-- . Elected meses eet scree te Te Le aaLe F. R BLEWETT MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS, SOTARIES PUBLIO & 4 DISCOVERY. " Minneapolis, July @) F ee se é were uncon: of shown several IES WITH REGARD ret Manno gu, MONEY TO LOAN. _ H. B. Morery, J. MASEE & GEARING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors for the Merohants Bank aosariss Public, SrRaTFORD, Ort. Money to 5. P. Masee- F. W. GEARina- HOMAS. FULLABTON, EWE? RY @nt., lesuerof eae ae Siigonveyaneiny do 'done. on nes ieee cms Money tolen Jeorce Warson, B. Avy] - BD: 8 NOW IN ESSION :OF HIS PER- eaeegatee. ie uuiser ee ee on un atree}. 49 DR. 8S. COWAN: (LATE OF HARRISTON.) Surgeon and Accouches Member of ihe College of Physiclans and OFFICE- MOLESWORTH. 17. W.E. DINGMAN, M.D., Greriar Cal of Queen's University ; ee défCollege Physicians, and Gaizeone olan, Surgeon and Acco' cache or Shoo and residence~-Main Btreeto: DR. A. H. NICHOL, B. A Office ard esannee corner Wallace and Mamarck Sis, Listowe! el. 6 Fi u. FOSTER, Re TL Oeics over Fier. uniogs fogs Tetloring Establiah- MAIN &T. LISTOWEL. --_------ M.BRUCE, LDS « TINT, uses. Vite Nitrous Oxide Gas, palnisan extracting: Pe n Bros, Store. trance Se ienidenee is Penelove 'Bt. Listowel. <= tall cay md &o., for W.E. 8; vip DAXTER » BINNING & BAXTER, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS, VALUATORS, ETC. Morber Ontario Association = Arch LISTOWEL AND STRATFORD. Nets in Chareh and Schoo! A rebl- eciure, Haullary Experts, Soitcitora for Patenta--* MONEY Jo LOAN 5% PE R CENT. Time made to suit borrowerr, Apply t ROBERT MARTIN Next bor toStandard © Mie. jtetew tects ives, FY OF PERTH. --TrHE WAR on tne drat and "wird Taseday k, The Cl fice on Tuesday Wee ay and Saturday of eac ofice pon DAVIDSON Ccoanty Clerk. Dounty Clerk'soffice. Stratford. _ MONEY ou LOAN roperty at the low i "2 ra mie yen ly, part of ang pay mente 'Mortgages, ou ne. Conveya "a Insurance cet in respopalble DE done. Apply Companies. er K. ° MARTI N, Liatowel. MONEY TO LOAN. --o aving been vinted agent for the BAMILY iN PROVIDENT fA LOAN . lam prepared ake straight Oane ae as ial ante of interest an any ot Co, Interea ways at the end of @ yoar. R. Soe TAD Agent. R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY, ONT, AGENT ae THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. momwEY 'ro. LOAW & apy seme from $2) and ou wards atga low rate of interes' Conveyansing ¢ ot all descriptions done op MONEY ! MONEY ! Farmers hops en remember that I am leaning mon¢? 5 and 'BL per cent., en farm property, Also that I am doling Conveyancing, --. ee and selling Farms and Sellectin: ta. Ifyonhave Money <s nd por in and see me. Office next to Yale's bakery, Main street Listowel. CHRIS, TABBER NER The Oldest Established GROCERY nN TOWN I6 ~ JAS. ARMSTRONG'S Those Zl yearsoxperience ir testnessen ebieabin to koow the wants of the £ iietows) and neighborhood,and as he Baye ark and alw: pe bis took "Preah be his cusicmers Sent wot be' ther sea eareeaae steed ae lesan visions Canned Goods, t eve. ote. : eeted stock of CROCKERY apd 'iewsse, 'slwaye to be round atmy VOL. XVIIL--NO. 25. LISTOWEL, ONTA . FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1895. {A SBT. GEO. HAWKING C8 DITOR AND PROPRIETOR PROF. CHAMBERLAIN. ye .' Specialist, YOUR EYES rienee anil success in the the eyes and the fitting of glasses to call attention tomy line of int fon a oft cont jPROF. CHAMBERLAIN, RONTO, ONT. Iwill be st Hacking's one Store soon. Watch this paper for date. Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. AGENT FOR THE Doanennse INSURANCE Co' - OF WATERLOO; THE CANADA 'Ancwanr Ins. Co. MONS TO LOAN On the moat favorable terms, OFFICE No. 11 Main St. Listowel, next oor tothe Banner office i Itis sold on a guarantee by It cures ey oy ten best Cough an Sold by J sect Jr. pend ts the Diuggist. THAT ACHING HEAD. What Causes It and How Overcome. mane. the remark, " Oh aches," and there are so many varieties of sche: = ains the es bs wubject to all ine from ea Seda} lly as the persistent, rackin --_-- of Sick Headache. Kidneys, excrete sending ure and health-givin| , cure oms from its farriston, Ont., while attending xhibition at Toronto, w dealers, or ty slinneg Bates & Co., Lombard ay | TO_SMOKERS 'b Edmanson, ty Toresw. To meet the wishes oftheir customers The Geo, Tuchkett & San Co., Ltd Ham! iton, Ont., have pland upon the A Combination Plug of "T & B" SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt' want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug or a 10 centpiece or as cent piece of the famous "7 & brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every biece- Passes Belief Yr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. B., oe for ---- Long _---- = THE haa AYER'S == {cholson sn "I consulted doo. at Tres at Ted rived {or ~ but Bo purpose; Eat is into ti the F 2 Flesh, Peg eaan ics cae Decided sore cancer disappeared.' Sa | : re. * aid fo: grtelose end i? ants ot fermare Ja & aS. GREAT ADVANCES. Good Work at the Dominion Expert- mental Farms. SCIENCE CONTRIBUTING TO THE SsUC- CESS OF THE FARMER--MANY VAL- UABLE TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS BY PRACTICAL WORK CARRIED ON AT FIVE FARMS--EFFORTS MADE TO SECURE THE MOST PRODUCTIVE AND PROFITABLE VARIETIES OF GRAIN. Among the most useful institutions established by the present Government are the Experimental farms. These have bee on wide statesman- like principles, designed to meet the agricultural needs of the whole Do- carried out, with the object of deter- mining which are the most we been car- tied on to determine ee Best methods of preparing the soil for crop, tbe best time fer sowing , and the most profitable methods to adopt in order to maintain the fertility of the land. SEED GRAIN, A large proportion of these vari of grain grown at the several experi< mental farms, which have proved to be --d best and most productive, have been distributed in 3-1b. packsges free by mail to farmers in all parts of ¢ Domision who desire to test them. During the season just closed more than 26,000 of such rt have been sent out from the Central farm alone, while all the branch minion. 'arming more than any otber pursuit most stand the beunt of perticlotet. in. thie works compatiti men engaged ia the | PATt O° the experimental With cheap cartiage by land and water, ------ products can be brought from the most distant parts and place} on the markets ia reat commer- cial centres at comonnetects small cost. Thue the farmer of this country is obliged to compete with the cheap labour of India, Russia, and other countries, and bence it is of the utmoet importance to successful ~~ that those tural pursuits "te should rahe kept well informed, and their effores influenced or directed into the most profitable channels, which will usually be found among those depariments of farm work which require the exercise of skill. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS. Recognizing the importance of mak- ing this Rreat industry as generally re- munerative as porsihle, means and methode for giving the farmer such practical information as he needs to uide bim in his work have of late years been devised by the Govero- ments of nearly all the more enlighten- ed ard progressive countries. It may be stated without fear of successful contradiction that further advance- ment in agriculture depends almost wholly on exp: rimental reeearch, cither on the part of the expert or on the lese accurate observations and. tests of the practical farmer Hence, special institutions, well equipped and officer- ed, fur carrying on experimental work tn agricul ure, have been established in many coun'rics ; but in no instance has the work carried on appealed so direct- ly to the necds of the farmers or gain- ed their confidence a» completely as in the case of the experiment. farms of the Domini m of Canada LOCATIONS OF THE FARMS. The Act under which these were e-- tablishea was passed in 1886, and the work was begun in 1887. Provision was inade for the establishmec.t of five exper.mei til farms--a_ central farm = be located near Ottawa, and = foa brarch f.rmsto be estabhshed in the several provinces or territories whic they were derigned to benefit. With as liuile delay as possibl«, sites were choseo for the Central farm al U:tawa and for the branch farms at Nappan, N.S, Brandur, Man., Indian Head, N.W.T., and Agassiz, B.C., and the work has been pushed along with much vigour. '(Che Act required that the ex- perimental work to cariied onat these farms should cover alirge field. twas to include the testing of the adaptability and compatative merits of all the varieties of cereals now obtain. able, and of other field crops, and the distribution among farmers of samples of auch sorts as may be found to be of Also of roots, grasses fruita, vegetables, shrubs, and plants. the testiag of the vitality and purity of agricultural seeds, investigating the diseases to which cultivated plants and treesare liable; also the destructive insects, and finding out the most useful preventives and remedies io each case ; the determining by chem- ical analysis the composition and qual- ity of the various substances used for the sustenance of animals, their rela- ~ value, and the best time of cut~ ing and best manner of curing such prs with the view of obtaining the largest proportion of-nutritive material; the conducting of experiments with different fertilizers, so as to ascertain their relative value when applied to crops of various sorts; the testing cf the usefulness of the different breeds of stock, and their prep to the varying climatic and other conditions which prevail in different parte of the Dominion. These ecioae -reagy were also to include, enquiries ict entific and economic panda involv: edin the ction of butter and pect and thé disseminating of prac» tical information on dalzying, for the guidance of those en; np thie pur- suit ; the conducting of axpeciioniet in the planting of trees for shelter and timber ;and the carrying o uch other researchea on agriculture as may be thought desirable: In sb to ind out by actual experiment and test the best and most econounical methods of procedure ia all cases, and to publish and distrjbute the informa- tion so gained. EXPERIMENTAL WORK. In selecting the sites for the experi- mental farms, due regard was bad to the ereat variations climate in dif- ferent parts of the Dominion, and they have been so placed to render belp to the more thickly settled districts, and atthe same time to cover the most varied conditions which influence ~eorp in Canada. At all these experiments were promptly un- Sates in agriculture--and already a vast amount cf sags intcrmation « been lems of great anit che:tenieg community. All the requirementsjof the Act under whjch these farme ed o2 EG which the pottanceto the farmers resid- ing inte sree ree exit extensive series of expen bee er * planned and. ravages of | ence ages of the px have thus bem visa' the} hands of about md farmers., ib packager, when properly elred tor, will usually produce, the first pear, from one to three bushels of grain, which at the end of the second year will furnish the farmer with a sufficient quantity of seed to sow a coosiderable een By this means the general charact of the grain grown throughout the Do. minion is being gradually improved andoldand enfeebled sorte ate being replaced by more vigorous and ductive varieties. A small addition to the average crop meansa large gain to the farming community. The ad- dition of a single bushel of oats per acre would add nearly 1 1-2 millions yearly to the income of Canadian farmers ; a smilur addition to the wheat crop would give another 1 1-2 millions ; and a bushel per acre added to the bailey crop would add half a million more. It is believed that the general use of these improved and productive sorte will materially increase the aver- age yield of these important cops. Important varietles of peas, corn, and potatoes have also been disseminated, and the reaults of the testa made ine dicate that some of these are likely to prove of much value, Besides testing all the varieties obtainable in this and other countries, many new sorts have been originated at tbe Central farm by cross-fertilizing and bydridizing, some of which are of much promise. ia the past five years more thas 700 of such new sorts haye been produced gessed, leaving about 300 virieties still under test The objects in view have been to produce new sorts & high ually which will ripen early, Of these new hybrids 2,000 packske of Lib, each have been sent out for jest, to farmers in d.ff.rent parts of the minion, during the past season. WEEDS AND PERTS. ° Lirge collections of fruir, paca _ orn: ental tr od sbr ubs test tall the fa but the argeet he Jectiias of these 'oducts are at t Central farm and at Agassiz, B.C. t the Cental farm muc work has sir been done by the catciogs and bot- onnection with p The chemical wok coversa large field, and is of much value ; and -- work done b of the Interest in this sul ject. been furnished with bich any use experiments have been conducted. Experiments have meen liad on also wilh swine and Wate ail classes of products are under test at allthe b Provinces, to grains, grasses, and fodder plants, and be mane breeds of cattle suitable for airy . THE WORK IN THE WEST. On the North-Wagr farms the best claimed a large of attention, nang -- i cre, e plantlog « 4 of forest trees " shelter At Ag is, B. C., much stusution has been given to the growth of fruits, of which there are about 1, varieties in cultivation there. Orchards have been = on this valley land, but aiso different heights on the mountain side, fr ¥ t, allot which are doing well. large plantation of pte farmers everywhere in this work is od in the constantly increasing be r the Farm publications, and ne e pom oO rs received asking for informatiun. 25,000 letters are now received annually at the Central farm i and near atthe branch farms. Some cation re thousands of farmers throughout the 2 De- inion. Over 0 farmer say. | Township, » Welland P, 0 ?, Qu For been a oe | Easttensen got Stark's Powders for beadache, bilious- cos i and the h| Of adozen wind-bags a end The interest t which is being ukeie Coneerv: Over at Neweastle. THE sncRTY _Dasomist TIDAL ILLS ON --IMNCIDENTS Jey aly 18.--Following are the turns from contested -elec- : Kenda dagicreo: ot Westmore- .B Pg ery 2,771; 'on- Libera 0493 ec early of 722 pi 129 at raved of ere po ~ Gilee, Conservative, 4, . A. d, Liberal, At the 'last praiete Brand was elect. division of Lincolushire-- ha ma Castle e Liber A "beat, ef "c ie th which ase the hopes of the home counties night help to helming "Unionists of the to Tascaniece Tes (two members)-- Cc. F. Ha manent Conservative, 12,883; s, Conservative, 12,120; so 1, 11,862; m Morley, though it was not unexpec asl y hopeless prospects of He was opposed by a few hundred Parnellites in Hawcutie® in con- sequence of his oppasition amnesty to dynamiters, and thie, together with the votes thrown to ammill, was sufficient to defeat him. Hammill' supporters comprised the worki iagae . who were bitterly hostile to Mr, Morley because of his strong opposition ¢ compulsory -- hour day, and other socialist proposa JOHN omaar'e COURTESY. tec the result of the polling had been declared in Newcastle, Mr. Mor a casion opponents for be great degree of cour- tesy and abso fairness which t had shown in n the difficult battle jast to examine into the canes of defeat. This remark elicit- ed cries of "'Hammill," ~ name of the Labor candidate to whom was throw othe hinges yan 's vote, Stich bis bithesto o the Liberal inter ane AMERICAN opinion. The Times this penne ie promin- ence toa letter signed by St. Cisir Mz- Kelway, editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, in which Mr. McKelway says he regards the elections in Great Briain as a chec to socialistic tendencies, and thereby of pare dn to ev -- division of the English. peaking w sDaring the course of ug letter, a icKelway says ; Americ ewspaper man and palit, permit pe ogay that | think in in the tari hs mg 'oie will be eo Your majorit onsi« le, 'ntelligible vin indictable, if need te. As, rhaps, the most practical people inthe world, the English nation, with conservatism as the tnostrumen ity and the opposittun as a flail will get em any ureful al results outol the new parliam sa CANDIDATES REJECTED. The rejection of the Labor candidates Creme! F, of Arbitage fame, in the Haggerstn division of Shoreditch, is a hea more significant blow to the Labor party than the overthrow and hunters alter pacagi 4 like James Kier-Hardie _ s defeated yesterday in est Indeed, the conversion of the east énd of oionism, a3 shown resvits in these and other districts, isa remarkable feature of the conte: The wee TWO AMERICAN WIVES, greate et prevailed in the Socthpert * ai cashire, a ° se took an active part in the campaign. The two candidates, accom ny their wives, drove about rallying their earing the colors of the rival politicians bicyclista had their party colors stream~ m their handle bars, and the Cor- themselves into a body- purpose of their auuilasie, he R the most - Sir Herbert Naylor-Leyland's belated deni rchased sen any of the riders rere right and a A lively scrim- followed. Curzon was elected. ~ How to Keep Eggs. it over the egg: in a stone or large butter pot. The eggs should all be turn- ed point . do ard. Cover them and keep them i lar or in apa Be very careful to choose perfect- tresh eggs, e One will necessi- prepared . can be kept in this way from one spriagtiqe until - pext, They can be any © except for meringues, for which the white does fineas. If som as limed profit to th ¢ salesman, Here ia a recipe which several of our tried, and with setiefact- a barrel or box that can FELERS : ' i | iad Great English Home Ruler Bowled| Ro re the _ county Rage ngs, ba Was it an Attemptite Kidnap? bert Fallis, one of the most prom- | , rous tnd cb ger came to him an cipnng bim sg the are Mr. R. Follia I believs." Mt. mal he was, The stranger then rh that he was on the lookout for a farm which he wished to purchase for his sister, who had a couple cf sons w educate to amine and 'that he had been recommende him (Mr, Fallis,) as nooens ell a Be in the yalue and quality offarms in this section and offered to oor him $5 a dey to drive him around to iC. cluded t0 before rey the bargain. They then Started for the Barber farm and when at see it first farm for asle there. The stranger did not remember the name. Mr. Fallis mention- ed several names until he came to that of Wa eal {Suen = = the stranger said that w: Fallis knew that Mr. Qoennell h bad no farm for sale as ¢ had given his farmsto his sons ao had built @ fine dwelling in Palmerston -- e suspicion at all -- not right. sae the stranger insiste going, and be sion of the rein drove - toward the 2od con, thie sideroad there is a thick ane ne ome halt a mile, and iatecs they came to the swamp Stranger took from his pocket a chequ y f , Palmerstoz, which other stranger came out of the thickes Od in front of the horse and said, "Hello, Yank, is thi you 'and where from?" This confirmed is' ---- at once e buggy, saying that he about the in the vicinit y se the general opinion that had not Fallis left just Le he did he woul aoe , takeninto the swamp, mene have not or heard of since, Mr. Fallis' many igen congrat- ulate him on his escape from being robbed and perhaps murdered.-- Harriston Tribune, ESS REDUCED TO A SHADOW. SAVED BY STRAWBERRY EXTRACT. advised the use o of yap Strawberry, * ashe neither had new of anything better tor this dreadful disease, and therefore we o e child prompt iy ie covered, sways have had Extract of Strawberry in the bouse since to aks common from the effects of fruit gi8: is is a testimony afthe nke for the untold benefit myself 3 3 Ys Mrs. W. H GARROLD, St. David's, Ont., formerly of Hamilton, ot. Wrecked off Belle Isle. THE CITY OF MEXICO WITH THE FIRST GOVERNMENT CONSIGNMENT OF BUTTER A TOTAL LOSS--THE CREW SAVED, Rimouski, + July 14.--The steam- ~ City of Eld } dle few days ago bound Bristcl, is a total wreck in the Siraite of Belle Isle. The Mexi specially fitted up under ~ oo of Prof. Robertson of the Can Agricultural Department to carry mn i consignment of butter cold stora, " crew wére picked up the oes Assaye, -- arrived at Father Point this morn~ tthe City of snag i erg the Meri agi the Elder Dempster Company of London, the Montreal agents are Harting, Ronald & Co, The captain remained Belle Isle. Se Well-known ex Mayor Suffered for Twelve ¥ Years. . Geo. H. Williams, the ext of salt } manofactorer of fruit baskets i "I suffered aoe of fa Mage writes : jick wT boceuer | nee Ss ave any tendency t Aho tark's Powders give immediate relied" Price rk agc_a bon, § bores for St, sid a class | Ot save my life, t' antcld and family have eamrad from this great qi THE TERRORS OF DYSPEPSIA. Life ef its Vic- betas gm seen A ae FOR YEA EARS TELLS HOW SHE OBTAINED RELIEF--A BRIGHT RAY or OPER FOR THOSE SIMILARLY AF- FE From the Bowmanville Nows "The editor of the News, in company with Mr. Jary, of the wellknown frm cf ted b of M rea happily bout '3 the use of {De Witazas" Tek Pills for Pale It was Mre. Wood who had thus been released from suffering, -_ when the newspaper man made n bis seco she said, "Yes I we "you 8 ht testimony in favor of Dr. Williams' Pie Pills, for 1 believe that if they did i released me from pra Some three years ago was doom: ied to live threugh hs cane dyspeptic's life. metimes I woul fairly doubled up witht the oo thy und it med as if a knife was cutting into me commended for dyspepsia, but none of them brought the hoped for rel lef, We had so often read achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink ---- them a tri 1 great deal of medicine for its cure but to po avail, seen that Pink nag were doing his wife so much good, (a tirely free trom his complaint ave an enorm they were not per- tect satisfied with the results. This sig =n remarkable record, but then Dr. Williams' Pink Pole is a remark- +» at 50 cents a box, or six box -- Ese Complimentary Notice. Welland Telegraph. We draw o_o ---- of our readers fo anum testimonials from some of the most recpactahie oma well known people residing in our town and rey witb regard to the virtues of Stark's ers. ees are reper core Shich have resisted allother means of treatment. Mr. Stark, M. O.C. shoauconind the compound know nas Stark's Powders, isa pmo and drug- gist of many years j atanding. He attend. = lectures on »pharmacy, therapeutics, dietetics, chemistry, &c., and worked in the sg of Glas- gow oe a Scotland, besides study-. gz with tw ish cuewaats. Stark's Pe roars have sraat reputation ip this neighborh --------=_-- THRE GRAYS SENT UP FOR TRIAL, DAMAGING TESTIMONY AGAINST THE COUPLE UNSHAKEN BY CROSS-EXAM- INATION--MRS. GRAY'S MURDEROUS INTENT AMPLY PROVEN--REPEATED LY THREATENED THE OLD MAN. Peterboro, July 17.--The preliminary examination of the Grays in the Scollhis mitted for trial at the nex' petent jurisdiction, which will be on Sept. 29, before ont ig Boyd, i: both' prisoners to t in, nor the and ie evidence was shaken in the slight- degree Thin morning when court opened, Mrs. Mre. Gray, was » She yelled to her husband, had also arrived, for him to save Scollie, when ber previous to the fire she was going to town with es, Gray, and the _ late started t h with Scallie, re alter making several remarks about pos old man being a nuie~ ance, said: 'I am goitig to get rid of him before the winter is sig ae will entice bim into Fitzgerald's and shoot him. Witness remonstrated with her, an told her eo would follow, After she id so, Mrs. Gray said: '1 will ch care to do it when Tom (ber! husband? i is not ar ound,' yo | although they pa -- red for over four hours, the can a ape instance. This closed the evidence, sel for both sides argued the case at length. lice magistrate re- The po r summed up, viewing the case carefally, and committed the prisoners for trial at the next assizes, ------------ & sal has gone cattle for the po of the are prom, whore iver rn Bowels sod | make yo Pectoral anger. A nomber of ce great wave been insti- tated with ¢ best methods of cure and the new Car ific owing to the extraordinary od then 4 hich mes been effected thro -- 15 Years of Itching. Golding, commercial traveller, er st. Turonte, says: For 1¢ years I suffered untold misery from liche ing Pilee, sometimes calle M off the this trouble. eight other pile ointments and so called an box of Chase's Ointment cured me completely. ------------------ A Lendon on Druggist. r B.A. Mitchell, the ete Wags Loadon druggist, says of Pows ders, the great Eater alts port Sold as 2 25¢8 iy el Seamie Cine Ie The Sting Within. Itis said there is a rankling thorn in every heart, and yet that none would ex- in this land of tight ca complaint also. ¢ heap, sure, = Try thy genuine and use no other. -- Rev, Canon Greene's son Richard o! Orillia was drowned on Thursday lest S$ CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures ao leticbeas Consumption. Itis the best Cou, Only one cent adose. cts., 50 cts., and $1.00. by J. ve "li Alex. son, a young local A igosunal of Chatham, who is charged -- ber of thefts, hae lost his reaso TO REMOVE WO ohildren Gradatiy Dre wown a odor are re: ¢ Niagara Fats & Lewiston, N. Y., Blecine a running along the river opened last week. the in- itial as one of the cars jumped the track and several persons were inju Hagyards Pectoral Balsa able medicine, and cures when other Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, --_ medicines fail. eas of the Chest, and all Thro at and _ Dr. Williams Pink Pills -: sold only Trew les. coughs are re. in boxes bearing the firm's trade mar dangerous than winter cougha, " and Ce. ul inted in ad is d . y be fall dragrists or direct by Eduh--So you Layne a long engages mail by Dr. William edicine Com. | ment. Well 1 wouldo pany, Brockville, Oat. , or Scheneciady, Blanch --If you riked the theaters as Wellas Ide, you Editor Shaw, of me Tilbury Times, ¢ to England with a shipment of 'experiences.' SICK HEADACHE and Constipation ' red _b: aay lo ec anre in offeat. SERRE Fl Frank Baker and George Barr, of Ault- ville, bravely rescued a fishing party boat had upset in the St. Lawrence™™™ Karu's CLOVER ROoT will purify your = Complexion, _ reg: ur head clear ll. "ot Soc., and Sr. 00. Sold by i Livingichs r At Guelph the Norway Iron and Steel company's ene in course of erection, was blown dow: Tuck was salomty injated three | acai Mr, HMA AND BRON cH ITs. Nore A convulsive sob shook his frame. Inasmuch as he was the living skeleton = was all there was of bim for it to an BEST COUGH CURE is Hagy arda oye It heals the lungs and cures Coughsand Colds. octor-- Putco, I much regret to say that your husband bas koa ei Wife--Now I know where all my raf~ sins have gone. For Worms OF ALL Kinps,--, I have used Dr, Low's Worm Syru rms with excellent results. ommend it to all others who are troubled with worms. MMA Hixon, Glen Oak. A colored philosopher is reported to have -- : 'Life, my bre dern, am mos'ly made up, of prayin' for rain, and then wiabia" it would cl'ar off.' ROnwax Sgt praur cures h Ctide, as 1 Throat anu Lung Troub ? 98 and soo hee Lag Grand Tadee, A -FB& A. M,, Mr. W. R. White, Q. C, pa re-elected rand Master, and t Wm . Gibson, M, PB, repay Grond Master. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn, ware, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED for can MYL 1 consider it the best ri edy -- debilitated arsed l ever used." For iver ar trouble it exce! Price 7 75cts. "Sold y J. Liv- ingstone je. The zepeete -- School Board voted down b: majority the res solution of Trustee Bell calor for the names of female teachers who wear Ts. FR ggg 5 bi Booth, Olive- , Cal., says; "Th used Ayer's Pilly in my ' family for several years, and have always found them most effectual in the relief of ailments arising from a dis- €r | ordered stomach, torpid liver and consti- pated 'Two boys, aged 13 and 11 years re- spectively, were arrested in London for the murder of their mother, They lived in the house with the corpse for ten days H VALUATION.--"'If there was only one beni of Hagyard's Yellow Oil Monteith, ome after h for a severe for Paes fingers sh he says, astonishing good re- Kingston's National rg fe of Wo~ men is waging war against the practice of pure immoral eg in cigarette and sale; also sgaion ike Geaecsmcend seins chewing piciie IN SIX HOURS.--Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in a bogged by the Great American Kidney raduato'ef Toronto University ix ssid dolghl'gn arpeookettee rscinds 7 oh and de nt of ite exceed a@ alles u says: | Pri far promptoes ia in relieving pain in the "My children have been treated with bladder, ki -- a every part of Scott's Emulsion from their earliest} the female. years! Our physician first recommend: | [t relieves wlgutioa of water =s pain in editand now whenever achild t passing al almost ii iate! Wf yor cold my wile fely resorts to this! want fand cure this is your remedy, which always a ° ohn Livingstone / >