Listowel Standard, 30 Jan 1903, p. 4

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a EE Lae IEE PE "Be OSES SER Ae eee ee eee gee oo ~~ We Have _ [Action Against Coal Dealers, | Te Hat Roderick MeLeod. i sane ac Folens MeLeod died in Listow el ree e was A FULL LINE Mechanics' Sa is of Brant-} Pp ota. ane o, Boot Get san Information. -- | 20, 1815. _ 22 years of age be : OF, aay i a Media, wo» He Tae 4 Ghee nese of ite comtimw ed | away vine years ago , He ts a Ontase Coal Bani eit "ection came to Canada when 25 years of age, percepts bly ogg sates oi] : 520 of The Criminal Code. ud located in Woodstock, and ia} 5%) pris recess Sad S j} course of time removed to London three years the railways at the Gailted: .. Brantford, Jenga 99.--Action has been | township, where he purchased a farm | States, engaged in entered against Thomas Elliott, Pre- | aud resided for a goodiy number cf! killed 21,847 people. : PREPARATIONS ALWAYS IN STOCK. J. A. HACKING Chemist and Druggist. LISTOWEL - - - - ONT, -- ListowelStandard FRIDAY, JAN. 80, 1903. The "Machine" Must Go, Ontario Conservatives have struck out from the shoulder at the greatest enemy'of their province, the Liberal "machine." The good fight against corruption will be eerie ou set bitter end, and Hon. G. W. Ross' tactics in North Grey, North ont and North Perth will be ventilated io the Courts, Since the bye-elections ov January 7th, the Liberai press bas in- timated that no farther efforts would be made by the Conservative party iv bebalt of hooest admiostration, Tbe wish was futher to the thonght. The avewer to the claim is a protest in each riding, aud Mr. Ross will once more be bronght face to face with even- banded Briti-b jnstice In the coming fight the Conservative party deserves the she support of all cluxnes, Fg leprosy o the Giixap Governme btisa fea = be eradicated af any cost, and the fear- less mauver in which Mr. J. P. Whit- ney bas fougit its every advance proves that the Conservative party bas tbe interests of the people at heart. Ou tario will yet be freed from the rule of the most dinbolical system of crim inal control ever kuewn ander rexpon- sible goverpment It is the duty of all self-respecting citizens to euroll them selves agaiost the "machine." Theo aud then ouly will the people wia. The Machine Defied. Frontenac Liters have ---"_ Tarte's ion in re- gard to the protection of Canadian industries, A revolution to that effect Was recently puswd at a party couven- tion, aud the Liberal Executive of On- tario made every effort to bave all re- ference to the incident eurepssed. The "mavhine" dislikes Mr. Lurte aud wails leave Do Stone untnuroed to lessen his popolarity among Liberals, The F tenac Liberal, bowever, dence and refuses brought into direct conflict w conscience. There is evidence that this feeling is spreading among the best section of Liberalism. Tbe bua est men of the party aro tiriug of the double-headed policy of their leuders, aod the action of the peopie of Frou- tepac may be more rls imitated than is desirous from a ty standpoint. If such » move were to become at geveral, opportuniem Woula gniskes cease be s leading plauvk in the gove ru- ment platform, Sentenced to Death ---- Col. Arthur Lynch Funnd Guilty of reason London, Jun. 28,--Ooionel Arthur Lyvchb, whe bas been on trial bere for several deys, charged with treason, iv that he tovk up arms aguiust the Brit- ish in South Africa, wax fouud guilty and immedintely seoteneed to death. When the court opeved to- day for thr trial the room was crowded by thore who avticipated ap early Guisb, Five witbesses were culled by the defevor, who baudled their side of the case iu brief faebion, Counsel Shee fur Lynch said that he did not deny that Lynch fought on the Buer side, but this was nothing; us bis chenut was a --_ citizen of the South Atrican Repub! Lyuch took his senteuce cooly. When sentence war pronounced he simply buwed bis bead to the court and war tuken away. Tbe Lord Chief Justior gave Mrs, Lynob permission to sve ber busbaud. It is almost certain His sentence probabiy will be reduced toa term of imprisvument, aboot teu years, by the Kiog. $100,000 Worth of Land. Col. Saw Hughes' Investmente in the u Wiovipeg, Jun 23--Col. Sam. Hoghes, M P, who bos been ww Win Bipeg avd the west for some time, left Jast night fur Mioneapolis aud Obi- o, While west, the ovlonel tovest- ed in sixty-four additivnal sections of land, Different parties had previously been negotiating for thie land, which lies in the Swav River district. It is understood that the purchase price is about $4.50 per acre,-and that the total price paid amounts to something like $100,000 The Embro Radial Railway Comp- pany, Oxford County, is seeking incor- poration for a number of branch roads. New York conenmers are still payiog . famine pricew for meat, though market isago reports show that the Ob: stock - yards are glutted with cattle. that' "death will nut be meted vut to Lynch. sident, and the executive members of the Ontario Qual Association, charging them with what amounts to a conspir- acy to lessen competition in the pur- and sale of coal, The infor- stitution of the Ontario Coal Associa- tion binds its members to black-list any dealer, miner cr operator who supplies coal to any company whose paid-up share is Jees than 850 per share. The complaint of the Mechanics' Fuel Co. is that the action of the Ontario Coal Association is directed against its iater- ests, is calculated to prevent it from doing business, and that it is calculat- ed to lessen competition in the pur- chase and sale of oval in this city. The ioformation is as follows: -- The information and complaint of Wesley A. Farrow of the city of Brant ford, in the County of Brant, taken thie 22nd day of January, 1903, before the undereigned, Thomas Woodyatt, Police Magistrate of the City of Brant- ford, who saith that be is informed utd believes that Thomas Elliott, at the said City of Brantford, on and prior to the 12th inst., did enter into an agreement with Noel Marshall, J.B Fairgrieve, W. G. Craig, C OU. Y> A. J. MoIntosh, J. M. Daly, John ©. Hay and James Swift, or one of them, to uodaly lessen competition in the purcbase and sale of coal, The sectivn nuder which action is tuken is 520 of the criminal code of 1892, iv which the parties, if found gail ty ure ligbly toa tine 'of not less than $200 aud uct more thav $4,000, or to two years' imprisonment The actual wording of the section under which it is understood thé prosecution will take place is es follows : guilty of an indictable liable to a penalty not exceeding $4, 000 and uot less thav $200, or to two years' imprisonment, and, il a corporation, is liable to a penalty not exceeding $10,- 000 and not less than $1.000, who con- stenmehip, steamboat or travsportation company, {u) to anduly limit the facil- ities for transportation, producing, marutacturivg, supplying, storiug or dealing in apy article or commodity which way be a subjeot of 'tradé or commerce, or(b) to restrain or ipjare trade or commerce inrelation to eny ench article or commodity, or (c) to undnly prevent, limit or leasen = f any ° such article or secur, or to un ew enhance the price thereof, r (d) to undaly prevent 'or lessen com- petition iu the production, manufact- ure, purchase, darter, sale, transpor- tation or supply of any euch article or commodity." The defendants are called upon to appear for prelimivary hearing before the Police Magistrate on Tuesday Jan. 27. It is understood that the Crown Attorney will oodertake the prelimin- ary proseention, but that the defend- aut» may not elect to be tried by the Mawistrate, In thut case, after the prelimivary beariug, the case will be sent over to the Assizes in Brentford next March New Plan For Dairy Teaching, Syudicater of Twenty Five Factories ?roposed = Ewch ac istiey [nstrocter, A werting of i Directors of the We-teruo Ontario Dairymeu's Ansucia- tieu was held ov Saturday at the Al bien botel, Stratford. There werr preeent the following gentlemen: Jas Copvelly, president, Porter's Hill ; J. N ~~ s x = < Cy od >t 3 a . 3o° > e = a = c oa c % c x Me Lead, Owen Sonvd; A ; W sSteiuboff, and Thos, Ballautyce, jr., Strattord The busioess consisted layiog out the work for the present season Lustead of luoal conventions, there will be, wheo requested, special meetiugs of patrous, addressed by mrp in the dairy business, Mr. Geo. Barr, of Guelph, was ap poiuted chief instroctor for Western Ontario. He will have under him pos- sibly two i tora in batt ki aud fong or five in cheesemaking The whole district will be laid ont into syndicates of about twenty-five factor- ies, and av instructor appointed for each of these syndicates, who will de- vote his whole time to that syndicate. 'These instractors will be selected by Me. Barr, assisted by a committee composed of Messrs. Johnston (con- venor), Paget, MoLeod and Ballan- lareely io yue, It was decided to make up the syn- dicates ax far ax poxmble, bat every ixnctory entering will bave to pay # f-e of 310, whien, indeed, will hardly Cover eXpenoes, aud considered a very moderate demand. G.T R. Brakeman Killed Near Gadshill. Stratford, Jan. 23.--William Lines, G R. ap vo met with secident near Gedshill last "night, which resulted io his "Seine No one saw the -- bat the train broke loose, and o: the act S stepping age ove car to another when the train broke, apd he fell between. He brought . to of houre, Lives lived . near Lacan, was about twenty-two years of age, and upmarried. Several white men have beey killed and eaten the watives of New wes the hospital bere, but died in a couple | serious trouble by Guivea as a result of the shortage of | b: jand was yet uncleared in Grey town- sbip, and bought lots 15 and 16 in the 17th concession, and Jot 15 in the 18th, where he resided for abont thirty years, and helped to convert the forest into acleared conutry. Selling bis farm to hie sou-in-law, he moved to Carmunick, and there lived fora time, and en removed to the Hunsuccor farm, lot 25, con. 10, Grey, where he lived two years, and then removed to Trowbridge, where he parchased a hones and 6 acres. His wife died there, and he then gave up his place to his son Johv, with whom he has made his home most of the time since. From Trowbridge he removed to the 14th oon. of Grey, where he lived for a while, Lietowe) about four years ago, where he lived till the time of bis dea "y D wasa Presbyterian in re- ligion, in which faith he died, with an assurance of Heaven for his ho e was a good busband and a faithfal father, avd a favorite with all who knew him. The funeral 'eft his lute residence Jan, 10th, interment being made in the bouudary cemetery on ac- count of the storm. The remains will be removed to the family plot at Crap- brook in the spring. His family con- siste of five children, namely, Mrs. Hugh McKay of Logan, Mrs. Wilson MoKay of Maryborough, Roderick, the eldest son, of Algoma, Alexander of Mountana, a Joho, the youngest son, of Listow The fatty desire to thank the friends ae their kindaese and sympathy in the hour of bereavement, not for- getting the young ladies of the U. B. Church for their floral tribute. In Memoriam, Henry a ag ho Di in Wallace Jan. 20, Aged 82 Years. 'Jesus lives," aves well be knew it, Pointing out the way ; Patriarchal, terse, and hopeful Of the better day. When the aged died off, dear ones, While he ed beyond, Lingering the olden over, Dwelt bis memory fond. Dangers past ran sweeter po eteran thoughts abi Coming tofus often, closely," id Nestling by our side, Talks long, a cco sacred, ecalls Had with him, ay , = differed, Stain no jangling strain. Once he parried an infringement, Not himself at fault, "Human nature tis;" ah human! Must the higher halt * " at we he is soaring smoothly Wher¢ the blest heights abine ; What be aaa n tofty praises, Can w Jonx Howe Swxu. Wallace, Jan. 22, 1903, WALLACE, Councm.--The members elect of the Municipal Council of the Town abip of Wallace met for orgavization iu the township hall, Gowaustown, on Monday the 12th day of January, 1902. All the members were present, and baving made and eubscribed the dec- Jarations of qualification and office, took their seats in conncil, as follows : Samuel E Smith, Joho Avdrew Drmmap, councillors. by Demmanv aud Buros, that Roberta be appointed Clerk, and thar y-luw be iatrodneed to confirm the appeivtarpt of officers for the year 19038 Carried Moved by Koch and Smith, that Juhu Stewart be appoint ed Treasurer--Carried. Moved by Bares aud Demman, that Adam Strong be appointed Assessor, ata salary of $48--Carried. Muved by Smith and Koch, that Harvey Ellis and William J. Turvbull be appointed Auditors of the townxbip accounts, at a salary of = doilars each--Carried, The f[ol- owing acconnts were disposed of : om toe Sick Children's Hospital, $5 ; Rubert Elliott, balance on gravelliug ou tidervad, $7 ; John Zurbrigg, ratl- ing on bridge, $1.75 ; Christian Bend- er, spreadiug gravel, $1425; Burck bard Bender, hauling gravel, $76 2C ; Jumes Tremaiv, gravellng on sideroad. $4 20 ; Adam Schadv, work on side- road, '32. 560; William eect half cost work on townline, $12 88 ; Henry Kaiver, 395 yards <Saprel, $23.70 Moved by Koch aod "emuman, that the foregoing accounte be paid--Car- ried. On motion of Koch and Burns the Council adjourned to mget on Sat- urday the 14th day of February, to receive the Auditors' report and tu transact geveral bu-iness RK. G, Ronexrs, Clerk. Mr. Milton Krah has hie chopping mill completed, aud is prepared to give the public good satisfaction. Mr. John Livingstene sold one of his fine drivers to Mr. Kussel McOart- ney for a good figure. Russel has the best outfit on the line. Lvuok out We are glad to bear that Mre, Benj Lewis, who has been sick for some uae is pow on the mend. . Smith was the guest of Mise Penfield on Sunday. Mr. St. C. Adolph was visiting old acquaintances in this village a few days last week> 'Mires R. Stineon was the guest of Miss Kate Gabel on Sunday last. Vatuable Advice to Mothers, page. some wa hi or showing evidence of an a Be + is well to remember that a fresh cold in the head years. He then come down where the /- "ryin'. no were colored among the peaeeneees ow: ing to the large creole is a in color. sg led out of fae ae 'ocal "court as mepis saa ce v York " that Sener Rene ae the Ni would be an appropriate Mae! for : news "te which is shortly to be started in _ j is to present t calamities of all pis in away ter pro: duce a minimum iat catastra: will be cape ake! reectully « of bank failures and stock Mr. R. B. Adam of Buffalo has a col lection of Bas manuscripts sufficient tc make the mouth of tie collector of such valuables as these water. Mre m, ¢ t and a son of the manse, is a rc man, who pursues the tenor of his vorite : oe with ni thoronghnes: verance. ndex of hit ol cg would fill a third of a newspa r column. He has the originals 5 i urns'*own handwriting, of "Tam o Shanter," "A Man's a Man for \' That,' "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," "Thou Lin gering Star With Lessenin gy " ve W ~ Pete In," "Fhe d of the "Epistle to Davie? On the. xeon a Duilt by the German Government between Berlir Zossen a new type of eaten trait is to be tested next year. The s tions require that the train shall maintain a speed of 741-2 miles an hour for threc consecutive cy In order to diminist the air resistance as much as possible a entire ghee including the locomo e, will be enclosed jn a shell of sheet oe A jointed so as to secure flexibility in rounding curves, uniform in size from end to end, and presenting no projections to -- the air, see front of the en -shaped, and the eg will "aul he "ol "the disk instead o} the spoked pattern, and will be e closed, as far as | ble, by the protect: ing sheath. Steam is to a the motive power, the previous experiments oh shown that electric 1« =~ at high speeds unduly strain the tra "When that boy threw stones at you, why didn't you come and of throwing them back?" "Tell you! Why, you couldn't 'it barn dont "Ally Sloper's Half-Hol day." te Roosevelt's Development. Fairfax H. Wheelen, who was a clas» mate of President Roosevelt at Harvard wality cael about him w had, I remember, ;ominent e& rem, | ro- minent teeth, and straggling, pale yellow side-whiskers. at iestinguished himself as a boxer, at which art he ¢ celled. He always strapped a pair "al glasses across his nose when boxing, an so skilled was b that they were never beoken m. By hard, serious and faithful exercise he at ee built eet into s »& a very ordinary writer. He never held a high mark in his written exercises, but yet he diligently cultivated the art of writing, until now he has a creditable list of works after his name. 0 . and he contd sputter staminer. Words seemed to come too fast for him. Now he is a fluent and forceful 1812) was leader of his party in the New York Legislature, and candidate for Speaker of the Lower House." The Critical Cooke. Mistresa--But why ae you want leave, Mary? Servant--Wh the young ladies don't ian ak a any style or taste; and warenne Le e been I've always been u in' the young ladies; but your young "ladies ain't svovth eopyin'.--Ex. -_--?o Why the Messenger Boy Ran. --_ --Dat new kid seems ter be in an orful hurry. Jerry--Dat's all ight. He ain't car- message. Big up dle newsstand ter git de new book "Cross-eyed Chris,-de Crafty Cracksman." 2 Often when a society woman's "cheeks burn" you can detect the odor of burn- ing paint.--New York "Life "Oh, John!" exclaifned the proud a er as her husband 1 They Father Consumption. because it is the yet d covered that is volati! to reach the root of the trouble of the lungs and bronchial tubes, imy tes e of the air breathed its b vapor, Coldy can't water up the nose from the palm-of the band. 3 Unions, by. Professor Adam Sh has recen' }} retarned. to Canada and is pow livii Hie many admirers will know that some of his work young A picture of an eagle's nest is rare, but one which. shows three young gridit ee pum- bas a9 rarer stil he picture in British area crt hich | Among ey other features ate : New Branawick ; « poem by W. A- Fraser, author of "Thoroughbreds" : Dr. Bell's Fiying Macbine, by Thomas Johneon ; a Visit to the Toronto Zoo, illustrated, by W. T. Allison ; Railway Taxation, by H. a Petty piece, M. P. P. ; and The Incorporation of Trades bortt. The second instalment of Dr. Hannay's "War of 1812" ia well illustrated, and the Departments are aleo attractive, rts clearness to t ¢ yand spirits Bs when ty are- needed most. To to Lwenty gd or 6 boxes for $2 50, at Druggista, or Pol- son & Co,, Ritgetns, Ont. Da. Haonvros 's Pitts ARE CERTAIN. Parliament will be asked to grant in- corporation to the Berlin, Waterloo, Wellestey and Georgian Bay Railway Company, to construct and operate a railway from Berlin to Waterloo,thence via Wellesley village, Glenallen, Dray- ton, Mount Foreet and Markdale to Collingwood, with brauch 'gl hs Owen Sonnd and Wiarton, The o pany also wants the right to comitinitt and wavigato steamships, develop water wer and electric power, operate telegraph and telephone lines, and acquire parke, We have Ft advanced a price of our tobaccos, Amber smoking tobacco, Bubs, Currency, ar i Fair Play chewing t are the -- size and price to the consumer as former Ve have ales extended the time for the are a of Snowshve tags, to esd Ist, 1004. i Ewrikt Tonevo Co,, Limited, ie 4 City of Ziov,, that lies 42 miles north of Chicago aud seven miles from Waukegan on the shore of Lake Michigav, bas a» area of ten square miles, 6,000 inbabitauts, a large gener- al store, hotel accommodation for 500 gucets,and all the other businceses that are usually foundin a town of that size. Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young ; when old, sometimes im- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion, Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump" tion is when you begin tryin g to hide it from yoursel Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon r | tree it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't ex be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can/ eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. Re sure that this picture in the form + . label is on the vaty bo ttle of F Porte met soc. and $1; all druggists, S BRICKER, REAL ESTATE BROKER MONEY TO LOAN on Farm and Panic r erie at lowest rate of interest. CANADA LIFE. T have about FIFTY FARMS fot welt eee 400 acres. All prices, Also a large list of TOWN P RO PE RTIES. OFFICE.--Adjoising Marphy & Carthew's S. BRICKER. "REAT WINTER SALE. At Listowel Live Cash Store For Next Thirty Days. We want you to be impressed with the great possibilities of money saving at this store. This business is going tic strides, giving its patrons goods at prices that are remarkable for lowness, our first winter sale will be a harvest of unusual bargains in every department. y torward with gigan- New this BARGAINS. Ladies' Fur.Coats,etc. : Bargains in Ladies' Fur Coats, The Critical Time of Life. Mantes, Mita, Maffs, Caper- between the years of pag Pea" and sixty-two. Nature's power slows down, ' vi ity becomes "a rogress of Men's Furs. d setsin. A -- of extending old Ready-to-Wear Clothin, expec Manties. minute im ey $10, Winter sale $7.50, Ladies Short Coats. 25 only ered py oae & ma and $1.9 Now! i only 4 cts. Bargains in Men's he and of et el also farpiles in A few prices to give youan idea of ect, Heavy Cloth seats up to. the ery way, Regular oat Coats, last rth regular $5 to $8, tiny Winter Sale $2.98 Blouses, 25 only Black Sateen Blouses, si Ri. oe finish, worth regular $1:25, Sale 79cts. fod Underskirts. 12 only Black Sateen Under- skirts, hgh eageise $1, Winter Sale only 79cts Blankets. 50 pairs White and Grey Cot- ton Blankets for our great Win- ter Sale, only 55 cts. Groceries. 500 Ibe, new cleaned Currants at per lb. 5 cts. Beat Green Coffee that money will buy, only per Ib, 9c. No. 1 Brivish Columbia Pink Salmon, you cau buy po fi goods at lie. Our erent Win- ee Sale, only 11 ¢ A good roasted Coffee 10 cts. This sale isa money saver for you. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. LISTOWEL AND OWEN SOUND. FURNITURE. re Re et money savers, notice. goods. Have you seen Our prices TH" BED-ROOM FURNITURE. Call and get our prices and examine our goods ; they are All kinds of Furniture AT RIGHT PRICHS. PICTURE FRAMING and Repaning done on short UNDERTAKING. This department is complete with a large selection of best Night and Sunday calls eons atrended to at cottage East of Public School. Man Street, Listowel. A. BROADFOOT. lita ee BOOTS AND 'SHOES. January Will be a. Bargain Month. : OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED ONE HALF BEFORE WE CLOSE. PROFITS ARE. NOT CONSIDERED. -Zinn's Old Stand, WALLACE STREET 2 Do oes North of Scott's Bank, Every Pair Less Than Regula: Price. .If you need a pair see what we can do for you. ' RVTTVVUTATVABATELOAA J. K. BRICKER; LISTOWEL. BILLIE KING, LA Fe Cl New steam Sethi Ran by band -- 1 Bobs New st first-class. _ _ Best LAUNDRY IN TOWN. to-date. You cannot see Sauer Dy aah cael Main street west, | House Acre of Land ©, ON MITCHELL ROAD, LISTOWEL. undersigned of a com- teckanie frame house acre of land. On the latter there 1s a good frnit or Hse arieties a Serna enema

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