= Bnng you WALLPAPER IDEAS HERE We'll tell you honestly whether certain papers will look well or har- monizein certainroomswithcertain furniture ; we'll help you select just the right kind, giving you the bene- fit of our long experience in wall decorations. We have wall papers to suit all tastes. Latest style de- signs, truly works of art, exclusive patterns or the cheap and cheerful kind at as low a price as 3 cents per roll A ag ceilings and borders to match. J. A. HACKING Chemist and Druggist. Agent G, T. R. And Canadian Express. Listowel Standard FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1903. The Conspiracy Investigation |: Will Open on the 13th Inst, Witnesses From Manitoulin to be Brought' Down--A Preliminary Sittiag of the Commiesion. Toronto April 3.--The Gamey-Strat- ton investigating commiseion held ite tirst meeting this morning. Johnston, K. C., W. R. Riddell, "K 0., and Jobn M. McEvoy appeared 'Yor the Government, and 8, H, BlakewK. C., W. D. McPherson, K. C., i Cc. H. Ritchie, K. C., for the 'prosecutivn. Mr. Johnston told the court that bie side was ready to proceed on Mon- day or Tuesday. Mr. Blake, however, afler consulting his assistants, said thaton account of the difficnity in getting evidence from Manitoulin it would be a to proceed before the 13th. M nston offered to supply steamers to 'pring down Mani- tonlin witnesses, but this was not considered favorably. Finally the adjournment till the 13th Meantime the court ordered both sides to produce aud to deposit with the registrar all docaments in the pussession of either which it is intended to putin. These probably will include the shorthand notes taken by Gamey'e three friends iu the Crossin factory, covering the member for Manitoulin's conversation with Sullivan. he commission, when sittings re- eume on the 13th, will be daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p, m. until the investiga- tiou concludes, ANOTHER GOVERNMENT STRING, The need of the fund which has been started to assist Mr. Gamey in prosecuting his case before the com- mission is made apparent by what is evidently anattempt on the part of the Government to escape payment of the witness fees except iu cases where evidence ie actually admitted before the judges. The receipts signed by amey's counsel for the funds given by the Government for ths pay- ment of witnesses contains the follow- ing clause : -- @ agreed and anderetood that fees shall only be allowed for such witnesses as the julges, acting on the commission iv the above matter, certify as having been properly sub- poenaed or summoned os evidence before the said commis So far only $500 bas 'hoes placed at r. Gamey's disposal by the Govern- ment, The inadequacy of this sum can be understood when it is known thatthe expeuses for witnesses will probably be about $500 per day for several weeks, _ _ WHAT HR, GAMBY DID WITH THE MISSING $1,500. Toronto, April 6.--Mr. W. D. Pherson this afternoon, on behalf of r. Robert Roswell Gamey, filed with Mr. Charles Grant, Registrar of the Royal Commission, to'try his charges against the Ross Grvernment, his affi davit regarding snoh charges, : To the affidavit lengthy schedules are annexed, showing the documeuts he does not ob- ject to produce, and those which have passed out of his hands. A special echedule shows what he believes has become of those documents, All told, the papers called for in the case will number not Jess than seventy. It would appear that the salon $1,500, to which allusion bas made, was deposited with the Traders Mr. Stratton is viou-president of the Traders' Bauk There will probably be a fight 9; the matter if the thirty-six papers % in Mr. Gamey's sevond pebedule not forthcoming. It is stated also that 'aere will oe a very large number of witnesses subpoenaed, inoluding many from the North Shore, as well as from Manitoalin, who are alleged to have been seized of the matter. AGREEMENT TO BUY GAMEY, This. is the famous agreement be: tween Frank Sullivan and B, R. Gamey providing for the latter's support of the Government : "In consideration of a certain agree- ment sanet this------day of ----- by ---------, the member elect for---- --, 8rd and 6th of ys wager the further sum of iidmpeage dol- larg at the close of the-first session. -- sdhey obtain from a ember in good standing an te, jpeorossc that sald member shall control patron- age and appointments for riding from thie date, and aleo_secure_ withdrawal of-------" (the contest proceedings.) Detroit View of Gamey, The Detroit Frea I Press contains ~ etal editorial reference to th y charges: Despite the ona justifiable soa that Canadian justice is swift and sure, the method of pro- cedure in this case impreeses Américan judgment unfavorably. American meteone of dispensing justice are sup- sed to be loose; bat when a legis- ator or other public official is charged with giving or receiving a bribe, judi- cial authority ie at once invoked, and its processes followed until the case is determined. No euch step hax been taken in dealing-with the Gamey scan- dal, though Stratton and those associa- d with him can be sent to the peni- tentiary for fourteen years if guilty. There is no question as to the right of a legislative body to investigate the al- leged wrongs of its own members or of a criminal attempt to influence one of --_ to violate bis official integrity. this does not preolnde the right pr duty of secking to punish the crime charged through the courts. To the American view the whole pro- ceeding thus far, es conducted by the party in power, seems farcical, It has stacked the carde while solemnly insist- ing that it desires nothing bat a fair deal, Acting asa grand jury, it is fram- ing the indictment against Stratton,and _will appoint the commission to try him. In other words, the prosecutors are to prosecute themselves before a tribunal of their own and identified with the Government, which is trying ps apa ite skirts, ge is not the nly one accused, Oo soquit him is a shield for seeshete implicated. In addition to all this, the Legislature is to be suspended during the so-called investigation, so that there can be no pe a by the people Ssrongh eir direct representatives. The ac guittal thus foreshadowed would go far toward heading off a trial for the crime of bribery and the Government could point to the vindication of a Scotch verdict. & Seven Thousand Settlers a Week, Unprecedented _ Rush _ [nto the Northwest. Wionipeg is Crowded--Majority of New Comers are English or Can- adians--Fifty Thousand British Immigrants are Expected This Year, Winnipeg, Man., April 4.--During the present week about seven thousand immigrants arrived at Winnipeg, of which five thousand came from Britain, aud the rest chiefly from Ontario, Foreigners only numbered about three hundred, and were mostly Scandina- vians. The biggest jan wae on Thuraday, when two thousand from the steamera Bavarian, Canada and Carthagenian, and atrainlonad of Ontario settlers ar- rived. That night overtaxed the hotel accommodation in reach of the station, especially as the last train came in at eS and about u buodred slept othe floor of the station waiting- roome, while some wandered about with their hand baggage looking for rooms unti! morning. e immigration people are doing everything possible, but such crowds in one day overtax their accommo- dation. FINDING THEIR BILLETS. The number in Winnipeg was rapid- ly reduced on Friday, hundreds going out on west-bound traina to stations in Manitoba and the Territories, The immigration office rons a farm labor bnrean, where arrivals secured work with farmers, and west ont on the next train Building has not yet fairly started in Winnipeg, and seeding hae only begua in the Province, so that the big spring demand for men has not yet commenc- ed. Some may have to waita few days t-get work, but forthe most part the men so fer arriving seem pre- pared to make the best of it, and not stand on ceremony. A PINE OLAS88 OP PEOPLE. In the whole party of five thousand Britieh immigrants there were not more than 300 or 400 women at the outside. Most are young men from 18 to 25, and, while rather under- adians, | oaiighealtby, clean, aud fatelligent The © migration and railway officials say that they are one of the most sensible, orderly, and = directed parties they ever andled. A good many are returned eidtats from South Africa, who, after their time expired, returned to Eng- land to find trade dall and all avenues of employment close A returned farmer delegate claims that the men coming from Britain are @ superior class, inclading many farm laborers, and that fifty thousand will come boas hal if they can get steam- ship ro Took His Own Life, Wealthy Furmer Near Elmira Suicides. ing himself i in the baro. It was quite late when he was found by one of bis sous, before life was fully extinct, it ned is thought. No cause cap for taking his own life. He was about 5 yeure o Lichty was the owner of four farms aud leaves a family of 12 children. Valuable Advice to. Rheumatics, Eat meat sparingly, and take very little sugar, Avoid intoxicants, im dampness, nk and always rely on Nerviiine asa quick reliev Bheumatic pains, five ae re er than ordinary Z erviline's over pam y bepond bab? cs Ras a bago, N, and all pain, whether ---- or external. price Drug Clerk's Sad Death Arthur bien 'yan, 80 Wynn, o Under 8a cal (From Monday's Globe?}..~ Arthur William Wynn, 28 year of age, is dead in Grace Hospitul, the re- sult, tue ony! By of an. altercation the deceased bh downtown hots! iene Sunday evening. Drs Anderson and W. ham- berlain wil conduct an antopsy this morning, and an inquest will be open- ed this evening by Coroner J. H. Mo- Connell of pene street. you was employed as a olerk = z, Dd. Toda's ee sture a street west, until about four racuihe ago, when he left and went to his fa- ther's home at Newry, in Perth Coun- ty. He remained there about three weeks, and came back to Toronto, Since his return bere be had been liv- ing at the downtown hotel. On Sun- day evening, March 29th, itis claim- ed, a bellboy, who was showing a guest to his room, was stopped by Wynn and dragged into his room, The boy resisted, aud, it is said, struck Wynn several times in the face. The hotel proprietor heard of the altercation, aud immediately diecharged the Iad. yon was up and around the hotel on Monday, and on Tuesday night was visited by Dr. Chamberlain, who was there to see =a patient. The doc- tor advised W. the hospi- tal, but he did ak consent till the next morning. The patient's father visited him on Friday, and returned home the same evening, anticipating no serious results. On Saturday Wynn took a de- cided change for the worse, and died about one o'clock yesterday morning. The only marks of violence visible to Dr. Chamberlain when he visited Wyaon the firet time were a black eye anda cut onthe lip. The doctor believed theso injuries euperficial. Guests at the hotel stated last night that Wynn had these injuries prior to bis alter- cation with the bell boy... They expect that the report of the -autopsy will show that death was due to natural causes, Struck by Lightning. Barn Destroyed and 25 Fat Cattle and 'our Horses Burned to Death Elora, April 2.--Daoring a violent thunder storm which passed over this section early this morning a large barn a short ---- from here, owned b: M wing, was struck by light- bing, aed wae burned to the ground, with all the contente, which, besides feed, included twenty-five fine fat cat- tle, just ready for ebipping to the English market, and four horses, Mr. Ewing's losa will not be leas than : 000. Insurance, $2,000 on the build. ing A Terrible Fatality, Young Lady the Victim of a Runaway Near ik, Soutt, aged nineteen, daugbter of 'Won Scntt, was killed here to-day. She bad driven her brother to Dundalk station, and was within a mile of home on her return when the horse took fright, and threw her out of the buggy She became entangled in the lines, and was dragged a mile and her neck broken Wiarton Sugar Factory. Application Made to Wind Up the ompany Responsible for Its Erection. Toronto, April 2.-- An application hae been entered in the courta here to wiod up the Colonial Conetruction Company (Ltd.),which was organized chiefly by Detroit capitaliste to build the Wiarton beet sugar factory. The applicants are the Beardmore Belting Co.,which holds a judgment for $1,- 467. Writs have also been issned by the Hamilton Brass Co. and the Can- ada Sewer Pipe Co., and there are liens on the buildings for $36,470. The defendants claim that -$397,000 have been putinto' the buildivgs, and that these were paid $150,000-- $10,- 090 in etock inthe Sugar Company and $15,000 in bonds. They olaim they have been unable to realize on these securities. When: They May Fish. Dates of Closed Season This Year to e the Same az Last. It is not enticipated by the officials of the Onterio Fisberies Depurtment that there will be any change in the closed seasons this year. The regulae- tions, as far as the seasons are con- ceroed, are a matter which rests with tbe Dominion Government, and as there has been no intimation that a change will be made in avy of the dates oa fish, the following will hold thie year, as in other rears; Rene nd maskinonge, 15th April, 15th June ; piokerel, 15th April, 15th May ; speckled trout, 15th September, 80th April ; salmon trout and whitefieh, Ist November, 30th November. Asthma Can be Cured Thousanda of testimonials aaieerey proove that Asthma canbe permanently cued by inhaling Catarsiioeee ozone, a eae abla antiseptic -- destroys at once the germs causing t! Catarrhozone gives immediate relief to the distressing snd suffocating sensations, makes soditurbed Sele and tartoen and insures LA. H ast 'Tu of Ne Dies 4a Toronto : Circums' ey with a bell boy in s P gla 7 the choir 'and | ritton, hel bt. Thompson to take stock, Mra. Curtis spent: Sun- of Atwood dey with her-mother, Mrs. Miss Fowler and Miss Wood. of Blnevale visited friends in the' village. MILVERTON, 'Messrs. Pfeffer Bros. have bought A. D. Alexander's elevator and storehouse at Milverton atation, and will ran it 'Et conuestion 'with their mill:. It is un- se that the figure mal was $5,- Mrs. T. B. Howard has returned from Woodstock, accompanied by- her niece, Mia Edua Deveral, of that city. Neither i is the worse for her exporience Pa = recent railway accident at Hick- no Mr. Joseph Gibson and family, of Millbank, have moved here, and occ py the house which T P. Rue bas jest left. Gibson has entered into partnership with Mr. David Smith in the implement: 'business and buying horses, Mr, Thos. Magwood, ex-M.P.P., has sold his farm, but will continue to re- side in the house thereon pro tem, SHIPLE EY. At the farewell entertainment held last Thureday afternoon at Shipley school, . the scholars presented their teacher, Mr. Andrew Torrance, who is retiring from the teaching profersion, with a very handsome couch. trustees carried it in,and the chairman, Mr. Nickel, asked to have the school forthe rest of the afternoon. After he had finished his address, Gordon Simmons, one of the pupils, read an address, atter which the teacher made a suitable reply. e@ afternoon was spent by the pupils giving diologuee, recitations and songe. ne of the in- tereating features was a dialogue call- ed 'Jack's Memory Traiving," given by six of the --s a the pro- gramme came to an end, Mr. Torrance gave praise to the aah for the way they had the programme arranged without a guiding hand. 'The meeting was dismissed by the singing of the national anthem, Asthe teacher was 'taken nuawares, it wasa big surprise. Following is a omer of the address : To rew Torrance, Teacher in 8.58, No. 4, Wallace--Dear Sir: On the eve of your resignation of the laborious charge undertaken by you several years ago, we, your pupile, desire to present to you a token of our high esteem and loving regard,' and while we regret that our waywardness and incapacity must have paused you comeldecete annoyance and trouble, we trust that you will _ accept om te ay as oppertwniene without saying ---- that we are jhat. you have Maxwell, April 6. --Misa ' ie nobly d ur dverore dutioa by giving us wind upon line" and "'precept upov precept," but a8 actions speak londér than' words, we desire to testify that your noble manly ocon- ect and integrity io gel egress of your daties have made an impression on our young hearta thet we trast shall never be eras Qs We are oom- pelled to take the parting hand, we hope and pray that He who taught as never man taught may continue to ead you througk your whole life, pretecting you avd all yours from angers eeen aud unseen until He shall April, 1908. Pimples, Blot-hes and Skin Erup- tions. How unsightly, sometimes even disgust- ing, and certainly very mortifying to the sutferer. ity of the elementary organs, which can be quickly ciseaet by taking Ferrozone atter Ferrozone tiaxouen the blood of all meals. poisons and eruptions, makes it rich in cor puscles that manifest themselves in a ealthy ruddy complexion To hi pure, soft skin and good complexion geod 'ouone regu rice box, or six boxes for $2.50, at Devgyite, or N.C, Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Trr Dr. Hamitton's MANDRAKE PIL, King Edward had a novel experience at Lisbon on Saturday while visiting the musenm of the Geographica! So- ciety. The hall was filled with dis- tinguished persons, and the floor was strewn with roses. When King Ed- rd, sccompanied by King Carlos, entered tha hall, the ladies jn the gal- leries showered rose leaves on the mon- archs. King Edward's coat was thick- ly covered with leaves, at which he langhed heartily. Replyiog to an ad- tess of weloome, King Edward com. mented on the unprecedented atten- tions showered on him, afd said they will never fade from his memory. An Easter Numper.--A striking cover. by ©. W. Jeffreys, aud some colored illustrations distinguish the excellent ee a potable poem by William Wilfred Oampbell, the usual well- written departments, and some excel- lent articles. The latter inclade : "Burning of the Parliament Build- ings," From Quebec: to James Bay," "Our "- and Kingston, t. Tay De. Haminron's Manprake Pints, The Postoffice Department announe- ed that on and af ter Saturday, April thir fourth-class onnepe or fraction thereof. "Ooloniat Naval Reserves." The number is well worth scnisinalion. Mr. Cornelius Shields, the new President of the Soo on the. Oe start. ed life as a brakeman on ¢ - Canadian acifio Railway. Dompesy. eral manage: ae, Company. hardware stores in Og- =f ¥., bave been blacklist- Trad Re re pg certen go} 2 eve tq C5 Fs Harm capoeted: z signee mitted suicide 'at St, Catharines by The.O. z.. aL Sebati & corte @ aioe io" Rl salt ofing to ' ster man porte 'Byers com t | Shooting himself. Albert I. Snider of Belleville died from a dose of carbolic acid, eccbakty taken by mistake. ; Mts. Margaret Neve, believed to be the King's oldest --" died in Guernsey, aged 110 Stratford Board i poe passed a resolution in favor of a reasonable subsidy to the Grand Trunk Pacific. John Springle cease from Brantford in December last, and his dead body wesioond in the canal on Satarday morning. Mr. John Winchester, Master in Chambers, has been appointed Se Judge of York, and Mr. W. J. Hat a2 2 Owen Sound, Oounty Tadge ial of ay Winnipeg correspondent of The Globe telegraphs that 250 settlers resched Saskatoon on Saturday. Tents are being erected for the Barr party of 2,000. A protest was filed on Saturday by Messrs. Kerr, Davidson, Paterson and Grant against the return of T, Thompson as member for the House of Commons for North Grey. The usual -- of bribery and corruption are We have not advanced the = of our baccos, Bobs, time for the -- ot Snowshoe tags, to roy Ist, z Emp = Tos Acco Co,, Limited, Justin McCarthy, in his '* History of Our Own Times," expresses the be lief that, given a satisfactory measure of Home Rale, the Irish vote would be maiuly Coneervative. He gives reasons for holding this opinion, and recent reports seem to show that the historian '* knows bis Ireland." ee} Jus i i ey th tes The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. . Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children? Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone It is the standard food for and brain. scientific delicate children. Send for free sample. Ne sure that this picture io the form of a Inbel ts me te Ftd af every beith Enstision you buy Scotté& Bowne CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1; -'l druggists " MRS. WM. SANDERS' DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL FINISHED. to teach Anyone that would like around dressmaking in their oun town, home, or travel, read t going to ato P 'teachin ng in On- tario the firat week in og ae oad will ent April, teaching two classes only teachers. a upils vill an 'uate in these @ lasses w qualified certificate," 'to bog ia tario. As f[ 'evented thse 'method myaclf and never taught a pupil to teach, there is no one except pee t No one wi those holding crtifate. that haven't o $25. i 5 wil cima iat mce in Ape "Tath . 25h p-m.- The $15 course to commence in Stratford on Monday Apel 27th to May 2nd. Hours 8 a. m wish- ing to be teachers muat pee me at one of the four places and dates mentioned below hese two teacher classes will be the first . pgp gn i ong My dress schoo! ---- Thursds fT oth, Sco 1 we 5 fico 9 posite Giey Hall" Stratford, over Lar worthy's bu shop. Imitation is sincerest dition: If this sentiment true the inventor of this course might feel flattered judging by the number of imitations that has come to m know! a This is to notify all each that b ter the ioing so will be deat MRS. W Teesher In Dre Mak 2s tretford, Unt. "SATURDAY BARGAINS | "LISTOWEL'S LIVE 'CASH -- STORE. 50 pairs white Lace Curtains, 3 yds. long, reg- : ular 50c. and 6oc. pair. Bargain Day perpr. .39 30 pairs Lace (Curtains, 3 yds. long, worth reg- ular 75c. pair. Special for Saturday only.. .55 200 bunches American Cotton Batting, white even goods, nice Special on Saturdays... 5 3 pieces only pure Linen Toweling, worth reg- ular 6$c. and 7c, Saturday only.s.seseeee 5 25 doz. pure Linen Towels, large size, worth reg. 35¢. and goc, Saturday per pair for... .25 150 yds. pure Linen Tabling, worth regular 60c. Special on Saturday only.....02 ees -42 Grocery List. 40 lbs. British Navy chewing Tobacco, regular loc. Saturday 4 plugs for..... seseeeees 425 "Our Own," a large toc. bright chewing plug. Special on Saturday only....... ctuaveesan 25 Best Clover Leaf Salmon. Special 2 cans OT vere acca nee eeesnweenteneneees enone 225 25 Ibs. Redpath's best Granulated Sugar. for $1 every day of the wee We Pay Cash Prices FOR = = PRODUCE. GRAY,BERNIE&CO. LISTOWEL AND OWEN SOUND. THE NeW EW GROCERY sas intend to make fae ¢ the BARGAIN CENTER for the buying public of Listowel, and surrounding country. The stock consists of Groceries, Crockery, sware, Confectionery, Fruits, Provisions, Feed, Seeds, Listowel and Milverton Flour, etc. Kindly note a few of the prices below. 4lbs, good Tea for.......... ~ 00} 3 cans Corn and Peas or. 25 12 Ibs. Coffee for .-........ oes bare Soap for ..........-. .25 4 Ib. Cleaned Currants.... plugs Tobacco for decane 23 Ibs. best Redpath G raed 1. rs Brentthine is new and fresh. I invite the buying public to give me a call. All kinds of produce taken. NICHOLAS KROTZ, Phone No. 64. Next door to Thompson's old Stand, Main St. CLOSE FIGURES IN FURNITURE Furniture is either a good {investment or a bad one ; it | is about as easy to make a mis- {take as itis to make a_pur- jataee We believe in calling a spade a spade évery time. This time we have a special an- nouncement to make, and you 'won't go astry if you give it special attention. We are cffering a Handsome COUCH for $7. 75. What we have to say about them can be said in a sentence : In make, material and cost they defy comparison. Have you seen them. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPT. Is up-to-date in every particular. Charges moderate. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to at cottage East of Public School, A, BROADFOOT. Main Street, Listowel. Chas. 8S. Dearling, House and Acre of Land For Sal PAINTER AND _DECORATOR. 8, ON MITCHELL ROAD, LISTOWEL. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. The undersigned ee pape of a fortable frame h f land. Ou the bere enced a ams of Wea First-class work guaranteed, Charges containing many vari 3 also moderate. Orders eft at Livingstone's stable, hard soft water. House in = ood ery for retired | Drug Store will receive prompt attention. armer or anyone keeping horse or cow. 7 For term tnd. particular Residence 47 York Street, east of Luth- dence, oiRbmvEn. eran Church. er Je