May 8 'F Y.OU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT ~ ~ PRICES STEVENSON '4 THE CITY BUTCHER. ' 3 4 ALSO FRESH 'GROCERIES of all kinds always bn hand. S, J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS&°. meliolivcs for the Bank of Hamilton, Notaries Public and Commissioners, Monoy to Lo ML. B, Morray ais J. M, Cami nEW Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, dotarics rth ean Uoaysyaucers aL, Senciace, King scott's inking one and Ont. . Bldg & Loan Associa Moxey "TO yey R. Rueweit. AT 41-2 rn CENT. Gro. Bray. B. A. ena te jasinnioneeniptetee onsicaedh = eal sag ler Ga. awe D.D., Pastor vy -- Church, Exodus xv., 2, 'HM, 7. | The Marah and Elim "incident of Scripture is rich in its suggestivencss. ' After the passage of the d Sea, the \ people plunged, with their flocks and herds, into the wilderness, with its new and strange experiences. They press- ed forward, but at the end of three days found their supply of water ex- hausted. Animals and people were driven almost mad. They burned with thirst, their eyes became bloodshot, they panted with fever under the sun and longed for water. Their condition was not ae uncomfortable, but posi- tively danger While in this 'sad plight good news tame to them. The cry was heard, "Wells of water abead'--fountains where they might quench their thirst and cool their fever. Faster and fast- er they pressed forward, only to finf J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste>, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT Ales; Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentin ranch officein Atwood every Wednes [labee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Solicitors ios The areechants Bank. oe SBTRATEOBD. ONT. J. PB. Manze, K. C. J. MARINE. W.E. Dingman, Il. D., CRADUATE o} of Queen's University; member of Nolloge of Physicians ca Surgeons, Ontario *hyaie sician, Surgeon and Acconcheur. Office and ieeidence--Mali in Street east. DR. W. Mt. BRUCE, TIST. L.D.8.; ry Dataste D.D.S. Trinity Vni- Yeorsity, Toronto; Post G:aduate "itaskel School od from Spears' Store. Entrance by samo stairway ax Dr, Rutherford, Main St, Listowel. Thos, Fullarton, ATWOOD ONT., ae og of Marriage Lice BE. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and all Conve: ening done on reasomableterms Money totend. mses, Commissioner in R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. AGENT for the Lenton 4 and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company. ino Money te Loan in any sams from $2 and upwards ata Sart rate of nterest. D easy terms, L. O. L. No. 370, Listowel Meets in Orange Hall first Friday in each month. Membera are requested to ttend all meetings and visiting brethren ordially invited. H. WILLUUGEBY, W. R. HAMILTON, W. M. Rec.-Sec. ----$ ---------- G. T.R, TIME CARD 'Traims leave Listowel station daily as under: BTRATFORD AND. bg Bi merece cenit --Panvengor, assopger 2 p. a. Myer Pair eraton. ~Mixed, 1220. m.; Mixed, 3 Fo- p-m.; Passenger, 747 BINCARDINE AND SPALMERST TON. For Patmerston.--Panso a.m.; Mixed, 11.00 a.m ; Passen Seay pegs For Kin <a --Mixed 9am, ; Passenger, 12.40 ; Passenger 7. A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO. Artist Proofs, ANEW PHOTO. Call and see it. OUR MOTTO : "High Grade Work a " Desi ident lie STRATFORD, COM: Our Ceaduates -- upon the other a. now and be ready for a position in Write for benieene e ca W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. the fall. > We are Ready To Supply Your Needs. § ) SUITS, TROUSERS § » } J. a de A An. A, Me ewe or OVERCOATS. = new and nobby Scotch Goods e to hand, See them before ordirihe your Suit. iors, gr St. Listowel. For "when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, fur they were bitter." What does all this mean? 'That their journey is a type of ours; that we have experiences similar to theirs. Is it not a fact that to most of-us life is a wil- derness, a desert, often a disappoint- ment, Marah, bitterness? All have Marah experiences, though there is more of joy than sorrow in life, more of sunshine than shadow. Most of life is to most men made ap of much disappointment. Men crave happiness, and expect it here and seck it through some earthly, some temporal means--wealth, or power, or fame, or a peaceful domestic life or so- cial success, or literary eminence--and no sooner Wo they obtain their desire and hold it in their grasp than they find its savor gone, its taste bitter, that they do not care to drink. Under such circumstayces we feel that God is unkind, and we complain against aim. Has He no plan in all this for old atand to rooms over W. fas? Yes, the hard experiences of liie are God's discipline, by which He tests us and purges out the dross, that the pure gold may appear We do not know what impatience, rebellion, sin turk in our heart until we pass through God's fiery tests! The incident we are considering ex- hibits to us the fact that in times vi trial and disappointment God's peuple act in different ways fe see how the people murmured "What shall we drink?' They com- plained against their best friend. Moses. They acted as.if they thought him God. Had he not acted unselfish- ly? Did he noi, for their sakes, step down from a place of eminence and power? It was for them, that they might become free men and free wo- men, that he became an outcast and so- journed forty years in the solitudes ol the desert, keeping sheep instead of ruling men. At Marah the people made Moses their scapegoat; they threw all the blame of their misfortunes upon hun. In so doing they revealed a base trait in human character, men's willingness to blame others for their misfortunes instead of calmly and patiently assum- ing the responsibility themselves. The people murmured against Moses in- stead of counting their experiences as a valuable part of their wilderness dis- cipline With Moses it was different. Though under a fearful strain and in danger, he was patient and prayed to God. He did not rebuke the people, but sympathized with them in their distress. He sought God's guidance and jound it; for in an- swer to his fervent prayer God healed the bitter waters. The prayer of Moses of bitterness, turn aut to the Christian's advantage. Agonizing prayer that brings drops of blood is generally answered When all else fails, God accomplishes many things by the prayers of His people. rm to pray. Walk in the footsteps of the great and good of the sue: We have an instance of God' cious kindness to His people. They dj d oe stop and perish at Marah, but wi to Elim, with its palm groves ana wells Tr. Elim often follows Marah. God opens up for us a broad way out i our difficulties. There are, in the providence of God, many sweet resting places after our times of bitterness. We are wise when we learn in liie to take ~ bitter with the sweet ! ed his people out of bondage and res them liberty. In their darkest and most eel oe _-- God ne - forsook them. y had the eae sence of Moses as friend and guide. They went through many hard and trying experiences, but at last they ar- rived at the end of their destination and entered Sonnet So it is with u ow we are on our hard and | Sindee journey. here are enemies on every side. Often we are discouraged. e faint under our heavy loads. We murmur against the t God desires ts to . We are to eo patience, to trust | God, to go forward under the guid- ¢ great leader, Jesus Christ, eniil at last the end = the journey will come and we shall-enter our heavenly Canaan and be forever with our eS For Over Sixty Years. . Winslow's Koormixe Syrur hers fur their wes been ROGERS & Co. ¢ £6444 bbb if, STCVVVUTISTTVAE LISTOWEL aTEESWATER of DEERING MACHINERY and are having an up-to-dite elevator installed in_ their NEW WAREHOUSE OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. Our Spring and Harvesting Machinery is up-to-date in every particu- Messrs. Gillies & Martin have now received a car load CALL AND GET YOUR PISTE OF Prize Buggies Just Arrived. Farmers take tne best FOR LEAST MONEY. Deering Twine and Harvesting Machinery will save your time in BUSY HARVEST TIME when time means money. WHY DEERING TWINF IS C000. 1. Evenness in Texture. 2, Genuine in quality. 3. Vast experience in manufacturing. 4+ New and up-to-date machinesy used in manufacturing. FARMERS TWINE now. Call and sce our DISPLAY OF |: Will do well to order their MACHINERY at Wareroom opposite Town Hall, Mill St. ~ GILLIES & MARTIN. . B. Farmers i in need of anything in the above lines will do well to give us a call BOOMING. This is The 'Way Business is With Us. ITS ALL RIGHT | AND STUDENTS may enter 7» 2/3. OWEL/7 JD | A ttdtridd lidlige at any lime, SPRING TERM begins MARCH 30th, wo courses-- Commercial " LTO Twe hand. SEND FOR JOURNA ta. L. McINTYRE, Listowel, WHAT ARE THE REASONS ? FIRST--We believe it lies in the fact that we have no old stock to pawn off at a price. SECOND--We believe it is the high-class goods we handle, the way we make thems the appearance of the garment we turn out and the distinguished cut that always pleases the man of taste. Now is the time to place your order for the 24th of May so as to secure your turn. MACKENZIE BRO 1903. Short- LOUIS WENZEL, LISTOWEL, has secured the Model Tailors, A. MacDonald's Store, Wallace Street. W Desires to announce that he Euro 'ope. ) 3c. PEFR ROLLUP, Ail in stock ready for immediate delivery. Also PAPER H ANGING and PAINTING promptly attended t RESIDENCE- paar Public School, As the Chinese See Us. WOOL having advanced several cents from last year's prices. Season is at hand and every person having WOOL TO DISPOSE OF Should begin to look around and see where they can make the most money out of their wool in cash or trade. THE LISTOWEL WOOLLEN MILLS claim they will pay the Although Mr. Pickering tells of their conversation from his own point of ew, one can es see the point of view of the Chinam Whe 1 him most about Euro- peans, or "be jans," as he quite inno eently called us, was our amazing ener gy. Why should we trouble ou: mu e so much pains about! anything on earth? To the phlegmatiec | literary Chinaman this was incomprehen- at a aed ce difficulty made an expedition into the in on Highest cules or Trade. terior to see the aboriginal elem -- was the good of goin I ng the mysteries propelier. --_ of pre ri e I told them of our machinery not to be rg sere Some hem ah seen and traveled - « steamer. Yes, 'but that was not m ach; our scientific 'Stackairien. more to them. This appealed | en I quoted to then ; from their dai sa asics Len = keful on my bed, 1 heard, through the thin paper partitions my host ~, cronies considering thei strange visito "Strange i _-- barbarian ane inde 'rida i. ii (Pickerin rh strange warbarian Where dit' he leart BLANEETS AND SHEETING. ae ae mm {Ch Now is the time to your supply of Blankets mone ae clever for < tarberin. He's al-| and Sheeting as we.are'still selling them at the old prices. He has not the ore of aman. They! | hope to have the 'pleasure of seeing you this coming wool a Wishing you a happy and prosperous year. Seas Sk B. F. BROOK. | prices. READY-10-WEAR CLOTHING. We carry a large. stock of Men's and Boys' ready-to- ,; wear Clothing, which we offer at rock bottom prices and 'some at cost. ge of not turned up at the corners, as we ies "Wall, he is a elev |, he isa " tictmmaeee tT ae J.S. GEEwe-- Has been visiting the wholesale centres and has a well filled store of latest in Ladies Suitings. Muslins Laces and Prints, Embroideries- Space will not permit enumerating the many attractive lines in Dress Goods, etc. Kindly call and see our lines etc., which will convince you that we are in the front rank, no old shop-worn stock, new and up-to-date and selling ata close margin. Agent for Modes Fashion & Pattern Co. New stock o BOOTS & SHOES to Hand. Ladies' fine Dongola Kid worth from $1 25 to $1.50 per Ae 2 i a ree F, FAMILY GROC RIES COMPLETE. We claim to give best value in Teas and Coffees in Listowel. Try our special Japan Blend, only per pound..... Try our regular black goc. pure Ceylon, only..... = Try our pure Santos Roasted Coffee, only per Ib. .20 Try our Rajah Blend, regular 4oc. Coffee, for per Ib, "30 GARDEN SHEDS. Large improved Mammoth Long Red Mangel S $1. Sugar Beet Seed, etc. * S eae Ee: 6 No trouble to wait on you, we want Potatoes and other Farm Products, eh eee highest market price at all times, Eggs for which we will a J. S. GEE, GREAT BARGAINS AT TRE Up-to-Date Grocery: s aps ne of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry ets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost 2 A et a price, Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will;be sold at a margin, Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. House and 2 , 3.4 Acres of Land for Sale. ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF Pure Drugs The above property is situated on corner of Bolton and William Streets, Listowe The house is a story and a half frame, with kitchen and c ° & BaEs ] 3 Cj and Chemicals. ws kinds of fruit. figure, For further particulars enquire at remi CONRAD NEUERT. 30a. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the wants ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND J EWELER Listowel. R. A. Hunter. | Near sighted Listowel peo Sash and Door Factory. | gee ctearty by, BAMFORD BROS. --_-- #24 for this reason try i without glasses, thereby Builders and Contractors adieing eojns aie, are prepared to contract for the erection of and sometimes blindness follows. allcinases of buildings. Plans and speci We are comp-tent to examine catious drawn, and estimates furniahed on application. your eyes. We use the most modera SASH, DOOR FRAMES scientific methods, BLINDS, and guarantee satisfaction. tce., f rnished on short notice. Planin g J. GABEL Ban rything inthe build rompt attention and -- 3UAR. oa ing fine will be FiRsT CLASS" v VOR BUGGIES, FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in tho vehicle line, now is the time to buy, as ave & ares stoek on hand and will sell at closest p A call at my carriage shop will pon ac Wi GAKES AND PASTRY eee POULTRY WANTED. LIVE OR DRESSED. 10,000 Turkeys, 5,000 Chickens, 2,000 Ducks. 1,000 Geese. [ have been commissioned to purchase the above gueny of Poultry for the Tos engl Pou , and will pay ; has for good stock delivered ev veh a at my place in TO RA Charges 'Modeents. Bamfcrd Bros. WELCH § BAKERY. A select class of all kinds of in all lines. Call and see our stock or leave your order tor anything you want in our line. A full line of Caidies and Nuts THE BEST BRAND OF OYSTERS art fresh, always on hand. bed by the half pint or by the tub, J. T- WELCH, EARS, Wallace Street, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE i ohiy a saxon on 4 re quie Send us a roug' ch e 70 ree pom pavents "Jager nis probably 5: wention orimprovement band wewil itell you ronne jen Aine our opinion as to whether it is a prove ty, wf a free tentable. ejected selisioas ve oft een pele ly prosecuted ag us, + di teh 5 work "and wick! fecure a Srend tion, Highest refe broad as the Inve: '< of 'ahy sat lentibie joc ees ee ae WM ken nTet On oeinity Patent business ot Maunfec- pMARION & M Solicitors. | Chiidren Cry for ; ipa: {Abe bug Wes CASTORIA.