TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTTE EXPERIMENTS TO ERADICATE ' THE DISEASE, -- Some of the Main a Con- clusions Which W Arrived at. of valuable experiments as jus leted at Storrs Revienatiiral lxperimental Station, ecticut, be a' tuberculous herd al cows. ts of these efforts to emdicate the disease with be --_ fmum of financial loss are o ed a A Vv that, whi he nob nit public health, controversialists too often lost sight of the scantice' utility of cxperiments. Here, there- fore, we have something tangible up- ou which to act In 1896, the Connecticut Agricul- a herd of about nd young cattle. Prior to this date the herd consist- od rade animals, mostly of Jer ecy oo iin es d blood, but in that year 15 9r Jerseys, Guern- peys, and Ay rielsiven were purchased, Since that time the aoquisitions to the herd have been froin the natural animals, and ws e w of the tact |@ h FEEDING ROOTS 70 SWINE! EXPERIMENTS SE SHOW THAT IT IS BENEFICIAL. Most " Satiatactory Ration Con- tains Equal Parts of Grain oor Boots. During the past two or thr uses y Careful exper: 'ment has shown, however, that roots can be f moderate quankives other feed without # on the quu.ity produced. root crops can be easily and econ. joally grown in nearly all these' are tions of Canada where swine a ® carried on extensively, the in oe with that roots can te profitably | fe | without injury to the bacon nd | ith positive it am bs as "the gencral thrift of the an con- im- cerned becomes of sonniaevarie portance to our farmers. VALUE OF ROOTS. a purchase of grace cow pt tober, 1897, the entire wand was cobeintad, n November, | 1808, a cow wh ove year had yielded 292 pounds of but- suddenly iil, and she was a post-mortem examination showing a generalized and advanced case of tuberculosis. .The 'herd was then tested with tuberculin when twelve animals oe making A 'TOTAL OF FIFTEEN out of a "tect of forty-eight -- that had contracted the disease lowing are some Main practical con clusions at from these experiments. bin we of 1 herd is a groin Process. One 'taecoulin test is not eg a s new cases will develop from tin to time. Ali the breeds rebeenentett | in the herd were about equally sus-| ceptible. Twenty per cent. of -- the Jerseys, 26 per cent. of the Guern- seys, 21 per cent. of the Aynshires, and 20 per cent. of the Holsteins re spoiled to the tuberculin test, The largest: producers in the herd -- were | not more susceptible to tuberculosis than those of the least productive The disease wes not in-| in orig ber, have developed the discase. Re- peated injections of tuberculin often | result in a failure to respond. Six- | teen animals that 'had responded | ence to tubercuiin failed to respon oa the subsequent injections in ten out of 20 instances, or 50 fer cent. The post-mortem examination of aos tain animals, which © previous slaughter. were apparently in rood | physical condition, show e disea 1l condition, showed the dis- virulent, and evident- The Physica ease extensive, ly in the infectious state. mortem examination of certain ani- mals, slaughtered in ic ener: 16 amontha. alter fume ~onee. a mere traces of t -he disc. se, rte! A then made little or no progress, and the encysted condition of the ules might The slow progress ease in certain animals, rapid progrese in others, took place t the same tim e under the same tdual . possess diferent powers of to the progress of this | iscase when once it HAS GAINED FOOTHOLD Whilst there may be animals show- may be other animate in the herd in a condition to the sease The farmer who wishes to completely -- c¢'iminute the disense his herd must aid the Govern- indivicual food, as preventive measure the | tuberculin test as a ¢ nant ag- mt; and cither immediate slaughter 5 of which any farmer | or | | What is ool as the ~ 'Bane fsolation method is ecanensieal = a large herd is affected, or W nr small herd of rate anima is} ipen The offapring are remov- | ed when. dropped, and raised on the | pasteurized milk. The disposal of | the diseased animals impy then bare. within the past few years crurude the decrease lareer a. n of both milk ard j ment. Statements, often made, that bovine cnbare ulosixs is oh the -- in- crease especially in dairy cate, have not en proved The increas | 1 ing knowledge of the disease, of the | eiliciency of good ventMation ox- ercise, sunlight, and nutritious food | in fortifying, the system of the an- | inal; of the introduction of tuher- | ulin as 0 dingnostic agent; of -- the | use of disinfecting agenchs and the method of iseluticn, should instil in | pif _-- of the owners of ovr herds | of tle ow greater confidence in thei ir ability to combat the discase. These agencies are within the reach of us W. H. COARD. Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. --_+---- CEILING IIS CONTRACTS. pleaded with the up."' In impassion- lecturer "look helps the man -Never look down A seedy stranger. drose in the ba tow pe bie : say that I always look up 1 Mtg pan Hh looked up for thirty . and am no mt off for it. Looking up is my "What do you do ne a ving, my good man ?°" , "I'm a ceiling decorator.' that ak this broke ep the mectiig. The applause Ball: aus there - demonstrating how hme \8 of the | pretty arrived | pou . . That much has been accom ] "| grey. With great politeness the Eight pounds = mangels rots and about t 'little less cf adicurd bects are equal | gir, which he takes by an open win- jin value to one pound of grain. "th . | dow No he consens:s of opinion o perature, this regime is always pur-' sums Copenhagen Ottawa anc A lgued, but the exercise is never At! Copenhugen the a finely cut and raw, and even one-fourth of the 'wiven in the fowtn of roots, no between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable ofls and pure edible m Sunlight ' 203 } D How R. LORENZ'S REGIME. _ the Great Surgeon Preserves His Health. observance 0 bright, keen eyes and clear maeceed ion there i that glow of heal which is the eal beauty of oither 'man or wom hercu te . The giant size and lean shennan of the great sur- mark him as a man of great energy, and this is how he maintains it: On rising 6.30 o'clock he takes a cold "plunge, which he fol- all r car-|lows with vigorovs exercise of same weight or a! the muscles amd cecp breaths of fresh | heavier 2 fed | the bocy when! on his dressing gown, takes his cof- daily fced was fee and rolls, and when fally dressod | in- eats his seal warm to a glow brenkfast of eggs or Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green.. "tnan tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea, SIAM'S WHITE ELEPHANTS. Mistaken Notions as to How They Are Regarded. ; do not r worship in their rev. animals, particularly monkey, ssn sparrow, FOR HIGHEST EFFICIENCY, The Railways Bee Heaiting Enor- mous necessity for the highest effi- cheneg in the engincering branches of the railway service is one of | the most imperative demands of success- ful modern railroading. The rail- Ways, as never before, have en awakened to the necessity of reduc- ing operating expenses wherever pos- Bibic. ecds no demonstration to convince anybody ha the roadbed can approximate th e a horizontal move dd heavier rails to carry it. Railways all over matter how cold the tem- | the continent are spending enormous for the purpose of bringing car | | their property into the nearest pos- ried to the point of fatigve, and with | sible accord with these ideal he puts ditions. con- 'The Grand Trunk has spent ; Yast sums in theso coe to i Well as in the double rackin which next year | see Prmore: and | Jurious efiects were mrhe « ie the chops with ten. 'Then comes a brisk | between Montreal and Toronto, quality of the onda The grain per waik. Oy this he aids digestion, |between Hamilton and Niagara head in 6B On a ration -_ and makes himself fully prepared in |Falls. The Canadian Pacific aes grain and half whey or milk waS brain and musele for the ®" secured the ices one of the 7.6 pounds, whereas when the grain, bor. 1 Lorenz's day's work is 1 most capable engineers on-this side j Was ¥ replaced by soap after the pro- ually spread out over ten hours, but! of the (Atlant le to undertake the re pation = 1 to fet increake Was he never allows it to interfere with | ductio of redionts a the ae 8. 3 and 8.6 porn's. @ hearty luncheon and substantial | stvhlobtonin = { du al ee a half the grain was pe by dinner nt strictly relative intervuls, | i main Line "h ° ; o h urves on the rvots in proportion of 1 to 8 the and even then there are left him | « wherever the te ne ae rrowth ef the different lots was three or four hours of the evening | dy nearly the same, viz., 8.5 for recieaticn before going to bed. ath a whatever that too little pounds, for the grain fed pigs. and fe is prevared to have seven houra/*% = a eae given to this in the 8.6 pounds for those fd roots. thus of deep, refresting sleep, nd that, \° rly days of railroading The ee difference in favor he say yny man needs ception of American railway policy 'showing a sinall latter. In this experiment it noted that the pigs of the 'must be ;sequently took them readily y gels containing etual quantities dry matter had similar valve in pig feeding; in other woris the amount of dry matter in roots is of import- nce rather than the total weight or 'the quantity of sugar containe In number of Danish experiments four. of cooked potatocs gave practi- cally the sume gain as one pound of rain. The quodity of pork pro- aed from potato feeding is ESPECIALLY GOOD as has been shown by numerous ex- in England, ,Lrela Den- n this connec- : Grisdale of the Central Iixperumental Farm, says: 'Po jtoes "are frequently availiable feeding pigs. especially sma toes Ail sxrertnante! work rere with potatoes seems to indicate that {el raw they are of very little nutri- tive value, but when cooked they worth one quarter as mach BP mixed « Artich similar to "that of potatoes. m oo not been found as satisfactory angels or sugar teets for swire either in for pota- have 'a feedirg value decd, seem more sat- isfactory consideri yield per acre, palatability aod feeling value, than the large red man gel. s conducted by . Grisdale and , as Well as the expericnce of ° a" z ve factory ration for swine fecding con- tains equal parts by weicht of grain The addition of about "growth and fine aon of Ff y. W. HODSO Live Stock minissioner. ----E A WINTER SCOURGE. Le G or Influenza Resp : sible for Hundreds of Untime- label around every box,. Substitutes can't cure and to take them is waste of moncy and endangers life. _--_>------ A distinguished cavalry leader was once dinner-party, to which he had been invited as the guest honor. Besides him was 'a | cious widow, with hair. of Pau black, who rudely interrupted tho conversation by asking the warrior why it was that his beard was still black' while his pence is that I have used my 'brain a litUle more than I have my. jaw.' amount of gain! eadiness with | | "Sev had moro been fed roots previously and con- | siumber s, en hours of sound sleep is worth | than twelve hours of brok " ----------_ p= = A MOTHER'S DELIGET. |Is to All litue osit says The of al abso} hort » view 'clearly the tnances of the Ottoman of ment key, ing st card to peisonous without them in the Represents $21 The question of the unification brine Turkish debt -- out Sce Her Little Ones Healthy, Rosy and Happy. mothers delight in secing their ones bright, rosy and happy, but unfortunately all mothers do no use the best methods to result. fretful s gain When baby is they give e, as these soothing stufis are dangerous. Bab. r All experienced mothers a house. se tablets are ® svcd for children ]l ages and c be given with ute safety fo a new born babe. mail a valuable little book on the care infants cnd young children. eS ---- THE TURKISH DEBT. Per Head of the Population. of is again likely to ly come to the front, and in of this fact it is desirable to- outline the present position Em- 'lhe following general statc- is cerived from expert source The consolidated debt of 'Lur- supposing the project Rouvi.r . and leaving out of your name. a the Heaeane in" To- ronto you can obtain a copy "Ty » | soother, father what a naughty Bobby , earnestly. am afraid, Bobby," said his "that hen I H your boy a" "ve look neern on Bobby's face "Well, mother,'" said Phan. "give him a better dinner usual: You might do that edie for a © construct the railway on the lowest possible basis of cost have it operated. It was the amount rather than' the cost of operation that Was the controlling factor, and there can be little doubt that had the projectors { the railways in those days made their estimates on now conceded to be correct and of investment cost of di- ting as er involve a much larger sum than would have been required had kept in view at the beginnin, --_--__--__---------- BE A MANLY MAN. It is said that all the world loves a true lover, and in much the same way everybody loves a manly man. - oF eweeter in life, aniess jt be a womanly wo- man. Ajl Ifkea transparent char. t who are not sure of their characters, are always throwing up a defence to protect themselves against the close scrutiny of the igi Frank people fling the doors of their hearts wide open, for they have "yothtna to con- ceal. They re what th flaws and all ; but coed people, whose histories have not been clear, open impses of their unholy There is nothing which will help a young person to succeed more than a reputation of a clean, trans- parent, manly, honest, and straight- forw We afraid people _who are always on their ard, who do not quite dare to nob cal you to look into their inmost --_---- re is more Catarrh in this eect unt the loans provided for ott of | Put together, an the last few ly Deaths. ihe tribute of Egypt, amounts to | [273 "#s supposed to be incurable. For La grippe starts with a sneeze--and | $331,000,000, a represents $21 jit Socal i aan oes Le i ese ends with a complication. It lays rt tied head of population. =" end by constantly failing to . ° i jocal t tment, ronounced streng man on his back; it tortures' ~- noual bu for that | ip; ; him with fevers and chills, head- ide! ounts to for interest and | te "cs c Comsisictienal duseer im @ there. aches and backaches. It leaves him sinking fun's $15,000,000, and repre- Hall's Cater constitutional treatment. pr to pneumonia, bronchitis, 'Sents 85c per head of pupulution. J. Chasey "te. Toledo, Ohic. % cousumption and othe diy dis-} No budget is publishe!, but it is the only coustitutioual cure on the mar- ase uc avoid la grippe by /@ssurred by competent authorities | ket. It taken internally in do: ty ste h Dr. that there is an annual def.cit of at | {Ton TO drops to a teaspoonful. It acte | fortifying ur ystem with r directly on the blood and mucous su | Williams' Pink Pills. They protect; least $6,700,000. But this supposes es of the system. They offer one hue you ; they cure you ; they up-build | that all sularivs are fuily paid. In cred Bollars for bmn re and sails. to ron; they banish all evil after | rex ity . me enly about eigbt Aad o: circulars and testimoni- effects. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ---- --_ 2 Rie! yenr = sora ig SHENEY a "to. Toledo, O. id, > four months' sularies no old by Druggist ward off all winter allments ef | paid may represent $3,750,000. Fur- Hall's Fomils ayer ples sie (bout. cure all blood and nerve disor lthee, inchud hadaret They are the greatest blood- builder | nditut In (i Ducgctary -- ex- 'ond nerve tonic that science has yet iture is . aySunt of $3,600,- " Mother--"I wish you would rake | discovered. We know this to be the | 200 annrally imeilied to reductien|up the dead leaves in the yard." solemn truth, but we do not ask | Of Cebt by purchases of the Pwolic | Small Son--"I've ge sprain in you take our word alone. Ask jpets Comminrion "ne = the sinking my wrist, and the rheumatism in iny ; : wf ove your neighbors, no matter where you | NE OF NESSES ee ack, and growing pains in my right t niny appear very hard tht the | jew 2d--and lef ive, and you will learn of someone &. a and cramps in tay left. one, ny (functionaries shoukl only receive d head » ge ae who has been red by Ptr. Wi 1- | ;an yeadache, and toothache. Af- i ; cight months' of salary instead of | tp» o linins Pink Pyjls, fter other! iene in a year, but it 1 ter you have raked the leaves into imedicines had failed. ft is upon the |, a yee "ha ay ht 'lnc ot a iP pile you may set it on fire nd + ' 3% 7 i v " or ' earee*; oa nee of your -- that Pa important functionaries one fired at} the tie He Whoup where's ask you to give e pe a a very hith rate, Thus the salaries | trial if you are sick or ailing. Mrs.) of the members of the Sarin | Einma Doucet. St. ae m coe 'ounci!, who are numerous andl do says °-- ords enn hardly te 10W very littl wo are aches $10,000 | plonsed I " -- Hf siete of eur Reoeiving two-thir's of 20 MILLION BOTTLES af run ad an ach © t . i 5 YEAR es left mea pore from j es pela Ge si ware whe | SOLD EVERY heacerbes and pains in the stomach 'hat part then of the budgetary de- | sed several medicines, but nothing | ficit represented by salaries i - | hele me until T began he use of 'rears docs not press much upen the | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I! 'Treasury. | began them was werk and very = much run down. The pills have com- . a ean | pletely curcd me and I not only am FOR THE LITTLE ONES. | as strong as ever, but have gai n book, beautifully. illus- | in syd " The genuine pills always | trated, is one of the latest advertis- bear u ame, 'Dr. wie ing productions of Massey-Harris Pink 'Pills for Pale People,' the | co, Ltd., makers of the famous swan reason of this reverence is that miler the Buddhist religion each successive Buddha is supposed to have through . Pgunn of transmigrations and occu- 'orms of white secon ofa white elephant ranks first because it is believed to be the temporary dwelling place of the soul of some great personage, a king or great general, e wisdom and knowledge of great personage are supposed to d ane in this state, and ity and promotes peace and prosper- ity. So itis customary when a TROUBLES OF AN EX-REEVE 'WERE EASILY DISPOSED OF BY DODD'S KIDNEY PiLLs. W. G. Cragg, of Dresden, Had In- flammatory Rheumatism, and Was Cured Slick and Clean. Dresden, Ont., Jan. 19.--(Special) --"'Dodd's Kidney Pills d me slick and clean of the Rhoumatism," . Cragg, ex-reeve of -- this was the Inflammatory I had, ond I think Pills are experience, y others. People generally here are learning that Rheumatism is simply a result kid- neys do not do their duty and take the uric acid from the blood, it erystallizes at the muscles an joints and causes those tortures too man ¥y er ole know too we beer bebo with In- far: matory atism for i years,' continue the ex-reeve. could scarcely get around to do m. oie: in my store. I tried doctors nd medicines without getting any honed, till I heard of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Six boxes cured me com- tely."' pl Cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kid- mney Pills and your Rheumatism wil} cme itself, --p_----. Clara--"'Did the newspapers notice your father at the ihe bunquet ?"' Johnny-- ""'Yes."' Clara--"Well, mam- i said she could not see his name the list." Johnny--"No, t Tet ends up With 'and others,' That means papa. They alw mention him that way.' Minard's Liniment Cores. Giphtheria, "'Widowhood makes a Woman un- selfish." "'Why so ?°' "Because = she ceases to look out for Number One and begins to look out for Number Two,' WHAN THE LAMES ARE LIT. The children like to get an attrac- tive hook to read = after supper--so pleasure readers that by sending their ddress on a post card to Mas- w i Tor onto, they ne It is a bright little magazine, con- taining many new pictures and some od reading. Don't forget to men- tion this paper, or you may net re ceive the journal. eccrem--"'O ' come ! Stop aoe trouble." Glamey--'**Bo whiz, man, trouble "lan't like moncy. When I borrow mone I can forget about it right away.' r ten months I suffered with Rheumatism ; I could move neither hands nor feet, and felt. excruciating pains in my whole body. A German friend recommended St. Jacobs Oil ; the result astonished me, all pain vanished, and I was eet ---J. B Hyland, Troy, New Yo when seared, haat host tad spour re Bt aft Wluck bine Vlg Su POULTR ates is a good demand for all kinds of first-c'ass Poy. Prac isie WJ Chickens.' We want large quan upply demand, re} condies us if you want ood Prices. APPLES ou have a carload, or more, of Ar stuff we ca? sueu place them for you, or will ship them for you and e advance -- the shi 4 ., outa, Toromte " Headlight" ee a Eagie " Tous & 2003 "a Victoria " "Little Comat" having a easant asked a lady of a little ta fashionable children's "Delightful, thanks. "And will your papa ome mame later ?" "Oh, dear, : iP and moimma and I don't. 'niece 'to the same set.' party. come Fer Orep 6txty Years. Weit-Triso Rew Ax OLD Wiaslow's Poothine Syrup has heen ed tar er atx'y years by m of mothers for Loaie oe children wht'e teething. with sfecs's saccers. It ns, soft aun the gums, allayeal! pain, cures ener "oslia, othe best Soi by for Piarrbaa = I« pien ant te rl are. rugsists in er part wer i ta 8 i voles fa i: eaiculabie be sure nod x for Mra Whasiow' ing and take po kind. e presence of ind of an im- eorge !"' she said, "buy mea ei "Sarah," -- he, "'you have too many alre: When washing greasy dishes or sill Eemoye the grease the greatest case. Husband (reading the paper)-- "What fools some men will make of themselves !°" Wife--"Well, Henry, ar, what have you done this time ?" Ehord's Unmet Ces Carpet i-Gpws. Butcher--"'Coine, John, be _ lively now ; -- the bones i Mr. Sampso chops and Mr. Smith's yi nt your basket."' "Al right, sir ; jus soon as I've sawed off Miss Murphy's leg."" SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. Thiladelphia, Atlantic City, Baltt more, Washington, Old Point Com- fort, and the -- vita Lehigh Val- fey Railroad conncctions. Four fast pany trains daily for fashington, Ashev Southern Pines, Charterton, Savanah, Jack- tonville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Tampa. Niam/, Nassau, Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tickets new on sale. For full particulars, illustrated literature, maps, etc,, call on or address Robt. 5. Lewis, Canadian --_ Agent, 838 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Brown--"I say, Jones, you do not know Miss Armour ; why did raise your hat to her ?"' Jonee--"'I didn't. It's my brother's hat ; he knows her."' Visitor"What do you do i Mamma-- | yo sup, 5 Visitor--""Well, what then 7°'! Papa--"He cries and she carries it up to him ina heii ' EAT BUTTER. Purest Form of Fat It ts Possible to Eat. Butter is so common a commodity | that people use it anc j The think what wonderful jtheir hand in the pats {vellow cream fat. Of course iknow that it js ° useful | branches of cookery, and that with- cut het and- butter, | | its delicate cakes other | usual accessories. a these uses the value of butter is a thing only! vaguely thought of. | Lut this delicate fat is as valuahle the dearer cod-liver oil for weakly = g 3 thickly , ps of, pleasantly taking into the bodily! tissues one of the purest forms of fat it is possible to get. . Butter is a carbon, and afl excess of it is stored up as fat in 'the body. It gives yi ng and power to work to tho eat heartily of it. So it is not pod at table to _ the butter, even to the healthy folk. For anyone afflicted 'with consum, butter-cookery, if plenty of , it is one of the best ways of curing the disease if it is in its oy stages, or of keeping it ae bay utter od not a simple | fat, com- t ent sorts of fat, and no more com- plex ofl ean be taken tha: m than this is. Yinacd's Lilment i Cars: Distemper |is no doubt that the tailor would be 'very much pleased to collect if could, Of! away the malady. Minzrd's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, "Englishmen owe a good deal to the tailor," says a journal of e tailoring trade. Quite so ne wer LIKE BUYING RHEUMATISH We puf the bills in your pocket and take Isn't that just like buying it There's the bunch of you'll pay out to. get rid of the rheumatism if you buy riptions with it. It's a cure yoo Want, not prescriptions, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE pull the np out rut by the roots. Ne more doctoring, no money saved; health aed, "fe saved, CURES IN | TO 3 DAYS. E. Exswen, a trained nurse, of Halifax, ape A mean yy writes: "I have been for six from rheumatism, p Nerrenede ling ief was only tem . tried South. Rheumatic Cure, after four days' use of the %s tirely free the SOUTH ALYRICAN KIDNEY CURE --_ and pans, Lever's Dry omg = Bri you! FDDY'S To send for our Com Sheet Musia bes aot CANADA MUSIC Teachers) == ee WANTED! 722 AGENTS WHY WORK ON commissicu? Ms =aat pile ed nn im. usnesy teenty dollars yer wake (9 cae make Ldap dome rei Torona is tue CEN: bi af eee pio le new propo 108. ORIGHTON ACO, - 30 CHURCH ST, TORONTO. Dominion Line Line Steamships Beston to Liven * Steamah:pa pe Saperior oe secom> edation nas bere qisse. | i apply te ropes ge and Fast of emidshipe Specral stte al attention Bal ea Third-Clase por oem san or Milla & Co, a Baten Dyeing! Cleaning! '(BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." D. Torraves & Oo.. Montreal and Pertiend Look fer agent in your town, or sand direst. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Have You Seenlt? What? Farm pe be | éepaitmest of hewan \pdeavor, 308 wir ea ea aE orcnta erything in are at heorens Prices, Bond ir a prices, een te Price list. me wey Wehaes @. M. BASTEDO A GO., 77 King Bt_East Toronto . SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. 'verrmg you should >ear in th that tra? and in the mest rand th fomfortable ner. excels in both par- Trunk service ronto .to treal, Buflalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped witk wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and ining Cars ng meals 'a la had ight trains carry Pullman sleeping cars ta all abeve point You leave Torento for Montreal and at 0 a. m. O p. m. for Buffalo and Affable Aristocrat--"Well, the fact 1S OWN Dear Sirs,--I t strongly of the senivacs of ARD'S LINIMENT. It is THE rem- re | edy -- in my household for burns, sprains, cte., and we would ret without it. It is truly a wonderful medicine. JOHN A. MAC DONAL D, Publisher Arnprior Chronicle, "REE WILL. too Mrs Vreezy hammer)-- "There, Uve hit the Boar ou the head at fast." Mr. Breezy 'Why put Vour finger Mrs. Breezy" hit."" THE WABASH RAILROAD That was the nail Is the great winter tour'st route te the south he and west, ,ncluding t famous Hot Springs, Ark., Old Mexico, the Egypt of America, Texas and California, the lands of sun- hine ar flowers. Your particular attention' "is called to-the fuct that Passengers t a Detrait and er the Wabash, reach their dcs- t tination hours in advance of thy The agi and clegant trains on the Wabash are'the finest in this country, every thing is first class in ery pect. Al round we. -- tourist tickets are now on jowest rates. Time tables, maps, and all informa- tion about this wonderful railroad Passenger King & Yonge "ida Toronto, and St. Thomas, On* Witherhy (savagely)--"Isn't . it about time to have those windows paseepaocerreny hd in relieves bladder and cleancd ? Mrs. Witherby--"'Why, SM icacembace they were cleaned ° only recently.*4 perfect bealth, 3 | Witherby--"How recently 2" 5--0g Witherby -"Two girls ago .