Listowel Standard, 22 May 1903, p. 8

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FOR aper JU. LIVINGSTONE. JW. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTA BLSHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, also with J. A. Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburne. . A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. + Doane amount of private funds to lend re security a r cent., be ith priv: Tage of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued, J. W. Scorr & Son. Listowel Electric Bill Passes The Private Bills Committee of the Legislature--The Town Granted Permission to Purchase Electric Light Plant, also Given Power to go into Tucandescent Lighting. Toronto, May 14.--The electrical power held sway before the Private Bills Committee of the Legislature this morning. Listowel wanted permission to purchase the Eiectrical Light Co's 1 The company coutrols the gas and electric supply and the town wish- ed to purchase the latter plant with- out taking over the former, The rock of contention was the questicn as to whether the town in the event of pur- chase should be granted the right to enter in competition by means of incandescent lighting for commercial purposes with the gas lighting of the company. They also asked permission to raise $1,500, or such sum as way be necessary to purchase the plant. The Electrio Company opposed the bill, and wished to covfine them, in the event of purchase, to supplying arc lights for municipal _purposes only, without furnishing incandescent light for commercial purposes in opposition to the gas lighting of the company. 6 town was granted permission to raise the money for the purchase of the plant, and were also given the right to introduce incaudesvent light- ing for eee purposes by a vote of 15 tol May FY Hay and Mr. F. R. Blewett "asked after the town's in- terests before the Private Bills Com- mittee, and Mr. J. C. Hay, president of the Gas and Electric Light Co., and Mr. J. P, Mabee opposed the bill The bill passed its second reading in the House on Friday. ELMA. Mr; Robert Farrel! bad a very ste- ceseful baru raising on Wednesday the 14th. Mr. Helmka of Listowel is the contractor. Mr. Albert Mutt rnised a fine frame for a barn on Thursday the 15th, and when completed will bea handsome building. We are glad to see Mr Samuel Wherry around again, after s0 many months of illness. Vm. Little, of 10th con., is at present very pocrly.. He has reached a good old age and was always a hard- working man, coming to this country and rhaking a home in the forest, Elia Cheese Co. shipped 105 boxes of chgese last week to Ballantyne and Sons, The price was 11! cents. GLENALLEN. One day last week a '33-year-old son of Geo. Ernest, near the Glen, had the misfortune to have his right hand terribly mangled by being cangbt in the gearing of the power gill, Dr. McNaughton was called in and dressed the wounded hand, which has only the amall tinger left cutire. The thnmb and index finger ond the great- er part of the other fingers are gone entirely. At present be is doing as 1 ag can be expected, On Wednesday of last week Mr. Osoar Lowes, of 14th cov., Peel, and Mise Katie Schaefer, of Glenallen, were united inthe bonds of matri- mony by Rev. Mr. Mooney, of Alma. After the nuptial ceremonies bey Loui formed a pisces fie time was spen MOLESWORTH. A nunmber from here attended a meeting of Maitland Preaigiey i) ingham on Tuesday. The well drillers are at Sam. eng | ster's this w Preparing the root ground is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKee, and Mr. and Mrs. John MoKee of Fordwich, and Mr.and Mre.Wm. McKee of Gorrie, tn at Molesworth on Sunday after- John aie is busy setting baggy tires this week e Magee o-has been visiting at Moteeworth 'el Trowbridee returned to her home on Monda John and Mre. Doig of Fordwioh visited at Molesworth on Sun Mra, August Trim died - oy 'home at an advanced id been ' ples ten of Wailace for many years. on Monday, wr 2, Deceased ha' BANK OF HAMILTON Carrrat Auronmen - § 7,500,000.00 Carita Par Ur- - § 2,000,000.00 | Fairview cemetery, Listowel. Bev. Resznve Fuxn - - $ 1,600,000,00| 8- Hardie of Knox Ohurch conducted Toran Assers - - - $21,000,000,00 | "He services The O. P. BR. prop report -- a bountital harvest in the The hody of Miss nie aa a clerk in the pos toffice, ound in the river at Obathan. "ube hed been mits- ing eince Sunday, ESTABLISHED IN LISTOWEL OVER 30 YKARS, HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON, DIRECTORS :7-- 70m Yt red VeRESIDERT Mr. bege Hare of Petrolea was kill- £6, ree SAY, Vica Pxusipawr. ed b: explosion of nitro-glycerine JOHN P EORGE ROACH y a P = A. T. WOOD. wit GInSOm 7 F.| in ao old box that he wae preparing to use as a Water tro The Sesforth Milling Company's a loss J. TURNBULL, Gen. Mgr. . H. 8, SEEVEN Aast, Gen Mgr. HM. W WAT: 308, spector, |* re was burned, causing anaes ora At Gorrie. Ningara Valle The ---- between the G.T. RB, emnevilie, Hamilto and ©. P. R, and their trackmen have Blyth, Won Orangeville been adjusted satisfactorily, the com- Brantford East End Palmerston i i increase, Chesley Hagersville pt Eine panies agreeing to graut an increase, t Bunda listews) fincas R. H. Stoddard, the well-known Dunville Midiand. southampton | American poet and reviewer, is came ee, eins i --_, Uncle Absalom Ashby was much gives Brandon Miami Rola to retailing old and hackneyed jokes. An Carman 'Minn edous Btor ewall uaintagce of his, thinking to oure him Gladstone Morden Winkler of the practice, one day gave him a Eanmiote Eins Conlre Winnipeg | of "Joe Miller's Jest Book," with the re- ie a ent Cw NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. hag that he "might find something new Indisn Head Moose Jaw Saskatoon i BRITISH COLUMBIA. pl Aggie Fg 00 he, next time h asked him, "Well, uncle, what "oclas 'ancouver Savin ak; Depoaita of $ ot 91 and and u oprasde - do you thi think a that book I gave you nmeeived é 0 pri ieee In Gy and Forsmber « enc aad | "J don't > Aa who that 'ere Joe Mil- c " pr a enone : atcurrent j ler ee aig ge A tay rag re gal od ity ty eeaitomay be withdrawn but 0 know hes @ * (] yor delay. a - get hoki af & lot of say bans stakes and t i al ti e Culted | payab jo at all points in Canada / printed 'em, co! him! Drafts on Great Britain and the Continent of Europe bought and sold. bought. Husband--You're not economies!. Wife Farmers notes discounted. | --Well, if you don't call a woman _eco- Agents in United States. ! Hagen gee novey uctiae t ee to saat team oel Bann seetres | now what" you think onomy ia : Marine Bank of Buffalo, Detroit; De. | Philadelphia "Inquirer. trot National Bank. Chicago: First National Agenta ip Great Britain. =-- ---- -- BIRTHS. National Provincial Bank of ae Limited. Travellers are notlfied that Bank of Hamilton and its Branches isaue Gircuine Notes ofthe National Provincial Bank of England, page which can be cashed withont change r trouble in any part of the world. B, FORSAYETH, Agent, Listowel, daughter. D B ia Stowe'. | Hankus.--In Wallace, on - 10th inat., f open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. tho wife of J. He rkus 0 a 80 batremes.--I[n Grey, on Monday, May 4 i the wife of Mr. Jesse Batemenof a daughter. McCorcugox,--In Wallace, on May 10, i ohn McCutcheon, of a MARRIAGES. Ritenre --GramM.--At the residence of Miss Climie bas tendered her re- the bride's parents, Cranbrook, on May signation to the trustees of the "Little 6, by Rev, D. B College," east of our ee hardw Bis Mr. Hartry of the school west of i argaret, dau iter Molesworth, aleo intends leaving at4 ies, 'V. Gramie, at Coanbenon, vacation. DEATHS. WertLivrEn. - - Listowel, on Saturday TROWBRIDGE. agg May 1903, Elizabeth, relict of the late Chane Wettlaufer, in her Mrs, W. Kellington and Miss Mabel sightieth yea Adams spent a few days last week | Marursoxs--In Eima, on May 18th, Isa- ae in in Palmerston. bella, = of Mr. Wm Matheson, ag Mies Magee of Fordwich was the| 7 guest a Mrs. Philips for a few days. 7 iss Emma Cosens arrived bome wife from Durham last week, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. oCrae, and little daughter Stella. Mies Lottie Code and Mixs Florence Philips spent a few days vi-iting friends at Gorrie and Fordwich, Mr, . Medd nas erected ae 'Wallace, on May 18th, i of Mr. August Timm, in her May 19th, Jessig, be- James Oakley, aged 43 Waxuas --In Elma, loved wife ot -- . verandub, which adds much to the ap- | NOTICE. pearance of his house. | aaa The annual entertainpent of the! The -- -- Revision Epworth League wili be held on Mon- i Going Out of Town MOVING TO PETERBOROUGH T. RB. D.. Wil, Vive HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches. in' , Quebec, Mani-| _toba, Ne erritories, and crt tte oacns| | CURING Limited, 73 nowt St, London: with whom ; 'or cable te any A cad ae . and maint Aiea Seashasinas cetes GREATER $20, 10e ; $20 to $30, 190. R. ARKELL, Manager. LISTOWEL MAKKETS, NEXT SIX WEEKS "700" J Has to be wonderfully reduced, so as to save freight in ae, therefore I BOOTS and SHOES. Profits are no where, the Stock must go. BIG SNAP FOR PURCHASER Money saved is just the same as money earned, consequently you are earning Shoes is well selected and up-to-date. ing cheap goods NOW you will never have another intend to offer 7 BARGAINS THAN EVER IN This means a rchase Foot-wear in my store. My stock af Boots and If you miss this chance of purchas- RTUNITY LIKE IT. May 21, 1903 Wheat, per bushel " Gia Barley, 0 4 Fr) 2 . ao 70 Hay per ton 700 ran 18 money when you pu horts, . 20 00 Flour, per 1001ba, + 18 1% Oatmeal, - 283 250 ea) - 250 250 Batter per 6 «#17 Eggs, per dor 12.3 Po per % wl eyace Rer 500 5 00 Wool per B isis , Wood, long, 600 7 Wood short 2 00 2 oo 65 76 Live Hogs 5-75 6 00 Lambe, + 200 300 Bee? * 600 7 00 Executory Notice to Credi- tors Of WaiLra M WILEO®, late of he gm, of in the County o! Deceased. Sia taba, Sere Peat it stata! a thal' babel = that all creditors and others the said Eeuate of the said pr the Townhip of Elma, in reer on or anent the 4th day of required on or before the 20th day ct June 1905, to 'deliver to Morp! hy & Carthew istowel id deceased, cs, drennes, ent in wri: and eeseription, with f a8 said It is useless to make quotations, - - CALL AND SEE SAVE MONEY UPON every PURCHASE YOU MAKE HERE. Store open every night until stock is closed out. For yourself that you can f their ; operant wan: 'eld by eben redbart irs vl a) doy ry ry sald Broce" hav y to tho claims of which they may then have ~ notice, and that they will not liable in respect of the estate so diatributed to any person of { Those clali they may not then have received aan epated at Listowel this 18th day of Afay A.D, | @ @ JOHN EOWLanp W LSON ROBERT LOWRY, : y Exeocutors. By MORPEY . & CARTHEW, their Solicitors, Brick House For Sale. P. S.== = within 15 SOUTH Two Walle brick oa and lot, on west _ of Wa THE BANKRUPT BOOT AND SHOE MAN. All"accounts due me must be settled either by Cash or Note DOUGLAS, days from this date SIDE MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. pyre ble pro: ate For x particulars apply to. to EWETY & BRAY ZILLIAX & SARVIS HEADQUARTERS FOR SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS., Of it sament OF WALLACE for the vn 1903 will be The family of Mr. James Oakley, ' ' ' held in the Township Hall, Gowanstown, on who moved to Mr. Henry Moore's! farm in the 2nd concession of Elma a | Saturday the 6th day of June, couple of month ago, have met a severe | affiiction by the death of Mra, Oakley, ; cemmencing at which sad event took place on Monday | fhe Assessment Roll ; 4 evening of this week. Her death is Clerk's office within the time limit attributed to tuberculosis, which went | a, whens Hone me: ee A Ia payer, ROBERTS, Clerk. to her brain, A family of five small | Shipley, May ich! "1903. GREAT WINDING-UP SALE. OF DRY GOODS -AND CLOTHING. As we have decided to wind-up our business in Listowel, we are going to offer you the greatest bargains in the above lines. Goods away down. OUR AIM Is to get out of business in quick time and with the least possible expense, order to do this we are going to sell Goods at such prices as will make them go quick. We would call especial attentiog to our Dress Goods, which are all new and staple, and bound to go at our clearing out price. Our Stock is largely composed of STAPLES, and will soon o. Remember first servéd gets the best bargains, at the great winding-up sale at """® M. MCGILLIVRAY'S. Wallace Street. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs day evening, the 25th of May. the hour of ten o'clock. | JENKINS'. Tailoring & Furnishing Store Proves its leadership in every garment turned out. An ideal stock ot Worsteds, Tweeds, Trouserings and Over- coatings. Whatever the season calls for, or good taste demands, the goods are here. FURNISHINGS. They are all here. Umbrellas, Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, Hose and Underwear, you will prize. We furnish a complete outfit in Men's Furnishings, and it's just as impossible to beat our prices as it is to beat_our goods. Next week all 75c. and 85c. Straw Hats for 60c. Will. Jenkins, Tailor and-Haberdasher, next to Post' Office. Stoves Ranges Hollowware Valves Granite Goods Fittings Milk Cans Churnts Creamers WIT | | ANAL We have justreceived the finest lot of Screen Deors and Windows in the market. Call and Inspect. "ZILLIAX & £/1N)E. Gas and Steam Fitting, Plumbing, etc. Phone qo. ; Repairing promptly attended to. J. M. SCHINBEIN Listowel's Greatest Store. 4 Main St. SPECIAL CLEARING. |. Regular 25c. fine printed Fou- 'lard, special for Saturday and | while they last for 12 1-2 cents. MEN'S GOODS. _2 dozen Men's Linen Coats all sizes, regular price $1.25, Satur- day at 59c Sc. will buy a Lady's nice Sum- mer Vest. MEN'S,BOYS' BALBRIGGAN | | UNDERWEAR Special lines in Lady's Balbrig- |. ! gan Vests and Drawers for 35c. Silk reduced to 25 cents. From 25c. upwards. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. MUSLIN SALE. Our range of Negligee Shirts We are showing now a beauti- this season are the best value we ful range of all kinds of new | ever sold for the money. Muslins at about half the usual : price. . | HATS. On Saturday we will give a HOSE. special 25c. discount oft on Job lot of hose, some splendid all kinds of Hats, so that every- value in the lot, all sizes for 5c.' body can have a new Hat for the Lady' s and Children's sizes only. 25th of May. Special Value in Carpets, Oil Cloth 4 yds wide, Linol- eurn, Rugs, Lace Curtains. We give you the best value for | your money. J. M. SHINBEIN. J. R. GRANT & CO'S. GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK SALE Is the winning number, as it draws a prize ever because we bought them at one-half their value, so that During the past week our the above goods left yet, and they must go also. any old price. ANT bought at this sale is cheaper and better value by long odds than can be got elsewhere, andthe reason wh many who have availed theinselves of this Great Sale can testify to its genuineness. REMNANT SALE Has beer such a success that we have cleared out thousands of yards and hundreds of lines. See to it that you secure some of these snaps. ALANCH OF © wes supply hae SB Este MIiLLINIRy to be cleared out at y time. No blanks, no disappointments. Every ag we can afford to let them go at Slaughtered Prices. No he humbug, no deception. We have some of BUTTE BR AND -. JOHN R. GRANT & CO. DEALERS IN BANKRUPT STOCKS.

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