June 26 anes HOMINION ELECTIONS CONSERVATIVE. LIBERAL. INDEPENDENT. - CANDIDATES ELECTED. Bell 327 ....... Addington. .-+-e+ese Joun W. Beli: .. a We ded haus Cth sseeereceeevensceves ipcety alain hehe Cote kc ao 8 io algoma W.... a Macdonell e + Goeacey pies done ay ary seeess cere He WwW. Fa 'Giuit (Mee). "Wood co btezeuet pate 3 Beiter ern seat Bonar . tgs Vee rie. 6 Tolle UW). Cbg IT ocsc i : acting Levee wo ddenty "Garg ia re eB T StS AN Stubbs (Met. =: Reais en oWacodnw 602-46 es Kies iT OUN sake Cureton, . .W. 'T. Hodg ux eis as aa pace ebcere Cacea rae Hah ety Khutier 3 ni me eae AVL cs ve see o bseeeee Corneal: - >. deta chs A). ne Singer: "h G. Adams we ~Brotene pest eweee settee tee eeneeee us : i : sees vee ose . Wis and Ntormout.. " us ae Mebean seas rang 150 | . é a i t ¢. dh 9 hernuton oe ee re ll W 4c fami LV. Martyu ie Ingram 2H rane: ue Saeeeet he: = < 4 te "e A. McKillop (P). owhtie sea eeée eco sAOUMCY a0). o-4.0<'s% Kae ~ew Might marr peice D. W. Maxon (i). srreere eeveeened s LeGresor Wd cee ees baer Bysex Latiitk SHOP Be 0.5 ss vic cca bens Le exh ain pogo Leed Lemurs SAK eD Hiiccwei on iced eacdel Muskoka & 'i "Shand. ipissiu rea f \ Chuinjmeti, wieee te A, Belcourt, oo eee eee c s. * ete rborongi Ki Pete BUS EO NS hW.. r jrhace rorths aul rant... rl ~ Seale. eee Baits. eves ass url. es a .Uring Wijsen, SIENA IEOE «: €6 68 66 0b Oe eee KEe dtu sur ¥ Ms KIO aw ca ten e see edger seeesee cbse + FANE DERE SIGS OO SON wg eens esas oes TDD. Teogers (1) (aed; Tae L. Wiison (2). Atlan (P). "ly inde as et) Watkins. Buchanan, Win. , Higiconani i) "Sum') Harryeti (19. Ce vou. etre oe "Ate aw Ain. rs Ce Cen ween se esse ee HSH SRS SSeeesesHne ea ny ante ierit ion, weet swbacavcs céevsoenougegeetesnnensen ¢ Jetia Pris . Thox, FE, Qrtmteanat VA) Moneref 1 ot napaietes I. 'Ldetor. A in areas aaa ter. Rosamond Jax. Mather fi aon \ If; Joun be rasa MeCi Haggart 20S "H Morten ion Tayh ur ' a6 EL i. Switz A) Wialstos: DAN Loe cece cere en weccees % Chas, Sueven " vl oeee se Tu yiur. ee excexts epecaisanies a Huteh.ns canes OF iirle 0 'ae *. d - Kivek a ass Gob, eee un) i 0 " "Guilet th. eae (by Metelisivray rer re 2 lL. J SMELIC EE mere pSbW dae hebsesesedsd.sdneoe 8 t Es YO BOwar...cescvcctgevtscsceccvegsegevsverecoscnscanss > Wiliam porichioat: ee dle ake Fenty (Me). ' ae "Beleou . Suthe rhand .Cartw t 3 Feather ratone Bt Sir Kichara C hb Fight. ' fe doseph Peather atan dines Greve ig Fa VO OW. Inacn ehh Bay E*FOUIK soe ve ccs cece vee Ki x poy JThomas Mackle ......-- ceccccavevcccnse cesessececcers sAaCRe MP sonnee saeesevece . x WC. nalts + een oe'0 J. Edwards 600 . i i. sab oe EK. stewart. ..... CUR, securthseate Deseerecee seen eeeeree wee Met ariny <2 : soe il. Ce Utiediads «oneas D.C. Ander rgb ane -- LW) se svcsver He ehevccwese TATKCES ie 60 6000 ebahwee > weedy: We he eniox Tyrwhitt SOU occ ccceeves weanee ge asa eodeseteteeses AL ae "oscil eeeeeeee Marrero st 4. It. i*rédstott.2....a. T. acts Mee Cithe a Lewls. se . dames sOmery Ile . Thomas Webs cecnesseceves eee WHEL Mule ta ee Bs Frankland. A. Mtima.... I, icoeaei ir tut Keaunarnels. o skses cares J. ui : . ec. ln WILE wa cnc nccescereresccveced ' B hts tice Ct ere es Wu, L. MW. Fauvel.......-- br SB. A. Flamer... .ccvccccccccccsevcscvesseces i 4 , 4 £2, As, GEORPION. 0. cccscccesessesenes scene Marcotte so. * Vhillp T x Chan. Augers 4 . P. bruwn c vard pton. : durehe ster Valllaneourt, 2.0.0. eee e cree cece eee eter cece cece ees L-Arthubuska. E. DON. cece eee JUS. LHVUIRUC. 0.6. e cece eee ee eee eeeeeeeeeeeer ceric crenre es LSpe 5 vbr. Knuix..... 5.2... Wh bet salty ; eee knee . ine ae she uit. Saw Waele cies br. Losse taped... A : it UME. peesdnabaasues cove aetewese tee, eee ieee reer ae. * ite JOllaw NETIVUC Sas aces ox eens: Weswere eriver ia Eeeneee Jacques Cartier. . week, DL Monh. ccc eee he Bayete. ccs seep cree cree ereeeres "JBazinet ..) Juliette... 2.0.05. Luvalle. ooo Cas, Bazinet. ' Carrol! 2 Rainouruska....... Taxchervau .....)t G. Currall.......- _ Labelle. pee eee 1 pullin. ..s... s2eure Bourassa. Monet AP, MOMet 2... ce cee eee weceens weve Gautier Gauthier Fortin 40 'ortiu juay Ls M. oan M. Rint ca BE MATROT. 0. cece esse ncnccnceawcces Prefotaiie 100 "Ba tril... E. Pre fontaine a ee ee Legr catcg age: Bh EAQTIM: ono nnccs walk J50R SaiNeER RRS + Frechette eeeec a : ebeu Coe. cenes mae LORY . Michelleu.......5+- Ric and and Woite. vie J Ee Turcotle Jk. Bb. Melg : R.A. 'Choquette Cc. ¢ 'ungrain.. .Ubas, Luugeiler...... Quinn .. SHANE... cccccccsscsccsccecvers wee ce ses Roddlek F. art. . Muchuy y Luurier. as "" Ladugeiler vee : tee gee nee P's Fitzpatr ck. we. Jus. Premonut cL Libp** aes A. . Bruneau. 4s ERDinis HES RMD NE WHAT, aL. Stenson. LAV NERS ARE ORR E ESSERE USK ULINMO. ccc csccccenncce L } ig ae ur. ghee 10D a* Shefford......-- caoeeeee -- Parmalee........ es ro ae Sherbrooke. .....-----+- TMeury Aylmer... cc... 0c0 cece eee cece eee ads 2 BOUIMUBOR, oo eee ee ee = ot $e rag tee DEMIS. . ee ce cee cece ce ee cece eeeeeo Rigor 4S... tent < ce0s cae a Et UCT. cence ede e ce nee cte cece cece eee Re oe teed). ieee ow eee lyarintt BiGiais 6.05: bees cease cee wen omen a - 2 x Herniee tacel) Be neler fitee }). St. Jobus and terre Keieaeweens r iecha Pde sccscncaesHtOy (lid, [o.j) "SEteetaeeees eT ee cee 'Temlscou ..Dr. Grandbois. ves Fy BOWE asasecrsvewedovcasesecessecevgeede Gala SD. ccece ooanae wee 'Terrebonne A. Chauvin. PF E Svarile Laas ae Rar Three Kivers-StMaurice. Sir A. BP'. Caron. waa k. Ls _Desauinlers,. Dor, .Piset...-- eee ese «8 Ethier ae Two Mountains, .J. Girouard ....... Ethler.....-- as we : "Harm ood, : Vaudreu Yamuska...---+0+- Albert.. « ake ' ..Fablen Vauasee.... Dr, Migmeuult.....6-eee esse eens evecteéee Beguln ....-..... 0 Ss. Hurweod met eneell Cc. BR. Deviln.. _ evlin : Mignaut AEW eee igh er Jd. omsiien Carivlon. . _ a ow 2 so en cess 6800s a6 Cece tees c We. Cituung. 0. A, BA. UMOL 6.0... ccc cce see eeceeneneneee sieuee ster. ~ iY ut; err Try eorge NZBs eee cece KF. k. CS gins os sbicee ees ec ERee cece wees ~*! J url e oinberiand. .. James - he .. Mitebell. --_ Morrissey . va eb Inverts textigou UCHE. 6. ee ee ceene J. Me Alits George Huadow. as eee Kee Me Allister mae _ <penen's "et ah ey tc soauty'. tet peneeenss Ww extmoreiaisl York Tolches Cumweriaa Richmond. Shelburne and Queen" s. Vict " Ya "9 ..Dr. Bethune .... ea anna ain Saree Hise e bn Kian seers Mel. skcaiin: : Cot acti TOD) cose BR, BUPMIOUN cg cccc ah dod Shares. cccc cc eulaueie ein'n/eleleavee alninaip aineawebeteen ee SENRCES®. eemsioe . ey li. bbhekey eee "4 Sea eae a eweleare . fr J. B. Junes < ie . Ureyury ..... Dp me 2. Weuny... "E "> . Borden... "ib a red btutuaus Alte n -- Meheen.... os a » Beth, rv . BE. Rau 7 -- Sir. H 4. AS, IE, cosine ne kK. M3 i ree "ds wee ha ae , Eze -- "Forbes 200 Jucob Bingsy. 'Plint "GAO Lo. cece seen PRINCE EDWAED ISLAND. MeDonaid..., r. A. StelwtyPO siccedancas agence secasd << vii "ish De Bn io teliaed, Hume ...72 ohn Yeo... +--+ Taawaees oe ce enaanl aaeiatas i Wecccosccee vaeies James Yeo........ "raha Neti scsarconelll, Hack. = Seen rane ueen's E...+--+ . Alex, Martin. nteteee William Welsh Sean sn ahbupaverscesaleweswes ancaiaes eaead Seeer" SC eee Tipe, J. 9. Jenkit.s, ee, HH. Davies. cess cease ce ereee eres ce eee - aaces m BA ; : W. W. Macdonald......-- McCarthy (McCpeseess+ cer ceeeee cereeeeeee . oe MeCarthy.. Brandon. ...+++esseee re" sores ees ne sRobert Rogers... it att La Bpeeses + Pogers. 'e . coord wee A. GC. LaRivierr. .. WwW. Post cthwaltetl' ) Ma wC. Braithwaite (Pp. i< dy . ~Armietroe se nsveceee. eeevee ° Macdouald ...ccee cere eee e ee 2 Boyd ..Hugh Arnmstroug... J, . HH, J. Macdonal casa. iJoseph Martin .. eee * Seas Select Your Suits ses There afe many. pieces to select from. Beaitifal zoods, well made and closely sold. No one-shows as extensive a line a8 M. WILDFANG and they are sold at figures which will enable you to save money, Such Bargains as this cannot be got elsewhere. Special-- Children's Blouse Suits $1, 1.25, 1,50. Boys 2pc¢ suits lined $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. Boys 3 p suits $2.50, 3.40, 3 50. Youths' swits "extra value 82.50, 4.50, 5 00. Men's suits extra value $3.40, 3.75, 4.00, 459, 5.00 6.00. Bicycle Suits $4.00 Overalls 75 cents. Sinocks 75e., good vaine. Rubber Coats 35, 6. 7, 8 Tweed 25 cents, Hats 25cents. Straw hats from lOc up, Don't forget to call and see for yourself, "| Me WILOFANG, Sign of Elephant, Wallace --' Street, LISTOWEL. Adjourned Court of Revision, TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE. Pubic notice in heres Jiven "-- the second of the Court « evision the Town: ship ef V alee © will i het in the Town Hall owanstown, Saturday, June 20th, 1896, Contiiencing ut the honr of 10 o'clock, a. in. R. G. ROBERTS, Clerk. Shipley, June Oth. 1890, FAMILY BUTCHER. Sede tes NO. 58 MAIN ST. WEST, TELEPHONE 32 I have the only family meat market in town, | am soliciting custom froin private families only I have not any hotels and therefore can give my choicest cuts of meat to my customers. If' I had hotel trade they would certainly (as they al- ways do). get the choice cuts and my private customers would have to take the in- ferid® meat. Hotel trade 1s not solicited. G. P. PORTER, Main St. West. A. GUHR, ye \ bicycle Manufacture and] \ REPAIRER. --Has a number NEW . 1896 . WHEELS ready for the Season's trade---cyual to the bes by the market and at tock-bottom pre BICYCLE REPAIRING, My facilities for repairing are first-class. 2 w na refitted with new prs wit present on Raglar t, vi School. Call and see me vbebee soattte ing a wheel. A. GUAR, MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. When your mortgage ton dne come to us and we pe th you are in. pth al a neers Pe he on our list, hat ont wa will watch your pierest. Your business "©, & & TATHAM McGILLIVRAY NO. 20, MAIN ST. = - ~--_LISTOWEL. ONT DRY GOODS ONLY. ------ <a In the buying of Dry Goods and wearing apparel women have to-day special rights and advatages--They buy better and and. cheaper--because they study the different stores their goods and prices. And long before their actual wants presents themselves they have decided what and where to go. Look - to - Your - Summer - Needs - Gentlemen and if you find a shortage in your wardrobe, come to THIS STORE at your earliest opportunity and get our prices, it will save your money, FURNISHING SPECIALS: HALF HOS E Blue and Brown Cotton Hose, special 3 pairs for 25 cents. Fine Black Cashmere Hose hand seamed, special 25c. per pair. OVERALLS Beripe | 2 ottonade well made, special Sc, per pe air. ripe andl check cottonade, special 75c. per pair. Extra heavy Blue Sede high front and manpenders, special 7 75 cents. All woot Tweed Pants worth $2.80, special $1.39, STRAW HATS Men's Canton Straws with cord regular 124c. special 3 i | he. Men's tine Straw, buick silk band, regular 50c. special 25 UNDERW EAR; Fin@gtripe cotton underwear men's Pag only, --* . a Fine matural Bullbriggan, size 34 to 40, special $1 pers Fine German Natural wool, size 36 to 42, speciai $1.75 per su TWE EDS ! Fine -- Tweeds im stripes and checks special 35 to 40, special 25e. per ya ~ccenigie NEL INERY apie Scarce Goods--Black and Cream Chiffon, Black and Cream Ribbon, Black and Cream Tips Ospreys and Mounts, €LEARING--Flowers, Sailors and Fancy straw shapes. M. M®GILLIVRAY. 20 Main St. Listowel, McMillan's Old Stand. H A closely shaven iawn is certainly a fine sight but "Don't use a razor of course," but one-of our S TYLE C LAWN MOWERS will clip your grass. Nicer, Easier and Quicker than any other make on the market. * A FULL LINE OF STOVES, RANGES MILK CANS. CREAMERS, PAILS, ETC: We carry a full line of TINWARE, also FIRST GLASS BLUE FLAME COAL OIL STOVES, just the thing for hot weather. Plumbing, Steam an: Gas Fitting done on short notice. American ana Canadian Coal Oil and Macuine Oil for sale. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Next door to Hacking's Drug Store. TELEPHONE NO 40.