oF oo RG gaa -- he repre - 2 e daa "FOR THE instruction under-the celebrated Professor | Friday and Ssturday evenings last week, Wodell of Boston, Mass. re-arranged the salaries and made some Muss Grins, of Watson & Gibbs, millin- / changes in the teaching staff, The salaries ers, left on Wednesday on « month's visit | Were fixed as : assistant, $300 : to Buffalo and New York. sister, | 20d assistant, $275 ; 9rd, 4th, Sth, and 6th ' Miss Florence Gibbs, has recently returned | assistants, $250 each ; $300, from an extended Toronto and. siegride at AND CHEAPEST . . WALL PAPER IN TOWN CO TO LIVINGSTONE'S DRUG STORE innings, wel's score in the first innings. Camino Panry.--Mr. H. B. Morphy and family and Mr. 8. Bricker and wife, ten days' camping and fishing on an island in Lake Huron near Oliphant, owned by Mr. Morphy. care of cheese from here on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and will ship two cars more on Saturday, about $13,000 worth in'all. The cheese is being shipped to Stratford, and is not for immediate export, Ma, Joun Goprrey of Elora has been » Ww. Godfrey, G. agen' Yesterday e old gentleman and Mrs. Godfrey wife of BANK OF HAMILTON. CAPITAL - «+ §$1,250,000| our townsman, left for Southampton, where POP . they will sojourn fora week or two RESERVE FUND £675,000 sidan Cecwras. Base wih coe caide : Bs ad bi fi f fi ill Drone se i sie st Sy ee et JOHN STUART, Paxsrperr; next, Sist inst., st seven A o'clock in the evening, wind and weather A. G, RAMBAY, Vicu-Puzs. permit - This race in between H. OHN PROCTOR. GEORGE Roacag | ©ckhart, formerly champion of Lambton county, and A. Ross cf Palmerston, Tax frame work of the residence which Mr. R. R. Hay is erecting on Dodd street is being put together this week. The design is quite modern, and when finished A.T WOOD, WM. GIBSON, M. P A. B, LEE (Toronto.) -o SAVINGS BANM.--$1 and apwards re- Colved on deposit. + 7 town, Mr, John Bamford prepared the plan, and Bamford Bros. are the con tractors, Tue conscreation meeting of the E. L, of C. E. of the Methodist Church will be ught aad sold, Collections made on favorabie terms. 3, A.STUART, 14, Agent, Listowel. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 895. Christian Journey--Helps and Hindrances. Matt. 9: 13-14; John 14: 1--6. Leaders, A. L. McLachlan and Waldron Scott. stead of the usual monthly collection, a free-will offering will be taken. Mx. W. E. Svrurrtanp spent last week in the Royal City. Mx. Wir. Cumir of Sundayed at Southampto: Mn. Auuisten M. CLarke, barrister, of Palmerston, was in town on Tuesday. Mas, Gro. Fornes and Miss Forbes of New York, are summering in Listowel." Dr. Berorn, V, S., returned on Thura- day of last week from a trip to Michigan. Miss Livisastoxe of Kincardine, daugh- ter of Rev. Jas. Livingstone, is visiting in town. the Post Office, n. Ox Monday one of the inspectors from the Underwriter's Association, Montrenl, visited this town and inspected our fire protection service. The bursting of a pipe in one of the water works mains, and stoppage in avalve of the fire engine un- fortunately rendered the inspectoin not as satisfactory as it otherwise would have been. Barring these accidents the service, we believe was found in excellent con- dition, Cunist Church Sunday School held its annual picnic at Mr. John McKeever's grove, 3rd line Wallace, on Friday after- noon last. There was a large gathering, and but for the wetting which most o the pic-nickers got, having been caught by the rain storm, they would have had a very enjoyable time. The school wish to thank Mr. and Miss McKeever for their kind- } ness in placing their house and large barn st their disposal, where all were cheerfully entertained after the rain had rendered the grove too wet for enjoyment. Deatus.--The remainsof Mra. Portues, 2 A. Moyer & Co. wife of Mr. P. N. Portues of Chesley, were Hv sKLEsennizs, -- Miiss M. Aitchison | brought here on Tuesday for interment, the has just received 40 baskets of huckleberries | funeral taking place from the residence of from the north. They are going fast, her father, Mt. Thos. K, Lawrence, Royal street, to Fairview cemetery. The de- ceased had had a stroke of paralysis and only lived a few days, her death taking . Witt. Maartix, son of Mr. R Martin, was home from Toronto for a week's holidays, Muss Breckesnipce, of Carson & afc Kee's, has gone to Uwen Sound for the summer months. FORD, medical student of Stratford, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrssns. Jas. Gow of Windsor, and A. Caven, Stratford, of the Inland Revenue Departinent, were in town this week. Oat Dust $0 per ton, at Palmerston Uat- meal Mill. Miss Maco Ginson, teacher in the Public School, is holidaying at the rectory Clinton, the guest of Mrs. J. F. Parke. on Sunday night. On Wednesday Mrs, 5 , ; Ww 1 ' " ; e., Gouelp a . A ead. Pe 1 *} died at her home on Bismarck street, after See gees Of Mire, SUCHErinnd, Menslope | lengthy illness which developed into -- oe £ ihe consumption, The deceased leaves a family . . REILLY, manager ol a °f five children, the youngest of whom is about ten years of age. The funeral will take to-day, and will leave at 1 E lical Orangeville branch of the Bank of Hamil: ton, was in town on Saturday last, calling upon some of his old friends. Farms ror Saus.--In Elma, Wallace and | 6th line Wallace, Mornington. Some bargains, and easy terms of payment. Apply for particu- lara to J. W. Scort. Mr. Witt. Hester, of Toronto, is visit: ing at Mr. Hayden's Inkerman street. He am came upon his wheel by way of Guelph, electric phenomenon of dazzling brilliancy, making the run from Guelph in 44 hours. | When the storm was at its height a flaming . ball of fire swept down to the carth, and, Mus. B. B. Sanvis and her daughter Miss landing in the middle of the road, exploded Eva, returned home on Monday from a with a bang, sending out dense clouds of three weeks bison to Collingwood, Thorn- smoke. The residents in the vicinity are bury and Owen Sound. thankful the fire ball was not aimed at one Mus. M.S. Maovine and master Willie | of the roofs, as it would have been attend- have returndl to 'their home in Detroit, | ed with serious results. Many of the trees Mich., after a month's visit to her mother nearby are deprived of a few of the brap- Mrs. J. Robinson, Wallace street. ches, owing principally to the force of the Mrs. Wx. Gitxinsox and children, of | Wind, and in some instances they were Chicago, are visiting at Mra, Wm. Steven. | struck by lightning. son's. Mrs, Kirkpatrick and daughter of good Exvectric DisrLay at Woopstock, During a severe thunder. storm, which awept over istock on Friday sfter- noon, residents on Oxford street report an Woor Eau Claire Wis., July 1€ ae Ro are also the guests of Mrs. tor :--At a recent debate he... ues ue * "Young Democrats," the subject was ; 'Re- TAMBLYN AND CUMIF have just re- solved, that Canads abould be annexed to One of the debaters that the U. S. pay the national debt of Can- ceived another consignment of Raisins, 28 Ibs. for $1, beautiful Pranes and = Cur- ice Ja the U.S om . choice ; pan en = Tavis oyer's and Dilworth's flour. Tambly! Ja, which he said $300, 000, &Climie, Wallace St. Listowel. Sich ee ores en receive Canada as a bonus, Another propos. ed the seizing of and holding it against tho British army ; and still another proposed raisingthe tariff so high as to shut out Canadian goods, and thus force annex- ation them. Tux Palinerstou cotebration committee have our thanks for a press badge for their demonstration on the Ist August. There ia likely to be a large turnout from this De nee Be ' ' For anything in the Harness line the pub- lie is invited to call at Ed. Howe's new op, Wallace street bridge, east | the cyesof Young America. They sincerely Both ordered wo gl orke believe that all they have to do isto open work- their arms and the Canadians will run into them. I writethis letter to enthuse the "Young Conservatives," and propose that they hold a debate on the subject : **Resolr. ed, that the United States should be annex- "a " 18 Lost.--On the road between Listowel and Gowanstown, on Tuesday afternoon, a little boy's pea jacket, blue with brass buttons. The finder will be suitably rewarded by caving same at M, Bricker's insurance office, Main street. . Lastowx Races,--The Listowel Driving Park Association announce a race meeting to be held on August 13th. and 14th. Purses to the amount of $1,300 are offered. The Association intead making the coming meet- ing the best ever held here. Yours truly, H. F, Witttams, Tornoxto Inpusrmiat Fair. -- An un- broken of successes in the past is the best possible guarantee that the To- ronto Industrial Exhibition of 1895, which display of unrivalled attractiveness. Many improvements in the buildings and grounds have been made to further the convenience of exhibitors and the public, and with the in wall paper now is {return of an era i Mx. W. G. Har returned to town on Monday after five weeks' sojourn at Sonth- the country in that neigh- | ®' borhood has suffered greatly for want of rain. Mz.S, McKrz, of the firm of Carson& i Mxssxs. Rallantyne & Son shipped five of the other rooms the pretext for changing her from 3rd to 6th t. Thi , we lieve, been quite equal to that of other teachers FACTORY PICNIC, ual picnic of the Morris Field » Mi i y: McLaughlin, Brad- town; Large, Race, town onl Lai Yard Zs mari oy Tho: Yard Fat Men's Race: ont, W. Wakeford; Quoit Match, - Ainley 21, Alexander ce, sho = With Pole, 9 Shadel; Standing Shad ¢ 35 yards: capt, J. Ainley F, Lodge 537 Town only, 5 shots each' capt., R. Bulmer 126, J. Barber 101; Ax A.O. U. W. Boom, -- The announce- ment that Listowel lodge was to receive a visit from Past Grand Master John Milne on Wednenday of this week had a decidedly animating effect uy the members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen in iw with the result that between thirty and forty new members have been enrolled--a tolerably fair sized lodge in itself. (i, M's. visit was made the occasion for hold- ing o garden party, which took place Wednesday evening on the lawn of Mr, W. E. Binning, Recorder of the lodge. The P. sired, the members and lady and gentle- men friends turnining out in large numbers. Tables were spread on the lawn and all present were given an opportunity to regale hemselves with the abundance of good hings provided by the ladies. Some fine music was rendered by the town band,which was present. After tea Bro, J. raon, one of the charter members of Listowel lodge, took the chair and made some appro- priate remarks ; he then called upon P. G. M. Milne, who a nslf hour's address placed the order and its noble work before his audiedce ina most favorable light. Bro. Milne in a clear and convincing speaker, and the merits of the A. O. W.U., which is one of the best of the fraternal ben- y societies, very ably presented by him. A threatening shower shortened the speaking somewhat and caused the gather- ing to disperse sooner than was intended At the meeting of the lodge, held tater in the evening, thirty-six candidates were balloted for and accepted, and thirty-four of were initiated by the P. € P t t - Cr 2 which he tookin bringing in mem- ra. Listowel lodge waa instituted a little oyer twelve years ago, with about thirty o-day its mem ip e Ist of October, a further increase o bers is looked for. PRESENTATION TO MIS8 BOLTON. A representative gather! friends of Miss Bolton, wh: he past sition of leader ; mu to 6 position in Brock- ville, where her home is, 'The follow- ing is the address, which was read by Mise A. Henderson: . If is now nearly seven months since yon became leader of 'the service of ur ti proved yourse! ca of filling the po- satisfaction of both the a it ie tn- together to- night to say farewell on this, the eve of you departure, and w ex- ou our appreciation of your you ccep con: You are leaving Listowel with our best wishes we t: hat God's are fi may joined with that in heav- "Signed jon behalf of fue choir and ngregation o ox church. Listowel, July 28, 1898. ~ MARRIAG EB. KNIGHT--MONEIB--At the residence ofthe bride's parents, on July 10, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Jas, M. K 15 of, Petro to daughter of L MeHatl, of Mo N--In At on Jt wv Morrlecc, aged @ yoart, f msnthe ant on W ednesday Arnold, aged BiRTHe. the heiideys in Brampton, andj one should take adyantage of the @ppor, will attend the Whitby Young | tunity, as it all is best Mr. McKee has given up knowing in meantime, invention. All progress and- scientific entries closs on the 10th of August. Tees Soe The attendance was all that could be de- coupled with magnins Mave Listowel station dolly 08 For Palmerstos-- at 738 &. m. Express, 12.57 p. m.; Mix 10.00 pa, : GEORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVI- come sours, TLRS St Maen +9: gengnycenaay sale Mixed 12.30 p. m,; Express 1.06 p, m. Ex- press 8,18 p. mm. » NEW STUDIO. ~J/ D. Barber is now ready for business in his new gallery over the-Post Office. A call will convince you thathe has one of the best galleriesin the Province. He will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new ones as will favor him with a call. 20c S/OPEN AGAIN. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G, 4B RY|- J J J » WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES HALF PRIGE. Repairing done promptly at modezate prices, New Instruments and Scenery, PER DOZ. Warranteed to suit or no a SM. SMITH, Telegraph Office. TAMBLYN & CLIMIE, THE GROCERS, Wallace Street, GOOD FRESH NEW GOODS and have yet some of those Case Prunes, Case Currants, Full lines of GENERAL GROCERIES CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, Farm Produce wanted. TAMBLYN & GLIMIE. Wallace St. THEY CAN'T STAY HERE. a When our goodsdon't sell quickly we ere must bes cause, high, perhaps; '@ slice off twenty or thirty T cept., an they more along with asmile, Wealiow no merchandise loitering. Nothin ow can exist | establish ent, Wo keep everything on the goeyen if we are obdli; to cut foes in t Result great valu Ke your money. In ourTIE win- dow this k, choice 100, ise, me and each, regular Price % FELT HATS. % d ( d J » HALF PRICE. HALF PRICE. 3 THE HOUSE IN TOWN THAT LEADS. + Always something new and fashionable to 'Offer the public ee ga os AND WEY ? _. Because we will not carry goods past their season. Ratherthan doit we will ask our cus- tomers to make their own price. FOR THIS WEEK AND NEXT : We offer our entire stock of Summer Clothing and Furnishings at just ONE HALF OUR REGULAR PRICE. Don't let this statement alarm you, it is POSITIVELY true. We must make room tor our large purchases of fall goods, which will begin to.arrive next month. Weask youto visit our is week and see for yourself if we are not DIFFERENCE IN PRIGE = That brings somany ~ CARSON & MCKEE'S STORE It's true bargain-giving of this calibre that makes this always the busy store, There are but few accidents in busi- ness. © great purchasing public does not encourage and build up any institution unless it fully deserves It, and the suc- cess of this store can only be traceable to real merit. STRIKING CIGANTIC BARGAINS Will be offered for one month which will tell. more elo- quently than .words can picture. The Movin Spirit, The Money Saving Spirit that has brought This Store to The Front, Will keepit always in the Lead. Sweeping reduc- ions in the price of every article on the premises for One Month to make room for our great fall importations Our Store is large, but we must clear out all oddlines to make room for new goods, PRICES CUT DOWN ALMOST ONE HALF. 30 Ibs. of Beautiful Sugar for $1.00, 23 Ibs. Best Redpath Granulated Sugar for $1.00, and scores of other articles at prices not yet heard of. . This store will be the t empor- tum the coming month for bargains. The shrowdent and best ing first class goods at just HALF. PRICE. the followin; : : F , 's Summer. regular $1.25 now 62$.. "s White Vests by $1 10° * 50 4 " len's Heavy Sweaters $1.50 en's Neglige Shirts 75 $1.00 Men's Hats, Caps, Collars &c. Half Price . TIES TIES TIES We offera selection of these goods much larger and finer in quality than can be found in any CITY RETAIL STORE at prices less than one half. We invite inspection. Our Specialty ot Course is Ordered Clothing. This department of our establishment is under the special super- vision of Mr. Coghill, and our stock of fashion- able Tweeds is always very Complete. HAY &£ COGHILL. ave i will more than surprise you. us and see what we are doing arid can do for you if you want to buy. SILKS AND SATINS./MEN'S SUITS king. BO © more bargains will setthe si cep the jeatle: BUILDING SALE. COMMENCING ON FRIDAY. Owing to the steady growth of my already large busi- ress, I find that we want more room, and we are going to t. Our idea isto build 60 more feet long, two stories d high, to our Store, andremodel the entire store inside, an Believe in the motto of quick| when finished we will have one of the finest stores west of returns and small margins,| Toronto. But in the first ith stock, which must be done. $18,000 Worth of General Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots place we have to reduce our large and Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, etc. We always aim at high grade goods at the lowest price : 28Ib boxes of raisins for 1$.| We wil] y Bick low 5 j sell you goods at such low prices, for cash only, that In ivite every person to call on 1k $1.60 for $1.12}, $1.25 for 9c, $1.00 for Madeto order, Suite Ready made. Shirts ne ee Ore HS all the shades,| for Men ahd Hoys. Mens and Boys Sum- worth 60c for BBo. inge Silk at 260, Rem-/ mer Underwear. Ladies Sommer Under- napte Of Sijk jess than half price, wear. Men's Silk Enderwear. Men's Straw Hate, Mens Felt Hats. Ladi Shoes. Laces, broidery, Dnck Beitings, DRESS GOODS Musiins, Ladies fine Waterproofs. Ladies bd Rubber a. es Kid Gloves Sc for #0, $1, for 85c. $1.50 for $1. beet makes : No more space. Weinyite everybody, ple Dress atse. Tweed Efreats M%o,double width 42 Inches wide. 1 goods for7ic. Remem- : EF wakes of dress gi ys make. Th intany store in town. J. M. SCHINBEIN. buyers are always found here. Even tho: bh you know noth- as if'you were the best Judge in the country. A child can buy the Same as a man, our prices are right and you can save bi money in this store the coming month. Cash Buying an Cash selling is the true method of business and the great regulator of prices. HONEST ADVERTISING ricelesa, ropose reasure to be carefully, b constant watch on our goods, our prices and our advertising. Tkis principle of fect accuracy in newspaper statement is hard upon su dealers as want to sell by misrepresentation, bat Listowel is now accustomed to truth telling and the best local intelligence soon finds the frauds. Capes and Jackets. We havesome capes greatly reduced in price, Jackets at abost half price and what more can we say ? They wi in just right for early fall wear, to say n wring cf eool er tween now and then. ¥e ing like them for the mone where. Boots and Shoes. . Never © fact remains that we are selling good shoes for men, women y any-|and children on this basis. NEW DRESS GOODS NOW ARRIVING. New "'Rigby" Porous Waterproof Cloth for Golf Capes and Jackets now at hand, Very Stylish. ALL OUR MILLINERY Atand under costto clear. -TERMS CASH- Carson & McKee. Telephone 71. PRINT SALE FOR 10 DAYS, AT J. S. GEE'S. --_-- Py Over 100 pieces to choose from, 12}c. print will be cleared out at + " 10c print ot '" 10c per yd. tii 8c " " " print 5c Also Muslins, Delaines, Summer Dress Goods and Straw Hats, all ot which will be cleared at and below cost. Re- nes this is no humbug, but a genuine bargain sale for 10 ays. Don't forget this is the spot for Boots and Shoes-~ Prices right. e é GROCERIES always fresh and reliable, with newest arri- vals, Weare selling a choice blend in COFFEE, With each Ib. you get a Queen Tea and Coffee Pot, all for 50c. DELI- ATINE only 10c a package, different flavors, SUGAR lbc a package, ready for use in White, Chocolate. PURE CEYLON TEA--No bette: Teain the market, try it and you will have no other--Prunes, Evapor- ated apples, Breakfast Hominy, eto, etc. Everybody Welcome J.S. GHB. BICYCLES BUILT - - Bicycles Repaired - - --BY-- AUGUST GUHR, ho has hed over ten rs rience In bring ens, both in the United States and The balance of this season's felt hats will be cleared out at 3 per cent. below regular prices, OUR JOB LOT Are going fast at {50 only. There are one fow more left. STRAW HATS. © balance of our straw hats will be sold atoost as we don't intend 0 carry auy over. SHIRTS. a Cuabeie shite with Dae soitars and ar price $1, i, choice for 250. only fea more at this Flannelette shirt regular price 40 aod 5 toe. ; pr Aas ar Bh regular price 750, going White unleundered shirts, the best bargain ever offered at Zio UNDEWEAR. - Men's Natural woo! and Balbrigan shirts and drawers st cost, HOSE. lermadorf black hose? pair Fete staalar nate tea pair. M. WILDFANG. (Sign of The Elephant, - WALLACE STREET. Wedding outfits a especialty. If you would know why the 'Happy Thought" is considered the most perfect and economical of kitchen ranges need only to examine their superior construction and ish you w.ll then understand their wonderful popularity. TRY SALLOWS & ALEXANDER NOVELTIES IN FURNITURE. We guarantee our goods, as we manufacture all in the U holstering line.» We have just completed a SLUMBER CHAIR, Oak frame, covered with Wilton tug, which is a complete novelty. UNDERTAKING Receives our most careful attention, and Sallows having had large experience both in Canada and the States, is prepared.to Conduct and Embalm in the most thorough and practical'manner. Do not mistake the place if prices and workmanship are to be considered. Main Street, Listowel MASSEY HARRIS CO. REPAIRS. . My stock of Repairs having been dama gedby fire, was returned to Toronto. Expect to have a new stock returned to me in time for Harvesting. But advise all parties who know they require repairs to send in their orders at once and save both expense and delay when ready to begin Haying and Harvesting. I have on hand large stock of FORKS, SCYTHES, *SNATHS, RAKES, , - MACHINE OILS, &(, ROBERT MOORE, 2