Listowel Standard, 12 Jun 1903, p. 1

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SN an ae el" Ee aN ee ae ee ae Ae aS es eS oe ieee. i i as eS aes a i ee i he es LY, JUNE 12, 1903. - WALTER BRO. LISTOWEL'S LEADING GOODS STORE. ~ Gnormaus Clearing Sale SATURDAY MORNING JUNE 13. For the Next Thirty Days We will sell all lines of Summer Goods at., STARTLING PRICES. As an index for this Great Sale we will quote you afew prices, 1223C,, Colored Muslins Sale price..... cise © win sogevees °C. 123 heavy new up-to-date Prints ..........., woe 7O_ Bleached Cotton, mill ends,............ 35 and 5Oc." Colored and Black Dress Goods...... 7.00 Black Underskirts.. Coc ev eneeeee cas 7,00 Black and Colored Shirt Waists. ¢ ome one Wee © vines ALL STRAW HATS, RHEADY TO PUT CON CLOTH- ING, BOOTS AND SHOES AT PRICES TO SUIT OLD AND YOUNG. To appreciate and find out what we are doing you must make it your business to COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Highest prices paid for all FARM PRODUCE. PEPPER PPD PO OOOOOO OOO DOO: RARRPEAARARARALOSS CDLG LAR + + 942 92s eee test nee ORCA y AAAS! aattind PDPPDIPIS Aa oes LL PRANIERERAERERRARESER BARRA IRAE Robert Thompson PEOPLE'S CASH STORE LISTOWEL'S LEADING = /OTHING STORE. HOW MUCH AM | OFFERED 9 These words froma representative of an Immense Clothing Factory Caused us to make An unexpected purchase OF MEN'S YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Reduction in prices are so distinct that at FIRST GLANCE You will readily see: what a You have secured, So do not MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY As chances such as this aré VERY SCAEOR, 4a YOURS TO PLE ASE __..--_. ' ~ ROBERT THOMPSON SINUN GOLDEN LION. SILA RARE BUYING ADVANTAGE. ' - OOo, : aaeeae™," PAPAS DADE ANS APPA PA Obildren's chorus Lecture to-night, A paren ge au zeng intend . day, on the 8. a eae The family of Mr. spending a few weeks: forth, Olintox and G Mr. Wm,' Robinson: Mre. Thos. Faulkner c east took a trip to Man Get onc, of Jenkins' -E The leteor shaden Oh. Orricy : to: Rewt;--lo Apply to: Mims riche Don n't fail to 'h Music Hall to-night. OOTBALL, --The feated the Atwood jun or 'tol, in the rink park 3 evening, 5 tt Ringling Bros. «6 hibits at Stratford to-mé to attract Jarge ~c and -vivinity, Mr. Daf, Campbell, D. Campbell, 'hes'sage his third year at a sily Medical Cal : The annual ~_ dei 4 of the Pret ois oe Association will, takes dine on Monday Mr. G. W. Stecstiler, the we Public Schoo! presiding examiner gt Mitbal h, School departmental exam reeling Wawstep,--For pas of be very wages pa A to Prof. f. Doredwend the ules '8 Y Bete oe Thursday, Fune 18. " Hics OCovrr 0.0, F,-Meutte, H, Ma om. & H. Ringe san i ei: Court Royal Oats No. "26, 6 O. Poet the High Court meeting: held fg this week, The Ingerso}l Stone Go. have sent & gang of men here to complete their contracts for putting down grano- lithic walks. They will probably be rei eg here the greater part of 86 ARLET CHAPTER.--A meeting of the Royal Scarlet Chapter" for 'Elma, District will be hold in Pring Orange Hall, Listowel, on Mon ning, '15th inat , eens ie o'clock, for general busines Mrs. Jas. Rogers aud Master Leon- ard have returned from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Moon, Kaneas city, leaving there the day be- fore the floode, 'and visiting friends in Chicago, Detroit and Blenheim, aged two expert watchmaker: D from En ae who have charge of the a py epartment, 1] amin a position to Se ail on the shortest notice--at Gunther 8 Laat Sate Hall, Main street, Dr. Lambert Watson and Mrs. Watson, who have been residing in town since last fall, have gone Having e Ohesaming, Michigan, where the Dr. aténds practicing. His Listowel fr, wads wish him sbondant success. Rev, Wm, . B. Heeney, travelling secreta 'ry of the ae ens alt St. Andrew,: 6 a n-town last week ith Re Re 4 Buckland, rector of visit ste ep to seaeeies a chapter « f the Brotherhood h Bi is ~ defeated Mildmay in a 'Mea of football on Tues- e nning ® special train aa at 2 p. 10. _ Fare from Lis wel, 85c, Sonp His Pa aw.-- Mr: Arthur Dowd f whoee barn wi -- elph Hore the. following prizes at the L _Bhow, "held daat wee. monia set in, which haste : . A eat Ot ear bodes @ Home atthe Kinder- : Bras oart Lecture, Music Hall to- calgh Miss Jennie Coghlin, ie of Mr. Henry Coghlin of the Wallace boun- dary, who has been teaching at on den, Asan., returned Somer on Satur- day, her school being closed on account of an outbreak of scarlet fever. Mra, Olark and Mise Clark, and son Johnny,- of Portland, Oregon, who were the guests of Mr. 'and Mrs, Sarvis for e week or two, left on Tnesday for ilton, and will return to their beme.about the end of the month. Mr. Wm. m. Coghlin of Marney, Mani- tobs, strived in town on Saturday, and will spend some time with his aged mother-and-brothers in Elma and Wal- The wool 6 has been on for some weeks, dndthe receipta of wool at the Listowel 3 oollen Mills so far Ze. above the market price, and this a¢eounte for the large receip' During the absence of r God in the Obureh, they State, and the individnal life." All are cordially invited to attend. All seats are free. Ushers im attendance, Fast Tarn Seeviow.--The new fast rain service on the G. T. R. main line | P nto papers will reach Listowel via Stratford about 11.30a.m. The mix ed from Stratford will hereafter leave there in the morning and will tun as a freight exclusivety, and ® passenger train will take its place n the afternoon. This will be a de- cided improvement. Tue Czors.--The local showers thie week have been of much benefit to' the ee which are pow looking very misiug. Fall wheat is heading oat, and although somewhat shorter in raw than usual, holds out most en- couraging prospects for a big yield. Spring crops are also looking finej and even the hay crop is likely to be considerably better than hier 'sapectat while the dry weather was Listowst Horses at Guerra Horse Suow.--Messrs. Kidd Bros. of this aber, 2nd cage, "Ya os Green Hunters, heavy weight, 2nd Norwegian. Hunters, heavy weight, 4th Grey Eagle. Green Hunters, light weight, Ist Blue Girl.- Hunters, light weight, 2nd Santoy, 8rd Listowel, ody foregoing are all owned by Kidd r "My Farexp Par."--Colonel Heg- ler's lecture in MoDonald's muvic hall this Friday evening should draw a full house. It is described as a homorous monologue that keeps the uudience in raptures from atart to finish, A chorus by the school chil- dren anda number of songs by Mr. George Bogues will go to make an excslbent entertainment, Tickete 250, all parts of hall. . Seats may be reserved at Livingetone's drug store without extra charge. Landerkin, travelling passenger agent of the Southern Pa- cific Railway, bas our thanke for a copy of the San Francisco Mailing Souvenir, containing views of the metropolis of the Pacific, in which modern sky-scrapers are a prominent feature. Mr. Landerkin is an old Listowel boy, and a son of Mr. Thos, Landerkin of the Wallace, boundary. He has been in the service of the Southern Pacifio fora number of years, and has recently been promoted to the position of travelling passenger agent. The Standard wishes him continued euccess. Tue Banp.--The Town Band, which has recently been reorganized, favored our citizens with some excellent masic from the balcony of the Grand Central on Taeeday evening. The Band has sev- eral new members, besides the old players who are in town, and promises o be a strong, efficient and _ organization, Mr. F. 8. Howe is lead- er. The desirability of ecviage @ good Band in town should be apparent to @il, and our Council and citizens should be prepared to give it such financial encouragement as will keep it up to date. The Band intends calling at the residences of as many of the citizens as possible and playing on the lawns, and we have no doubt their music will be heartily appreciated. Woot Four Ferr Lone.--The Lis- towel Woollen Mill is noted for the excellence of its products, which have in fittingly described as "all wool and a yard wide;" but we hadmo idea that such a thing as natural wool four feet in length was to be found at - mill, until shown a sample by Mr. B F. Brook, the proprietor. It of course is not a sample of ordinary sheep's wool], but came with a consignment of wi an | suggest that it came from the original rerven fleece," but Mr. Brook is not oa rate it is d'remarkable growth of wool, and we ae think that ap animal covered ence "oneldiesiis diffi- ad experien: $15,000, say in =e about. 4 year, and had resided iu Listowel for his re. 'oa! ary length and silk-like gloss might a position to bd eetothat. At a fleece like it A svap--$1.25, $1.50, for $1, at Jenkins'. $1.75 Felt Hats Dearn oF Mrs. P. J. Livinasron, --The community was shocked Tues- duy morning upon learning that Mre, P. J. Livingston bed passed away during the night. She was under- stood to be making satiefactory p grees after her recent coninenest ; but on Monday eyening about six o'clock she took a verions turn and sank rapidly, death ensuing in a few hoarse, The deceased, whose muiden Griffith Jones of Walkerton, and had been married lessth an two years. Since occupy- ing their comfortable home on Wal- laco street, Mrs, Livingston had been prominent in social circles, and the outting off of her bright young life is par y . Mr. Livingeton and infant'daughter are deeply sym- pathized -- with e faveral took ass yesterday afternoon to Fairview cemetery, and was attended by many citizens and friends, Mr. 8. Beckett of Queen's Unisersity conducted the eer The floral tributes and fun- eral appointménuts were elaborate and beautiful. unusually Suppry Dratz or Mr. Wri Kurmm. -- Yesterday morning abont seven o'clock, Mr. Wm, Klemm, mason, suddenly expired at his reei- dence, AJma street, He had been in hin usual health up to Monday last, when he complained of pains in the region of his stomach, and was com- pelled to lay off work. His condition did 'not improve during the past two days, but nothing very serious was apprehended until yeaterday mornivg, when he made an a to raise himeelf in his bed, and suddenly ex. pired, Deceased was in his 64th mapy years, He wasa native of Ger- many. His sudden taking off is a Bteat shock to his wife avd family, who have the commuuity's sympathy in their bereavement. Besides Mrs, Klemm, four sons and three daughters survive. William,the eldest, isin Man- itoba ; Charles is in Stratford, and Misa Freida in Toronto. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clook to Fairview cemetery,and will be conducted by the United Workmen and Canadian Foresters, to which orders deceased belonged. Dears or Mr. Samusn TrRemain On Friday evening last, 5th inst., Mr. Samael Tremain died at his home, Reserve street, in his 52nd year. H had not been in good health for some time previously, but cogtinued his work at the tannery ap to within a- bout ten-days of his death. Having taken a cold at'the tannery fire, pneu- ned his end, a fon of, the a Petia ad been 2 saibiyel at the Tasnery. ahd was a most faithful and industrious work- map, his unsssuming and agreeable manner winning the respect of all with whom he came in contact. He leaves a wife, three sons and three daughters, all of whom are at home except one son, Alonzo, who is married and living in Stratford. Tbe deceased was a mem- ber of thefIndependent Order of Forest- ers and of the Maccabees, and the faneral on Sunday afternoon was con- ducted by the members of Conrt Lis- towel, I, O. F., and Rob Roy Tent, K. O. T. M. In addition to a large turn- out of the local brethren, Harriston and Palmerston Courts were also well represented, the funeral being an un- usually large one. The band headed the cortege, playing the Dead March. Interment teok place at Fairview cemetery, Rev. Mr. Oomfort of the . Charch conducting the religious ae assisted by Capt. Bonny , followed by the impressive tafbral 1 rituale of the two orders, r) ~ A Breezy Time, Pleasing Performance Given At' Pinafore Park. From The St.Thomas Daily Times, Quite a number took the trolley cars to Pinafore Park Nae evening to witness the seg a the-theatre there by "A y Time" "Bacreny, and itis safe to om ag were well rewarded, The ce isan exce jer was oat to those their own is of the same excellent quality as the members of th © cast. The "Breegy Time Co," will appear in aoe tT Music hall on Monday even- ing next, 15th inst. races i Don't miss it. Tickets 15c., 250. . NOTIOE. Gunther's Special Sale. Take notice of Gunther's window and see useful articles you can buy for one dollar. We will sell yowany article in our store at the wholesale and yome at less than cost. The "8 opera os W m.- mence bout July tat, So we will sell by a private sale eng the of this month, and ask you all to eo s Hall and you 'wil be ains We can give 'ou. re Id Elgin or Waltham Sees, _A Gent's 'Os ees "p -- op nel prices as ber. as the euey lent so do not delay. A Prbli 'au tion Sale will be held every Saturday at 2.30 and 7,30 p, m. until tur- Do not = this opportunit ys Age at modera! shortest notice. _ late. sere on ieeensy Ace Important Mattern Discussed. An adjourned meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening, 8th inst. Members present, Mayor Hay and Councillors Meyers, Proeter, Fea- therstone, Pelton. Petitions Nos, 1 aud 2 for street sprinkling on Waljace and Main etreets, No. 1 being on Wal- lace street from "Main to Bay street, aud No. 2 on Main street from Wek lington to Raglan street, having been reported on by the Olerk, were_on motion acted upon in accordance with By-law No. 432, which provides for payment of street watering by front- age tax. Mayor Hay stated that he had had a conversation by telephone with Mr. Breithaupt and that the Breithaupt Leather Co. wished to come to an understanding with the Council re assessment and sewerage. They.desire 8 fixed assessment at $7,000 for a per- iod of ten years, and aa they were re- etrained by ipjuction from emptying refase from tannery into the river they would be at considerable expense in treatiog the same, and thought that the town should hélp them to the ex- tent of $500, in which case they would rebuild the portion of tannery burn- in a permanent and substantial way and would remain in Listowel. Mr. Chas, Anderson, manager of the tannery, corroborated the Mayor's statement, and said that au average of abont twenty-eight men were employ- ed at the tannery the yearround. The Company proposed paying the whole of the taxes on the fixed avsesement, they having formerly been exempt, ex- cept from achool rate. The Council felt disposed to favorably consider the proposition, and on motion Connoillors Featherstone, Prueter and Pelton were appointed a committee to confer with the Breithaupt Leather Co. iu reference to their proposition, and report. On motion account of Hy. Haydon, $2.65 for acting as deputy-roturoing officer at vote on sewerage By-law, etc., was passed. Oommunication read from Mr. Jas. Livingston offering to sell lots on Main and Elma streets required for ba for the sum of $500. Moved by A. W. Featherstone, seo- onded by W. Pelton, that the Mayor be instructed to write Mr. James Liv- ingaton accepting the lots or parts of lots offered to the corporation for the sum of $500, the Jots being Nos. 11,12, 13, 14, 15, and parts of 16, 17 and 20, south Main street, and Noe. 15 and 21 @| and parts of 16, 17, 19 and 20, North Elma street ; this as we understand, to include all the land owned by Mr. Litingston or the Livingston estate on south Main street and north Ejme street---Carried, Onobioe the. -Lis- towel Gas & Electrio Light Co.w vevens pt of swing b 7: on. Main and Wallaée streets be ed, atid sidewalk on Bismarck street walk-on Bay street leading to 'little England" be repaired, and that no ac-~ tion be taken in regard to walk on Havelock street, as it was probable that cwners would eee 4 a e Morphy. walk--réport " adopte Mr. Morphy addressed the Council pos behalf of the Band, stating that it bad been reorganized and that new instru- ments were needed, and asked that the Council make a liberal grant. - The matter was deferred until next regular meeting for consideration. Moved W. Pelton, seconded by A. W. Featherstone, that Wm. Tremasin be paid $50 on account of street water- ing --Carrie Mr. Pigeon, contractor for the sew- er, was present. Mayor Hay recited the facts in connection with the repeal of the sewerage by-law and stated that he was personally prepared to carry out the verbal arrangement with Mr. Pigeou to pay him $500 for 'aaa of contract. Councillor Featherstone made a similar statement, stating that r. Pigeon had 'made his proposition upon the understanding that the Coun- cil would pay him $500 for release of contract, Councillor Prueter said that he was not present when the arrange- ment was made with Mr, aap and he thought the Council had been hasty in entering into any such an ane ment. For himself he was not pre- pared to assnme avy personal respon- uibility i in the mattet. Two membera of the Council being absent, the quea- tion was laid over until a full tucoting of Council. Moved by C. Prueter, ucoonded by W. Pelton, that the Chairman of Board of Works be iostruoted to ex- amine sidewalk un west side of Have- lock street, and if found not advisable to have it repaired to up at once.-Carried..Council then adjourned, GENTLEMEN, IF YOU ABE Banp--S Prof, Dorenwend's Art per baie ia. and Toupees, worn on eads, Thoy area oolentie against Colds, Ca- taceh, etc,, and givoa od natural and younger appearance to the fac rying ou a hc demmensttating the super- ior art of t charge. He will be at Linowal, Queen's Hotel, Thurs- day June 18. DEATHS. Goopine,~---In Listowel, on Wednesd 'Jean ded, 1903, James Gooding, in hte Slat year, Trematy.--In Listowel, on Friday, -- 5th, Samuel Tremain, in his 52ad Wirson.--In Maryborough, on Sunday, save 7th, "Hones Wilson, relict of the to Andrew Wilson, in her 97th year Livincstox.--In Listowel, on Niadaw: Jone 9th, Alice Marie "Jones, beloved ifo of P. J. Livingston, in her 27th_ Kuizmu,--In Listowel, on Thu raieys June years at Gunther's Goldamitn' Hall, 40 Main street, Listo llth, William Klemm, seed and rf months. be taken ont of river ; aleo that side- é

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