BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS At Lowest prices at AT J, LIVINGSTORE'S. FANCY BOXES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS. HOLIDAY ANNUALS. Bible, Hymn And - Prayer Books. Xmas Novelties of all Kinds. Now fora rush. BANK OF HAMILTON. $1,250,000 $675,000 CAPITAL - = RESERVEFUND - DIRDOTORS : JOHN STUART, A. G., RAMSAY, Vick PRESIDENT. JOHN PROCTOR. GEORGE ROACH. A. T, WOOD, WM. GIBSON, M. P. A. B. LEE (Toroxto.} a AVINGS BANK,--#1 and upwards receiv ee on deposit. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also reecived at current rates of intervst. DRAFTS on Great Britain, and the United States bonght and sold, Collections made on favorable terms. "Jd. H. STUART, Agent, Listowel. PRESIDENT : McGILLIVRAY ELECTED BY OVER 500. North Ontario Remains Conservative by a Large Majority. In the Dominion bye election in North Ontario yesterday, Mr. John A. McGillivray, Q. C., candidate, elected by over 500 majority. This was the news received by wire-at a late hour last night: In the last election the late Mr. Madill, Conservative, had a majority of 254; the Conservatives of North Ontario have therefore doubled their majority the Conservative was at the general election. The Government's Remedial Bill. Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 9.--The official announcement from Winnipeg that the Manitoba does not pur- pose introducing any legislation into the Local House for the purpose of re- moving educational grievances of the Catholics of that province fully ac- cords with the preconceived opinions of all those in Ottawa who have close- ly followed the course of events, or have had an inkling of the negotiations which have been in progress for some time past. Parliament has been call- ed, and called with the specific object of passing Remedial legislation. The bill which will be presented to pariia- ment is drafted, and when its provis- ions are submitted to the judgment of the House and country, it is thought they will be found of such a character that every fair-minded man in the country, who acknowledges the right of the Catholics of Manitoba, under the constitution, to Separate schools, can accept them. While restoring Catholic denominational school, there will be every possible safeguard so as to secure efficiency. Certificated teachers must be employed, and the province will be empowered to say what text books shall be used, with the exception of that on history. With the religious teaching, of course, the province will have nothing to do. The payment of the provincial grant will be made contingent upon results of annual examinations. Government A Toronto Bride Deserted at the Altar. A large number of friends of the con- tracting parties gathered at the resi- dence of Mrs... Elizabeth Fleming, 22 Ossington avenue, Toronto, Wednes- day afternoon, in anticipation of the murringe of her niece, Miss Carrie Fer- rier, daughter of the late J. C. Ferrier, J. P., to Reeve J. D. Evans, of Etobi- coke. Unknown to anybody, but the bride-elect, however, Mr. Evans had the previous day written to her, inti- nature of the comm 'and the munication, minister had no idea of the turn things' had taken until he had delivered the letter and heard it from Miss Ferrier herself. Neither had the recalcitrant groom informed the groomsman, Richardson, M. P. P., of East York, of his intentions, and that gentleman de- clined an invitation to be present at the Malvern dinner of W. F. Maclean, M. P., only to discover on arriving at the house, that he, with the other invited guests, had been fooled. Miss Ferrier herself took the unfortunate occurrence very philosophically, and spparently felt she was perhaps, after all, not a great loser. Reeve Evans is over 50 years and well known for thé promin- ent part he takes in the deliberations of the York County Council. His bride that was to be is a good match for him both as regards age and in other re- aspects, Hayward Hanged. THE MURDERER OF CATHARINE GING EX- Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 11.--Harry Hayward was hanged at 2.09 o'clock this morning for the murder of Miss Ging. His last words were "Keep up your courage boys, so pull her tight, I stand pat, good bye." Hayward walk- ed to the scaffold with a firm step and on his way called out "Three cheers for Harry Hayward." Before the drop fell he stated that he forgave all who had testified aac him. Father and Son Drowned. Barrie, Dec. 4---On -On Monday evening Alfred Warnica, and his son, Dalton, left their homes in Allandale, to bring a trunk across the bay to Barrie. Be- fore leaving home Mr. Warnicatold his wife that if it became stormy they would remain in Barrie until Tuesday. Abont an hour after they left, a heavy wind and snowstorm came up and con- tinued until dark. It is supposed that the boat became unmanageable with the weight of the trunk and capsized. When they did not return home on Tuesday, friends drove to Barrie and learned they had not reached here. A searching party started down the bay this morning and found the boat and trunk about two miles from where the unfortunate men had commenced their fatal journey. The bodies were found late this afternoon, opposite Glenallen. They were close together and had evi- dently been helping each other when they perished. * General Baratieri, commander of the Italian troops in Abyssinia, telegraphs that 70,000 natives have invaded the Tigre country. He has ordered the troops at Adowa to fall back to Adi- grat. In consequence of this news feverish preparations are being made in Rome to forward reinforcements. Following are the names of pupils of 8. S, No. 11, Wallace, who obtained over 50 per cent of marks given at weekly examinations for month of Nov- ember. Names in orderofmerit. 5th class, Rella Chambers, Maggie Cham- bers, Sr. class, Jennie McKee, Phile- mon Marion, Maud Sides. Jr. 4th, George Marion, Mand McKee, Edna Morley, Scott Nelson. Sr, 3rd. John Andrew, Grace Ruller, Victoria Cham- bers. May E. Gallagher, teacher. An agitation is being started at Brockville among dairy men that i carried ont will considerably affect that industry. Some of the factorymen think ing that the middle men have made too much money out of this season's cheese, are agitating for the shipment direct to Europe by the factories, and the combination of the producers to keep @ man on the European markcts to dis- pose of their goods. Already one or two meetings have been heldand efforts will be made to interest all the patrons in thescheme. The dealers do not ap- pear to be much alarmed over the movement. * Ayer's Pills, being composed of the essen- tial virtues of the best vegetable aperients, without any of the wood whatever, 1s the reason why they are 50 much more effective and valuable than any other cathartics. The best family physic. or Young Mether (whose baby has been weighed by the butcher): And how much does this little eto wish, Mr Bullwinkle? wenty pounds r Young motlier : sn' t: jhe @ splendid speci- men? Butcher (dubionsly)-: From my pomt of view, mum, be runs too much to snet. 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, 'When she bécame Miss, she clung to Castoria, mating that owing to the opposition of his family he desired to break off the engagement. The letter was handed by the reeve to Rev. W. B. Booth, of Islington, who was to have performed the ceremony, but he did not state the DEATHS. WATSON.--In Listowel, on Dec. 9th, Sarah Jane Watson, aged 26 years, 1 month and 11 days: LaNaTRY' LOVER. The Preralor Earl of England Nh Dovoted Admirer. ' Bir Robert Peel's projected with Mra. which yes fiut her main object in instituting Aiveres proceedings in this country hu-hand, hag been ter feeling between had managrd to get bis Nabaeiid Ger- man brother-in-law, Baro de: Heydat, to advance $5,000 to esata him tu compound with his creditors at 50 cents on the dollar--these being the only terms on which he could obtain his discharge from bankrupiey--Mrs. wangiry a ed in with a claim of rome $25,000. his almost upset the ta Tangement, "put finally Sif Rober brother-in-law reluctantly consented 'G give another ' $15,000, enabling Mrs. ng bn 8 claim to be included amons the The Dean of kage s daughter hasa new titled swain in tow, the Premier Parl e realm Shrewsbury. He has become her racing partner, and the two are inseparable. They went to Yaris the other day by special train. after winning close upon $100,000 ut Newmarket. Mrs. Langtry has played a more im- portant part in the social histery of the latter half of the Victoria reiyn than any other footlight favorite. In- nvmerable are the matrimonial fagements she has her beauty broken off, that of young Sir Robert Peel to Miss Lane-Fox, who has since bicome the Countess of Powls, among the number. She. too, contributed more than any one else to the financial racing pertner and compelted to turn over his entire stable > her, as well as ro sell by auction a eaniher of family treasures. e young Countess of Rosslyn is perticulariy charming and' populer, ond so much sympathy was felt for ner : of the infatuation d in the mem- bers of the Enciish aristocracy did her more harm than this one. To-day Lord Reeslyn is about to go on the stage, te adopt a professional career, not so much for the love of the drama as be- cnuuse his extrovasance has made indisnensable thet he should work for a living. and he }elieves the the sstrical profession a -- one In whte can earn mon y Yo rk World, On 2 nbout the stars on tance at which they He from one &n- other and from us. To demonvtrate the vast distance of Cenauri frem this planet a popular scientist gives the following illustration: "We shall suppore that some wealthy directors, for want of outlet for their for the -- the Meateand and the railway ' fe shall go further, and suppose that the directors have found the eoperunties of such se rall- way to have bee and that the ae ae of the teritet lar space had not been -- in thetr terms for)right of w "Therefore, with . ier to. encofir- age traffié, the directors had made the fare exceedingly moderate, viz... first- class at 1 penny 10 miles. Destring to take advantase of these facillttes, a centloman, hy way of providing him- self with small change for the journey, buys up the national dept of Fritain and a few other countries, and, pre- senting himeelf rt the offfte, demands first-class sinrle to Centaurl "For this he tenders In payment the script of the Mrittsh national debt, which just covers the cost of his ticket, but at thls time the national debt from poe wars has becn run up to £1,100,N06 "Having mate his seat, it occurs to him to as': : " "At who t rate "o vou trave "'Sixty miles on hour, sir, oe stopyares,' Is the onswer ""'Then, when shall we suppose open reach Cen- url?* "In 48,663,000 years, sir!' "--Answer. BCRDOCK PILLS do not gripe or sicken They cure Consumption and Sick Headache. MARKETS. Dec. a 1895 LISTOWEL Ww a per Meuiehel Dar ae 4 Pena do Hay per ton iS ran, do sesa: SEanad 3, do yhec, per 100 Ibs. Jatneal, do Wheat, per bushel Harley, de soni Pens, es STRATFORD. bn poate per peealied Seaeee Oats do Pew to Potatoes nee bag Beef, per cwt Batter Eggs per doz Z odes "4, - Ho setBessenuty S okERSERE WEES ton Wood pe per cord, long, soft pr onl pet jer cord, long, hand Hides & TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. ilchera and Springe utchers' choice ae a eneh.. OHO ta 98 te up a owteve, [es eee Ssssssssssssss Wg 2 OF Hortons caters BREASSKSSSSRaARs BES TE Eee " SRRSSSSansnese The desth is announced at Wingham of John Cargill, one of the earliest set- tlers of that town, aged 61 years, He had been ill for upwards of ayear, suf- 6 dering from some kidney disorder. Hi leaves a widow and a family of nine children to mourn his loss--four sons and five daughtere--most of whom are grown up and .away from home. Among those present at the funeral from » distance were Henry Cargill, M. P., of Cargill, a brother of deceas- ed; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavan, o f Clinton ; Arch. Gillies, of Teeswater, and a couple of nephews from Cargill. Is there _ anything re TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, tor School Section No,3, Elna, a ener male teacher, sce hatel eee at least a cit Palle ite Dee, 14th. anh. Avpieasis ¢ to and furnish text & & ROTHWELL. 4b. - Sec. P. 8. Board, Britton P. 0 G. T. R. TIME CARD. Trains leave Listowel station dail y as under SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. RY. For Kincardine and intermediate points" Mised ' ress 9,02-p. m, DIVISION. SOUTH. exyatee 8.35 a.m, ; Eeeens? 22 p.m.; Mixed 4.45 p. GOING NORTH, Mixed.12.90 p. m, ; Express, 1.21 p. m.; Expreas, 8.18 pp, mm. Wallace Cedar Grove Cheese and Butter. Co. mo more beautiful, more ceaapletaty pleasing than a womanly woman uch a woman is even tempered, intelli sets strong and veri Health really a ells the oe le pie bona ng good Token and cia to expected to find zest in any' duty or ayiusement, Life is all one dead _ monotonous er. On Her face "is written the story of oe ones in. The w: ee of hi the eyes 1 tak The cheeks lac' ce te sparkle, the ie lacks lus Doctors have learned - "ocate nine- tenths of womanly poole in the organs that health above all others to be strong and h th oy en shudder the ehowght "of pyri cx a physician on such m natural ape of mod- est makin them examination, ani subsequent st stereotyped gel by 'local applications" on whic insist, at Sock more often than not, this is un- necessary. It should not be submitted te except as a last resort. Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription has cured thousands of severe cases of " fe- It --_-- in a natural, by subduing the intiemammetion that a always present. Then the whole y, particularly the organs dis- tinctly foatniee It promotes regularity. cures inflammation and ulceration, ond stops the debilitatiffg drain caused b erm. dealers, By-Law No. 268 A By Law to empower the Council to fixthe amount of the fee for Liquor Licence or taverns within i tc of the town of istowel, Whereas it has to increase 'ew for avern me liguet 1 con: Bo "sn the of th Listow ¥ fo next canulas after thy panel passing of ths by- 'law, the provisions the "ew after due ou vote of the tabepsyers of w he said mup- palit y _ vrior ing trereof, macordiog to the provisiGun of tho Consolidated Municipal Ac: is02 and umending Ac x of the town of Li tA. Therefore the Municipal Council uf the Cor- stowel cuacts as fol- v hat alter beg th firet At aay. of February, A, wate ne aun a ration to ne annwed "too payable ra taver within rae a municipality a Any gun not exvecding handr ed do! 2 hie i law ill ta take effect on the Ist day u ,A.D T <0 $A of oe ratepay yers of the said munich ality be ou this by-law at the following times and plncss, thatis to say: the ith day o Ng ort ~~ at © foreu under th woturning poe that is to say: stone W it seni Fows n Hall by ht, ast cturn n er, ert ard 'at__Later's carriage ebup | by on Bcncse, as Deputy- *Roturning In "Bismark Ward, at Goddard's shop by W. H. Ballard, as Deputy "Heuneaing Oliicer, In hee pe WwW ard, at Morrow's er Morrow as Deputy Returning OMe , bY Ww iiiiain In Victoria Ward, at Squire' '6 wagon sho Andrew Hay. as Deputy- Returning VU) of Perth ha 2nd day of Docember in the y ae one hore rd one thowenpd eight hundred an ninet Take Notice, that the foregoing iss a trne ry bee en the Dated at the Town of Listowel in the County id days ¢ 1.1898, reapectivuly, and that t the elevtors,of the said miunisipally Ls en n thereun altbe seapentive polling places bya on Monday the 6th ay of January A. comucacing at Niho oan in 6 forenoon and continuing Bethe how fo 20. ™.,0F BO sonnak aie can be on "pated ott ot the Town of Listowel in pe Seger of Perth this 2nd day of December, A, D. WILLIAM BRIGHT Clerk. ae Meetin, 20 '& Buti a in sohent Totes: No, 46 ae December 2ist, at 2. P, M., for the pu: of receiving tho a ual report, "Hleetioa' of Dt Driree tors, and considering the building of a new fac "GRO. V. POOLE, Wallace, Dec. 2nd, 1895, Socy Look Out What Syerzane sey must o6 true, that Wm. Welsh is Pepe ae best and cheapest Boots and Shoes in tow For The Next 30 Days Will give Pramendons bareains in solid leather goods. Lam bound tosellif price and quality will do it, Ladies' Dongola Button Boots ....$1.15 Ladies Di gola Oxfords See nates' and Children's Skating Boots, best | in the market. -- 6 TTT Heaty Sole, oln $2.00 "worth $2.75. peck and Boys' Kip Boots and rise you. a full range of Rubbers and Over- it Woods of allkinds. We will sell Wallace Cedar the So. (Ltd) will be ce Waterproof Custom Werk and Repairing Promptly Attendod to, Stand Bppoeite R, Moore's Hardware store Main Street. WM. WELSH, The Cheap Cash Boot and Shoe ;Store. Listowel. The British Mortgage Loan Co, OF ONTARIO. Diyipenp No. 35° NODS IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Divticnd at the rate of Seven PER CENT. fee t eclared, and that the same is payable a the voftice ee we Company, in the City of Stratford, on snd amit THE 2ND DAY OF JA RY NEXT. tanafer books will be closed from the 16th to 3lst instant, inclusive. By order of the Board, WM. BUC RINGHSM, Stratford, Dec. 2, 1895 Lanager. Municipal Elections, 1896. NOTICE The electors cf the To" Town of Listowel ars persas ae notified that a public meeting will 'be TOWN EALE:: --ON-- Monday, Dec. 30, 1898, At he howe of 10 o'clock in the foro noon, for the pb of Bominading acca ras snr the offices 0 ayo Reeve and Depu Nomination for ¢ fies Monday, Je 6, 1896, To"commence at the hour of nine o'clock, a m., and continue open until five o'clock p,m, and no lo! A For GLADSTONE WARD, at the Town Hall, Wm. Bright, Returning Officer. For BISMARK WARD, at Goddard's w wagon shop, W. H. Ballard, Deputy- -Returning' Offi- rq For YISrORL A WARD, at Squi: shop, Andrew , Deputy- 'Returning ¢ Ottis. ee DUF PERI "WARD, at Mo' tore, A. Morrow For LANSDOWN aneD John Torrance, Deputy-Returning WM, BRIGHT, Town Clerk, Listowel, Dec. 4th, 1895. To SMOKERS TT aa ea TEI EE i meet the wishes oftheir customers The Geo. E, Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd. Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of | T&B SMOKING TOBACCO. T™! vi, 1 felt Mand a the oon- sumer one "20 cent plug or it piece 0 five cent piece of the het oT & & B" baat a pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every pi [TAMBLYN & CLIMIE, --WALLACE STREET-- Are now fully prepared wi full lines of CHOICE NEW FRUITS CHRISTMAS. also a large and first-class, assortment of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSW ARE, TEA SETS. All kinds of canned Meats,. peeaiies, Choice Teas, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Flour and Feed, 50 lb. Sacks Dairy Salt at closest prices for Cash or Trade. TAMBLYN & CLIMIE. BURTONS CHEAP, FRESH, RELIABLE ? GROCERIES. ee Every article in our store is: new no old or second hand stock' We buy for CASH and' as we sell strictly fur CASH can give you the benefit of perfits which necessarily those doing a credit business must have, --Such Bargains as- 5 lbs, Raisins for 25c. 5 Ibs Currants for 25c. 6 Iba, Rice for 25c. 3 lbs. Evaporated Apples 25c. All kinds of new fruit now on hand. it | CE LEPHONE NO. 12. HO! FOR CHRISTMAS CANDIES NUTS AND FRUIT. Tl. Aitchison a big stock of Christmas goods in the Con- Pherae line, which she intends selling AT LOWEST PRICES. If you want to fill stockings or supply a Christ- mas ent, you cansot tb better than I Fresh Fruits of all Kinds. APPLES by the Barrel or FRESH CLOT ERS by Bi garke' Gallon, aa Pint A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! MARY AITCHISON. THE STRATFORD WEEKLY HERALD. The Most. Widely Circulated Paper in Perth County. ONLY $1 FROM- NOW UNTIL 18ST JANUARY, 1897, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Always Brimful of Cris Reliable and Up- "to-Date News from all parts of the Conastiuency. As a News Gatherer It's Unique Having few equals and no Superior in West- ern Ontario. Three Great Cardinal Features characteristic" id are Enterprise, Honesty, and Ser ey pect ot Gen eee his name. er th 1 per the lon; yea ply interestin, ng pages, The Herald DINNER AND-. a. Hutchison's Old sina PD enn den lke raat