sell the process of eating the bars an iron-grat petibastes wall. the Tain ther in through the dusty glass of th dow told me that find that, within the narrow pass free. colt-gratulation, ed the porate of my once Peake I gnashed fury to think that zaverale Vizard, about Se there could no longer be any doubt, bested had Whatever their y had evidently seen that I hostite and suspicious, and they 5 leposed from the command | question as tk eee which the Consul | Ply to the others got me ae some sree Uy, anette ar time the Qu 'Was formed of what had betalion me, and with those Jains at hand free to carry out what- ever devilry was in th ese Weighed the i treatment to whieh. t had b 5 J 'but after a 4vhile I" hawt to wonder _-- colorable pretext ected ; enemies Consul used against oa British subject with- in the walls of the Consulate. Wi pe could not believe that it was usual to See pcamaats in order to would visit fur reassuring, as i that I f professed make t My mind iC vtas clesrad sufficiently | part 2s edgy garlic- "I smelling miicelate who crowded . i been ao 'reated': ? was ie hres to ay sked, But he only shook his head p I j by sigue 4 I concluded from - the Consul t Was nto all carried at uid sy Conth very little I could have easily tackled any' one of them, ut the number put all ideas of at- at id not know ow many of the same sample might : 'Deener-- danctee a a modified knowledge Bol or the spokes- n laughed, and answered the first it comprised a Con- "when to The in "No use making fuss be-|., "Is there any one named Zavertal, or Vizard, in this cursed place ?" I d va- the withdrew with _ his Ss too excited to be t recognizing the necessity e is and drank all the to reason thus, the impulse prompt- etitoate but it ulso spurred me to ed ine to try and ascertain eee I was really in prison place of Warranted no other Banda po walls and floorg th door massive ee iat ctudiod. Paco the window was placed so high its lattice of iron bars could have been piel to ee nt ei but I thought that the ie spring, it was just possible that roundings t the second attempt I was suc ed ccastu 1, 'and with n in it than -- and a a broken 'keen scrutiny, and then, stetue peeping i undergrowth. houses at considerable interv peered Having noted Was about ground, I -- back into my cell, the wiser theory nrg my "place of confinement | at tl no was idea ment eptatiliaknoent of ent kind, the situation tended to prove that 'Consul the country beyond Further reflection by the sound steps, followed hy thé clanking bolts and chains. the door stalwart Italians | at once put an cadets any lingering ¢ i 'bad sat thero perenne for w pont iv aac oy Big walls, cope s, and I could, aneuiies looking. and | | ee, me in an irritating, n. condition of the garden gige me the | h the was cut. short | afraid," 'he whined, foot- | hypocritical twang that was 'Any spiritual r the loan of a to neither of I 'shall ag 50 Dis ged fast, seeing that d help ime ver- abou t Aline hanging ochre an ean reduee t tL te a ecard | nt foor being' opened, two I og I | ple--both braces to an ie in, | the | 'like those in the other except that! did not ponctrate too "tar, as it J vad seen S belaee, jit contained no soda and more ore leaay to be | ganic matter. Grains of fine rand! they reported 'the "fin 2 . |The two who entered were quite of a wore found in tke yellow, but not in perly equipped diferent stamp, and my heart b sound- | when I saw that the hindermost 'was dressed in the garb of an Eng- the stone sill, and. by dint of pulling lish hag sehr ; ministrations ond advice | in the exercise at my duty . special request of the Con- -- ch says that German ettaseare ad: was Lspread c on slices of bread and (spring, when jeat it with evicent relish; also that) ing, and the oo" of the a cinnie ~you- tormothiog | lamong barbarous peoples pregnant dition was but I should prefer to sce the, | women are especially adeicted to the ponies, a couple HABIT OF KATING CLAY, 'good stock of provisions. vivers with religious superstition. During perly charted, I was somewhere on the rising - foot- | this 'bole, and to get me out of it as come of the religious ceremonies the ies at the back of the city, where-; quickly us Jom e. e jail was in thickly built over district of the Via j sional Garibaldi. was ace Humboldt studied the practice aes tance. the chief authority to among the abori icines of America. ae ,the geography of Europe is occasionally observed in Eufope. | a particularly stil job, for the work I replied--- only service "4 detained in| ighe "loa vbr rs carth is considered no eelicacy am in the nauseous Pains in the Back For Twenty Years Could Not Turn Over in Bod-- Kidneys 'aim Bladder Affected --Experienced Great: Sufferines--Cured by Dr. Chase's fidney-Liver Piiis. Tre old people especiaily ate the effectiveness of Er. Kidney-Liver Pills, because neys are usually the firs i Sern, and scones, Old : people learn to t » Chare's etna ttve: Pills, for when other treatments fail this great edicine seems to tly iseased part, and pecuantiy. affords plief and cure. pee. David Misoner, FE id respected resi tn my feet 'any hauds wore so en- eo at I could scarcely gan using Chase's Kidney:Liver Pills, aod they I am now 79 and marian well now, ars pil m3 geen order, Gane eral persons to ane IT have recom Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver | | | ©; sunsct. I shall wait for you a Consul te man repliod insolently,-- yo | difficulty controlling my. de- jight sufficientl= to sclze 'tthe cue, I n that the translator threw up h the clergyman was cven more mark- ed treated to the door, where he nearly fell into the arms. of the ian, | tain who rallied to. his assistance. But 1 checking the onslaught they seemed Up to t about to mako upon me, he ventured ! wanted laid upon the bed a book which he self, for had been carrying under his arm. | pie beat a second eater sigs A dsge aad the | 3,000 bound in cloth with red edges. Di- plentiful. rectly my fingers closed upon it knew that it was no book, but dummy forming a box of which one of the covers was the lid. Wrench- ing it open I cola hardly repress a 1 lakes, in the interior was on silken cord, a tion is notepaper, on which were scrawled the following welcome lines :-- "Zavertal has been too clever for us, but I shall beat him yet. Injto bo o the attempt to-night an hour after} jte rifte t the right-hand angle of the far garden | wall, outside, The ship has sailed, | with McIntyre in command, but itl; her up at Naples. No time to write le more, as have to devise means of | °°CP™ getting to you somehow. Explana- |; tions when we m "KENNARD." (To Be Continued. ) os ip could ha CATARRH CURE RE os Clay Prepared 01 for Food Is Sola|t © Tropics. Chemists of Copenhagen have just great st , Worse off than any of ieee elec did aot h have to tackle ces and snow-slides, and me Renacives prety: 'couilortably registered, a expedition in England Spa te ega{C cursed him so vigowdu for an un- |>#urd as a Polar ' had' been "held capefve | 8¥mpathetic hunibug, unwilling to ae of the country ite wild by brigands = a mountain fartncss, id nee I could not have had guargians who . bite, and were he| trie kept out all night, without ao ° his unknown ad © Nort! even at the cacaslrag momen ands in despair. The offect upon ploring expedition, unde Sir John Murray, properly Uttering feeble protests, he re- any nat of Fark. ite before it, is orp ore S - the smaller and more 'almeult moun- an yet sown about a 7 yes . w 3, back a little way into the cell and jjake, you had to find out for your- Lapland and Pinas "explorer, which urn- Ey R Russia district of Ferghana' the celebrat- ed Gen. Skobelef in 1881. t In resent years the town has risen among the Sussex hills, near 'h os This being safely accomplished, he | jakes in the kingdom, covering about rivers, "aistriets where f: oman be- door after him, and hear containing some 200 islanils, the bolts shot and the, Tobtetepe ot 'of them untrodden by man- my visitors departing. the quecr beasts ~~ 3 t g he moment the sounds died away |that live among t flourishes =e "ene eit Eoore I sprang up and clutched the book, ion, and wild which was rather a bulky volume, | eupposed-to-be extinct creatures are dangerous hogs: galore ae "Delng ex- 4,000 LIVES WERE Loe ORE ABOUT A SQUARE. GREAT | Nine Thousand Buildings Wore peor Within One Hour, only the most mber 16 w alah that he peeple were sorely in eed of the Pabsc its of was gener: was a city of 46, 6,000 in- w. ie most as reached by the Tra nm Cas: Pian Railroad in the heart of cen- estan. t was with the large be- an rich soil of 'Ferghana and its large agri- The expedition has already upset hie! ere are ove a million acres the rapid economle Hovelopment most of the former beliefs about the and the last oiteg og hand are the depth of Loch T Rabslas newspapers are le wh jsomething between 100 lover two months at the work, feet, it turns out t he extraordinary facts the expedi- | tat en the task, --Lon don Answers. more exciting than nine out of ten books of travel. The expedition has to work " all ponent and the lak 'es, which h INCREASE IN CANCER. pa agate General | of aeerene Bo- c ot in; z S {more Ganeerna 8 for suc the Convent of Santa Lucia, which any part of the ata coast, owing 0 fs S$ a private madhoyse. 'the winter bring you means of escape. Make | push eann fron ih eauntatae with i report of the Rogiotcanciess q cral of Ireland on the prevalence ang ° there Las been a' steady increase in j the disease in that country. number of ceuths in Ireland "3 aaa on that cauce was 32 per 7 Ir HOUT W. cea Sir John Murray, ore of the chiefs of the setae o 91, "or 504 65 for the same 'approximate is |most exp att aelentliie. explorer tive | death: eata bistetien 1874. and HE. rose from 42 to 83 per 100,000, Anybody who is fond of adventure, x y something of a mountaineer | cornea ane oe ploring ee tha t is: DR. A.W, GHASE'S 25c, deal g with rent 'Tre returns from the rags States caves near Custeinn, nae in that country ating up slo i Tretand ie Cou oe Ke: i few months ago, and have caused a! th St, [iretana Kline counes ne kind still undiscovered in 'Great, Bri-: £ la tent shire pea by eh pets eseeoe | spay were found by accident by a} eals the ulcers, clears i 0 = simecrap a | cs mbing party from Shefficid a Fiay Fever big stir am ee nile orbe Cina jbody dreaint tno tain. EARTH EATERS. tk nown In a atgeece at present | mee "hon lit up by a the een of the I they are a ison and all the other conspicu- | been analyzing two specimens of the | bright tt icicles, -- ms drip s olearth that is caten by natives in a ping wshoaing villains {district on the upper Congo River. 'and One specimen, of the color rm S yellow Sparkle ba "nilice aid, oxide y acti. soda, trac [quantity of organic matter. ° by sta nding on the boas of waprocenine footsteps. lo. Tie second specimen, gray in col-;to their and resembling ordinary clay, | have remained upknown | for anoth r composed of materials much |centuty the gray spocimens party is A sear¢h for bacteria gave no re- | CARRYING The first-comer was | sult. Only the iron and the soda! Clue-threads, alian, elderly, | | could be assimilated by the eaters of | by the explorer, as he ---- the ) he these substances. The yellow earth) windings of t ing oa "person of prem from the coffee plantations of jn He | Bangala, but soil origin of hag Htay giean has to be njearth is not kn - Nota few of-in a place where a chasm "alling back :the Congo tribes eat considerable | eepth may lie in the path id ovtow 'words quantities of enrth. ; tke difficulties com | ye habit - eafth cating pre! prises from |Vails in most tropical lands, and is ; When ainturted, 'and mut van and , Particularly widgupronit among the | plorer's und Ye Taronedel to! blacks of Africa and the natives of wings WI i unctuous the Fast Indies. sore it occurs | It is only a couple of years since English among civilized rations it is reg ard- | ed as a symptom of vitiated appe- | moor -- as difficult a piec , tite. any The practice in Guatqmala is pllied| pools, rithful, Covour stutucttes made of | ciety Tn Versia q certain kind ur epicurean relish. In the Malay garni any oh ie earth is sold at the stor . New Cale'onia and New Guinean, | Those who are habitually addicted to it are said to be more Hable chan ;others to consumption, inflamma |S tion of the liver and anaemia The testimony of many travelers | rafes are expec tially addicted to the [o harmful = practic peeps the cl , used undergoes a! sup Dn ding to Mr. Ilekmeyer, who land the knowledge that ie heights "oMei: uly in charge of the distri-'of the mountains as previously quot- "bu a of drugs Chaciglient: the ed were all wrong. Indies, the clay is mix- | with Water to reduce it to a) tramped gl alee has the wilder: ry | tion, produces poison throu substances die removed. The clay is | often finding i "ditfieulty in living nt sou i " then formed into small cakes or rly ale for food was sometimes not casts and the sand and other hard | ness, livin | tablets about as thick as a lead e had. pencil and baked in an tron -sauce- Pan. When the tablet emerges from'terty -- d. rted a | this process it resembles a piece of climbing among the cr idvied pork any Zz t The : frequently eat small Switzerland, and a figuics roughly modeled from clay} will kill a se just os yarpecoe ns as which resemble animals or pitti mena 5,000 foo v turned out in our pastry shops, The] bers of che expedition, in a Sigal: earth which is most in cow in 1 r and Mr. China for eating purposes is a white|wero invalided home to civitization | clay containing minute bits of silica, |after a long am! but without organic remains. The| with a broken Annamese consider the sticky ~~ with a dislocated, = savorless res which they eat as them are e great delicac ers. It may be Zia + on the whole, that] Howover there is a nuttitive principle in any | trict w: qu = the indi, ful w. - the whole, srt est '"traverre" ';been cova yHrrs f ains wounts,'" leed!'? "Yes: paid March, he was gle it dida't bres als Ieedorp pipe." Norwegian partly TEAC by shrubbery, iby ue info. nomtdon he has collected. of iron and a small 30 feet above So pense, as is ron olla of the lips seems sto be a "conatitutfonal is hereditary. and also to n cer tai upon t this kind of wae fame among the oMfcers and soldiers mong thore who go fromthe Russian garrison were reco Toutchkof and Lieut. Ghert- _be ong ag ed _concivting | ome refused to leave their ruined i different families 'living in the wnantion soldiers had Many "Bnalish dost sare are now con- Th i the cating of pigs' flesh | second shock occurred and the n diferent forms is greatly respon-! tain was dangerously hurt. sible for the increase of the di ineases pointing _ that it is most the thorough exploration of carried out in winter and early COURAGE AND ILLNESS. Ones Are Fe More: Liable to | were located Es of | and tested. nd jyere tecided ound among the = ground. Twice . Innes's tents ARBactice is widely ane a 'oun leo seraiien ty savage wind squalls, Tilness is very like a your cur which gives chase if you flee f Another as the official ee | Dearg district, which broké the loge. of tw jin the Orient is that the yellow ea ty, and resulted in tho 'discovery e Taaity of mere courage scems ce. In Java and) FIVE UNMAPPED STREAMS of good size, reliminary preparation for con-| i= =a that had evidently ening effect upon the tissucs body. like the plunge in brine, "jing them against infection ; either directly causes or greatly aids foonrianile and mountains were ut-/in i it is Just as well to carey, in a & pe 'pocket o o n adage, * ep ptetlon is_the better out Y,; geod m: Sah him | sion that ae a up- rey of making my Mving by. singing : gind!"' tmpul-| be eadaiead the oe of now All the wagons that could be procured were for days devoted to carrying the more seri- to the neighboving argelnan, . where..they alge be 'Risltered fro 5 LD AND RAIN. About 9 o'clock in the morning a tremor, slightly jarring the This lasted two or build- ond as no dam- age was done the inh abitants were mec. A it half hour n wild dismay. Every one! portera ag even declar ©|}who could get out of doors rushed | to the streets and open spaces and | jn awuited in terror what might The sound of falling walls wa or the next pall | ¢ | hour he rvin of many buildings Bri which cho not been overtirown was ted by their own weight, that | could nae be supported on the no unstable en cies ha ae ane iterod 46,000 | "the fine structures that | nd tap teen erected by Russians in tke | 2% | busines ore were now nothin; e beautifu uin parse Sbuings | 'eccusiod by the Gd Russian! ous. baleigaa to were reduced to heaps vy of the steel rails of | Pack were twiste gh se were vertieat a3 but., .wire., and terri- timbers and! were projected into the we il even. fifteen satautes, nto : the | ock many other y occurred, de- on their founda- dix. | Stroying the few buildings that had il \. tions. THE WHOLE CATASTROPHE occupied about an hour, and while 'Gavcen, /it continued a most uncarthly others ier water 'with tuberculosis, | terranean even with epi! lopsy. Panis e scene of desolation and It he 'on- | furious rainstorm swept bits of ae tracted through the ed ay ee the jritins Ne © Svortane it could mov of heroi. of the last of their a , named Saschouk, who the [strongbox of we military, was urin- | and the! cks, but refus-| WAS oa post until he sailoved oy his superior officer, was S0 vey Bie: later neat he -had and | the ruir Sub- altern Khaline aiiained at "the risk of his life to save the wounded sold- He found walls, through succeeded in pro- 'viding guns for the military patrol, was -- to keep order after by rushing into a unhar et | peer that dnientonen every and throwing sixty throughsa: window irto the The Czar of Russia has spe- these and other 'asion. most fe gett ve admirable buildings, It will prob- holly to anything like its past iestcaroee or ON HIS HANDS. who had been ap- to Farmer'Grubbins had Ay proved what might be described a 3 8 Le! dso, aioe old Biggs, his father, one day to ask what Progress =~ we was making, there ae ee expressior n's oe virawied, een't that ' ° ro r no all, i he can help it, But I will er Biggs, that it's my opin- ion that "it your son Harry had ar- r hand, he'd' "want qnolier poc- t in, true,"" said Miss de dea th of a rich rel girl, THEY PREFER LONELINESS Rudyard Kipling & Hates Bienes People w m dvtng archaa of belae looked at or of eas tea near Brighton, hop- in ee he og aah pac out, and be- from plenon, bringing wagon loads to get a et of ite owner. This was being ©|curt, which belief -- © ey from crod. ANOTHER arson 'arene oa fame and inspection and fuss -- pmesit completely, so "net no inter sera in tty. when in Leneisaeteat | a 'later hs same phenomenon Was re-| go 'i t : i d was immediately follow- yet | "aiety chiickles to himself and goes The ire eatest lover of solitude [aes forced to be in the conter ot thins "he given there, the ree |; mier often contrived to esenpe outlets by which it was possible to as | see aw part of ue houst from out- the' ground bi cred in, and no one but members of the household staff was allowed in- s ten met noticed at all by the other But . of "all ee people who b m- ma, Rockefeller, 'ne Oil King, and and other semniceiid districts, seck- iat ake slightest a ttontion: but, [Pe finds himself worried by curious +-- BOAST, AND TOUCII WOOD. € 80 t waperen toes still rife in the West of the | © were passed one by nd: ioe you kill frogs your cows one outside the ruins. » dr. ry." with a bullet ads of a shilling. oO! 'oO enemies at large ; of a dead snake, A child will have a sae and dis- who first takes it oat of doors. Tee and spoon oleee ,peross the table at no intention of getting ee after that ; to open agi door for the trains xeptiee Brokeleigh; "but it Suppose I had