¢ < wy e: "a SEPALS Te 8 ET: saget Fe a a oe \ Listowel VOL _XIX.--NO. 14. . LISTOWEL, ONTAB Extra Special__ Impo Clot stant sale of Men's Felt Hats and Ready-made g, stock never finer, prices never lower, just think of buying a yood Felt Hat for 25c., ora man's suit of clothes at $3.00, but go a little higher in price and see the quality you can get here. Our $6.00 suits are a marvel and they discount many dealers goods'at eight and nine dollars per suit. 1500 Men Now Wanted to buy this great stock of Ready-Made Clothing and we guar- antee to you exceptional good values. outh who needs a new suit, ION which is now If you have a boy or bring him to the GOLDEN THE CENTRE OF INTERESI. The people are looking this way and are so well satisfied that they bring their friends along. NEW WASH We are now showing the 'nest FABRICS - that is to Le found in Listowel, ranging in prices from 5 cents per yard ; see the goods we will sell you at six cents per yard, just the same as others are now asking eight aud nine cents for. See the Ladies Kid Gloveson SALE HERE at6§0 cents, both black and colored, VERY SPECIAL. PRETTIEST MILLINERY. All the time new goods are arriving in this department, the MILLINERS are very busy. orders early in the week. The store will be kept ope.. Kindly leave your in the evenings until further notice to accommodate trading 'public. Carson. *.. . McKee. |= es a CASH SYSTEM. i, - an THE RIGKER HARDWARE CO. have decided after the System, CASH BAS 1st January, to adopt the Cash when our business will be run on a IS EXCLUSIVELY and everything in our establishment will be marked down CASH PRICHS BRICKER HARDWARE CO, J-§, GEES --- BARGAIN STORE Always well filled with latest arrivals. ch Set Onions 10c. a Ib. or 3 Ibs era en ee ee for Potato Onion§... .....5ee-- 4c, 1 . Garden Seeds........-:-seeeeeee ee ab cen ck anne Sena Re ews 20c. per doz. Oran a 18 and 20c. per doz. esh May le 8 ieee w wane ws Freeh of Corn, Scruton or Peas for 2c. 3lbs. of Dried Peaches.......... for 5c. 3 lbs. Evaporated Apples........ for 5c. - lbs. Uncolored Japan tea...... for 25c. Ben Hur Black Blend........... for 50c. Pure Ceylon No. 1, 5Ibs..... for $2.00 4 Ibs. Currants .....-.--eseeeee- for 25c. 5 Ibs. isins 25c, 4 lbs. Blue Raisins 25e. 5 Ibs. 25c. 3 Ibs. Da' for 5c. Canned Mesis, Codfish, and Herrings 10c. Goods Delivered Promptly. J. S. GEE. DRY GOODS. Fine Biack Lustre wide width. 25c. per yd Black Cashmere wide width.. 25c. per yd- Surges all shades........... . per yd- Salisbury costumes fine range 10c. per an Summer Suitings, fine line... 10c. per y Flannelettes from 5c. per yd. 'to 124 per yd x. Prints, Muslins, ~~ ams, Shirts, Ladies Vests nd ~~ "15, 25 se gg Hos: t 25. "35, 40, 50 and 75c. per yd. Blue vhs from 25 cts. per yard and up. If aaa want Tweeds, our goods and prices will su sats ma Shoes, full lines, Ladies Ox- fords from 75c., per pair and up. Call and see our Straw Hats and Caps fcr children. J. S. GEE. 25 and 40 cts., each. TOWN TOPICS. ford. some. Miss Ipa Hupson, Drayton, is the street. Tue ladies of Knox Presbyterian church intend having an entertainment on Friday May 29th. Hgogramme will be printed later on. Mxs and Miss Sallows, mother and sister of Mr. Frank Ssllows, of Sal- lows & Alexander, furniture dealers, have removed to town from near Goderich. have arrived in town from New York, and will spend the summer with Mrs. Henderson, mother of Mrs. Forbes, Main street. Listowex Bicycle Club will take its | § first spin this Friday evening. The route will be up the boundary towards Molesworth. All the members are in- vited to participate. Sate.--Mr. Richard Long announ- ces an auction sale of farm stock, buggies ond furniture on Saturday May 16th, atl o'clock p. m., at Wal- lace street bridge. Mr. Tapscott, of McMaster Univer- sity, Toronto, will preach next Sunday morning and evening in the Baptist ehurch. And on the following Sunday Mr. W. T. Bunt the pastor is expected to take charge. All sre welcome. . Rev. Mr. Horxrs and family left "yesterday for Mr. Hopkin's new field of labor in Montreal. Rev. Mr. Kelly, who succeeds Rev. Hopkin as pastor of the Congregational church here, has arrivedin town. Szepine is almost finished in this neighborhood, weather of the past ten days being shite : 2 through, and the end a the week: will |. likely see the rest finished. , Tuesday evening, arrangements. were' completed for taking partin the cele: bration of Her Majesty's birthday on the 25th inst. The proposition of the Driving Park Association to keep the track in good shape for wheeling dur- ing the season, also to erect a club house on the grounds and make a lawn tennis court, was approved of, and the club will likely aid the scheme. Town AssessMENT.--Mr. Tilt, as- sessor, has returned his roll, which shows a total assessmentthis year of $812,815, which is upwards of $50,000 higher than last year. The population 2,615, which is about 70 less than the figures given lastyear. There is considerable complaint over the raise in the assessment, and the court of Revision is likely to have quite e number of appeals to deal with. is given at Mr. Rows is now in possession of tha Grand Central hotel block and is mak- ing considerable changes in the inter- ior in the way of fitting it up as one ho- tel, instead of twoasformerly. Acom- modions diving room will be on the ground floor, and a large bar is being fitted up. When the improvements are completed the Grand Central-will have accommodation second to few hotels in the province. Tue pupils of Miss Climie, assisted by Miss Olive Carson and a chorus of about thirty children from the Pnblic chool, gave a piano recital and con- cert in McDonald's Music hall on Mon- day evening, the hall being crowded with relatives and friends of the parti- cipants. The programme was exoeed- ingly well rendered and the audience was more than pleased with the thor- oughness evinced by Miss Climie's pupils. the ques tated orgy obtained teal phic ys as to the legality of the Clerk's election W he held the office of auditor, rere . Campbell raised aatey of Bay | fact that he was auditor of last eeaes account did not {make hts appoint / read and The Mayor read a, number of Mrs. Dr, Parke of Woodstock is the ; guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ruther- "y Fresh pork Sausage Saturday even-'| | ing at Porter's butcher shop. Py guest of Miss Mary Hamilton, Elma | Mrs. G. Forpes and Miss Forbes. the exceedingly fine | ¢ Ar a meeting of the Bicycle Club. on |! RIDAY, MAY 8, 1896. A. ST. GEO. ordain Epirok xp Puornier e from Robt. McLean, band specially required * Past and asked for $100, L motion was As Tre- y J. hand A. Foerch that a yrant.of S be made to. tihe band.--Curried., wurer report oe April reveived 1 Perea sb t $5,888.92, balance be Mayor state he had made arg ' ents to deposit the debenture ne 'to the credit, of general account i allow the the town 8 1-2 per cent A pe was read from : ayers for a gravel walk m McDowell to Elma streets on Bis- #t., referred to B. of W. Petitions 'also read for silica-barytic wait & Wallace street eo Main to Inker~ nh treet, the to pay two- sand 'comnell to do the filling in | vay. the balance, and for a walk Porter's butcher shop to Yule's C her on south side of Main street, roperty owners to pay one half SL Walk. 'The Mayor thought a general by- ought to be submitted for oe m- pments by frontage tax system Bio foliowing accounts ---- read: M. Smith, collector of taxes, 360; i Conant, @ of shop a "election. a Tabberner, auditor, ee and Te "aualt of tax roll, #5; J. W. Scott, e s to Berlin, roll of debentures, to Fimance Committee. f Tabberner read hts report re. au- of tax roll, showing total amount «roll, $15.8 858. 85; total amount paid, . leaving balance on rol} paid, 'meluding exemptions, amount; t properties aud notes , $1122.15. The re- Was referred to Finance Commity Tihe_chairmam of Finance read m report, recommending payment of epoun Bell Telephone Company ny, 20c. Committee also ee oe refund Chas Lee ta onlpersonal perty, and that arsine in post build e referred back to The Chairman of Board of Presented the following re- OE our Committee beg to report that hey EA -- ly considerable por- lon and recommended ' the Slowing work be proceeded te 'done as as early ¢ b nks could be utilized ia nein Heng se p airs and serve tle purpose of new™ miber. 'age conside: ation of sewer [pe to be bought, it is t sol gs iavisabte to defer purchasing t 80D On. Account of t the demands for other 'purposes. ould recom- mend getting the use of the road ma- chine up 2veral streets which require it. With reference to the petition for a bridge across the tland at the brewery, your com- mInittee eonia recommend that the brkige ructed as early as pos- sibie, ag! be built om wees of from Rpans 15 feet each,' 14; feet; wide, with hand rail, and covere ni 3 ch cedar, 2 rock elm ; Ps-: timated cost without filling $295. All of which is respectfully submitted. sign . A .Hacking, Jacob Heppler, dl ¥., Hay, R Woods, Jas. Ag Tred Os: Was moved by J. A. Hacking, sec- onded by J. A. Tremain, that the re- port of Board of Works be adopted. The "yeadd gi nays being taken, the moe 8 adopted on the ae Yeas--Hay T. E., Feerch, Tremek, Fons Heppler, fant Robs fi a oods, Gunther, Pel- ton, Hay 4 G ke On motion the Clerk w ucted to upply to the Secretar tary he Underwaters As- pao omgge informing him that the water yeen fully repaired, and that the intake pipe 1s also res po) Moved by pedient to passa by-law to be submitted to the ratepayers to provide that in' future all improve- age on sidewalks ta the town shall e by 'frontage see etree onesciine. Woods voting zane by J. A. Hacking, eed by C. Hay, that the petitiany aft struction of the same, for -- side walk.--Carried. Moved b by J. A. Hack; , Beconded by J. C. Hay, 'thas the matter of taxes In post office be: re- ferred to asolicttor. Moved by J. H. Gunther, seconded by W. Pelton, that th Council adicars for two weeks for the purpose of receiving re- porte and other general business.-- Carried. Council adjourned. Local Notices. Dress cutting school now open at 102 Bay St. : BEAVER Plug is the highest grade and richest flavored Chewing Tobacco made. Try it. Mrs, Litre begs to announce to th ladies of Listowel and surrounding counties that she has on handa full stock of rad and Children's Underwear, also a few ready- made res, Blouses, Children's Dresses and » Embroideries, Hosiery, Corsets some ne of the latest novelties in Veilings, eto. . Don't be deceived. Insist on getting the Genuine TONKA Smoking Mixture ; 10 cents a package. . For Sarz Crap, one weavin loom, nearly new, with nae winder, and about eight nice r carpet. Apply to | R. T. Kemp, Maite Works. _ Car Ensilage Corn. Bricker Hanp- "ARE Co, r of the Fire Underwatera As- | : Ninelianry have ever found 'me any good. Price 25 cents. ere world his great Corn Extractor. If Oat Dust $6 per ton, at Palmerston Oat- meal mill. Moyer Co. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has madé me well and happy. Me. E. B. Worprn. We have just received two cars Timothy. Bottom prices. Try us, Bricker Hanp- WARE Co STRLS" Wastep --Two Servant wa1.t:d to go to Fort William, Ont ten dolla:s per menh, ly competent and apply. Mus. | girls Wages None but thoroughe respectable virls need Eor further purticulars apply to Javip Roy, Inkerman street. 153 Mill St- Hl Paper--An immense stock--latest patterned selling almost at cost, at J. burger's, twa doors west of old Bank or Hamilton building, south side Main street. if you wanta bargain in wall paper now is your chance,-- It may he of interest to you who have not been getting good meat to know that you can get first-class meat at McKeever's. He keeps nothing but the finest of mice short, thick, roasts, juicy steaks, and solid fat veal, and sell sat as low prices as you pay for inferior quatity. Jiiscased blood, constipation, and kidney, hver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. Are you made miserable by Indigestion: Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appeite, y ellow skin? $1 ilob'e Vitalizer isa positiv ure. Parties desiring LAG ALDER BITTERS the positive cure fo Dyspepsia, ea Bloovd antl Biliousness, a ply Clements, Inkerman St. E., or fi nie fill, icker Hardware Co have two cars of Timothy seel just to hand, Will make special prices to large buyers. List of seed corn to be had at J. H. Me Tionald's new store. White, Flint, Compton's Early, Yellow Flint, W hite Dent, Tmut Nose, White Ca _ 3 Dent, Grant Prolific Sweet Ensilage. Taree doors west of Post Mice. Consumption can be cured by the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. The place to buy your Boots and Shes cheap for pong is at A. Greve' 3, successor to Wm. Welch. Ordered work and Repair- ing of all nad promptly attended to, lease call and s Pills do not cure oaalgadion: They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. My baby had croup and was saved by Shiloh's cure, writes Mr. J. B Pesta of Hunt sill, A24, that wo NG Have You Tuovent or rr.--For thous- and years or more the world ned, suf- load and fumed about its corns, for there was no positive relief--no certain and pain- less cure until Dr. Scott Putnam gave to there is suffering now it is a result of care- vssness, for the remedy isat hand. Try Putnam's Corn Extractor. It is sure, pain- less, and prompt. Beware of substitues N. C. Polson & Co., proprietors, Kingston. The best cough cure is iloh's cure, A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's cure. Bap Bioop Between Tuem.--The ever slaving farmer's wife, her delicate sister in the city, suffer more than they care to tell. The dark rings around the eyes, headache, dizziness, palpitation or rheumatic twinges, betoken a run-down system. The blood is poor, and is a bar to enjoyment of life. Scott's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, strengthens and vitalizes the system, and speedily restores the bloom of health to the cheeks. It cures when all others fail. CARTHAGE. The glorious weather of the past week enabled most of our smart farm- ers to get through seeding. Dave Kerr lost a very valuable horse last week. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn, of Listowel, were visiting at A. Glenn's on Sunday. Mrs. H. Riddell was visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Watson, last week. A. Campbell has purchased a new hundred dollar bicycle. LEBANON. The Conservative Association met at Lebanon and appointed Aylesworth Long, John Love and William Long delegates to Fergus convention to select s candidate for Centre Wellington. Thefe is a feeling in subdvision No. 1 against bringing out a straight Conser- yative. Dr. Grovesof Fergus. in the event that a straight Conservative is not nominated, is the favorite ; in all probability the delegates from Lebanon will acquiesce in the decision of the convention. The young men advertised as lost were parlored ina respectable domicile under the influence of Hymen The attention of the Pathmaster is directed to the road on the 3rd conces- sion, which is almost impassable with stones. The Councillor representing the south of the township seemingly ignores the remonstrances of the elect- and has re-appointed the same official. The Advocate correspondent | ™ has asserted that the road is as bad as the rocky roads in Muskoka. There is no fault with the overseer 1 ike road, C) ORGANIZING MEETINGS. The political campaign was practi- cally opened in the north part of' this ° riding on Thursday evening of last week, when Mr. A. F. MacLaren, the Conservative candidate, accompanied by Messrs. Weismiller of West Huron, and Mr. Gearing of Stratford, beld an organization meeting in the club room over McKeever's store. Stirring ad- dresses were made at this meeting by the three gentlemen named, also D. D. Campbell, and other local speakers. Mr. Weismiller's address was a master- ly pres&ntation of the Governments' policy in respect to the leading ques- tions of the present campaign. At the adjourned meeting held in the club room on Tuesday evening the work of organizing was taken up in earnest, and Ward Committees were appointed for the town. This work will be continued this Friday evening when all Conservatives in town are re- quested to be present Mr. MacLaren has been spe ading the past few daysin this part of the riding, and is greatly excouraged by the success he is meeting with. To- day he goes to Ellice, having arranged fora meeting at Kuryville, this even- ing at 8 o'clock. Next week he will hold meetings at Rostock on Monday evening, and at Newton Tuesday even- ing. Further meetings will be an- nounced in due course. The Conser- vatives of North Perth have reason to be proud of their energetic and popu- lar candidate, and it behoves them one and all to 'rally to his support and make his election « certainty. WALLACE. Another old resident of the township died this week, Mrs. Jane Livingston having succumbed on Tuesday, 6th inst., after a lengthened period of suffering from chronic rheumatism. She was in her 77th year. eceased was born in Scotland, and first settled inT afterwards remo to Wallace, her husband taking up Crooks. of Gowanstown. The foneral took place Thursday afternoon to Fairview cemetery. MILLBANE. Our embryo city assumes a quiet ap- pearance, the farming community be- ing engrossed with their spring seed- ing. The hardness of the soilis a general complaint. Rev. Mr. Wright lost his favorite dapple grey horse throuh acute menstr- itis. Who of the energetic young men of this congregation will ke the first to make a start and show their esteem, not in words but deed. Equally is the loss to Wm. Cromie of an excessive fat cow through par- trunent menstritis and apoplexy. Hugh Ross is seriously ill Mrs. Alex. McFadden has recently added a young daughter to the family. W. D2. Reid has received a son and heir. Peter Helm has beautified his zesi- dence by a fence. Stratford receives a good Tory vote in James McKee, recently removed thereto. MONETON. Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun, of the Royal, Mitchell, spent Sunday with A. Huggins. Johnston's brick and tile " gerd has resumed operations for this season. Alf. Hord, of Mitchell, paid our vil- lage a flying visit on Thursday last. Miss Jessie Huggins has returned after a two weeks visit in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Will Erskine, of At- wood, spent Sunday in the village. Alex. MacLaren, the Conservative candidate, was in the village Friday. A. Chalmers intends starting work in the cheese factory on Monday, May llth. We wish him success. Allthe pupils of eur school were successful at the recent promotion ex- amination, which is very encouraging to our teacher Mr. Fullarton. Miss Sara Kelly passed through here on Sunday on her way to Sebringville. fe wait on her sister Mary, who is ill. Noah Partridge, who has been ill for ne past fow weeks, is slowly recover= 3 Foss Lambert, of Baechlerville, was married to Miss Minnie : Broughton on Wednesday last. Congratulations, Joe! br the ratepayers in lihood l have his services with when he appeals to the] electorate, Another wedding ison the tapis.