-morrow night 7 "Wednesday," said Webb. "I have no engagement for Wednes ecay.' " "*And the next night "That's reday, 'I dine with the Blakea on that ¥.° "De dear' That's a pity. aid t noe wht h a good blu at dinappotnt: 'lo wanted you to ta dinne rik us on that day,' "Bouton Budget. How He Wor, 7 "False he hissed The beaut fat tlue wend ho nitty Into hin ning me?" kid tt owner of the ce orbs. "You bet. ( Christmas the candy 1 bought for pels came to $7.4 Val pntin-'s day | pote you $13 warik of hothous: r ses. n March [ blew In$il fe roth atre Sickorte, ft now ¢ mes that odjous Smithe ad takes 300 to the m c festival. sets up the le cream, pays for accor tary end core bouguet, at Iss than hal: the money d time | expend on ye and you give me the cold, cold shoke.* Bei azure eyes ld "Wel you "Mr. Sn ith: sb ncled his nits."--Indjapapolis doarnel ' stem of. Gees, A yovns Chicago drumm rwas a vacation with his unc] in the Conductor--Madam, -- don't mean this nickel fer th' crow Madam--Yep; them two | ain't thre: yet, an' this one ts in 2 At the Coast of thp Spltan; " the Sultan, 'tmy first wife and I are 'The bowed in aff diggers know te, Kaves, derres and 7 i che ithe new) Henry Sua of this Bx that ggy clipes M eden GF oy all, bu ance sts of a 'aap head strap, propery, rest the hors only a two inch and not half an pent tage He is humorously ca'led bit." curvi: de-cnds of compulsion; strict atten- in to the new se! the tlp of is nose he will take no notice of th= ror of the motive. ye qu et thing of all Ia the fact that no omouni r familiarity ith the nose rrangement seems to lessen 8 interest in it. AN ARTFUL vidal The Chicago Man Tolls How He Eacapes ro} Kal Sorvice "I'm golng down to Onto to-night," sald the first posiness A "I thought you a dozen pre- 1 ha enh back In that d rectors' me You see I have weit ten to an d to meet me o ee an bh ane shake their fists In my face anil y bea t u walt until Monday 'morn- ing. I'll put you In the jug, sure "Doewn't {t get rather monotonous?" pte i bat there Isn't anythia bai to Ohto to negotiate Paro) Goria © gas boom, and whe the deal ee | every fellow who had invested ten centa in the enterprise yante my heart's iy Fortune: - ly 1 owned the petenn ant when they them were always my bent friend. Tha way 6 gf the world."--Chicago Dinpatehs en BARE FOI} POINTERS. mney butter is Betis by bad cellars. endition wil he sure to as wher poor ™m Kic king and restless cows sre a nuls- ance sal the cairy alting butter, the ante is of more Sesouttntl e than preservatio Upen t the cream uni tormiy: fouring " w aa - milk. the wt t upo" no to t a me cow ete n butter dep ada mo:e upon tes © of the food than upon its nutri tive ratio uy ne cow co "kK - Fol the amount of m ik tlLey wil give: quality In equally impo: tant. t important i tr the service of the bert bulls, they cpp d always be better than the cow hy erve, Under ordirary conditl ni the mik can be more roughly creamed is th: underneath, leav- 'The cow in o good arte rowcra, orger f , te encourage the early hab- | put with bulls they should always ron with poor is Daaiadiad increased when fed to wt cow last ak of the milking ts th ric hert In butter peat the cow gently and give ber pure feed jf u exp-gt pure. healthy ithe. Rh nge of quailty in the milk ned from healthy and well fed in - considerable, It is rather poor economy to winter a fally ro after processes connected with butte ing a ° casential tn profitable butte: --_ is the private tests with Individual that uae of fgod ts necesary both contributing to ined genarpt health * the animal and as 8 of stimula- ting the digestive orrana,, and in this way increasing secretion of milk. ue is a prensa sormtlon ot formic aldeh: Ter ws uge a ammon- = which should carpe end ts . really rerrarkeb'e device fog ny ebsiog howe perfectly cam Paros 2C Cenra at © we fe wanes A amis Al ones jet IRE: _ of lete oad Tux "O.p Revista" Norszarmen, particula 'CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, Ont. ao conan fo 208 mildew Per box), By os Bld owreEia us" WED. CO. Brockeilla. Pal PYNY-PECTORAL nie of tho discascs [t was created to TARGE BOTTLE 25 UENT3. pimple to the worst scroful: thoroug' CHE, BILIOUSNESS. B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes all imporities from the Jel om a common BURDOCK PILLS act Byes the Stomach, Liver and Bowes, DONT DERPANE bats "CURE YOU Pills to cure ang ey Beight's * Diserse Ds Diabetes, a etmbaae Wrelunded, receipt DR. L.A. SMITH & co. Toronto, FORTY ENTY-PIVE YEARS | ay THE pe BEST FRIEND £87 SALE in CANAD CUR N PM 3 GOOD DIGESTION. PRIGE2S 143 ODS MED ca. MOST succesirut REMEDY rewpau's8Pa SPAVING GURE, aoe nateeh ene aa oes jparin Cure pith Sonierfal Medisiow Touce hed a mare that m Ceenit npavia and five botties Cul ber. a Battie 0 Socee teats Lene ne. as, KENDALL'S $ SPAVIN CURE, Carros, SS De. B BU, Keen. Sire--1 ane" of » Kendait taearia "care worth ta think Uf the bert nent I over aa fave mored one feo Hene Spavine. ded tt to Sevgralcd my f isnaia wha are sued Bl Heepect?ul iam --__&& mar 7, P.O, Box tak For Sale by all yall Druggiste, or add ' ak KENDALL COMPANY, Ae tty VP) re Arey k A oa ye iy Qa== TRUSS] Dy a new devices recently patented ta.ada by CHAS. CLUT AZ RUPTURE weEGURE Bp WITHOUT- TRUSS Vote BY MAI, A Pest Card will do it, CHAS. CLUTHE 134 Kine St. West Age of person or case cioulte vial LISTUW EL SASH & DOOR FACTORY,|% OHOLERA I = Gowes lile pop toy el For Sale by ail Destere, ° | BAMFORD ; Builders Bros., and Contractors | fe prepared to coutract fur the erection Jol all classes ofbuiidiogs. Pisns and «pecli lealtogsdrawn and catimates farnished op applicat! Sash Doors Frames, Blinds, ete epshortnoticsa Freisiag done thing in .2dt vlld'ng ine exit satiation FIRIT CSAST WORKMANS SIP GURAN Trer, Charges Very Moderate tnd two bottles Eirce ot Pat com se .|Consumption. SS ee | fnctory--lckermac Street, Listowel. 78, NEW OXFORD ST ~ bd x, Sm Manufactured only at Tuomas Hopowar's Extanusnusnt?, RELT, LOXDLON. Erntan. ther are + prurtens Baniford Bros, pered b I want to ask ye sunthin f" ight." on't get mad and hit ms on the "That's it--that's rry ty ceenepennt you, k: pickpocket It would te 7 tter to «et wate 4 ask if yer ged knew w ye Was ou t and if ye smelt aoythin' like bay around here !'--Detroit 'The Modern Sone rare "Now, the Bnifter, "ts really reget pad more at. tention than modest 1 t Te would be no trouble," re- er. si 'se it! Fs responded Snifter, "I'm more and more every day : the forwardoess of the mo.lern woman." '" certainly room enough in the world for all to carb id esd pad : the modern wo- estined 'to goth athage all that is lovable in the very thought of woman = to me,' said Mrs. Snifter, "that mere is not that sympathy een men and women that ought to exis fe y dear, I have a thong it of that," bu rigiachan Sisiow the woman has rendered sucha lhe distast ful----" "But cannot men be gen'l manly 7 ons my dear, fide don't understand. modern woma: ho ts -- inodera woman ?" bo "Why--er--huh ? "That's what I thought Snifter. To ask a man talking atout Is to Ond out he's an Idiot ™ And, romrhow, Solfter Lives t the ight so much atout the modern w --Cleveland Plain Dealer. Too Riaky. Dentist--Will you 2 Gace Hacede--No, I ght biow It" id I've heerd of too many feller losin' ther lives that w "Yireslee in 'the Gras. me peeple never think about relic- So) _ until they come In sight of a grave- am' si 3 dam was neoudly, conscious that he nevrr made a » in his boyhood.-- Tammany Times. The average a man ho couldn't have done at 'himacit.--Went Union Gazette, - "I am too much of a gentleman, air, to tell you what I t! OngTess, Rr, sir, "--Whicago Evening Pest. Shadrack came to hfs mistress, hat in ounk ladles tells me to rigs _ but She Too! 1 feel pales es ee = muy, Oita "put [ am ppy. an that stingy tate Snottie: Tap ste? well, he did open his en to take me to the food show, and of cou 1 sampled the samp) What are sam- ples for? And after I had eaten ti's nd drunk that and ¢ other till I have some ice cream. "And did you accept 7" asked thr rh sharp-nosed "Accept ? plates, Wit! cake. And lemonade. They had to call the*doctor for me, papa ecu that little } made wretc ig money anyway. His Feelings. , Travers--Did you go down to my tall- or's and tell him I pty ,bettle that Uttle matter 7 ice Ipl nt of ¥. maton, the re inet 1 went Scotts ical world for twenty years. Bcott & Bowne, Belleville. ae. Sz . Babies and Children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when all the rest of their food seems to go to waste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow strong, plump and healthy by taking it Emutsion overcomes inherited weakness and all tho tendencies toward Emaciation or Consumption. Thin, weak babics and growing Ghildren and all persons suffering from Loss of Flesh, Weak Lungs, Chronic Coughs, and Wasting Diseases will receive untold benefits from this grett nourishment. for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by the med- No secret about it. ir pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. Tho formula FREE. 5Oo and $I. All Druggists. cop ik by yo EDITORS, CLERGYMEN, PHYSIC IANS TESTIFY. Men and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable Cures Wrought by South American Nervine Tonic, SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE MOST INCREDULOUS. cated ou editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a medicine. Hentreds of 1 recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine it ion, nervous prostrat: | eis and as a tonio "tor | build- UP phere vitality through protracted spells of sick- nem, During his experience of nearly a quarter of a ons ait nae eam wero "T was prostrated with a owe = severe attack of *La Gri: Colwell, ' * and could

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