Listowel Standard, 8 May 1903, p. 6

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MONSTAR CEMENT PLANT ANOTHER TVaRGE IWIDUSTEY FOR TAE DOMINION. 0 OM or Contract Have Leen arded £ ee Immense Works t Hull. The Ole pepas gave an inter- esting x:eant of the gath on several days of last week at Ottawa of a dozen or two representatives i ° g day-and-night g-- i 17 Bal dea of thee magnitude of the business done may be gained from the fact that during the, week over $350,000 worth ave been awarded such a size that no single aah utes turing firm could be relied upon to 3 do all the work of the high stand- ard that the directors insist upon and have the plant ready at the re- quired time. riemeicpereiaed u ber cf . -ntracts been let, cac for so pecial matt of the plant." The Hi soplo , We ore told, the sa designers, engineers, and chemis "ho made so complete an isl sent of the ce A STRONG PCINT in favor of this organization lies in the fact at a buildings, Beir the o ginvers, have ijearned the busi- ness by Many years of practical ex- perience. representatives of with less same engineers who desi the plant su- rintend its operation after on- very strong assuruence ts successful and economical workir The favorable points of the Ottawa meee gambler: c- = (Bet LITTLE THOUGHTS. mn any mi A sure.way to beat the profes- ces play. oe man who A postponed ° gets, and borrowed money pays no debts Some peo hearts when they have their nerve. it takes one to make a mind, two to make a bargain, three to make a marriage. Never adverti:e your troubles. If you ened how-less don't wear strip- ed trousi The hotel which advertises home ces not always specify the eople get credit for broken simply lost age a true word is spoken in and many a falre statement is tiie in deadly carnest. The man who aghta to preserve the pea:e may he inc ene tent, but he is sometimes effert A jockass is not gen a erally credited | can | with too much wisdom, make a tremendous noise with his | mouth, if He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper, but he is more cellent who can suit his temper any circumstances --_--+ HEART DISEASE. A Trouble Much More Common Than Is Generally Supposed. A pealty person does not feel the eart at al { the heart makes it- | seli felt it ie a sure sign of some one of the many phases of heart trouble. Some of the symptoms of eart rouble «are shortness of breath, trembling of the hands, vio- lent throbbing or fluttering of ne Ni ape anc eating, P 'pulna, Awa. fhe alar ine Ace palpitation that is often felt e¢ head or at the =e . regen you ep of am pat be neglected for a moment, fost of the troubles affecting the heart are caused by anaemia, indi-| gestion or nervousness, and when any of these causes a4 at the root of the trouble it c by the use of Dr. Pills. You nvustn't trifle with com-! mon medicines, and above all you shouldn't further by using a cure your heart ro - the Pills 2e why ist, or by mall at 25 cents a box or Hull. proposi You easily see why this is the gist, f n ee von pat ring ™ tho | only w to save yourself. The! by writing "ieee to the Dr. Wil- ceptional purity .that both lime. | heart a your blood to all parts!liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, and clay lie at the very door |Of the body. Every drop of -- your Ont, of the factory, that 2 .y.|blood flows through your heart. If i ower at Ge eae a ee lyour blood is thin or impure your h gree t of the cheaper padlocks used |" per horse-power, that they have jheart. is bot to be weak and dis-; all the world over one from South ; both water and rail .tkansportation | jes = ef eg! Lape ; ube, rich | Staflordsitre Pngla fro the Company's own d land healthy, it w naturally make i Then tho Company ao hot oblized |? your heart sound and strong. Dr,;_ Dr sig oH Koenig's Hamburg to build a railway or steam power | Williams' 'Pink Pills actually make | Props oldest and most re- plant, thus mushitnn them to build new, et, red blood. And that [nowned "hisod purifier and health re- m arger factory with th i ne «d blood strengthens | Sto world, fo ensure per- = ¥ wi tho same fort, 'health, take Dr. A Ko capital, and thereby ma- i ch, l your ote; stimulates your liver, yo th Ulood -- Dr. Weiltiacen' Pink un nerves and drives out A laugh is wort a hundred groans |: arke jong & with the use o jean gett terially increasing the earning power | Soothes of th lant. It is further to be {Of your system a Pa ay tien noted that with 7 pees to salar ae de 7 7 7 * nis has been proved in thousands THEIR OWN BOAT LINE. of cnses. Here is a case in point. they can market their cement at all Mr Adelard - Lavoie, St. Pacome ports in the Lower «Provinces, and i Que., says: nearly three years err the Rideau Canal can | was gre tly troubled with a weak reach a ports surrounding fe | heart, and in constant fear that my Ontario. Their boats instead of*re. jeand would come at any time; the turning empty from eastern ports | Jeast exertion would overcome me; can bring back coal on their return | my heart d palpitate wink trips. The location as to the mar- 'and I would sometimes ve a feel- kets to be, supplied 4 not be | ing of suffocation. 1 was eat the be as e is no Portland Co-/ care of a doctor, but did not get re mrent 'produced in th ower ro- | lief, and eventually my condition vinces, and the bulk of all the ce- became so bad that I had to dis- ment consumed in Ottawa, Montreal. feontinue work. While at my worst nd the Maritime Provi is of 4 neighbor advised me to try Dr necessity imported from Germany, | Williams' Pink Pills. did so, and lg and the United States | they simply worked wonders in my against a dut; of 43c. rer barrel. | cas " used only half a dozen The "'Citizen article notes as } boxes when I was able to return to favorable point, that tho C.P.R. hm my work, strong and healthy, and I and the Canada Atlantic railways | pave now-since had any sign of the run right by the doors of the fac- old troubl tory, also the ter was whic We would again impress ---- gives a free outlet from the Ware- i those who are ailing that they mus house docks of the Company int et the er ts a the rut | the ttawa river and thence --) "Dr Pills Ve to Montreal, Quebec, and t sca bo ci The Hull works will, by d will supply 'Comment men, and the Lower! is 'Gastar Ontario Provinces from its adv antageous | location, just as the Durham work is well placed to supply the Western Peninsula. The business h = lity and pea er ve "this as industrial enterprise _ and promise well, we eorntiiet for its financial success also Nervous | Diseases Munyon's Nerve Cure. ¢ a it is claime.), | hy Medicine writing | $2 Rs' Co r. 'it Sroske!? le, Ont. ce between Back s that the form ped of the out- before grinding. The only ditete pee white. pepper er skin of the berry Minctd's Liniment Cures Burns, ete. --_----_ + --------_ .DEEP-SEA FORESTS. Great Mysteries at the Bottom of the Ocean. It has been untiearon tly the pre- valent impression'. "hat at great de|-ths in the ocean no organic life could exist, light penetrates to a depth of 3,000 foe t. | A diver at the depth of 10,000 feet! would have weight upon him equal | Yo several hundreds of the larges and heavicst locomotives. re very much how- that more t. of business Se hae be poy . ill-health."---Mun f than co cao ees 9 per trac- disorders, <n om wa s jene that will live in the heaifs and lives 'ot the people long after I you are ubled with nervousn: i "you ot Pro if you feel irritable, sos Skate feel weak and exhausted, | seats u to try my Nert ly ask yo MUNYON'S aageocang es sep oh Cure, 2c a carewe ey, i "rellevea" 'unyot's Pile Ointment Y positively cures forms of 'piles. Price 2c. rson: * | infusoriae, | millions of per living things of all of 3j "Wear long tcates. out there, do they?"' sountor have been made dept ever, and establishing O00 f Thoinas, (4 f 27,600 feet near the Japaneses the re + iy Great forests of scaweed cover bottom of the ocean, and the greatest depths to the In th is li more ---- fed than in the primeval for- Sts the tropics. Spiders and mcrmedtis animals of enormous size, crabs, sea urchina, shells, crustaceans, starfish, turtles, and kinds find r food in the one ally varied plant life of -- dee Dee ha rought is th > cs] still contains treasures which await development and utilization. Mrs. Crimonsbeak -- "I see by the paper that women Pcie' the streets Crimonbeak -- too, -" er Sunlig! your blankets or harden the ht Soap will not inure it will make them soft, white and eecy. bs] * te od Ceylon Tea Is the finest |° Tea the world produces, and is solid only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. 'pan as: shames © ae Green tea, Manitoba and Northwest Lands {HE GREAT PRAINIE INVESTMENT COMPANY, (Limited, Winnipeg, have opened an office for 'pale of their stock and Manitoba and {No west land, at 71 Victoria The Manager, Mr. J ee will iFd or surmprovet farms. Pros tus furnished |bondence solicited. and corres- THE Lady SITUATION WAS SAVED. --"I must forget you, Rich art You were scen to ar anoth- er girl at ange Tozer's pa rd D Kicha oOo not owe ll me, dearest! c Was true to you even in thought It was at the very hour when I eeneeatty 'ish you good- night. ut my eyes and imagin- self!' davling! re! ed it was your own dear Lady fou foolish Why didn't you say so befo A BLESSING TO CHILDREN. Strong words, but truthful, the ¢ Tablets. ng Mrs. ae. I have used Baby' 8 Own Tab lets and find them a blessing to children, and I am not! satisfied without a box the house not all times.' These Tablets cure all the minor troubles of babyhood harmful : vs good -- they nnot possibly Good-natured, healthy c in all hoines oO child- where You ese Tablets from any drug- ugust oe pig's Hamburg Drops. The armics of Fu yearly three days' entire population. rope now absorb earnings of the Srark say att, CF ae cy } TOLEDO, t ag "RANK J tr kes oath that he is copii partner of the firm of J. CHh' y tate aforosaid, anil tha pey fe see of ws : LARS ach ay TALE "that cannot uso of MALL'S CA' rAnitie wount ith * my presence, this Gth day of Decem A.D. i836. A.W. 7 mi prota ts i pean : Publi Hall's Catarrh Crre fs token inter nally, at a phe ae cliy on oe bloog and m es 6Of )6the 6system. Send for oestiinoninia, free F. J, CHENEY '& CO., Toledo, O. Vt by all Droggists, 75c. lin I's Family Pills are tho he Broker -- "Don't you find it -- to shave some men than oth- ry aes W Barber "Yes; don't Lifebucy Soap--disinfectant -- Is: strongly "recommended by the modt *) cal profession as a safeguard oyains? infectio.s diseascs. Since 1603 member of the Royal Family has been Lord Licu- tenant of Ireland. Minard's Liniment for for sale everywhere The line is only sixty miles. Alo its stream it meagures no fowor than les 213 miles Jordan's course in a straight ng For O..P Maty Years. Weti-Taizo Reuepr. -- Mrs he ByrR haa been used for erer Lt ous re for their children w Ax OLD Winslow s >o years by mil yc cteale. 3 lus pet ak fer an Wiastow's other The vowel "e" has more different sourrds in English than in any other language. is pronounced in six | different ways Binard's Lnimeat Cures Dandruff, -- bolita are the only ically Sweden countries grown man can Vatia comes next in this respect. Oil- City, Feb. 5, 1903. Masvey-Harris Co., Liuriteil, Toronto, Ont. Centlemen.--VPieare serd me cne of' your . VUS catalogues of form ing chiner I have used no niaciiinees | that River as much savisfaction a7 Ma:eey-llarris i --__+---_---- ~=CHOOL GARDENING Sctentific gardening is taught in e national schools of Sweden and the seminaries for the tion of aoe ool teachers There arden nearly every merece) schoo! district in the kingdom © garden is near the school house; and the children receive pri instruction in the cultivation of plants, berries, flowers, herbs and fruits, the ne ° ot-beds, greenhoisse: and so forth, par- aca are Seuained to furnish the ne- cessary ground for the gardens, and trees and shrubs are annually given to the children: to be planted at their homes. '| which it combines better than cow's 'SIT PROPERLY. It is woos thing age: r to know how to sit o: The. etal of a graceful sitting Posture has varicd in the different e world. The Egyptian: sat bolt upright, the knees and feet closely pressed together. It was the ceremonial . attitude ane Greeks and Romans, when th ts h no backs and they were at likerty to forget their dignity, stooping, with one or both elbows supported by the arm of 8, The manuscript and on coins in the same position. Down to a date co clea <a tively recent, kings and queen re- ceived sitting stiffly on their ireoiien, any marked change of posturo being thought to derogate from the Royal dignity. They now receive standing. __ } A $2,000,000 LAW SUIT. Italy seems to ho Id"the record of -- rane for cxpenslvo law. Signo na 'Traversa, a merchant of Mits an, cied three years ago u jot his heirs. y disputed the more they did so the m -- to t fore, Eventually when no few- in t 5 lawyers wer d to j have been briefed to represent the various litigants. were | their expenses that when all was ettled $2,000,000 was divide beige them in fees, while the heirs jhad to be content with the remain- ing $1,000,000. HO : Minard's Linkment Relleves Neuralpta ae Cone THE BRAZILIAN COW-TREE, Mr. er tain, a recent tray- inate. describes tree whic h | srowing in tho valley of t n nd hich he thinks may found in Central America as As the case of the rubber tree, it f a _ that makes it j interesting. is a milk, sing- ularly like the 'atk cow's milk, It is highly ndtritious, with water, ane or curdles ke Paul Foun ieler in South | remarkable left standing nctuous cream arises, s the consistence drunk large quantities of it, came Bats the tree, and also mixed with tea or cocoa, wit which, when r I milk; so 3 t ghte: st deleterious quality. When I pe get ap always chose it in preference to cow's milk. The sap is obtained either by wound- of the trunk or by smaller branches. It . d several quarts can be chtained sone a single tree in the S sa course of a f>w your Uniess the tree is much broken or cut, it does not seem to suffer much from the loss of sap. ------3-- Treherne, Jan. 6, 1902. a Co., Limited, nripeg, Man 'acinus. --It gives me very much ha t the ever. I hope you will ge lots of bindera for 1903 and ther farmers lots of traniile. you every success. Rr. M. FERRIS. my b IT wish Tr f the unclaimed. by may dig the here. few any coal Spitzbergen is countries as yet ation. Anyone found in the cliffs t EAR "DONT'S." Never apply < poultice to the in- side of the canal of the syringe arm water for cleansing the ieee strike ee Dex 'a child's 'ear. This has rp pencil-point, or aaeehing? of that nature. Never put milk, fat, or any oily substance in the ear for the relief of te to Simple warm water will answer the purpose gigi na ee ST, THOMAS MAN GIVES ADVICE, LLS HIS FRIENDS TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOR KIDNEY PAINS. Inw Dake Well- anes Hotcl-keep- e. Gives His Experience With Canada's Great Kidney Remedy. St. Thomas, Ont., April 20.--(Spe- cial. )--Every body in St. Thomas and the surrounding country knows Lew Dake, proprietor of the Dake House this railway center's popular citizens and many ople know th se for yoars he was ene. victim of ver form of Kidney Dineaas. is a sound, healthy man, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaking of the fr es ad He used matter recently, ak nea troubled for over fivo years with my Kidneys and pains in "] my back. Nothing I used coul give mo any relief till finally on the advice of a fr use iend I started to ills, 3 e time I had finished one box the pains and Kidney Disease That is over five years nd as T have had no re- rouble since, I think I am safe in concluding that the cure was permanent. adviso all my friends who are troubled tho samo way to use Dodd's Kidney Pills Dodd's Kidney Pilis cure all stages of Kidney Disease om Pain in the Back to Bright's Disease. Britain's public debt is first mon- tioned in the national accounts in the year 1694. Three Stomachs on a Week's Vacation. Eat, drink and be mer: giving the cigentive apparatus healing, w! rest! It can be done or oe use of ER, VON STAN'S PINEAPTLE TABLETS, gg will digest meat in a dish a beat c- - sia, Taat's the whole story except merry while a small ones toné up the digeltive epperatus,--Price 85 cents. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, obstinate bi quick a joadache, A safe cureo--not a slow remedy. 17. ------ SEoee - tt "About 90,000 tons «f butter made yearly . in the United Kin ee een ee DR. HAMMOND'S OPINION. on Wheeling-- Expert Testimony The Reviv r. Hammond, one of New York's most foremost ag ham active aged letic Club, y a representative of the New York ed his -- as to reise. with ver weak hearts, or peoplo of extremely dolicate constitutions, but colt that nearly every patient go- Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1897. ° e et aed & NARD'S LINI- ing through his hands eee a bicycle when convalescent, and that it was remarkable what 2 Hi i they made towards health. ada there has been an un- |precedented revival in wheelin t carn be MeN - a emedy for colds, ct is the best liniment I have ever MRS JOSIAH HART. traced to no better cause the FE ce) wheeling what the railroading," and these words put the argumen the proverbial nut- shell, It allows the rider to hold uniform position, while the wheels 7-59 a themselves to the --.. {roadbed. It has made bicycling an The Emperor Fountain at Chats-'absolutely pleasant and healthy worth is the loftiest in England. form of o ting. "*'Mnsrey-Harris,"' The jet rises to a height of 267 | *'Cleveland,"" 'Brantford'! ani **Per- feet. \fe i bicycles have this cushion frau beneiced ----- are black, in consequenc messed 500 Benin, which only four years oO} years ago compelling uniformity of wa as the worst center of fetivh wor-! og passed to restrain | ship and humati sacrifice in the orld, has now a club and a golf- thin eerie, ground. Yo the greatest remedy in Price, ; 25e St. Jacobs Oil Aches and Pains for which an external ere may be used: d 50c. the world for all bodily eeeus eeis [A GHANGE FOR CLEVER PEOPLE | It should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it $545.00 in Cash Prizes = - eee eravic. -- Must 4th. The cen closes June 1, née or more weekly 6th. In case of a aig the Bippes aces estion. Mr. H. the sivitioomeats and aw: are good enough to - ublish the names of p GN oh pa ok "shouldbe forcibly expressed. A bona fide has tested the tea, is pe not associate with it, even Ahi All advertisements -- fail to win a prize, but whi °o be accep will bo paid ton at the rate of $1.00 e Unless expressly serene te to ae Do we will consider ourselves at liberty ruthfal and Fiignad letter with ae to and date from'one who advert ienant for an saan of food should ment is the one that will tes the sneat =e ¢ to try thea article gh sh Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. Mj, First Prize oe ee $200.00 : Second Prize - - - = 100.00 # E Third Prize - 40.00 ' 4th to 13th Prizes, $10. 03 ee 100.00 fs 14th to 25th, $5.00 each - = 60.00 4 $500.00 @ | In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special ny weekly nie of $5.00 will be given to the one sending in the 4 rea during that week, Hecggrgt J for the nine weeks $45 é special prizes, or a grand to' f thirty-four cash prizes, re CONDITIONS essional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with Ribbon Tea Company may compete. znd. Advertisements must nol contain more than So words, and shorter ones are bh re: 3rd. Gre ia the cards used in -- Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea--there are each packag be enclosed with each batch of advertise- 1903, and all competin; ee must reach one Leng the following addresses on or before that Blue Ribbom Tea-Co., Winnipeg, Man. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Vancouver, B.C. 5th, ao ye person shall be aw chp _ than one of the main prizes, but may also aie! decision oe be based on all the advertisements sdbmitted - 36 'tes Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge ward prizes. ch ted for an gERe Adal ch. contain an idea brightly and any unpleasant vertise- SeeHK your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea and the Money is yours. et showin: pow 90 Los ory with out ale A. RAMSAY alee Palot maker, Vest. rigs, That label is only put on the best paints tee them for value, strength, Laraaa and economy. d post card mentioning this pis paper ead :ve and wer an our MONTREAL. a 4 _-- -+_~ ES jai 2 es OE ' J = ea ER, im = ------~__.--~ a -- Eh ~ Seetiieen on ey Cusine Pe igh Carbon Lateral Wire and Heavy Hard Vertioal Wire ' Not. the cheare t but the most quality for the money. your Dealer does not keep LAMB FENCE write us direct. The 1. R, LAMB FENCE CO., Limited, London, Ont vc Brass | forme, EVERY. TOWN CAN } HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever quoted, Fine catal: OFF tiinecra tion Thaited fr free. Write safer aay: Tastrumonts. WHALEY 'ROYCE 8 CO., Limited, Toronto, Oat, and'Wianipex, Man. 1-20 STONE MASONS ae mers gt Lake popeligion: new st R Ont. App:y at works, or at nit oud "8 KING ST. WEST, TORONTC. 19-20 Reven Lake Portian: Oo., Limited. BRE SOLS, = issua3 of Covorn- ' o:t and Wuniclpal Gene Nvrospurchzsed aftort iayvi stigation For ocple who want an ubsojute.youre invest- etding a' terest rates--as high as 6 per cent. WR:TE FOR LIST. BONMINION SECURITIES tion, aor seule ee Sd word a chase od. wu ic bern vf Serena rere en coat raioee coor Toronw &t., Toron meh Tele- q--19 We have Mexicans, : California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and THE Sevilles. B As. Carload every week. All the above at market prices, We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrupand other produce to advan- tage for you. THE PAWSON COMMISSIOH CO,, Limitad., Cor. West Marhet St, TORONTO. 1 45 RUBBER GOODS Novelties, all styles. Dartcipouance invited, [En; close 2c stamp for circular. (KE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. O, Box 1142,. Montreal, ia 6-57 men ee at YOUR "YOUR GVERCOATS jaded Bulta would look better dyed. If no agents" cod fated Oui en, write direst 'ontreal, Box 154 RITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. " 'Montreal. a" Dominion Line » Steamshins ocr Cy eriet Limited, 29 King 8t. East, Toronto. loutreal to Li peal. lh Bo pag 9 'ant Btoamahrps. wmodation Pa penod ¥ 3 PR joons and ied' Btatereomhe tte amidshipe Bpecialattention has bere ven to the Baloon aad Third-Ciass acoom: For Baceng Gere Se all partioulars apply to any grok of the Couspany, or ae pe = fe, noe Cee Stites. 7" Meuresl aud Portland,

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