IN THE catiesraiac: ed, Exhausted Men and Wo- men Should Follow. is tho season when na- ture prepares for summer. i mamer sun. I supply of new blood in Without the new blood your as h in the summer P : ason is a overcomes: all weakness, headaches, packuches, indigestion, loss of appe- tite, skin eruptions and other trou- ies So common in spring. This is an agvtablished ~ fact, provi oe sands in every part of the Miss A. M. Tuckey, oxarift, SOR, 'ou says; 'I do not know what w d have | m had it not been for Dr, Williams' Tink Pills, My bicod med to have turned to wa- ter a was ipdeoryoce vided bees ness, headaches tration. I got so Weak that T rites hardly go about, and no nd- ing ee I wee "constantly doctoring I g ntil I began using} Dr eWilltamy Pink Pills. They com- pletely cured me and have given me back all my old-time health and strength."' What these pills have done for Miss Tuckey and thousanyis of others they They win vigorous and strong, ies which some dealers push because ot . shel profit. See that the full me "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale. People" is found on the wrap- n doubt? dicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at.50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. TTT SORTS SOME VERY GREAT FINDS. 'BIG UNDERTAKINGS WHICH PAID FOR THEMSELVES. Drilled for Water a and Found Coal Rich ek at Cripple Cre When praphnstibns were being made for the t Paris Exhibition it was found that the waler supply was in- a to spend $25, 000 tesian well, This was done but the drills went down week after week and no water was found It looked ns though the money would be abso- lutely wasted. Suddenly there came up a black core in the drill. It was found to be oal of an excellent quality Which lay at a dep of 110 t below sca level 1 ex- hibition selves for authorities recouped them- their apparently wasted monoy by selling their find to the municipal authorities, who, i i said, will work the seam whenever it may be found necessary. ae Many slpiiar Cuses avo 5 poe None, perha is more on. rere than a eg episode at Cripple | Creek. For thirty years past man has been boring into the heart of mountains in the dis- owing some of tho richest the yisantic trict, follo Natcre Teaches a Peres That Tir- |cD o |geeater depths. soups but aces the |area through proved' tho existence of workable tunnel omes an ished pe thus discovered will far than pay the bill, Wi the eee six centuries Schleswig has lost one-third of her the ults of the As gnawed depth of twenty miles, banks make naviga- more by the tides silted up the whole area between the islands and the shore. A SEAWALL WAS THEN BUILT, and nearly twelve hundred acres of fine grazing land reclaimed. This has been sold at an avcrage price of 00 an acre, and the sum so. ob- tained has more than paid the 8 whole cost of the peat ser and si all. Encoura, by panteics the overnment is ABS becianlig to re- area bet reece the Hal- ie ast. wned a Sahels strect of houses at 'Glaborrie, near Mel- bourne, was much puzzled and = an- noyed to find that the bricks were sre ing constantly stolen from the "arden walls of some of these houses The soldi rays were Chinamen, but what on earth they did with -- their seotl neither he or Pigeons else could id °o baila orining with tans: Severa were caugh and punished, but the thieving still went on. At last, in disgust, the determincd to pull down the walls and out- buildings, level the ground, make a new street, and build fresh houses a a cost or fifteen thousand from ground full of alluvial gold, and they were full of the pre- come metal He had them all brok- fi and washed. Some panned SRE ae much as two pennyweights to the dish, and the result was that he got sufficient gold to pay for the whole cost of his improvements.-- London Answers, a REST FOR TIRED MOTHERS, many abies wake up just about the mother's bedtime and keep her busy for a g part of the night. The mother may not sce anything upparently the matter with the child, but she may depend means re has of tel shee "ful right awWwny. there are no baby to sleep sims remove the cnause and make him feel good and = com- fortable. The Tablets are good for children of all ages, am] they cure all the minor troables of children. If is sleeplessmers you know a seighbor who is vsing the ---- a Ler children, ask wha --- mee mire a wit, "etl you" they are the hest melicine in the world for the ite ores, Mrs. James Levere, Spencerville, Ont.. says: "I helieve Baby's Own Tablets saved my hnby's lifes and TI would not be without then.' old» seams kngw mn. About twelve a age Rai lower Jevels began to) flood. Powerful pumps were set to | ark ail "the water kept under. But | the expense of carrying coal to such heights--the mouth of the great mine | is ten thousand feet above sea lowe " --began to cut into ihe profit severely, and at last it was decided | that a tunnel mest be bored into > side of the mountain some thou sands yd Rie below, and ig = raurds, 5 to join the lower level of the mine east drain 'ieee When this project was decided upon, the company also made up their minds to make the drive large enough to run out the ore through it wen- tually the surveyors found that the tunnel would) have to be no less than fourteen miles in length, amak-!; ing a world's record in mining opera tions THE COST WAS ENORMOUS, but the diregtors felt it was abso- lutely necessary, do work ean rock ¥ er boring two miles 'a found so hard delayed, fear that. even thelr immense bas sources Were not equal to the strain, Suddenly the tunnellers quite une X= | jectedly struck a quartz reef, assay- | ing nearly two ounces of gold to the) The proceeds bid fair not only | pay the whole expenses of | the tunnel, but to give a heavy surplus | into the bargain Here is another somewhat similar | case. Some years ago the rev vaya Government set to work to! dredge out the Moneva and Shoglhavei Rivers, a the northern part of the South s-} and. They invested £35,000 in a} dredce, and work began at a cost of | $250 a week. For t money 12 500 tons of sand removed | weekly and curried out to sea. te kone months a new hand was em- "i ployed upon the dredge, a man who! heen a mining | first mornirg he the others on the blackness of sand The one-time digger fetch- ; ' ed a tin wash-basin, a little of the sand. Re Nottans: was gold at a distinet color AN AUTOMATIC GOLD-SAVQR $s rdered by the Minister of Works, and the gold obtained from : the cest of the sand more than paid for all the cost of the dredging. Ww Pp "ahs won 1,1780z. of gold. At this rate ae the dredge would haye paid its own ; ¢ost in twelve days. As a matter of this particular drodge won, in four months, sufficient gold to pay for the formation of the company, ue -cost of plant, all outlay in wages and the like, and 300 per cent. in the bar- fact, gain. ¥ Coming nearer home it was the Channel Tunnel. borings ich first year mouths of -- the | ¢% he remarked to one of | the entire} % or Sold by druggists at 25 cents box or rent by mail post poid on re- reipt of price by writing direct ithe Dr oe Medicine Co. Brockville, On _ HH » HAVE TO PAY LARGE FRES WHAT If costs To BECOME AN EARL Tox "_-- a a ie on n Income of $50 William Pitt once resommended to George TIT, that any man With an income of -- 006 a year = ould be made a peer if he so des It would be possible, an snglish paper, to age on that. according to support a pel an income much less tha y a peer of a as of ancient , is 'ane to meintain his dignity 1€ success on $50,000 a or ven less. But the un- j avoidable initial expenses which a eer is called upon to defray up at the very Jeast close on o - ovo," First of all, he paid. There are nohility--baron, viscount, quis and duke. TT is $750, bed a Viscous earl $1,256 there are big fees to! five grades o earl, mar- national par beam er and part to support the College of Arms in Queen Victeria street, 1 which all questions of aris and her- jee aie decided, singular fact that when a Wellington took his 'seat in the More than half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the. soap you use, If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best; Cm] + th House of Lords. on June 28, aAtA, 'ts w a viscount, La marquis and a Uuke all rolled inks one. WHAT WELLINGTON PAID. These dignities had been conferred upon him from time to time in their order by distinct grants for his ser- for the first time, as baron ces during the long war with France, and it on nm, on the overthrow of N: leon, the last and lLighest patent of nobility bestowed that he was able to t his seat in the House ds, The comtiee -- which Wellington had} pay for the five ees of no- bility amounted ¢ to ist wear the onhes of his ade of scarlet cloth, with ermine, the wearer's rank in the pecrage being denoted by the number { bars of white fur which traverse the robe 'back and front. A duke displays four bars of ermine, q marquis three and oa half, an earl three, a viscount two, and o on. one," robe costs be- tween $200 and $250. Then there is the coronet. occasions ate rare upon which are called upon to wear their crowne called eir = crimecn velvet turned up with r mine and surmounted by a gelden tassel. STYLES OF CORONETS. It is in the ae of the coronet's outer circle of gold and silver: that the various Sithern of nobility are distinguished. baron's coronet has ao plain see of gold surmount- ied by six silver balls. re circle of | gold in a vViscount's coronet is jew- elled, and there are twelve silver balls. I'rom the jewelled circle gold in an earl's covonet rise eight ° Points, also of gold, upon cach of which there is a silver ball, and be- tween cach point, clos the. ci cle, is a gold steawherry leaf, The coronct of q marquis has a row of silver balls, placed not on points, ae on circle of gold, and he- and a of gold strawberry leaves over jewelled circle of gold The = gold- smith's charge for "nang a coronet ranges from 450 guineas Among other expenses rare a fee of $50 to the Collere or Aris f of arms, q tax of guineas n year for displaying theae bearings on his carriage, and a further tax. of about $5 a year for engraving them on his pri- vate note paper. nee! Ker HIS ACCIDHNT. A old sivara rs cap R pulled iowa over ore day ina Scottish curler, who his cars, appear ed ur said a frieml, "where's yr "re auld lug warmer?"' "A I' ve never worn it since my ac ident.' "Accident? it; what was "A man attered ine a 7 they | Cashed flaps, him. = sorry to hear of nk, an' wi' I didna hear ----+ -- Treherne, Jan. 6, 1902. Mas ev-Harris Co., Limited, Winnipeg, Man. Gertle:ncn. --It gives me very much > to inform you that the No 4 Binder which I ------ trom rA here last summer ha men the very best of aatisitatkions ng its work to perfection and ae Hight -- very much lighter than I expected. My crop was very heavy, and some of it very badly down, but your binder did its work splendibl, I had no trouble what- ever. o,e you will sell lots of binders for 1903 and save my bro- ther farmers lots of trouble. I wish you @vey success, Rh. M. FERRIS. Althocgh the population of -- the {Chinee Enypire is about 425 mil- lions, 5 the enormous arcas of Man huria, Mongolia, Tibet, and Turkestan between only 134 millions of inhabit- = "WYSPEPSIA. | Tho Misortea of This Fa ihety or Olsens ol = Munyon's Syspensia Cure. St.Jacobs Oil Neuralgia Brice, Sic, ane 86¢y i \ "spepsia is the parent of dice i be: the harvester of blasted hopes."-- Munyon. If 1 tried I do mot beileve 1 could over- estimate the vulue of my Dyspepsia Cure. It has breught peace and happiness -- snoteends of formes aihere all had discord geranat elck and alti 4 stomachs. t I' forms of dys- appetite, of the stomach, 5. cmpraper a oTolrodintion, coated 5 a aterbrash, inflam. new. Pe to and all ror want--Muny 'o 'MUNYON'® © eMEDIES. Ye en gOn's Dyspepsia Cure relieves stomach distress tantly. Price 250. Personal letters ianearerens: to Prof. . prom, gg Fe ny rr atl a, fore 8. $3 pened ; og Fok free e advice ae. ad hadi St re tt. ARPS Conn ey eenteh" he | wo ASSASSIN'S WEAPON, Laughable Incident of the Siege Paris. the si of Paris, it was | the oS anices ie city officials not s0 much to destroy their enemies from outside, 'as to prevent honest reni and others from being unj ly condemned. This was some- times . Sctosiar t task, for fear was in the alr, and every third ma was liable to suspicion as being a spy. One night a waded feflow was brought in before Captain Garnier, of the police. A spy is usually ae and conciliating until he sees he game is up ; but this man was violeot and a_ilittle drunk His only proved offense was that he had. been seen loitering near the fortifica- tions. It-seemed as if he must armed, and with areat dificulty a dozen men succeeded coat and his chirt, was a murdcrous looking' kni fe. "Proved !" cried the roomful -- of gua : rds, a Prussian spy.' Captain Garnier examin v knife carefully He tried to find the up a candle and looked more carey still at the prisoner. ie run said he, best thing you con do is to take him hom 'But the knife !'" insisted the ser- nt. gea "The knife is all right." "YT should think it was all right," broke out'the owner, "sceing that I'm cutting meat all day with it for these confounded Parisians !"' He was dismissed. But the guards Were not satisfied. They surrounded their captain, doubtful even of him. 'Why did you life the knifo to "Was that a sign you made to the f low ? "No, my friend, Iw aornly smelling of a and it emeliod ab inably of onio + Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications a h cannot reach the dixeased portion of the enr, si is only yt re deafness, sound or tine it i a h tube restored its sareant conniMea. hearing will pe 'destroyed for- er. Nine cases out of aust by Catarrh, which in nothing: but, inflamed condition o mucous Pr vices 'i Wo will A: One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dealness aa coanined by catarrh) ¢ bv all's ©. PF. RENEY & GO. Puede, 6. sold te bro ruggis Hall's Family Tile are the best, The United Stntes has on an aver- age 135 deaths monthly from small- pox. Binord's Linkent Cures Conger in ons. Of 2,655,000 Paris, 1,200,000 ers or provincials. people living in ure either foreign- Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans With Lever's Pry Soap a powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ense. Krupp's factory has lately made the largest armor-plate ever rolled. It weighed 106 tons, 1 ' Minatd's Linkment Cures Colds, ete, n tel Pier ro had 200,951 miles of highw This is now increased to over 335, 600 miles. Ol City, Feb. 5, 1903. sailed Co., Linrited, onto, Geir atlewnien. Pica your 1903 ¢ chinery. that gives as much satisfaction Massey-Huriis e serd me cne - -----4--_--- PERILS OF EAGLE HUNTERS. It Is One of Most Dangerous of Occupations. half- em- comes in the Eagle hunting and Way tegion between sport ployment, and as cither it is one of the most dangerous. To swing on a rope down the face of a rugged pre- cipice, in danger of attack b: the fierce mother bird, and facing poasi- bilities of death on the rocks re and Lhe eagle hunter quires nerve, S to have it. The kno ovicigs of a alr guide is required as well ws his daring and may deceive the hunters who are en- deavo:ing to lécate the hidden nest. The ters are obliged to post themselves the neighborhood where the eagles have been seen and spend hours and even days = £¢ ning the roaks and mountain wv ith field scarch of 8. "a Swiss hurter named Amrheim Fas accomplished ont of the most difeult tasks ever attempted by the the the hantarn to give them a farewell Rerger cc * (ORR 8 Bate celtuinty at they ~~) return ra *y wi io coy te ates md attention of «the mother | bird) from aah nest.) Fre- quently this eae is n ; succe™afial, o eagle - taht al and ob serves the 1 Me devoy a who dye Huntera have a nest or to follow her eee PRT AS ards. fe arrange! a pulley and b means of a' rope Urew ieselt uD the young in 8 het, 1 deeconded triumphant. It is customary when a chase is], to be undertaken for. the. friends of wise the eagle is alarmed at andi al to 'decoy her Hom Mee eagles. Added to the joe perils of the occupation there is that of expos- ure, nly men of the most robust health can e an epenieen Tkere can be no baggage such a journey and as few articles of food and clothing as po: are taken t 8 opportunity for marvelous feats and ret ccessful eagle hunter is a great m: pe WEARY SPRING FEELING. IS QUICKLY DISPOSED OF BY DODD'S KIDNEY P Ss. They Tone Up the Kidneys, En- suring Pure Blood, Good Cir- culation, and as a Conse- quence, Vigor and Energy. Nearly everyone necds toning u in the ¢prin Some are altogether ill, others just feel fagged and worn out. They 'have aed inclination to work and less They are stop to think that ther a re n for aut this, and that it. the complain nt fs attacked in- telligently it will yee readily, lazy feeling will depart and in Place will come vigor and energy ane appetite. It is the Kidneys that are not do- Because gi are being over- worked ami need h In the winter tho Sas fortifies it- self against cold. With the coming. of spring it throws off this fortifica- tion which consists of extra tissue, and additional waste matter is giv- to the blood to carr If ustral way. the Kidneys are tired or worn out the waste remains in ae blood and the circulation is clogged Th simple, DYodd's Kid- ney Pills put the Kidneys in good working order. Kidneys in fom! working order ensure pure blood em) good circulation -- brightness and vigor and ey. rorssands of people will tell you so, an tell you so out of their owr ex- perience. Seen ee AGRICULTURAL NOTES. The greatest rancking country of the Canadian northwest is Alberta. Over 100,000 acres in Nebraska are Slepereag in alfalfa. Luscious peaches, plums, and nec- - olen from Sape Colony are now n the New York fruit stands. "The production Ses wheat per acre Psted® uble that in. the uch impure blood is caused ng a Prec re stomach. The best regu- lator of i Kocnig's ae the tii at the same tim Cured of a bad case of Grip by MINATID: Ss uae wp, Sydney, C. I, LAGUE. was Cured of loss of voice MINARD'S LINIMENT, Yarmouth. ne AS, PLUMMER. wos Cured of Sciatica Rheumna- tism by MINARD S LINIMENT. Bu by tin, Nfld, LEWIS S. BUTLER. 8--59 Fegypt, with nearly ten million people, has only one lunatic asylum, and that with only 500 beds. For O.:r Sixty Years, Biap REED) Winslow oothits up Sua en used for rid Nelisr eee ty buttons at miothers hie their children whie thing, a ith pe: afl Bayar 6, Mold by drugy Ang Twenty-fivecents a bottle, fa i Ba sure and ask Mice He Windows Soothing by sia and take no other kind, La Since the | South Kensington scum was first opened, forty lions of nants have visited it Mu- mil- Minard's Linimest Cures Distemzer. A rubber belt, nile long, for u and weighing nine tons, was recent- ly made for e grain elevator at st. Jobn, New Brunswick. 'his is one of the Lil pio "bands ever made. brane two-thirds of u riving macirinery, This Woman Is is Unhappy bidet Suc Catarrh Oa sik as DER will ner oeie . i Some craks ace quack--Agner's cure fe gue -Ner life isin dancer from Pulmonary diseate, which so inevitably follows Chronic Catarrb. 'This cure complete enly costs S0cts. a clays car Retefinstantly and tho patient 8 cur net. oa Soother it peels. Colds Nad Acute relieve and head- come cured in ten "phacncreny George Lewis, of back & Boner ee Lire test oe '4 ve GI Kreat mae' ta! remedies aud Rave" < yer ad'any elt "Sia 2 used one teat Powder, 'me after i had been troubled with Catarrh for fifty years. Iam £0 years ol4. OR. AQGNEW'S HEART CU ec leat guns Jed a no the It should be easy io. peopie who drink delicious Blue Ribben. 'Red Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it 1$545.00 in Cash Prizes First Prize - , Second Prize - Third Prize = Sheen prize ertisement the Ribbon Tea Company ma 2nd. package--must be ts Sea 4th. The com 5th. No person shall take one or more wee 6th. In case o by the nig in question. Mr. H. M, E. E eekly prizes. Teeny ive cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those ing in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. 4th to 13th Prizes, $1e.00 each 14th to 25th, $5.00 each In addition, by pe with the we@k ending April 4, a s of $5. CONDITION Ss ist. No pe fessional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly er indireetly with lue y compete. Advertisements must not contain iato than $0 words, and shorter ones ars 3rd. Bre of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea--there are in each be enclosed with each batch of advertise- closes June 1, 1903, and all reach one pet ee following addresses on or before that Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnised, Man, Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronte, Ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Vancouver, B.C, be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also ofa tie, decision will be based on all the advertisements submitted nos, et tt he = Wineipes Telegram, has kindly consented to judge d prizes, mee $200.00 '_-- «= 100.00 - 40.00 100.00 60.00 $500.00 compe! aarertionmpents must ish the names of prize 1 A god ve has tested theta, tea, isa not associate with it, even b will be paid for at "the rate of $1. CO each. Ones lags requested to Ls Ba we will consider ourselves at liberty advertisement should sci truthful and contain an idea brightly and A bona fcc signed letter with address and date from one who form. copes ment is the one that will baste dhe ts the me: eae = an article of food. should Let apa The best advertise- to ae the article advertised. SecK your Inspiration in a Cup of Bluc Ribbon Red Label Tea and the Money is yours. only. ful homes Paints--m Right Paint--easy to ptt on, beautifies and prctects. Wrong Paint--easy to wear off, never loeks right. Our name ison sight paint Write os for booklet telling how some beantl Sz a with Ramoeay's A. RAMSAY & cont, Pulstuahers, MONTREAL. Estd. 2842. PSs STRAINED RELATIONS, It took place in a dairy. The dairyman Was pouring quantities of milk through a wite netting. There weie microbes in the milk. ver microbes yy the hundred were sitting on the edge of the crock and gayly looking on. Their relations were being strain- large fine --_-- Minard's Liniment Cues biphtheria, Mrs. Boffin -- "I sce in the parer that a woman, in looking after an- other Sh eurwtag to see w hat she had t of a window." Mr. Bof- Well, that only foes to show that some women, in trying to fol- low the fashions, cx can go too far.' 'a ADMIRADLE Fcep EPPS'S FOR WAIMTAINING ROBUST HEALTH -COCOA iM COLD CLIMATES, 1-18 Beminion "Lina Steamsaips lontrenl to Liverpool Boston to Lirer- pool Port dese peteeies Via Queens perior accommodation none aud Statereome 1D, Torrance &Co.. 17 ita Be Montreal aud Portland. ec om wax Any ane tlie brick burnin phone Main 7 RUBBER ns Latest Novelties, all styles, Correspondence invited, En- close 2c stamp for circular, THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0. Box a eee Brass Band strumonts, Drums, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A A "BAND lees evi Fine catalogue. tration®, mailed free. Write nares any Leber! in Music or Mastcal Instramen Wil BY ROYER & CO., Limited, Toronto, O1t., and Winalpeg, Man. 1+20 17--03 (CARPET ~ DYEING {a @ special: BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING ca, list. CHEAP AND Lelie AND DURABLE. ROVED. ENTS WAN RONTO, ONT, TREE. PROTECTOR Send ilinstrated paddies and price GE TSW: TED. Good Pay. THE Hm TREE PROTEGTGR he keg ORANCES market prices. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrupand other produce to adyan- We can also han age for you. + Wost Marret 8: TOE cz ON ie ae LEMONS We have Mexicans, | WE ifornia Navels, HAVE eet: an THE Sevilles, BEST BANANAS. Carload every week. All the above at le your & y' THE DAWSON COMMIS#IGN CO,, seat == [INESTHENTS GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BONDS YIELDING FROM 32 4 106 % WE ESPECIALLY INVITE CORRES- DE MAILED ON AP- PLICATLON. Dominion SecuRITIEs Corporation, Lim: 26 KING ST. E., TORONTO. ar Sere