VOL. XXV.--NO 5! Listowel's Leading Dry Goods House. Great Stock-taking of this breaker. this month we can great sale, Sale. shoppers during the coming weeks. This week we out-lived our plans for the opening days of February. Thatis to be the banner wee and each day to be a record- After such genuine success as we have had afford to deal generously with This we are going to do so needs no other argument than the following list for the coming week. $1.00 1.25 Carpets and Curtains. [@ 175 yds. wide, a splendid range, 11 up-to-date pat- terns, regular 65, 75c. Sale price 48c yd. 50 and 65c., Union, 36 in. wide. Sale | (i er. ic yd. y Lace Curtains, No Equal. Regular 35, 40c. Lace Curtains. S P 23c ar. 50, 65c. " " 75, 90c. oe ae oT) "1.00, $1.25 "* * '© 87c pr. "*-1150, $1.75 "* "s "*$1.19 pr. $2, 2.25,$2.50 '* "** 1.69 pr. One line all wool Tweed Dress Goods 5 col- ors, reg. price 50c. English Tapestry Carpets, 27 in. Dress Goods. To clear at 29c yd. Homespuns and Cheviots, at -- yd. ic yd. e @ aoe pr. | fa e @ Balance Of Ladies Jackets. 19 Ladies and Misses tight and semi-fitting Jackets in all colors. Black, blue, Fawn and Gray, size from 30 to 38. Regular $5 to $9, toclear at ...-.. Flannelette and Cotton. All 12 1-2c. 36 in. Flanneletre at 8c per yard. 20 yds. best 8c. Cotton for ........-. $1.00. Groceries. 25 Ibs. Redpath Granulated sugar for $1.00, 2 boxes Royal or Jersey Yeast for...-.-. 5c. 5 lbs. Currants........... aaa 25, 14 lbs. Green Caffes siete ¢ wie # RROIE Gee $1.00. Don't Forget the Clothing Sale Furs At Cost. bo a ---? » et A batt A bal ee--ar Saat ena--rra es----aa ROBERT: THOMPSON PEOPLE'S CASH + Stone we--a» 24 ab ) , at 12%c, pe Success of Our J anuary ; Sale ou will know this as feet bargain stuff made up for cheap sel of high grade goods reduced in price, a through our January Sale. of making shoppers better acqu for the purpose of reducing t taking, by trading int especially, as you know we cash price. an annual event of this store! This Sale lasts through January only, ainted with our mode of doing business, he volume of our stock befo his store leaves a more lasting impression only l:eep first-class goods, att inthe future. Nota ling, but the whole of our regular stock direct saving on each articl ; ion and re Annual stock | on your mind he lowest possible ; 25 pounds Rice pot boiled, for $1 Warranted absolute fast black Duchesse Satine now 15¢. per yd. 8 botules of Pickles 3 plogs bottle. THINK, Sheeting Cotton 30 yds lengths, at 7%4cts. per yard, . '. white and grey Fresh Pink Columbia Flantnelette Blankets 25c- 4 Salmon cts. per pair. | oe Cee only 55 P , tac. p : zyds Flannelette at acy ; 6 bars Surprise Soap ame per yd 20 Yards A No. I How Much? | good Toweling 25cts. $1.00 | only $1,00. . Y 2000 yards Bengal | | unds new Raisins, ! : POD. best Golden Lion Japan Tea. 5octs. smoking or chewing Tobacco for 25 cents, : 5 lbs. new Currants fe Best Green Coffee on] 8c per |b. Where?. at the "Golden Lion 10 Ibs Roasted Cof 1.00 a snap. | MeBonald's | 6 bars Comfort So 25¢. Highest prices paid for all kinds of farm produce, ; R. Thompson, Golden io _-- . || Kelly's fancy driver, Mr, Welch's Bakery. ibb. is "tlalting-in Mai on Friday, Ly Feb. th, at 1.8 Melvin Gee; is expect O few days. Het the west for the Mr. Chas. Mame . Wiskrpe is we place srders- Sta Fa san Chair 'On. and the Furnitare Oo,,. 2 pedere foot- ing up several thousand do! Ao exciting agg A tock ck pce Sat Sat- urday morning, in whi hE Bay" '8 driver aud Mr. R. A. Olimie's delivery rig were mixed np. ipsanatalaiid no serious damage was don Mrs. Roblin of a Ps., who came over to attend her father's funer- al, the late Gottfried Guuther of Mil- verton, returned home this week, af- ter making a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gunther, town. Mr. J. B.-Donglas, the new shoe- man, announces a sale of a $5,000 bank- rupt stock of boots and shoes, bought in Berrie at 40c. on the dollar, at bis store, Ballard's old stand, Main street. See his advt. on back page. Ancient OnpER oF Foresrens,-- Mem. rs of above order, resident in Listowel and vicinity, are requ to communi- It is our -- to re- organize the Court in Listow R. H. Pearson, D. C, R. * Stratford. Compriets Returns or Rererexpem Votz,--The complete figures of the .| vote on the referendum in December last are as follows:--For the liquor act, 199,749; against the liquor act, 104,589; majority for the act, 95,210, The family of Mr. Wm. McDonald, Victoria street east; have the sympatby of the community in the death of their youngest daughter Flossie, aged six. years. The fnunefel too lace on rege afternoon to Fairview ceme- Mr, KR. T. Kemp of this town is to be ee upon his elevation to°thd position of of cera gS whieh his long oe in both the Town and County Ooun- cils qualifies him to fill with ability and credit, The annual sche of the Morris, = Oé. of Listowel, Limit- 1 be. held in. the office of the oi té factory. on Tuesday evening next, Feb, 8rd, at 8 ele k. Ron Oo. of Gril wil be in Listowel on 2nd, leap two Don't fail to see him if you are af- Information free, Oxvrce ror Nortx -- tox.--Tenders ere invited by -adver- pei in another column for the a of a new briek church for the congregation of North ton. Sg r,s a. been by Mr _} citizens whose coal by q onic for February, in | wins and no loss '| annual meetin; Jan "thaw this week has not been unwelcome after the severe weather of last week, particularly to coal:bin 1s low. How- ever, if Irl B. Hicks, the weather-man of St. Louis, is anywhere near the angio winter's severity is not yet past y means, te a stormy --_ wages ev week, aa pay, nick work. Steady c ployment for a number of families at once ; boys and * fourteen pen llr and over, 'o vate accommodation at board. in poral for fends desiring Bexeviors Wox.-- In tf charity hockey match played in the rink on "Monday night between married and single men, the former came out ahead by a score of 7to 4. The match furn- ished good sport np the large attend- ance of spectators, and the receipts were ocorrespo' Rate ge, & re which will no ie doubt be appreciated the poor of the town, " Warzace.--In the Court of ppeal at Osgoode Hall, the appeal of the township of Elma from the deci- sion of the Referee - the suit of Eima «| ve. Wallace. known locally as the Stew- art Drain enit, was coveted on Wed- eer: aud judgment has been reserv- A. B, dglerworth and H. B. Mor care for appellants. D. Gntbrie and J. P, Mabee for respondents. who are good aawere and would like to be first-class Dress-makers in less ington they can't make after omar en Mrs. Wa, Sanvers, Teacher in a AHooxey.-- Listowel again do#ned the Harriston team in the match played here Friday night, the score being 10 to 6 in favor of the locale. Our team leads in the Northern League, with six osses to its credit, and the aoe are excellent for the cham- onship. A match with Drayton is billed ra this Friday evening, in the Listowel rink, but unlees the tempera tare drops considerably the ice Pail = likely be in fit condition for play- Dg. Exma Distnicr L. O. L. --At the 2 of Elma District L. O. L. held in the Orange hall here on the 20th inst., the following officers were elected : Dist trict master, William J. ~ Toghen ; district deputy master, Wm. A, Glen-; . district chsplsip, Alex ist reo. Mr. Lioya Macdonald, son 'of Mr. * Macdonald, town, who has had charge of the Palmerston agency of the Bank of Hamilton, left on Wednesday for Oakland, Cal,, where he goes to as sume an important position in the Cen- tral Bank in that city. His brother Frank accompavied him, and will also enter the bank there. Before leaving Palmerston Mr. Lloyd Macdonald was tendered 2 banquet by the citizene of that town. Rey. ©. H. Buckland, the new ree-* tor of Christ Church, is anvonnced to bégin his duties here on Sunday next. There will be a celebration of the boly communion after morning serrice. Mr. Buckland is much esteemed by the people of Gravenhuret, where he bas labored very successfully for the past year. The congregation of Chriat burch are prepared to give him and his family a hearty welcome, and look fora bright and prosperous future under his guidance, Anyone who wonld like to do their own Dress-making sure to see me at Arlington Hotel, Lintowel, on Monday, February 9th, from 1 to 5 p. m. I have taught over 600 this way and I give a si guarantee. It doesn't cost any more a& course than it does for the tl of a couple of dresses and it lasts a life time, no charge until you are per- fectly satistied Eh know al am rs. Wa. San Teacher in ben 'making. Exma Morvan Fire Insurance Oo. - The statistical report of the Elma atual Fire ana Co. shows the following sta' : Number of poli- cies in force rey 10, 1,276. Newand renewed -- r 1902, 858 ; value of policies in 'oren $2,992 523 ; pre- miums paid, $149,626.12 ; expired and cancelled policies, 825: value of ench, pores hp premium on such, $27- 129 ; reoeipts from all sources, $11,- 685,76 ; the expenditure for payment of tire losees and other bnsiness, $820.68 ; balanee on hand $10,665.08. The following officers were mac gl Jobn Ham ; . Langford, cialana Meallister, Bewitt, Rothwell, Baker end G nheees an Boarp,--The organ- izing meeting of the Public School Board was beld on Wednesday evening, 21st inst. -- present, R. Stan J. 8. Gee, A. Hingis, J. F, Wilson, A. Foerch, H. B, Morphy, B. Witter and Joseph " Ainley. Mr. Ainiey being the 'only new member, made the necessary declaratio otions were passed ar the following appointments : ---- chairman ; W. E. Tw Nichol patoral of blio' Library Board ; J. H. Gunther bh School Trustee ; ; Mesers. Foerch, Stevenson and Ainley, Finance committee ; Mes- Morphy, Witter and Tatham, Ponte Primer at the expiration of six ung|ies and Ge Hoand desided $o introdees the Morsng to Js montha from date in the three primary departments of the schoo). A new set of rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the school were read and approved, and were placed in the hande of the wigs | committee to have printed, motion was requiring chilaron who bring their dioner to echool to go into one of the rooms under charge of the caretaker, ' «pant a year w on the direction - the Principal, Board then adjourned Wrz Be at Guaea' 8 <9 Listo- WEL, oN Wepnespay, Fes. 4ru.--Lad- eae? see Prot, "Doren- wend's beautifal _ Ban, ail Plain Fronte, Swithes in every length and shade, eto. Hie Hair Goods Styles when proper- ly adjusted protect and ornament the head, soften and beautify the expres- sion of the piss and consequently tone aged Doren- oad ine ie this season many new and pretty designs. He has added a number of New York, London and Paris patterns. Besureto see them and not forget vo, - date. Wed- nesday, none sins Witson vs. Howz,--In the Appeal Conrt, my Osgoode Hall on Monday, judgment was handed ont in the appeal of Wilson v. Howe, in which Mr. J. F. Wilson of Listowel is appellant, in whose favor the appeal is now de- cided. Following is the report of the case as it appears in Tuesday's = and Empire : Judgment (EK. B. B.) op appeal by plaintiff trom judgment of Britton,J.,at trial at Stratford,dismiss- ing the action, which was brought by plaintiff to recover from defendants, us executors of Marvin Howe, the amount of an account alleged to have been ow- ing by Marvin Howe to the plaintiff for work dove and material supplied, 'and also defendants personally and as executors, The trial jadge found against the plain- tiff on these latter claims, but in his favor as to$450 for blacksmithing work and materials. This olaim,however,he held to be barred by the Statute of Limitations, aud dismissed the action. Appeal allowed and judgment to be entered for $450, the amonnt found by the trial judge, with costs, J, P. Mabee, K. ©., for appellant. J. Idington, K. C., for defendants. Cratr Factory AnxvaL Mretinec,-- The anvuas! meeting of the Canadian Bent Chair Co. of Listowel, Limited, was held in the office of the chair fac- pete apr . on resented to the sain Ww Bd a balance of pat over demand, The -- & Dew maneger in the person of Mr. Gamble, ee of = North An. Bent Chair Co. of Owen Sound, whoee large experience in chair manufactnring well fits him for the position, and under his direction a number of improve- ments will be inaugurated and the business will be pushed with good pros- pects of getting on a permanent. and euccessful footing and developing intu |.a-large and profitable industry, The factory, which has been vlosed down since New Year's, will start up again next week, and as 8000 as coal can be obtained will be ran to its fullest capacity. The old board of directors, with the exception of Mr. ©. H. Smith, who retires, were re-elected, namely, Messrs. John Watson, J. S. Meyers, Jacob Seburger and J. H. Gunther. Mr. Henry Horn, of Calder & Horn, builders and coutractors, takes Mr. Smith's place on the board. TELEPHONE Szxvicg To BE Imrrov- gp.--Mr, E, Newton "Wells, contract agent for the Bell Telephone Oom- pany, is in town, and in company with Mr. J. H. Gunther, the local manager, is interviewing the Company'e subscri- bers with a view to installing a metallic line system' and inaugurating a contin- uous service, We are informed by Mr. Wells that it is the intention of the Company to rebuild the local plant and replace the grounded line system now in use by the improved metallic system. It is also the intention of the mpany to inaugurate a continuous service. Operators will be in charge of the central office at all hours of the day or night, on Sundays and holidays, to answer immediately calle over local or long distance ae, blog continu- ous service and an ¢: nipped with metallic lines 'aa teas istance instraments, Listowel will be placed on an equal footing with the large tres of the commercial and social world. The majority of our neigh- boring towns are enjoying thie class of service, and theré is every prospect o Listowel being included in the list of towns having continuous telephone service in' the near futare. Mr. Wells is thoroughly satisfied with the result ébtained, and as the snocesa of the enterprise depends largely upon the action taken by our up-to-date merchants, it is to be hoped that this improvement wil] be secured for Lis- towel. The Woodstock water and light com- missioners have n forced to shut down the electric Rig plant till more coal can be o The sentence of Col. Arthur Lynch, the Irish M, P. condemned last week todie for high treason, has been com- muted to penal servitude for life. We have not advanced the price of our obaccos. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, a Bie engi ee tobaccos © consumer We qt leo. extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags, Tee 'gz Euptaz ToRacco Uo., Limited, es TROWBRIDGE. . A meeting of the ratepayers of sec- tion No. 1, Elma, is being called to consider the advisability of building a new achool house in this village. Mr. Wm. Kellington in his 76th-year passed away very suddenly last Thars- day morning at his home. He had with his wife vigiting his children in Manitoba, months ago, not in the best-of health, and it was thought: that he was im-- proving slowly, but on the morning of hiefdeath he waa juet preparing to go out for his diuner when he was tsken with a weak spel]. Dr. Dingman. just happened to be in the Village and was callsd in at onoe, but nothing could be doze. Heart failure was the canse of death, The funeral took place on gen A large number followed y Rev. James E. Hunter pastor,of the Methodist church, h, Trowbridge. ; LEBANON. A. Long, who Mr. W. has been on a business trip up nortb, bas retarned h . ome, Mrs. R. Kincade ia spending a& week with friends at Wyando We are pleased to spark that Mrs. W. O. Long is able to besround again -- after her severe illness. Miss Edna Hussey spent Sunday with hay parents near Drayton. se F. Hammond, who was spend- ing a ay fee months in Torunto, returned home. Miss BE. Crooksbavks of Millbank was the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. E, ove, Mr. W. Buchanan has sold ae 200 aes farm for the sum of $9,0 Mr, W. J. Playford spent t Gonday at Oroeshill. Mrs. G. Scsling ie visiting her par- ents at Mao Mrs. M. Carter of Detroit is spend- ing the winter with friends in this burg. Miss E. Kincade, of Wyandotte, is ge a week with her uncle, Mr, incade, merchant, WALLAOH. The annual meeting of the Marrion- Beaver Ohgese & Butter Co. was held on Saturday, Jan. 17th. There was a good attendance af shareholders pre- sent, The auditor's report was print- ed in sheet form and presented to the t meeting. After some discussion it was approved. The board of directors was -6lected Pde shennan was aleo re- d J; Tioug- auditor abchia> t Sentbes oon. 6, Wallace, ou Sanity, Jan, 20th. His death siokness was the only bodily trouble worth mention- ing during along and ueeful life of nearly 88 years, Deceased resided for a vumber of years ov the townline,near Molesworth. Some 20 years ago he disposed of hie farm there and purchas- ed the one on which he died, He waa a tidy and suocessful farmer, and his premises and growing crops were such as to attract attention and draw forth encominms from his neighbors, He filled his sphere in life successfully and well, and we have assurance that he has gone into the possession of that eternal reward meted cut to those of -- it may be said "Well done." -He w consistent member of the Prsibpierian Church,and took especial delight in the services of the sanctuary, Rev. J. M. Aull of Palmerston conducted the servi- ces ut the house, and improved the oc- casion by arapning comment on Job 7th oh His 'aged partner and family have the sympathy of a very large circle of neignbors and friends, CARTHAGE, Miss Clara Gamble returned home last week after a month's visit with friends in Georgetown. Mr. and Miss Adams of Macton visit ed at R §. Gamble's on Sunday. Mr. J. L. Holmes took a trip to Stratford last week. Benj. Johnston and the Wood Bros. bave got the old echaol house moved. They will tix it up asa chopping mill, and Mrs, Jas, Moore are visit- ing at Lion's Head The prayer meeting held here every Wednesday evening is largely attend- ed, The infant child of Mr. avd -Mra. Geo. Bell died Monday last. ' The funeral took place Wednesday to the N. Mornington cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Bell have the sympathy of their many friends in this the hour of their great sorrow. Mr. Louis Schmidt bought the 60 acre farm of JohnJ. Maneer for the eum of Mr. Hy. Tey bought the east 50 acres of Mr, W.J. Moore, for the sum of $2 300. Quite a few of our hocke took in the hockey match at 1 rain ~--* Mr. Wm. Robinson intends moving to Linwood this wee Mr. O. Kerr has so ia his driver to Mr. J. Riddell for the handsome fig- ure of $135, and he purchased one a near Millbank. eo. Hamilton, of Milverton, spent Sunday last with her parents, r. and Mrs. Wm Johnston. The-remains of of Thomes Matthews, : fireman, killed in the railway wreck at el were found under a pile burned paper, There is no trace of Birerieh the other missing man. avd had retura- . ed to his home in this village a few | RM igh ated rt "Tigt aaah st rth SEES cats? _Bports t9 | a a at, eer ie Bra See BERT