Listowel Standard, 10 Apr 1903, p. 1

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Yr ae i iy LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, Y, APRIL 10, 1903. ° ites XXVI.--NO. 10 + WALTER BROS. ; LISTOWELS LEADING STORE. } We feel confident that our Stock was NEVER MORE COMPLETE, . THIS STORE FAMOUS and gives to it a wide reputation. The vast increase in our business, month after month, verifies the fact that the buying public have learned that this is the umf STORE IN WHICH TO DEAL. ' styles and qualities have made age WESHOV AN ENDLESS VARIETY In Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Muslins, Prints, Delaines, Challies, Cretons, Art poe Table Linens, Table } Napkins, Towels, Towelling, White Bed Spreads, Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Chenille and Damask Table Covers, Tweeds and Worsteds for Men's Suits, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Top Skirts. All price Rain Coats from $2.50 up, tor Ladies and Gentlemen. 200 Ladies Black Roman Satin Underskirts, the best in the market, it will pay you to seethem. --~ 1 BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. ert P FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY. SO Ladies Black Roman Satin Underskirts.... .7Q : 25 Dozen Linen Towels, each.... {23 ¥ 5O0 Yds. 12$c. Print, ar. 70 Pieces 8c. Print, at.. 2 Dozen Men's $1.25 Fedora Hats ......... i Hewest PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE 7 : ri ELEPHANT. . ees tatios tin ta Hain ean tea bebe ei Bo = ----_--s -- f 4 Ka ee oe 4 PEOPLE'S CASH STORE The Greatest Spring Display _OF-- CARPETS, ART SQUARES, es LINOLEUMS, CURTAINS, AND RUGS. e A good thing tc know :--Is the , gine, | to i } your spring wants in the House £ Furnishing line. Pe 3759 yarda Ex-minster Tapestry, wool and hemp ----, to clear i 8 month, . We Commence Our ANN UAL SALE this Month of the fol- 4 : lowing lines offered at prices that Esprocant value ' not heard of before x The Greatest Home Furnishing Sale Ever Conducted in Listowel. &: Carpets ranging from 12%, 50 20, 69, 3734C,, 1.00, 32, 70, 1.25, 45, 90 25¢ & per yard. All new and up-to- date styles, ws 3 Tapestry Carpet Squares 18 inch interwoven borders, 3x34, for $10; size 2 3x4 for $12; size 3% x4 for $17.50. rs Ex-minster and Tapestry Floor Rugs, 25, 45, 55, 90c.. $1, 1 25,5 75, 2 50, Ps O. a a3 Linolenes 8 and Floor Oil Cloth, sale price tor the month of & py eeersleagesiee 63, 70c. and $1 00, : Tapem? and ons er ne Note tol lowing prices pe oe Pee 7 25, 371, 45, 55. 65, '76, 90c. $1 00110, 1 1 50 '175, 2°00. 2 2 50 2 75, 5 &3 26, 3 75, 400, 4 650, 4'75,'5 00, 6 00. va #7 00, 7 50, 8 5O. , The most up-to-date and fresh stock of Family Grcceries = always on hand. ee Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm produce. R. Th den Et oe CUuNG* ae a. W. Briuimas, A . " clas SUNDA ' Tee Sznvices,--1l a. m., Tp! Strangore cordially am TOWN Sexvayt Wawnrtev, . Scott. Mr. J. H. Atkin t so taner, |, has returned to town pm Sireets- ville, The town street 'eben under- going their usual eprio aon © this week ah ie a most pomsioe ar --The con- we _ of bargn "a Bargain For Bologos, | Frank fo 'feadch cheese, etc., try Also and cured nests always on hand. a The.monthly fair day 'eas spoiled to 8 vor ou Friday exten! : ay. the snow storm on Fri ey The frat spring tabs ; wes hanging in-front of): cher shop on Wedn i: The town schools "yesterday for the Easter holiday" "They will just. | re-open on Monday, 20th he Easter vestry ineeting of Christ Chareb wili be held in the perish room on Faster eae! a ea o'olock. he Lateat o 's New Ba Bankropt Stock = 'Weaay "Made Cl Clothing and Gents' Furnish Quaker das' in bulk, divect from The . bE 4 Peterboro. American Ceréal Co. 4 ugh, at J. H. McDogald's, Roe: Buy your Clothing ius. We .can show you the Ia é up-to-date Clothing ever shown + Gray, Beuym & Co. fe fae. oe Tenders are Consci 8 o'cl Mr, B. K. Hall,* trayjler for the Palmerston Pork Packin ing Oo., rd on Monday on a two weeks' busines trip to the Boo, ' =. Mr, J. K. Bricker has closed "ws his boot avd shoe business on Wallace street, He purposes taking a trip west -- the summer. 8 Ladies of U. B. Church wil) holds a social at the home of Mr. lohn Sneiling on Monday evening, April 1 Admission 10¢, Mr. A. L. Molntyre, eel of the Listowel Business Colleg is spending the Easter aay with his a in Owen Soun n service will be held iv the Baptit Obureh on Good Friday morn- ing at 11 o'clock, Rev. J. 8. Gar- die is announced to preach. The worst yet --Having ueglected the opportunity of laying ina stock of goods while the bar a last at Grant's. SekVaNT Wantep,--For general house- work. Apply to Mre.S J. Stevenson - ~_sriacam street east, or at butcher shop, Vas py The town of Mitchell has at Jost abandoned its backwoods village notion, end passed a by-law probibit- ing cows from enjoying the freedom of its streete. The Colhane, Chace & Weston Stock Company will open s three nights' en- gagement in MoDonald's mupric hal! on Monday evening, 13th inst, A "est-sleng show at popular prices. iss J. Beury, dressmaker, does sewing Gees ee Ladies requiring her or at --. homea will Sadly leave word a ., Askin's; corner of Bismarck and Meiunoa streste, New Photo sto Shade at Mr. 5. M. Smith's oa stand. ~ Arthur & Sot have had twelve ears' 7 ence in" Bafixlo, N. Y, to do jeere this will be known as' the "Prince Artin Gallery." re aterloo county, k "possesion on the Ist inst. Mr. ieee will take a rest for a time in order to digas his health. --The Meyors Milling Co, have just oer ved @ ear 0 ean seed leas, entirely free from bugs. Call at their office and see xample before buying, briok Hovss For Sate,-- stastad on a Main St, aswell. He at Grand tral every Saturday, where farmers can learn the price of hogs for shipping on following Monday. t Gat | - Miss Knowls, trained nurse, return- ed to her home in London on Tuesday. Mies Knowls was employed as nurse during Norman Stewart's illness, and Mr. Stewart.and family speak in high- est terms of her professional abilities and kindness of heart. Mra. -- = of a Me a. J. Stewart, and Mre. M. O. Bechtel, of Plam Coulee | Man. +) are cunise with Stewart, having come over on ac- = sPeount of the illness of Mrs, Stewart's orman. @ latter ie continuing e make good progress towards re- covery. Banged Pry Rocxs,--At Berlin show-- Ist Prise "ie hoes lat for wr = wd let, cockerelL At Ow --2ad foe seckeedl, -- for ack, iat for: forben Rega $2 per ne! Fae ED. Wiuout. > "Mr; and Mrg. Conrad Doadt have pon ee ie 'the crmpathc of their friends in the H . aad Jove of their infant son, who died on Apply to 8.Be icker, Eats y morning Inst from inflam- The town bok re ba ae Mation. The fuveral fook place on hot: . vine: aca Sundsy afternoon to Fairview ceme- obseges b =. "T berys > Mr, Doadt bes also been ill, 'Mee fam mily of Mr Tromaid | hat is around again. bave removed to towfiiteni Toronto. Spnisa Suow. -- Listowel Spring Show takes place on Friday next, pie 17th. The roads are likely to be n good condition by that time, and as there promises-to bea fine exhibition of both light and heavy horses, a very suecessful show is looked for. Keep me date in mind, mber the Easter Market to - held by the Ladies' Co-operative Cir- cle of Oboroh on April 11, in Mr. Bowyer's old store, Main street. There will be for sale home-made bread, cakes, cuetard pies, pickled eygs and home-made candies. Provisions delivered to any part of the town. Moon's Ecurpse.--There will be au 'almost tutal eclippe of the moon on Saturday night, and it will only be visible-here during the latter half of the eclipse, as the moon rises at 6,45 p. m. @ moon enters the sbadow at 5.34 p. m. ; middle of the eclipse, 7.13; moon leaven the shadow 8.51, and eaves the penumbra or outer shadow at 10 o'clock. New Prorocrarugrs.--Mr. 8. M. Smith has disposed of his photograph business to Mesers, Arthor & Sou of imeoe, who are now Ae possersion. Tt is the intention of the new manage- ment to run the gallery 'ib firet-class style,and as they have had extensive experiénoe in the U.S, as well as in .- will no- doubt give their pthe ae "of, satisfaction ; toni 7 en a Young men who congregate e corners and render the side- eatke disgustingly filthy with to juice will do well to take heed, other- Wise they will find themselves u @oinat the Police Magistrate's convic- tion. Srone Brrauvanizev.--On Thursday night of last week the grocery store of Mr. R. A. Climie was entered by some one, through the skylight, who appropriated some coins and Joose change left in the cash register, amout- ing to about $15 in all, and then decamped through the back door, which was nobarred. The way in which entrance was gained poivts to the burglary haviug been the work cf eome one who was acquainted with the premises, and not to a prefessional. Easrex Sexvices.--The Easter ser wee in Christ Church promise to be more than usual interest. There will be four services during the day, including au early celebration of the oly commnuaion at 8 o'clock ; morning eervice and communion at 11 a. m, ; a Sunday -- children's Easter service at 3p. m., and evensong at 7 "TaMeansa and eveuing services will be part choral, and will in- clude Easter anthems and other Easter music by the vested choir. Rev. O.H. Buckland, rector, will conduct the ser- vices. The chancel will be decorated with flowers. Visitors will be wel- comed, Surveying Pariy.--Mr, L, Bolton, D.L.8., left yesterday morning for the Northwest. Mr. Bolton has re- ceived a commission from the Domin- ion Government to survey six town- ships in the Saskatchewan district, about seventy miles west of Battleford. r. Duncan MoMartin of London ac- Geuentas him as assistant surveyor, and the following young men from this town and neighborhood have been employed as linemen, and will leave for the west next week : Ab. Brick- er, Bruce Ronald, Thos. Kay, Alvie Danm, Oliver vsndarad Robt. Brown, and Messr re. Menzies and Milburn. The party will not ion until Novem- ber next, The young men receive $30 a month and their way and keep provided, They count on having a pleasant summer's onting. From Naruran QCavses, -- 'Tues- day's Globe had the following: The death of Arthor William Wyuv, tbe drug clerk who died at Grace Hospital on none, was duo to naforal causes. This was the finding of Cor- oner J, H, MoUonnell'e jury at A. tg undertaking rooms last night, @ examination of several wit- <li including James Wilson, the bellboy, idem whom deceased had an altercation a downtown -- on Sunday nhc March 29th. Dre; H. B, Anderson and W. P. Chamberlain, who conducted the autopsy, said death was due to pneumonia, oross-exa- mination both doctors admitted that the disease might have been hastened by s blow which left no outward mark to New The remains will be -- Beni 6 Perth reseed the deceased, at o'clock thie ; saosin, AwaRprp Mepats an. MAS, Tho closing exercises of the Listowel Business College were held on Wednes- day afternoon. The following stud- ents having completed the course, were awarded Diplomas : McLanohlio, Brussels ; hei Elma ; Miss Tory Wilson, J. M. Squire, and F. Bradley, Listo- wel. In the medal contest the com- petition waa keen, and the judgex, Messre, B. Rothwell, F. C. = ag and A. J. Cundick, awarded as fol- For the beat kept set of books Gowanstown, Medallist ; 2, J. M. Taylor, Wingham; i Bay; 4, W. A. Buchanan, Donegal. Greatest Im- provement in Sedaitte 7's og Listowel, Medalist ; or ; 8, Ho . 2, Chas. Witter ; . Ferguson. The prize in this case goes to J. M. Taylor. The College will re-open on Tuesdey, April 14th. om RE Le] 5 st FF} --- - wt Wenvvep 1x Derrorr.--A very fash- ionable Easter wedding "_* place in Detroit, Mich., on March 25, at the home of Mrs, G. W. Barrett: 636 17th street, when Miss Emma zell, younest daughter of Mr. Joseph Rozell, formerly of Listowel, was nnited in marriage to Mr. Lloyd R. Bliss, a pop. nlar young mav of Detroit, by the Rev, D.H. Giass of Haven M. E, Charch. The bride was supported by her cousin, May Rozell, while the in- teresta of the groom were looked after by his brother, Chas. Bliss, of Mil- waukee, Wis. The bride and brides- maid were gowned in beautiful cos- tumes of white crepe de cheoe, trim- med with over-lace and chiffon, and carried beautiful bouquets of American Beauties. The decorations were palms, carnations and Easter lilies. The wedding march was played by Miss Margaret Trotter of Chicago. The young couple received many beautiful and costly presents, Mr. and Mrs Blies intend spending the summer on the water, as Mr, Blies is not enjuying very robnet health. After December first they intend residing in Detroit, Their many friends wish them a long, happy and proeperonus life. --Com Hiau Scuoon Entertainment.--The High Schoo! entertainment given in McDonald's hall on Monday evening drew a full honge, and the programme was highly interesting and well carried out, The fancy drill by twenty-four High School girls, and the presentation of."*Britamnia," in which British his- tory is represented by twenty symbolio-| o69m wore particularly pleasi ig ung iddies..formet a most striking tablean, the effect being farther en- hanced by the singing of 'Rule Bri- tannia." Miss Smith's vocal selections, 8 solo by Miss Aivley, und the excellent music furnished by the town orchestra were th 1 by the audience. A readin ng by Mr. 5. C. Clark, classical master, and Mr. Dool- ey's dissertation on gambling, by Mas- ters Gordon Hay and Archie Riggs, also formed part of the well filled pro- gramme, Owing to the lateness of the hour, Rev. Mr. Oliver omitted hie "Half hour with ae and Napoleon at Waterloo." The art dis- play, comprising an exhibition of large carbon photographs, photogravures, ete., loaned by a Boston publishing house, with which the walle of the music hell were huvg, was viewed with considerable intetest. The pictures are reproductions of great works of art and architecture, sculpture and painting, in the exhibition was in- tended to stimulate an interest in the study of the history of art and its masterpieces, 'The proceeds, amount- ing to about $75, will be used for the parchase of a collection of these pio- tures for the High Schoo A Great Caancr.--Those who visit Goldemith's Hall will see a great change from day to day, as the goods are disappearing. Gunther's stook ix such a large assortment that it pecess- arily takes some time before the entire stock is disposed of ; but determined to do so, the sale will be kept up uon- til every article is sold, down to the present store equipments. If are in want of a watch that will ne the '. of time you can buy it ecial sale for about half the so ye rofits are not to be thought of at this sale, but the clear- ing out of all goods on hand at prices unheard of in Listowel. Silverware of the very best manufacture, aleo solid silver tea spoons, from five dol- It is to own sterling silver goods that will wear a generation, and always are the beauty of household articles. In ladies' and gents' engagement and wedding rings' we have always kept nothing but the very best, and now tbey are being sold at the special reduced price. A dollar saved is a dollar made, so do not hesitate to buy vow, even if you are buying in advance, as these goods will keep a life-time. In clocks we ve a beautiful stook on hand that. we must clear out at half price. Every article bought at Gunther's is a guarautee that the goods are Just what they are represented to be, an that is what we want it to be in Have Anyone in need of show cases, counters and fixtures will save money by calling at Gonther's and see what yon oan buy in that line, as Jl must sold within a certain time. Hav- ioe decided to put on o first-class workman of many years' experience, the workshop Will be put on first-class S F & basis, and all work entrusted to us will. Board of Trade Meeting, Citizens to Decide Organize a Local Board of Tri A meeting to consider Ay god ocal of organizing a | for the town of Listowel was held fa the town hall on Friday peiand riot inst. A considerable number of the business men turned ont to tha sgh Mr, B. F. Brook, who wae president of tha old Board of Trade, ich See defunct for some eight. or ten took the chair,and explained the Lene of the meeting, He thonght that the present was an -- time for re- viving a -- of T all present agreed with the pe Mn that it would be an advantage to the town to have a Board of Trade. Tbe present was a critical period in the town's history, with large outlays in view, and other important matters likely to be coming np in the immediate future. He thought that a Board of Trade woold act in --_---- with the Council and could be of ma- teria] assistance in advancing the town's interests r. Joho Watson, ex-Mayor, was of the opinion that a Board of Trade should be organized. en his ex- perience during the past three years in the Council he bad felt that it could have been of material advantage to have bad the advice and aseistance of a Board of Trade in dealing with ques- tions one before the Counoil Mr. R. Kemp, Warden of the County, was thoroughly io sympathy with the movemeut to organize a Board of Trade. He cited Stratford and Goderich as places where much bad been accomplished by active Boards of Trade. Mr. T, I. Hamilton thought a Board of Trade would be a very im- portant factor in building up the town by securing new industries, and in mapy other ways. J, W. Bernie also spoke in favor of orgavizing a Board of Trade, and would give it his support. Mr. B. Forsayeth, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, thought it was a step in the right direction, believing that the business men of the. town should act together in these matters. r. A, Yule was of the opinion that a Board of Trade would be of much advantage to the Conncil as an ad- visory board, where public matters could be disonssed more freely than in ~ Council. M. MoD. Fleming s organizing an active pointing out what Stratford bad @d- plished, mainly through the efforts f, « speinedacraag esident, Mr, gtk We fe tad a stumber ) a favor of that-a.Board of Trade should be or- ganized at on Mr. R.A Arkell, wanngee of the Im- perial Bank, also spoke in favor. of forming a Board of Trade. As all present were of one mind in this mat- ter, he suggusted that #he meeting proceed with the organization. Mr. Fleming then moved, seconded by Mr. Yule, that it is advisable to or- ganize the Listowol Board cf Trade. --Motion carried. Moved by 8. M, Smith, seconed by Geo. Raines, that a committee, consisting of Messrs, Brook, Bray and Watson, also the Mayor and mover and nder, appointed to solicit membershipe-- Carried. Moved by W. Climie, seo- conded by T. L. Hamilton, that we proceed cades the charater, constitn- Carried. A motion to adjourn, to meet again at the cal! cf the 'chairman, then put and carried. CARTHAGE, pumber from here attended the coming summer, and commenced work last week. Anumber of our farmers are im: proving the appearance of their farms by having wire fences -- opr, the front of them. Mr J. ht o: lee has the contract of I baliding the fences. Mr. D. Kerr held a successful wood- bee one day last week. oceeded in getting quite a large pile out. A. McKensie of egal called. on friends inour burg ome day last wee . Wo are pleased to see J. Barehell home again after a sojourn of a couple of months in Brantford. Mies Maggie Martin left last week on a visit to friends in Toronto. many friends here wieh them every success in their new home, Our cheese eR under the able management of J. Morrison, will com- mence making cheese on April 8th. Mr. and Mre, John Allanby and son, of rica are at present visiting at Mr. R, oore's for a week, before leaving for poe Mr. J. rler is all It is a girl. T. RB. Wood has invented a new milk stand, and now has it on exhibi- tion in his shop Mr. smiles these days. Mr. pr bought a house and lot in Listo- a of our farmers commenced core last week, but the snow on riday avd Saturday put s stop to plowing for a few ¥ Gage. The a nee opeing hat had 9. tempor set-back by the wintry weather 4 Friday aud Saturday last. 'This week, however, is and it amen = spring was now here to Me.

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