a . - e - x A SNAP BICYCLES. | T have a few 1902 Model Bicycles > & that I am-selling from $10 TO $15 Below the List Price. If you wanta Bicycle your chance isopen for a i 1903 Models For $30 and J. A. HACKING): Chemist and Druggist. R. And Canadian Express. Agent G, T. ListowelStandard MAY 29, 1908. FRIDAY, THE STATE TRIAL ENDED. Masterly Address of Counsel for Prosecution. Mr. Johnston Makes a Strong Plea for tho Defence-- The Commis- sioners to Report their Finding Early in June. Toronto, May 21.--Ina cemeiers ad. dress that ope nearly five hours on. lake to-day vidal the evidence taker by the Royal Commis- sion appointed to enquire i grave charges of corruption Robert Roswell Gamey from in the House as member for Manitou- lin againet the Government of On- tario, and Proviucial Secretary Strat- fon in particular, Mr. Blake's ad- dress was delivered iv a most delib- erate jodicial tone, the mass of testi- mony was robbed of all but the essen- tials, and conflicting cvidence was exposed. It was not the speech of counsel to a jury ; it was rather an ef- fort to sort out the main points and tu recall them to the trained legal minds of the eminent judges, Chanoel- lor Boyd and Chief Justice Falcon. bridge. There was vo attempt at elo- quence as that ie generally under- stood ; there was uo play to more deliberate than the main body of the speech, and seemed to carry the more weight simply because it lacked ostentatious display. Perbaps the fea- tnres of this greut address were his comments on the evidence of Mr. Hammond, the Globes reporter ; bis arraignment of Frauk perjurer, s scoundrel! and a hold hard- ened einper, aud his peroration iu which he prayed tbat God might guide the Cowmisrrioners in sending forth an utterance that ehould dispel the cloud of corruption hanging over the Proyiuce. He «& mond'a strcogth of character would not permit Lim toalter the Gamey interview at the minister's dic- tation, and that prevented him from carrying ont the request of Stratton to forget some of the things coucern- ing the events of the day in January when Gamey seys be got the second instalment of the bribe, "Was this the minister's first lesson in forgery ? Was thie bie first lesson iv po asked Mr. Biake, adding that a man who would do such thiuge wonld be quite prepared to commit forgery aud perjury bimself. Fass eaaees was characterized as man 48 of the truth--a mon * lled vith deceit, whoae demeauor iv the box confirmed his own confession that bo was liar, aud whose story was so absurd as to warrant ne credevee. Mr. Blake ra showed that the evidence nes member for Mavitoalin had manufac- tured the story, he had gone abont it in the most difficult way. All the cir- eumstances pointed to the truth of his story TWO IMPORTANT POINTS. Mr. Blake brought out two puints of very great importance, Uue in regard to the Sullivan to Gumey telegram of January 27Gb. eud the ether relating to the X. i. Z. letter. He showed that ee both Stratton and Sullivan denied that the Minster had any knowledge of that telegram, Gamey to come to Toronto, next day, January 28th, Mr. Stratton told Mr. Hammond thut Gamey would bein Toronto on the following day. Mr. i had had egram, a knowledge of that, 'The X.Y. Z. letter of February 10th, the existence of which Mr. Stratton ere WAH u 1 that he might 'reaign. F aibough the Jetter was an nt one, no other avswer was This wasa direct proof of col- mn between Sullivan and Stratton. fing. the letter of September : booming, ister fe Found 1 ite 2A to the ang Hoyo Ms get evidence of Frank Sullivan and of Mr. Stratton. . In scathing periods he vent- ed his indignation on the Micister who could so far forget his bonor and hia responsibilities, and so far outrage all ecency a8 to urge a witness to **for- get some of the things," and oc could ask the same witness to make i ina signed interview after 'the inter- viewed man's as turned. A Minister of the Crows giving 'leesone. to a young manin porjury and forg- ery! Such a man would not stop at committing perjury and forgery him- eelf. hat credence could be pl in his etory, or in the story of his who also may have been The evidence alro en Frank Snilivan, said the counsel, asa mao utterly reckleee of trath, filled with de- ceit, a hardened sinner, while the shamelessnese of his manver = -- box had been an outrage on dec The general condition of sakice at he buildings was touched upon, a6 ion by Sullivan's unblushing state- ment that anyone in the buildings with eyes and ears open could pick up hints that could be tnrued into money. Ganiey's position as a detective was justified, and the address closed with an eloquent peroration in respect of the duties and responsibilities of a Minister of the Crown, as shown by bis a of office. lake was atall times convine- ing, pie the case as presented by him was complete. MR. JOHNSTON'S PLEA FOR THE DEFENCE Toronto, Muy 22,--Mr. E. F. B, Johnston, counsel for the Government, to-day delivered an vlaborate srgu- ment before the Royal Commigsion. He commenced his address promptly on the opening of court, and at the adjournment this afternoon he av- nounzed that he would still require another hour in which to present the balance of his comments on the eyvi- dence. The court wiil sit again to- morrow, and whev Mr. Johnston is through, pn. S. H. Blake will reply for the prosecution, Mr. Johnston's argument had evidently been ver, carefully prepared. It aimed at shak- ing the credibility of the accuser, and the lawyer attempted to prove that his 'story of being bribed had been delib- erately manufactured. He contended that before, during and after the elec- tion Gamey had intimated that he pro- posed to consider the interests of hie constituents above all things, that he would support whichever Government wae in power, because by that means only could he get favor for bis rid- ing. Stratton, it was claimed, had nothing to do with the protest against Gamey"s election, and did nothing more than receive Gamey's voluntary offer to support the Government. It wae argued that the few appointments made on Gamey's recommendation were good appointments, and it was shown that several recommendations made by Gamey had been turned own. Even Gamey's request for rosd grants was replied to by Mr, ford with the suggestion that be out down the total, This was, the lawyer contended, bot one of the many on- proven charges of corruption brought againsta rightvous Government dar ing 30 years of pow At the outset Mr. Wabneen remark- ed that it was important that a Min- ister of the Crown should be absolute- ly clean in bis conduct of hia depart- ment. Fither agross libel bad beeu cast npou the fair fame of Ontario by the member for Manitonlin or else members of the Government should be in the penitentiary. Whether Mr. Gawmey or Mr. Stratton was the one to suffer, it was the part of every true citizen to desire that punishment should come to the proper quarter. Mr. Johnston referred to the ad- dress of Hen. 8 H. Binke as a strong partisan speech, intended to form the text of a great political purty --a speech more akin to a political €xtremist than in accordance with the high duty which his learned friend had aseumed--a speech beginning with imprecation, coutinued through « torrent of abuse, aud ending in prayer, Assassins, cor: raptors of morals, fiare, perjurers, sub- oruers or perjury, forger teacber of forgery, such were the worda of Mr, Blake, aud he (Mr. Jchoston) at- terly repudiated the application of such terms to men in bigh places un- less the remarks were warranted by the evidence, a THE TRIAL ENDED. Yoroutv, May 23.--Alter twenty- seven days of tuking of evidence and three days devoted to argument by conusel, the silting of the Royal Com- mission was brought lo a close this afternoon, sbortly after 2 o'clock. Jobuston, resuming his address, con- tinued for two Lours apd a balf, avd was followed by Mr, Blake, who .for more than au hour directed the « ae tion of their Lordsbips to various portions of the voluminous evidence takeu dariug the Commissivn to em- phasize the argumeuts of the prose- eution or minimize the theories and aeserbions of the defeuce. hen Chief Justice Fualoovbridge said that in briugiug the sitting of the Commission tuo a close, he would announce that the foding would ap- pear in the form of areport. "This report," he said, "we hope to lay be- fore the chief executive of this pro- vince during the present session of the House, hardly fect the present month, but early next mont "My brother and myself have had but little opportunity to confer on this controversy during tbe sittings of the Commission, and some days wil) be needed for this purpose, but our earn- eat desire and efforts have been from the mer to cual a fall, fair and onbam mech a one as will be vaailatactery '3 every thonght- ful and honest A fair inquest bas been kept in view as "7 the ob- ject to by attained, althuugh wo ma nut have 'gone far into 2. inviting fields of ethics open to us, "The final words ased by a great judge at the close of y gine ingairy may bo fittingly applied to 'Con scious that throughout thie * ore in- quest we have sought only the truth, papal we ehall be guided to fin it, and set it forth plainly iu the ah terse, used to express thig th and as- piration, and, thné Faas ng " hope i make complete discharge of our uty." fhe} me Th Troe 'ouvers wee We Gave and Received. | Adgold_ on cyaldable Be tend in "the richest airs fielda- of Canada,- resulted in many sdvantagea is the! concesbionaires and the' reverse the. country. aa aon Sifton eu ting with some of the most abe franchises a change | incladed in the Orown domain and which.can only sent of Parliament. things handed over to Mr. gold and his associates were : 850 equare miles of territory. $10,000,000 earned in three years. 8,800 relocations in 1) 8,700 renewals lest That is a pretty pe thing to place in the market, particnlarly as the concessiooaries paid nothing tor Looking at Cavada's si { the account the outlook i promising. This is whet the people Lose of revenue. of business to Yukon wer- Lose om wholesale trade through- out Canad Shrinkage in securities, Values of mining claims reduced. Miners deserting territory. Confidence in Yukon gone. Sie Wilfrid Laurier. Sir William Mulock, Hon, UC, E. Fitzpatrick and Hon, A. G. Blair declare this to be a desirable ary And the Lib- oil party sa aid aye! aye! in chorus. That is how the treasury is guarded. June Canadian Magazine. The ceaseless hnot after good read. ing matter isa problem for both edi- tors aud readers. The editor of the Canadian Magazine bas secured a very fair collection of it for his Jane num- er. The short stories are all Canadian writers, andjnot lese bright for that renson, The illustrations, some of which are in color, show great care in their production and indicate acontinual improvement in the work ef Canadian illustrators. Frank Car- rel opens the aumber with an illue- trated acconst of the capture of a moose alive bya party of Quebec sportsmen, The Romance of the a Now Westminster, the site which was selected by the Deities Government, and the name of which was given by Queen Victoria, is wel Cc & i=] = told by George H. Morden. 'This is profasely --illnstrated. Jobo G. O'Donoghue replies to Professor Shortt concerning the necessity for incorporating the trades unions and making them legally responsible for their acts. John A. Ewan writes most happily and clearly of the pro- of 'Current Events Abroad," while the other regular departments are en 2 filled a a .2 How to Get up an Appetite. Diataste} for = sry follows Grippe, and fevers, at sociated with a general -- of the 'sealack. real zea' r food, and give stomach tw digest and <4 no remedy can "equal Ferrozone, od startling discover the disonse and by Tt weicon, the root of emoving the canse, anently, Ferr ? digest anything. cine dealers sell Cae GOWANS' TOWN. Mr. Wesley Brothers will sell bis farm stock and implements ou Tnes- ey. He has rented his farm and has taken a position with hig brother Charles, and will reside in Stratford, Mr. Thos. Greer ie seriously ill and is confined to his bed. Mrs, Chas, Greer, who has been visitiug in the vicinity of Stratford for the past month, retarned bome Jast week. Mr. George Orth has enlarged and improved his a which adds greatly to ita appeara Mr. Cornelius, "Walter bas his old barn torn down and ts busy building a large one to take its place Owing to the continued dry weather, the crops are io a backwe ~-- conditiou, und will, if we do not soon havea change, be short, with the exception of fall wheat, which has a good appear. anoc, ELMA. Councit, --'fhe municipal Council of Elimu wet in the hall, Atwood, on May 11th, members all preseut. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Mov- ed by Mr, Curry aud Mr, Cvatea, that this Conncil is in favor of the bill brought before the Legislature Jaat year, aud which is intended to be brought up agai this year Mr. Pettypiece, M P. P., re railroad taxa tion, and that the Clerk be suthorized to forward acopy of this resulotion to the proper parties--Carried. Mov- ed by Mr, Boyle and Mr. Bell, that the report of the Engineer for the re- pair of the Ellice Maitland drain perv. ed upuv Elma by the township of Lo- gan be adopted and the Clerk be auth- orized to huve a by-law prepared for saue--Carried. Moved by Mr. Boyle aud Mr. Coates, that By-law No. 457, changing lot 14, 300. 13, from 8, 8. and annexing it to B. 8. No. 8, as now read be finally paesed-- Carried, Moved by Mr. Ourry and Mr. Coates, that Jas, Graham be awarded the con- tract of putting the gravel on gravel road at centa per yard, and O. Broughton be awarded the oversee- ing and --_--s the same at $1.40 per day--Car ove Mr, Bel and Mr. Bayle, 'that.0. A. Bronghton be paid $75, part contract cleaning out Logan Maitland drain--Oarried. Muved by Mr. Boyle and Mr. Coates, that the amended petitions re altering U. S= scotions Noa, 6 7, Logan and Elma, avd the formation of a few. echool section in Elma, be received and by-law passed eppointiog arbitrator --Carried. Moved by Bell and Carrie, that By-law No, 458 appointing au arbritrator for change of schoo finally Pp dad. Moved wt. Mr. Coates and Mr, Boyle, that ra be -- for payment of the 'oliswing cconnta :, The G. T. R. Co, $1, rent- al fe for Pasig through culverts, lot 16 and 17, con: 8; A. aolehanq iy parni repairing two culverts con, - ca nnan $2.65, filling wash-ou line oe #1 L repairing culvert ai repairing hauling ele cov. 14 5 J-, Smith 50 cents, repai sg culvert con. 145 -W. 5, Alexander 0 cents, t repair- ade: oon, ten oie 'gravelling oon. wk gravel ; holes sideroad con. 17 ; 8. Boyle $6, expenses to Logan, Ellice and Mitchell | --Osrried, Oouneil adjourned to meet on June 4th to hold Court of Revision oD assessment roll, and for general businees, Funiantoy, lerk. 'A Tornado in Nebraska, Threo Towne Said to Have Been Le- vastated and Many Lives Lost. Minden, Neb., "May 25,--A torbado that passed near Norman, and later struck Pauline, and the intervening country early to-day, caused heavy damage, and many fives are reported lost. At11 o'clock it is belived that the death, list will nomber 21, while many others are kugwo to have beep injured. MANY BUILDINGS DEMOLISHED, Lincoln, Neb., May 256.--4 tornado demolished fifteen baildivgs, killed three persons and injured a dozen others near Norman to-day. From yNorman the storm went east to Pad. tine, and then to Fairfield, where it lost ite force. Fairfield, which had about 35 houses, is reported wrecked, aud it is said that three pergona were killed there, and othere injured. Miesouri Pacific 8. R. has sent a re- lief train to the scune. Reports say many farm houses were wrecked io Ulark, Adams and Kearney counties, aud eight persops are reported killed in the district around Fairficld. De- tuils ore weagre, as wires are dowa in all directions. : Tendency of Catarrh is tc Spread. Just a slight matter at frat, and because slight, neglected ; but the seed sown brings forth Tingereus harvest, Const which is the harvest of death. apend a few moments cach day inhaling trhczone, an aromatic antiseptic cane relieves at once, clears the nasal passage r es lost seusy of taste and ancl, The immediate effect of Catarrhozone is mayi- cal, 80 prompt and efficient, Cure tain and pern. anentif y fou use Caturrhozone, Price $1. Simall size 25e., at Drngyiats or N.C. Polson & Co. Kingston, Ont The Grand Trunk Railway ace mak- ing arrangements tu havea Sree lib- rary on their trains, that 500 Peal of rheu- A German doctor says patients have been matiem by the ating of b Mr. Jobo MacLaren of died at Kamloops, B. C., of an accident, hi Brockville as the resolt his horse falling upon The will of the late . R. Shaw. Wood of Londap -@ fan estate of 4,000 e ¥proparty™ ts ohildren and grandchildren. Mrs, Beckett, 140 Toropto, aud Mise Li ood street, tune accident on the bay on Friday Seaton street, ais F. Beck, Seuator James Mo- Mullen and Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. M. P. P., and Dr. 8. M. Henry of Harriston laid corner stones of the sew Metho- dist church at Harriston. Percy Mallard, of Woodstock; 12 years of age, was playing Saturday afternoon in the G. T. R. yards there when was stinck by « moving freight traiu and lid js right foot taken off above the aukle. Pain in the Back. kes hfe mis Can it be cured! Ye Nerviline gives . -tomple a * sauiek oat to 'pain in the back, hecause it is stronger, more penetrat- ing, more highly pain. subduing than ap: by other remedy extant, One drop of Nervi line has more power over pun than five sble Rees! ey shit drops of any other remedy, aod x in pure strength you want when you've gol & pain Your money back if it is not! so. Drug: gists ------------- A Mother's Responsibility. Every mother is responsible to extent for the health of her little aa and the patent mother will always keep at hand the means for protecting the health of ber children, For this purpose there is abso! utely ho medicine can com- with Baby's Own Tablets. Theso 'ablets speedily relieve and promptly cure = oerage: and bowel | onney rantee blets ar them Mra John "] have a children on "haes used Own ee and know that they are the best medi I have ever for my little ones." You can get Beby's Own Tableta from any druggist, or of = ho sent by mail, ener lik boa o the Dr. ama' Medicine Brockville, Ont, x pey a A Fortune-Teller's Clients. A fortune-teller who who has just retired --_ business says that the majority _ r clients. were prtlaos to ! years unmarried wi fie tig ag was tho dn eonsalted: ber, 9 she was Ptgpencens se tented, unha es thet or consolation widows)" got ho 1 oN "* the oldest or iplainest of them, mf > make them @i finely hopeful I had to ¥ mieate snothet him, and said she would ig ' hich, . letred to his: wife being rid of come how. when 'her tiiabed bed gone te so ] with mie to take f much depth. e muc . | He ain't 7 COR. aleart x --rather va ly, of course. He i" already with this or that of (offering a a glass of water) Boy ( this, er, - Caller--Cer: ertainly, but why do you ee Bt Bloc cia mother' says |" gaat 7 ou drink like a fish, and I wanted to ses How it looks--The Wrinkle. --.-- 'mafraid your friend is not a man " said Colonel Stilwell ant oe "My uncle died yesterday, sir, and } want you to officiate an you say, meting nice about him ?" "But I didn't know him." ~ "Good! You're just the man."-- e. "Well, my dear," said the economi- eal young husband, joyously, "I tmve cut off another item of expense. We can lay by 30 cents more each day." ou dear, good boy How vhave lone it?' hy, Lae of acing to lunch T Just walk up and fons he thronged Street for half an "Well?" you anf | "Well, by that time the street sweep- ers have filed me so full of pond that a glass t id gd is a rooklyn Ea 7 me "Ha, ha!" laughed the first street railway magnate, who was going through his mail. "Here's a funny letter." "What is gl ---- the second street railway m Mics the usual ak of complaints ut the service," ex iegrig" the first a Mi but it is signed 'A Patron of wenty Years' Standing. "--Judge. eee AE iy Three-year-old Jack had pulled a large bunch of nasturtiums in his [tgrandmother's yard, a taal strictly forbidden to touch the flow court-martial 7. "bel, with grandma as judge a "Jac k," he, said, whe 'ontiad grand- ma's flow With a --- countenance the beautl- Bul little pore replied: "Kathleen" s elder sist hen the qrancttaifier, a rather sterm old ne and a great stickler for truth, spoke up: "Jack, be a man, ond say 'T did it' " th a beaming expression of relie hg pried out, "Oh, yes, grandpa did ---- Johnny ged eight)--When I was two years old and my big brother was six, was he three dines as old as Teacher-- Johnny--And "when T was four and r was cight, was he twice as old as Teacher--Certainly Johnny--And now hee eight and he's twelve. is i! only once and a half as old as la he es Why Johnny--Wel!, how long will it take me to catch up to him? --New York Percy--Miss Sweetly, do you ania you onuid. Xe happy, wits au man Iike is Sw Well, perhaps--it he wasn * too vont Tike you '--(Comic Cute.) We have not advanced tne price of our tohaccos. Amter smoking tobacco, Bubs, Currency, and Fair lay cued an tohaccos are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly ave also extended the time for the es ot Snowshoe tags, to senuery Int, HE pathy uate 0 Co., BONE FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The Limited, growing child must the nght food for grow 38 must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoses every day give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft g food caused the trouble. Right food will cureit. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proveh to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BQWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. soc. and $1.00; all druggists. Executors Notice to Creditors Of JOHN MoCAULEY. of the Township of Elma in the County of Perth, . de Notice is hereby given pursuant lo the statutos 'SLAUGHTER SHOE : SALE GRAY, BERNIE AND CO's. FOR NEXT To be COMMENOING: SATURDAY [AY 23rd. We will ell BOOTS and SHOES at ridiculously Low Prices. 1000 Pairs Shoes In this lot you will find new up-to-date goods, this season's make and shape, ALL AT SLAUGHTER PRICES. The goods will be placed on TABLES IN THE CENTRE OF OUR STORE. TEN DAYS Slaughtered. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. 25C. You know what a Shoe Sale means at the LIVE CASH STORE: SAELOMS FROM pair up. GRAY,BERNIE&CO. LISTOWEL AND OWEN SOUND. = THE --~ New Grocery Store JUST ARRIVED a NEW TEA 2 Ludella Ceylon, Salada, also Green Ceylon. Tea, first May Leaf 25c. RECEIVING 2 FRESH GROCERIES EVERY DAY. Alsohave MILVERTON AND LISTOWEL FLOUR. Highest prices paid for all Farm Produce. NICHOLAS KROTZ, Phone No. 64 per pound. Next door to Thompace: s old Stand, dts St. Blue Ribbon and Try our Japan Picking Natural CLOSE Have you OUR UNDERTAKING DEPT. Is up-to-date in every particular. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to at cottage East of Public School. A. Main Street, Listowel. \investment or a bad one ; iis about as easy to make a mis- 'take as itis to make a_pur- | chase. We believe in calling | This time we have a special an- | offering a Handsome COUCH for $7.75. What we have to say about them can be said in a sentence : In make, material and cost they defy comparison. Furniture is either a good it a spade a spade every time. i nouncement to make, and you 'won't go astry if you give it special attention. We are seen them. Charges moderate. BROADFOOT. ie cass pesral that all creditors and ratate of thp said deceaned, who died at at ene in 1 the said rennt of a oo or avout finigs tat day of May before the Ist 'iny of "june, to" de Tiver to Morphy & Carthew at Tstowel P. O., the Solicitors for the undersigned, bnew : : the soourit cd any) beld by ther. end Nhat that umber viden: er the sal io t ror Te aes te wee ta Dar ecutors © ma: prucoed to distribute. ti the estate fon he ready os sald if +. baving regard only to the nearly Ss me of whic ey mn v at y thes will not-be liable in Sct of the esta ted to any person of rhe claim not then bave received noti Dated A Listowel this Sth day of May, 1903. so distr sr y ma ay ee § L, MCCAULBY JOHN ee E ies & CARTHEW, Golicitors. JERSEY BULL FOR | Chas. SERVICE. "St. aon thoroughbred Jersey Bull, registered,.is for service at 'Hedge bower Farm," lot 15, ncession \ An lac, Terms, $1 for grades, $2 for register- cil re, N. VERNON. Russell Parker, an eleven-year-old boy of rgehey joked up ee electric vin oud wen ees 8S. Dearling, PAINTER AND. DECORATOR ' 4 PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. First-class work guaranteed, Charpes ; moderate. Orders lefp at Porter's but- < cher Shop will receive prompt attentiun. Shop over manele Sony. me im _ Sbreet.