SUMMER TOURS OR BOAT. | For the lowest 'rates and all information call on J. A. HACKING, . an Agent Grand Trunk Ry. and . Canadian Exp. Co. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1895. OTTAWA NEWS LETTER. Parliament Prorogued. Ottawa, Monday, 2and July.--The fifth session of the seventh Parliament of Canada was this cor 'ibe 'subsid oO coo 8 mils for postal and other services in balt and al- end of the 40 miles of road constructed from Wiesipes, and to receive one-half of the subsidy so soon as the road was morning the bill was read a second time after ne -- men noon sessi on. Mr. Mills raised the point of or der that the Dill was really a private bill, and should an hogy intre- » petition instead of as a Govern- ment measure, as the " one autbor- | ined a change in the ro aid down in the point of order well taken, and the clause was struck out ee: The bill then passed the THE acai KICK. It was not expected there would be trouble about the bill going through the Senate and at the morning aessions of ing that His Excellency would come down to the Senate chamber at 5.30 to rorogue parliament. But his Excel- rang did not come; the band did not had to be postponed until to-day, when i) 3 e i] 4 i=] s 3 R c o a u s Pa 3 a 3 = This is the first time, I eve, that oon hae been postponed tn this way, although very nearly the same too busy killing the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway bill to bother about prorogatior, only on shat occasion, if I temember rightly, Lord Dufferin bad not actually fixed the time he would prorogue by writing the Speakers of the two Ho t is singular coinci the next day owing to some of the bills be assented to having been accidental- ly sent to the Governor General in Que- bec ) AK MISERABLE FIASCO. ---- House of Commons has never a more misefable fiasco than that exbibited about ies o'clock on ti the House to sinies elf that it would not pasta remedial bill citber at the pres Mr. rthy moved hie amendment o} Tuesday hen the motion was made " go into sapely. and altbougk the question wae debated with creat vigor on Tues~ day and Wednesday and until three o'clock Thursday morning, Mr. mooi could not ma Pg lee uence even three House sufficiently to nance them to join him ip asking for the yeas and nays. A more pitiful exhibition was never e and Mr. cCarthy would have doce better to have gone to England and earn feet, instead of remaining in Canada for the express purpose of trying to stir up religious strife end discord, and exposing. himself to the chance of the > pcaaeaas failure be made. I Mr. McCarthy had any political reputa- tion to lose rd is certainly gone after the re he cut pronira Jaca the laughter and ironical bh broke cut on both sides of ed death kneil of the political hopes and ambitions of the member for North Simcoe. T 7 *5°"" ON TORSEBACK. e of the most valuable features of | Of the sotcion, just ¢ has been the quiet a unostentations manner to which Hoo. Dr. Montague has taken his posi- tion as a leading member of the Minis- try, ani ond tlewan sad $ be is not only a pi gee addition to the ee power Goveramen', but that he is also one Even in bis place, alwa: oF any anation re»pecting either his ow: department or that which he in wv Angers was its Minister with a seat the Senate, the Hon. Doctor S amount ital ability which marks bim outas "the coming very maserigl chaog pip utsnatee vary g e.t berry: BY-RAIL take place io Conservative | pur, in the near fature, it will nat be}, * Ouimet, who is nia = hid Mister of of "Agricaltore, bcs ied ¢3 foot with ing been received. It is real intent of the Government to con to press the claim of Canada in =e matter," sd rdh CH op. Dr. Mon on Thursda: Rica the second readiog of the reir or randing of cheese in order to prevent the lowering of the repu- tation of the ap pet -- 1. the sale of the make of one month as that of = oo eo mong the government ordersin order that it might be fallydiscussed and with a view to legislation this session or next. the passage of the measure, bringin much important evidence in favor of bis --. ajor Carpenter said that cheese was sole Great Britain on its merits an not on any brand. He advocated leaving the matter over till next session, Mr. McNeil thought the subject was of present importance and should be dealt with now. Mr. Sutherland sympathized with _ cLennan bad in view, urged that the House shonid Pg Shr "Hoo. Mr. Foster said there was cons He favored riotesitig slowly on this oa. ctpahealde eaten As half the present season was gone, no great loss would re- sult by postponing legislation until next session. He move: :: = ~-- of the debate. The mo was carried, which means that the bill 'ls lett one up til next session. On Saturday --_-- the Governor General receive! a telegram from the Secretary of State for 'the Colonies oom erienee his congratulations to Mr. Hay "Th falda' in the railway belt in British Columbia have been opened up for settle- ment, Much of this country is well a apted for fruit raising, and conditions for ag homesteading have been established by order in council. he terms are tbat upon payment of $1o an eligible person land on condition of planting ten acres with frait trees or vines. r. Laurier, in the House of Commonson Saturday madea full re- traction af the criticism which he indulg- had authorized the statement that he had been called upon by His Excellency to form an odturnistrotien, The leader of the Opposition expressed his regret at ving been misled by newspaper reports into an unjustified attack upon the worthy Senator from Toronto. o Saturday Hon. Dr, Montague, on behalf of the Ontario members of the Government, presente .F George c venir of the session, and in recognition of theit valuable and untiring services to lor's locket bore on one side his mono~ gram, and on the obverse the inscription: "Presented to George Taylor, chief whip, by the Oalene "members of the Government ; session 1895," Mrs, Taylor was aon bered with a beautiful inetle garnet bro of etany was informed in the House Saturday, in reply to his a Sir Charles Hibbert Tuppe Sir John Thompson alone, of all the 'Brash = for their distinguished services on the Behring Sea Arbitration. Thue has Mr, McCarthy received reply to his insiova tions ; and he may now be further told that not only did Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper receive no remuneration for bis services to Canada and the Empire on that occasion, but by reason of his én forced absence from Parhament he Jost the whule of his sessional indemnity of A TRBRIBLE WRECK. COLLISION OF TWO STEAMERS IN THE GULF OF GENOA --147 LIVES LOST Genoa, July 2 1.--The Italian steamers Ortigia and aria P. collided off Isla del Pinto at the entrance of the Guil of Genoa to-day, The latter sank and 147 The Maria P. was bound from Naples to lata. She carried a crew of seventeen and the passengers numbered 173. She was calling bere en route to her ewe The Maria P. -- entering thi of Genoa at 1:39 O'clock this board side of th six yatds and preci fied im ok P. like matchwood, ¢ water rushed ip through the hole, aod 'the Maria P. sunk io three minutes. The majoriy of the passengers were asleep at the time of the accident, aod . They were bra rsp with the vee- eo 'i passengers of the il. fated penile have rt the "ne of the disaster, a are pow searching for further sarviv: ttigia's bow was cased fcr w dis- tance of 12 feet along the water line, There is some ---- pon the fact brought to mind by the disgsier that the Ortigia cnce collided on 'the same spot captain was named Ferrara. The cham- ber has ordered an ingelry into the dis- aster. Spezzia, July 22.--Additional deisite ef the catitlon between ihe Ortigia and euse Sighted each _ r too late to avert "3 Collision. Ec! Captain and ate of the otber vessel were amen i | ip their bunks when they sh a geaher bor Batons, a Bragilian m-rchan* who was on bis way home a his wil th sinking. He called to his wife to jamp imto the eee, which sbe did, and be follow. ed her whh the two boys. The two = by showing shc any bope of her busband bei: HOLMES' MANY. GRIMES. | Romsins of Another ef his Victims} e Found. ---- NER STORY To THE CORONER AND JURY--TBE accus- ED PROTESTS INNOCENCE. Toronto, July 20.--At the Pietze) inquest last night Mrs. Pietzel i in a voice ing alive. Mra. Pietzel went over the bistory of er connection with Holmes and the manner in which the latter bad carried out his pr -- The de- jet tails substantially corroborated the stories already ccniel. 'See aleo en- tered minutely into the relation of Holmes and the children, showing how | bee: Holmes first obtained possession of them on the pretense of placing them at school. While is Torosto she saw Holmes nearly every day. Holmes was always promising that at each new place she could seeher husband. She saw nothing of her children after they went away, as she supposed, to al apclit, but rcc.ived letters from "hem asking to be allowed to come 'pome, Helmes finally told ber he was going torent a hovee in Toronto, and that Montreal. ae hé told ber be had taken a house, but --_ = two men wi ing them, and would not be ale see ber babaod tha | a from October 25 | real 'ests! until November 1, when Holmes ad- by without staye vised going to Burlington, Vt, as Ogdeosburg was too small. There the was to see ber husband. few days later he told ber again that ber busband was in Toronto and was coming mgbt along. That was always the way. While they were at Burling- ton Holmes suggested he should take Dessie to Indianapolis and bring Alice and she agreed. On Nov. 18 sbe left Burlington and went to Boston, where Holmes was then under arces' Coroner Johnston read. the deposi- tions submitted by Detective Geyer at the previous session of the inquest, Mrs. Pietzel said the circumstances detailed were cones so far as she knew. Witness said she bad come to Toronto at the request of Geyer to identify the children and had visited the morgue during the afternoon to do eo, She identified both, recognizing Alice by the hair and teeth and Nellie by her hair She mentioned there was an abscess on the left breast of Nellie and a strawberry mark on the left arm of Alice, but these she could not see. Mrs. Pietzel was henna remov ea half fainting from the Dr, John Caven then one -- astothe post mortem. This was of pet negative character. No ouuks of any violence were found on the bodies, nor aos suggesting tbe te | ot death he 8 spoken y Mrs, Pietzel were ner visible be- pi of the disappearance of all the soft tissues, Just as the inquest concluded Mrs. Pietzel, who was in the matron's room, adjoining the court room, burst into violent hysterics, and the doctors pre- sent went to ber assistance. Ti police matron spent the night with ber, as ber condition was very critical, The ground under the bouse on St. Vincent street was investigated to dis~ covcr the reason of the additional odors, It wasfound that much of the fou! earth removed from the cellar had been re thrown under another part of the house and the suspicjons which foul odorsbegan to suggest are therefore at an end. INTERMENT OF THE BODIES, The bodies of Alice Pietz.1 and little Nellie Pietzel bave at last found a testing. place. This afternoon two small graves were opened in Sr. Jame,' Cemetery, and in them the victims of the cruelest crime this country bas ever seen were laid. Mre. Pietzel, Detec- tive Geyer and Detective Cuddy were present. The mother, alihough leaving ber apartment, insisted on participa'ing in the last sad rites. Mrz, Carrie A. Pietz-l left this ever. ing for her parents' home in Galva, Il, She will be accompanied as far as Detroit by Detective Geyer, who goes to that city to continue his search for the remains of the boy, Howard. Mrs. Pietzel was in a very weakened condi- tion asaresult of the nervous strain upon ber during the inquest last night. The discoyery of the bones in a Chica- go house, which had been rented by Holmes, and which the authorities there say they will be able to prove, are the remains of Minnie Williams, com- pletely destroys the alibi which Holmes, g | throygh/his counsel, has been setting Pp. ANOTHER CRIME. Chicago, Il., July 20.--Another ap- palling crime will be laid at the door Holmes, the notorious in- surance swindler and alleged murderer of the Pietzele. That Minnie Williams, of Fort Worth, Tex.. met ber death at the hands of Ho|mes there is scarcely a doubt. Late last night the pojice found | in a stove in a threz-story build~ ing which was built by Holmer, aud in which both he 'and the Williams girl lived, a quantity of charred bones, but- tons known to have been on ao dress. The police are now of the opinion that not cnly Minnie Williams, but ber younger sister, Anna, and t OY, Howard Pietz-], met death in this house. This morning at six o'clock renewed search of the house, begin- ning with the basement, wilt carefully be made, They are of the oemper that they will find either the body o} Anna Williams or that of Hovard Pietz.l before they have concluded their work. HOLMES INTERVIEWED. Philadelpbia, Pa., July 20.--The Breas to:day prints an interview with HL H.-Helmes, who was visited in bis prison cell by a representative of that paper. Heclmes insists that prove an alibi with reference to the murder of the Pietzel children in T's- ronto and says the acthonties bet | » . charge of murd :ting the Pietzel chil- ey Why, the last time I saw the b Howard Pietz:l, was a Indjan- as pea Miss fy iNidens was then In Detrol, re file oe a ersophd iene skeen Hows: in Baffalo. -] theo came cast with the two gids, bei tion of the child was put up by A LIST OF EIGHT If Mra Conner and ber chil pany into the posses: the Pietzel children three heirs to the property THE SKELETON ONE OF or CHICAGO VICTIMS FOUNDIN A BASE- iT. pagan o » Joly * -+--The back bone Holmes palldiog this morning. on a rib was found, also a bone with rn eth. These remains were found in the basement of the drug -- The dig- gers are fe stil hard at w HOLMES BREAKING DOWN. ---- Pa., July 24- es Aa authorities said to-day that Hicleas, the swindler and the woman with whom he is said to have allied himself in Franklin, Iod.. would stand by him, but she now says she will reetify againet him, HAD CREMATORY FURNACES. Chicago, July 24,-- firm which manufactures large oil- rally jooo degrees, Holmes afterward evect- ed a similar furnace in a shed filth street, which has disappeared. aces to dispose of his yictims, The Tax x on Land. An lowa farmer writ writes in the American Agriculturist:--I do not believe ¢ tax on land haa sothing else is what the people want. [famanhasa farm and is redustrous and is emmy hs f farm with a fences and outbuildings, . aay is oa pa more an ¢ show the man who ts lazy, and lets buildings go to wreck ear indolent to work, a an his habits. 'The idea th that the Semagpaona oust aed hotel, the grend opera bh Mammoth business block should be exempt from taxation is prepo: Weil, says tne single taxer, we tax the immense fixtures a mess tran- sacted in eo bet ag This single tax woul the rich tnan's de! ght, the glory of the pacdins shark whonever owns a foot ao id. TD a Holstelo Mills Burned. ~ | $15,000 LOSS BY DESTRUCTION OF THE MILLS. SAW AND GRIST Holstein, Ont., July y 18.--Thie morn- ing fire broke out in the saw and flour mille owned b Ww. Petri ames soon enveloped the whole build~ ing, and quickly spread to the lum yard adjoining, where bundreds of thou~ sands of feet of lumber were of whioh was consumed, The loss will amount to $15,000 -------------------- PALMERSTON A few days ago Palmerston corporation for $2,801,76, being 1 Wallace township on account of land im- provement fu The vew flax mill is about read business. Fl ing will commence in atew days. The crop is an excellent one in this se A comp: LEBANON. T ms and straw sh built nearly Goished. is very thin, will be about je Oats, the the ill bea Pest mise excellea 'op. Barley and cr spring wheat fairly good. very -- wedding took place at the home of Nelson Traviss, of which od Reeve of Maryborough wase seer o M th r. unter, vale for Centre Wellington tor "he Dominton. Mr. Hanter's victory a polls is syre if hr legion of aspirants res m the fel ain io Mr. Henry rains has purchased o farm qa the 6th concessi Mary- pera and a friend of ms Adams from Sach City, Towa, intends brick residence oext soar on the farm. KURTZVILLE. Laying is a thing of the Past. iling oregon and fax is also VERY CHEAP. Ney ee A beautiful line of Gasoline Stoves. bbe Our fanior footballers = mot beat by Mil Reid Bros, have a new brick house 0D. S| WM. We og by : joun irvincecoere: Jr. Druggist. Next te the Old Bank of Hamilton. ad m ,, necessitate an explanation fos of ber mionher 's ve pred a sumer ae Faamples 0 ou ite fh Horpese v furnished rooms in Burlington, A fate. ic i in "te line or giothing will set ve Es "me CHURCH'S BUG FINISH. PARIS GREEN. Screen Doers and Windows. *|LAWN MOWERS; LAWN SHEARS, © REFRIGERATORS. Bricker Hardware Co. pleasure tn recommending 'ant pt Byer 7 to ' << "_ maynierions mg "] the ies and Lig Tilt iaketoem sox ans re pe the Recipes Lie by the promise of Derochers, brakeman, testified that he sometimes filled their cans with water at RICE yo Cure ar onus Srones. Reliable Footwear The Red Front Cash Boot. -- and Shoe Storey = POPULAR APPROVAL Goes far towards establishing the standing of a business house in the community, and the good will and favor we have been shown indicates that those who have dealt with us have been well satisfied with their;transactions. We have full Ilnes of staple and fine footwear and invite your inspection, feeling sure it will pay you todoso befo 1e purchasing elsewhere, HAMILTON BROS. (NEXT TO BANNER OFFICE.) W: J- HAY, Manage Wholesale and Retall. Cure Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- -- Dyspepsia, Sluggish va cr (Successor tie, 3 at Ho. vEveryiing above Are aii Sug irCoated, a do The ator price Gicle.. bat oat st the Tactorsiaea 'wante Act gently but promptly and ater i oon safest da ae ject oir of orange markets itis douberal + they usually id thei a ogust 1 will i he the vigwest day in = history of this town, There will be a immense ether from all Saints of the LARGEST 22 5 UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Having, bought out the old stand, WALLACE STREET BRIDGE, and having fitted it up in good style, now has one of the TLE FARMS FOR SALE. - o Hy The to it No, ' Inthe nt con, Townsh!p of Elma, ~ a to g 28 SSSESULSSSscEsssssenn asco SSSSRSsS8sornsSS geen Pew ome Smee on on oe rl uTonisox. | Is naw receiving Huckle tries in considerable quanti- with first-clias back ound by ir. Wi Hatehi® MORRIS, FEILD, ROGERS CO. LTD- " Geod Shoes that fit A. H. HERMISTON to H. F. Buck.) FURNITURE STORES in Western Ontario. Patronage Solicited. ogra a specialty + Open day and night. + ateiiied FOR SALE. Top 'Beaman and Mowing farms are oftered for sale Cutte P aisles bin i) ots ave meaty mat new aad will be sold oben enp for 6s eash or will ex- see HUCKLEBERRIES. ab roth aR me For rae MISS M. it has turned out better than pred few weeks ago. x s&. Swap, of Listowel, is ae She i is s still very lo Sam Martin 'a grey mare is dead. She hnae bones HU with a rope a few nights t. Murtin says it is a clear oF suigide, Ani eget Se Wha might have bren a serious dent bappened Joba Schaefer while a horse up the lune without « The borse took a imation cross over a a wire tence into field, throwing th er ale aro ends s ta ape bese very tilered when be got ag happeacd on farm lately. ¢ ee Jno. Zarbrigg had the break bis collar bone by | Kast week. © ' esecktecen esannsean', COMPOUND. 4 B seotspisy aft: a: | aa t 3 "ities and can fill they last. Call 1 ook'sCottonRoot Fruit Stoce, Wallace treet, if you wish to secure a_ basket. ~= | MELONS, 'Aven's Hain Vicor AED OA. J.C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U.S. A, Adyer's Pills cure Bich Headache, 5 2 if is lyn GA hh ed 2100p Ones ns oe, Svernanueouuund f Sassrssusususss "SSusesssagtss: "SSSSESESSSSSs PEACHES, ° druguista who PEARS and other uRESH FRUITS sane also beck Coreesr, | TOMATOES AND SOLD IN LISTOWEL AND RVERY WHERE VEGETABLES -- ~ at lowest market pri GENUINE CEYLON TEAS. Ts! Orders promptly filled. MARY AITCHISON.