Pape | J. LIVINGSTONE. J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston ford, also with qi ie Forest, bas Shelburn: A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in al! partsof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. A lar; . poet of private funds to lend on 6 rm security at 434 per cent., wit! ecieags of repaying semaany Marriage Licenses Issued. J. W. Scorr & Son. MOLESWORTH There was a large number from Molesworth atteuded the London Con- ference on Sunday. well represented during the week. Rev. Geo. Ballantyne preached in the Molesworth Presbyterian vhurch op Sunday last. The fine bank barn of Thos, Mo- Donald, of the first concession of Grey, a mile south-west of our village, was destroyed by fire -at 5 o'clock Satur- day evening. A large quantity of hay ane grain, together with 6 fat hogs, wives aud a number of hens, were Gaazoyed, The cause of the conflag- ration was a match in hands of the little boy, 6 years old, who struck it to enable him to finda hen's nest. The barn was partially covered by insur- ance, J. BE; Hunter, Conference eupply for last seven months, preached his fare- well sermons May 31st, and has gone to the prairie province to recuperate. Before doing so the members of the two congregations met at 'Trowbridge, and after having a lunch 'in the base- ment of the church, and a program in tp og omg conducted by Wm. McKee, Chas. E, a read ihe following address, and ¢ Cos- R. 8., presented an with ry parse containing $108 : Trowbridge, May 20, 1903, J. E, Hunter.--Dear Pastor It is with feelinge of ming- led pleasure and regret that we asa circuit have met this evening for the purpose of expressing our yood will toward you as our pastor, and also our sorrow at your intended a from our midst, and to show you in some way that your labors amongst us have been appreciated. You came to our circuit at «a time when our hearts were heavy with sorrow over the loss of our departed and much beloved pastor, the late Bro. Phillips, and by the faithful! discharge of your duties ae av ambas sador of the cross, by your upright- nees and integrity, by your fidelity thoughtfulness of Mrs. Phillips and family, you bave en- deared yourself tothe memories and affections of the entire community. During the seven months of your pastorate you have not ceased to a- rouse and warn the unsaved onse of the danger of putting : their salvation. You bave those who have been trying to cphndd Christianity in our neighborhood, not ovly in our own,-but iu our sister church. For three wecks you wrest- led with God day and wight, at your own physical expense, fur the salvation of those whoare dear to our hearts, and those efforts God has abundantly rewarded, and many svoula are now en- joying the free liberty of the gospel yon so fervently expouvded, whose souls we believe will shive as atars in your crown when the great Heaven- ly Father 7 gather his loved ones ome, ur leagues, ic in the devotional sareloon, the literary de- pemet or the business relations you ve ever beena source of strength and inspiration, and your influence over the young has been such as will tend to vreate a spirit that will look up and lift up for Christ and the Church, The finances of the cirouit are in such a condition as any minister might and such as you have ey And could it beso, we would all wish fora Sie tinnance of this relationship as d people ; but by the discipline of our church, which is the product of wiser m: than ours, you are forced from a people who have learned to love you, and. in consequence the time draweth nigh when we must say fare- well. But before we part.we ask you to t this puree aud ite cuntents as ¥ expression of our -spprecia n, hoping it may serve as a memen- to of the happy daye spent on this '@ironit, and that it may help you to + garry on your life's work till the Mas- ~ ter himse If shall crown yon when He : to make up hie jewels. 'Sign- * @d on bebalf of the ebay O,E, Lurpanv. ATWOOD... [BANK OF HAMILTON Oariran Avrmonmuxp: - - $ 2,600,000.00 | ' and | H Halstead, Mount This church was | Oarrran:Paw Ur.- - $-2,000,000.00 Buszsve Foxp JOHN STUAR ENT: ~ A. G. YY, Vioz PResipenrt. JOHN GEORGE ROACH A.T. Wood =, Pr. WM. on MLF. J. TURNE Gen. M 1d H. 8, STEVEN. TK ent. Gon-Mgr. H.W. ATSON, r. BRANCHES ONTARIO. Atwood Gorrie. Falls Beamsville, Hamilton South Berlin Barton St. Orangoviiie Blyth 'West End Owen Sound toier Weguaviile "8 Por . Rowan: 0: Delhl > Sarria Port Elgin Dani Listowel Simcor Lucknow Bou pton ville uidlens aeconts Georgetown 'eoswater Grimsby. Mitchell, Wiugham MANITO. Brandon Miami, lard Carman Minn edosa Storewall Gladstone Morden Winkler 'amio' Flam Coulee Winnipeg Manitou Pilot Muund * Grain NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Indian Head M Jaw Saskatoon BRITISH COLUMBIA. Kamloops 'ancouver Savings Bank» ite of So Basen and L) sata te eerie tng o y Ly Deposits "hse roach ear current rate of interest. be withdrawn it; -- ye pagable atall points in Canada ay oe in pee n Grea' he t Britain and the Continent of "terns pole Farmers notes unted. -Agents in United States. New York : SeamaaE: National Bank and Fourth National Bank, n; In Co. a! Hank of Buffalo. Detroit; De- tole National Spank. Chicago: First National Agents in Great Britain. National Provincial Bank of England, Limited. Limited, which can be or trouble in any pert of the world. B. FORSAYETH, Agent, Listowel ' ATWOOD BRANCH open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. LEBANON. Mrs, Wilson, relict of the late An- drew Wilson sevior, pesee' away on Sunday last, in her 9 year. The deceased enjoyed Sie health for a person of her years up to within a few weeks ago, when she was severe- 1y burned through an accident. Five sons and one daughter survive her, vamely, Rev, Andrew Wilson of Rose- mont, Ont. ; Dr. Wilson, East Sag- inaw, Mich. ; T. T. Wilson, Chicago ; : Wm. Wilson, Drayton: Samuel Wil- sov, Manitoba, and Mrs. Thomas Marke, 4th con. Maryborough. The funeral took place on Tuesday after- -- from the residgnce of her daugh- and was attended by many of Ancanaete ott friends and neighbors. Rev. C. H. Buckland of Listowel con- ducted the faneral services. The re- concn were interred in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. On Wednesday of last week a happy event took place at the residence of Albert Rolls, Mooretield, when Wil- liam McCartney was united in mar- riage to Mise Julia H. Marks of Guelph. The bride was attired very becomingly, and the parlor of Mr. Rolls was a very commodious place indeed. At 4.30 o'clock the young couple took the train for Guelph, _ ) they will spend a couple of wee GREY. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Pearson visited friends in Tarnberry for a few this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ivie Campbell have returned from a_ visit to friends in Stanley township. r. Francis Miller has been visiting friende in Clifford and Drew for the past week, r. and Mrs, Robt. Pearson and Rob. attended the Conference at Wingham. "sok Miller called on a few of hie old friends bere this week. ill. Bremner is having his house remodelled and an addition put to it. The Coilingwood Murder. The Work of Tempe, Says Detective Greer. Torontu, Juve 6.--Inepector Greer, of the Attorney-General's dept., who bas retarned from Collingwocd after investigating the murder of Glory Whalen, is persuaded that the murder was committed by tramps, with which the wood where the murder occurred, is infestedin summer time. The story of Mra. George Findlay, that she saw two men seizea child and disappear over the embankment is substantially corroborated. Mrs, Findlay did not conceal the fact from the authorities, bnt told her story to Inspector Greer shortly after the crime. She was in- structed to keep her evidence quiet, and for that reuson it was not mi known to th eneral public. Greer thioks that the child never screamed, but was seized und gagged. The shoot- ing may have been either intentional or unintentional. It occurred on a. beaten track through the wood. The murderers, whatever their object, prob- ably. marched the child through the wood, walking behind witha drawn revolver, Either a sudden fright im- pelled them or kill her on the ground that "dead men tell no talus" or thé revolver sccidéntally beat off. The He i ormer is Mr. Greer's is satisfied that two eomuteod the ane and that no vivlence was offer- © body or clothing of the child. A ered difficulty which confronts the Crown in the process of detection is no belunginga of the the fact 1 "| child's wae taken away by the mar- derere; The Crown hes some descr is "The E, b, 0: B. of fry ig 'intend paving social 'o rIMPE Capital. (patd tip) - "|r. RM RIAL ». OF CANADA... Prosident D. B. Wikis, Vieo "HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches in On tario, Quebeo, Mani- toba, North West. Territeries, and British Columbia. ENTS iN ipo re | = parr Are ert Bank "0 Tilted, 72 Lom cid oy London, with w! Teeter of Canada. us rowat BRANCH. VINGS BANE DEPAR' -- Deponita SA ecered sinters ddd to Pe to principal twice SPECIAL « sc apeet given to the discounting of DRAFTS BOLD, available at all points in oom ses ete ned able a NEY 881 in Canada, ieoUnder $10, 361 "sit vd $20, 10c ; $20 to $30, ite R. ARKELL, Manager. Struck By Lightning. Barn Belonging to William Mont- gomery, Near Gorrie, Destroyed. Gorrie, Jone 9 ¥.--- During the thunderstorm which passed over this section Sunday evening the large barn on the farm of ontgomery, about a mile and half west of here, wee struck by lightning and burned to the ground, together with a large quantity of hay and all his farm im- plements. Two horses, a buggy and a number of pigs, which were in the able at the time of the crash, wefe saved. The loss is covered by in- surance, We have not advanced tne price of our » Bobs, time for the redemption ot Snowshoe tags, to January lat, MPTRE ToBACCO Uo., Limited. The Origin of the Wild Man. The following is told in The New York Tribune :--Joaquin Miller, in touch until the great peg ea died. are the stories which t num's love of temperance and his great kindness of heart," said the poet, in = ¢ story recently to friends. been ev naan which he had carved from wood on his last voyage across the Pacific. He was ragged, hairy, hungry and alto- gether a terrible specimen here have you been '? asked the showman. ° *Been to Borneo,' answered the old c Well, you look it! Come in ne -- We are just going to > hare 2 sailor did come in, and after the meal begged Barnum to lock him ith iron bars, conceived, and everyone who attended a m show remembered what an object of interest he was to the small boys," Knew About Toothbrushes. The pupils were being examined on the od; have you a toothbrush?" air, oan our father. a toothbrush?" as your mother a toothbrush?" "No, "But how po. zou know about the use of jopthbrushe , sir."--Londen Tit-Bite Young Bird--What on extraordinary development of legs it's got! aos if co c trae thats wh y they t a "open aiid Slop ere Half-H Mrs. Geist Are you really going to move? I thought you were well satisfied Mrs. Purseproud--So I am, But it is the only way to show the nei oy all my new furniture--New Yor aiaggiaioens He--You say that automobile dent was caused by a misplaced switch? She--Yes; the dear girl tried to fix it d steer her auto at the same the and -- acted téll you ma name whin Al " said the foreman. "You said ft wes Tamson." "Oh, that's Pe A il spl ot the lookifig over le of cienkg te he ~ had to Hake B- vececves fa California poet and naturalist, was an} intimate friend of P. T. Barnum. They | met abroad many years ago, and kept' " wom Ben rere. SSSSSSneVsursseRkssSs SF SSASSSusstuasseg SBys e on hi order of the a Stratford, June I, 1903; avaana ST bel bel LEARN ec COURT OF REVISION. IN TWO WEEKS. Sa REDON one wiahing : to Ske Meu ig dar seed cal tein 'he GRAND TRAL HOTEL, Listowel, June 29th. No charge bee eativfied. ficate from Mr 8. Sanders. to open for rena Miss M. MooRE, | WM. BRIGHT, Clerk. Listowel, June 1, 1903. The Great Sale O f the year NOW GOING ON. GREAT BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Staples, Hats, Caps and Clothing, As we have resolved to wind-up our business in Listowel it will save you money to attend this sale. We havea well assorted stock composed mostly of Staple Goods to yet rid of and it is to both your advantage and ours to purchase your Goods here. The first -- of the Court of Revisi ision for the Town of Listowel will ) ne in the Council Cheat, Town Hall, two D OEN - Tuesday sedi ies 16, '03, At the houp bas tf 30 0 The Assessm 1 have a certi- j ock, to teach, Roll : re my office and OZOT RING. Our stock of this line is very up-to-date, made by the best Canadian makers and because we are selling them very:cheap. paid for country produce. Nice clean stock of, GROCER- LES always on hand at M. M°GILL IVRAY'S. Wallace Street. ZILLIAX 3& SARVIS ------~ HEADQUARTERS FOR SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. Stoves Ranges Hollowware Valves Granite 'Goods Fittings Milk Cans Churns Creamers We have justrecelved the finest lor of Screen Doors and Windows in the market. Call and Inspect. ~ ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Gas and Steam Fitting, Plumbing, etc Phone 4o. Repairing promptly attended to. they will soon go at this GREAT JUNE SALE. "Cash 'wp -\them down, way down. Clothes That Will Cie Only the Best. Satisfaction in wear, fit and finish; Clothes that will suit not only ----- it but your friends ; i, Clothes that will give you the disti nm of being a ler arise man ;_ come to the Store which makes ~ a specialty of turning out such' Clothes. A Word About Furnishings. There is quality and bi ace in our Furnishing Goods. The mere thought of a new Shirt, Tie, Collar, Hat, a Suit of under- wear or pair of Fancy Hose will suggest this as the Best and Safest Place to select them; end bay 2 is up-to-date, and they include the latest novelties that ultra ashionable dressers demand. Will. Jenkins, Tailor and Haberdasher, next to Post Office. SUMMER VISIT OF 180B.. PROF. DORENWEND OF TORONTO THE FAMOUS HAIR GOODS ARTIST 18 COMING ! He will be at LISTOWEL QUEEN'S HOTEL THURSDAY JUNE 18TH. With every kind ani style of Gentlemen's 5 Wigs Teupion le of Ladies' and and Plain BEFORE, His ict Style are iacens ed _-- all classes ev very- ate is visit his Show Hotel and see He will free a charge, demonstrate by s ting Pigs aaa is the most suitable and becom in inci an use adds Health, Comfort and Younger peara eatiamoe who are Bald should investigate and seo his Feather Weight T Wigd worn on over 55,000 heads, cin nan ae Please Remember Day and Date. LISTOWEL QUEEN SHOTEL, THURSDAY JUNE 18TH J. M. SCHINBEIN Listowel's Greatest Store. 4 Main St. TEs STONE Is the home of. satisfaction. You can always rely on getting the best and newest goods here. We are making great efforts this month. ; SILK SALE, EXTRA VALUE I have just gone through my ian all ee Hosiecy. See Silk Stock and have picked two armfulls out and we have marked 35c. to 75c. Silks, reduced price 25c. Many extra choice Silks, regular price from 60c. to 65c., reduced price 39c. 1 Men's all Wool Striped Summer Suits. They are a snap. HATS. We have opened up this week another lot of Men's and Boys' latest Straw Hats. MUSLINS. SHIRTS. Special value in all kinds of | Thisis the place to get your Shirts. high case "calor. in eal orl TIES. makes and colors. clal value r new Summer Ties are just in all kinds of Dress Goods tee eight thing for Summer. PAROSAL SALE now on. New Belts and Collars. Great Sale in Ladies'.White Goods, Silk Shirt Waists, etc. od. M. SCHINBEIN. eS GREAT BANKRU because we bought them at one-half their value, so that many who have availed themselves of this Great Sale can rainine the past week our _ the above goods left yet, and they must go go. See to ) Is the winning number, as it draws a prize every bought at this sale is cheaper and better value by lony ( REMNANT SADE 'Has been isicti a success that we have cleare out thousands of yards and hundreds - ot 'lines. ALANCH OF OUR MILEIN DRY. 10 be cleared oft at any see oe supply of GROOM RI NS always ohn. BUDTHR AND HGGS WANTHD. J. R. GRANT & COS. PT STOCK SALE time. No. blanks, no disappointments. Every arts odds than can be got elsewhere, and the reason wh we can afford to let them go at Slaughtered Prices. be testify to its genuineness. No humbug, no deception. We have some of it that you-secure some of these snaps. oe = JOHN R. GRANT & CO. S IN BANKRUPT: STOCKS.