Listowel Standard, 24 Apr 1903, p. 5

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- April 24 IF YOU WANT * FIRST-CLASS MEATS. a RIGHT - - PRICES GO TO 5 STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER ALSO). FRESH of all kinds always on hand. 8, J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. _ states have | made offers for the vessels, An Eng: | lish exchange says of them :-- IES | The two battleships launched recently GROCER , for the Chilian Government show wha? ean be done by naval architects work ing unfettered by the restriot/ons im- posed when designing ships "r the Brit- ish uavy, to combine #2 a small dis- placement great omeisive and defensive Morphy & Carthew, LARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS &°. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Notaries Pablic and Commissioners. Money &L. B. Mozray J. M. Cari gEw hiree Libertads on y cos u King Edwards, the super- jority of the type from th point View is marked. * ships carry guns and fosrtee Blewett & Bray- BARRISTERS AND sor-cITORs, Motaries Publicand Conveyar-®T# toncltora for Scott, fesking House and Ont, | King Edward's gum will be of less pow: Perm. Bldg & 4°an Asanelation, fey ore i- mens," Colonel Cuniberti has rather un kindly called it. As Mr. Watts was, we lieve, responsible for the important features of the Chilian ships, this sug- ests tho lines which he will follow in is new designs for the British navy. Since these two Chilian warships are to sold, it would almost seeni worth while to acquire them for the navy, MUNEY TO LuAN. AT 4 f-2 PER CENT. y BR. Rrewe:t. Gro, Bray. B. A . Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste>, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT Dilice, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch officein Atwood every Wednesday. e --------$-- Mabee & Makins, Is Disease Beneficent? BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Te a recent nddress at University Joltcltore for The Morchante Bank. College, Liverpool, Eng., Sir Frederick STRATFOPD, ONT. J. B. Manz, K. C. C. J. Maxine, disease as ¢ W. E. Dingman, [1. D., : The "Hospital" comments on his remarks in these terms: - UATE o ; ve ; mel rof " oot ut Leper he pra deg novecah "The old physicians regarded *hysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. sy taf age of disease as being of necessit} Office and residence--Main Street east. wholly noxious and as needi: t ' stamped out. th tient vomited, & he vomiting must be st: 3; if hi coughed, the cough must d DR. W. M. BRUCE cease; if he failed-to take food, he must 3 s . be made to eat. To the modern physi- DENTIST. ' cian, however, things appeal in a very Cee ee DS, Catarlo, DDS. Teialty Val. different manner. 'fo them there is notl- Mi Prosthate Destitrr Cite, mene ool) ing 'preternatural about disease. - Not Office removed from old stand to rooms over W. | Only is it the outcome of natural pro- ico Spears' Store. same stairway as Dr. Rutherford, M t cesses, but these processes are iis ain St., Listowel. ae f sses are them selves, in many cases, marked by a pur- ae and that purpose a beneficent one. he time has come when it would rather appear that many of the so-called symp- toms of disease are but expressions of a natural effort toward cure; that, they are have for their Thos, Fullarton, ATWOOD ONT., [SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Commissioner in B. B. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and all Convey- ancing d I Money to lend, Modern pathology teaches that the so- called symptonis o/ this disease do but represent a valiant attempt on the part of the body to repair an accident, such accident being the entrance of a parasite R. G. Roberts, PLEY, ONT. GENT for th cashire Fire A @ London and Lan into the tissues. Take, agai i SmeranceG ; : e tissues, » again, an in- pat ny ney -- fad upwarda mitico tel flammetion following a septic wound of all descriptions done isease, so called, is dis- nterest. Conveyancing o D easy terme. tressing enough, but the manifestations are no mere outcome of a malign pur- They aro well intended, and hay. : ge ae eum A Chil! and Argentina by the terms of + We, LISTOWEL & and are having an up-to-date el THE TOWN HALL. Our Spring and Harvesting Machin lar. : : Messrs, Gillies & Martin havé now received a car load of DEERING MACHINERY NEW WAREHOUSE OPPOSITE ery is up-to-date in every particu- evator installed in their CALL ANDGHET YOUR PISEOF Prize Buggies Just Arrived. AGENTS FOR Deering Harvesting. And Seeding Machinery, Thomas Haying Machinery, Walker- ville Waggons and Sleighs. Campbell Buggies and Cutters, Will do well to order their MACHINERY at FARMERS TWINE now. Call and sce our DISPLAY OF Wareroom opposite Town Hall, Mill St. GILLIES & MARTIN. '. B.--Farmers in need N. before buying elsewhere. of anything in the above lines will do well to give us a call COMING AND GOING. Has been visiting the wholesale centres and has a well - filled store of latest in Ladies Suitings, Muslins Laces and Prints, Embroideries. Space will not permit enumerating € Many attractive lines in Dress Goods,~etc.. Kindly call and see our lines etc., which will ccavince you that we are in the front rank, no old shop-worn stuck, Héw and up-to-date and selling ata close margin. Agent for: Modes Fashion & Pattern Co. New stock of ror BOOTS & SHOES to Hand. Ladies' fine Dongola Kid worth from $1 25 to $1.50 per PAL TOES Sansa Vig cpecen sah deus badecvas sons (8 EOO FAMILY GRCCHRIES COMPLETSEH. We claim to give best value in Teas and Coffees in Listowel. -Try our special Japan Blend, only per pound..... .25 Try our regular black 4oc. pure Ceylon only....6.°. 30 Try our pure Santos Roasted Co ee, only per Ib. .20 Try our Rajah Blend, regular goc. Coffee, for per Ib, . go GARDEN SEEDS. Large improved Mammoth Long Red Mangel Seed 8 Ibs, for $1. Sugar Beet Seed, etc. ; our Butter, Eggs, for which we will pay J, s, GEE. GREAT BARGAINS AT TRE Up-to-Date Grocery' Iw. give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity of broken Sets. I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at a margin. Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. No trouble to wait on you, we want y Potatoes and other Farm Products, highest market price at all times, ENTIRELY NEW SToCk of| House and 2 3-4 Acres | of Land for Sale. Pure Drugs The above 'operty is situated on corner of Bolton an William Streets, Listowel, frame, with and Chemicals. | water + good F a very low or further particulars {enquire at CONRAD;NEUERT. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the wants ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER pose. for their 'or ody from further parasitic invasions L. O. L. No. .370, Listowel Meetain Orange Hall first iar 4 "a and the elimination of such septic matter each month. & bers ace. gute as miy have been already introduced; ttend all meetings and visiting brethren} gig on. Even the miuch-dreaded. peri- ordially invited. tonitis which to surgeons of the past ap- peared as the very hand of fate--an im- pending horror spreading only disaster ca is now recognized as the op- best fri i H. WILLOUGHBY, W. R. HAMILTON, W M. Rec.-Sec. rating GTR TIME CARD Smear': 'ram: Listowel station dally as under :-- * STRATFORD 'AND. PALMERSTON. For Stratford.-- Passenger, ; 7 Mixed, 7.45 p. :a. Wor Palmerston.--Mixed, 1122a.m.; Mixed, 3 the old manner, nor 'attack' it with the old weapons." 'annevger 2 p. A Parisian Duel Averted. % 'assenger, 7-07 p.m. . PSINCARDINE AND PALMERSTON. For -- 2 a. m.; , 1 i oe ieee tae --= x "Pardon, monsieur, but were you ad- For Kineardine a ceined 9am, ; Passenger, | dressing me?" pe 7.43 12.40 ; Passenger 7.45. "No, monsieur, I was not addressing you. ANEW LOTOP = | hen why nott, "Monsieur is pleased to be impertin- Think you I am a - ent. But let him beware! I warn him." "He warns ine! w he is droll. It Amateur Photographic is the flea which warns the elephant!" "Canaille! Turn away your face. It j = offends me." Supplies at - "Bah! You are making of your cha- ' peau a telephone through which to C A LEE S apenk. Take care lest I forget that I am ® * a gentleman!" here is no danger. One can searce- ly forget that which has never taken place." "Pig of a pig! Come hither, and with the smallest finger of my left hand I will crush your fat bulk and grind it to a powder!" "Oh, meanest of beasts that crawl, ap- preecs that with a sage breath I ma blow you from the surface of the earth ollute!" ough, monsieur! PHOTO STUDIO, Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. you p "En My friends will wait upon you! "Pardon li I think not. "@#® some- what particular in my choice 07 'restaur- ants." "Monsieur pleases himself to be witty; but, perchance, ere Jong I shall tickle his thbs with a little jest of my own monsieur, that you will do me t to present me with your e:rd." "Your solicitude is irresistible. Town: of Listowel. NOTICE TO UWNERS OF DOGS, All owners of dogs or bitches are requir- ed to cull at the office of the undersigned, Mill s.reet, and pay their dog license for 903. When not paid in time costs of collection will be ens . I beg, he favor Be- A LLIES'S MISTAKE -- Many Men Go Down Because They "Failed to Take Their Profits." A well-known broker has said that preo- { "'fuiled to take profits." 'That ig not by any ineans a new mistake for men to make, nor is the error contined to dabblers in ( haul in the end, tx the high gaine when it is most promising A young man goes into business so that he may earn the right to lead au life worth living. lle desires to live well and be independent, SPRING SUIT. This collection is 'MACKENZIE BROS. Yes, the NEW SPRING GOODS Are coming to hand very fast,and selling almost as fast. We have received another shipment of SCOTCH SUITINGS by special order) and now is the time to decide on your second to none in Western stocks, says The Toronto Star. On . . ; uli sides of us are men fuiling to | Ontario. There is no fold'or flaw anywhere in any garment take thelr profts--holding on, en- | we create. Let us have an order for your Spring outfit, and during, and waiting for the large re- how w ; . ? ward. They pyramid their winnings, | S¢© HOW we can'serve you, and sometimes they n ake a great Model Tailors, A. MacDonald's Store, Wallace Street. xets drawn into the vortex of affuirs, | and instead of "taking his profits,' and gojosing life as he goes along he tlenies himself much and promises himself rich rewards when he retires. He doubles his business, increases his that he had in t z The years begin to pass him with increasing velocity, Europe. ITS aLL RIGHT AND LOUIS WENZEL, LISTOWEL, cures, and, ulthough he doubtless . STUDENTS may enter learns to find a certain degree of | Desires to announce that he has secured the : pleasure in the strife he engages in, | Agency iy the ee po "er | ' ; : i pany, and is prepare: w samples o . a Dan always epee ped -- been goal over 500 patterus of Domestic and Import- 7 bs. OWEL, -- ip ic productions of th ag ; f : iste in kivericn and A . fi MO LOBU lg at any time, 3C. PHF ROLLUP, When it is invested he must protect his interests. If he trices to take his @ase at home, he gets drawn Into speculation, but if he travels h fine oper for cupitul and such business faculties are rusting within him. ' quite sure they would be content with a stated sum OUR MOTTO: his interest with matters unconnect- " ac dae. | di Jeli ed with money-making declines, and | All in stock realy for immediate Collwery. eventually he is out of touch with | Also PAPER HANGING and PAIN LING SPRING TERM life, except where he is in bustness | promptly attended to, begins contact with it. If he retires he 0 M4 . cannot remain in retirement. He has RESIDENCE--Opposits Public Scheel, money that he must invest, and MARCH 30th, 1903. 9 courses--Commercial and Short- SEND FOR JOURNAL TO A. L, McINTYRE, istowel, T | hand. 'High Grace Work Only !" GENIAL VMs YY La 4 Z Mb * : hold it!" . WOODS, poe 8 . i if they could get it, but would they TRATFORD, ONT. Chairman License Committee. Teor, Ue welbieen et sone be? As S. E. Kiser puts it s Shhh <a decker of pneumatic-tired baby car- it 1 were rich berhape I, too, Our Graduates 2 ri . ould sigh as other rich men ; P' > TED. "It would be useless, monsieur, for me For greater wealth, and strive away | sadily secure guod positions because our ¢ TENDE RS WAN to conceal my identity. But why do you san Cane ,Aacate, Jon as they, high Bea training prepares them to rho We are Ready 8 "a ' . weep?t" . ler first-clags services. usiness men wan Sealed tenders will be received by the " ae, monaicur, I am myself a| Would life assume a fairer hue first-class 'workers apd have no time to To Supply Your Needs. @ undersigned up aaa 13th, for Ge father. Alas! that I should have wished Whig 'trouble. te ter deeper blue? waste upon the other kiod. Commence a @ 1 " eh Howic, ttl from 8 2 18] Eaugn fhe Denwestor of my daring | MET wae sa i a pe he hit" Wate for handsome cttaigse. "| SUITS, TROUSERS ~4 e P : 1 au, a ~ inches. The Manicipelity will furnish the | ""cWretch that I am! To think that I] Tt i mot Ukely the shy would be W. J, ELLIOTE ok OVERCOATS. ¢ necessary molds. L bd had almost put «n end to the existence | bluer and life fairer for more than a i Principal f . F "| of an honored patron!" ew if m poor man acquired : < Gorrie, April 6, 1903. 'Monsi ur, ny head swims with pride} wealth. Thera would be new bur- | ra ng heer ae 'bar ben 4 -- | at having made your acquaintance: ; dens fitted to the changed shape of a | pa tte pou Suit om Dene "And onsieur, am delirions with | man's back. There is d th ' r . Why Men Marry. joy at ike thoaaht - numbering you hil pk .s iling TENDE kS WAN TED. . - 1 Evansville, Indiana, is| ROR' my friends! 'ome, let ws cele- | mem to their fmancial lot, and teach- | - ih i i yansville, . i m gations it ik dbeeeatie Through the sinther"" +s . pe pono hg agg ninge Be aon Whole or oops ee aeet Pmt ROG ERS & Co. 4 eee living ta liad oot hy wean searry Koad feemauros, Father than week to | 'iiier,® 'will be received until SAT. Expert Tailors, ' The odliee sent a cireuler letter to his aoe en for an ultimate enjoy- | Rpay' the 1TH day-of APRIL, 1903, Main St. Listowel. bseribers, asking. them for -- -- se ture day a man looks | at noon; for the ¢ and completion @ wi eeces) explant, ir publishes oe ay Deter om th of » bric ne School House fur 8. vn SS eh aaa yaks) a pros a mereifully. epee ' . slowly but surely depart, leaving a Section No.1, Tp. of Elma, at Trowbridge, the replies, "" tend to do it," For Over Sixty Years. man incapable of finding sound plea- and specifications y be seen a ' pe a hadn't the Ww 's SooTmixa SYRUP. kas boon reg ogee MS, me may lose | the residence of ete L. prarets Let 3, ience I have now," writes another. by mow + olabt naa krone gh pr , the children may 3, Elma, at the office of the Tiere is the conciseness of an attic and acy BR eh ee ond crying g , and, after the best part of | Post, and at the ofien KI wanton : Building Lots For Sale tragedy in a excuse--"I yearned with pain of g Teeth send st unce and. zeta | Wie is spent in gathering money, the | Architect, Listowe 4 Ai yj 4 Z£ ° Now we have it all the | bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrap" for collected may not be able to | tender not necessarily, |g ¢ i for company. Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little be GEO. L. ADAMS, Bee: =, te at backs time." too, has its subdued point | Digorer y, Depend upon it, purchane ore et all Trowbridge, Ont. | .. The wnderaigned has a number of build- --"I was m » and | there is no wistake about it. It cares was p 0 r Be ing lots for sale, situated on Pettman wanted someone to make me lively. She eos the Guns, redue't infamiaation, |. Mee 4 therefore take some 5 Sale rune oes, the G, 7. Be makes me very " cae fe Secttien ren | go ay eadolee be : : id at prices and contentment, let alone is. ge . They he oo uites, prices and on " skeen. An seriptith cf one of the oldest aed, best fecaw | BORPly 88 possible what they want it |< Ghildren Cry for terms Lo suit pur A wishing ron resignation seems to aod nurses in the United Stater.| to be, not leaving everything for | ' ree to secure a building lot conveniently situat- jlle's nearest approach to happi- ie ear emt ane bat eee some future go day that they Pe { ed will do well to call early u the Evansv: ; t the world. ure and pores never z ' Zé ' JOHN PF AN, ness : =* ask "Mas. Winslow's SoeTuiy aur." -- is s ' Distowet ong Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and Contractors are prepared to contract for the erection of allcineses of buildings. Plans an ifi- We are compstent to examine catioas drawn, and estimates furnished on your eyes. sais ealaia We use the most modera S scientific methods, SASH, Ape th gi ' | and guarantee satisfaction, . J. GABEL te., f rnished on short notice. Planin done to order. Everything in the buil ing line will be given prompt attention and FiRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP 3U4R.- ANTEED. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to bu stock on hand and willsell at closest prices, A call at my carriage shop will convince, J, F. WiLso Mill Street, POULTRY WANTED. LIVE OR DRESSED. 10,000 Turkeys, 5,000 Chickens, 2,000 Ducks. Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros. WELCH'S BAKERY. ee Ee ve N, A select class of all kinds of sags GAKES AND PASTRY in all lines. Call and see our stock or leave your order for anything you want in our line. A full line of 1,000 Geese. \ . Candies and Nuts | { have been commissioned to purchase the above quantity of Poultry for the To- ronto Poultry & Wroduce Co., and will pa cash to Farmers for good stock delivered every day at my place in Listowel. WM. SPEARS, Wellace Street, _ BEST BRAND OF OYSTERS kept fresh, always on hand, by the half pint or by the tub, J. T- WELCH, PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ding a sketch and destri may nscortain cor opinion wheanen an is probably | i book on ! | as ! Rev. Father Dupont lost his life in a : fire that destroyed the presbytery at | St. Paul de Joliette, Que. Joseph Bouchet of Laurier, are over 100 newspa: inion. Specialty "Patent business of Manrfac- turers Engineers. MARI lost his life in attempting to resoue from a burning stable, ---- ".

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