Listowel Standard, 29 May 1903, p. 7

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makes one ch r for I used to ' y awake night after night. Now I eat a big bowiful of * Force' just fore golng to and 1 become good L. Evans." @ Jim Dumps bad scarcely elept = - wink, S } All night he'd toss about and ink, pc" rie endure ns Ny se "Force." + gt raat, the nerves of " Sunsw ummy with good sleep. Wouldn't Believe at First. wouldn't believe it till I tried it, bat Asomain, He's found a'cure! At whea teats we --_-- wW--t WHERE THE MONEY WENT 31G FIGURES IN DOMINION CENSUS TAKING Some of the Auditor-Gen- eral's Report. Taking the just cost $17,428: Four interpret ers for Center tonto cost 03. 4 census in "GL. the Features as Revealed Montreal To- 'he enumeration of bee -- of the Dominion' cost: $13,0381.7 The investigation at "the ait, of 1891 cost the country the sum 81,486.05. It cost the sum of $3,021.94 to rount the Indians on the various Indian reserves, The Assistant Commissioner in| East Assiniboia for expenses. been part of the census-taking. For performing this necessary and highly proper fnecgen, A. Levigne received 120, In Ontario them = ost expensive country division was Algoma, where 1.62 was distributed, he Commi-sioners receiving respecurvely $800.78 and $7386.60, Next to Yale and Alberta the most po ig ng constituency was Burrard, which ine ei Vancouver city. Here eh e cost wa . 15, more than the city of non In Ontario canittos the sums paid Conimnissioners puid S. 8. cena <P $418.65 sei 7; w ul the work The tran fortunate Coninssioners were those of Burrard. 'Tw were nae $2,494.39 each, which cenit $9 210 day 4.t 15,25 athe in S. Waugh con ay fo received $Y36. a0 | each = addition for expense | In Yal ale one guide was fuadivell for | For enumerating the iimates 135 ape, for which service he re! Thre cea Brandon Asylum, Commissioner | ¢ nk "4 ; a Three i sg nh | Leech was paid $5.50. lemeloved for lesser per _ receiv- Nort York census cost onl ngy respectively $120, $10 and $24. 452.50, out of _ Commissioner | ery: heads in the Yukon COKt | ~ Elliott aie $281.8 is 0.40, of which $14,681.68 was Vor aang' over the G. N. re ia to Hon. J. TE. Ross, now mene and ©, vs $1,683.34 was | ber for that district, $581.50 to the | paid; for iclephoning, $90. Mounted Police and $917.30 to H. Takin sus in Winnipeg cost ; J. Woodside only $H, One, of which the Conm-! 'The argest sam to be paid -, ae nds ssicner reeeived S189 50, enumerator owas paid The sum of $100 for steanbuvat | Coutts, who convent the Gaussian" hire was paid to an enumerator Stichine, in Burrard, twice. He Cassiar Skene in rar' . Ci celved $1,797.10, of which upwards | 4B. M. O el . spen a day, and of $600 was for expenses, was paid Pe for poiting "tho partiou-i Boag Cariboo was the most lara of divorce cases in Vittoria, 3B. pensive territory in the Dominion -- Cc. or cersustaking, The cost total- | T Cote, Assistant Special er $23,863.98, of which $10,942.- 'Commissioner, received the neat 20 went to 14 Commissioners and | sum ,082.53 for traveling ex- | Assistant Commissioners. penses ; { The only newspapers to profit by In the fortress city of old Quebec | ! the census-taking were the Mont- $5,242.23 was etic for ven- | eal Gazette, the Montreal Journal ' sus-taking purpo ne ine el was all Ve. that 'equired for t 'Tor 1 onto, anc 'ost the country the munificent sum of $18 a whking the census in ------ te, ritoties such watin, -- son's 131.7) as t jay, In hea Burrard and Yale enunmrerators was he "of the outlying parts of ;* were : Le Soleil, which receiv- do the mumificent sums ef $6, $3.75 d $147.35, respecti Four chief census officers for On- ario received $3,439.05, while the 'ane _ num ber in Quebee were paid Sn, 32, the rate beimg $5 per dng nit $5 per day for living ex- penses, as well as other expenses be vies West Assiniboia con- Fast an eativencie almost all nationalities paid at the rate of $8 a day and ¢ enses. re represented, and as a conse- Special Census Commissioner Blue que ence -- the following interpreters received a salary 4,000 while Were needed: tpelish, French, Ger- | his special assistant, Thos. Cote, re 4" alicia Icelandic. Indinn, soived $2,500 Donkhobor, Tomstaas, Bohemian, Of the organized territories, Al- +-- -- berta is secund on the list for ex- pensivencss. 'here it totallad up TITOUSANDS OF MOTHERS. to $25,411.99. e-cost of census taking in ronto -- afc ate: 46, as) follow 22, Eas!, $4, 010.7 72; Weat, "$6 Pe 3. ah I Montreal 'only one interpreter whs' required at a cost of $7.50. Dhinese ators were, of co Ww York looms large an sxpenditure of $41,643.75, of which Commissioners Lynd and Smith re teived, respectively, $386.99 ami $321.71. 'The general expenses of the gag i teking, including salaries the amount of $120,581.28, paid 'rs in Burrard labored for 210 da at $8.50 o day, and corraled $44 70 for =e making a total snuimerator in Quebec receiving expenses. "Washing towels" To- pees - and many French enumer- yed ttawa officials, amounted tof 140,- 73.95. One of the Assistant Commission- fa "St of manu the - special i 91.10; of which $1,074.44 was for appears to have Children 's Ailments. Munyon's 'amen emedies for Children, shor tha the health o} well-being o as : Load oe on. assuredly been a labor of love for me to study the discases of ren view to their relief and cure., Many to ine: debilitating drugs and @ relic of barbarism, but 1 hold 'the ten wilt pre prevent long and sickness, many bist a os wo "IMUNYON'S REMEDIES. Munyan's Cold Cw . in & few| the seventh day, although they are nae. Weeks ue cold 'lnot pamMicular as to wah seventh Prof:| day is marked for rest, Bix days in a Week only will they" labor, : f course ce boss ele- B_ | phants, but I do not know whether rain mothers y intelligently look lies an ured.' Medicine Cases, £.60, be re prevents Parte a | ca '| Rerommend Baby's Own beg iy uld not be -- them * , Sumiliar centenc ters to us. The Ti praite simply because vo ther ned Gace has ever done so much Uesing and curing the mfoor infants ear young children (M ha Perry, Horewa} says "t take recominen jog. 3a Own Tablets ! for colic ard constipation. 1 have; never found anythirg for thee troubles.' colic Baby'n Own re event croup, break up conde expel worm allay the irritation savomoeuring the cut- ling of teeth, sweeten nd promote health-giving Guaranteed to contain neither ates nor other I drugs, at 25 conts a box by all sromaste or may be had by writing *he or Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont his itt Or -+--------. ELEPHANTS IN THE "UNION."" Their Sagacity F ne Impos- ition of Mas iiss' Gertrude Janahan recently returned from a year the world, interested and amused while in India' y in which the elephants the work under ai we tights and privi- beast will A great, ponderous i into a des- of timber pulley and crane, and then move off few paces and inspect it in an cn- | deavor to ascertain wheter it is plumb with some other hundred Lice of timber, with the eritical | eye and aspect of a master mechanic. If it is not exact, the animal would Thus he conscientiously | eorns his | people will stubbornly ie | Wages w hich, paid cakes, conform toag When the cakes are keeper, the elephant swings them and ir trunk, them with Shou id they f an ounce in weight, made to resoun ete may before which the unnac- ee, a which the keeper hastens to curtail by further incas- ure of provender, "The keepers are allowed half! an hour for their midday meal, but the elephants, of their own clection quire twice as rmch time for noontime feed, and no urging induce them to return observe the Mosaic law in resting on | weighing | ' soaa the snpbante "LET GO" TO REST. The principle of rest ty the prin- relaxation -- a tempor rary cessation or sus on ©: rey from any part or from all or the body. Absolute rest implies the complete "letting go" of 'all sion, m F nervous, a: l- sical; ail are involved, to some ex- tent, in every act of our daily life, Then Iet the mind "take ergy i nergy Junconselously sonianutcalen w nervous system, and sodn the entire ny in erder to be'tense. bl muscles may be nervously Ten. 88, be ionless. This difference hetween a tense mus- cle and a muscle entirely relaxed, or devitalized, is whut should be thor- understood, for this tense » brought on by' mental and n, and often held with- exercise that are ifmre physical in execution. a COULD NOT WALK. A Young Lady Tells the Tortura , She Suffered From Rheumatism. Mira Myrile oa ats N. . is one ' ousands who fave jroved that me. Williams" Pink wil cure rheumatism. Mira ajor says: "IT su spi gas the croutite for 1 I he ithe cofa derter od took his tinedicine, but it did not nate me. ; Tre tronhk 'Je was 'located chiefly in jay ankles and the pain I suffered int times was As a matter lef fact at ng I was quite unablo jto wa acros he roor, = rome six acti I was con t the kouse. I used Nebnests and other incelicines preseribed for rheu- | mation, but " "J o good, |Then some of friends urge] me lto try Dr. Williams® Pink Pills. T facted on their advice and saat I had used three boxes I began Ibe 'ter. jee s altogether, and before I finish- ted the last box not a trace of the jtrouble remaire:l. t Is now nearly j two years since bs. took the pills and as there has not been a avuptem of the trouble since it proves tha [pills make permanent cures. | Rheumatism is a cisease of the oo avd oo can only be cured = by pereution it threargh the blood. Tha | why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills al- "uen cure this trouble. Good blood inmkes every organ in the body j'treng and healthy, as every jdese of Dr, Williams' Pin is inake = pure rich blood, {t follows (hat they cure such troubles as anae neur ralgia. cigs . ervsipelas, ers. et jie ailments . ! § y stan t iyou get the genpine pills with the ifull name, * Williams' Pink Pills A Oc r six boxes for $2. bat ect serttien the a Neal Me- » Breckvil How HE KNEW. } ne day mother called Tommy and Sabet to go down the garden with ma "She took them to~ the greenhouse, pete a quantily of soot ed been ttered all over the flo he [areenhouse, and the path in front | of F ai other asked cach child if he or a had done it. toth answered 7 hey she said "Oh, Tomuny, saw you do it out :of Bs bedroom window ! } That you didn't,"' in the negative, soid Tominy : for I looked at all the windows hefore I did it!' An olice tree beats to viele three ; an orange tree "a years old until it is five jever's Y-Z (Wise . He ad) a Powder is rs, as it is both and disinfectant. baa is computed that the average man speaks in the course of a year 11,000,000 words, Rigs Linen! Cures Gorge In Cows. ity of 757,000 strangers living in the German Finpire 18,000 are Am- erik ans For o "aF depois Tears. for, pan my jeareby iwilioes of mothers fort their chlidren while teethin, ith perfect emocess. It thee the child. tofiens the guow, allays all palo, cures wind coilc, anc lathe best remedy for Diarrhaa In ple + to tase sold by dru cuits 4 mr or Twenty-Gre ceuts # batt ie ts Wvoniculabla Be sure an for Nr Winslow * Soothing sod take no other kind. a *| The papelagtic n * af | Swede 1 150,06 or almost identical with = of 'Leuden Hinard's Linn Cures Distemper. | Young Wife" 1m I'm afraid Ja | docen't love me as he formerly did.' | Her Mother--"'What siege have you for thinking so, You ike -- Te is basianing pi read the Just the came as eve! 5 is to show that one is: below , Paper every morning while at break- + _ wt.°" iit St.JacobsOil_ Unless the. $0ap you use has this brand you are not geting mens best ae for =~ ociagen Bes =43 A Futt. course: sy MAIL, tucindio 25 Tenng, Dairy new red LITTLE THOUGHTS. The man = o procrastinates strug- gles with revi A t quotation is as good as an o igical rer be vain ont one's rank rl place The desire of appearing clover of- ten prevents onc becomisg so. I ts is the activity-of to-day and tke assurance of to-morrow. A woman stops insisting on haw- ing her own way when you insist on her having One night destroy the ligent bon bor The se of tlang may be that it keeps mene are pees ussassinat- ing real Englivt body can hope to get into good 1 of foolish caroural may result of a year's intcl- oct who do ot cull one's sal- ary 0 a incdins. Freed aa of conscience and -- free- dom from conscience Siould not be | introvertible pier Human =o nature is so constituted that all sce-.and Todas better in the affairs of other men than in their own, A person who cannot argue is like a person who cannot chew: he swal- lows vad facts of life unprepared for dige fino a ndnd that is much clevatal and insolent with prosperity and cast down by aaa is generally ab'ect and base. roi! time a yman she has overdrawn me gets very -- about honesty of the cashic bank informs a wo- her account the a hope you will | lotvive me this once." +_---- BINDER TALK. A SIMPLE SHEAF OR BUNDLE CARIUER is one of the many good fcatures of the MASSEY-HARRIS Binder can see by the cut how You very simple and light it is. It has great capacity, "ivertheles, and is strong an It drops back from when dumping, the heads of grain. FOLDING DIVIDERS--Simplest of all. A child can unlatch them and turn them in. Many other manufacturers under the. ae i without damaging re trying to copy, ec folding de e--because it-is "80° goo But MASSEY-HARRIS utente prevent them duplicating it. ; THE REEL on the MASSEY-HAR RIS has a splendid range. It will handle short grain, long i ig or badly tangled and laid g thing escapes it of « physician. or doctor, make haste ! My to which mmoncd was about six inition ut of town. me ordcrei out his carriage, an two drove on through the dann: cold night. Jest before they reached the vil- lace in question, the husband of the sick woman alighted on some _ pre- text or other, but did not return ; the village n found nobody who tan he_rec leithont signature, myste " eived n capi aini Finda Noctor,--I am cat caitlin WALKED LIKE AN OLD AR JOSEPH HAMEL SUFFERED LONG BEFORE HE USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS {iul Lost All His Energy and Was Discouraged -- The Great Kidney Remedy Cured Him Completely. : Nicolet, Que., May 11. (Special) --Of the many people in this neigh- borhood who have been "brought back the than Joseph Wawel. Le k s of the question--the suffering on the relicf. "Lt suflercd from Kidney Disease for years," Mr. two yeurs I. would three days off work a continually sick and forced ta k like an old man I lost all ny cnergy and became * dis- torre ged. «nergy and became discouraged. 1 medicines cured, is enthusiastic in his praises cf Dodd's Kidney Pills and there is not the slightest doubt the correctness of his statement as dovens of people can testify to his jllucts and cure, "This deep line " destiny," said the palmist, "is ost remarkable. t shows that pacer et ie connected with the sea has made, or: ill make, a strong impression on you."' "You ave right," observed the sub- ject. '"That is the sear from gash I made opening oysters Minatd's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, "If I thought that any girl would accept me,' casually remarked the bashful Mr. Dolyers, The wedding about a month. MUNARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we All the ge praise it. ARLEN FULTON. Pleasant, Bey, C.BY 139 Tt Bric ee ae hope you will be happy, m Ng een "Oh, I am re e will Yo i. mother died when he was and he doesn't remember pM about her cooking.' Remember, it in the MASSEY- TARR --_----_---- COST OF CLOTHES IN RUSSIA. Rarring the sagen oe bos arth who pr clothes at all, 5 the woman's costume than $8. 'The man's costume cotton trousers tucked into boots of aes leather, a cotton shirt and a skin coat bound around a sash, com- pletes the dress. The wonien we a sarafan, or long petticoat, which is held up by straps running over the shoulders, a chemise with sleeves to the elbow, a kerchicf over the head, and pair of shoes. Stock- Ss are sometimes worn, but more frequently the legs are bound with strips of cotton or lin- en cloth. For outdeor wear a ouilt- ac. or | clork is added, The simplicity and cheapness of ress is not due to airy Inck of v bat © poor circumstances which the majority of -- the Russians live. --4--__-- PAT SCORED. A young man entered an inn with a dog, and attracted a good geal of friendly interest from an Irishman, who inquired what kind of a dog ¢t owner "T "he looked .the questioner betwee an ape and an Trish "Faith, thin, we're wg veined to the ready re =e or not they formulate union rules, I Aim at the' Heart. Let it be Grip, Malaria Fever or what not, al- ways strike at the Heart to protect it, to, to ure it, and you baffle every other ailment. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure puts new vigor into every heart, and ninety-nine out of a hundred need \t, for that percentage are sick. Having put that machine in good working order, it has guaranteed the whole system against sickness. Every organ is soon sound. It ale ways relieves in 30 minutes. Mrs. Ezra DucrAHam. Temple, N.B., Canada, mites :-- " Have had heart trouble fos rears ; would have it as often as three times @ k, imes lasting twenty-four hours, 'as ive Dr. 8 Heart Curd DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT. He Lg would be free from piles and skis ns Must use this cure, whieh but at once cond for all time. The safest, quickest cure me becanen com, ded onc principles. Fiercest foe itebin; tin Price, 35 cents. ~ tf NO CHANCE OF DYING. Patient--"Tell me tor, do dab think I'll ull Cougt™ Docto are undred cases like yours one recovers h invariably. "That's a cheerful prospect. gc! What more o you want ? I've treated-ninety-nine cases, and eve one of them' . Why, man alive, 'ou can't dic if you try 1 There's no humbug about statistics !'7 In tho Bay of Apia, in Samoa, a surveying party has discovered 453 of fish, - 32-03 uttered a ressed:} groan of impatience, toe the wilting', he Bu It is hermetically sealed in Cey again sealed in lead packets An aristocratic tea at a moderate pfi Black, Mixed, Ceylon Green, Ask for Red Label. FORTY CENTS--SHOULD BE FIFTY Good Paint not only beautifies but protects and preserves. Ramsay's Paints have brilli- ancy and durability which make them the most economical to use. Ramsay's Paiuts are good Paints. Writens, mentioning this paper, for bocklet shewing how some beaxtif al besees are painted with our painta, Le A. RAMSAY & GON, eam wances, M Batd. rig, RIGHT PAINT '. Holloway's PILLS AND OINTMENT should be in EVERY CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD. Ointment ;--Brown and Green on White, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT I! Tare of immense value to the is pre-eminently 'a household weak and ailing. Although remedy; once used it is sure to thoroughly rching, their have a permanent place In the < action ig co gentle that delicate family medicine cupboard. It persons need have no hesitation quickly allays inflammation and in taking them; indeed, they irritation, and is in the highest should never be without a degree soothing and healing supply. The Pills give speedy Apply it to Bruises, Burns, relief In cases of adache, Scalds, Wounds, Boile, Billousness, Nausea, Dizziness Abscesses, &¢. It also relieves and Trembling Sensations and cures Bronchitis, ma, }* Females will find them highly Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other efficacious. affections of the Throat & Chest. -- = 4 13-33 ORANCES | LEMONS se = is, HAVE So nett rong - THE Sevilles. BEST BAN AN AS. peo -- week. All the above at pri We can eipo handle your,,. punter, Eggs, Poultry, | = Syropende other produce to advan- Yor you. Tae DAWSON comunsoren ce., uae Piha |: \@er. Weet Market @t., TOKO : 1A Delicious Summer Luncheons In hot weather thi loak and taste just 1 MALL right. What more dainty and tempting ¢ Libby's Melrose Pate a a delicately, apaasoned combination of Game, fam reabfast th % of as appetizio for supper o or breakfast 5 "s shamed nr end Beana ; are like allof Libby's (Natural Flavor) Pood Products, es Teady to serve, Put up in bool tg. Make Gest LURK Savings Department Files uaen te Kae OF p 2¢ stamps for ords unexcel.ed fa- cilities for depositing small sums where they will bear interest and cause you ro anxiety. ou can open an account with one do'lar which will bear interest at 3} PER CENT. Libby, McNeill & Libby RUBBER | GOODS Latest Novelties, all styles. Enquire about it. Correspondence invited. En- close 2c stamp for circular. THE CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CARADA Mortgage Gorperation, Toronto Street, <- TORONTO RUPTURE: TRE UNIVERSAL: lpnonehl CO.; _P. O. Box 1142, Montr ny 8-572 ee Line Steamships Porttasd to ee Vis queen. ior nosommodalion ne . Becond Saloon and Third commen sense method. Cure guaranteed a gest If instrwotions followed. Writeat once A, aK Torrance & Oo. fe Breton, "Montreal and Fertiand the Belt and Truss Man'f'g Co.,, 433 SPADINA AVE.. TORONTO. 21-47) EANI CLEARING #3 outine Magistrate (to defendant}--"You iy accused of having terribly beat- two night-watchinen a eg What telanted you to this Cane oe party yer Fra Pre. ore Defendant--*'My feeling of mumentey, BRITICON AMERICAN your worship, bec r one niglit- watchman that peating would have been too much.' Minard's Liniment Cures dlphtherla, BAITISN AMERICAN DYEING 00 MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEREO 1--44 REMOTE KIN. Kind Lady--'How many are there in the family besides yourself ? Mamma--"'Oh, you bad doy !| 'That is only three. The. di Where have you been all this time : relative is not a member of the fam- you think you should . Don't -- asha: "Oh, ye 1 he is. He is my brother."£ lin' to} 'Your a The Boy--"Well, ma, I'm brother 2 Then he isn't ashamed that I worried you if distant relative. you'll promise not to tell pa any- "Yes, ma "am--he ie. in South thing that'll worry me.' Africa."" ; mae ES as ith ite continuous -- is Fas ni pounds wire ekg Ea --ae == ae i i i' 1 WWW

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