Listowel Standard, 10 Apr 1903, p. 3

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-- v 4% . INDIGESTION IN cows. With Lepr exception of a Pot cases a organic m cases o/ indigestion adult bovine, whether there be or be not any marked engorgement as- sociated with applicable to the case is desirable. Gen simple indigestion means with the symptoms that 'imevitably follow in the train of ces- sation of rumination. Tho distinc- tion between acute and chronic in- digestion is bound a la sure an arbitary one, buf it is generally found that in chroni feods upon. thrifty, as denoted by a dry, hard, staring cost, depraved or irregular appetitel irre torpidity, or sometimes loosenc: a "'tucked-up"'. appear- of Cosh. Generally tho treatment of indigestion in vines is quite as much a matter of it, special treatment | 7" it * Herrmann 'rep' "This is my revenge for not hav- ing Loree elected a director in 1900, as I was promised had s1- & : Lieut t.-Col. Hughes that the ma' militia bill would probably be iatree than week, {DOMINION PARLIAMENT What Our Representa Ks Doing at rrvoentotcag duced not later SALE 0 OF LANDS IN THE WEST. j P' : aring this stroke for three rs,'*|__ Ldeut.-Col, Lg rao Pade informed aah added that he wie atti: that during poe past two years .the ing to the penitentiary for life, Government had sold 500, 151 actes as ho had "'got even by inflicting of Dominion lands, 52,498 acres of life pangs on the directors d|™ining, 185,840 acres of ranch stockholders' by ng the money. | 27d 11,818 acres of farming lands in | bank's officers, dropping the Manitoba and rg Northwest. high tone which they had at first as- sumed' toward Herrm must return all the moncy, and that then he would ig the $6,250 ised to brought legal proceedings to recover the $6,250. 'lhe nanan forth the bank's pricvances substan- oe wd in the oeeolie account of the a : eee 20 MILES IN A.LIFETIME. of al surroundings, conditions, |Razor Travels "Over Man's Face and the administration of stimulan 2,000 Feet Each Year tonics and cordials, after the bowels} If when you wet your have lear: xy a brisk | Mustache potned friend = you Saline purge. An example is : Pow-jyou tel] im he shaves five inger, 1 oz; bicarbonate of foot eight suchen ad or over two- potash, % oz; Epsom salts, 12 oz. | {fths of a mile a year, he will prob- to 16 of; rm ale or gruel, 1 quart. ably accure you of romancing, but bicarbonate powdered gentian, ginger and a lump of rock salt should be such is the fact. fk distance a man shaves in an average lifetime, or the distance his and calumba root, of cach 4 oz ;|'820T travels over his face, will be a warm ale, 1 pint; twice daily. Salt surprise to most people It, of is mewn in many cases to promote course, aphid to a more or less ex ten ith each individual t, on di 8, ' ° gestion in unthrifty ruminants, account of personal taste, which de- termines whethe Placed within reach. CUTTING - SEED POTATOES, results of pie ty sergesangaed condycted within the t oo seed = cut marketable potatocs yields and better small a" plewerin cut into pieces of a unces in weight. gave very snhigtectory re- Sults, when the amount of seed used, as well as the vield of patatoes pro- dluced, were both taken into con- sideration. As the. result an experiment "lin every case, found that larger yields and better | Satisfaction have been obtained where only one aie was planted in| S The cutting of a potato Te quality of pote toes thats a tae number of small weakly stems. , Ag experiment has been conducted | for seven years in succession in! a cutting potatoes and planting them » | me on t ly, AS compared with | cutting potatoes from four to five six bushels per acre per annum more than those which were cut and ali lowed to re main a few days before they were! planted. Experiments very clearly demenstrate the great importance = afte planting pesatoes immediately they are cut. ANSORDENTS, ers are continually -- to use such materials as gyps ied swamp muck and kainit in "the scaler and stables, yet very few have nything of the kind on hand. Many who would like to use preservatives rbents-are chocked by th - Theso will find a hint in the foreign experiments in the oO dry earth. from which it appears al oubatanco so abundant easily | haedied will answer the purpose. A covering of pai tea soll, only two or three in thick, proved e to hold the ammonia in the liquid maaure, a waste and oder The arth when stored t be yd or there will b some trouble from freezing RAPE FOR CATTLE. . The possibilities of rape for feed- out a mustache, a m full beard ache alone, with shaven "unper lip, a chin beard with or wi ut a mus- tuche, or is altogether oa shaven s it differs to a fractional extent for the following rea. asons: The measureinent of the faces of two in- dividuals is never exactly alike. ° the of people's skins and the ing lands sold a per acre, ranch- ing ae at 31.05, inining lands on $10 d 87 per, acre, according' they ace sold, with or without wie face rights. BILLS READ. The following bilis were introduced R ting C. Southern Railway, Mr. Morrison. To incorporate the Northwest Bank of Canada;. Mr. Scott. .The incorporate the Joliette Colon- ization Railway, Mr. Demers. The following ne bilis then read n second tin To incorporate the Winding Ledges ae and Room Compeny, Mr. 'ostigan. Respecting Otiawa Northern and cada Raw Company, Cham lentes sonra the reat Northwest Central Railway Conan Mr. Ne- Creary To confer on the Commissioner of Patents certain powers for the re- licf of the International Railway Appliance Company, Mr. Brock. Respecting the Kootenay on Railway Company, Mr.-Morriso Act respecting the Alberta Canwel Railway Company, Mr. Scott. ¥ incorporate the Regina and were niger Bay lailway Company, Nr. tt. earertion the Manitoba anc |nfacturing cutlery, making - tow, mal yarn, etc., fo leable iron and was news printing paper in eets and printing paper valued not ean than two and a quarter cents ound, On this the duty had Sonn reduced a gp twenty-five to fifteen per cent. a valore an agreement a been en- tered into with the 'Can n North= est Irrigation Scape by which, upon fulfilling certain conditions re Ww ke semi-arid Lelt at $3 per ac THE .CHEESR TRADE. a Conunissioner Rohertson was before the Agriculture Commit- to tell what the dopartment is deing in t ~ ~ about reacke the way of a market for ports in'Great Britain in said that ii the makers keep on "producing a Northwestern Railway Compan of Conada, Mr. McCreary, . Respecting the € 'algary and = Fal- monton Railway Company, Mr, Me- Creary. 'To incorporate the Nipissing and Pontiac Railway Company, Me- Oo 'RE DISTRINUTION BILL. Premier's explanation of 2 Redistribution Rill wa: He poi : ariably caused a puxecoancy F in the represeatation, Und fi tion 51 of the British North Ame] erica Act ao had no' disere- | tion.. It bees t mere instru- mont. of y many times a man passes razor over his face n rea of the d the growth of | | ha no with the. health of the be pcldgeiryen int with a the ir on the face pl sed much more ac idly and anger in warm weather aa in cold. n pe! counts, in onler to rive at the distance a man ar- shaves the ards Clean' she en, we take anexample of the average man the one who only YEARS A MUST ACHE, But there is the average fair man ss | Civision. decide | State, nd the average dark man, and it scessary lo ciseriminate Deteroe the tw for the reason that the | 'dark man is, in the vast majority of | cases, compelled to uve a razor quite @ year cartier than the fair man. From a inultitude of examples an average measureirent round the chin from car o car is found to we twelve and a half inehes. * where the beard starts on the throat to the chin, thence to the edge of the under lip, is four and a halt inches Mb Must recko it i eccssary lo givestWo strokes of the razor to cach inch of fraction of an inch in o cover all the sur- face, and to go over each section of the face twice in order to secure a | i clean surface. So, multiplying the number of | strokeg by the number of tim the razor is passed over the entire face ou get the figure ir, and fot r | times the two above measurements | ives you the figures of fifty and eighteen respectively, which added [together produce sixty- ypight. There- ifore, the average men, r fair, shaves w het her derk | SixXty-cight inches | on the subject of the duration of imen's lives are mis- Jeading by Treason of the fact that all who dio in infancy and enormously It is, therefore, ©lon the Psalmist's estimate of three d seore years an ten--or seventy years--in order to arrive at the life of the average male adult. With ry De ig We arrive at result ing sheep and hogs are not fully | tha man weaving oniPa mus lized. will grow on almost tactin oben es 2,0€8 feet 4 inches per any soil and in any climate that the | year. turnip or sabbage will thrive in Taking, then, the average life at Cattle, sheep and swine cat it read-|70 years, and that the fair man be- ily, if mot at first, affor a few days, |gins * shaving at 18 and the aed is a milk-jfroducing food for }iman n year earlier, or at 17, cows, but like other plants of have the following result: fair man That "4 if te lives till he is 70, the milk, if fed before the milking | will shave in the courre of his life time. Swine will live on it though | 20 miles 651 yards 4 inches. he not fatten much, and sheep will; dark man, if he lives till he is 70 grow fat on it as y Will on grass | Will shave in the course of his life or other succulent food. If not fed/206 miles, 1,840 yards 1 foot 8 too closely the leaves grow aguin, so | inches. that sown about July 1 it gives a until ground freeces, for it is not much hurt by an ordinary fros RICHEST MILK, Which is the richest milk 7) Ex ments lain show that the last milk from - th udder--the "strippings"'--is in fat in this country have demonstrated commenting upon the ing: cn --_4----____ IN JOEN BULL'S DEBT. | meee Rag Mail -- Canada! t Make A Rom from i mndon ays: sed enii- ration the colonics, oe Daily Mail thinks Canada is getting many ef Britain's Lest men, --- adds the, significant remark t fonada will sOgR Lave to give Eonotsieran in re- that fact, and in an experiment ao turf. Canada now stendsi very lit- cow was milked until the udder was tle on defence. How much longer is completely empty, all milk being. Great Britain to provide the bal- igh ilk was divided into | ance? phd lots and gions for butter fat. a an first mi tained only 0.9 per cent, of fat, the second 2 "06 TAKEN AT HIS WORD. At the New York station cent. He (after -- "What! you have no ia = You : enid over and over someone would mare you for your money." I haven't a farthing.' obbs -- "William, if your H phouioht 'ou were afraid | 000 per eald over . ary at t of representa- | tion by th: e last census a found to | fere the Pye "tie ald ve in tke ui ton years "that 'hasl Spend t tween 18P1 and 1901. It ran: 1891. 1901 P. FE. Istand 109,078 108,25) Nova Scotia. . 450,396 459,574 New Brunswick 321,263 821,12 Pat ord an 2,114,321 2,182,947 a a sea 152,506 255,211 3rit. Columbia 98,173 , 178,057 N. W. Terri, : "tories: ...° 0... . 66,799 "gnaeao Quebec - 1,458,525 1,648,898 Dominion of c 4,833,239 5,371,915 By dividing the unit of represent-! § ation into the fipures of 1901 | tho pnt aria would figure ont as follow. rine Edward Island, % members (loses 1). Nova Scotia, 18 members (loses 2). New Brunswick, Ontario, 86 hence (los es 6). et Columbi mnembers (gairs 1). Manitoba, 10 members (gnins 3). Northwest 'Territories, 10 mem- bers (gains -6 Yukon, 1 me "mber. Quebec, 65 members (statlonary). The Premier drew attention to the broad features of the bill, FGF in- stance, cll Provinces east. of Lake Superior would lose members, nH hose the Yukon, Northwest 'Ter- unit of re alpha n apply, beearse in respect thee the Governinent was not ole pica the letter of the law and the aero It bad been ise to " grive a representation that would apid increase of Sg cag und on- he ieiae inumigran Kagland and the United Staten to become Canadian citieons, and take a direct interest in the affairs of the Do- As the bill stands it is a mere charter of instructions to a sperial committce of Parliament, oe of seven members r 1 iberals and | three Conservatives. he Premier! stated} that on the second reading " the bill ke would*move for sue h committee, anc if the Birmoaition agreed e¢ whole matter woukl b arranged in a way that would be satisfactory to the 4 > al G. T. P. R. BIL. The Grand Trunk Pacific Bill was introduced hy Mr. Logan, in the ab- sence Mr. Leighton McCarthy, who = paral as-its spe terelyed its prov oe bill t the capital stock shall tiga in whole or _in pait into shares ef $100 each, or | £20 sterling, as determined by tho | by-laws of the company, and may bo | ; called up by the directors from time to time as they deem necessary, but = one call shall exceed 10 per cent. eres subscribed. The pro- be $75,000,000, ead transcontinental Hine is divid-| repre: In ed in to sections, characterized as fol- eastern ternunus | & lows: From to Greventuset or North Bay, Quebee se tion; from North Winnipes, the Woodland from Whonipeg to near the limit of the Recky ag ange Vruirie seetion; fro last-men- Uoned to the Pacift ¢ coast, M The ) company po the 13 members (loses fine article, Canada ean double her present exports in the rext ten or t ye Res ding the car nosaid that the three requis- jite pokes Rese were safety, -- ity, an reasonable rates were met by the, Ca 'and it costs -'vend cheese from Ontario to London than from Ayrshire tu London. RAILWAY MEN'S SAP Bry. Mr. Smith iVancouvery Introduced his bill to promote the safety railway employes. Te explained anne as that pre lagt session. inte compel railroad © [companies to provide safety appli- nees on trains, such as automatic pooctings, ete, 9 ee oes TO TAKE BURDENS OFF. Statement pest te are ma ures to te provisions of the budget which the Right Hon. Charles T. Ritchie, Chancellor of the Exch It was reported in the lobby of the House of Commons on Friday after- noon that the income tax would be reduced 3d. in It is now Ritchie an- of tke burdens of the tax not make more definite statement. ii ees LIKE AN ELECTRIC ARC. {Startling Phenomencn at Crater of a Volcano, . A despatch from Kingstown, St. Vincent, says: The last eruption of the volcano Soufriere was the ong- est and, considered gvologically, the most interesting. from 21st until the morning of The volcano became again active on the night of March 30th, when a startling phenomenon was witnessed, the crater, appearing like an cleetric are, upon the niountains of clouds, Seufviere continues to show of disturbance being reflected The signs MULLAH 2OGES MEN. British Killed "oT and Wounded Many in Fierce Fight. from \den, Arabia, t fight of any. import- = A despatch -- says: The firs ance in the recent a in maliland, Enst Africa, erch 29, when a Tritish. pst encountered a force of Somalis south of Ba The natives mado an cbetinate 'resistance, and lost® 27 men-killed and many -- before they retired. cre no casual- ties on the side of the ing the "driving operations"' ly, the British killed forty of tho Mad retinal s followers, and captur- ed 1,400 camels. --------__+_----- ELECTRIC POSTAL SERVICE. scheme is being Pemmed in Paris for constructing ® system of subterranean pneumatic comdiuite for the tr i matter > ransportatio' and parcel freight and express :. The proposition has been brought" to the notice of the Government, and off. "electric posta metal 's to be constructed, of a width enough track' to accommodate trains going in opposite directions would be y operated up- m the navigable waters of Canada, ie from a point in 2 outside this ee Authority is asked to issue mortgs bonds, Hag be called land grant bonds, to extent of $2 per ate» also to stat in velopment. or tivation of Janda to be served Rg the railway, by making advances such | made cessive fained by ded bealbigenca yarn front aod rear o! ld be wi wind cutters in parabolic form. ee a "Funny about ~ self-made thing man. who men,"' oe what's att" "They never | smelled f bay rum. 'Court plas- have cone 2 gare for self-| ter, taoat ,"' replied the nervous chap, gloomily, 'convey- Pe r-| The Ruling Prices in Live Stock | and Brpadstuit tors, silver ablen. steel 'for pret ts gp rolls, including all ai 4 The = Flour--Spot, Minneapolis, 25f the | 29¢ 38ot LEADING MARK&TS, BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April 7, --- Wheat--Is in moderate demand for home' milting, and the market is steady. of Spring is + quiet at' 6 skod _ for No. 2 'anito wheat is "steady at : BBio for No. 1 hard, $17.50 for cars of -- and $15.50 ed by onl "doileck at 45c outside. Rye a 42c we oo west, 3 ixed is quoted at 47c, nid No. 3 yatlow at n car lots on the track Oats -- Are ake No, 1 white quoted 31c, and No. 2 whi at Oc eas ite oH quoted t; No wh at 2U4c to "hos tniddle freight Outmeal -- Is steady et $4 for ears of bags and $4.15 for bris on the track, Toronto, and $4.20 _ for broken lots. > Are steady; No. 2 aro ted at O664c asked, middle freights and GSc bid, COUNTRY PRODUCE : here is still an evident best grades of butter, this kind quite Butter scarcity in the with the demand for brisk. Prices all round continue stency. Creamery, prints 22 do solids ... i! do lb. rolls, choice. 18ce - to 19¢ do large rolls, choice 17c to 18¢ Cheese -- The market is unchanged rat 134c per Ib., for large, and 14}c for twins, - Eges -- More eggs are coming for- ward than has been the case for the past few days. The market is about hero are steady potatoes out of store are eockanaed et $1.15 to $1.20 per bag. Bale ay -- Cars of No tim- othy _the track here are sieie at $e t 50 per ton. aw --- Is_ unchanged, at $5 = ton for car tote on tho track CATTLE MA MARKET. Toronto, April 7.--There was' oa 'ood run at the cattle market to- day, ana business. was fair, though taking it all through there was pe haps a little casier fecling as regards butchers' cattle. For the butchers' prices were about the same as on Tuesday, but there was larger quantity of rough heavy cat tle offe pepe and this caused some- what n drag. By the close of the ay there was very little left un- sold, though for the Inst -lots prices were a little casier. Butcher from $2.90 to $3.46 ; R cows | t ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The People's Representatives "at a ays aoe Capital. THE SUPPLY BILL. Mr. Hose entintoen, taki the BES. 000 was me : - expenses mon o! April. The items were as follows : Ci government, oranda tion, $s. 000; administration of-jus- tice, 000; education, $25,000 public institutions, $65,000 culture, $20,000; immigration = colonization, $2,000 to THE HOUSE ADJOURNS. The motion to adjourn until April for bran in bulk ast or middle|quired at the investigation, thus SALE OF NORTHWEST LAND.» freights, Manitoba "millfeed ry stea-|interfering with the proper Replying to oa question b r.|dy at $21 for cars of skorts and/action of business in the House Rocke (Marquette), Sit*William: Mu-|$20 for bran, sacks included, Toron-|Besides, members would of thei lock, acting Minister of the Interior, |to freights. own accord desire to attend the in stated that the average price c-; Barley -- Is steniy at 44 to 45c|vestigation and hear the evidence ived for Dominion Lanés in Mani-|for No, 3 extra, and 41c for No. 3/for themselves. Second, it would toba an Northwest Territories east or in ag be impossible to get a careful and since July 1, 1902, was $3.60 rj} Buckw -- Is dull, and is quot-jundivided attention ° were being distracted by the inves- tigation , the vernment di not © assume the full respon- sibilitics of government .until they. could do so with i, Be confidence of tho country. If charges were the savestiention, it til the matter was disposed of they thought it better that they should if not altogether sus mn ae of government, at least hold t hand, eit "ne thought that five or six weeks after the House reassembled would be sufficient to close up the business of the session. WHITNEY ADJECTIVES Bae ry described the proposal unfair, unjust, and = un- British." " Sito held that the House, pen delegated its powers of tak- ing evidence, should bo and anything should arise during the in- vestigation that demanded its at- tention. The membors should be all the more astute while tho irvestiga- tion was on, but they were being asked to t all -- to do their duty out of geet ands. The mem- bers would not ear for ~~ imvesti- Nine out of them of would go home. It w sal ho said, that the Premier should ac- knowledge the undesirability of as- suming the full functions of a Gov- t that the Government, not Mr, Strat- ton alone, was on al. There would be plenty of subjects they er, that would t be inconsistent with the . Gov- peli 8 position. The proposition, moreover, would leave the Govoern- i unco vby the Legislature for the next threo weeks. A division was - and the sult was 4 nays, The House Temunoey adjourned. re- ------_+--_--_--_. DEATHS FROM GRIP. ¢|2500 in New York State During February Last. A despatch from Albany, N there were 10,026 York State doing compar with 10,492 for the pig that New good loads of butchers, $3.40 to|Pouding month during tho past five $3.75: picked butchers' fetched |Years. Tho bulletin remarks: 'The $4.25 to 0. death rate' incre r Januar; The export market was none too |from 17 8, the average daily active, though there was a fair | Mortality having risen from 361 to amount of business doing, very fow |886. Grip causod, doubtless, 1,500 -- cattle being left over. Prices ° any firmer = gpd shough in one to $3.7 75; light export steers, 1,200 Ibs., at $4.25 to $4.50; ig bulls, from 1,600 to 2,000 bs., were worth from $3.50 to $3.75 ir extra choice, Export cattle, heavy wsboa $4. Export cattle, light... Bulls, export, heavy, ewt about ot °o a 2 822 on eof ae and upwards. No ao Stockers, 400 to abo Ibs. or =) un oS aw 1 cS do picked... o... ... so 0 go wien RaASZZRR Light stock 'bills, cwt. Milch c SSaRTaAs ay S HOWE RAD? : Bowe se Swutisbhae SSHSRRSE st No. 2 quoted prime Ohio, 5c. Rye, 584c. EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS, London, April 7. -- Mark Lane Milter market, whent, foreign quiet, but stwatty; English -- i American, firm; -- ian, erican, tendy; 'Gagliah, Antwerp, Aptil 7, -- Wheat--Spot, quiet; No. 2 red winter, 16}f. --Spot, quiet; American "Paris, wget 45c. 90c; April 7. -- eat -- Tone April, 28f asc. Sept., Flour--Tone steady; April, Dec 29f 65c Fren 50 centimes dearer. Wea France fine. ' t do you put on your face after shaving?" asked the cows sold at $3.40; 288 ex. my yel-| Are 75 Per Cent. ts-- Arriving a deaths this month, against 1,200 in fover A essive in both months, the epidemic at were which has ted, an one est Seneca, contributing largely. Smalipox caused eaths, and very. few new ih aver been recently reported."' es MANY IMMIGRANTS. Accommodations on 0} Ocean Liners Is Overtaz: A despatch rom 'Toronto says: Thomas Southworth, the Director of Colonization, the steamship companies vic immigration agents in Great Britain state that enquiries from fntending immigrants were never more numer- ters from partics who proposed come to this country. OF BRITISH ORIGIN. of a ra t Halifax. A despatch from Halifax saya: From April 1, 1902, to Aprij, 1903, th immmigra: ar- from European countries was 16,419. 'Of this number the Hamburg-American Line steamers brought 8,724, the Allan Line 6,166, and the Dominion i t. erica an West are of British origin.~ ey eee JOINT HIGH RUMORS, Predicted That a Meeting wa Be Held in Ottawa despatch ' from - Ottaw. says: goniater Fairbanks, who is 'Sekine to he in close touch ter are o the Unit- ed States Go t, which, it is thought, is anxious to ive nego- 'for pa | ne byl cdo ancouv, 2 McDowell, ~ =~ Parts of the Globe, ---- ; DOMINION. Hard «coal is caling at $6.50 por ton in Hamilto 'The: Union Bank will open | omg and Saskatoon, N. W. ro, N. B., man was paid over $200 for information for the }conviction of illegal liquor salos. 17 dcres for barracks yurposes, ra- ther than Jose the two batteries of artillery stationed there. ries, expires in October It is said that tho Hon H. Ross, at present member 'a the successor the | Yukon, will be his su The 0. P. R . - has acquired a large ie of property between the Place Viger station and the Water front in the proper- FOREIGN. A love letter of Robert Burns was sold in London for £10. Seeding been comimenced at Ragina, N. A The 48th. Hi landers will ao ly visit Niagara Falls on Victor: =. eamers laden with steel for Canada will leave German ports this pir acharles Tupper has sold his residence to Mr. Henry of that place, for $10,- 'An Trish laborer named Rhenny has been left £16,000 by an aunt, who died in France. ting Edward will go to Ircland after hia ~ journey to Dalkeith and Holyrood in May. Prince Tuan and Gen. Tungfuh- siang,.two noted Chinese Icaders, mand the deposition of the Emperor, Add Dominion Orillia is considering tho a of oe ae a by-la raise $20, or the building bo grano- Bele ssidewalks where most needed " npreandt Public School Board appointed a co ec to lone into the advisability of teaching do- mestic science in connection with the schools, "Italy owes a debt of Se ego to Mr. Swinburne, tho i d by the London School Board to appint six occulista, a t of £875, for one year to examine the ecyes of the scholars 1A thief who stole a pair of boots w as from ao shop door 1 identified next day by a patch of white hair on k of his head. march out in Edinburgh the horses at ti o of t! car- riages became' restive and plunged into.the crowd, killing a six-year-old girl. :Some London medical authorities say that appendicitis may be caused by drinking cine or ~~ that ne stood -- time in a ves- sel. The t contains a oaition of tho Reports of the Russian Consulars m ib Monastir place the Balkans on the Macedonian Commit- tees, who are represented as terror- izing and cocrcing the inhabitants. n Clackmannan, Scotland, oa shep- herd fell into a ditch, get out unaided, di His collie dog kept faithful guard by its master's side, and at last by its oe moans attracted a search par- lanl "General Baribaldi, son of the Ital- ernment for the val of rty, ich h claims should have been distributed the Garibaldian is worth $17,000,000, promise _ the = 'for a franc a day to the voluntecr "LANDSLIDE IN ROSSLAND. A Portion of the Mining Town Was Damaged. A despatch fate Rosslan ys: <A se on Woilnesday within yards of the business ce ity. A section f Lero west of its intersection with ae street, and pt slagenee R. track, slid ce feet, visekting the railroad tracks and damaging: Washington street viaduct hopelessly. The first a ieee train passing so was der At noon eanthioe aip took Sake and further trouble is ox- © viaduct will require ree No residences are injured, excessi stoppage of surface water eanaed the trouble, pero eeeeee ANOTHER COAL STRIKE. 1,500 Men and "Boys Have Gone Out in Shamokin. pected. ge ru collicries owned by individual oper- ators. The ter wanted t to start work half an hour later than at present, and take half a half hour more time for one: At an- -- colliery, 8300 men struck be- the owners would oe add an- other shilt of firemen. bers and -- the sates! ence also for a crease ten per rey a nine-hour @ SSeS Raha KING TO VISIT THE POPE. Mayor of Rome Hi Has Received Offi- cial Notification, A despatch from Rome says: Prince of Rome, has been Coleamy Mayor i NEWS BRIRFLY TOLD The Very Latest It Items From Alt de-_ from Shamokin, Pa. ; ®

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