Listowel Standard, 29 May 1903, p. 5

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- May 20 IF YOU WANT "FIRST-CLASS 'MEATS 'RIGHT os 'PRICES. ~ STEVENSON _THE CITY BUTCHER FRESH GROCERIES of all kinde always on band, 8. J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITONS &C. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Ni os Pablic and Commisnioners. J. M, Caninsw Money M. B. Mornrasy Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, dotarics Publicand Co Con nee feyan an, encltors Je Scott'. oe king "House and Ont. Perm. Blig & Loan Association arr TO 10 ey AT 412 PER CENT. Bray. b. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. : arriste>, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN at 44 PER CENT Toe, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, oe ranch officein Atwood every Wednesd, Mabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Solicitorstor The Merchants Dank. Money to Loan. BSTRATFOBD, ONT. J.P, Manag, KE. C. Cc. J. MAKIES. W. E. Dingman, 1. D., RADUATE of Queen's University; fatasbor of G Sollee oF. Phy: sicians and Surgeons, Ontario "nysice jan, cooucheur. ro Tealdence--Main Street east. _DR. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.8.; B.C. way. 8., ie versity, Toronto; Post G: aduate Haskel School of Bronihetic "Dent iatry, Chica, Office removed from old stan' to roo Spears'. 'Store. Entrave ce by same etairway Dr. Rutherford, Main St., Listowel. neva oes D.S, Trinity Uni- sover W an Thos, Fullarton, 4 ATWOOD ONT [83 ER of Marriage Licenses, Corsiniss sioner in ae Deeds, Mortgages, Leasos a: fall Convey: ancting done on reasomable terms Mon nev to lend. ' R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY. UNT. AGENT fer the London and 'Lan caabire Fire Imsarance Company. Alsv Moncy in any eams from #200 an dg apy wards bade fivaany wh} nteres' D easy terms. L. O. L. No. 370, Listowel Meets in Orange Hall first Friday in each month. Members are requested to ttend all mee and visiting brethren ordially in 4H. WILLDUG BBY, W., R. HAMILTON, WM. Rec.-Sec G. TLR "RL TIME CARD 'Trams leave Listowel station daily as under : STRATFORD a fy ALMERST' ON, For Stratford.-- Passe: - Passenger 2p. m.; Miaed, or i Da Pe aie $i 22a.m,; Mixed, 3 Tassen Heer Pp. ine SARD NE "AN » PAL MERTON: For Panmeraton.-- Parseng' er, @am., Mixed, 11,00 mj Passe ap. For K ineardine.-- =iized 9 a.m, ; Passenger, 12.0; Funengtrt 7. A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO, Artist Proofs, ANEW PHOTO. Call and see it. OUR MOTTO: "High Grade Work Only !" EEG, YY STRATFORD, ONT. Our Graduates readily secure good positions because our high grade training prepares them to ren- Business men want course now and be ready for a position in the fall. Write for handsome catal W, J. ELLIOTT, cipal. ( ' § We are Ready $ To Supply Your Needs..- SUITS, TROUSERS ) or OVERCOATS. ° i new and nobby Scotch Goods . Bee them before ordering ron ee ideal 20020264 ~~. gen St. nese RO Interesting Items. M. Grobaut, pro fespaeg ng the effect of elcohol of i arcigh when Ps in w are gaiety, sadness, aged Set Teintion which ends ROGERS, & Co. 4 dropped into water, -- and gave tablets will vitiated." While Professor ferro oe lately ex- pressed the belief that there = > - authenticated .nstence of any being ever excceding the height of 'ahs feet, an officer who took part in the Del- r declares that the Maharajah it eight feet ten inches high. he writes, "it sounds incredible, but I overgrown sli eo though rather on the broad _ March "Magazine of Art" bas an interesting account of Bertram Hiles, the armless artist, with several reproductions of his woke ee in color. Mr. Hiles, it seems, nourish: me an artist from his early childhood. At eight years of age, however, he was deprived of both his arms in a tramcar accident r- Bristol. But this did not cause him abandon his intention, and he decided te fulfil it by ledrning to --s with his mouth. xX years te of , the accident he had ene pond facili- ty in this extraordinary method of work that he could accomplish with -- most things that we do with our Marconi believes that at some future time--he will not fix a date for it-- wireless telegraphy will become "avail: e for domestic and office use, thus parfecntiing the functions now pups e pi the telephone. He has already ma riments which convince bim 'that it will be possible, with the aid of small models, or miniatures, of his sending ap- auratus, ns now erected on a gigantic scale at Poldhu and elsewhere, to trans- struments to pre waves, and to secure privacy for 'the mes- sages. ------_--_---- Poor Lo Snatched Baldheaded. David Sturr Jordan, pee ssident of the Leland Stanford, Jr, versity, who has recently discovered a chee of new varieties of fish in the streams of Ha- waii and the Philippines, is a great sportsman as well as a conscientious ich tbestogist. \s might be expected, he twes the most approved of modern rods and flies in fishing. some fishermen, even among profess P- Pr old: Prehioned methods," "and though the ancient sto catches fish with & bent pin fastened where full-rigged sports fro fail to get a bite borders on "the my thi- cal, ave actually witnessed instances of cceas with back-number outfits where eels appliances failed to land th "One ny in Uallfornia I had hae . Te markuble ck, and -that we sat around Lge -- fire I de hy sion to say that cess was due to the superior tie of. 'lies 1 had used uu inay flatter yourself on the atring you've bene in to-day,' said an "A fisherman who had joined our party, ut let me tell you, dewor, t oate er India' catch more fish in an = » Uhan you' ve landed flies. t did he use?' I asked. opp-rs,' replied the old man, 'but he didn't impale them. bis head he would stoically pluck a hair and with it bind the struggling insect to the hook. Almost upo i this bait struck the water leap for it. After landing him the In- dian would calmly repeat the perform- nee of snatching a halr from his head and afiixing a fresi: grasshopper to the book. ""T became fascinated,' continued the tor. 'After the Indian had landed in quick succession a mighty string of salmon trout jie suddenly stopp called to him to go on with the excitin sport, but he merely smiled grimly an pointed significantly to his hea "What was the matter with his head P I asked," said Dr. Jordan oe had plucked it bald, old ma Teplied the _---- Edison's Way of Working. Thomas A. bdison is said never to read a book, wutside of his technical rending, uniess it' is mentioned to him is wife or -ome friend. Then he ar down and reads until he hes fin nished Pngrosse "problems" and was ---- pacing up and down his l- rary. To divert his thoughts his wife came in and picked up the first be Prmshe saw. Gite to be "The Coun of Monte eve: read id story Tf said Mrs. Edison to her nus . He stopped and looked at tae title, Fil I never have. good?" Edison assured him that it wae, oan right. tf guess I'll read it now," and withm two minutes the "problem," whatever it' was, had been rag miner i bsorbed in Dumaae's great stor As he finished the book he neticed the hg of day peeping in, and on looking his went found it was five o'clock in the morning. No sooner had he Jaid down the book he unceasingly, without food or sleep, for thirty-six bo' A Bic ergy has discovered the n the United States. eanest ft is aid that he pumpe ed water on his head, let his hair freeze and then broke aff, rather than pay_a barber for cut- {t--Atlanta "Constitution." WI h POORLY *SHMENED LAWN MOWER It is worse than. money wasted. Save $2.° and Upwards By having your old mower sharpened. WHE GUARANTEE Tomake it CUT AS GOOD AS NBW. MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED In case of non satisfaction. MEN WHO MAKE MONEY BUY AND USE GILLIES & MARTINS GANG PLOW MORE THAN 20,000 in all in use. Deering Machinery In Wareroom opposite Town Hall, Mill St. GILLIES & MARTIN. Agents for now celebrated L eering Machinery. Call for handsome catalogue. BOOMING. ITS ALL RIGHT AND STUREN Ts Hay ene This ig The Way Business is With Us. Soar OWEL YA P ----= Hit "WHAT ARE THE REASONS ? at any Lime, "FIRST-- We believe it lies in the fact that we have no old SPRING TERM stock to pawn off at a price. begins i SECOND--We believe it is the high-class goods we handle, f the way we make them, the appearance of the garment MARCH 30th, 1903. we turn out and the distinguished cut that always pleases Two courses Commercial and Short- the man of taste. hand. SEND FOR JOURNAL TO , Now is the time to place your order for the 24th of May so A. L, McINTYRE | as to secure your turn. =, MACKENZIE BROS. Model Tailors, A. MacDonald's Store, Wallace Street. W ° BS conduct fully equi and Washington ; aqualifies us to prom ly dispatch work 'and au wickly secure Pater furnished. pateau Ligatlbed through Marfon & Mag- receive special notice without chi over 100 Bewspapers distributed throug. ont the Do pinion Speci: -Pater A us { M. ff turers and Engine uae aenise- MARION "& MARION Patent =eurss and Solicitors. Otfeee: rk Lite § { % Athentic ic Bldg, Woulcom D.C. WOOL having advanced several cents from last year's prices. Season is at hand and every person having WOOL TO DISPOSE OF Should begin to look around and see where they can make the most money out of their wool in cash or trade. = THE LISTOWEL WOOLLEN MILLS Executors' Notice to Credi- tors, of it cag VANSTONE the ELDER, late of doceaned | | | | --| | a Listowo!, in the County of forth, Notice is horeby given tp that bebalf that all o: "pursuant to the statutes iters aod oe path inst the estate of the sa' who died at Listowel in the sald tae cof Ferth Perth, | on orabont the 20th day of ge: So adine tek avenue, London . Ontario, one "ot claim they will pay the Executora of the Teeteetines wil toll pactiochers ct canter inte, Pp o weir c me cia eerste satire eae S righest rices,Cash ¢ or I rade. af tia sd tneneek, bar fe aint ephaas claims of which they may have ees res + And in exchange for goods they will allow a few cents they will not be Hable in re t of th we distributed to an; ma of whone One t Listowel thie 13th day of May, 1903 JAMES VASSTONE. @ | peecu | have bought out a large quantity of choice Yarns which JOREFin Ht VARSOn, {macnn I have made into T.weeds, Flannels and Ladies Skirtings, that enables me to offer these Goods at exceptionally low NOTICE. prices. READY-1T0-WEAR CLOTHING. We carry. a-large stock of Men's"and Boys' reddy-to- The Court of Revision of the TOWNSHIP Of the Assessm OF WALLACE for gf ear 1903 will be > Ball, Gowanstown, on 'DRESS BIG BARGAINS -- -- J. S. GEE'S.--~ GOODS = Big drives Special Roasted Coffee, Dried Peaches, Prunes, Fine black Venetian, regular goc., for 75c. yd. Fine Ladies' Cloth and Venetian, regular $1.25 yd., for $1. ALL OTHER LINES REDUCED. me in Black, Colored and White Muslins. range in window Furnishings and Drapings. Shoes, every pair less than regular price. Fine Boots and pssttomrnn Popular Blend of Roasted Coffee,regular goc. for joc. lb. round, while you wait ates, etc. J. -- Gry EB, 15c. Ib. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery: I w. of broken Sets. a margin. Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price. I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be soldjat Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. AR MSTROWNCG. give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Any quantity THE BEST TALHING MACHINE ! Sings, Comic, Sacred and Sentimental Songs. =e like a It talks full Band or Orchestra. You can understand Lage A bags it ded is the test entertainer ever made, It uses the Hard Fle Dise Rec which last for years, he parang ae is made in Canada, A five years written gua- tee with each machine. Write for sen 0 PRICES $16.00 TO $40.0 Sold on Easy Monthly Payments if desired. + MANUF, E. BERLINER, 2315-2319 St. Catherine St., MONTREAL. ~ EMANUEL BSLOUT, General Manager for Canada. J. H. GUNTHER, Agent, LISTOWEL. ENTIRELY NEW STOCk OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the wants ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and Contractors are prepared te contract for the ereation of siemens of buildings. lans apd specifi. cations d estimates taralehed. « on application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, f rnished on short notice. ie eto order. Kverything in the ac i line will be giv mpt attention and FIRST CLASS WORKMANSEP 304R- te., don Charges 'Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros. BUGGIES Por Ore xty ¥ " eS beld in the Townshi wear Clothing, which we offer at rock bottom prices and Mra. Winatow's Soormina SyRvur has been g Fr wiilnGeething Tf dintarbed at night ed broken | Saturday the 6th day of June, | some at cost. Top Buggies, ae suffering a ec wilt pals of Colne Tooth gent st ence and Fett | commencing at, the hour of tan, olslock. BLANEHTS AND SHDETING. Open Buggies, Childrew ag ae repucre te poor Ut° | Cieck's office within the time fimited by Now isthe time to put in your supply of Blankets Road Carts Feguintes ibe Stomach and Te ar ee Wine | awe where ae os UBER eck" and Sheeting. as we.are still selling them at the old prices: and Wagons" and trove nnd cocety nae whole. "aien: M Shipley, May 15th, 1903, I hope to have. the pleasure of seeing you this coming wool If you want anything in the vehicle line, eT e clcmat ee tee oy i naa 1. Wi you a happy and prosperous year. a IPAS net bags a fd Rene a large sorb at aseate da advise people | 3 "Post at ay cient il crn Sey tera ae B.F. BROOK. fatal 4 -~ J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 4 Listowel. A Good Time Piece 7% is a Faithful Servant. a watch ora clock we guarantee it to gp accurately, and guarantes it to keep a-going accurately. J. GABEL Executors' Notice to Credi - tors ot WiLLtaM WILSON, lato of the Township of. _ the County of Perth, Farmer, ~ Deanienk. t all creditors Baving ° pon at the said Estate o at the Fowallp y, Are pursuant required oi to to Wellver to Mo lorp ee tho Solicitors co the Executors claima,and of the svcarit. and that after the [as astate of the to the claims ad which to , having 5 Ea tribated té any persis may not then have ra Dated at Listowel thia 18th day of May, J JOHN ROWLAND WILSON, ROBERT LOWRY, "} Execaters. MORPHY & CARTHEW; their Solici Brick House. For Sale Twos beige besa trencllery on

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