Listowel Standard, 8 May 1903, p. 8

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Wal Cape od. LIVINGSTONE J. 1W.S Scott tt & Son, Bankers. ESTABL SHED 1872. Palmerston A. Ha Listowel, and Forest and Seelbarhe.- A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. A args amount of private funds to lend farm security at 4 per cent., with} privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. J. W. Scorr & Son. CARTHAGE. Mr. Jas. Gray of Stratford is visit- ing friends in this vicinity Mr. Wm. Campbell and Mr. Gamble ,jr., attended Stratford last week. Miss Roxy Poole of Wallace was the guest of her sister, Mrs, B. John- ston, last week, We are sorry to report the serions illness of Mr. Wm, Lone Mr. Wm. Schmacs: took a trip to Stratford one day last week Jobu the Assizes in number from here attended a sieathay in the North Mornington Oborch last Friday evening, meeting was uddressed by Mr. Arm- <a in the interest of Foreign mis- 'The April make of cheese was ship- ped from tie factory here on Saturday. It was sold for 13c. a Ib. « PEFFERS. Mr. Mat. Dobson and his hustling hired man have been kept busy hauling stone to the foundation of the new N. M. church, which is being rapidly pushed abead, Seeding is again completed. Our milk banler started again Mon- day to Britton factory. Mr, Wm. Dunbar was eo pects here Jast week for Mr. W. J Dr. F, Pickle, from up ag visit- ed in this loculity Jast week. r. J. J, Carson was last week on the jury. Word has bees received from Mr. aod Mrs, Jas, McGregor, who went from here to Assiviboia some time ago. They say that secding is still not far advanced iu that district, owing to the wet weather. in Stratford GLENALLEN. Mv. and Mra. Snyder were culled to Floradale last Monday owing to the illness of the former's father, who had an attack of acute pneumonia. Paral- yeis attacked bim and he succumbed, _ interred at Elmira on Friday t Mrs. Steensou, who was reported last week to be in a very critical con- dition, is slowly improving. Mr. . Mellia and Mr. T. MoGuire have torn down the ohl rail and lom- ber fences in front of their respective farms ©} have replaced them by good auhe wire fences rson bag veneered his dwelling ui is- busy applying paint, which adda much to ite appesrance, Messrs. Jno. and Geo. Black, 3rd cor. Maryborough, are making pre- parations for = erection ofa new bern this summ The sad 'news of the death of Mre. Dr. Wright, of Brampton, formerly _ the Glen, was received here op Sat- Her remains were brought to Gisseiion for interment. 8, Joo. Armstrong was called to Listowel on Sunday, vowing to the illness of heal mother, Mre. 8, Velie. "WALLAGEV LILLE, Mrs, Andrew Wilson, ith line Mary- borough, an esteemed lady in her ninetieth year, met with a painful accident at her home on Wednesday evening last. Her daugkter, Mre. Thomas Marks, who had charge over her, had juet kindled the fire in the stove and had gone out, duriog which Madam Wilson bethought herself to stir the fire that it might burn more rapidly, andin doing so her clothing caught fire, burning her fuce almost beyond recognition. Madam Wilson went outdoors, when her grandson, Mr, John Marks, immediately noticed her burning, and rau and pulled the clothing off the upper portion of the body, where it bad first caught tire, _ thus preventing what might vther- wise have proved fata). From last re- ports ehe is 0 nicely, Mr. Joseph Wilson, Saginaw, paid a visit io bie aged mother, Mrs. Andrew Wilson. Mr. uchie, Palmerston, and formerly of this village, spent several days in the village, erecting wire fence for Mr, Constao also op the property of the 0. Rev..H. Dierlamm has sani started his catechism class of infant biblical instruction to t young. Parente should pot neglect agg their child- ren and have them educated --_ pred isity whe are young and vigoro rie an are being Geant ont of the Book of all books, } / Istead, Mount [ BANK OF HAMILTON OGarrran, Avrnontmzep - $ 2,500,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 ~ $ 1,600,000.00 Toran Assets - - - $21,000,000.00 ESTABLISHED IN LISTOWEL OVER - 30 YEARS, Oaritan Pam UP - - Reserve Foxp HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. DIRECTORS ! JOHNSTUART Pazeswarr: A. G. RAMSAY, Vick s GEORGE ROAUB WM. GIBSON, M. FP. = TUR LEE (Toronro.) PE STEVEN xsst. Gon-Mgr H.M. WATSON, Laspeotor. BRANCHES, ---- Atwood Niagara Falls Beamaville, South Berlin in St. 'Drangevilis Blyth Porto "end Owen Sound Brantford East End Palmerston Chesley Hagersville Port Rowan: Delhi J Port Elgin Dundas, . Listowel Simcoe Dundalk, Lucknow Southampton Dun Midland Toronto Georgetown Milton Teeswater Grimsby Mitchell, Wingham MANITOBA. Brandon Roland Carman Minnedosa ~*~ Stonewall Gladstone Morden Winkler Ha wiota Plum Coles Winnipeg Manitou Pilot Munn '* Grain Ex. NORTHWEST THERCKORIEA. Indian Head oose Jaw Saskatoon BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ka mloo ps Savings Bank: Deposits-vf $1 sons wards reed Sod intereat allowed Interest added wo principal in May ase pevasibee each sy Special Deposits also receiv at current rate of interes rT €, 1. may be withdrawn waa the 'Toited Barope bought and eid. and the Continent of "Debentures Farmers ony Agents in United States. oe National Bank. Chicago : 'First Na tonal Agents in Great Britain, National Provincia) Bank of England, Limited. Travellers are nowfied that the Bank of n and ite Branches issue Circular Notes or trouble in any Bb, FORSAYETH, Agent, Listowel, ATWOOD BRANCH open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. part of the world NEWTON. Soe On April 80 there was a high wind storm, which tore pag coe house Mr. Wm. Attig. 'The etable. it carried 'Mr. Alex. Urquhart bad quite a bit of lumber Leeann by the wind, r. h MeDonald and Donsld Jack had tte silos blowa over. i Jey Quidder of Fruitland hanged: himself on a Saltfleet Township farm. ! Brick' House For Sale. Two story brick house and lot, on west side of Wallace -- Listowel, at present , ea Mr. . Fleming as tenant. esirs| S reapers at a reasonable je price. For sartiontite "Pp to 13a, EWETI & BRAY, JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE. Lambert," "St. thoroughbred Jersey Ball, romimarel is for service at 'Hedge- bower Far} ot 15, Ist concession Wal- \ lave, 'T Perm, $1 for grades, = Li regiater- ed c RN iN. Executors' Notice to iy or rey | ts feaned i payable atall points in Canada Creditors | Of JOHN McCAULEY, late of the Township of | Eima in the County of Perth, Farmer, de- ursuant lothe statutes tors ae others havin joceased, of Perth aro re- Notice is hereby given in that banat s gk an c gain fey of Jnne, Mi Carthew at Listowel P. O., the Sultcitors for the apaieeiened, the Executors of the said d in writing of their names, addre resses sod aecriy. ton, with full particnlara of their claima, and of the morarsty (if any) held by them, and that after the last mentioned date the said Ex- eoutors aay eed to distribute the ¢atate f the sald dec regard only to the i, hav g re, claims of which they may have notice, and that they will not be liable in re: of the cstate so distributed to any perso whose claim they may not then have received notice, Dated at Listowel this Sth ard of Muy, 1903. ' cCAUL. By sy By MORPHY & CARTHEW, Their: sicicieors GREAT WINDING-UP SALE OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. lines. Goods away down. would call especia all new and staple, and bound Our Stock is largely composed go. Remember first served ge winding-up sale at Waliace Street. As we have decided to wind-up our business in Listowel, we are going to offer you the greatest bargains in the above OUR AIM Is to get out of business in quick time and with the least possible expense, so in order to do this We are going to sell Goods at such pices as will make them go quick. attention to our Dress Goods, which are M. MSQILLIVRAY'S. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs We to go at our clearing out price. of STAPLES, and will soon ts the best bargains, at the great ye ° eat Rian 7 COUPEE S, will' in of charge demonstrate beeoming to yo Vigs, worn on over 55,000 h PROF. DORENWEND OF TOROWTO. ac Sa THE FAMOUS HAIR GOODS ARTIST oY 1S COMING ! Ale will be -at Se OT Their use pera Health, Comfort and Younger Appeara Gentlemen who are bald = investigate and see rig Feather Weight Tonpees and Please Remember Day and Date LISTOWEL QUEEN'S HOTEL, TUESDAY MAY 19TH, ------ -- "er QUEEN'S EL es are known and worn by all classes ev erywhere. sure to visit his atte Caan at the Hotel and sce his new des by fitting you what is ale fowl suitable and THE BEST TALHING MACHINE talks | ns Comic, Sacred a full Band or Orchestra. You can the greatest entertainer ever made. which last for years. © Gram-o-phone is mad rantee with each Sold on Easy Monthly sadexetand « e in Canada, machine. Write for Catalogues--free. PRICES $15.00 TO $40.00. MANUFACTURED BY E. BERLINER, 2815-2319 St. Catherine St., MONTREAL, " EMANUEL BSLOUT, Generai Manager for Canada. J. H. GUNTHER, Agent, LISTOWEL. nd se peg Pongs Plays like a words It is It uses th A five years written gua- Payments, if | desired, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Aco: in: Ontario, Quebec, Mani- toba, North Wi British Columbia. #20, 100 ; $80 to $30, 120. R. ARKELL, Manager. est Territeries, and AGENTS. ieee BRITAIN--Liosd' sBank bard Bt with whom sy be Gopntted ert transfer by letter or cable iste @ny part ' _ eTOWEL amanOd. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -- Deposits SPECIAL attention given to the discounting of LD, available at all a in MONEY BERS teaned | any |" in Under ne "gio gaa ANOTHER SNAP IN BOOTS and SHOES) FOR THE PEOPLE OF LISTOWEL AND VICINITY. LISTOWEL MAKKETS. Executors' Notice i Cred here! given pure having claims », dee cased 'who ¢ day Ack te 903, hun Oe 'ie Listowel in the county ne Peril, Solicitor fan Male, ard ABArews and George Lawrence Kelling: ton desc oe of ie security, [ mentioned the THOMAS MALE RICHARD ANDREWS, GEORGE L. KELLINGTON, Per J. E, TERHUNE, their Solicitor. } Exccutors. lla. May ts 1903 Wheat, Duidhel .... ---esae-+sneene Ae. Barley, RO" 'seve 7 4 40 ar ts, éo a Hay | - 700 80 ay per ton Bran do 18 00 Flour, per 1001 190° ar, per 100 Ibe. Ontwmeal. do 230 280 Cornmeal, do 250 250 Butter per tb. 16 O37 Ee , per doz. iH 3 toes per 7 Hides oo Be 500 500 Shoepekins, 30. O65 Wool per 135 Wood, long, 6 00 7 00 Wood short 200 200 Hogs, 650 716 Live Hogs 575 #00 ba, . 200 300 waesece 600 700 tors, In the Estate of WILLIAM KELLINGTON, .ate poke 6 Township of Elma, in the County of rth, ane a Province of Ontario, Gentieman, the statnte in that Delsif, That "all ereditora or others alnet the eaid Estate of the sail iy t the Townhip of Elma, in the County of Perit, ene o na) ars the twenty secon re to deliver ge = | Rieke » dhe a ames, midresses iculars of their claims, fany,] her by them; and j claim "ches shall not have notice at the time at Listowelthis 15th day of April, A. D, 200 pairs Ladi BARGAINS. If you have not got your We have got it for you at SPECIAL FOR ies' $1.50 Oxfords, for .........- wT. B. DOUGLAS ---THE CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE MAN» Is now in just as good position as ever to offer choice selected goods at even _ LESS THAN 'BANKRUPT PRICES. See the crowds rushing to this store to secure SPRING AND SUMMER FOOT-WEAR PRICES THAT DRAW THE TRADE Saturday and Monday. 200 pairs Men's Plough Boots $1.50, for .......++54 Repairing done neatly and promptly. REMEMBER: THE PLACE MAIN STREET, L. I have a car, and will sell it cheap to troduce it . HU. McDonatp. Call ana examine. our Corn and Oat Chop, in- ISTOWEL. proceed to was o ec titled 5 E gard only Haim which they may thenbave notice, aod that the » fo proceeds of the eal 33 Estate so distributed to any person of whoxe : of such distribution. i e e bd 7 Dated (BALLARD'S OLD STAND.) = | az PPL. rey Sew) ae AT 15 lbs. good Coffee, for .. 7 Ibs. Figs, for ... 7 plugs Tobacco, for «+++. Call and be con Place to do Highest prices paid NICHOLA Phone No. 64. 26 lbs. best Redpath Granulated Sugar, for... 8 Ibs. Tapioca, foresesseecsceseesen sesereeee 62 7 Ibs. B. Rice, for ......-. . These are a few of the bargains NEW AND FRESH GOODS. A GREAT STORM THE NEW GROCERY STORE. Dv, a "a th ah ed th te teed 5 Ibs. good Tea, forssescccceesessersesseeeres $100 1.00 a oe Ce ee +50 teeeee es eee ee eeeens and the stock consists of, vinced that this is the | your shopping. for all Farm Produce. S KROTZ, Next door to Thompson's old Stand, Main St. | Listowel's Grtatest Store. ' ' SPECIAL MUSLIN SALE. } Sparkling Bargain in all kinds of | |colored Muslins. Fine printed: | Muslins and American Organdie, ; Stylish sheer materials for Ladies' Summer and Blouses. The newest range of this season latest productions of Wool and Silk Delaines, English Cotton Soie Del laine, Gauze Cotton 'Grenadine, in all the new shades. The above are imported direct. , They are the finest range of Goods | we ever placed on our counters. ' Saturday and next week we will ' give special waite on all kinds of Muslin. J. M.SCHINBEIN 4 Main St. SHIRTS. Men's best neglige Shirts, W. G. R., regular $1.25 and $1.50 for 75c. Men's st colored fancy striped open back and front, cousin sey regular price $1.25 to $1.50, or HATS OF ALL KINDS. A grand display of all kinds of Hats, for Girls and children. e Men, Boys, can omen, actually -- HAN' a trimmed Hat ESS N WHOLESALE RICE MORE BARGAINS in Men's and Boys' Clothing ready-to-wear. ! Our stock was never so complete in the Clothing Line. If you want to get a Suit equal to order Clothing you want to try one of our Royal Brand. SPECIAL aie Redpath Sugar, for $1.00. 3 plugs McDonald Tobacco, for 25 Wall Paper from 2 1-2c. per roll and puieaeis We pay 13c. for Eggs and 16c. for Butter. J. M. SCHINBEIN. and Caps, Ready-made Come and see BUSTED. All Previous Prices, even Those at the BARGAIN CENTRE. Ve have gathered together all reinnants, odd lines and short ends in our store, and piled them on our DUMP ABLES, and those will be sacrificed without thought of cost or value. THIS GREAT SALE OF Clothing. All go on the - Has been an immense success, and we now purpose clearing out all remnants +and. odd _ lines. Tables you will find the finest and best guods in the market. ment of DRESS GOODS, and any person in want of such should not miss this opportunity. Table Linen, Towelling, Tweeds, Shirtinys, Cottonade, etc. JOHN.R. GRANT & €O. DEALERS IN BANKRUPT sTooKs. Yi aa --S a W. & J. THOMPSON STOCK On Amongst other lines we have put ona great assort- REMNA ODD LINES--Odd lines in Boots: and Shoes, | Hats DUMP TABLES, to be cleared out at any old price. for yourself whata ER DIAIN AINT SATE of a Bankrupt Stock means. = Se these Duinp ANTS of oo san

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