Listowel Standard, 8 May 1896, p. 8

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NEW. WALL PAPER Livingstone's We have the NICEST and CHEAPEST stock of PLAIN, GILT and INGRAIN WALLPAPER IN TOWN We will have your paper hung by a first-class paper hanger, any quality, for 8 CENTS PER ROLL, walls or ceilings, and borders free. All you have to do is to select the pattern and give us the size of the room--and we do the rest. J, LIVINGSTONE, Jr BANK OF HAMILTON. CAPITAL - a $1,250,000 RESERVE FUND - $675,000 DIRECTORS: JOHN STUART, PRESIDENT: A. G. RAMSAY, Vick PRESIDENT. Vi JOHN PROCTOR. GEORGE ROACH. A. T. WOOD, WM. GIBSON, M. P. JA. B. LEE (Toronto.) '-O-- AvINGS BANK.--#81] and upwards recei Pe on depos' SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at current of interest. 8 Great Britain and the United ten Dotight and sold. Collections made torable term RT, *s. H.STUA! Agent, Listowel. J, W. SCOTT, BANKER, Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. the Do- t Britain mat 8 in all parts of mini, meet, 8 tates and Great Notes Discounted. Recelved and CURRENT Rare Or INTEREST ALLOWED. ALSO Issuer of Marriage Licenses A large amount of private funds to ao ood farm security at FIVE PER CENT with p -_ of repaying annually. J. W. SCOTT. With little Oliver "Heads I win, tails you lose." Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson, who is in New York, speaks in a hopeful tone of he business of the Grand Trunk Rail- way of which he is President. Dr. Vrooman, of Little Britain, Ont., was the unanimous choice of the Liber- al-Conseryatives of South Victoria to represent them in the coming elections for the House of Commons. The selection was made at a convention held at Lindsay on Saturday. A most enthusiastic meeting of Con- servatives was hald at Bornholm, in Logan, on Tuesday evening, April 28, and the attendance was large. Cheer- ing accounts were received from all parts of the township, and Logan will be sure to give a good account of her- it's a case of self at the approaching elections. The election of officers resulted as follows: Robert Keyes, honorary president ; Jno. Leonhardt, president ; W. Thompson, vice-president ; C. C. Rock, secretary. ' An executive com- -mittee, with committees for the differ- ent sub-divisions, were also appointed, aud the greatest unanimity prevailed. Spirited addresses were delivered by Reeve Benneweis, R. Keyes, James Dougherty, and the Conservative can- didate, A. F. MacLaren. The town- ship will be thoroughly canvassed and nothing fair left undone to roll up one of.the biggest majorities ever cast in the. municipality. Judge Gregorowski, who presided at the trial of the Reformers at Pretoria, was hooted and groaned at on his re- turn to Bloemfontein, in the Orange Free State. At the Criminal 'Assizes, Toronto, on Saturday last, James Healey, charged with the murder of one Corrigan, was acquitted. The judge's charge was in the. prisoner's favour, the evidence showing that Healey struck Corrigan |, : qn self-defence. -here by Robt. orty yea «| with indigestion ont constipation." MOLESWORTH. _ Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian church both morning and evening, services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Listowel. The regularly quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Coburn, the blind orator, took charge of the meeting, delivering a very able sermon on the subject ' 'Christ, | Our Life." Mr. Coburn also lec- tured here on Tuesday evening. W. Wood made a bitsiness trip to London last week. Mrs. Wood is visiting relatives who are seriously ill at Kincardine. B. Bailey has arrived, to commence his season's work in the cheese factory. George Menzies left last week to take charge of a cheese factory at Sheffield. Mr. Wray, who was clerk for A. M. Patterson for the past month, has left for his home in Wroxeter, and his place is taken by Mr. Callans, of Inner- kip. , A. Little, of Listowel High school, spent Saturday and Sunday with J. Sangster, who is also a student at the same. Our school recognized Arbor day by planting out a few handsome maple trees and cleaning up the yard, which greatly improves the appearance of the premises. GORRIE. A good program was given by the Literary Committee in the Methodist church basement on Tuesday evening of last week. It included a song by Miss Annie and Mary James, duet by Jessie and Mary Horton, reading by Miss Emily Turner, solo by Rev. Mr. Mason, a recitation by Miss Edith Evans, duet by Misses Lizzie Wiggins and Grace Andison, reading by Rev, J. L. Fisher, duet by Winnie Allison and Mary Roe, instrumental by Miss Alma Eyans, recitation by Miss Nettie Mutch, duet by Miss Jennie and Lizzie Greer, a kindergarten by Jessie and Mary Horton, reading by Miss Frances Evans, duet by Mr. Ed. and Miss Susan Clegg, ending with a solo by Mr. William Greer. Charlie Williams, who is working in Listowel, spent Sunday visiting friends in town. Charlie says Listowel agrees with him. Will. Mose was visiting friends in Brussels last week. B. Hazelwood, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday in town. Chas. Yoe was visiting friends in "| Teeswater last week. Rev. Mr. Kerr and Rev. J. 8. Fisher exchanged pulpits on Sabbath evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Green, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Arthur, were visiting in town Jnast eek, Mr. Robt. Copeland has moved into the house formerly occupied by Jos. H. Taman. He intends to use the back of his shop as an icecream parlor. Miss Wilson, milliner and dress- maker, has moved into the McLauglin block, south of the post office. Rey. J. 8.. Fisher will occupy the pulpit in the Teeswater Methodist church next Sunday. It will be filled Deachman and Peter Hepinstall, and at Orange Hill by Mr. Daniel Harris. . George Walker, of Ingersoll, form- erly of Gorrie, was visiting his numer- ous friends in town last week. Miss Gregory, of Harriston, form- erly of Gorrie, was visiting in town last week. Mr. Elder, who has been very ill, is able to be around again. W. H. Clegg will sell his household effects by auction on Saturday May 9th. A load of people from Wroxeter came over to Gorrie and attended the Christian Endeavor meeting in St. Stephens eburch on Tuesday of last week. . 4 HAD INDIGESTION ! For a Matter = Forty Years or Joseph a -- dealer, of --_ eliever in tr "1 was writes. "At int severe headac --. y spent dollere and dollars without result until =, nual installm ent on the p the loan. A bill is now before parlis- ment providing that, only one-seyenth of the loan shail be paid annually. Farmers in England are: algo ~pughing their demand for government to re- fund their mortgages at 3 per cent. Russia adopted this principle some years ago and by means of this state aid is peopling the immense tract of virgin land that is being opened up by the trans-Siberia railroad, American farmers don't ask for such paternalism, but they would like the aid of state officials in refunding their present mortgages. Farmers who have been paying from 7 to 12 per cent interest or even more, cannot possibly afford to pay such rates to-day. The mortgage loan companies do not dare to reduce the rate for fear of injuring their securities, although several of them have gone into reccivers' hands be- cause they tried to get more out of the farmers than the business would pay. Some comprehensive refunding scheme wheréby the security of all 'mortgages could be pooled as further security for a lower rate of interest, would bring abont a state of affairs greatly to the advantage of both borrower and lender. We are also greatly impressed with the idea that annual payments on the prin- cipal should be a part of sucha scheme. One great difficulty in the way of carrying it out is the unsavory reputa- tion that has followed in the trail of speculative and watered _ investment companies. --American Agriculturist. t DentalInspectors for Schools. AN IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION BY THE PROVINCIAL HEALTH BOARD. Toronto, April 30.--The provincial board of health spent most of -yester- day morning discussing the report pre- sented on Tuesday concerning the late typhoid fever outbreak at Windser,and which was attributed to the pollution of the drinking water: It was finally. decided to recommend -- that: Windsor and Walkerville obtain: their f Wa- ter from Lake Erie, by méanit take pipe, which will eee | pre- vent the old trouble. An outbreak of diphtheria in Pairs Sound during the early months ef this year was the 'cause of considerable conflict of opinion between them dielac health, and created much prejudice in the community. In the opinion of the provincial board, the medicial health officer, Dr. J. R. Stone, was correct in his course of treatment, taking the ut- most care to guard against an epi- demic. The committee on school hygiene presented a report onthe project of Dr. J. G. Adams to inspect school chil- dren's teeth. The following recom- mendations were adopted: 'That dental inspectors be appointed by local boards of school trustees-to pe- riodically visit schools and examine children's teeth, two of whom, it was thought, could perform the work in this city ; that a dental hospital be started in Toronto for the benefit of poor children, who would not be able to pay dentists for necessary services, which work it was considered, would be as useful and necessary ag that performed by other public hospitals." The attention of the mister of edu- cation will be drawn to the matter. , Michael Nesbitt, sanitary inspector of the township of Brant, Bruce county, appeared before the board respecting the pollution of the River Saugeen, be- low Walkerton, by the town. 'The board Alecided to obtain samples of the water and submit them to bacteriological an- alysis to ascertain to what extent the river is polluted. The committee on. abattoirs was in- structed to continue its work and pre- pare a model by-law to aid municipali- ties in putting into force , the act passed last session for the inspection of meat and milk supplies of cities and towns. The board shen adjourn out them for anything . -- Many people saffer ino "Yr - a Bad blood and distr? eidwaye aL BIRTHS. ' 'se Kidne ver will remedy all this and ew ture rheuma- Bg rng Long a tie in Hotel on tism, sciatica and all k indred | complaints. Wilson of a daughter, at : if Here is a sample case : ; "My bo 'as all crippled BP ang ie MARRIAGES. | dhe Sn matism, LiLs--CreiontoN--On ' sullored | awfully witty Chesley, Ont! at Knox Church, a ad ee. Wm, "He also had a. tonch _of diabetes. The ; Cooper so, i Hma Creighton of he conan a doctors could do him no good, Dr. | w en -§ canes © Kidney-Liver Pills completely | \oxeni--McGors agen ured hi . 1896, at Listowel, 00) "Sold by all dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. 25¢ . eae Sit Aan Wee When ell other Rhsaaraglr ineced and will cure the woret chronic ca 25 cents. é debt » ali Dt. Chase's | UF the Revi" : B. AL, Jumes Alex. McNeill, 'of 'the | Wallace, to Addie McGorman, of the DEATHS: . Livixestox--In Wallace, Livingston aged 76 years aye health officer and the local board. of |. lead pencil. They cure con- stipation One " ' Pellet A 1 act with gentle efficiency on stom- ach, liver and bowels. They don't do the work themselves. They simply 'stimulate the natural action of the organs themselves. That is where they differ from all other That is what. makes them er than all other pills, You don't become a slave to their use as with other pills, because their help fasts. Once used, they are always in favor. UTION:--Dr. Pierce's Pleasan sell them. That's why you had better not take ee =. oem pee maniite (6 te 7 doses) a " Pleasant lets," 'or! 2 Capea Medical 'Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Know What You Chew is free from the {njurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you like it. ~ THE GEO, E. TUCKETT & SON CO., Lp HAMILTON, ONT. NEW PEAS AND OATS FOR SALE. --o-- Sane undersigned has for sale a limited -- of as. Mo gt ye BEAU ERI ATS which Fielded the } past season over pe hundred bushels ri e sowens JOHN C. Po egy A e. P.O. 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Tue Execrric Licut is a matter of small importance compared with other ap- Plication.s of electricity. By this agency Polson's Nerviline is made to penetrate to the most remote nerve--every bone, muscle and ligament is made to feel its beneficient power. Nerviline, pleasant to take, even by the. youngest child, yet so powerfully far reaching in its work, that the most ag- onizing internal pain yields as if by magic. Nervilince relieves neuralgia instantly and for the speedy cure of nerve pains of every description it kas no equal. Sold every- URES SPREE TAFTS ASTHMALENE ASTHMA night ouruaineand a suffocation, Send DATA ee » 86 (O, ONT. LISTOWEL MA RESTS. ay 7, 1806 Wheat, per bushel s 2 Bar! "ty do 32 Dats, do 19 neg do 47 lay per ton - 1200 14 Bran, do 15 Shorta, do " 16 Flour, per 100 Ibe. 18 2 Oatmeal, do 200 2 Cornmeal, do - 250 3 itter per Ib. . 12 «( , per doz, * ' 8 tutoes per bag, .. . 20 Hides per 100 Ibs, - awa heepakins wo Wool per 6 20 Yeod, lon, - 250 2 Wood short « 23 i ased Hogs, 425 4 Live Hogs, 300 3 Lainbs, 250 3 Beef, 200 4 TORONTO. ' 7, 1896, de egal bushel 78 RO -- y, > o. we 8 . 52 52 seas 26 27 Satter, pound rolls ar Bb Eggs, fresh. perdoz...-- ... 10 10 Febtess ye isd ee . 23 35 Flour | > 360 450 Ho, 47 500 STRATFORD. iy 7, 1896, Wheat, yet bashed . wend! sercecece $ 72 7 Barley, do a 2 Oats. do 2 21 Peaa, do 48 48 Potatoes per bag - 3 ww Beef, per cwt » 300 450 Batter a % 4 ' per dozen es Hy per ton - 13 00 13 00 per cord, long, soft + 200 225 'Wood per cord . 350 375 : rr rr . "_ 4 * THE POPULAR QUERY : Where | Did You * . Get ~ That Hat ? The Popular Answer | GOT That Hat WILDFANG'S, The Fullest: Stocks The Best Goods, The Lowest Prices, The Widest Choice IN HATS AND CAPS are found at M. WILDFANG'S, Sign of Elephant, Wallace - Street, LISTOWEL. TAKE NOTICE. That the Municipal Council of the Town of rig rytic side walk Main street, twelve isd in width com-. mencing at the div ne between Lote number fifty cght eed forty lence westerly to the div ision 5 in the subdivision o inal cost thereof pil ie eter abutting thereon and t enefitted thereby, and that a states pi showing the lands lalble to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they e estimated $1200--of which $600 rovided out of the general Tande sa the Municipality. 2nd, Silica Barytic sida walk. pt, 6-7 and pt. 8--Ileet in width on the west side af Wallace stent, c= Main northerly to treet, and commencing aut the eoutheriy Umit of Town Lot num; ber 8. the subdivision of Town Lot C. on the south side of Inkerman st., northerly Pee of Inkerman st., an to assess the final cost thereof aon property abut ereon benefitted thereby, and that a cater ment showing the lands Hable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far ae they can be ascertained from the last - vised assessment Roll, is now filed the office = pte Clerk of abe Muniel4 pality and is open for inspection dur- ing office Pe The estimated cost of the work Is $350.00 of which $116.67 is to bea pro¢ vided out of the general funds of the Municipatity. 'ourt of revision will be held on ssessment or ac- tage mensurement or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make, and which is by-law cognizable by the Court. . LEWIS BOLTON, Clerk. Dated 2. Listowel this sixth; day of May, 1896. NOTICE. nm that the perinerey are subeiating between bein ee Notice is hereby hae maces as Saddlera and the in day of Shon cee ky 'maton -- *D.. 180 Ni debts m owing t to the *partne' he paid to Ch: one Bructer, and all piel pri it the said partners! to the said Christian Preston: "by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Listowel this 9th day of. April, 1896 w nee: } DA Be Bee SANDERSUN, c, PRU * Lewis BOLTo rties indebted to above firm are requested at once settle, as the books will be at an early a ae All to closed TAMBLYN & CLIMIE WALLACE ST Timothy Seed Red Clover Seed . Alsike Clover Seed Mammoth Clover Seed Choice Lucern Clover Seed Crimson Clover Seed Orchard Grass Lawn Grass Seed Rape Seed All Kinds of Timothy Seed Mangle Seed Full linesin Garden Seeds Cabbage Seeds in bulk Onion Seeds in bulk Also full lines of General Groceries Crockery &c. Our car of Seed Corn is here M S S or Giant Prolific early Dent yellow and white Flint, also Millet and Hungarian Grass Seed. Goods delivered promptly. Farm Produce taken in ex- change. TAMBLYN & GLIMIE FARM FOR SALE. 7, con. 3 3. Wallace ; 85 acres Bein , state of pat Tt 1h one of me beat in W allace, and at price asked in a decided bargain. Price $4,700, half down, balance at 5 per cent. JOHN C. MOI. LET, 8 allace P* O STEVENSON BROS. Meat Market. ® Prices of meats away down. 20 lbs of Beef for $1 78 lbs of Lamb for $7 é 20 lbs of Veal for $1 Our a of Hams, Bacon, Pork, Sausage, . "a and Bologna i is of the finest: quality, Give us a Trial, TELEPHONE 77. . STEVENSON BROS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of Andrew Hermis- ton, of the Town of Listowel in the County of Perth and Province of Ontario, Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. mothe is hereby given that the said = rew . © Id atthe Tow; m. f ra and the gi fons with reference to the diap All creditors of the said estate are ub - send by post prepaid to me at are post office, tario, or deliver to me o J. E. Terhune, solicitor, Listowel, their claima duly proved with ory ora thereto directed by the statute tribut: estate, having slate at which I ahall have noti 'er lle it Listowel, this 22nd day of, April, A.. F. W. HAY, Assigneo. MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. hen your mortgage iw dne us and we- will put you in ietter 8 shape er > ke ut arein. nght. Put your name oat our list, and we will watch heh' Interest. Your business with us strictly priva = & 8 TATHAM. FARM FOR SALE In Wallace' Perth County, 100 a sarka: & nuder anilvatlons: 15 acres good wood buah, 2 peice pe wells, 1 4 acres in Bone frnit jeg rare root 2 story (new: math ee pera: 3 3 miles irom ron ri 'roads, im: A er retiring. This is one me f the 're leeding farms of omnes 8 panes: bo ae may. Bes of Pee tar furthy er ti salara a a Sarnia c BLEW uber ae co Bt ~ apniy towel Ont., Ven- dor's Bolicitors, April 2nd, 1596. BURDOCK PILLS do not gripe or sicken. they cug Consumption and Sick Headache. PSYCHINE ea SUMPTION, lane Ling ad Tre Dimas Give Express and ics. wlocum 'Chaahad Co. Ltd.. Torente. Cam-

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