Listowel Standard, 3 Apr 1903, p. 1

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LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, F ¥. APRIL 3, 1908. WALTER BROS. LISTOWEL'S LEADING STORE. ~ So many new things of interest to talk of now that we have difficulty in decid-- ing which to begin with. _ {"™ DRESS GOODS AND SILKS charming new Dress Goods and Silks for Spring in an endless variety of new styles, weaves and colors. FASCINATING 1903 WASH GOODS This. the choicest weaves known to the art have come to us and are daily arriving. department has earned an enviable reputation. A LACE CURTAIN: SNAP FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 25 doz. pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, regular $1.25 to $2.25, Look at our Show Window. ; 7 A CASH GROCERY LIST FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. EB Ee at per pair $r. : > 25 |b. Redpath Granulated Sugar for....... i $B1.00 * 7 \b. best B. Rice for........ 0.0000. bee ec e ee ceveneees . (25 be ~ QO Ib. Tapioca for ............... beeen eee eee eens 25 . 7 Ib. Figs for............ ree beeeeseeeees 25 = G |b. fresh Prunes for. ee ee cece nce cece vee eee eens a5 > 2] boxes Royal or Jersey Yeast......... 0.0.00 e eee eee 5 B, 7 bars Comiort, Sweet Home, or Searchlight Soap for..... 25 Corn Starch per box at BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. BAT AxrO1 aro OUR CLOTHING has no equal as to style, quality and prices. at last week's prices. = ALL FA RM PRODUCE iaken in exchange at nn prices. RB ---- eho & eae CARPETS: oe Ast or Bs loosen wr ROBERT THOMPSON PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. The Greatest Spring Display oF-- CARPETS, ART SQUARES, LINOLEUMS, CURTAINS, AND RUGS. A good thing to know :--Is the place to buy your spring wants in the House Furnishing Line, 8759 yarda Ex-minster Tapestry, wool aud hemp carpets to clear this month, We Commence Our ANNUAL SALE this Month of tis lo va owing lines offered at prices that represent. vale ue " - not heard of before. The Greatest Home Furnishing Sale Ever Conducted in Listowel. Carpets ranging from 1214, 50 20, 69, 37%4c., 1.00, 32 1.25, 45, 90 *25¢, per yard, All new and up-to-date styles, Tapestry ae Squares. 18 inch interwoven borders, 3x3%, for $10; size 3xq for $12; size 34% x4 for B17.50. . 79, Ex-minster and Tapestry Floor Rugs, 25, 45, 55, 90c.. $f, 1 3 50. 25, ! 75 'i 50 amie and Floor Oil Cloth, sale price tor ir mo na April, per yard, 25, 31, 35 50, 53, 70c. and $1 Tapetiey and cee nie nals in Ourtai tol lowing p oe et ee 37}. a5. vn ry ose Oc., $1 00, 1 10,1 P0175, S00. 2 » 8:00, 25, one a@ 00, 4 6O, sie 'S00. $7 00, 7 50, 8 The most up-to-date wad fresh stock - of Family Groceries always on, hand, Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farmproduce_ R. Thompson, Geller Sion + ns :--Note LISTOWEL usrHobis J-H.'0 P SUNDAY, ama Services at ita. me H.W. Srttisisx,. MoD Strangere cordially: ini TOWN TO) All $1.25°and §1.60-M. Friday for 99c, ab ieee Broa, -" Go Bargain Cen dc your buying, = 'Grant. The Town Coancil re water- works. The dust was ayhing streete this weok, Mr. W. K. Climie a i daya on week * Beytn codices ow Good a m, Rev. J. 8. Ha dte ohnip bu; and barneas Apply to 8 Sticker. Remember-Lace Curta Friday "a Raturday ot We April bas come in quifl aod the farmers in this™ getting busy with their pl Staff Captain Combs offiigp couduct special services ati A.on Sat- aurday and Sunday; Ap' Special singing and niu A meeting of the Foo called for to-night in the hotel at 8 o'clock sharp ed are requested to att Bp wpringlike, 'Tenders are invited fo of Mr. W. E. Binning, u could) hardly imagi could be soldso ches » ae sold at Grant's, e that goods e arc i Rein ns iso Frankfords ; try Wr right. . Also pach always on hand, Quake? ate. in: bulk, dire American, Coxenl Ca, of » es J. H. McDonald's, B Lambie, The latter-is ef 'd medalist, Mr. Bert Hacking returned to town last week on _ trip up tc New On- tario. He reports that th» country is rapidly filing " with settlers, -espevi- ally ic the neighborhood of Liskeard, Gory Onvs,--Listowel Golf Olub has been réorganized for the incoming | seers with the following officers : resident, B, Forsayeth , Vice-pres., F.W. Hay; Secretary-treas., W. Climie. M. Fawcett, Dieter Brussels, The Dregs-makers must be ing the number o seld at the Bargain Centre, To Farmers --The Meyers Milling Co. have just received a car of good clean seed leas, entirely free from bugs, Call at their cflice and ses sample before buying. Norman Stewart, son of Mr. J. J. Stewart, whd hee been dangerously ill with fever, has, we are pleased tu anbonnes, taken a change for the bet- ter, and encouraging hopes ure now held out for his recovery. Galt Reporter: Messrs. Reid & Fleming, cartera, recentiy purchased a fine team from Mr. Russell Hay, the well known Listowel buyer. Mr. Rob ert Barlow went to Listowel on Thars- day and brought the team home. Mesers. P, J. Livingston and C. H. Smith, who were in the wreck at Elora, have been-gettled with by the Grand Trook Co:, Mr, Livingston receiving $75 and Mr. Smith $10. As neither were seriously ipjured, the settlement* is quite satisfactory to both gentlemen. remember that gouds well wold, that iy the" reason ing at Grant's, buey, count. reases that have been at Grant Always bought ape easil for the epowds - Howse. ror Satz. Good, modern, as house, it » Bibuc ~~ on Main west,- For ay cn apply tots Adm, Cali dnd examine. our Corn Oat Chop. I have @ car, apd will sell 1+ pit to' in- troduce it, 7° J. H. MoDoraxp, Mr, As Bayuton, director of organ- izers for Ontario in the Home Qorres- pendence School, spent » day in town this ae in. the interest of the echool. r. O--B, age erm the local - repre- ee Y entoliing » considerable tuderts ist this institution ed obnaon- MoRaye | enteftsinment ravt them in goiog ou with the pro- gramme. They will probably. appear here later, when they should receive a ene house. Srupents' Eastzn Rares, -- The Grand Trunk will issue to students and ~ '} teachers of schools end colleges, op surrender of oar certifloate, 5g ed by the Princip return bb ae and one gee April BS ar fees a pay Lusaxe Wasteb,--The ture. Co,, "Lanai! market five cet tks east vieliversd in their yar¢ 1B 'Tooupte of weeks' illness. D A: St. Geo. Bind. Editor & 'pane Buy your Clothing from us. "We show you the stock of pr secnee ems gd stown in Listowel. Auction. Sava,-- Mr. A. B, Spenoe baving eold his-farm, parts of lotsa 66, 67 and 68, let concession of Wallace, will dispose of his stock and imple- ments by public auction, The sal will take place on Thursday next, April 9th, beginning at 1 o'olock, and will be withont reserve, T. E, Hay "auctioneer, License Cosmiissionzns. ~ Mo- Lagan and John Way, of Gerationd, and Wm. Subring, of Sebriogville, bave been appointed 'License Commissioners for North Perth. Mr. Mol fille the place ae by Mr. Me- Pherson, K. C., whose scaneation with the Windsor betel, Stratford, prevents hio -- holding the povition. ise J. Heriry, dressmaker, does sewing by vives day. Ladies requiring her servives at their Rome will kindly leave word at Mr. J, Askin's, corner of Bismarck and Maitland streets. Easter Houmay Trrr.--The Grand Trunk wiil issue round trip tickets be- tweenall stations in Canada, at single first-olasé fare ; good going Thursday April 9th, to Monday April 13th, in- clasive, and valid for return until Tues- day April 14. Splendid trains and perfect road-beda, insure a comfortable trip. Partionlars and tickets from J. A. Hacking, OC P & T. A., Listowel. $300 ron 4 Dnavout Coxut.-- Mr. Abe. Hamilton of the 2nd concession of Elma sold his three-year-old draught colt last week to Murray Bros. of Wea Zorra, for the handsome figure of $300. Mr. Hamilton delivered him in Mitchell on Friday, and expert horsemen there pronounced bim the finest draught colt they had-seen. Abe. has a spanking fipe team, besides several other excel- lent draughts Easter Manxer.--The Ladies' Co- Operative Oircle of the U, B. Church will boldan Easter Market on April llth. There will be for sale fresh bome-made sale will be to raise part o pay- ment on the chirch to be met in the fall. The place of the sale has not been decided on Je but will be an- nounced next wee Barrep Prymortn Rooxs,-- Berti show-- Jet _ for hen, Ist for pallet, Baia or pallet or cockerel, | Sound --2nd for cookerel, 3rd for as "iat for hen. Eggs @2 per -- wo. Wriait, ad me Sigg Drarn ov Mas. H: Onap Hi sympathy -'o ceased was in her 26th year, and leaves a 'umily of four children, the youngeet being ovly a few weeks old. The faneral took place ou Wednesday after- nod to Fairview cemetery. Fine Cari.e.--Mr. John Scott ship- ped a choice lot of beef cattle to To- ronto on Wednesday, which are are intended for the Easter market. A- mong them were 6 heifers from Henry Coghlin that weighed 6700 Ibs., for which the price was 4c. ; 6 thorough- bred cattle from Amos Smith weighing 6070 \bs., price 440. ; ope extra thoroughbred heifer from Thompson in Grey, 1410 Ibs., price 4j¢.-and 2 steers from Jacob Aukerman, 2580 lbs At Music Hati.-- Culbane, Chace & Westou's big Stock Co. wil) begin ap engagemeut of 3 nights at above hali on Monday, April 13th, The Co. is considered to be the best at present ouring Canada playing repertoire. They have just finished most saccess - ons at Ioondon, Hamilton d Chatham, and the pepere of ---- cities pronounce them Pop- nlar prices, 150., 25c., "und 35o0., will Seats are now on aale at Liv- prevail. ing stone's. Boanp or Trapz,.--A meeting of citizens will be held in the town hall thie Friday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing a local Board of Trade, It is sdme years since Lis- towel had a Board of Trade, and it is felt that the present is an opportune time for reorganizing. There are many matters of pablic interest thet an ac- tive Board of Trade could discuss and promote, and thereby lend material assistance in the advancement of the town. Onur merchants, manufacturers, professional and business men gener- "| Pr shonld make a point to attend the wneeting and help to organize a strong Board of Trade A Goop Procramme,--The County of Perth Sunday School Association will hold its annual convention in this *town on Tuesday and Wednesday next, April 7th end 8th. An unusually 'good programme is announced, the following : Address, School Conventions ; how to their highest orgie Rey. Oamerou, Barn dress, "Why should the Bible i "Stodied as Lit- G. McKenzie, Stratford ; address, "Does 8. 8 Work Decrease Parental Responsi- bility," Rey. B.C. Brown, Mitchell. Norma! work, Mr, 8. R. Stewart, Mit- : ese, 'The Door to the ie Rev. . Stratford ; mass meeting of children, to be ad- by Mr..T. tage ge Mrs. Humphries, Rev. L. K. Eidt, Rev. R. B address, "How ring can a W. the local committee, have the billetting of dele- @ates in hand, A large number of mi delegates are expected, anf a° most "exeavement as & interesti is looked for. and profitable convention Cua Facrory Meetina,--A special meeting of the shareholders of the Canadian Bent Chair Oo. of Listowel, limited, will be held at the Company's office on Saturday, April 11th, at 7.30 p. m., to sanction and adopt a by-law to facilitate the necessary finaucing uf the institution, The direotorate of the mpany has recently been reorganiz- ed, Messrs, P. J. Livingston and J. A. Gunther being added to the board, and the Company is now getting into good shape, with excellent prospects for a rapidly developing trade. Mr. Gamble, the new and energetic manager, has inangurated material improvements in the factory, and is devoting more at- tention to. higher Lys of chairs, for which there isa aoe' d mand Sparing Suow.--The Listowel Live Stock Association met at the Queen's hotel on Friday night 'Iast and organ ized, with the following ry, A. St, ; Difectors, Jobn Bou tt, P. Gar- oot John Watson, B. F. Brook, 8. - Stevenson, J. Livingstone, H. Morphy, OC George, J A Kelly, J * Wilson, Johnston Kidd, J M Hays. It was decided to hold the spring show on Friday, April 17th. A good list of prizes is being offered for entire horses and a av excellent show is looked for. wo competent judges will award the rizes, Horse buyers will be on hand, and the leading implement firms will be represented on the day of the show. Laws Bowirne Crcs.--An_ organiz- ing meeting of the Listowel Lawn Bowliug Club was beld at the Grand Central on Thursday evening, 26tb ult., when the following officers were eleeted : Hon. Pres., A W Feather- stove ; Pree., F R Blewett; Vice-Pres., Jos Ainley ; Seo'y, Geo Bray ; Treas. J L Gillies ; Executive Committee, the officers for 1903, the retiring President, A Yole, and A St Geo Hawkins, J M Schinbein, W BR Logie, R A Climie and Jno Gabel. It'was decided to reduce the membership fee to $8, which will be an incentive to others to join, and a large and flourishing club is looked for this season. With the Club's eplen- did grounds, Jawn bowliog bas become very popular io town, and promises to become still more so. The ore hire in Listowel is dollar w ich ba filted kinds 0! if soll artict worth-five dollars. "Your d Gunther's wit! clei male and nothing yd be 3 af wiust go at something. y one desir. ing a 'a fires. class cash ventster wilh do well to wall at Uenthees and have a look at it ; in uine strike, fot ite as long week Loca, TeLgrHons News, -- Mr. Nicholas Krotz, 'provision merchant, who is an up-to-date busizees man, has hada telephone placed in his store, No. 64. Subscribers please note the number. Mr. W. Lytle, foreman of the telephone construction, has charge of the present rebuilding of the local telephone system, and is replacing the old poles with new and larger ones, in order to hold the double capacity of cable and wire that will follow the present change, Mr. Lytle is an ex- pert at his business, and no donbt will give Listowel a first-class job. There are in all about twelve men at work in rebuilding and putting up wire. Every telephone will have two wires, doing a- way wilh the local ground wire,and the present telephones will also be replac- ed with the best equipment, so that when the system is completed, Listowel will have one of the finest exchanges in Canada. A Frxg Lectrune.--On Monday even- ing the body of the Methodist Church was well filled by an andience that had assembled to hear a lecture delivered by the pastor of the church, Rev. J Oliver, the subject of which was, "The Fights of the Flag, or How Britain Saved the World." If there were " present who had misgivings as to Oliver's capabilities as a lecturer, their minds were soon set at rest by the masterfal and- eloquent manner in which the lecture was delivered, the Rev. gentleman being quite.equal to the great subject which he had in hand. For apwards of two hours he held the deeply interested _-- a ot his hear- while he recounted the many bat- tles by land -- sea which took place during that h-making period of Britain's and the world's history, from 1798 to 18156, With remari con- ciseness and graphic word painting, all the leading events during that stormy period of over twenty years were des- eribed, and their effect in frustrating the ambition of the world's greatest despot, Napolecn Bonaparte, were pre- sented as only a lecturer having his subject well iu hand and being of ger yemee of a igh order conld portr cam-~ vaigee in Holland and i in ee. ; Na- poleon's attempt to strike at Britain best that are -- =e tree cll six doilars, at Gun through Egypt; the many naval ra gagemouts with French and Spavis fleets, and the final overthrow of Na- poleon's ae and power on the field of escribed with sauing-pletare vividness. How such an amount of matter could 'be com- preased into a lecture was a wonder to the ibe. pieeced audience, whose British glowing tributes to Britain' A hearty yote of thanks was te Rev, Mr, Oliver for bis admirable lec- ture. Miss Smith, choir leader, eavg "Bule Britannia" with fine effect, id the national anthem brought the highe ly a and profitable availing toac HIGH ee ENT ENA BRDAIN- 1 Monday "event April int MeD onald's (Mjus ae Hail he High School bined nl chet be busi entertainment, This year there are several unique features tlalinterest. One hundred magnificent large pictures, re- t tlons of the geet fs of of are ahltaoture in Europe and the East represented by cathedrals, tem ee ete, and photogravures 'OF th work of the greatest aoe tytn will decorate the walls of the In addition to this, the town orchestra under the lead- ober' 4 of Mr. Fred Howe will be in the evening and willl avis the in- strumental part of wenty-four High Se hool girls wil) appear in = fan- 'two ra School bore will owen: Mr. Hennes- "y and 'Mr. Dooley in one of their ise discuss sion' of current to- pie s. | hogan part of the program ther e be given by uwenty H. 8. civis a tion of "Britannia" scones descriptive of the ressive this town has kindly consented to give u very paitame ergre to the patriot- c in uterest on the the true character of the d Ns oleou, a part of Mr. Oliver's lecture on "Fights for lag' or "How Britain Saved the World." he teachers and pupils are taking thlia means to fund for wich int Kir youth d ney rr spend ready a a vid, nie topens ee the 6 nl at pet gue § ly Jatereat af ox ? Vices mat.) earnest of on Monday -- . Plan 7 'oon af Titiogetous's Drug Sto TROWBRIDGE. Dr. Moore and his brother Eli gave a flying visit to our Burgh this week, Ploughivg io the order of the day in this vicinity. Numbers of the farmers are to be found behind the ee Mr. R. H. Green, manager of the Trowbridge Cheese & Butter factory, resumed his duties on the Ist of April, Mr. J Almont left on Tuesday for Simcoe, where he has a factory for the coming yenr. He will be greatly missed in thie Dag and our well wishes follow him. We are pleased to note that Mrs, H, Oliver is recovering from her recent illnese MOLESWORTH. D. A. Mille of -Durbam is selling stock for the International Portland Cement Co. of Hu hil. Haufman, who is working at Tom. McDonald's, is lying sick with scarlet fever. John and Mrs, Patterson attended an At Home at the former's old home at Bluevale. Rev. Mr. West of Blnevale preached in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday last. Mr. Hunter bas quite recovered from his illness and was able to take bis work here on Sunda H. BR. Spence har sold his farm on arora west to Mr, Lytle Elliott, for $4,200 BRITTON. The directors of the Elma and Morn ington Cheese work. Itis thought the -- of cheese will commence early in April, cheese is now so valuable an article ia _ market a successful year is look- ed fo Mr. Robert: Lowry had a very suc- cessful wood nee hog Wednesday after- noon of this w We are rlemsed. "to see the pleasant countenance of Mr. Allan Mitchell in our midst a, Mr. R. "Thompson, a has evgeged Mi r, Grey Oo., to assist as clerk store during the summer mon r. der had a cow die ou y evening. Mr. E, Corry lost one recently also. Martino Bros. are makiug' preparations for repairing and improving their barn this coming summer. me of ourcitizeus are making maple ts te A few reporta fairly good yield Mr. Andrew Gillie, 10 con. Morn- ington, had the -- to lose one of hie horses race Mr. George Faaneninn, who spent the -- with his parents here, re- turned to his farm uear Moose Jaw, N, W. T., last week, our a ies A. Walk- in his

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