"VOL. XXVI.-NO. RR. a ee VAY. APRIL 24, 1903. pr a age Seat Sn Solin | "Oy ee, phone : 4 =f LISTOWEL'S LEADING STORE. Ed we t NEWS OF IMPORTANCE sm fe ene eae be £ SATURDAY MORNING APRIL25. eal. NOTE THE . is fp: Iz Men's $ 7.50 Suits, sale price .-......--$4.99 @ 5ps. new black figured Goods, reg. 50c at Pe " 10.00 Suits, sale price .......... 7.88 © 20 yds. Print for ....- 01-0 cesceecerees 1 le - 12.50 Suits, sale price ........ 9.00 € 20 pr. Beck ae 'Hose - cece a I (= io 1.50 Pants, sale price-.-.--.--- '99 @ 12¢urn down Linen Collars.........-. a is tt 2.50 Has, 'Christy and Fedora ' 99 i? 1.50 EOts cswecss tawcccewensss 12 GROCERIES k " 1,00 Hat "30 a 25 yards Flannelerte wage aa sratee wie 433% 1.00 @ 25 Ibs. Redpath ee Bugar aol a | i 25 yards Grey Cotton. ..........----.. 1.00 @ 141bs. Green Coffee f : is i a 25 yards Towelling -.--------- 1,00 @ 7 Ibs. Tapioca for . Ly 25 yards Muslins .....--- +2... 00-005 1.00 @ 3 plugs McDonald' s Tobacco for... -... : 8 pieces 65 and 7Se. Dress Goods,clearat .19 @ 2 boxes Royal or Jersey Yeast.......... THIS STORE we i le ee ll! ee ee ll ee le --_*. BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. 'Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in Cash or Trade. Closes every night of the week at 6 o'clock except TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. * EN NN NT aN ee NN eee Nee ee Nee en eee ae a hf Pigg ty | pst sd aie SIGN OF ELEPHANT. WA LTER BROS, Our everyda 4 Success has hitherto accompanied our efforts and we have every. confidence that our efforts will meet with success in the coming 'bargain event. Prices are sufficient to prove to the buying public that this is the store wherein: to" d ¥ BARGAINS FOR THE COMIMG DAYS AND WEEKS. a ae en ae ee ee ae) Oe ee a a ee te aa eee ee ee ee: = ss oe eT SS ey ee oe --=-- ss ia ae, ee ee et a eee Poe cee | Dinner Sets Free iz . °To Our Patrons. this the Most Popular Store in Town. follows: This Beauti- tul _ Imported Semi- Porcelain Dinner Ware GIVEN AWAY piece by piece, In any quantity to Our CASH CUSTOM ERS. Applies Only to Dry Goods. We have adopted a new PROFIT SHARING SYSTEM and are giving you these Handsome Dishes as we wish to make With every 25 cent pur- chase you receive one Dinner Set Coupon, redeemable as 4 Peupous conan 1 Butter Pad 40 5 1 Fruit Saucer = ; ; 7; " 1 Bread and Butter Plate} "* a bal ' 7 T fea Plate = ; ; 9 . . 1 Breakfast Plate fl a ; 9 «4 * 1 Soup Plate -- | 10 sf FS 1 Dinner Plate ba ; 1 1 Cub and Saucer 6 8 « '1 Cup Only i ' Pp y 100 o ae E Ss ae 1 Oatmeal Bowl! . a 13 "Dbl. Egg Cup" = S . 13 te as 1 Small Bowl = " a : 7 " 1 Medium Bowl td ' 0 ' s 1 Large Bow! as * ' . 23 "= : Small Jug oad . ai ' 1 Medium Small Jug 133 ' a 3 i 12Medium Large Jug 830 ¥ i is F< " 1 Large Jug ; 7 Coupons Senttnen | Medium Baker | Large Baker 1 Medium Salad 1 Large Salad 1 Meat Dish, 9 in. 1 Meat Dish, 10 in. 1 Meat Dish, 12 in. 1 Meat Dish, 14 in. 1 Meat Disb, 16 in. 1 Covered Veg. Dish 1 Pickle Dish 1 Gravy Boat 1 Sugar Bowi 1 Tea Pot 1 Covered Butter Dish 1 Sauce Tureen Complete 4 Pieces 1 Soup Tureen Complete 3 Pieces Broken in your Dinner Set we will Match for you at any time. ei ais ae Fo R. Thompson, Sign of Golden Lion, . 5 = Boe sai q it is cheap, but tig Natio. ~ | fies, kept at BALE - Ee : Fpent Easter ; onda, " _- Capventariey % a thia week. ' fol.the GT. R, 4 Singha, was d - Owen, Sound , ie dae thts week 4 i been visitin her sister, Mra, Pe 8 iyeth, left yeeter- day for her home: yuga. time pastor of the Mae hodiet chorch in town, died'in Torg ofa. eek, Mr. BR. Arkell" i fs F manager of ~ Imperial Bank, Ee gone York on a two "4 holiday. trip. Try the new § 7 shop, . on north of Han 7 ce Meg 'Wallace W. Ecxer For Bol ria ete., try Wright. a meats always on 'hig Quaker eadcheese, F fresh aud cured S direct from The Peterborough, at Biber of farmers té@ment through with B have already A covsiderable in thia vicinity their seeding. finished, a : The Clarendow) Gel at Clinton was destroyed by # y Tuesday morn- ly escaped with their lives, ~. P Flags have. bee bg at half mast ehall and cnetom Bh of Sir Viiver "8 » 3. J, Stevenson, east, ot at butcher. shop, Wailace street, Mrs. Markle entertained a number of young ladies and gentlemen Fri- day and Saturday evenivgs in bonor of wah Witeon and Miss Brock, Easter Five British ---- at Pretoria were sentenced to death fur taking partina riot jn which one military policeman was killed and sixteen wounded. Ansor Day.-- Wednesday next, 29th inst., has been appoiuted arbor day in town, and Mayor Hay's proclama- tion directs citizens' attention to tree planting The ** ieatopreptits evening" by the ladies of Chriat Church in the parish room on Tuesday evening was an enjoyable and -- affair, and net- ted a respectable 8 Mr. G.S. Kidd of tbe Arlington hag gove to Chicago to meet Mra Kidd, who has -been spending part of the winter in Southern California. They are expected home to-morrow. Lance Ecc --Mr. Wm. Stephan left ab egg at this office which measures 8 inches long way by 6 inches around. It was layed by one of bis barred rock hens, of which Mr. 8. bas a prize pen. held CORN.--We are testing all our Corn this season, Buy what you kuow is sure to grow, and of the best varieties A. Cum New Suoe Rerarn Suop. --All kinds of One 7 north of Hunter's drug store, Wallace FE "We Fred. Taylor left for ss this week, where he has secure good eitustion, Mr, Will. Helling also left town this week for Wood- stock, havieg taken a sit. in Karn's piano factory. . Wm, Moore of Manitoba, bro- ther a Mr. Samuel Moore of town, is spendivug a week or two with friends ip this vicinity. Mr. Moore has been about ey yearsin the west, and with excellent success. He is bask with him a carload of sborthoros, which he is eg up in this and neighboring counti Buy yor Coping from us. We ews you th faaget atock of up- che-dahe Clothing aie shown in Listowel. Gray Brayis & Co. Movtpsxs WANTED. ceustomed to general work, and who want to learn stove plate. Apply, giving experience, refer- Tee Seana? Founpry Co,, Limited, Toronto. Foxe Srazuion.--On Friday last Mr. Wm. Colquhoun of Mitchell delivered here to Mr. John Stewart of page as fine a Clyde stallion as has sean in asiowe for sometime. He : "Prince Fav pon, at one | ha _| manugement o. Mr. Gunther, local manager of the Bell Telephone Co,, has -- me W. Lytle aud his men to a supper hie residence on Wednesday, Koel 29th, at 9.80 p,m. . To Fanmexs --The Mores Milling Co, received a car of good clean seed Mr. B. H. Alexander, son of Mr. E. M. Alexander of thie town, and. Miss rmack, also formerly of Listowel, who are now in the employ of the CO. J. Halliday dry asels establishment at Chesley, receive very high commen- dstion in a late issne of the Chesley terprise, Mr. Alexander for his EEo -} Well known ability as = viet decora- ma and draper, aud McCormack x the'taste which at bes displayed ah millinery artist. Wants $500 tro Turow Up Szwer Conrract.--A commmittee of the Town Council met Mr. Pigeon, con. tractor for the sewer, and discussed the question of abandoving the sewer. 'Mr. Pigoon gave the Oouncil to mubeabiend that he was prepared to throw up the contract for $500. The "town voted $7,000 for the construction 'of a sewer and septic system, which the present Oonncil claims will be about $3,000 short of covering the expense, and the question now is, whether to abandon the project or _|go on with the work. . a, Jneee a a. ree for the past tw ks pape ares' Photo Studio. e to turn out High- class Photographs. Anresiss Wett Commencep,--Mr, W. G. Paton of Wingham, contractor for sinking the artesian wells, bas his drilling machinery at work on the Livingston property adjoining the railway track on Elma street. A dis- tance of over forty feet bas alread been reached. The well is large enongh to admit an eight-inch casing. Drilling will be continned into the bed rock 'until asnfficient flow of water is struck, providing too great a depth ia not fonnd necessary. In that case a trial will be made at some other point in the town, ona PiymoutH Kocks,--At Berlin how-- let prize for ben, lst for rte 8 3rd for "pallet, 2nd for cockerel, At 0 3 2nd for cockerel, 3rd for ak, Tet Eggs &2 per setting. Frep. Wricut. Foornatt.--The opening football game of the season in this district will be played on Saturday afternoon at Milverton, sud will be an exhibition match between the Listowel and Mil- verton intermediate teams. A oe ton corresp< ot writes he @ football lab hes for hen. inte W. F, A. team for Hes ut4 p.m. A good game is assured, as Listowel ie picked as one of tbe strong- est teamsin the league. It is said that Dun Steiss, who played centre forward for Milverton last year, will figure on the Listowel team,' WANTED -- Morccprrs' Improvegs.-- Young m have had experience and larger range of work, principally stove plate. ne Guasey Founpuy Co., Limited Toronto. Boarp oF Trape Meerine, -- A metting of the Listuwe) Board of Trade was called on Monday evening last, with the object of completing or- ganization, The membership commit- tee reported that sixty-ove names had een secnred, After disenssing the questivn of proceeding with organiza- tion, it was decided to defer the eleo- tion of officers until Friday eveniag of this week ; to notify all membere, and in the interval to secure as many ad ditioua!l members as possible. All citizen» are eligible for membership, and avy who mav not have been calle upon by the committee are invited to be preseut at the meeting this evening, which will be beld in the Council chamber, at 8 o'clock, OrepitaBLt Promptngss.--The fol- lowing acknowledgement, from Mra. Code of this town, of the receipt of the full amount of the certificate heid by her late husband, Wesley B. Code, in the Oddfellows Relief Association, speaks for itself, and reflects much credit upon the organization for ite promptness in settling the claim : Listowel, April 18th, 1903. R. Meek, Eaq., Kingston, Dear Sir--I w ou, as the Secretary of The Oddfellows Relief Association of Canada, to convey to your Association mv sincere thanks for the promptness witb which they have, through Listo- wel Lodge No, 160, 1. 0. O. F., paid me the [nll amount 'of the certificate my late husband, Wesley B. Code, bad in your Association, the cheque for = amount having been received within three days after the alata papers were completed. Yours truly, Lru1an Cops. PRESENTATION WINDOW. -- e show window has been replen- value than our choice of apy artiz oa in the window he front sec- tion is se rt for the one dollar section, and the aide» ll is the two dollar sec- tion. i t value' in craiation hat does sound str a. 3 are there and the sale will ¢ kept up until all has been so! Remember, you can save from five dolla: i our watchos at Gunther's, the Lelephone enty-five cents, that is rN ARY other goods 'ou will find the reduction in price 'eople are com- ing oe from @ distance to sttend this aale, as i them todo so. You will find the-goods just - represented, th prices that se me aud look through, you will then be able to tell for rself if you want the goods. Ersisls ther's Scldamith -to secure 6) 3 Mr. A. E, Armstrong,B. A., of Knox College, is in town under the' sarpices of the Presbyterian Volanteer Union, the purpose of which is an movement ia Presbyterian Forei ie sermovs ip Knox Church on Sunday were highly appreciated and practical in their resulta, Com Master. -- Knox Church hax been fortunate in securing as choir leader Mr. Hardwick, for six years leader in the First Presbyterian Charch, Brantford. Heis @ man of thorough musical culture, having bed a large experience in solo, choir and choral work. We bespeak for Knox Chareh choir thorough and up-to-date trginiog and the congregation an mp- lkpe% the service of praise. Me. begins his work on Snonday 8. Barracks Boayrep.--At 12 o'clock Monday night the fire slarm was soanded for the first time a fire uf considerable Proportiote Was in progr loca large frame structure on Main street east, known as the old Salvation Army barracks, and before the fire brigade could get down to work it bad got a firm hold onthe tinder-dried build- ing. The chairs and other belonginge of the Army were rapidly removed b those first on the scene. Through the exertions of the brigade the fire was got under control before it bad com- pletely destroyed the hnilding, but had it not been for the danger to ad- jacent property, it might tter have made a clean sweep of the now useless -- The building was owned by Mr. J.W. Scott,and was ineured in the Waterloo Matual for $590. How the fire originated is not known. There wae no fire in the building since Sun- day. Fortunately for the Salvation Army their new brick barracks ia al- most finished, and will be ready to move into in about two weeks, Tae Morris Bapy Granp Prano.-- The first grand piano built by the Morris, Feild, Rogers Co. of this towa was shipped a few days ago from the factory to Winnipeg, haviag been or- dered by the Company's represent- ative, Mr. 8. L. Barrowclough, and we understand is already sold to a customer there. In size, this piano ie considerably smaller than the regu- lar concert grand, ite dimensions being five feet eight inches long by four feet eleven inches wide, and thirteen and three-quarter inches iu depth. While for general utility its size gives it a positive advantage over the large grands, its equipment throughout is not only as complete as the most ex. nsive Knabe, Steinway, Chickering or fs mral) grand piauos, -- in sever pt ortant partioulars of = musical qualities, Tts sca' trichord of seven and octaves, and is equipped with Wessell, Nickel & Gross action, Erard move- ment, with double checks, ---- and pulsators, It is in the damper motiadal that the skill of its designer, Mr. Fred. Rogers, under whose per- eonal supervision every detail of its construction has been carried ont, has introduced special points of superiority. These include a self- adjasting damper flange and flexible tongue attachment to the sustaining pedal, by means of which fuller contrul and sustaining power are secured. The specially constructed sounding board has given the instrumrpt a respunsive- ness that is trnly remarkable. For resouunce power aud purity of tone the Morris Baby Grand will take rank with the very best high-class piavos mannfactnred. Every part of this jano, excepting the action, is of Canadian manofacture, and ite entire construction has been carried ont io the factory here, which is something unique in grand piano building io Canada, The case is finished in Uir- cassian walnat and is very handsome, being rich in color aud figure, and ornamented with art carving of Roman scroll design. The legs and lyre are purely Uolonial, double pillared and stadde In its artistic design, beau- tifal finish, volume and richness of tone, and in every detail, the 'new baby" is truly a grand instrument, and is destined to take a leading place in a piano trade of this Dominion. ix Baby Grands sre now under con. remstion and will be ready for the Fall! Exhibitions, and orders for several others are already booked. The Mor- ris, Field, Rogers Co., and Mr. Rogers especially, are to be congratulated upon successfully launching such a creditable acquisition to the musical inetrumeot industry of Canada, Listowg. Spaine Sxow.--The spring show of entire horees held by the Listowel Live Stock Association on Friday last was quite up to the mark in number of entries, but the attend- ance was considerably less than was expected, This was due to the par- ticularly fine weather, which was being taken advantage of by the farmers to get on with their seeding, hence the show was not honored with their presence to the extent that it usually is, The different classes of stallions were pretty well represented, there ing seventeen entries in all. The tendenoy in this section to breed light horees was apperent from the number of entries in the lighter classes, which were double those of the heavy kinds That there is room in thie district for more imported draugh is becoming evident, now ios the de- mand for army supplies has ceased, and in view of a promising and rapidly expanding market for farm horses in the Northwest. While it is desirable to keep up a fair proportion of stock from standard-bred aud thorough-bred deman rices whioh they are very teed as represented, at Gun- Hall, Listowel. ' bringing should not be overlooked. one-third | thelr d for heavy horses In the Imported Heavy Draught cl two regietered Clydes and by oan men of the English Shire horse com- peted for the prizes. Wilkinson Bros'. Baron Lawrence, 2 beautiful black, recently imported from Scotland, wag awarded firet prize; Bender & Fil- singer's ag ge Thomper second,' and Bender & Berlet's Peter's Best third, In the Agricultural elasm, three Canadian draughts were evtered, The two prizes given went. to.H, McKeever's Laird o sesond, The Standard breds were well repre- sented, there being four entries, high repatation ot this excellent aaa of sires in this town and district, captured both prizes, with the ra- nowued Oliver Wilkes and ove of his progeny, Ors Wilkes, the red ticket of Ray Oregon, and Geo, Wells' rage na Lightfoot se went to Kidd Broa.' C Colonel Ferguson and Moore & Melotyre's Wilkie Ook ling, Mesers. the judges, and their decisions Were considered quite satisfactory. At the conclusion of the show the spectators in which high jumpers cleared five foot hurdles, MR, GAMEY VISITS BUFFALO And His Absence from the Stratton Trial Causes a Sensation, and Much Ha piness in the Ministerial Camp, which His Return to Toronto Puts a Damper a. Toronto, April 21.--Full of senga- tional import was the brief sitting of : i ite had left the city aseomed concrete form when his place beside his coun- sei's table remained vacant, though the time for the opening of the drew neur. Questions pnt to " counsel for the prosecution developed the fact that they were quite in igoor- soce of the whereabouts of the chief witness in their tthey were ables hen. court seat, Mr, Biakow . them that hedid not know where Mr Gamey was, or why he had chosen to absent himself. The eloquent ad- vocate spoke in slow sud measured tones, acd what he said was sensa- tional. He asked for a ruling from their Lordships as to whether the trial was of sufficient patlic import to justify them in continuing to act when the private prosecatur had dis- appeared. He stated that botb he aud his colleagues felt that if the matter was simply one nas between Mr. Gamey wud Mr. Stratton, it was the proper thiog for them to refuse to ave auy moreto do with the case. Mr. Blake's words implied @ jast ap- preciation of the extreme lack of con- sideration Mr, amey had shown in absentiog himself at this stage of the proceedings, Chancellor Boyd and Chief Justice Faloonbridge again evideuced their sense of the importance and responsi- bility of the ioqairy they are cou- ducting when the former, after a brief consultation with his brother on the bench, stated that they thought it would be both proper and desirable that Mr. Blake and his pig eg should contivue to uct iu C) and that the ioqniry should be ae ou with to the tall, whether Mr, Gamey obvse tu absent bimself or not. Chancellor Boyd's words bore ont what Mr. Blake had earlier told the newspaper men--that he conceived bis brief in this case came from the people of Ontario, and not from any one man, and that the status of the enquiry did not depend upon the aoc- tiou of even so important a figure in the case as Mr, Gamey. The -uitimate decigion thut was come to was to adjourn court until Thursday morning next, so as to give Mr. Gamey anu opportunity to put in aD appearance. But the Commission will continue with the taking of the evidence, no matter whether the Man- itoulin man shows up or . The prosecution have outlined that include the wife -- the iather- in-law of k J livan, and they are to be.in med. ance when court opens om, the, day after to-morrow. Their' évidehco is ---- to be - the hiyheess moment, as it is expected they wilt tell of con- versations with Frapk Sullivan, in the course of which that gentleman gave some interessitg information as to the -- under inquiry. The other wit- es yet unknown to any bat the ond, who refuse to give avy informotion uther than that he is to testify along the same lines as the relatives of Frank Sallivan. ",, MR, GAMEYPa? BUFFALO. Buffalo, N. Y., April 2.--Robert Roa- well Gamey, clean- shaven, spruce, and as fresh as paiut, into the Mansion Honee to-night _at 12.20, after having enjoyed with cousing an evening at the theatre. He (Continued on last page.) and Andrew Easson of Stratford yere._ - o> =e Bros, ., to whom is due the red and R se no means ploneed at hie unaccount., shown -w *valked \ Youn's Lord Minto first, and Fade é ' Logi fs. oe Mj